- Leki refundowane
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- Abilify
- Abra
- Absenor
- Accofil
- Accu-Chek Active test paskowy 50
- Accu-Chek Go, test paskowy 50
- Accu-Chek Performa test paskowy 50
- Accupro 10
- Accupro 20
- Accupro 40
- Accupro 5
- Acenocumarol WZF
- Acidum folicum Richter
- Acitren
- Aclotin
- Actelsar
- Actelsar HCT
- Activelle
- Acurenal
- Adamon SR 100
- Adamon SR 150
- Adamon SR 200
- Adamon SR 50
- Adeksa
- Adipine
- Adrenalina WZF
- Adrenalina WZF 0,1%
- Advagraf
- Agastin 20 mg
- Agen 10
- Agen 5
- Aglan 15
- Agregex
- Akineton
- Akistan
- Aldan
- Alenato
- Alendran 70
- Alendrogen
- Alendronat Aurobindo
- Alendronat Bluefish
- Alendronat-ratiopharm 70
- Alendronate Arrow
- Alendronatum 123ratio
- Alendronic Acid Genoptim (Kwas alendronowy 70mg)
- Aleric Lora
- Alermed
- Alfabax
- Alfadiol
- AlfuLEK 10
- AlfuZostad 10 mg
- Alkeran
- Allergovit (stęż. A i B), leczenie początkowe
- Allergovit (stęż. B), leczenie podtrzymujące
- Allertec
- Allupol
- Alneta
- Alortia
- Alphagan
- Alugen 10
- Alventa
- Alvesco 160
- Alvesco 80
- Amaryl 1
- Amaryl 2
- Amaryl 3
- Amaryl 4
- Amertil
- Amisan
- Amitriptylinum VP
- Amizepin
- Amlaxopin
- Amlessa
- Amlodipine 123ratio
- Amlodipine Aurobindo
- Amlodipine Bluefish
- Amlomyl
- Amlonor
- Amlopin
- Amlopin 10 mg
- Amlopin 5 mg
- Amlozek
- Amoksiklav
- Amoksiklav QUICKTAB 1000mg
- Amoksiklav QUICKTAB 625mg
- Amotaks
- Amotaks Dis
- Ampril 10 mg
- Ampril 5 mg
- Ampril HD
- Ampril HL
- Anafranil
- Anafranil SR 75
- Anapran
- Anapran EC
- Anastrozol Bluefish
- Anastrozol medac
- Anastrozol Teva
- Andepin
- Androcur
- Androster
- Aneptinex
- Anesteloc 20 mg
- Anesteloc 40 mg
- Angeliq
- Ansyn
- Antiprost
- Anzorin
- Aparxon PR
- Apo-Amlo 10
- Apo-Amlo 5
- Apo-Atorva
- Apo-Clodin
- Apo-Doperil
- Apo-Doxan 1
- Apo-Doxan 2
- Apo-Doxan 4
- Apo-Feno 200 M
- Apo-Fina
- Apo-Flutam
- Apo-Lataprox
- Apo-Lozart
- Apo-Napro
- Apo-Nastrol
- Apo-Rami
- Apo-Risperid
- Apo-Simva 10
- Apo-Simva 20
- Apo-Simva 40
- Apo-Tamis
- Apo-Valsart
- ApoMontessan
- ApoPatram
- ApoRopin
- ApoSerta
- ApoSuprid
- ApoTiapina
- ApoValsart HCT
- AprilGen 10 mg
- AprilGen 20 mg
- AprilGen 40 mg
- AprilGen 5 mg
- Aqua pro inject. Polpharma
- Arava 10
- Arava 20
- Arechin
- Areplex
- Arimidex
- Arketis 20mg
- Aromek
- Aropilo
- Aropilo SR
- Aryzalera
- Asamax 250
- Asamax 500
- Asaris
- Ascensia Entrust
- Asentra
- Asertin 100
- Asertin 50
- Asmanex Twisthaler
- Aspicam
- Aspulmo
- Astmodil
- Atacand
- Atenolol Sanofi 25
- Atenolol Sanofi 50
- Atimos
- Atinepte
- Atorgamma
- Atoris
- Atorvagen
- Atorvastatin 123ratio
- Atorvastatin Bluefish
- Atorvastatin Genoptim
- Atorvasterol
- Atorvox
- Atossa
- Atractin
- Atram 12,5
- Atram 25
- Atram 6,25
- Atrodil
- Atropinum sulf. WZF
- Atrovent
- Atrovent N
- Atrox
- Atrox 10
- Atrox 20
- Atrox 40
- Atrozol
- Auglavin
- Augmentin
- Augmentin® ES
- Augmentin® SR
- Aulin
- Aurorix
- Avamina
- Avaron
- Avasart
- Avedol
- Axtil
- Axudan
- Axudan HCT
- Axyven
- Azathioprine Vis
- Azibiot
- Azigen
- Azimycin
- Azithromycin Actavis
- Azithromycin Genoptim
- Azithromycinum 123ratio (AziTeva)
- Azitrin
- AzitroLEK
- AzitroLEK 250
- AzitroLEK 500
- Azitrox 500
- Azopt
- Azycyna
- Bactrim
- Bazetham
- Bazetham Retard
- Bebilon PEPTI 1 DHA
- Bebilon PEPTI 2 DHA
- Bebilon PEPTI MCT
- Bemecor
- Bemfola
- Berinert
- Berodual
- Berodual N
- Berotec N 100
- Bespres
- Betoptic S
- Bi-Profenid
- Bicardef 10
- Bicardef 5
- Bimican
- Biodroxil
- Biofibrat
- Biofuroksym
- Bioprazol
- Bioracef
- Biosotal 40
- Biosotal 80
- Bioxetin
- Biprolast
- Biseptol
- Biseptol 120
- Biseptol 480
- Biseptol 960
- Bisoprolol Actavis
- Bisoratio 10
- Bisoratio 5
- Bondulc
- Bonefos
- Bonogren
- Briglau PPH
- Brinzolamide Sandoz
- Bromergon
- Bromocorn
- Brymont
- BTM Supercheck1
- Budelin Novolizer 200
- Budesonide Easyhaler
- Budiair
- Bunondol
- Buventol Easyhaler
- Cachexan
- Calcitonin 100 Jelfa
- Calciumfolinat -Ebewe
- Candela
- Candepres
- Candepres HCT
- Candesartan + HCT Genoptim
- Captopril Polfarmex
- Carder
- Cardilopin
- Cardura XL
- CareSense N
- Carvedigamma 12,5 mg
- Carvedigamma 25 mg
- Carvedigamma 6,25 mg
- Carvedilol 123ratio (Carvedilol TEVA)
- Carvedilol-ratiopharm
- Carvedilolum 123ratio
- Carvetrend
- Carzap
- Carzap HCT
- Catalet C 1-3
- Catalet C 4
- Catalet D 1-3
- Catalet D 4
- Catalet T 1-3
- Catalet T 4
- Cazacombi
- Cazaprol
- Ceclor
- Ceclor MR
- Cefaleksyna TZF
- Cefuroxime Aurobindo (Cefuroxime Ceft Limited)
- Cefuroximum 123ratio
- Celestone
- CellCept
- Cera-Chek 1 Code test paskowy
- Ceroxim
- Certican
- CetAlergin
- Cetigran
- Cetirizine Genoptim (Cetirizine IPCA)
- Cetrotide
- Ceurolex SR
- Cezarius
- Cezera
- Chlorchinaldin
- Chlorprothixen Zentiva
- Cidimus
- Cilan
- Ciphin 500
- Ciprinol
- Cipronex
- Cipropol
- Citrolyt
- Clarzole
- Clexane
- Clexane forte
- Climara 50
- Clindamycin MIP
- Clindamycin MIP 300
- Clindamycin MIP 600
- Cliovelle
- Clonazepamum TZF
- Clopamid VP
- Clopidix
- Clopidogrel Apotex
- Clopidogrel Genoptim
- Clopidogrel GSK
- Clopidogrel Krka
- Clopidogrel Teva (hydrogen sulphate)
- Clopigamma
- Clopixol
- Clopixol Depot
- Clotrimazolum GSK
- Co-amoxiclav Bluefish
- Co-Bespres
- Co-Diovan
- Co-Indipam
- Co-Nortivan
- Co-Prenessa
- Co-Prenessa 4mg/1,25mg
- Co-Prestarium
- Co-Valsacor
- Coaxil
- Cogiton 10
- Cogiton 5
- Colistin TZF
- Combigan
- Concerta
- Contix
- Contour Link
- Contour Plus
- Contour TS
- Contracid
- Contrahist
- Controloc 20
- Controloc 40
- Convival Chrono
- Convulex
- Convulex 150
- Convulex 300
- Corator
- Corectin 10
- Corectin 5
- Coronal 10
- Coronal 5
- Cortare
- Cortineff
- Cortineff ophtal. 0.1%
- Coryol
- Coryol 12,5
- Coryol 25
- Coryol 3,125
- Cosopt
- Cozaar
- Crohnax
- Cromoxal
- Cuprenil
- Cusimolol 0,5%
- Cutivate
- Cyclaid
- Cyclo-Progynova
- Cyprest
- Cyprodiol
- Cyprodiol (Acnemine)
- Dalacin C
- Dalfaz SR 5
- Dalfaz Uno
- Danazol Jelfa
- Danazol Polfarmex
- Daneb (Nebicon)
- Dasselta
- Decaldol
- Decapeptyl Depot
- Defur
- Delmuno 2,5
- Delmuno 5
- Delortan
- Delparan
- Depakine
- Depakine Chrono 300
- Depakine Chrono 500
- Depakine Chronosphere 100
- Depakine Chronosphere 1000
- Depakine Chronosphere 250
- Depakine Chronosphere 500
- Depakine Chronosphere 750
- Depo-Medrol
- Depo-Medrol z Lidokainą
- Depo-Provera
- Deprexetin
- Deprexolet
- Dermovate
- Desinobon
- Deslodyna
- Desloratadine Actavis
- Devikap
- Devisol-25
- Dexapolcort
- DHC Continus
- Diabrezide
- Diagen
- Diagnostic Gold Strip
- DiagoCheck
- Diagomat Strip
- Diane-35
- Diaprel MR
- Diaril
- Diazepam DESITIN
- Diazidan
- Diclac
- Diclac 100
- Diclac 150 Duo
- Diclac 50
- Diclac 75 Duo
- Dicloabak
- DicloDuo
- Dicloratio
- Dicloratio Uno
- Difadol 0,1%
- Digoxin Teva
- Digoxin WZF
- Dilatrend
- Dilzem 120 retard
- Dilzem 180 retard
- Dilzem retard
- Diovan
- Diphereline S.R. 11,25
- Diphereline S.R. 3,75
- Dipromal
- Diprophos
- Dironorm
- Ditropan
- Diuresin SR
- Divigel 0,1%
- Divina
- Dolopt
- Dolopt Plus
- Doltard
- Donecept
- Donectil
- Donectil ODT
- Donepesan
- Donepex
- Donepezil Bluefish
- Donepezil Polfarmex
- Doneprion
- Donestad
- Donesyn
- Doreta
- Dorzolamid STADA
- Dorzolamid Teva
- Dorzolamide + Timolol Genoptim
- Dorzostill
- Dotiteva
- Doxagen
- Doxalong
- Doxanorm
- Doxar
- Doxonex
- Doxycyclinum TZF
- Dozox
- Driptane
- Dropzol
- Dropzol Tim
- Duomox
- DuoTrav
- Duracef
- Durogesic
- Dynid
- Easiphen sm.owoców leśnych
- Ebetrexat
- Ebivol
- Efectin ER 150
- Efectin ER 75
- Efevelon SR
- Effentora
- Effox 10
- Effox 20
- Effox long 50
- Effox long 75
- Egiramlon
- Egistrozol
- Egolanza
- Eligard 22,5 mg
- Eligard 45 mg
- Eligard 7,5 mg
- Eliptus
- Eliquis
- Elonva
- Eltroxin
- Emanera
- Emend
- Emzok
- Enarenal
- Encortolon
- Encorton
- Endoxan
- Entocort
- Epiramat
- Epitoram
- Epitrigine 100 mg
- Epitrigine 50 mg
- Equoral
- Erbugen
- Erfin
- Ergotaminum Filofarm
- Estalis
- Estraderm MX 100
- Estraderm MX 25
- Estraderm MX 50
- Estradot 100
- Estrofem
- Estrofem mite
- Etadron
- Etform 500
- Etform 850
- Ethambutol Teva
- Etiagen
- Etopro
- Etruzil
- Euphyllin CR Retard
- Euphyllin Long
- Eusure test paskowy
- Euthyrox N 100
- Euthyrox N 112 mcg
- Euthyrox N 125
- Euthyrox N 137 mcg
- Euthyrox N 150
- Euthyrox N 175
- Euthyrox N 200
- Euthyrox N 25
- Euthyrox N 50
- Euthyrox N 75
- Euthyrox N 88 mcg
- Evercare
- Evertas
- Evolution test paskowy (1 pasek 33x6 mm)
- Exacyl
- Exelon
- Ezetrol
- Famogast
- Fanipos
- Faxigen XL 150 mg
- Faxigen XL 37,5 mg
- Faxigen XL 75 mg
- Faxolet ER
- Fayton
- Febrofen
- Fem 7
- Fem 7 Combi
- Femara
- Femoston CONTI
- Fenactil
- Fenardin
- Fenta MX 100
- Fenta MX 25
- Fenta MX 50
- Fenta MX 75
- Fentanyl Actavis 100mcg/h
- Fentanyl Actavis 25mcg/h
- Fentanyl Actavis 50mcg/h
- Fentanyl Actavis 75mcg/h
- Fevarin
- FinaGen
- Finamef
- Finamlox
- Finanorm
- Finaran
- Finaride
- Finaster
- Finasterid Stada 5
- Finlepsin
- Finlepsin 200 Retard
- Finlepsin 400 Retard
- Finospir
- Finpros 5
- Finxta
- Firazyr
- Firmagon
- Flixonase
- Flixonase Nasule
- Flixotide
- Flixotide Dysk
- Flonidan
- Fluanxol
- Fluanxol Depot
- Flucofast
- Fluconazin
- Fluconazole Aurobindo
- Fluconazole Polfarmex
- Flukonazol Actavis
- Flumycon
- Fluoksetyna Egis
- Fluoxetin Polpharma
- Flutamid Egis
- Flutixon
- Fluxemed
- Fokusin
- Foradil
- Foramed
- Forastmin
- Forcid 1000
- Forcid 312
- Forcid 625
- Formetic
- Formoterol Easyhaler
- Fostex
- Fostimon
- Fragmin
- Fraxiparine
- Fraxodi
- Fromilid
- Fromilid 250
- Fromilid 500
- Furaginum Teva
- Furosemidum Polfarmex
- Furosemidum Polpharma
- Gabagamma 100
- Gabapentin Teva
- Gabitril
- Ganfort
- Gasec 20 Gastrocaps
- Gastrolit
- Gastrostad
- Gentamicin Krka
- Gentamicin WZF 0.3%
- Gisartan
- Glabrilux
- Glandex
- Glibetic 1mg
- Glibetic 2mg
- Glibetic 3mg
- Glibetic 4mg
- Gliclada
- Gliclastad (Gliclazide Lupin)
- Glidiamid
- GlimeHexal 1
- GlimeHexal 2
- GlimeHexal 3
- GlimeHexal 4
- GlimeHexal 6
- Glimepiride Genoptim
- Glipid
- Glipizide BP
- Glitoprel
- GlucaGen Hypokit
- Glucobay 100
- Glucobay 50
- Glucocard 01 sensor
- Glucocard Vital Test Strip
- GlucoDr auto test paskowy
- Glucophage 1000
- Glucophage 500 mg
- Glucophage 850 mg
- Glucophage XR
- Glucosense - elektroda enzymat.
- Gmate d/oznacz.glukozy we krwi
- Gonal F
- Gonapeptyl Daily
- Goprazol 20
- Granugel
- Grastofil
- Grepid
- Grofibrat
- Grofibrat 200
- Grofibrat S
- Gyno-Femidazol
- Haloperidol UNIA
- Haloperidol WZF
- Haloperidol WZF 0,2%
- Hascovir
- Helicid 20
- Helicid Forte
- Helides
- Heligen
- Heviran
- Hiconcil
- Hitaxa
- Humana SL
- Humana z MCT
- Hydrocortisonum 1%
- Hydroxycarbamid TEVA
- Hydroxyurea medac
- Hyplafin
- Hypoten
- Hytrin
- Hyzaar
- Hyzaar Forte
- Ibuprofen -Pabi
- Ibuprofen AFL
- Ibuprofen Hasco
- Ibuprofen Polfarmex
- Iclopid
- Ifapidin
- Ifirmasta
- Imuran
- Indapamide KRKA
- Indapamide SR
- Indapamide SR Genoptim
- Indapamidum 123ratio
- Indapen
- Indapen SR
- Indapres
- Indipam SR
- Indivina
- Indix Combi
- Indix Plus
- Indix SR
- Infatrini Peptisorb
- Injectio Natrii chlorati isotonica Polpharma
- Instanyl
- Insulina Actrapid Penfill
- Insulina Apidra
- Insulina Apidra SoloStar
- Insulina Gensulin M30 (30/70)
- Insulina Gensulin M40 (40/60)
- Insulina Gensulin M50 (50/50)
- Insulina Gensulin N
- Insulina Gensulin R
- Insulina Humalog
- Insulina Humalog Mix 25
- Insulina Humalog Mix 50
- Insulina Humulin M3 (30/70)
- Insulina Humulin N
- Insulina Humulin R
- Insulina Insulatard Penfill
- Insulina Insuman Basal
- Insulina Insuman Basal SoloStar
- Insulina Insuman Comb 25
- Insulina Insuman Comb 25 SoloStar
- Insulina Insuman Rapid
- Insulina Insuman Rapid SoloStar
- Insulina Lantus
- Insulina Lantus Solostar
- Insulina Levemir
- Insulina Mixtard 30 Penfill
- Insulina Mixtard 40 Penfill
- Insulina Mixtard 50 Penfill
- Insulina NovoMix 30 Penfill
- Insulina NovoMix 50 Penfill
- Insulina NovoRapid PenFill
- Iporel
- Ipozumax
- IPP 20
- IPP 40
- Ipres long 1,5
- Irprestan
- Iruxol Mono
- ItraGen
- Itrax
- Itrokast
- Ivineb (Nevibas)
- Ivipamid
- Ivipril
- iXell
- Jovesto
- Juvit D3
- Kalipoz prolongatum
- Kalium effervescens b/cukr.
- Kamiren
- Kamiren XL
- Kandesar
- Kangen
- Karbagen
- Karbicombi
- Karbis
- Keflex
- Kefrenex
- Keppra
- Ketilept 100
- Ketilept 200
- Ketilept 25
- Ketilept 300
- Ketipinor
- Keto-Diastix
- Ketoconazole Hasco
- Ketokonazol
- Ketonal
- Ketonal Duo
- Ketonal forte
- Ketoprofen-SF
- Ketores
- Ketrel
- Klabax
- Klabax 125mg/5ml
- Klabax 250mg/5ml
- Klabion
- Klacid
- Klarmin
- Klimicin
- Klimonorm
- Kliogest
- Klozapol
- Kompres SORBACT 7x9cm
- Kornam
- Kreon 25000
- Kventiax 100
- Kventiax 200
- Kventiax 25
- Kventiax 300
- Kventiax SR
- Kwetaplex
- Kwetaplex XR
- Lacipil
- Lacydyna (Lacidipine Rivopharm)
- Lafactin
- Lakea
- Lambrinex
- Lametta
- Lamilept
- Lamisil
- Lamitrin
- Lamitrin S
- Lamotrix
- Lanbax
- Lansoprazolum 123ratio
- Lanvis
- Lanzul
- Lanzul S
- Lapixen
- Larus
- Latacom
- Latalux
- Latanoprost + Timolol STADA
- Latanoprost Arrow
- Latanoprost Genoptim
- Latanoprost STADA
- Latanost
- Laticort 0.1%
- Latim POS
- Lecetax
- Leflunomide Medac
- Leflunomide Sandoz
- Lekoklar
- Lekoklar Forte
- Lekoklar Mite
- Lerivon
- Lescol
- Lescol XL
- Letizen
- Letromedac
- Letrox 100
- Letrox 125
- Letrox 150
- Letrox 50
- Letrox 75
- Letrozole Apotex
- Letrozole Bluefish
- Leucovorin Ca Teva
- Leukeran
- Leuprostin
- Levebon
- Levetiracetam Actavis
- Levetiracetam Apotex
- Levetiracetam Bluefish
- Levetiracetam NeuroPharma
- Levetiracetam PharmaSwiss
- Levetiracetam Teva
- Levetiracetam Zdrovit
- Levomine
- Lifin
- Lignocainum 2% c.Noradr.0,00125% WZF
- Lipanor
- Lipanthyl 200 M
- Lipanthyl 267 M
- Lipanthyl Supra 160
- Lipanthyl Supra 215
- Liprox
- Lirra
- LisiHexal 10
- LisiHexal 20
- LisiHexal 5
- Lisinoratio 10
- Lisinoratio 20
- Lisinoratio 5
- Lisiprol
- Lisiprol HCT
- Lithium carbonicum GSK
- Lonquex
- Loperamid WZF
- Lophlex sm.neutralny
- Lophlex sm.owoców leśnych
- Lophlex sm.pomarańczowy
- Loratadyna Galena
- Loratan
- Loreblok
- Loreblok HCT
- Lorista
- Lorista H
- Lorista HD
- Lorista HL
- Lormed 15
- Lortanda
- Losacor
- Losacor HCT
- Losagen
- Losagen Combi
- Losargamma
- Losargamma HCT
- Losartan Bluefish
- Losartan HTC Bluefish
- Losartan Hydrochlorothiazyd Krka
- Losartan Krka
- Losartanum 123ratio (Losartan Teva)
- Losartic
- Loseprazol
- Lotensin
- Lovasterol
- Lovastin
- Lozap 50
- Lozap HCT
- Lucrin Depot
- Lumigan
- Luminalum
- Luminalum Unia
- Luteina
- Luteina 50
- Luxfen
- Lyrica
- Lytrescio
- Madopar
- Madopar 125
- Madopar 250
- Madopar 62,5
- Madopar HBS
- Majamil prolongatum
- Matrifen 100
- Matrifen 12
- Matrifen 25
- Matrifen 50
- Matrifen 75
- Medikinet 10mg
- Medikinet 20mg
- Medikinet 5mg
- Medikinet CR 10mg
- Medikinet CR 20mg
- Medikinet CR 30mg
- Medikinet CR 40mg
- Medrol
- Megace
- Megalia
- Megastril
- Meloxistad
- Menopur
- Meprelon
- Mercaptopurinum Vis
- Mesopral
- Mestinon
- Metex
- Metfogamma 1000
- Metfogamma 500
- Metfogamma 850
- Metformax 1000
- Metformax 500
- Metformax 850
- Metformax SR 500
- Metformin Bluefish
- Metformin Galena
- Methadone hydrochloride Molteni
- Methotrexat -Ebewe
- Metifor
- Metocard
- Metotab
- Metypred
- Miansec
- Miansec 30
- Miansegen
- Micardis
- MicardisPlus
- Microdot
- Microgynon 21
- Miflonide
- Milukante
- MILUPA cystilac
- MILUPA PKU 1-mix
- MILUPA PKU 2 Prima
- MILUPA PKU 2 Secunda
- MILUPA PKU 2 Shake choco
- MILUPA PKU 2 Shake truskawy
- MILUPA PKU 2-mix
- MILUPA PKU 3 Advanta
- MILUPA PKU 3 Tempora
- Milurit
- Minaphlex
- Minaphlex sm.wanil-ananas.
- Minesulin
- Minirin Melt
- Miravil
- Mizodin
- Mobemid
- Moklar
- Monkasta
- Mono-Mack Depot
- Mononit 10
- Mononit 100 retard
- Mononit 20
- Mononit 40
- Mononit 60 retard
- Monoprost
- Montelukast Aurobindo
- Montelukast Bluefish
- Montelukast Sandoz
- Morphini Sulfas WZF
- Movalis
- MST Continus
- Mukolina
- Myconafine
- Mycophenolate Mofetil Accord
- Mycophenolate mofetil Apotex
- Mycophenolate mofetil Sandoz 500
- Mycophenolate mofetil Stada
- Mycosolon
- Mycosyst
- Myfenax 250
- Myfenax 500
- Myfortic 180 mg
- Myfortic 360 mg
- Myleran
- Mytelase
- Nabuton VP
- Naclof
- Naklofen
- Naklofen Duo
- Nakom
- Nakom mite
- Nalgesin Forte
- Naproxen 250 Hasco
- Naproxen 500
- Naproxen Hasco
- Naproxen Polfarmex
- Nebbud
- Nebicard
- Nebilenin
- Nebilet
- Nebinad
- Nebispes
- NebivoLek
- Nedal
- Neocate Advance
- Neocate LCP
- Neotigason
- Neulasta
- Neupogen
- Neuran 100
- Neuran 300
- Neuran 400
- Neurontin 100
- Neurontin 300
- Neurontin 400
- Neurontin 600
- Neurontin 800
- Neurotop retard 300
- Neurotop retard 600
- Nimesil
- Nimvastid
- Nironovo SR
- Nitrendypina EGIS
- Nitromint
- Nivestim
- Noacid
- Noax Uno
- Nobaxin
- Nodom
- Nodom Combi
- Nolicin
- Noliprel Bi-Forte
- Noliprel Forte
- Nolpaza 20
- Nolpaza 40
- Nolvadex D
- Normeg
- Normodipine
- Norsept
- Nortivan
- Nossin
- Novo-Helisen Depot leczenie podstawowe
- Novo-Helisen Depot leczenie podstawowe (roztocza)
- Novo-Helisen Depot leczenie podtrzymujące (roztocza)
- Novocef
- Noxafil
- Nutramigen 1
- Nutramigen 1 LGG
- Nutramigen 2
- Nutramigen 2 LGG
- Nutramigen Puramino
- Nutrison Advanced Peptisorb Powder
- OC-35
- Oesclim 25
- Oesclim 50
- Oftensin
- Oftidor
- Oftidorix
- Olanzapin Actavis
- Olanzapina Mylan
- Olanzapina Stada
- Olanzapine Apotex
- Olanzapine Bluefish
- Olanzapine Lekam
- Olanzaran
- Olanzin
- Olazax
- Olazax Disperzi
- Olfen 75
- Olfen 75 SR
- Olpinat
- Olwexya
- Olzapin
- Olzin
- Omeprazol Aurobindo
- Omeprazole Genoptim
- Omeprazolum 123ratio (Tulzol)
- Omnic 0,4
- Omnic Ocas 0,4
- Omsal 0,4mg
- Onbrez Breezhaler
- Ondansetron Bluefish
- One Touch Horizon
- One Touch Select
- One Touch Select Plus
- Opacorden
- Opamid
- Optibetol 0.5%
- Optium XIDO d/pom. stężenia glukozy.
- Oratram 100
- Oratram 150
- Oratram 200
- Orgalutran
- Orgametril
- Oritop
- Oriven
- Orizon
- Ortanol 20 Plus
- Ortanol 40 Plus
- Ortopedina Forte (Meloxicam Arrow 15)
- Orungal
- Ospamox
- Ospamox 1000 mg
- Ospamox 500mg
- Ospamox 750mg
- Ospen 1000
- Ospen 1500
- Ospen 750
- Osporil
- Ostemax 70 comfort
- Ostenil 70
- Ostolek
- Oxepilax
- Oxis Turbuhaler
- Oxodil PPH
- Oxsoralen
- Oxycardil 120
- Oxycardil 180
- Oxycardil 240
- Oxycardil 60
- OxyContin
- Oxydolor
- Ozzion
- Pabi-Dexamethason
- Pabi-Naproxen
- Padolten
- Palgotal
- Pamidronat medac
- Pamifos-30
- Pamifos-60
- Pamifos-90
- Pamigen
- Pamisol 3mg/ml
- Pamisol 6mg/ml
- Pamisol 9mg/ml
- Pamitor
- Pamyl 20 mg
- Pamyl 40mg
- Panprazox
- Panrazol
- Pantogen 20
- Pantogen 40
- Pantopraz 40 mg
- Pantoprazol Krka
- Pantoprazole Arrow
- Pantoprazole Bluefish
- Pantoprazole Genoptim
- Panzol
- Paratram
- ParoGen
- Paroxetine Aurobindo
- Paroxinor
- Paxtin 20
- Paxtin 40
- PecFent
- Pegorel
- Pemidal
- Penester
- Pentasa
- Peragal
- Perazin 100 mg
- Perazin 200 mg
- Perazin 25 mg
- Perazin 50 mg
- Pernazinum
- Petinimid
- Pharmastatin
- Phenyl Free 1
- Phenyl Free 2
- Phenyl Free 2 HP
- Phenytoinum WZF
- Phostal alerg. poch.roślin.-podst.
- Phostal alerg. poch.roślin.-podtrzym.
- Phostal alerg. rozt.kurzu dom.-podst.
- Phostal alerg. rozt.kurzu dom.-podtrzym.
- Phostal mieszanki wyciąg.alergen.-podst.
- Phostal mieszanki wyciąg.alergen.-podtrzym.
- Pilocarpinum WZF 2%
- Pinexet 100 mg
- Pinexet 200 mg
- Pinexet 25 mg
- Pinexet 300 mg
- Piramil 10 mg
- Piramil 2,5mg
- Piramil 5 mg
- PKU Cooler 10 Orange
- PKU Cooler 10 Purple
- PKU Cooler 10 Red
- PKU Cooler 10 White
- PKU Cooler 15 Orange
- PKU Cooler 15 Purple
- PKU Cooler 15 Red
- PKU Cooler 15 White
- PKU Cooler 20 Orange
- PKU Cooler 20 Purple
- PKU Cooler 20 Red
- PKU Cooler 20 White
- PKU Express 15 o smaku cytrynowym
- PKU Express 15 o smaku neutralnym
- PKU Express 15 o smaku owoców tropikalnych
- PKU Express 15 o smaku pomarańczowym
- PKU Express 20 o smaku cytrynowym
- PKU Express 20 o smaku neutralnym
- PKU Express 20 o smaku owoców tropikalnych
- PKU Express 20 o smaku pomarańczowym
- PKU Lophlex LQ (Berries)
- PKU Lophlex LQ (Citrus)
- PKU Lophlex LQ (Orange)
- PKU Lophlex LQ (Tropical)
- Plavocorin
- Plendil
- Polcortolon
- Polfenon
- Polhumin Mix-2
- Polhumin Mix-3
- Polhumin Mix-4
- Polhumin Mix-5
- Polhumin N
- Polhumin R
- Polkepral
- Pollinex+Rye podstawowy
- Pollinex+Rye podtrzymujący
- Pollinex+Tree podstawowy
- Pollinex+Tree podtrzymujący
- Polpix SR
- Polprazol
- Polprazol PPH
- Polpril
- Polprost
- Polprost Plus
- Polsart
- Polsart Plus
- Poltram
- Poltram 100
- Poltram 50
- Poltram Combo
- Poltram Retard 100
- Poltram Retard 150
- Poltram Retard 200
- Pradaxa
- Prazol
- Prefaxine
- Pregnyl
- Prenessa
- Presartan
- Presartan H
- Prestarium 10 mg
- Prestarium 5 mg
- Pritor
- PritorPlus
- Procoralan
- Profenid
- Progastim
- Prograf
- Progynova 21
- Prolia
- Promonta 10 mg
- Promonta 4 mg
- Promonta 5 mg
- Pronoran
- Propranolol WZF
- Proscar
- Prostamnic
- Provera
- Proxacin 250
- Proxacin 500
- Pulmicort
- Pulmicort Turbuhaler
- Pulmoterol
- Pulmozyme
- Pulsaren 20
- Pulveril
- Puregon
- Purethal (mieszane alergoidy)
- Purethal Pojedyn.alerg.(brzoza)
- PURILON Gel jałowy
- Pyrantelum Medana
- Pyrantelum Polpharma
- Pyrazinamid Farmapol
- Quentapil
- Quetiapin NeuroPharma
- Quetiapin NeuroPharma (Kwetiapina NEUROPHARMA)
- Quinaprilum 123ratio
- Ramicor
- Ramipril Billev
- Ramiprilum 123ratio
- Ramistad 10
- Ramistad 2,5
- Ramistad 5
- Ramizek
- Ramoclav
- Ramve 10 mg
- Ramve 2,5 mg
- Ramve 5 mg
- Ranacand
- Ranigast
- Ranloc
- Ranlosin
- Ranofren
- Ranopril
- Ranperidon
- Rapamune
- Raponer
- Rasoltan 50
- Rawel SR
- Refastin
- Relanium
- Relsed
- Reltebon
- Renicin
- Repirol SR
- Requip
- Requip®
- Requip-Modutab
- Rexetin
- Ribuspir
- Ricordo
- Ridlip
- Rifamazid
- Rifampicyna
- Rifampicyna TZF
- Rigevidon
- Rightest GS100
- Riluzol PMCS
- Risendros 35
- Risperidon Vipharm
- Risperon
- Rispolept
- Rispolept Consta
- Risset 1
- Risset 2
- Risset 3
- Risset 4
- Ristidic
- Rivaldo
- Rivastigmin NeuroPharma (Rywastygmina -neuraxpharm)
- Rivastigmin Orion
- Rivastigmine Actavis
- Rivastigmine Mylan
- Rivastigmine Teva
- Rivastigmine Teva Pharma
- Rolicyn
- Rolpryna SR
- Romazic
- Romilast
- Ropodrin
- Rosutrox
- Roswera
- Rovamycine
- Rozacom
- Rozalin
- Rozaprost
- Rozaprost Mono
- Ruconest
- Rulid
- Ryspolit
- Rywastygmina Apotex
- Sabril
- Sabumalin
- Salazopyrin EN
- Salbutamol Hasco
- Salmex
- Salofalk
- Salofalk 1g
- Salofalk 250
- Salofalk 500
- Sandimmun Neoral
- Sandostatin
- Sandostatin Lar
- Sarve 50mg
- Schulke Opatrunek hydrokoloidowy 10cmx10cm
- Sectral 200
- Sectral 400
- Sedron 70
- Seebri Breezhaler
- Segan
- Selgres
- Selmet
- Serdolect
- Seretide® 125
- Seretide® 250
- Seretide® 50
- Seretide® Dysk 100
- Seretide® Dysk 250
- Seretide® Dysk 500
- Serevent
- Serevent® Dysk
- Seronil
- Sertagen
- Sertralina Krka
- Sertraline Aurobindo 50 mg
- Sertraline Bluefish
- Sertralinum 123ratio
- Sertranorm
- Setaloft 100mg
- Setaloft 50mg
- Setinin
- Setronon
- Sevredol
- Simcovas
- Simgal
- Simorion
- Simratio 10
- Simratio 20
- Simratio 40
- Simvacard 10
- Simvacard 20
- Simvacard 40
- Simvachol
- Simvacor
- Simvagamma 10
- Simvagamma 20
- Simvagamma 40
- Simvagen 10
- Simvagen 20
- Simvagen 40
- SimvaHexal 10
- SimvaHexal 20
- SimvaHexal 40
- Simvastatin 20
- Simvastatin 40
- Simvastatin Bluefish
- Simvastatin Genoptim
- Simvastatin Krka (Vasilip)
- Simvastatinum 123ratio
- Simvastatinum Accord
- Simvasterol
- Sindronat
- Sinemet CR 200/50
- Siofor 1000
- Siofor 500
- Siofor 850
- Sirdalud MR
- Sobycor
- Solian
- Solu-Medrol
- Somatuline Autogel
- Sortabax
- Sortabax HCT
- Sotahexal 160
- Sotahexal 40
- Sotahexal 80
- Spamilan
- Speridan 1mg
- Speridan 2mg
- Speridan 3mg
- Speridan 4mg
- Spiriva
- Spiriva Respimat
- Spironol
- Spironol 100
- Stadazar
- Staveran 120
- Staveran 40
- Staveran 80
- Stediril 30
- Steri-Neb Salamol
- Stimuloton
- Storvas
- Storvas CRT (Atorvastatin Ranbaxy)
- Strattera
- Sulfasalazin EN Krka
- Sulfasalazin Krka
- Sulpiryd TEVA
- Sumamed
- Sumamed forte
- Sumilar
- Superior Paski d/ozn.glukozy we krwi
- SUPRASORB G jał.Żel amorficzny
- Sustonit
- Suvardio
- Symapamid SR
- Symasteride
- Symazide MR
- Symbicort Turbuhaler
- Symdronic
- Symelon
- Symepezil
- Symetra
- Symex
- Symfaxin ER
- Symglic
- Symla
- Symleptic
- Symletrol
- Symlosin SR
- Symlukast 10
- Symlukast 4
- Symlukast 5
- Symquel
- Symquel XR
- Symtram
- Symtrend
- Syndi-35
- Syntarpen
- Synza 10 mg
- Synza 5 mg
- Systen 50
- Systen Conti
- Systen Sequi
- Tacefur
- Taclar
- Tacni
- Tafen Nasal
- Taflotan
- Taliximun
- TamisPRAS
- Tamoxifen -EGIS
- Tamoxifen EBEWE 20
- Tamoxifen Sandoz
- Tamsudil
- Tamsugen 0,4mg
- TamsuLEK
- Tamsunorm
- Tanatril
- Tanyz
- Tanyz ERAS
- Targin
- Tarivid 200
- Taromentin
- Tarsime
- Taśma SORBACT z gazy wiąż.bakt. 5x200cm
- Tegretol
- Tegretol CR 200
- Tegretol CR 400
- Telmisartan Apotex
- Telmisartan EGIS
- Telmisartan Mylan
- Telmisartan Sandoz
- Telmisartan/Hydrochlorothiazide Billev
- Telmisartan/hydrochlorothiazide Egis
- Telmisartanum 123ratio
- Telmix
- Telmizek
- Telmizek Combi (Tegizide)
- Tenox
- Tensart
- Tensart HCT
- TerbiGen
- Terbinafina 250
- Terbinafine Aurobindo
- Terbisil
- Tertens-AM
- Tertensif Bi-Kombi
- Tertensif Kombi
- Tertensif SR
- Tetmodis
- Tevagrastim
- Teveten
- Tezeo
- Tezeo HCT
- Theospirex retard
- Theovent 300
- Tialorid
- Tialorid mite
- Tianesal
- Ticlo
- Tilaprox
- Timlatan
- Timprost
- Tisercin
- Titlodine
- Tizanor
- Tolucombi
- Tolura
- Tolzurin
- Topamax
- Topiramat Bluefish
- Toramat
- Torecan
- Torendo Q-Tab 1 mg
- Torendo Q-Tab 2 mg
- Torvacard
- Torvacard 10
- Torvacard 20
- Torvacard 40
- Torvalipin
- Tramadol + Paracetamol Genoptim (Bacizol)
- Tramadol SYNTEZA
- Tramal
- Tramal Retard 100
- Tramal Retard 150
- Tramal Retard 200
- Tramal Retard 50
- Tramapar
- Tramundin
- Transtec 35 mcg/h
- Transtec 52,5 mcg/h
- Transtec 70 mcg/h
- Trexan
- Trileptal
- Trioxal
- Tritace 10
- Tritace 2,5
- Tritace 2,5 comb
- Tritace 5
- Tritace 5 comb
- Trittico CR
- Trombex
- Tropicamidum WZF 0.5%
- Tropicamidum WZF 1%
- Trosicam
- Trund
- Trusopt
- Tulip
- Tulip 40 mg
- Tulip 80 mg
- Tymolamid
- Ulfamid
- Ulgastran
- Ultop
- Unasyn
- Undestor Testocaps
- Uprox
- Urimper
- Uroflow 1
- Uroflow 2
- Uronezyr
- Urostad 0,4mg
- Valcyte
- ValproLEK 300
- ValproLEK 500
- Valsacor 160
- Valsacor 320
- Valsacor 80
- Valsargen
- Valsartan 123ratio
- Valsartan Aurobindo
- Valsartan HCT Mylan
- Valsartan Ranbaxy
- Valsartan+hydrochlorothiazide Aurobindo
- Valsartan+hydrochlorothiazide Krka
- Valsotens
- Valsotens HCT
- Valtap
- Valtap HCT
- Valzek
- Vanatex
- Vanatex HCT
- Vasilip
- Vastan
- Velafax
- Velafax XL
- Velaxin ER 150
- Velaxin ER 37,5
- Velaxin ER 75
- Vellofent
- Vendal retard
- Venlabax MR (Venlafaxine Ranbaxy)
- Venlafaxine Bluefish XL
- Venlectine
- Venter
- Ventolin
- Ventolin Dysk
- Vercef
- Vermox
- Verospiron
- Vesicare 10 mg
- Vesicare 5 mg
- Vetira
- Vidotin
- Vigantol
- Vilpin
- Vimpat
- Viregyt K
- Virolex
- Viru-Pos
- Visanne
- Vitacon
- Vitaminum B 12 WZF
- Vitaminum PP Omega Pharma
- Vivace 10 mg
- Vivace 2,5 mg
- Vivace 5 mg
- Vivacor
- Vixam
- Votrezin
- Walsartan KrkA
- Warfin
- Wellion Calla
- Wellion SymPhar
- Wolarex
- Xalacom
- Xalatan
- Xaloptic
- Xaloptic Combi
- Xarelto 10
- Xarelto 15
- Xarelto 20
- Xartan
- Xartan HCT
- Xetanor 20mg
- Ximve
- Xitrocin
- Xorimax 250
- Xorimax 500
- Xotepic
- XP Analog LCP
- XP Maxamum sm.pomarań.
- Xyzal
- Yasnal
- Yasnal Q-Tab
- Zafiron
- Zahron
- Zalanzo
- Zalasta
- Zamur 250
- Zamur 500
- Zanacodar
- Zaranta
- Zarzio
- Zasterid
- Zelefion
- Zelta
- Zelvartan
- Zelvartancombo
- Zenaro
- Zendractin
- Zerlinda
- Zetamax
- Zinacef
- Zinnat
- Zinoxx
- Ziperid
- Zipragen
- Zocor 10
- Zocor 20
- Zocor 40
- Zofran
- Zofran Zydis
- Zoladex
- Zoladex La
- Zolafren
- Zolafren Swift
- Zolaxa
- Zolaxa Rapid
- Zoledronic Acid Accord
- Zoledronic Acid Actavis
- Zoledronic acid Fresenius Kabi
- Zoledronic acid medac (Acidum Zoledronicum Medac)
- Zoledronic acid Sandoz
- Zoledronic Acid Teva
- Zoledronic acid Zentiva
- Zolerilis
- Zoloft
- Zomikos
- Zopridoxin
- Zotral
- Zoxon 1
- Zoxon 2
- Zoxon 4
- Zyllt
- Zypadhera
- Zypsila
- Zyrtec
- Zyx
- 1% Wodny roztwór fioletu gencjanowego gemi
- 1-Day
- 10 Benzagel Acne Gel Topical
- 10 Percent FreAmine III
- 12 Hour Cold Maximum Strength
- 12 Hour Nasal
- 14c urea
- 2 in 1 Dandruff Topical
- 2.5 Benzagel Acne Gel Topical
- 2.5 Benzagel Acne Lotion Topical
- 3 TC
- 3-Nitro
- 300 PRO LA
- 3ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate
- 3tc
- 4-Way
- 4-Way Long Lasting
- 4-Way Menthol
- 4-Way Moisturizing Relief spray
- 40 Winks
- 4life transfer factor plus advanced formula capsules
- 5 Benzagel Acne Gel Topical
- 5 Benzagel Acne Lotion Topical
- 5 Benzagel Acne Wash Topical
- 5-Fluorouracil -Ebewe
- 5-HTP
- 5-hydroxytryptophan
- 50 Plus
- 50 Plus-Simplex
- 60-Second Fluoride Foam
- 60-Second Fluoride Gel
- 8 in 1 Ultra Care
- 8-MOP
- 8-MOP hard-gelatin capsules
- A & D topical
- A + D Cracked Skin Relief cream
- A-200 Lice Control
- A-200 Lice Treatment
- A-25
- A-Caro-25
- A-Cof DH
- A-G Profen
- A-Hydrocort
- A-Methapred
- A-Methapred Injection
- A-methapred solution
- A-Phedrin
- A-Spaz
- A-Tan 12X
- A-Tan 12X suspension
- A.E.R. Witch Hazel
- A.R.M. Allergy Relief
- A/B Otic
- A/Fish Oil
- A/T/S
- A/T/S Topical
- a1-Proteinase Inhibitor (Human)
- A200 Maximum Strength Topical
- A200 Time-Tested Formula Topical
- abacavir
- abacavir and lamivudine
- abacavir solution
- Abacavir Sulfate
- Abacavir Sulfate Tablets
- Abacavir Sulfate/Lamivudine
- Abacavir Sulfate/Lamivudine/Zidovudine
- Abacavir, Lamivudine and ZidovudineTablets
- abacavir, lamivudine, and zidovudine
- abacavir-lamivudine-zidovudine
- Abacavir/Lamivudin/Zidovudine Teva
- abacavir/lamivudine
- Abaktal
- Abapter
- Abarelix
- abarelix Intramuscular, Injection
- Abatacept
- abatacept Intravenous
- Abbokinase
- Abbreviation List
- abciximab
- abciximab Intravenous
- Abelcet
- Abenol
- Abilify Discmelt
- Abilify Discmelt orally disintegrating tablets
- Abilify Intramuscular
- Abilify Maintena
- Abilify solution
- Abilify tablets
- abiraterone
- Abiraterone Acetate
- Ablavar
- Ablavar (Vasovist)
- abobotulinumtoxina
- abobotulinumtoxina Intramuscular
- Abpc (agaricus blazei practical compound)
- Abraxane
- Abreva
- Abreva Topical
- Abseamed
- Absorbine Athletes Foot
- Absorbine Jr cream
- Absorbine Jr.
- Absorbine Jr. Antifungal
- Absorbine Jr. Antifungal Topical
- Absorbine Jr. Extra Strength
- Absorbine Veterinary
- Absorica
- Abstral
- Abstral sublingual
- Abstral Sublingual Tablet
- ACAM2000
- acamprosate
- Acamprosate Calcium
- Acanya
- Acanya gel
- Acarbax
- acarbose
- Acard
- Acarexx
- AcarGen
- Acatar
- Acatar 0.05%
- Acatar Acti Form
- Acatar Acti-Tabs
- Acatar Zatoki
- Acatar Zatoki Tabs
- Acatarick Allergy
- Acb
- ACC 200
- ACC 600
- ACC Hot
- ACC mini
- ACC optima
- ACC optima (ACC 600)
- ACC optima HOT
- AccessPak for HIV PEP Basic
- AccessPak for HIV PEP Expanded with Kaletra
- AccessPak for HIV PEP Expanded with Viracept
- Acclean
- Accolate
- Accretropin
- AccuHist Drops
- AccuHist LA
- AccuHist PDX drops
- AccuHist PDX Syrup
- Accuneb
- AccuNeb solution
- Accupril
- Accuretic
- Accusol 35
- Accusol 35 Potassium 2mmol/l
- Accusol 35 Potassium 4mmol/l
- Accustad H 10/12,5mg
- Accustad H 20/12,5mg
- Accutane
- Accuzide
- Accuzide 20
- Accuzyme
- Accuzyme ointment
- Accuzyme SE spray emulsion
- Accuzyme Spray
- ACD Solution Modified
- acebutolol
- Acebutolol Hydrochloride
- Acecor
- Acel-Imune
- Acella Antipyrine and Benzocaine Otic Solution
- Acella Hydrocortisone Acetate - Pramoxine Singles
- Acenol
- Acenol forte
- Aceon
- Aceon tablets (2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg)
- Acephen
- Acerin płyn na odciski
- Acerola
- Acesan
- Acespargin
- Aceta w/ Codeine
- Aceta-Gesic
- Aceta-Gesic (obsolete)
- Acetadote
- acetaminophen
- Acetaminophen (N-Acetyl-p-Aminophenol; APAP)
- acetaminophen and aspirin
- acetaminophen and aspirin powder pack
- acetaminophen and butalbital
- acetaminophen and caffeine
- acetaminophen and chlorpheniramine
- acetaminophen and codeine
- Acetaminophen and Codeine Oral Solution
- acetaminophen and dextromethorphan
- acetaminophen and diphenhydramine
- acetaminophen and guaifenesin
- acetaminophen and hydrocodone
- acetaminophen and oxycodone
- acetaminophen and pamabrom
- acetaminophen and pentazocine
- acetaminophen and phenylephrine
- acetaminophen and phenyltoloxamine
- acetaminophen and propoxyphene
- acetaminophen and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen and tramadol
- Acetaminophen Aspirin Codeine
- acetaminophen capsules
- acetaminophen chewable tablets
- acetaminophen controlled-release tablets
- acetaminophen dispersible tablets
- acetaminophen drops
- acetaminophen elixir
- acetaminophen gel syrup
- acetaminophen injection
- acetaminophen Intravenous
- acetaminophen Oral, Rectal
- acetaminophen suppositories
- acetaminophen suspension
- acetaminophen suspension drops
- Acetaminophen Tablet
- Acetaminophen with Codeine Phosphate
- acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine
- acetaminophen, brompheniramine, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, butalbital, and caffeine
- acetaminophen, butalbital, caffeine, and codeine
- acetaminophen, caffeine, and dihydrocodeine
- acetaminophen, caffeine, and isometheptene
- acetaminophen, caffeine, and magnesium salicylate
- acetaminophen, caffeine, and phenyltoloxamine
- acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, and codeine
- acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, and dextromethorphan
- acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, and phenylephrine
- acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, clemastine, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, codeine, guaifenesin, and phenylephrine
- acetaminophen, codeine, guaifenesin, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, dexbrompheniramine, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and diphenhydramine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and doxylamine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, doxylamine, and phenylephrine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, doxylamine, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, and phenylephrine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, phenylephrine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, pseudoephedrine, and pyrilamine
- acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, pyrilamine, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, dichloralphenazone, and isometheptene
- acetaminophen, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine
- acetaminophen, diphenhydramine, and pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen, doxylamine, and phenylephrine
- acetaminophen, magnesium salicylate, and pamabrom
- acetaminophen, pamabrom, and pyrilamine
- acetaminophen, pheniramine, and phenylephrine
- acetaminophen, pseudoephedrine, and triprolidine
- acetaminophen, sodium bicarbonate, and citric acid
- acetaminophen/ chlorpheniramine/ dextromethorphan/ phenylpropanolamine
- acetaminophen/ chlorpheniramine/ pyrilamine/ phenylephrine/ phenylpropanolamine
- acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine
- acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine powder packet
- acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine/salicylamide
- acetaminophen/brompheniramine/phenylpropanolamine
- acetaminophen/brompheniramine/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/butalbital
- acetaminophen/butalbital/caffeine
- acetaminophen/butalbital/caffeine elixir
- acetaminophen/butalbital/caffeine/codeine
- acetaminophen/caffeine
- acetaminophen/caffeine/chlorpheniramine/ phenylpropanolamine
- acetaminophen/caffeine/dihydrocodeine
- acetaminophen/caffeine/isometheptene
- acetaminophen/caffeine/magnesium salicylate/phenyltoloxamine
- acetaminophen/caffeine/phenyltoloxamine
- acetaminophen/caffeine/pyrilamine
- acetaminophen/caffeine/salicylamide
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/codeine/phenylephrine
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan liquid
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan suspension
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine liquid
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine suspension
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine chewable tablets
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine liquid
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine powder packet
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine controlled-release tablets
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine effervescent tablets
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine powder packets
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/phenyltoloxamine sustained-release tablets
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/phenylpropanolamine
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine chewable tablets
- acetaminophen/chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- acetaminophen/codeine
- acetaminophen/codeine solution
- acetaminophen/codeine suspension
- acetaminophen/dexbrompheniramine/phenylephrine
- acetaminophen/dexbrompheniramine/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/dexbrompheniramine/pseudoephedrine controlled-release tablets
- acetaminophen/dexchlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan syrup
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/doxylamine
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/doxylamine liquid
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/doxylamine/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/doxylamine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/ phenylpropanolamine
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/phenylephrine
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/phenylephrine liquid
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine capsules
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine liquid
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine drops
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine liquid
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine packets
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine/pyrilamine syrup
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine capsules
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine chewable tablets
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine drops
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine liquid
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine powder packet
- acetaminophen/dichloralphenazone/isometheptene
- acetaminophen/diphenhydramine
- acetaminophen/diphenhydramine capsules
- acetaminophen/diphenhydramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/diphenhydramine/phenylephrine
- acetaminophen/diphenhydramine/phenylephrine liquid
- acetaminophen/diphenhydramine/phenylephrine powder packet
- acetaminophen/diphenhydramine/phenylephrine suspension
- acetaminophen/diphenhydramine/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/diphenhydramine/pseudoephedrine suspension
- acetaminophen/doxylamine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine liquid
- acetaminophen/doxylamine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine/guaifenesin liquid
- acetaminophen/doxylamine/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/guaifenesin powder packets
- acetaminophen/guaifenesin/phenylephrine liquid
- acetaminophen/hydrocodone
- acetaminophen/hydrocodone capsules
- acetaminophen/hydrocodone liquid
- acetaminophen/isometheptene/caffeine
- acetaminophen/oxycodone
- acetaminophen/oxycodone Solution
- acetaminophen/pamabrom/pyrilamine
- acetaminophen/pentazocine
- acetaminophen/pheniramine/phenylephrine powder packets
- acetaminophen/phenylephrine
- acetaminophen/phenylephrine drops
- acetaminophen/phenylephrine powder packet
- acetaminophen/phenyltoloxamine
- acetaminophen/phenyltoloxamine controlled-release tablets
- acetaminophen/phenyltoloxamine liquid
- acetaminophen/propoxyphene
- acetaminophen/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/pseudoephedrine/triprolidine
- acetaminophen/salicylamide
- acetaminophen/salicylamide/phenyltoloxamine
- acetaminophen/salicylamide/phenyltoloxamine/caffeine
- Acetasol HC
- Acetasol HC otic
- Acetasol HC solution
- Acetasol otic
- acetazolamide
- Acetazolamide Capsules
- Acetazolamide Sodium
- acetazolamide solution
- acetazolamide sustained-release capsules
- Acetazolamide Tablets
- Acetic Acid
- acetic acid and aluminum acetate otic
- acetic acid and hydrocortisone otic
- acetic acid gel
- Acetic Acid Irrigation
- acetic acid otic
- acetic acid shampoo
- acetic acid solution
- acetic acid, antipyrine, benzocaine, and polycosanol otic
- acetic acid/aluminum acetate solution
- acetic acid/antipyrine/benzocaine/u-polycosanol
- acetic acid/hydrocortisone solution
- acetic acid/oxyquinoline
- acetohexamide
- acetohydroxamic acid
- acetone, isopropyl alcohol, and polysorbate Topical
- Acetoxyl 10 Topical
- Acetoxyl 2.5 Topical
- Acetoxyl 20 Topical
- Acetoxyl 5 Topical
- Acetylcholine Chloride
- Acetylcysteine
- Acetylcysteine (N-Acetylcysteine)
- Acetylcysteine Inhalation
- acetylcysteine Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Acetylcysteine Injection
- Acetylcysteine Sandoz
- acetylcysteine solution
- Achromycin
- Aciclovir Jelfa
- Aciclovir Mylan
- Acid Controller Complete Dual Action
- Acid Controller Original Strength
- Acid Gone
- Acid Gone Extra Strength
- Acid Gone suspension
- Acid Jelly gel
- Acid Relief
- acidophilus
- Acidophilus Extra Strength
- Acidum folicum Hasco
- Acidum folicum Polfarmex
- Acidum ibandronicum Strides
- Acidum Zoledronicum Medac
- Acidwell
- Acifolik
- Acifungin
- Acifungin forte
- AcipHex
- AcipHex Sprinkle
- Aciphex Sprinkle delayed-release capsules
- Aciprex
- Acitretin
- Acitretin Capsules
- acitretin with moisturizer
- Acix 250
- Acix 500
- Aclaro
- Aclaro Emulsion
- Aclaro PD
- Aclaro PD Emulsion
- Aclasta
- Aclexa
- aclidinium
- Aclidinium Bromide
- aclidinium Inhalation
- aclidinium powder
- Aclovate
- Aclovate cream
- Acnatac
- Acne 10 Gel Topical
- Acne Sulf 10%
- Acne Topical
- Acne Treatment
- Acne Treatment cream
- Acne Wash Topical
- Acne-Aid Gel Topical
- Acne-Clear
- Acne-Derm
- Acnelec
- Acnevir
- Acnex Topical
- Acnidazil
- Acnomel Acne Mask Topical
- Acnomel Bp 5 Topical
- Acnomel Skin Tone Topical
- Acnomel Vanishing Topical
- Acnosan 0.5%
- Acnotex
- Acodin
- Acodin 150 Junior
- Acodin 300
- Acova
- acrivastine and pseudoephedrine
- acrivastine/pseudoephedrine
- Acrivastine/Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
- ACT Fluoride Rinse
- ACT Kids Fluoride Rinse
- ACT Restoring Mouthwash Cinnamon
- ACT Restoring Mouthwash Mint
- ACT Restoring Mouthwash Spearmint
- ACT Restoring Mouthwash Vanilla Mint
- Act-HIB szczepionka typ B
- Actacin
- Actagen
- Actamin Maximum Strength
- Actamone
- Actarosin
- Actaven (Acnenor)
- Actemra
- Acthar
- Acthar Gel, H.P.
- ActHIB
- Acthrel
- ACTI-trin
- Acticin
- Acticin cream
- Acticin Topical
- Actidose
- Actidose with Sorbitol suspension
- Actidose-Aqua
- Actidose-Aqua suspension
- Actidose-Sorbitol suspension
- Actifed
- Actifed Cold & Allergy
- Actifed cold allergy tablets
- Actifed Cold And Sinus
- Actifed cold sinus maximum strength caplets and tablets
- Actifed Plus
- Actigall
- Actikerall
- Actilyse 10
- Actilyse 20
- Actilyse 50
- Actimmune
- Actimol Children's
- Actimol Infant
- Actiprofen
- Actiq
- Actiq lozenge
- Actiq oral transmucosal
- Actisept
- Actisite
- Actistav
- Activase
- Activase I.V.
- Activated Charcoal
- activated charcoal and activated charcoal/sorbitol suspension
- activated charcoal and sorbitol suspension
- activated charcoal suspension
- Active OB
- Activella
- Actonel
- Actonel with Calcium
- Actoplus Met
- Actoplus Met XR
- Actoplus Met XR extended-release tablets
- Actos
- Actron
- Acudex
- Acuflex
- Acular
- Acular drops
- Acular eent
- Acular LS
- Acular LS drops
- Acular PF
- Acular PF drops
- Acunol
- Acutral
- Acutral Effervescent
- Acutrim 16 Hour
- Acutrim II, Maximum Strength
- Acutrim Late Day
- Acuvail
- Acuvail drops
- Acyclovir
- Acyclovir 200 Stada
- Acyclovir 400 Stada
- Acyclovir 800 Stada
- acyclovir and hydrocortisone topical
- acyclovir and hydrocortisone Topical application
- acyclovir Buccal mucosa
- acyclovir capsules
- Acyclovir Capules
- acyclovir cream
- Acyclovir Injection
- Acyclovir IV Infusion
- Acyclovir Ointment
- Acyclovir Ointment ointment
- Acyclovir Oral Suspension
- acyclovir Oral, Intravenous
- Acyclovir Sodium
- acyclovir suspension
- Acyclovir Tablets
- Acyclovir topical
- acyclovir/hydrocortisone cream
- Aczone
- Aczone gel
- Aczone Topical
- Adacel
- Adacel (Tdap) Tdap
- Adacel TDAP
- Adagen
- Adalat CC
- Adalat CC sustained-release tablets
- Adalat XL Plus extended-release tablets
- Adalimumab
- adalimumab Subcutaneous
- Adapalene
- adapalene and benzoyl peroxide gel
- adapalene and benzoyl peroxide topical
- adapalene and benzoyl peroxide Topical application
- adapalene cream
- adapalene lotion
- adapalene pads
- adapalene solution
- adapalene Topical
- Adapin
- Adartrel ®
- Adasuve
- Adasuve powder
- Adavin
- Adcetris
- Adcirca
- Adcirca (Tadalafil Lilly-20)
- Addamel N
- Addaprin
- Adderall
- Adderall XR
- Adderall XR extended-release capsules
- Addiphos
- Additiva Magnesium
- Additiva Multiwitamina z Minerał. Orange
- Additiva Witamina C o smaku pomarańczowym
- Additiva Witamina C Zitrone
- adefovir
- Adefovir Dipivoxil
- Adempas
- Adempas Tablets
- Adenocard
- Adenocor
- Adenoscan
- Adenosine
- adenosine Intravenous
- adenovirus type 4 and type 7 vaccine, live
- adenovirus vaccine, live
- Adenuric
- Adepend
- Adequan IM
- Adgan injection
- Adipex
- Adipex-P
- Adipobonisan
- Adiposina przeciw otyłości (nr 1)
- Adipost
- Adjupanrix szczepionka przeciw grypie H5N1
- ado-trastuzumab
- Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine
- ado-trastuzumab emtansine Intravenous
- Adolamid
- Adoxa
- Adoxa CK
- Adoxa CK Kit
- Adoxa Pak
- Adoxa TT
- Adoxa TT Kit
- Adrenaclick
- Adrenaclick auto-injector
- Adrenaclick Two-Pack
- Adrenal Super Boost
- Adrenalin
- Adrenalin Chloride
- Adrenalin Injection
- Adrenalin Ophthalmic
- Adrenalin solution
- AdreView
- Adriamycin
- Adriamycin for injection, usp
- Adriamycin injection, usp
- Adriblastina PFS
- Adriblastina R.D.
- Adrovance
- Adrucil
- Adrucil injection
- Adult Nighttime Cold/Flu Relief - Cherry Flavor
- Adult Nighttime Cold/Flu Relief - Original Flavor
- Adult Severe Congestion & Cough
- Advair
- Advair Diskus
- Advair Diskus 100/50
- Advair Diskus 250/50
- Advair Diskus 500/50
- Advair Diskus powder
- Advair HFA
- Advair HFA (combination), Serevent Diskus
- Advair HFA Inhaler
- Advair Inhalation Aerosol
- Advance Care Plus
- Advanced AM/PM
- Advanced Relief Eye Drops
- Advantage Multi for Dogs
- Advantan
- Advate
- Advate rAHF-PFM injection
- Advate rAHF-PFM recombinant
- Adventure First Aid Kit
- Advicor
- Advil
- Advil Allergy Sinus
- Advil Allergy Sinus Caplets
- Advil Children's
- Advil Childrens
- Advil Childrens Allergy Sinus
- Advil Childrens Cold
- Advil Cold & Sinus
- Advil Cold and Sinus
- Advil Cold and Sinus Caplets
- Advil Cold and Sinus Liqui-Gel
- Advil Cold and Sinus Liqui-Gels
- Advil cold sinus caplets
- Advil cold sinus liqui-gels
- Advil cold sinus tablets
- Advil flu body ache caplets
- Advil Infants Concentrated Drops
- Advil Junior Strength
- Advil Liqui-Gels
- Advil Liquigel
- Advil Migraine
- Advil Multi-Symptom Cold
- Advil Pediatric
- Advil PM
- Advil PM Liqui-Gels
- Aerinaze
- Aerius
- Aero Otic HC otic
- Aero-OM
- AeroBid
- Aerobid aerosol inhaler
- Aerobid-M
- Aerobid-M aerosol inhaler
- Aerochamber plus and aerochamber plus with mask
- aeroHist
- Aerohist Plus
- Aerohist Plus sustained-release and long-acting tablets
- Aerokid
- Aerospan
- Aerospan aerosol inhaler
- Aerospan hfa inhaler
- Aerrane
- Aerrane Inhalation Anesthetic
- Aescin
- Aesciner Retard
- Aesciven
- Aesculan
- Aescuven forte
- Aethoxysklerol 0,5%
- Aethoxysklerol 1%
- Aethoxysklerol 1% F
- Aethoxysklerol 2%
- Aethoxysklerol 3%
- Aethylum chloratum filofarm
- Afastural
- afatinib
- Afeditab CR
- Afinitor
- Afinitor Disperz
- Afinitor Disperz tablets for oral suspension
- Aflavic
- Aflaxen
- Aflegan
- aflibercept
- aflibercept Injection
- aflibercept Intravenous
- aflibercept ophthalmic
- Aflobax
- Afloderm
- Aflomag
- Aflomag smak miętowy
- Aflubin
- Afluria
- Afluria 2010-2011 injection
- Afluria 2011-2012 injection
- Afluria 2012-2013 injection
- Afluria 2013-2014 Formula
- Afluria 2013-2014 injection
- Afluria injectable
- Afluria Preservative-Free 2010-2011 injection
- Afluria Preservative-Free 2011-2012 injection
- Afluria Preservative-Free 2012-2013 injection
- Afluria Preservative-Free 2013-2014 injection
- Afobam
- Afonilum retard forte
- Afrin
- Afrin 4 Hour Extra Moisturizing
- Afrin Nasal Sinus
- Afrin ND
- Afrin ND Glicerol
- Afrin ND Mentol
- Afrin ND Rumianek
- Afrin No Drip Sinus
- Afrin solution
- Afronis
- Aftate For Athletes Foot
- Aftate spray
- Aftate Topical
- agalsidase beta
- agalsidase beta Intravenous
- Agapurin
- Agapurin 600 Retard
- Agapurin Retard
- Agapurin SR 400
- Agapurin SR 600
- Agenerase
- Agenerase solution
- Aggrastat
- Aggrenox
- Aggrenox extended-release capsules
- Agiolax
- Aglan
- Agreta
- Agri-Cillin
- Agri-Mectin
- Agri-Mectin Injection
- Agriflu
- Agrippal Inaktywowana szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Agryflos (nr 27) przeciw grypie
- Agrylin
- Ah-Chew
- AH-Chew chewable tablets
- Ah-Chew D
- AH-Chew D chewable tablets
- AH-Chew II
- AH-Chew suspension
- AHD 2000
- AHFS DI Essentials - Abbreviation List
- AHFS DI Essentials Users Guide
- Aidee
- Air
- Air Compressed
- Air, Oxygen and Nitrogen Gas
- Airacof
- Airacof solution
- Airet solution
- AK-Beta
- Ak-Chlor
- AK-Cide
- AK-Con
- AK-Dex ophthalmic
- AK-Dilate
- AK-Dilate drops
- Ak-Dilate Ophthalmic
- Ak-fluor injection 10% and 25%
- AK-NaCl
- AK-Nefrin
- AK-Neo-Dex
- Ak-Pentolate
- AK-Pentolate Ophthalmic
- AK-Poly-Bac
- AK-Pred
- AK-Pred drops
- AK-Spore
- AK-Spore HC
- AK-Spore HC Otic Suspension
- AK-Spore Ointment
- AK-Sulf
- AK-Tob
- AK-Tob drops
- AK-Tracin
- AK-Trol
- Akanid
- Akbeta
- Akineton HCl
- Akineton SR 4 mg
- Akis
- Akne-Mycin
- Akne-Mycin ointment
- Akne-Mycin Topical
- Aknefug
- Aknemycin
- Aknemycin Plus
- Aknenormin 10 mg
- Aknenormin 20 mg
- Akneroxid 10
- Akneroxid 5
- Aksoderm
- Aksoderm Forte
- Akten
- Akten Gel
- AKTob
- Akurza Topical
- Ala Hist IR
- Ala Hist PE
- Ala Scalp
- Ala-Cort
- Ala-Hist
- Ala-Hist AC
- Ala-Hist D
- Ala-Hist D sustained-release tablets
- Ala-Hist DHC
- Ala-Quin
- Ala-Quin cream
- Ala-Scalp HP
- Ala-Seb-T shampoo
- Ala-Tet
- Alacare
- Alacol
- Alacol DM
- Alacol DM Elixir
- AlaCort
- Alagesic
- Alagesic LQ solution
- Alagesic LQ Syrup
- Alahist DHC
- Alahist DM
- Alahist DM elixir
- Alahist LQ
- Alahist LQ liquid
- Alamag chewable tablets
- Alamag concentrate
- Alamag Plus
- Alamast
- Alantan
- Alantan -Plus
- Alantavit
- Alavert
- Alavert Allergy
- Alavert Allergy & Sinus 12-hour sustained-release tablets
- Alavert allergy sinus D-12 hour tablets
- Alavert D-12
- Alavert D-12 Hour Allergy and Sinus
- Alavert syrup
- Alavert-D 12-Hour
- Alaway
- Alax
- Alba Sunblock Mineral Aloe Vanilla SPF 30
- Albac
- Albalon
- Albatussin
- Albatussin Pediatric drops
- Albatussin Pediatric syrup
- albendazole
- Albenza
- Albiomin 20%
- Albothyl
- Albuked human
- Albumarc human
- albumin (human)
- Albumin (Human) 20%
- Albumin (human) 25%
- Albumin (human) 5%
- Albumin Human ( Normal Serum Albumin)
- Albumin-Alpine human
- Albuminar-20
- Albuminar-25
- Albuminar-25 human
- Albuminar-5
- Albunex human
- Albunorm 20%
- Albunorm 5%
- Alburex 20
- Alburex 5
- AlbuRx
- Alburx human
- Albutein
- Albutein 25%
- Albutein 5%
- Albutein human
- albuterol
- Albuterol Aerosol
- albuterol and ipratropium inhalation
- albuterol controlled-release tablets
- albuterol extended-release tablets
- albuterol Inhalation
- Albuterol Inhalation Solution
- Albuterol Oral Solution
- albuterol solution
- Albuterol Sulfate
- Albuterol Syrup
- albuterol/ipratropium aerosol
- albuterol/ipratropium solution
- albuterol/ipratropium spray
- Alcaftadine
- alcaftadine drops
- alcaftadine ophthalmic
- Alcaine
- Alcaine drops
- Alcalak
- Alcep
- Alcepalan
- Alchinal
- Alclometasone
- alclometasone cream
- Alclometasone Dipropionate
- Alclometasone Ointment
- alclometasone topical
- Alcohol and Dextrose
- Alcohol in Dextrose
- Alconefrin-12
- Alconefrin-25
- Alcortin A Gel
- Alcortin A topical
- Alcortin gel
- Aldactazide
- Aldactone
- Aldara
- Aldara cream, 5%
- Aldara Topical
- Aldecin Inhaler
- aldesleukin
- aldesleukin Intravenous
- Aldex
- Aldex AN
- Aldex AN Chewable chewable tablets
- Aldex AN suspension
- Aldex D
- Aldex G
- Aldex-CT
- Aldoclor-150
- Aldoclor-250
- Aldomet
- Aldoril
- Aldoril 15
- Aldoril 25
- Aldoril D30
- Aldoril D50
- Aldospir
- Aldroxicon I
- Aldroxicon II
- Aldurazyme
- alefacept
- alefacept Intramuscular
- alefacept; water, sterile Intramuscular, Intravenous
- alemtuzumab
- alemtuzumab Intravenous
- Alenaze-D
- Alenaze-D elixir
- Alenaze-D NR
- Alendronat Pharmabill
- Alendronate
- alendronate and cholecalciferol
- alendronate effervescent tablets
- Alendronate Medana
- Alendronate Oral Solution
- Alendronate Sodium
- Alendronate Sodium/Cholecalciferol
- alendronate solution
- alendronate/cholecalciferol
- Alendronic Acid Polfarmex
- Alenic Alka
- Alenotop
- Aler-Dryl
- Aler-Tab
- Alera
- Alergeny diag.do test.punkt.HAL do test.skór.Prick'a
- Aleric Deslo
- Aleric Lora (Aleric)
- Alerpalux
- Alerton
- Alerzina
- Alesse
- Aleve
- Aleve Arthritis
- Aleve Caplet
- Aleve Cold and Sinus
- Aleve cold sinus caplets
- Aleve Easy Open Arthritis
- Aleve Gelcap
- Aleve Sinus & Headache
- Aleve sinus headache caplets
- Aleve tablets and capsules
- Aleve tablets, caplets and gelcaps
- Aleveer Patch
- Alexan
- Alfaferone
- Alfenta
- Alfentanil
- Alfentanil Hydrochloride
- Alferon N
- Alferon N solution
- Alfuzosin
- Alfuzosin Hydrochloride
- Alfuzosin Tablets
- Alfuzosin-1A Pharma
- alginic acid, aluminum hydroxide, and magnesium carbonate
- alginic acid/aluminum/magnesium/sodium bicarbonate
- Alglucerase
- alglucerase Intravenous
- Alglucosidase Alfa
- alglucosidase alfa injection
- alglucosidase alfa Intravenous
- Algorhin
- Ali-Flex
- Ali-Flex Tablets
- Aliane
- Aliclen Shampoo
- Aliclen Topical
- Alimta
- Alinia
- Alinia Oral Suspension
- Alinia suspension
- Aliovital
- aliskiren
- aliskiren and amlodipine
- aliskiren and hydrochlorothiazide
- aliskiren and valsartan
- Aliskiren Hemifumarate
- Aliskiren Hemifumarate/Amlodipine Besylate
- Aliskiren Hemifumarate/Amlodipine Besylate/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Aliskiren Hemifumarate/Valsartan
- aliskiren, amlodipine, and hydrochlorothiazide
- aliskiren/amlodipine
- aliskiren/amlodipine/hydrochlorothiazide
- Aliskiren/Hydrochlorothiazide
- aliskiren/valsartan
- Alitol
- Alitretinoin
- alitretinoin Topical
- Alka Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine
- Alka Seltzer Plus Night Time Effervescent
- Alka-Mints
- Alka-Prim
- Alka-Seltzer
- Alka-Seltzer Anti-Gas
- Alka-Seltzer Cold and Sinus
- Alka-Seltzer effervescent tablets
- Alka-Seltzer Morning Relief
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Cough
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Sinus
- Alka-seltzer plus cold cough medicine effervescent tablets
- Alka-seltzer plus cold cough medicine liqui-gels
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Formula
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Liquigel
- Alka-seltzer plus cold medicine effervescent tablets (original, orange cherry)
- Alka-seltzer plus cold sinus medicine effervescent tablets
- Alka-seltzer plus cold sinus medicine liqui-gels
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold/Cough
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold/Sinus
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cough and Cold Liquigel
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Flu
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Flu Liquigels
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Flu/Body
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Time Cold Liquigel
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night-Time Cold
- Alka-seltzer plus nose throat cold medicine effervescent tablets
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Sparkling Original Cold Formula effervescent tablets
- Alkabel-SR controlled-release tablets
- Alkeran I.V. oral/injection
- Alkeran IV
- Alkeran oral/injection
- Alkeran Tablets
- All Clear AR Drops
- All Clear drops
- All Day Allergy
- All Day Allergy Children's
- All Day Allergy-D
- All Day Calcium ER extended-release caplets
- All Day Pain Relief
- All Day Relief
- All-basic capsules
- All-Nite
- All-Nite Multi-Symptom Cold/Flu Relief
- Allan Tannate Pediatric
- Allanderm-T
- AllanEnzyme
- AllanEnzyme spray
- Allanhist PDX Drops
- Allanhist PDX Syrup
- allantoin, camphor, and phenol topical
- allantoin/coal tar shampoo
- AllanVan-S
- Allbee-C 800 with Iron
- Allegra
- Allegra -D 24 Hour
- Allegra 24 Hour Allergy
- Allegra Allergy
- Allegra ODT
- Allegra ODT orally disintegrating tablets
- Allegra suspension
- Allegra-D
- Allegra-D 12 Hour
- Allegra-D 24 Hour extended-release tablets
- Allegra-D 24Hour
- Allegra-D extended-release tablets (12 hour)
- Allegra-D Oral
- AllePak
- Aller-Chlor
- Aller-Chlor syrup
- Aller-Ease
- AllerClear D-24 Hour 24-hour sustained-release tablets
- AllerDur
- Allerest 12 Hour
- Allerest 12 Hour Nasal Spray
- Allerest Eye Drops
- Allerest Headache Strength
- Allerest Maximum Strength
- Allerest No Drowsiness
- Allerest PE
- Allerest Sinus
- Allerfrim
- Allerfrim liquid
- Allergasthmin
- Allergenic Extract Grain Mill Dust
- Allergenic Extract Sterile Diluent
- Allergenic Extract, Animal
- Allergenic Extract, Animal Hair
- Allergenic Extract, Bee and Wasp
- Allergenic Extract, Bluefish
- Allergenic Extract, California Mugwort
- Allergenic Extract, Carob, Red Currant, Tea
- Allergenic Extract, Casein, Cow and Goat Milk
- Allergenic Extract, Cat Hair
- Allergenic Extract, Cat Pelt
- Allergenic Extract, Chestnut
- Allergenic Extract, Coca Glycerine
- Allergenic Extract, Cockroach
- Allergenic Extract, Cotton,Jute,Kapok,Orris-Root,Pyrethrum,Tobacco Leaf
- Allergenic Extract, Cricket
- Allergenic Extract, Egg and Meat
- Allergenic Extract, Epithelium
- Allergenic Extract, Fish
- Allergenic Extract, Flaxseed,Coffee,Cottonseed
- Allergenic Extract, Fruit and Vegetable
- Allergenic Extract, Fungal
- Allergenic Extract, Grass and Plant
- Allergenic Extract, Insect
- Allergenic Extract, Miller Moth
- Allergenic Extract, Nigrospora Sphaerica
- Allergenic Extract, Parakeet Feather
- Allergenic Extract, Ragweed Pollen
- Allergenic Extract, Seafood
- Allergenic Extract, Sole
- Allergenic Extract, Standardized Mites
- Allergenic Extract, Thompson Seedless Grape
- Allergenic Extract, Various
- Allergenic Extract, Vegetable
- Allergenic Extracts
- Allergenic Extracts Injection
- Allergenic Extracts, Apple
- Allergenic Extracts, Grass
- Allergenic Extracts, Grass Pollen
- Allergenic Extracts, Grass-more
- Allergenic Extracts, Para Grass
- Allergenic Extracts, Pollen
- Allergenic Extracts, Pollen more
- Allergo-Comod
- Allergocrom
- Allergodil
- Allergovit (stęż. A i B), leczenie początkowe (mieszanina)
- Allergovit (stęż. B), leczenie podtrzymujące (mieszanina)
- Allergy
- Allergy AM-PM Dose Pack
- Allergy DN
- Allergy DN II
- Allergy DN PE
- Allergy Itch Ease
- Allergy Relief
- Allergy Relief (Diphenhydramine HCl)
- Allergy Relief D
- Allergy Relief Multi-Symptom
- Allergy Relief Tablets
- Allerhist-1
- Allerhist-D
- Allermax
- AllerNaze Nasal Spray
- Allerphed
- Allersol
- AllerTan
- AllerTan Suspension
- Allertec Ukąszenia
- Allertec WZF
- AlleRx
- AlleRx DF
- AlleRx DF Dose Pack
- AlleRx Dose Pack
- Allerx dose pack - am tablets
- Allerx dose pack - PM tablets
- AlleRx Dose Pack DF
- AlleRx Dose Pack PE
- AlleRx Dose Pack sustained-release tablets
- AlleRx PE
- AlleRx PE 30
- AlleRx suspension
- Allerx-D
- Allfen
- Allfen A
- Allfen C
- Allfen CD
- Allfen CDX
- Allfen CX
- Allfen CX sustained-release tablets
- Allfen DM
- Alli
- Alli (Orlistat GSK)
- Alliofil
- Alliogal
- Alliomint
- Allium cepa
- Allium sativum
- Allocord
- Allopurinol
- Allopurinol Injection
- allopurinol Intravenous
- Allres D
- Allres G suspension
- Allres Pd
- Allres-G
- Alluna sleep tablets
- Almacone
- Almacone-2
- Almora
- almotriptan
- Almotriptan Malate
- Almozen
- Alocril
- Alocril drops
- Alocril eent
- Alodox
- Aloe Grande topical
- aloe polysaccharides, hydrocortisone, and iodoquinol topical
- Aloe Vera Burn Relief Spray with Lidocaine aerosol
- aloe vera gel
- aloe vera topical
- Aloe Vesta
- Aloe Vesta 2 in 1 Antifungal
- Aloe Vesta 2-N-1 Antifungal Topical
- Aloe Vesta Antifungal Topical
- Aloe Vesta Cream
- aloe/hydrocortisone/iodoquinol gel
- alogliptin
- alogliptin and metformin
- alogliptin and pioglitazone
- Alogliptin Benzoate
- alogliptin/metformin
- alogliptin/pioglitazone
- Alomide
- Alopexy
- Alophen
- Aloprim
- Aloquin Gel
- Alor 5/500
- Alora
- Alora Transdermal
- alosetron
- Alosetron Hydrochloride
- Alotendin
- Aloxi
- Aloxi capsules
- Alpain
- alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor
- Alpha Lipoic
- Alpha Pro Dental Gel
- alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor (human)
- alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor (human) solution
- alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor human Intravenous
- Alpha-E
- Alpha-hydroxy
- alpha-lipoic acid
- Alpha-Lipoic-Acid-300
- alpha1-proteinase inhibitor (human)
- Alphagan P
- Alphanate
- Alphanate injection
- AlphaNine SD
- Alphanine SD injectable
- Alphaquin HP
- Alphaquin HP Cream
- AlphaSoft
- Alphatrex
- Alpicort
- Alpicort E
- Alpragen
- Alprazolam
- Alprazolam Extended Release
- alprazolam extended-release tablets
- Alprazolam Intensol
- Alprazolam Intensol solution
- Alprazolam ODT
- alprazolam Oral
- alprazolam orally disintegrating tablets
- Alprazolam Sandoz
- alprazolam solution
- Alprazolam XR
- alprostadil
- alprostadil injectable and transurethral
- alprostadil Intraurethral, Intravenous, Intracavernosal
- alprostadil suppository
- Alprostadil(PGE1; Prostaglandin E1)
- Alprostapint 500
- Alprox
- Alquam-X Acne Therapy Gel Topical
- Alramucil
- Alrex
- Alrex drops
- Alrex ophthalmic suspension 0.2%
- Alrex sterile ophthalmic suspension 0.2%
- Alsucral
- Alsuma
- Alsuma injection
- Altabax
- Altabax ointment
- Altac-Emo
- Altacaine
- Altacaine drops
- Altace
- Altace capsules
- Altace Tablets
- Altacet
- Altachlore drops
- Altafed
- Altaflor
- Altafrin
- Altafrin Drops
- Altafrin Ophthalmic
- Altargo 1%
- Altarussin
- Altarussin CF
- Altarussin DM
- Altarussin PE
- Altaryl
- Altatapp
- Altavera
- Altaziaja
- Altazine
- Altazine Irritation Relief drops
- Altazine Moisture Relief eye drops
- Alte forte z miodem
- Altein
- Altenol
- Alteplase
- Alteplase, recombinant
- alteplase, recombinant Intravenous
- Alternagel
- Altforalle
- Althan
- Alti-Alprazolam
- Alti-Alprazolam Oral
- Alti-Amoxi Clav
- Alti-Fluoxetine Hydrochloride
- Alti-Haloperidol
- Alti-Ipratropium
- Alti-Ipratropium With Preservative
- Alti-Mpa
- Alti-Nadolol
- Alti-Orciprenaline
- Alti-Pindolol
- Alti-Piroxicam
- Alti-Salbutamol Inhalation Aerosol
- Alti-Sir
- Alti-Sulfasalazine Oral, Rectal
- Alti-Valproic
- Altinac
- Altix
- Altoprev
- Altoprev extended-release tablets
- Altra
- altretamine
- Altzer
- Alu-Cap
- Alu-Tab
- Alugastrin
- Alugen 10 mg
- Alumag
- Aluminum Acetate
- aluminum carbonate
- aluminum chloride hexahydrate topical
- aluminum chloride solution
- aluminum hydroxide
- aluminum hydroxide, aspirin, calcium carbonate, and magnesium hydroxide
- aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, and simethicone
- aluminum/calcium/magnesium/simethicone chewable tablets
- aluminum/magnesium carbonate chewable tablets
- aluminum/magnesium chewable tablets
- aluminum/magnesium concentrate
- aluminum/magnesium suspension
- aluminum/magnesium trisilicate chewable tablets
- aluminum/magnesium/simethicone
- aluminum/magnesium/simethicone chewable tablets
- aluminum/magnesium/simethicone suspension
- Alupent
- Alupent aerosol
- Alupent Inhalation
- Alupent syrup
- Alusal
- Alustin
- Alustra
- Alutard SQ
- Aluvea
- Alvesco
- Alvesco aerosol
- Alvesco HFA inhalation
- Alvesco inhalation
- Alvimopan
- Alvityl
- Alvogyl
- Alvokast
- Alvostan
- Alyacen 7/7/7
- Alyacen 1/35
- Alyacen 1/35 birth control
- Alyostal
- Alzdone
- Alzepezil
- Alzepezil ODT
- Amantadine
- Amantadine Hydrochloride
- Amantadine Hydrochloride (Antiviral)
- Amantadine Oral Solution USP
- amantadine syrup
- Amantadine Tablets
- Amantix
- Amarosal
- Amarum
- Amaryl
- Amazapet
- ambenonium
- Ambi 40/1000
- Ambi 5/15/100 liquid
- Ambi 60/580/30 controlled-release and sustained-release tablets
- Ambien
- Ambien CR
- Ambien CR extended-release tablets
- Ambien CR Oral
- Ambien Oral
- Ambifed
- Ambifed CD
- Ambifed CDX
- Ambifed-G
- Ambifed-G CD
- Ambifed-G CDX
- Ambifed-G DM
- Ambirix szczepionka bez igły
- Ambirix szczepionka z igłą
- AmBisome
- Ambrisentan
- Ambro
- Ambro S
- Ambrohexal
- Ambroksol Hasco
- Ambroksol Hasco Junior
- Ambroksol Takeda
- Ambrosan
- Ambrosol
- Ambrosol TEVA
- Ambrosolvan
- Ambrotaxer
- Ambrotose ao capsules
- Ambrotose capsules
- Ambrotose powder
- Ambrotose with lecithin capsules
- Ambroxol
- Ambroxol 123 ratio
- Ambroxol d/dorosłych
- Ambroxol d/dzieci
- Ambroxol Hydrochloride Cyathus
- Ambroxoli Hydrochloridum Fontane
- Amcinonide
- amcinonide cream
- Amcinonide Lotion
- Amcinonide Ointment
- amcinonide topical
- amcinonide Topical application
- Amdry-C
- Amdry-D extended-release tablets
- Amefar
- Ameluz
- Amerge
- Americaine
- Americaine Anesthetic Lubricant
- Americaine Hemorrhoidal
- Americaine ointment
- Americaine Otic drops
- AmeriPhor
- Amertil Bio
- Amertil Biotabs
- Amethia
- Amethia extended-cycle
- Amethia Lo
- Amethia Lo extended-cycle
- Amethyst
- Amevive
- Amevive Intramuscular
- Ami-Lac
- Ami-Tex
- Ami-Tex LA
- Ami-Tex PSE
- Amibid LA
- Amibid LA Oral
- Amicar
- Amicar Intravenous
- Amicar syrup
- Amidate
- Amidrine
- Amifostine
- amifostine Intravenous
- Amigesic
- Amigrenex
- Amikacin
- Amikacin B.Braun
- amikacin Injection
- Amikacin Sulfate
- Amikin
- Amikin Pediatric
- Amilon
- amiloride
- amiloride and hydrochlorothiazide
- Amiloride Hydrochloride
- Amiloride Hydrochloride/Hydrochlorothiazide
- amiloride/hydrochlorothiazide
- Amino Acid Formulation in Hepatic Failure/Hepatic Encephalopathy
- Amino Acid Formulations for High Metabolic Stress
- Amino Acid Formulations for Renal Failure
- amino acid-based nutritional supplement
- Amino Acids Injection
- amino acids/sodium propionate/urea cervical cream
- Amino-Cerv cream
- Amino-CR
- Amino-Opti-C
- Amino-Opti-E
- aminobenzoate potassium
- aminobenzoate potassium capsules
- aminobenzoate potassium powder
- Aminocaproic
- Aminocaproic Acid
- Aminocaproic Acid Injection
- aminocaproic acid Intravenous
- aminocaproic acid solution
- aminocaproic acid syrup
- Aminofen
- Aminofilina czopki pediatr.
- aminoglutethimide
- aminoglycoside Inhalation, Irrigation, Parenteral
- Aminohippurate Sodium
- Aminohippurate sodium \"\"pah\"\" injection
- aminohippurate sodium Intravenous
- aminolevulinic acid
- Aminolevulinic Acid Hydrochloride
- aminolevulinic acid solution
- aminolevulinic acid Topical
- Aminomel 10E
- Aminomel 12,5E
- Aminomel Nephro
- Aminomine
- Aminomix 1 Novum
- aminophylline
- Aminophylline (Theophylline Ethylenediamine)
- Aminophylline Injection
- aminophylline Intravenous
- Aminophylline Oral Solution
- Aminophylline Tablets
- Aminoplasmal 15 %
- Aminoplasmal 15% E
- Aminoplasmal B.Braun 10%
- Aminoplasmal B.Braun 10% E
- Aminoplasmal Hepa 10%
- Aminoplasmal Paed 10%
- aminosalicylate sodium
- Aminosalicylate Sodium (Para-Aminosalicylate Sodium; PAS)
- Aminosalicylic Acid
- aminosalicylic acid controlled-release granules packet
- Aminosteril KE 10% (bez węglanów)
- Aminosteril N-Hepa 8%
- Aminosyn
- Aminosyn 10%
- Aminosyn II and Dextrose
- Aminosyn II Injection
- Aminosyn II Sulfite Free
- Aminosyn-HBC
- Aminosyn-HF
- Aminosyn-PF Injection
- Aminosyn-RF
- Aminoven Infant 10%
- Aminoxin
- Amiodarone
- Amiodarone Hydrochloride
- Amiodarone Injection
- amiodarone Intravenous
- amiodarone Intravenous, Oral
- amiodarone solution
- Amiokordin
- Amitex LA
- Amitiza
- Amitone
- Amitriptyline
- amitriptyline and chlordiazepoxide
- amitriptyline and perphenazine
- Amitriptyline Hydrochloride
- amitriptyline/chlordiazepoxide
- amitriptyline/perphenazine
- Amizepin PPH
- Amlactin
- AmLactin AP
- AmLactin AP cream
- AmLactin cream
- AmLactin Foot Cream Therapy
- Amlactin XL
- Amlator
- Amlexanox
- amlexanox Mucous membrane, oral
- amlexanox topical
- Amlobenz
- Amlodigamma 10
- Amlodigamma 5
- amlodipine
- amlodipine and atorvastatin
- Amlodipine and Atorvastatin Tablets
- Amlodipine and Benazepril
- amlodipine and olmesartan
- amlodipine and telmisartan
- amlodipine and valsartan
- Amlodipine Arrow 10
- Amlodipine Arrow 5
- Amlodipine Besylate
- Amlodipine Besylate/Atorvastatin Calcium
- Amlodipine Besylate/Benazepril Hydrochloride
- Amlodipine Fair-Med
- Amlodipine Vitabalans
- amlodipine, hydrochlorothiazide, and olmesartan
- amlodipine, hydrochlorothiazide, and valsartan
- amlodipine, valsartan, and hydrochlorothiazide
- amlodipine/atorvastatin
- Amlodipine/Atorvastatin Krka
- Amlodipine/Atorvastatin Pfizer
- amlodipine/benazepril
- amlodipine/olmesartan
- Amlodipine/Olmesartan Medoxomil
- amlodipine/olmesartan/hydrochlorothiazide
- Amlodipine/Valsartan
- amlodipine/valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide
- Amlodipinum Teva Pharma
- Amloratio (Amlodipine ratiopharm 10)
- Amloratio (Amlodipine ratiopharm 5)
- Amloratio 10
- Amloratio 5
- Ammens Medicated
- Ammens Medicated Topical application
- Ammonaps
- Ammonia Inhalants
- Ammonia N-13
- ammoniated mercury Topical
- Ammonium Chloride
- Ammonium Lactate
- ammonium lactate and halobetasol topical kit
- ammonium lactate and pramoxine topical
- ammonium lactate and urea topical
- Ammonium Lactate Cream
- ammonium lactate topical
- ammonium lactate/pramoxine cream
- Ammonium Molybdate Injection
- ammonium molybdate Intravenous, Injection
- Ammonul
- Amnesteem
- Amobarbital Sodium
- Amoclan
- Amoclan BID
- Amoclan suspension
- Amoksiklav 1,2 g
- Amoksiklav forte
- Amol
- Amorolak
- Amorolfine Pierre Fabre
- amoxapine
- Amoxicillin
- Amoxicillin -1A Pharma
- amoxicillin and clavulanate
- Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Chewable
- Amoxicillin and Clavulanate ER Tablets
- Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Oral Suspension
- Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium
- Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Tablets
- Amoxicillin Capsules
- Amoxicillin Chewable
- amoxicillin chewable tablets
- amoxicillin drops
- amoxicillin extended-release tablets
- Amoxicillin MIP Pharma
- amoxicillin suspension
- Amoxicillin Tablets
- Amoxicillin Tablets for Suspension
- amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and lansoprazole
- amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and omeprazole
- amoxicillin/clarithromycin/lansoprazole delayed-release therapy pack
- Amoxicillin/Clavuclanic Acid Kabi
- amoxicillin/clavulanate
- amoxicillin/clavulanate chewable tablets
- amoxicillin/clavulanate extended-release tablets
- Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Potassium
- amoxicillin/clavulanate suspension
- Amoxicillin/Lansoprazole/Clarithromycin
- Amoxicot
- Amoxil
- Amoxil capsules
- Amoxil chewable tablets
- Amoxil drops
- Amoxil Oral
- Amoxil Pediatric
- Amoxil Pediatric Oral
- Amoxil Suspension
- Amphadase
- Amphadase injectable
- amphetamine
- amphetamine and dextroamphetamine
- Amphetamine Sulfate
- amphetamine/dextroamphetamine
- amphetamine/dextroamphetamine extended-release capsules
- Amphocil
- Amphocin
- Amphojel
- Amphotec
- amphotericin b
- amphotericin b cholesteryl sulfate complex
- amphotericin b cholesteryl sulfate complex Intravenous
- amphotericin b Intravenous, Injection
- amphotericin b lipid complex
- amphotericin b lipid complex Intravenous, Injection
- amphotericin B liposomal
- amphotericin b liposome
- amphotericin b liposome Intravenous
- amphotericin B topical
- Amphotericin B, liposomal
- Ampicillin
- ampicillin and sulbactam
- ampicillin and sulbactam Injection
- Ampicillin Capsules
- Ampicillin Sodium
- Ampicillin Sodium and Sulbactam Sodium
- Ampicillin Sodium/Sulbactam Sodium
- Ampicillin solution
- ampicillin suspension
- Ampicillin Trihydrate
- Ampicillin TZF
- ampicillin/sulbactam
- Amprenavir
- amprenavir solution
- Ampres
- Ampril 2,5 mg
- Amprol 128
- Amprolium P
- Ampyra
- Amrap
- Amrix
- Amrix extended-release capsules
- amsacrine Intravenous
- Amturnide
- Amvisc plus
- Amyl Nitrite
- Amyl Nitrite Inhalant
- amyl nitrite Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- amylase/lipase/protease
- amylase/lipase/protease delayed-release capsules
- amylase/lipase/protease/cellulase/hyoscyamine/phenyltoloxamine
- Amytal Sodium
- Amyvid
- Amyvid Injection
- anabolic steroid Oral, Parenteral
- Anacaine
- Anacin
- Anacin Advanced Headache Formula
- Anacin Aspirin Free
- Anacin P.M. Aspirin Free
- Anadrol
- Anadrol-50
- anagrelide
- Anagrelide hydrochloride
- anakinra
- anakinra injectable
- anakinra Subcutaneous
- Analgesic Balm
- Analgesic Balm Greaseless
- analgesic combination, acetaminophen/salicylate
- analgesic combination, acetaminophen/salicylate Oral
- Analgol
- Analgolan
- Analpram Advanced
- Analpram Advanced cream
- Analpram E
- Analpram E Cream
- Analpram HC
- Analpram HC Cream
- Analpram HC cream, 1% and 2.5%
- Analpram HC lotion 2.5%
- Analpram HC lotion, 2.5%
- Analpram-HC lotion
- Analpram-HC rectal cream 1% and 2.5%
- Analpram-HC topical/rectal
- AnaMantle HC
- AnaMantle HC cream
- AnaMantle HC topical/rectal
- Anapen
- Anapen Junior
- Anapiryna tabl.od bólu głowy
- Anaplex DM
- Anaplex DMX
- Anaplex DMX suspension
- Anaplex HD
- Anapran neo
- Anaprox
- Anaprox-DS
- Anas barbariae hepatis et cordis extractum
- Anascorp
- Anascorp Centruroides scorpion
- Anascorp Injection
- Anaspaz
- Anastelb
- Anastralan
- Anastrin
- AnastroGen
- AnastroLek
- Anastrozol +pharma
- Anastrozol Synthon 1mg
- anastrozole
- Anastrozole Accord
- Anastrozole Dr Max
- Anastrozole Orion
- Anat.tężc.ads.na wod.gli.
- Anatrast oral and rectal
- Anatrast Paste
- Anatuss
- Anbesol
- Anbesol Baby
- Anbesol Cold Sore
- Anbesol Cold Sore Therapy
- Anbesol Extra Strength
- Anbesol Gel
- Anbesol Liquid
- Anbesol Liquid Cool Mint
- Anbesol Maximum Strength
- Anbinex
- Ancef
- Ancef injection
- Ancobon
- Ancotil
- Andec
- Andecon Pediatric Drops
- Andehist DM NR
- Andehist DM NR drops
- Andehist DM NR Syrup
- Andehist NR Syrup
- Andro LA 200
- Androderm
- Androderm patch
- Androgel
- AndroGel 2.5 g/packet
- AndroGel 5 g/packet
- AndroGel gel
- AndroGel Packets
- AndroGel Pump 1.25 g/actuation
- androgen Oral, Parenteral, Subcutaneous, Topical application, Transdermal
- Android
- Androplex
- Androstatin
- Androtop
- Androxy
- AneCream
- AneCream with Tegaderm
- Anectine
- Aneea
- Anemagen
- Anergan 50 injection
- Anesderm
- Anest Hemor
- Anestacaine
- Anestacon
- Anestacon Jelly
- Anestacon Topical
- Anestacon Topical application
- Anestafoam foam
- Anesteloc Max
- Anesteloc Max (Pompec)
- Anesthetic Gel
- anesthetic, general Inhalation, Parenteral, Rectal
- anesthetic, local Ophthalmic
- anesthetic, local Parenteral
- anesthetic, local Rectal
- anesthetic, local Topical application
- anesthetic, local Topical application, dental, Buccal mucosa, Gargle
- Anexate
- Anexsia
- Angedil
- Angiletta
- Angiolip
- Angiomax
- Angioton
- Angiox 250
- Anidulafungin
- anidulafungin Intravenous
- Animal Allergens Injection
- Animi-3
- Animi-3 with Vitamin D
- Anistreplase
- Anolor 300
- Anolor 300 Oral
- Anorectal Cream
- Anorex-SR
- Anoro
- Anoro Ellipta
- Anoro Ellipta powder
- Anozilad
- Ansaid
- Antabuse
- antacid
- antacid Oral
- Antacids
- Antagon
- Antara
- Antara capsules
- Antazoline phosphate
- Anteovin
- Anthelcide EQ Paste
- Anthraforte 2% Topical
- Anthraforte 3% Topical
- anthralin cream
- anthralin shampoo
- anthralin Topical
- Anthrascalp Topical
- anthrax vaccine
- anthrax vaccine Intramuscular
- Anthrax Vaccine, Adsorbed
- Anti-aging daily premium pak
- Anti-Diarrheal Tablet
- Anti-Fungal Liquid
- Anti-Gas Ultra Strength
- anti-inflammatory drugs, nonsteroidal Ophthalmic
- Anti-inhibitor Coagulant Complex
- anti-inhibitor coagulant complex Intravenous
- anti-thymocyte globulin (rabbit)
- Anti-Tuss DM
- Antibiotic Cream Topical
- Antibiotic Otic
- Antibiotic Plus Pain Relief
- anticholinergic Oral, Parenteral, Rectal, Transdermal
- anticholinergics and antispasmodics Oral, Parenteral, Rectal, Transdermal
- Anticol
- antidepressant, monoamine oxidase (mao) inhibitor
- antidepressant, monoamine oxidase (mao) inhibitor Oral
- Antidiab
- Antidol 15
- Antidol 20 PRO
- Antidral
- Antiflex
- antifungal, azole Vaginal
- antiglaucoma agent, cholinergic, long-acting Ophthalmic
- antihemophilic and von Willebrand factor complex
- Antihemophilic Factor
- antihemophilic factor (factor VIII) injection
- Antihemophilic Factor (Human)
- Antihemophilic factor (recombinant)
- antihemophilic factor (recombinant) (plasma/albumin free) (advate)
- antihemophilic factor (recombinant) (plasma/albumin-free)
- antihemophilic factor (recombinant) (plasma/albumin-free) (xyntha)
- antihemophilic factor Intravenous, Injection
- antihemophilic factor viii and von willebrand factor complex Intravenous
- antihemophilic factor/von willebrand factor
- antihemophilic factor/von willebrand factor (human)
- Antihemophilic Factor/von Willebrand Factor Complex
- Antihemophilic Factor/von Willebrand Factor Complex (Human)
- antihistamine Oral, Parenteral, Rectal
- antihistamine, decongestant, and analgesic combination
- antihistamine, decongestant, and analgesic combination Oral
- antihistamine, decongestant, and anticholinergic combination
- antihistamine, decongestant, and anticholinergic combination Oral
- antihistamine/decongestant combination
- antihistamine/decongestant combination Oral
- Antilirium
- Antimigren
- Antiminth
- antimyasthenic Oral, Parenteral
- Antinaus 50
- Antinaus 50 injection
- Antinervinum
- Antineuralgiae E
- Antioxidants
- Antipyrine and Benzocaine Ear Drops
- antipyrine and benzocaine otic
- antipyrine/benzocaine
- antipyrine/benzocaine/glycerin/zinc drops
- antipyrine/benzocaine/phenylephrine
- antipyrine/benzocaine/u-polycosanol
- antipyrine/benzocaine/urea in glycerin
- antipyrine/benzocaine/zinc drops
- Antirobe
- antiseborrheic cream
- Antisepsis Bolus
- Antispasmodic
- antithrombin (recombinant)
- Antithrombin alfa
- Antithrombin iii
- Antithrombin III (Human)
- Antithrombin III Baxter
- Antithrombin, Recombinant
- Antithymocyte Globulin (Equine)
- Antithymocyte Globulin (Rabbit)
- antithymocyte globulin rabbit Intravenous
- antithyroid agent Oral, Rectal
- Antitussin
- Antitussive Hydrocodone and Homatropine
- Antivenin
- Antivenin (black widow spider antivenin)
- Antivenin (Crotalidae) Polyvalent
- antivenin (crotalidae) polyvalent immune fab Intravenous
- antivenin (crotalidae) polyvalent Injection
- Antivenin (Latrodectus mactans) (Equine)
- antivenin (latrodectus mactans) Injection
- Antivenin (micrurus fulvius)
- antivenin (micrurus fulvius) Intravenous
- Antivenin Injection
- Antivenin North American Coral Snake
- Antivenin Polyvalent
- Antivenin-Spider
- antivenom Centruroides scorpion
- Antivert
- Antivert, antivert 25, antivert 50 tablets
- Antivert/25
- Antivert/50
- Antizol
- Antizol Vet
- Antotalgin 10%
- Antrend 15 mg
- Anturane
- Anturol
- Anturol gel
- Anturol topical
- Antygrypin
- Antypot
- Antyt.botul.wieloważ.(jad kiełb.)A+B+E
- Antytoksyna jadu żmij
- Anu-Med rectal
- Anu-Med suppositories
- Anucort-HC cream, ointment, suppository
- Anucort-HC Suppository
- Anumed-HC cream, ointment, suppository
- Anusert rectal
- Anusol
- Anusol HC
- Anusol HC Suppository
- Anusol Suppositories rectal
- Anusol-HC cream
- Anusol-HC cream 2.5%
- Anusol-HC cream, ointment, suppository
- Anusol-HC suppositories
- Anxiety Relief for Pets
- Anxiety TFLN
- Anzemet
- Anzemet Injection
- Anzemet Oral
- Anzemet tablets
- Apagesic
- Apap
- Apap Direct
- Apap Direct Max
- Apap Extra
- Apap Fast (Paracetamol Accord)
- Apap Junior
- Apap Noc
- Apap Przeziębienie CAPS
- Apap Przeziębienie Extra Plus
- Apap Przeziębienie Fast
- Apap Przeziębienie Hot
- APAP w/Codeine
- APAP/Pentazocine HCl
- Apatinac
- Aperisan
- Aperisan Gel
- Apexicon
- Apexicon cream
- Apexicon E
- APF Gel
- Aphedrid
- Aphrodyne
- Aphthasol
- Aphthasol topical
- Aphtin
- Aphtin Aflofarm
- Apidra
- Apidra cartridges
- Apidra OptiClik Cartridge
- Apidra Solostar cartridges
- Apidra SoloStar Pen
- Apidra Solostar pens
- Apidra vials
- Apinorm
- Apipulmol
- Apipulmol -syrop dla dorosłych
- Apitussic
- Apitussic dzieci
- Apixaban
- Apiżel
- apleek
- Aplenzin
- Aplenzin extended-release tablets
- Aplicare Antiseptic Gel Hand Rinse
- Aplicare One Tincture Of Iodine Topical
- Aplicare Povidone Iodine Scrub
- Apligraf
- Aplisol
- Apo-Amoxi
- Apo-Amoxi Clav
- Apo-Amoxi Oral
- Apo-Amoxi Sugar-Free
- Apo-Amoxi Sugar-Free Oral
- Apo-Cloxi
- Apo-Cyclosporine
- Apo-Cyclosporine Oral
- Apo-Diclo 25
- Apo-Diclo 50
- Apo-Feno 100
- Apo-Gain Topical
- Apo-go Ampoules
- Apo-go PEN
- Apo-go PFS
- Apo-Haloperidol
- Apo-Indap
- Apo-Ipravent
- Apo-Isdn
- Apo-Ketorolac
- Apo-Letro
- Apo-Naproxen 125
- Apo-Naproxen 250
- APO-Oxycodone CR
- Apo-Pen-Vk
- Apo-Pentox 400 SR
- Apo-Perindox
- Apo-Ranitidine 300
- Apo-Salvent
- Apo-Salvent Inhaler
- Apo-Sulfatrim
- Apo-Tobramycin
- Apo-Trifluoperazine 10
- Apo-Zolpin
- ApoBetina
- ApoEscitaxin ORO
- Apokyn
- apomorphine
- Apomorphine Hydrochloride
- apomorphine Subcutaneous
- Apomorphinum Muriaticum
- ApoTilaprox
- ApoTrimet PR
- Appbutamone
- Appearex
- Appearex tablets
- Appecon
- appetite suppressant, sympathomimetic
- appetite suppressant, sympathomimetic Oral
- Appformin-D
- Apra
- Apraclonidine
- apraclonidine drops
- Apraclonidine Hydrochloride
- apraclonidine Ophthalmic
- aprepitant
- Aprepitant/Fosaprepitant Dimeglumine
- Apresazide
- Apresoline
- Apri
- Apriso
- Apriso extended-release capsules
- Aprodine
- Aprofen
- Aprofen Forte
- Aprokam
- aprotinin
- Aprovel
- Apselan
- Aptiom
- Aptivus
- Aptivus solution
- Aqua Care cream
- Aqua Gem-E
- Aqua Glycolic
- Aqua Glycolic HC lotion
- Aqua Lube
- Aqua pro inject.
- Aqua pro inject. Baxter
- Aqua Pro Injectione Kabi
- Aqua-Ban
- Aqua-Ban with Pamabrom
- Aqua-E
- Aquacalm Powder
- Aquacel ag with hydrofiber
- Aquachloral Supprettes
- Aquachloral Supprettes suppositories
- Aquacillin
- AquADEKs drops
- Aquaderm
- Aquafresh
- Aqualax
- Aquamephyton
- Aquanil HC
- Aquaphor
- Aquasol A
- Aquasol E
- Aquatab C
- Aquatab D
- Aquatab DM
- Aquatensen
- Aquavite-E
- Aquazide H
- Aqueous Vitamin E
- Aquoral spray
- Aralast
- Aralast NP
- Aralen
- Aralen Phosphate
- Aralen tablets
- Aramine injection
- Aranelle
- Aranelle birth control
- Aranesp
- Aranesp Albumin Free
- Aranesp SureClick
- Arava
- Arava 100
- Arbinoxa
- Arbinoxa Oral Solution
- Arcalen
- Arcalyst
- Arcapta Neohaler
- Arcapta Neohaler inhalation
- Arco-lase plus tablets
- Arco-lase tablets
- Arcoxia
- ardeparin
- ardeparin Subcutaneous
- Arduan
- Aredia
- Arepanrix szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Arestin
- Arestin eent
- Arestin microspheres
- arformoterol
- arformoterol inhalation
- Arformoterol Tartrate
- argatroban
- argatroban Intravenous
- Arginine Hydrochloride
- Argol Essenza Balsamica
- Argol grip
- Argol rheuma
- Argol virin
- Argosulfan
- Aricept
- Aricept ODT
- Aricept ODT orally disintegrating tablets
- Aricept Oral Solution
- Ariclaim
- Aridex
- Aridex drops
- Aridex-D Pediatric drops
- Aridol
- Aridol Bronchial Challenge Test Kit
- Arilin Rapid
- Arinotec
- aripiprazole
- aripiprazole Intramuscular
- aripiprazole orally disintegrating tablets
- aripiprazole solution
- aripiprazole tablets
- Aristocort
- Aristocort A
- Aristocort A cream
- Aristocort C Concentrate
- Aristocort D Dilute
- Aristocort Forte
- Aristocort R Ointment Regular
- Aristocort R Regular
- Aristospan
- Aristospan injection
- Aristospan suspension
- Arixtra
- Arkolamyl
- Arlevert
- Armanor
- Armodafinil
- Armour Thyroid
- Arnica Gel żel z arniki
- Arnica montana
- Arnica Ointment maść z arniki
- arnica tincture
- Arnigel
- Arnisol
- Arogen
- Aromasin
- aromatic ammonia spirit Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Aromatol
- Aromatol Hot Żel (Aromagel)
- Aropix
- Arranon
- Arrestin
- arsenic
- Arsenic Trioxide
- arsenic trioxide Intravenous
- Artane
- Artecholin
- Artecholin N
- Arteflos przeciw miażdżycy (nr 17)
- Artelac
- Artemether and Lumefantrine
- artemether/lumefantrine
- Artemisol
- Arteoptic
- Arthricare Cream
- Arthricare For Women Topical
- Arthriten
- Arthritis Pain Formula
- Arthritis Pain Relief
- Arthrix Joint Relief
- Arthropan
- Arthrotec
- Arthrotec Forte
- Arthryl
- Articadent
- articaine and epinephrine
- Articaine and Epinephrine Injection
- Articaine Hydrochloride
- Articaine Hydrochloride/Epinephrine
- artificial saliva powder
- artificial saliva solution
- artificial saliva spray
- artificial tear insert
- artificial tear ointment
- Artificial Tears
- Artilla
- Artilla (Artizia)
- Artiss
- Artiss Duo Set
- Artiss Duploject
- Artiss Frozen
- Artizia
- Arucom
- Arulatan
- Arutidor
- Arzerra
- AS 3
- Asacol
- Asacol 800
- Asacol 800 Oral, Rectal
- Asacol delayed-release tablets
- Asacol HD
- Asacol HD delayed-release tablets
- Asacol Oral, Rectal
- Asaltec 325
- Ascalcin
- Ascalcin Plus o smaku cytrynowym
- Ascalcin Plus o smaku grejpfrutowym
- Ascalcin Plus o smaku malinowym
- Ascarel
- Asclera
- Asclera Injection
- Asclera polidocanol
- Ascocid
- Ascodan
- Ascofer
- Ascomp w/Codeine
- Ascomp with Codeine
- Ascomp-Codeine
- Ascor L 500
- Ascorbic Acid
- Ascorbic Acid ( Vitamin C)
- ascorbic acid and iron polysaccharide
- ascorbic acid chewable tablets
- ascorbic acid controlled-release capsules
- Ascorbic Acid Injection
- ascorbic acid lozenges
- Ascorbic Acid Quick Melts
- ascorbic acid solution
- ascorbic acid tablets
- Ascorgem
- Ascorut
- Ascorutical
- Ascorutical Forte
- Ascorvita
- Ascot
- Ascovita
- Ascriptin
- Ascriptin Maximum Strength
- asenapine
- Asenapine Maleate
- asenapine Sublingual
- Asendin
- Asicor
- Asmag
- Asmag B
- Asmag forte
- AsmalPred Plus
- Asmanex
- Asmanex Twist
- Asmanex Twisthaler 120 Dose
- Asmanex Twisthaler 14 Dose
- Asmanex Twisthaler 30 Dose
- Asmanex Twisthaler 60 Dose
- Asmanex Twisthaler 7 Dose
- Asmanex Twisthaler powder
- Asmenol
- Asmenol Mini
- Asmenol PPH
- Aspafar Farmapol
- Aspar Espefa
- asparaginase
- Asparaginase (Erwinia chrysanthemi)
- Asparaginase 10000 medac
- Asparaginase 5000 medac
- asparaginase erwinia chrysanthemi Intramuscular
- asparaginase Escherichia coli
- asparaginase Injection
- Aspargin
- Asparginum Mg+K
- Aspercreme Cream
- Aspergum gum
- Aspicam Bio
- Aspicam Bio (Aspicam)
- Aspifox
- Aspimag
- Aspirin
- Aspirin 300
- aspirin and caffeine
- aspirin and carisoprodol
- aspirin and codeine
- aspirin and dipyridamole
- aspirin and hydrocodone
- aspirin and methocarbamol
- aspirin and oxycodone
- aspirin and pravastatin
- aspirin and pseudoephedrine
- Aspirin Buffered
- Aspirin C
- Aspirin Cardio
- Aspirin Cardio (Aspirin Protect 100)
- aspirin chewable tablets
- Aspirin Complex
- Aspirin Complex Hot
- aspirin controlled-release tablets
- aspirin delayed-release tablets
- Aspirin Effect
- aspirin effervescent tablets
- Aspirin Extra
- aspirin gum
- Aspirin Low Dose Enteric Coated
- aspirin powder
- Aspirin Pro
- Aspirin Protect 100
- Aspirin regimen bayer children's chewable tablets (orange or cherry flavored)
- aspirin suppositories
- Aspirin Ultra Fast
- aspirin with codeine
- Aspirin(Acetylsalicylic Acid; ASA)
- aspirin, butalbital, and caffeine
- aspirin, butalbital, caffeine, and codeine
- aspirin, caffeine, and dihydrocodeine
- aspirin, carisoprodol, and codeine
- aspirin, chlorpheniramine, and dextromethorphan
- aspirin, chlorpheniramine, and phenylephrine
- aspirin, sodium bicarbonate, and citric acid
- aspirin/butalbital/caffeine
- aspirin/butalbital/caffeine/codeine
- aspirin/caffeine
- aspirin/caffeine/dihydrocodeine
- aspirin/caffeine/orphenadrine
- aspirin/caffeine/propoxyphene
- aspirin/carisoprodol
- aspirin/carisoprodol/codeine
- aspirin/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/ phenylpropanolamine
- aspirin/chlorpheniramine/phenylpropanolamine
- aspirin/diphenhydramine/phenylpropanolamine
- aspirin/dipyridamole extended-release capsules
- aspirin/oxycodone
- aspirin/salicylamide/caffeine
- Aspiritab
- Asprocard
- Asprocol
- Assure Sore Throat
- Astagraf XL
- Astagraf XL extended-release capsules
- Astagraf XL oral and injection
- Astelin
- Astelin Ready-Spray
- Astelin spray
- astemizole
- Astepro
- Astepro Spray
- Astexana
- Asthmahaler aerosol
- Asthmanefrin inhalation solution
- Asthmanefrin Nebulizer Solution
- Astmirex
- Astmontex
- Astmopent
- Aston
- Astragalus
- Astramorph PF
- Astramorph pf injection, usp (preservative-free)
- Astramorph PF solution
- AstrinGyn
- Astrolastin
- Asubtela
- Atabex EC
- Atacand HCT
- Atacand Oral
- Atamet
- Atarax
- Atarax syrup
- Atarax tablets syrup
- Atasol
- atazanavir
- Atazanavir Sulfate
- Atecortin
- Atelvia
- Atelvia delayed-release tablets
- Atenativ
- Atenolol
- Atenolol Accord
- atenolol and chlorthalidone
- Atenolol and Chlorthalidone Tablets
- atenolol Intravenous
- Atenolol Sanofi 100
- Atenolol Tablets
- atenolol/chlorthalidone
- ATG - Fresenius S
- Atgam
- Athena hair system shampoo
- Athena hair system supplement
- Athlete's Foot Cream
- Athlete's Foot Gel Topical
- Athletes Foot Cream
- Ativan
- Ativan Injection
- Ativan solution
- Ativan Tablets
- Atolinka
- atomoxetine
- Atomoxetine Hydrochloride
- Atopica
- Atordapin
- Atorock
- Atorvanorm
- atorvastatin
- Atorvastatin 1A Pharma
- Atorvastatin Actavis
- atorvastatin and ezetimibe
- Atorvastatin Arrow
- Atorvastatin Beximco
- Atorvastatin Calcium
- Atorvastatin EGIS
- Atorvastatin Krka
- Atorvastatin Pfizer
- Atorvastatin Teva
- Atorvastatin Vitama
- Atorvastatinum Farmacom
- Atorvox Plus
- Atosiban SUN
- atovaquone
- atovaquone and chloroguanide
- Atovaquone and Proguanil
- Atovaquone and Proguanil Hydrochloride
- atovaquone/proguanil
- Atovaquone/Proguanil Hydrochloride
- Atrac-Tain
- Atracurium Besylate
- Atracurium Besylate Injection
- Atralin
- Atralin Gel
- Atralin Topical
- Atrederm 0,025 %
- Atrederm 0,05 %
- Atreza
- Atriance
- Atridox
- Atripla
- Atromid-S
- AtroPen
- Atropin-Care drops
- Atropine
- atropine and diphenoxylate
- atropine and pralidoxime
- Atropine Care
- atropine drops
- Atropine Eye Ointment
- atropine ointment
- atropine ophthalmic
- Atropine Ophthalmic Solution
- Atropine Sulfate
- Atropine Sulfate eent
- Atropine Sulfate/Scopolamine Hydrobromide/Hyoscyamine Sulfate/Phenobarbital
- atropine tablets
- atropine, homatropine, and scopolamine Ophthalmic
- atropine, hyoscyamine, methenamine, methylene blue, phenyl salicylate, and benzoic acid
- Atropine-1
- Atropine-Ak
- atropine/benzoic acid/hyoscyamine/methenamine/methylene blue/phenyl salicylate
- atropine/benzoic acid/hyoscyamine/methenamine/methylene blue/phenyl salicylate delayed-release tablets
- atropine/chlorpheniramine/hyoscyamine/phenylephrine/scopolamin
- atropine/difenoxin
- atropine/diphenoxylate
- atropine/diphenoxylate solution
- atropine/hyoscyamine/phenylephrine/pseudoephedrine/scopolamine sustained-release tablets
- Atropine/Pralidoxime Chloride
- Atropisol
- Atrovent aerosol suspension
- Atrovent HFA
- Atrovent HFA aerosol suspension
- Atrovent Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Atrovent nasal
- Atrovent Nasal Spray
- Atrovent nasal spray 0.03%
- Atrovent nasal spray 0.06%
- Atrovent Nasal Spray eent
- Atrovent spray
- ATryn
- attapulgite
- attapulgite liquid
- Attenuvax
- Atti-Plex P
- Atuss DS
- Atuss DS Tannate Suspension
- Atuss HD
- Atuss HS
- Atuss HX
- Atuss-12 DX extended-release liquid
- Atussan
- Atussan Mite
- Atywia
- Aubagio
- Aubra
- Augmentin Chewable
- Augmentin chewable tablets
- Augmentin ES
- Augmentin ES-600
- Augmentin ES-600 suspension
- Augmentin Oral Suspension
- Augmentin SR
- Augmentin suspension
- Augmentin XR
- Augmentin XR extended-release tablets
- Auralgan
- Auranofin
- Auraphene-B otic
- Aurax Otic Solution
- Aureo S 700
- Aureomix
- Aureomycin
- Aureomycin 100 Granule
- Aureomycin 90 Granule
- Aureomycin 90 Meal
- AureoZol
- Aurex 20
- Aurex 40
- Auro Ear Drops otic
- Auro Ear Wax Remover
- Auro solution
- Auro-Dri otic
- Aurodex
- Aurodex Ear Drops
- Aurolate
- aurothioglucose
- Auroto
- Autoplex T
- Autostrzykawka Morfina
- Auvi-Q
- Avage
- Avage cream
- Avage Topical
- Avaglim
- Avail
- Availnex chewable tablets
- Avalide
- Avalsan
- Avamys
- avanafil
- Avandamet
- Avandaryl
- Avandia
- Avant Original Fragrance Free
- Avapro
- Avar Cleanser
- Avar Cleansing Pads
- Avar cream
- Avar Gel
- Avar Green
- Avar LS Cleanser
- Avar LS Cleansing Pads
- Avar-E
- Avar-E Cream
- Avar-E Emollient
- Avar-E Green
- Avar-E Green Cream
- Avar-E LS
- Avar-E LS Cream
- Avasart HCT
- Avastin
- Avastin solution
- Avatec
- Avaxim 160 U
- Aveeno
- Aveeno Anti-Itch
- Aveeno Moisturizing Lotion cream
- Avelox
- Avelox ABC Pack
- Avelox I.V.
- Avelox Injection
- Avelox tablets
- Avenoc
- Aventyl
- Aviane
- Aviane 28
- Aviax II
- Avidoxy
- Avidoxy DK
- Avinza
- Avinza extended-release capsules
- Aviomarin
- Avioplant
- Avioplant 250 mg
- Avipron
- Avita
- Avita cream
- Avita gel
- Avita Topical
- Avodart
- Avonex
- Avonex Pen
- Avonex pens, prefilled syringes
- Avonex Prefilled Syringe
- Avonex vials
- Avosil Topical
- Awareness clear capsules
- Awareness female balance capsules
- Axanum
- Axastrol
- Axert
- Axid
- Axid AR
- Axid Oral Solution
- Axid Pulvules
- Axid solution
- Axiron
- Axiron solution
- axitinib
- Axocet
- Axona
- Axotret
- Axsain
- Axsain cream
- Axsain Topical
- Axtil Plus
- Axura
- Aygestin
- Aygestin Oral, Implantation, Parenteral
- Aygestin Oral, Parenteral, Vaginal
- Ayr Saline solution
- azacitidine
- Azacitidine Injection
- azacitidine Subcutaneous
- Azactam
- Azactam injection
- Azafalk
- Azalia
- Azarga
- Azasan
- AzaSite
- Azasite drops
- azatadine
- azatadine and pseudoephedrine
- Azathioprine
- Azathioprine Injection
- azathioprine Intravenous
- azathioprine Oral, Intravenous
- Azathioprine Sodium
- Azdone
- Azecort
- Azelaic Acid
- azelaic acid cream
- azelaic acid gel
- azelaic acid Topical
- Azelastin COMOD
- Azelastin POS
- Azelastine
- Azelastine - Brown
- azelastine and fluticasone Nasal
- azelastine drops
- Azelastine Hydrochloride
- azelastine nasal
- azelastine ophthalmic
- Azelastine Ophthalmic Solution
- azelastine spray
- azelastine/fluticasone spray
- Azelex
- Azelex cream
- Azelex Topical
- Azemdol
- azficel-t Intradermal
- Azilect
- azilsartan
- azilsartan and chlorthalidone
- Azilsartan Kamedoxomil
- Azilsartan Medoxomil
- azilsartan/chlorthalidone
- azithromycin
- Azithromycin 3 Day Dose Pack
- Azithromycin 5 Day Dose Pack
- Azithromycin Advisors
- azithromycin drops
- Azithromycin Injection
- azithromycin Intravenous
- Azithromycin Krka
- azithromycin Ophthalmic
- Azithromycin Oral Suspension
- azithromycin single-dose packet
- azithromycin suspension
- azithromycin tablets
- Azithromycinum-1A Pharma
- Azitro-Mepha 250mg
- Azitrogen
- Azitrox 250
- Azitrox Z
- Azix
- Azmacort
- Azmacort aerosol
- Azmax Twisthaler
- AZO Urinary Pain Relief
- Azo-Cranberry
- Azo-Gesic
- Azo-Septic
- Azo-Standard
- Azolen
- Azomyr
- Azopt 1%
- Azopt drops
- Azor
- Aztreonam
- aztreonam Inhalation
- aztreonam injection
- aztreonam Intravenous, Injection
- Azucalen
- Azulan
- Azulan Herbapol Pruszków
- Azulfidine
- Azulfidine EN Tablets
- Azulfidine EN-tabs
- Azulfidine EN-tabs delayed-release tablets
- Azulfidine Entabs Oral, Rectal
- Azulfidine Oral, Rectal
- Azulfidine Tablets
- Azurette
- Azuseptol
- Azyter
- Azzalure
- B & O
- B & O Supprettes 15-A rectal
- B & O Supprettes 16-A rectal
- B & O Supprettes suppositories
- B-12 Dots
- B-12 Resin
- B-3-50
- b-complex/vitamin c/folic acid/iron/minerals
- b-complex/vitamin d/folic acid/iron with minerals
- B-Nexa
- B-Nexa (obsolete)
- B-Nexa Tablets
- B-Plex 100 Injection
- B-Tuss
- B-Vex D
- B-Vex PD
- B3-500-Gr
- Babee Cof
- Babee Cof Syrup
- Babee Teething
- Babee Teething Lotion
- Babicum
- Baby Anbesol
- Baby Gasz
- Baby Lotion
- Baby Oil
- Baby Orajel
- Baby Orajel Liquid
- Baby Orajel Nighttime Formula
- Baby Orajel Teething Medicine
- BabyBIG
- bacampicillin
- Baci-IM injection
- Bacid
- Baciguent
- Baciguent topical
- BACiiM
- bacillus of calmette and guerin vaccine, live Intradermal
- bacillus of calmette and guerin vaccine, live Intravesical
- Bacitracin
- bacitracin and polymyxin B ophthalmic
- Bacitracin eent
- bacitracin injection
- bacitracin ointment
- bacitracin ophthalmic
- Bacitracin Polymyxin B
- Bacitracin topical
- Bacitracin Zinc eent
- Bacitracin Zinc topical
- Bacitracin Zinc/Neomycin Sulfate/Polymyxin B Sulfate/Hydrocortisone
- Bacitracin Zinc/Polymyxin B Sulfate
- bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin B ophthalmic
- bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin B topical
- bacitracin, neomycin, polymyxin B, and hydrocortisone ophthalmic
- bacitracin/hydrocortisone/neomycin/polymyxin ointment
- bacitracin/neomycin/polymyxin B and hydrocortisone ophthalmic
- bacitracin/neomycin/polymyxin B ophthalmic
- bacitracin/neomycin/polymyxin ointment
- bacitracin/neomycin/polymyxin/pramoxine ointment
- bacitracin/polymyxin ointment
- Backaid IPF
- Baclofen
- baclofen Intrathecal
- Baclofen Polpharma
- baclofen tablets
- Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride
- Bacteriostatic Water for Injection
- Bactimicina Allergy
- Bactine
- Bactine liquid
- Bactine spray
- Bactocill
- Bactracillin G Injection
- Bactramycin
- Bactrazol
- Bactrim DS
- Bactrim forte
- Bactroban
- Bactroban Cream
- Bactroban Nasal
- Bactroban Nasal ointment
- Bactroban ointment
- Bactroban Topical
- Bador
- Bag Balm
- Baifem K
- Baikadent
- Baikaderm
- BAL in Oil
- Bal-Care DHA
- Bal-Care DHA Essential
- Balacet
- Balacet 325
- Balacet 325 Tablets
- Baladex
- Balamine DM oral drops
- Balamine DM syrup
- Balance 1,5% z 1,5% gluk.i 1,25mmol/l wapn.
- Balance 1,5% z 1,5% gluk.i 1,75mmol/l wapn.
- Balance 2,3% z 2,3% gluk.i 1,25mmol/l wapn.
- Balance 2,3% z 2,3% gluk.i 1,75mmol/l wapn.
- Balance 4,25% z 4,25% gluk.i 1,25mmol/l wapn
- Balance 4,25% z 4,25% gluk.i 1,75mmol/l wapn
- Balanced B-50 controlled-release tablets
- Balanced Salt Solution
- Balanced Salt Solution intraocular
- Balmex
- Balmex diaper rash ointment
- Balmex medicated plus baby powder
- Balminil
- Balminil Dm Children
- Balminil Dm Sugar-Free
- Balminil With Sugar
- Balmix
- Balnetar
- Bals Sulphur żel
- balsalazide
- Balsalazide Disodium
- balsalazide tablets
- balsam Peru, castor oil, and trypsin topical
- balsam peru/castor oil/trypsin ointment
- balsam peru/castor oil/trypsin spray
- Balsam Świątynia Niebios
- Balsamum Mentholi Compositum
- Balsolan
- Balsolan A
- Balziva
- Balziva birth control
- Bambec
- Banalg
- Banalg Hospital Strength
- Banana Boat Sunscreen
- Baneocin
- Banex
- Banex-LA
- Banminth
- Banophen
- Banzel
- Bar-Test
- Bar-Test oral and rectal
- Baraclude
- Baraclude solution
- barberry
- barbiturate Oral, Parenteral, Rectal
- Baricon oral and rectal
- Baricon Suspension
- Baridium
- barium sulfate oral and rectal
- barium sulfate Oral, Rectal
- Barium sulfuricum Medana
- Baro-Cat
- Baro-Cat oral and rectal
- Barobag Suspension
- Barosperse
- Barosperse Enema
- Barosperse Liquid
- Barosperse oral and rectal
- Barotrast oral and rectal
- Barriere Cream
- Barriere-Hc Topical application
- Basaljel
- basiliximab
- basiliximab Intravenous
- Batrafen
- Bausch lomb preservision areds eye vitamin and mineral supplement softgels
- Bausch lomb preservision areds softgels
- Bausch lomb preservision areds tablets
- Bausch lomb preservision lutein eye vitamin and mineral supplement softgels
- Bausch lomb preservision lutein softgels
- Baycadron
- Baycadron Elixer
- Baycol
- Bayer
- Bayer Aspirin
- Bayer Aspirin Regimen
- Bayer Aspirin Sugar Free
- Bayer Aspirin with Calcium
- Bayer Back & Body
- Bayer Children's chewable tablets
- Bayer Childrens Aspirin
- Bayer Low Adult Strength controlled-release tablets
- Bayer Low Strength
- Bayer Low Strength delayed-release tablets
- Bayer Plus
- Bayer Select Backache Pain Formula
- Bayer Select Decongestant
- BayGam
- Baygam IGIM
- BayHep B
- Bayrab
- BayRho-D
- Bayrho-D full dose
- Baytet
- Baytril
- Baytril Injection
- Baytril Otic
- Baza
- Baza Antifungal
- Baza Antifungal Topical
- Baza Clear cream
- Baza-Pro
- bazedoxifene and conjugated estrogens
- Bc allergy sinus cold powder
- BC Arthritis
- BC Fast Pain Relief
- Bc powder
- Bc sinus cold powder
- BCG live
- BCG Szczepionka SSI
- BCG Vaccine
- Bcg Vaccine Freeze Dried
- Bcg, live (intravesical)
- BCG- medac prątki BCG do immunoterapii
- BD
- BD Glucose chewable tablets
- BD Lactinex
- BD Ultrafine
- Be-Flex Plus
- Beano liquid
- Beano tablets
- Bear-E-Yum GI oral and rectal
- bearberry
- Bebilon AMINO
- Bebilon NENATAL
- Bebilon PEPTI 1
- Bebilon PEPTI 2
- Bebilon sojowy 1
- Bebilon sojowy 2
- Bebulin
- Bebulin VH
- Bebulin VH injectable
- becaplermin
- becaplermin topical
- Beclazone EB
- beclomethasone aerosol
- beclomethasone aerosol solution
- Beclomethasone Dipropionate
- Beclomethasone Dipropionate eent
- beclomethasone inhalation
- beclomethasone Nasal
- beclomethasone spray
- Beclonasal Aqua
- Becodisk
- Beconase
- Beconase AQ
- Beconase AQ eent
- Beconase AQ spray
- bedaquiline
- Bedaquiline Fumarate
- Bedicort G
- Bedicort salic
- Bedside Care
- Beef,Iron & Wine
- BeeGentle Gel
- Beelith tablets
- Beepen-VK
- BeFlex
- Begsan
- Bel-Phen-Ergot
- Belara
- Belatacept
- belatacept Intravenous
- Belimumab
- belimumab Intravenous
- Belladonna
- belladonna alkaloids and phenobarbital
- Belladonna Alkaloids with Phenobarbital
- belladonna alkaloids/chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine sustained-release tablets
- belladonna alkaloids/ergotamine/phenobarbital
- belladonna alkaloids/methenamine/methylene blue/phenyl salicylate
- belladonna alkaloids/opium suppositories
- belladonna alkaloids/phenobarbital
- belladonna alkaloids/phenobarbital controlled-release tablets
- belladonna alkaloids/phenobarbital elixir
- belladonna and opium rectal
- Belladonna and Opium Suppository
- Belladonna Tincture
- belladonna, ergotamine, and phenobarbital
- Belladonna/Opium
- Belladonna/Phenobarbital
- Belladonna/Phenobarbital/Ergotamine Tartrate
- Bellamine
- Bellamine S
- Bellamor
- Bellapan
- Bellaphen-S
- Bellaspas
- Bellatal
- Bellergal-S
- Bellergot
- Beloderm
- Belogent
- Belosalic
- Belusha
- Belviq
- BEN-GAY Balsam sportowy
- BEN-GAY Maść Przeciwbólowa
- Ben-Tann suspension
- Benadryl
- Benadryl Allergy & Cold
- Benadryl Allergy & Sinus Headache
- Benadryl Allergy and Sinus Liquid
- Benadryl Allergy chewable tablets
- Benadryl allergy cold caplets
- Benadryl allergy cold tablets
- Benadryl Allergy Decongestant
- Benadryl Allergy elixir
- Benadryl Allergy Fastmelt dispersible tablets
- Benadryl allergy sinus fastmelt tablets
- Benadryl Allergy Sinus Headache
- Benadryl allergy sinus headache caplets gelcaps
- Benadryl allergy sinus tablets
- Benadryl Allergy Ultratabs
- Benadryl Allergy/Cold
- Benadryl Child Allergy and Sinus
- Benadryl Childrens Allergy and Cold
- Benadryl Cold
- Benadryl cream
- Benadryl Injection
- Benadryl maximum strength severe allergy sinus headache caplets
- Benadryl Severe Allergy & Sinus Headache
- Benadryl solution
- Benadryl Total
- Benadryl-D
- Benadryl-D Children's Allergy & Sinus
- Benalapril 10
- Benalapril 20
- Benalapril 5
- Benalapril Plus
- Benalpharm
- Benaphen Plus controlled-release capsules
- Benazepril
- Benazepril and Hydrochlorothiazide
- Benazepril Aurobindo
- Benazepril Hydrochloride
- Benazepril Hydrochloride/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Benazepril plus Stada
- Benazepril STADA 20
- benazepril/hydrochlorothiazide
- Bencard HDM roztwór testowy zestaw I (19 fiol.)
- Bencard HDM roztwór testowy zestaw II (20 fiol.)
- Bencort Lotion
- bendamustine
- Bendamustine Accord
- Bendamustine Helm
- Bendamustine Hydrochloride
- Bendamustine Intas
- bendamustine Intravenous
- Bendinfus
- bendroflumethiazide
- bendroflumethiazide and nadolol
- bendroflumethiazide/nadolol
- Benefiber dietary fiber supplement chewable tablets
- Benefiber dietary fiber supplement powder
- Benefiber fiber supplement caplets
- Benefiber Supplement
- BeneFIX
- Benefix injectable
- Benefix Intravenous
- Benel
- Benemid
- Benfogamma
- Bengay
- BENGAY Arthritis
- Bengay external analgesic products
- BENGAY Greaseless
- BENGAY Original
- Bengay Pain Relief+Massage oral mucous membrane
- Bengay pain relieving patch
- BENGAY Ultra
- Bengay ultra strength pain relieving patch
- BENGAY Vanishing Scent
- Benicar
- Benicar HCT
- Benidette
- Benifema
- Benlysta
- Benoquin
- Benprox
- Benprox Wash
- Bensal HP Ointment
- Bensal HP topical
- bentiromide
- bentoquatam topical
- Bentyl
- Bentyl capsules
- Bentyl syrup
- Benylin 1 All-In-One Cold and Flu
- Benylin 4 Flu Extra Strength
- Benylin adult formula cough suppressant liquid
- Benylin Bedtime For Children 12-Hour Relief
- Benylin Codeine D-E
- Benylin Dm D-E Chest Cough And Cold
- Benylin Dm Dry Cough
- Benylin Dm For Children Stubborn Cough
- Benylin DM Pediatric
- Benylin E Extra Strength Chest Congestion
- Benylin Expectorant
- Benylin Pediatric Formula
- Benylin-E
- Benz-O-Sthetic
- Benz-O-Sthetic gel
- Benzac AC
- Benzac AC wash
- Benzac Topical
- Benzac W
- BenzaClin
- BenzaClin Care Kit gel
- Benzaclin gel
- BenzaClin with pump
- Benzacne
- Benzacne 10%
- Benzacne 5%
- Benzacot
- Benzagel Topical
- Benzagel-5
- benzalkonium chloride liquid
- benzalkonium chloride solution
- Benzamycin
- Benzamycin Gel
- Benzamycin Pak
- Benzamycin Pak gel
- Benzamycin Pak Topical
- Benzashave 10
- Benzashave 5
- Benzashave Topical
- benzathine penicillin and procaine penicillin
- Benzedrex
- BenzEFoam
- BenzEFoam foam
- Benzefoam Ultra
- BenzEFoam Ultra Topical
- BenzePro
- BenzePrO Foam
- BenzePrO Short Contact Foam
- Benziq
- Benziq LS
- Benziq Topical
- Benziq Wash
- Benzo-Jel
- Benzo-Jel Banana
- Benzo-O-Stetic
- benzocaine aerosol spray
- benzocaine and trimethobenzamide rectal
- benzocaine drops
- Benzocaine eent
- benzocaine gel
- benzocaine liquid
- benzocaine lozenges
- benzocaine ointment
- benzocaine Oral, Oromucosal
- benzocaine otic
- benzocaine spray
- benzocaine strips
- benzocaine suspension
- Benzocaine topical
- benzocaine Topical application
- benzocaine/glycerin spray
- benzocaine/glycerin/dextromethorphan spray
- benzocaine/menthol lozenges
- benzocaine/menthol/glycerin gel
- benzocaine/pyrilamine/zinc oxide
- Benzodent
- benzoic acid and salicylic acid topical
- benzoic acid/hyoscyamine/methenamine/methylene blue/phenyl salicylate
- benzoin tincture
- Benzonatate
- Benzotic
- Benzoyl Peroxide
- benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin topical
- benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin Topical application
- benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin topical
- benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid topical
- benzoyl peroxide and sodium hyaluronate topical kit
- benzoyl peroxide and sulfur topical
- benzoyl peroxide and urea topical
- benzoyl peroxide bar
- Benzoyl Peroxide Cleanser
- benzoyl peroxide cloths
- benzoyl peroxide cream
- Benzoyl Peroxide Emollient Foam
- Benzoyl Peroxide Emulsion
- Benzoyl Peroxide Foam
- benzoyl peroxide gel
- Benzoyl Peroxide Lotion
- benzoyl peroxide pads
- benzoyl peroxide pads with vitamin e capsules pads
- benzoyl peroxide pads/salicylic acid pads/vitamin e pads
- Benzoyl Peroxide Soap
- benzoyl peroxide Topical
- Benzoyl Peroxide Wash
- benzoyl peroxide wash and cleansing bar
- benzoyl peroxide/erythromycin gel
- benzoyl peroxide/hydrocortisone lotion
- benzoyl peroxide/salicylic acid pads
- benzoyl peroxide/sulfur gel
- benzoyl peroxide/sulfur lotion
- benzoyl peroxide/urea cleanser
- benzoyl peroxide/urea cream
- Benzphetamine
- Benzphetamine Hydrochloride
- Benztropine
- Benztropine Injection
- Benztropine Mesylate
- benztropine tablets
- Benzyl Alcohol
- benzyl alcohol and zinc acetate topical
- benzyl alcohol lotion
- benzyl alcohol topical
- benzyl benzoate Topical
- Benzylpenicilloyl Polylysine
- Bepanthen
- Bepanthen Plus
- Bepotastine Besilate
- bepotastine besilate Ophthalmic
- bepotastine eye drops
- bepotastine ophthalmic
- Bepreve
- Bepreve eye drops
- bepridil
- Beractant
- Berberil
- Beriate 1000
- Beriate 250
- Beriate 500
- Berinin P 1200
- Berinin P 300
- Berinin P 600
- Beriplex P/N 1000
- Beriplex P/N 250
- Beriplex P/N 500
- Berkley and Jensen Acid Controller Complete
- Berkley and Jensen Acid Controller Maximum Strength
- Berkley and Jensen Acid Reducer Maximum Strength
- Beromun
- Berotec 200
- Berri-Freez
- Berri-Freez spray
- Besifloxacin
- besifloxacin drops
- Besifloxacin Hydrochloride
- besifloxacin ophthalmic
- Besivance
- Besivance drops
- Bestpirin
- Beta Care
- Beta Caroten Naturalny
- beta carotene
- beta carotene/ascorbic acid (vitamin c)/vitamin e/zinc/copper/lutein/zeaxanthin
- Beta HC
- Beta Karoten
- Beta Karoten + witamina E
- Beta Karoten Chance
- Beta Karoten E
- Beta Karoten z witamina C+E
- Beta Med Topical
- beta-2 adrenergic agonist Oral, Injection
- beta-adrenergic blocker Ophthalmic
- beta-carotene capsules
- Beta-Val
- Beta-Val cream
- Beta-Val lotion
- Betac
- Betacort Scalp Lotion
- Betadine
- Betadine 5% ophthalmic solution
- Betadine brand first aid antibiotics moisturizer ointment
- Betadine brand plus first aid antibiotics pain reliever ointment
- Betadine cream
- Betadine douche
- Betadine Ophthalmic
- Betadine shampoo
- Betadine Spray aerosol solution
- Betadine Swab Aid pads
- Betadrin
- Betadrin WZF
- Betafact 1000 IU
- Betafact 250 IU
- Betafact 500 IU
- Betaferon
- Betagan
- Betagan drops
- Betagan ophthalmic solution, usp
- Betahistine dihydrochloride Accord
- Betahistine Polfarmex
- Betahistine Teva
- Betahistinum 123ratio
- betaine
- betaine powder
- Betaloc
- Betaloc ZOK
- Betaloc ZOK 100
- Betaloc ZOK 200
- Betaloc ZOK 25
- Betaloc ZOK 50
- Betamann
- Betamethacot
- betamethasone
- Betamethasone Acetate
- betamethasone and calcipotriene topical
- betamethasone and calcipotriene Topical application
- betamethasone and clotrimazole topical
- Betamethasone Cream
- Betamethasone Cream Augmented
- Betamethasone Dipropionate
- betamethasone dipropionate (augmented) cream
- betamethasone dipropionate (augmented) lotion
- betamethasone dipropionate cream
- betamethasone dipropionate gel
- betamethasone dipropionate lotion
- Betamethasone Dipropionate topical
- betamethasone dipropionate Topical application
- Betamethasone Gel
- Betamethasone Lotion Augmented
- Betamethasone Ointment
- Betamethasone Ointment Augmented
- Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate and Betamethasone Acetate
- betamethasone solution
- Betamethasone topical
- betamethasone Topical application
- Betamethasone Valerate
- betamethasone valerate cream
- Betamethasone Valerate Foam
- Betamethasone Valerate Lotion
- Betamethasone Valerate topical
- betamethasone valerate Topical application
- betamethasone/calcipotriene ointment
- betamethasone/calcipotriene suspension
- Betamethasone/Clotrimazole
- Betanil forte
- Betapace
- Betapace AF
- Betasal Topical
- Betasept
- Betasept Antiseptic Surgical Scrub
- Betasept liquid
- Betaserc
- Betaseron
- Betaseron solution
- Betasol
- BetaTan
- BetaTan Suspension
- Betatar Gel
- Betatar Gel Topical
- BetaVent
- BetaVent Liquid
- Betavit
- betaxolol
- betaxolol drops
- Betaxolol Hydrochloride
- Betaxolol Hydrochloride eent
- Betaxolol Medochemie
- betaxolol Ophthalmic
- Betaxolol PMCS
- Betaxolol Tablets
- Betaxon
- Betesda
- bethanechol
- Bethanechol Chloride
- bethanechol Oral, Subcutaneous
- Bethkis
- Bethkis Inhalation Solution
- Betimol
- Betimol drops
- Betmiga
- Betnovate
- Betnovate C
- Betnovate N
- Betnovate-1/2
- Beto 100 ZK
- Beto 150 ZK
- Beto 200 ZK
- Beto 25 ZK
- Beto 50 ZK
- Betoptic
- Betoptic 0.5%
- Betoptic Pilo
- Betoptic S eent
- Betoptic-S drops
- Better Bladder Control
- bevacizumab
- bevacizumab Intravenous
- bevacizumab solution
- Bevitamel tablets
- bexarotene
- bexarotene gel
- bexarotene topical
- Bexsero
- Bextra
- Bextramom tablets
- Bexxar
- Bexxar 131 Iodine
- Bexxar Dosimetric
- Bexxar Intravenous
- BexxarTherapeutic
- Beyaz
- BeyondClear
- Bi-Zets/Benzo-Troches
- Biafine emulsion
- Biafine topical emulsion
- Biaxin
- Biaxin Filmtab
- Biaxin suspension
- Biaxin XL
- Biaxin XL extended-release tablets
- Bibloc
- Bicalutamid Mylan
- Bicalutamida Pentafarma
- Bicalutamida Tecnimede
- Bicalutamide
- Bicalutamide Accord
- Bicalutamide Apotex
- Bicalutamide Fair-Med
- Bicalutamide Kabi
- Bicalutamide Polpharma 50 mg
- Bicalutamide Teva
- Bicalutanorm
- Bicarsim
- Bicarsim Forte
- Bicastad
- Bicillin C-R
- Bicillin C-R 900/300
- Bicillin C-R suspension
- Bicillin L-A
- Bicillin L-A suspension
- Bicillin LA
- Bicisate Injection
- Bicitra
- Biclora
- Biclora liquid
- Biclora-D
- Biclora-D liquid
- Bidex 400
- Bidex-A extended-release tablets
- Bidhist-D
- Bidhist-D sustained-release tablets
- BiDil
- Bifera
- BiferaRx
- bifidobacterium and lactobacillus
- Bigeloil
- Bilaxten
- bilberry
- Bilobil
- Bilobil Forte
- Bilobil Intense
- Bilokord
- Bilokord ASA
- Bilomag
- Biltricide
- Bimakolan
- Bimatoprost
- Bimatoprost Apotex
- bimatoprost drops
- bimatoprost Ophthalmic
- bimatoprost solution
- Bimatoprost Tiefenbacher
- bimatoprost topical ophthalmic
- Bimectin
- Bimectin Paste
- Binabic
- BindRen
- Binocrit
- Binoda
- Binora Topical
- Binosto
- Binosto effervescent tablets
- Bio Senes
- Bio-Cef
- Bio-complex 5000 gentle foaming cleanser
- Bio-complex 5000 revitalizing conditioner
- Bio-complex 5000 revitalizing shampoo
- Bio-Cox
- Bio-Statin
- Bio-Statin powder
- Bio-Throid
- Bioaron C
- Biocotron
- Biodacyna
- Biodacyna ophtalmicum 0.3%
- Biodribin
- Bioelements Active Astringent
- Bioelements Immediate Comfort
- Bioepicyna
- Biofazolin
- Biofed
- Biofed-PE
- Biofenac
- bioflavonoids
- bioflavonoids and zinc glycinate
- Biofreeze
- Biofreeze pain relieving gel
- Biogal
- Biogam IGIM
- Bioginko
- Bioglo Ophthalmic Strip
- Biograstim
- Biogrisin
- Biohemoril (Czopki przeciw hemoroidom)
- Biohist LA sustained-release tablets
- BioLean
- Biomentin
- Biomox
- Biomox Tablets
- Biomune osf plus capsules
- Bionect cream
- Bionect topical
- Bioparox
- Biopatch
- Biopatch w/Chlorhexidine Gluconate
- Biopoin
- Bioprazol Bio
- Bioprazol Bio Max
- Biorubina
- Bios life 2 drink mix
- Biosotal 160
- Biospasmil czopki przeciw skurczowe
- Biospec DMX elixir
- Biosteron
- Biostreptaza
- Biostymina
- Biotaksym
- Biotebal
- Biotene
- Biothrax
- Biothrax Vaccine
- biotin
- Biotrakson
- BioTrombina 400
- Biotropil 1200
- Biotropil 800
- Biotum
- Biotuss DM
- Biotuss PE
- Biotussin DAC
- Biovital
- Biovital Dragee 33
- Biovital Lecytyna (Lecithin Nerven Tonikum)
- Biovital N
- biperiden
- Biperiden Hydrochloride
- BiResp Spiromax
- Bisa-Lax suppositories
- Bisa-Plex
- Bisac-Evac
- Bisacodyl
- bisacodyl and polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350 with electrolytes
- bisacodyl enema
- Bisacodyl GSK
- bisacodyl suppositories
- Bisacodyl Suppository
- Bisacodyl Tablet Bowel Prep Kit solution
- Bisacodyl Tablets Bowel Prep Kit
- Bisacodyl VP
- Bisco-Lax
- Biseko
- Bisglycino iron amino acid chelate
- Bismarex
- Bismatrol
- Bismatrol chewable tablets
- Bismatrol Maximum Strength
- Bismusal Suspension
- Bismuth Extra Strength
- Bismuth Extra Strength Oral, Rectal
- Bismuth Original Formula
- Bismuth Original Formula Oral, Rectal
- Bismuth Salts
- bismuth subcitrate potassium, metronidazole, and tetracycline
- bismuth subcitrate, metronidazole, and tetracycline
- bismuth subcitrate/metronidazole/tetracycline
- bismuth subsalicylate
- bismuth subsalicylate chewable tablets
- Bismuth Subsalicylate Suspension
- bismuth subsalicylate, metronidazole, and tetracycline
- Bismuth Subsalicylate/Metronidazole/Tetracycline
- bismuth subsalicylate/metronidazole/tetracycline therapy pack
- Bismuth/Metronidazole/Tetracycline
- BisoAuro
- Bisocard
- Bisogamma 10
- Bisogamma 5
- Bisogen Combi
- BisoHexal 10
- BisoHexal 5
- Bisolax
- Bisolvon
- Bisoprolol
- Bisoprolol -1A Pharma
- Bisoprolol Actavis (Bidop)
- bisoprolol and hydrochlorothiazide
- Bisoprolol Aurobindo
- Bisoprolol Fumarate
- Bisoprolol Fumarate/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Bisoprolol Vitabalans
- Bisoprolol VP
- bisoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide
- Bisopromerck 10
- Bisopromerck 5
- bitolterol inhalation
- Bitolterol Mesylate
- Bivacyn
- bivalirudin
- bivalirudin Intravenous
- Bivigam
- Bizmutawy galusan zasadowy (Dermatol)
- Bizmutu galusan zasadowy Hasco (Dermatol)
- black cohosh
- Black Draught
- black haw
- black widow spider (latrodectus mactans) antivenin
- Black widow spider antivenin (equine)
- Blastomat
- Blenoxane
- Bleomedac
- Bleomycin
- bleomycin Injection
- Bleomycin Sulfate
- Bleph 10
- Bleph-10 drops
- Bleph-10 ophthalmic ointment 10%
- Bleph-10 ophthalmic solution 10%
- Blephamide
- Blephamide Ophthalmic Suspension
- Blephamide S.O.P.
- Blephamide S.O.P. ointment
- Blephamide suspension
- Blis-To-Sol
- Blis-To-Sol Powder
- Blis-To-Sol Topical
- Blistex Lip Balm
- Blistex Pro Relief
- Blistex topical
- Bloat Guard
- Bloat Treatment
- Blocadren
- Bloctimo
- Blood Stop
- Bloxiverz
- Bloxiverz Injection
- blue cohosh
- BMD Soluble
- Bobodent
- Bobolan
- Bobonisan
- Bobotic
- Boceprevir
- Bocheńska Lecznicza Sól Jodowo-Bromowa
- Bocouture
- Bodymax
- Bodymax Żeń-szeń
- Boil Ease Pain Relieving
- BOIRON \Natrum carbonicum 2 CH (->3865603)
- BOIRON Abrotanum
- BOIRON Achillea millefolium
- BOIRON Aconitum napellus
- BOIRON Actaea racemosa
- BOIRON Adonis vernalis
- BOIRON Aesculus hippocastanum
- BOIRON Agaricus muscarius
- BOIRON Agnus castus
- BOIRON Agraphis nutans
- BOIRON Ailanthus glandulosa
- BOIRON Allium cepa
- BOIRON Allium sativum
- BOIRON Alumina
- BOIRON Ambra grisea
- BOIRON Ammonium carbonicum
- BOIRON Ammonium causticum
- BOIRON Ammonium muriaticum
- BOIRON Amylium nitrosum
- BOIRON Anacardium occidentale
- BOIRON Anacardium orientale
- BOIRON Anagallis arvensis
- BOIRON Anthracinum
- BOIRON Antimonium arsenicosum
- BOIRON Antimonium crudum
- BOIRON Antimonium sulfuratum rubrum
- BOIRON Antimonium tartaricum
- BOIRON Apis mellifica
- BOIRON Apocynum cannabinum
- BOIRON Aralia racemosa
- BOIRON Aranea diadema
- BOIRON Argentum metallicum
- BOIRON Argentum nitricum
- BOIRON Aristolochia clematitis
- BOIRON Arnica montana
- BOIRON Arsenicum album
- BOIRON Arsenicum iodatum
- BOIRON Arum triphyllum
- BOIRON Asa foetida
- BOIRON Asterias rubens
- BOIRON Aurum iodatum
- BOIRON Aurum metallicum
- BOIRON Aurum muriaticum
- BOIRON Aurum muriaticum natronatum
- BOIRON Avena sativa
- BOIRON Aviaire
- BOIRON Badiaga
- BOIRON Baptisia tinctoria
- BOIRON Baryta carbonica
- BOIRON Baryta iodata
- BOIRON Belladonna
- BOIRON Bellis perennis
- BOIRON Benzoicum acidum
- BOIRON Berberis vulgaris
- BOIRON Blatta orientalis
- BOIRON Borax
- BOIRON Bovista gigantea
- BOIRON Bryonia
- BOIRON Bryonia alba
- BOIRON Cactus grandiflorus
- BOIRON Caladium seguinum
- BOIRON Calcarea carbonica ostrearum
- BOIRON Calcarea fluorica
- BOIRON Calcarea iodata
- BOIRON Calcarea phosphorica
- BOIRON Calcarea picrata
- BOIRON Calcarea sulfurica
- BOIRON Calendula officinalis
- BOIRON Camphora
- BOIRON Cantharis
- BOIRON Capsicum annuum
- BOIRON Carbo animalis
- BOIRON Carbo vegetabilis
- BOIRON Carboneum sulfuratum
- BOIRON Carduus marianus
- BOIRON Castor equi
- BOIRON Caulophyllum thalictroides
- BOIRON Causticum
- BOIRON Ceanothus americanus
- BOIRON Chamomilla vulgaris
- BOIRON Chelidonium majus
- BOIRON Chimaphila umbellata
- BOIRON China rubra
- BOIRON Chininum sulfuricum
- BOIRON Cholesterinum
- BOIRON Cicuta virosa
- BOIRON Cineraria maritima
- BOIRON Cinnabaris
- BOIRON Cistus canadensis
- BOIRON Clematis erecta
- BOIRON Cocculus indicus
- BOIRON Coccus cacti
- BOIRON Coffea cruda
- BOIRON Coffea tosta
- BOIRON Colchicum autumnale
- BOIRON Collinsonia canadensis
- BOIRON Colocynthis
- BOIRON Conium maculatum
- BOIRON Corallium rubrum
- BOIRON Crataegus oxyacantha
- BOIRON Crocus sativus
- BOIRON Crotalus horridus
- BOIRON Croton tiglium
- BOIRON Cuprum aceticum
- BOIRON Cuprum arsenicosum
- BOIRON Cuprum metallicum
- BOIRON Cuprum oxydatum nigrum
- BOIRON Curare
- BOIRON Cyclamen europaeum
- BOIRON Cypripedium pubescens
- BOIRON Damiana
- BOIRON Dioscorea villosa
- BOIRON Dolichos pruriens
- BOIRON Drosera
- BOIRON Dulcamara
- BOIRON Echinacea angustifolia
- BOIRON Equisetum hiemale
- BOIRON Eschscholtzia californica
- BOIRON Eugenia jambolana
- BOIRON Eugenia jambosa
- BOIRON Eupatorium perfoliatum
- BOIRON Euphorbia lathyris
- BOIRON Euphrasia officinalis
- BOIRON Ferrum metallicum
- BOIRON Ferrum phosphoricum
- BOIRON Fluoricum acidum
- BOIRON Folliculinum
- BOIRON Formicum acidum
- BOIRON Fucus vesiculous
- BOIRON Gelsemium sempervirens
- BOIRON Glonoinum
- BOIRON Graphites
- BOIRON Guaiacum
- BOIRON Hamamelis virginiana
- BOIRON Harpagophytum procumbens
- BOIRON Hekla lava
- BOIRON Helonias dioica
- BOIRON Hepar sulfur
- BOIRON Hepar sulfuris calcareum
- BOIRON Histaminum
- BOIRON Humulus lupulus
- BOIRON Hydrastis Canadensis
- BOIRON Hyoscyamus niger
- BOIRON Hypericum perforatum
- BOIRON Ignatia amara
- BOIRON Iodum
- BOIRON Ipeca
- BOIRON Iris Versicolor
- BOIRON Kalium arsenicosum
- BOIRON Kalium bichromicum
- BOIRON Kalium bromatum
- BOIRON Kalium carbonicum
- BOIRON Kalium iodatum
- BOIRON Kalium muriaticum
- BOIRON Kalium nitricum
- BOIRON Kalium phosphoricum
- BOIRON Kalium sulfuricum
- BOIRON Kalmia latifolia
- BOIRON Kreosotum
- BOIRON Lac caninum
- BOIRON Lachesis mutus
- BOIRON Lachnantes Tinctoria
- BOIRON Lapis albus
- BOIRON Ledum Palustre
- BOIRON Lilium Tigrinum
- BOIRON Luffa operculata
- BOIRON Lycopodium clavatum
- BOIRON Magnesia carbonica
- BOIRON Magnesia muriatica
- BOIRON Magnesia phosphorica
- BOIRON Manganum aceticum
- BOIRON Medorrhinum
- BOIRON Mercurius biiodatus
- BOIRON Mercurius corrosivus
- BOIRON Mercurius cyanatus
- BOIRON Mercurius dulcis
- BOIRON Mercurius proto-iodatus
- BOIRON Mercurius solubilis
- BOIRON Mercurius vivus
- BOIRON Mezereum
- BOIRON Monilia albicans
- BOIRON Moschus
- BOIRON Myristica sebifera
- BOIRON Naja tripudians
- BOIRON Naphtalinum
- BOIRON Natrum carbonicum
- BOIRON Natrum muriaticum
- BOIRON Natrum phosphoricum
- BOIRON Natrum sulfuricum
- BOIRON Nitricum acidum
- BOIRON Nux Moschata
- BOIRON Nux vomica
- BOIRON Opium
- BOIRON Paeonia officinalis
- BOIRON Pareira brava
- BOIRON Passiflora Incarnata
- BOIRON Petroleum
- BOIRON Phosphoricum acidum
- BOIRON Phosphorus
- BOIRON Physostigma venenosum
- BOIRON Phytolacca decandra
- BOIRON Plantago major
- BOIRON Platina
- BOIRON Plumbum metallicum
- BOIRON Podophyllum Peltatum
- BOIRON Pollens
- BOIRON Poumon histamine
- BOIRON Psorinum
- BOIRON Pulsatilla
- BOIRON Pyrogenium
- BOIRON Radium bromatum
- BOIRON Rana bufo
- BOIRON Ranunculus bulbosus
- BOIRON Raphanus sativus niger
- BOIRON Rheum officinale
- BOIRON Rhus Toxicodendron
- BOIRON Ricinus communis
- BOIRON Robinia Pseudo-acacia
- BOIRON Rumex crispus
- BOIRON Ruta graveolens
- BOIRON Sabadilla officinarum
- BOIRON Sabal serrulata
- BOIRON Sabina
- BOIRON Sambucus nigra
- BOIRON Sanguinaria canadensis
- BOIRON Sarsaparilla
- BOIRON Secale cornutum
- BOIRON Selenium metallicum
- BOIRON Senna
- BOIRON Sepia officinalis
- BOIRON Silicea
- BOIRON Solanum Malacoxylon
- BOIRON Solidago virga aurea
- BOIRON Spigelia anthelmia
- BOIRON Spongia tosta
- BOIRON Stannum metalicum
- BOIRON Staphylococcinum
- BOIRON Staphysagria
- BOIRON Sticta Pulmonaria
- BOIRON Stramonium
- BOIRON Streptococcinum
- BOIRON Sulfur
- BOIRON Sulfur Iodatum
- BOIRON Sulfuricum Acidum
- BOIRON Symphytum officinale
- BOIRON Tabacum
- BOIRON Tarentula Cubenisis
- BOIRON Tarentula Hispana
- BOIRON Terebinthina
- BOIRON Teucrium marum
- BOIRON Thuya occidentalis
- BOIRON Thymuline
- BOIRON Tuberculinum
- BOIRON Tuberculinum Residuum
- BOIRON Urtica urens
- BOIRON Vaccinotoxinum
- BOIRON Valeriana offcinalis
- BOIRON Veratrum album
- BOIRON Vipera redi
- BOIRON Viscum album
- BOIRON Zincum metallicum
- BOIRON Zincum Valerianicum
- Boldaloin
- Boldovera
- Bolinet
- Bolopax
- Bonadea
- Bondenza (Ibandronic Acid Roche)
- Bondronat
- Bonefurbit
- Bonine
- Bonine for Kids
- Boniva
- Boniva Intravenous
- Boniva Tablets
- Bontril
- Bontril PDM
- Bontril Slow-Release
- Bontril Slow-Release Capsules
- Bontril SR Sustained-Release Capsules
- Bonviva
- Boostrix
- Boostrix (Tdap) Tdap
- Boostrix Polio
- Bopaho
- Boracelle 500
- borage
- Borasol
- Borez
- boric acid ophthalmic
- Borofair Ear Drops
- Borofair solution
- Boroleum
- Borowinowa kostka iwonicka
- bortezomib
- bortezomib Intravenous
- Bosentan
- Bosentan Celon
- Bosentan Sandoz
- Bostomac
- Bosulif
- Bosutinib
- Botox
- Botox Cosmetic
- botulinum toxin type A
- botulinum toxin type a Intramuscular
- botulinum toxin type B
- botulinum toxin type b Intramuscular
- Botulism Antitoxin Heptavalent ABCDEFG Equine
- botulism antitoxin Intravenous
- Botulism Immune Globulin
- Botulism Immune Globulin Intravenous (BIG-IV)
- Boudreaux Butt Paste
- Boudreaux's Butt Paste
- Bovatec
- Bovatec 150 FP
- BP 10-Wash
- BP Allergy DM
- BP Allergy JR
- BP Ana-Lex HC topical/rectal
- BP Cleansing Lotion
- BP MultiNatal Plus Chewables chewable tablet
- BP Poly-650
- BP Wash
- BPM Mal, Phenyleph HCl, DM
- BPM Pseudo
- BPO 3 Foaming Cloths
- BPO 4% Gel Topical
- BPO 6 Foaming Cloths
- BPO 8% Gel Topical
- BPO 9 Foaming Cloths
- BPO Foaming Cloths
- BPS Gel
- Bramitob
- Bran, wheat
- BranchAmin
- Braunoderm niezabarw.
- Braunoderm zabarw.
- Braunol
- Braunovidon
- Bravelle
- Breakyl
- Breakyl Start
- brentuximab
- brentuximab Intravenous
- Brentuximab Vedotin
- Breo Ellipta
- Breo Ellipta powder
- Bretaris Genuair
- Brethaire
- Brethine
- Brethine Subcutaneous
- Brethine Tablets
- Brevibloc
- Brevicon
- Brevicon birth control
- Brevital Sodium
- Brevital sodium for injection, usp
- Brevoxyl
- Brevoxyl Acne Wash Kit
- Brevoxyl Creamy Wash
- Brevoxyl Creamy Wash Complete Pack wash and cleansing bar
- Brevoxyl Gel
- Brevoxyl lotion
- Brevoxyl Topical
- Brevoxyl-4 Creamy Wash Complete Pack
- Brevoxyl-4 wash
- Brevoxyl-8 Creamy Wash Complete Pack
- Brevoxyl-8 wash
- Brexin
- Brexin L.A.
- Breze
- Bricanyl
- Bridion
- Briellyn
- Briellyn birth control
- Bright Beginnings
- Bright Beginnings Prenatal bar
- Briglau
- Brilinta
- Brilinta Tablets
- Brilique
- Brimodiol
- Brimogen
- brimonidine
- brimonidine and brinzolamide Ophthalmic
- brimonidine and timolol ophthalmic
- brimonidine gel
- brimonidine Ophthalmic
- Brimonidine Tartrate
- Brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution 0.2%
- Brimonidine Tartrate/Timolol Maleate
- brimonidine topical
- brimonidine Topical application
- brimonidine/timolol drops
- Brimoplus
- Brimoteva
- Brinavess
- Brintellix
- Brinzolamide
- brinzolamide drops
- brinzolamide Ophthalmic
- brinzolamide/brimonidine drops
- Brioschi
- Brisdelle
- Brodacid płyn na brodawki
- Brogalast
- Brom Mal Phenyl HCl Dex HBr
- Brom Tann
- Brom Tann PE
- Bromaline
- Bromaline DM
- Bromatan Plus
- Bromatan-DM
- Bromatan-DM Suspension
- Bromatane DX
- Bromax
- Bromax Tablets
- Bromcomp HC
- Bromday
- Bromday ophthalmic
- Bromdex D
- Brometane DX
- Bromfed
- Bromfed DM
- Bromfed DM elixir
- Bromfed sustained-release capsules
- Bromfed-PD
- Bromfed-PD Capsules
- bromfenac
- bromfenac ophthalmic
- Bromfenac Ophthlamic Solution
- Bromfenac Sodium
- Bromfenex controlled-release and sustained-release capsules
- Bromhist Pediatric drops
- Bromhist-DM
- Bromhist-DM Drops
- Bromhist-DM syrup
- Bromhist-NR
- Bromhist-PDX
- Bromhist-PDX Syrup
- Bromo Seltzer
- bromocriptine
- Bromocriptine Capsules
- bromocriptine mesylate
- Bromophed-DX
- Bromph DM
- Bromph HD
- brompheniramine
- brompheniramine 12-hour sustained-release tablets
- brompheniramine 24-hour sustained-release capsules
- brompheniramine and codeine
- brompheniramine and diphenhydramine
- brompheniramine and phenylephrine
- brompheniramine and phenylpropanolamine
- brompheniramine and pseudoephedrine
- Brompheniramine and Pseudoephedrine Drops
- brompheniramine chewable tablets
- brompheniramine liquid
- Brompheniramine Maleate
- Brompheniramine Maleate Drops
- Brompheniramine Maleate, Dexbrompheniramine Maleate
- Brompheniramine Maleate/Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
- Brompheniramine Maleate/Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride/Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide
- brompheniramine suspension
- brompheniramine, carbetapentane and phenylephrine
- brompheniramine, chlophedianol, and pseudoephedrine
- brompheniramine, chlorpheniramine, methscopolamine, phenylephrine, and pseudoephedrine
- brompheniramine, codeine, and phenylephrine
- brompheniramine, codeine, and pseudoephedrine
- brompheniramine, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine
- brompheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- brompheniramine, dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, and phenylephrine
- brompheniramine, dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, and pseudoephedrine
- brompheniramine, dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, phenylephrine
- brompheniramine, dihydrocodeine, and phenylephrine
- brompheniramine, dihydrocodeine, and pseudoephedrine
- brompheniramine, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine
- brompheniramine, hydrocodone, and pseudoephedrine
- brompheniramine/carbetapentane/phenylephrine
- brompheniramine/carbetapentane/phenylephrine liquid
- brompheniramine/carbetapentane/phenylephrine suspension
- brompheniramine/codeine
- brompheniramine/codeine syrup
- brompheniramine/codeine/phenylephrine liquid
- brompheniramine/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin
- brompheniramine/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/phenylephrine syrup
- brompheniramine/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine syrup
- brompheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine Liquid
- brompheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine suspension
- brompheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylpropanolamine
- brompheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine Drops
- brompheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine elixir
- brompheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine suspension
- brompheniramine/diphenhydramine/phenylephrine sustained-release tablets
- brompheniramine/guaifenesin/hydrocodone liquid
- brompheniramine/hydrocodone/phenylephrine liquid
- brompheniramine/hydrocodone/phenylephrine suspension
- brompheniramine/hydrocodone/pseudoephedrine liquid
- brompheniramine/hydrocodone/pseudoephedrine suspension
- brompheniramine/phenylephrine
- brompheniramine/phenylephrine chewable tablets
- brompheniramine/phenylephrine elixir
- brompheniramine/phenylephrine suspension
- brompheniramine/phenylephrine sustained-release capsules
- brompheniramine/phenylephrine sustained-release tablets
- Brompheniramine/Phenylephrine/Dextromethorphan
- brompheniramine/phenylephrine/phenylpropanolamine
- brompheniramine/pseudoephedrine
- brompheniramine/pseudoephedrine controlled-release and sustained-release capsules
- brompheniramine/pseudoephedrine drops
- brompheniramine/pseudoephedrine elixir
- brompheniramine/pseudoephedrine suspension
- brompheniramine/pseudoephedrine sustained-release tablets
- Bromplex DM
- Bromplex HD
- BromTann/DM Tann/PSE Tann suspension
- Bromtuss DM
- Bronchicum
- Bronchicum N
- Bronchicum T
- Bronchitol
- Broncho Saline inhalation
- Broncho-Grippex Expectorant
- Broncho-Vaxom
- Broncho-Vaxom dla dzieci
- bronchodilator, adrenergic Inhalation
- bronchodilator, theophylline Oral, Parenteral
- Broncholate syrup
- Bronchopect
- Bronchosol
- Broncodur liquid
- Broncotron-D
- Broncotron-D suspension
- Bronkids drops
- Bronkids liquid
- Bronkometer
- Bronkosol
- Brontex
- Bros
- Brotapp-DM
- Brovana
- BroveX
- BroveX ADT
- BroveX CB
- BroveX CBX
- BroveX CT
- Brovex CT chewable tablets
- BroveX HC
- Brovex HC Liquid
- BroveX PB
- BroveX PB C
- BroveX PB CX
- BroveX PB DM
- BroveX PD
- BroveX PEB
- BroveX PEB DM
- BroveX PSB DM
- BroveX PSE
- BroveX PSE DM
- BroveX PSE DM Tablets
- Brovex SR
- Brovex suspension
- Brovex-D
- BroveX-D suspension
- Brufen
- Brufen Forte
- BSS intraocular
- BSS Plus intraocular
- BSS Plus Sterile Irrigating Solution
- BSS Sterile Irrigating Solution
- BTB Hoof
- BTB Plus
- BTB Wind
- Bubbli-Pred
- Buccolam
- Bucet
- Buckley's Mixture Cough Suppressant
- Buckleys Mixture
- Budenofalk
- Budenofalk Uno
- Budeprion SR
- Budeprion SR Tablets
- Budeprion XL
- Buderhin
- budesonide
- budesonide and formoterol inhalation
- Budesonide Billev Pharma
- Budesonide Capsule
- Budesonide eent
- budesonide extended-release tablets
- budesonide inhalation
- Budesonide Inhalation Suspension
- budesonide Nasal
- budesonide powder
- budesonide spray
- budesonide suspension
- budesonide sustained-release capsules
- budesonide/formoterol aerosol
- Budesonide/Formoterol Fumarate
- Budesonide/Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate
- Budezonid LEK-AM
- Bufen
- Bufenik
- Buffasal
- Buffered Aspirin
- Bufferin
- Bufferin Arthritis Strength
- Bufferin Extra Strength
- Bufomix Easyhaler
- Bug Bites
- Bugs Bunny with Iron Chewable
- Bulk-Forming Laxatives
- bumetanide
- bumetanide Injection
- bumetanide tablets
- Bumex
- Bumex Injection
- Bumex Tablets
- Buminate 25% solution, usp
- Buminate 5% solution, usp
- Buminate human
- Bunorfin
- Bupap
- Bupap Tablets
- Buphenyl
- Buphenyl powder
- Bupivacaine
- Bupivacaine and Epinephrine Injection
- Bupivacaine Claris
- Bupivacaine Hydrochloride
- bupivacaine in dextrose Solution
- bupivacaine liposome
- bupivacaine liposome Injection
- bupivacaine solution
- Bupivacaine Spinal
- Bupivacaine WZF Spinal 0.5% Heavy
- Bupivacaine-hm
- Bupivacainum hydroch. 0.25%
- Bupivacainum hydroch. WZF 0.5%
- Buprendal
- Buprenex
- Buprenex injection
- buprenorphine
- Buprenorphine Actavis
- Buprenorphine Alkaloid
- buprenorphine and naloxone
- buprenorphine and naloxone Sublingual
- Buprenorphine and Naloxone Sublingual Tablets
- Buprenorphine Hydrochloride
- Buprenorphine Hydrochloride/Naloxone Hydrochloride
- buprenorphine Injection
- buprenorphine patch
- Buprenorphine Sublingual
- buprenorphine tablets
- buprenorphine transdermal
- buprenorphine transdermal skin patch
- Buprenorphine, Buprenorphine Hydrochloride
- buprenorphine/naloxone
- buprenorphine/naloxone film
- Buproban
- bupropion
- bupropion extended-release tablets
- bupropion hydrobromide extended-release tablets
- Bupropion Hydrochloride
- bupropion sustained-release tablets
- Bupropion Tablets
- Burn-O-Jel Topical
- Burn-O-Jel Topical application
- Burnamycin Topical
- Burnamycin Topical application
- Buscofem
- Buscolysin
- Buscopan
- Buscopan Forte
- buserelin Nasal, Injection, Subcutaneous
- Busilvex
- Buspar
- Buspar Dividose
- buspirone
- Buspirone Hydrochloride
- Busulfan
- busulfan Intravenous
- busulfan tablet
- Busulfex
- butabarbital
- butabarbital elixir
- Butabarbital Sodium
- Butalbital and Acetaminophen
- butalbital and acetaminophen combination
- butalbital and aspirin combination
- Butalbital Compound
- Butalbital, Acetaminophen and Caffeine
- Butalbital, Acetaminophen and Caffeine Capsule
- butalbital, acetaminophen, and caffeine
- Butalbital, Acetaminophen, Caffeine and Codeine
- butalbital, acetaminophen, caffeine, and codeine
- butalbital, aspirin, and codeine
- butalbital, aspirin, caffeine, and codeine
- Butalbital,Acetaminophen and Caffeine Solution
- Butalbital,Aspirin and Caffeine
- Butalbital,Aspirin and Caffeine Capsule
- Butalbital,Aspirin,Caffeine,Codeine
- butalbital/acetaminophen
- Butalbital/Acetaminophen/Caffeine
- butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine capsules and tablets
- butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine solution
- butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine/codeine
- Butalbital/Acetaminophen/Caffeine/Codeine Phosphate
- Butalbital/Aspirin/Caffeine
- Butalbital/Aspirin/Caffeine/Codeine Phosphate
- butamben/tetracaine/benzocaine liquid
- Butamid
- Butapap
- Butapirazol
- Butapirazol 20%
- butenafine cream
- Butenafine Hydrochloride
- butenafine topical
- Butisol
- Butisol Sodium
- Butisol Sodium elixir
- Butoconazole
- butoconazole cream
- Butoconazole Nitrate
- butoconazole vaginal
- Butorphanol
- butorphanol Injection
- butorphanol Nasal
- Butorphanol Nasal Spray
- butorphanol solution
- Butorphanol Tartrate
- Butrans
- Butrans Patch
- Butrans transdermal
- Butrans Transdermal System skin patch
- Butyl aminobenzoate
- Buvasodil
- By-Ache
- Bydureon
- Byetta
- Bystolic
- C Phen
- C Phen Drops
- C-500
- C-Hist-SR
- C-Nate DHA
- C-Phed DPD Tann
- C-Phen DM
- C-Phen DM Drops
- C-Tanna 12
- C-Tanna 12D
- C-Time
- C-Time w/Rose Hips
- C-Topical Solution
- C.P.M.
- C/Rose Hips
- c1 esterase inhibitor (human)
- C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Human
- c1 esterase inhibitor, human Intravenous
- c1 inhibitor (human)
- C1 Inhibitor, Human
- Cabaser
- cabazitaxel
- cabazitaxel Intravenous
- cabergoline
- cabozantinib
- Cabozantinib S-malate
- Cactus
- cadexomer iodine gel
- cadexomer iodine gel pad
- Caduet
- Caelyx
- Cafatine
- Cafcit
- Cafcit solution
- Cafergot
- Cafergot oral/rectal
- Cafergot suppositories
- Cafergot Tablets
- Cafetrate
- Caffeine
- caffeine and ergotamine oral/rectal
- Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate Injection
- caffeine citrate
- Caffeine Citrate Oral Solution
- caffeine Oral, Parenteral
- caffeine solution
- caffeine/ergotamine
- caffeine/ergotamine suppositories
- Caffeine; Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate Injection; Caffeine Citrate
- Cafgesic
- Cal-Gest
- Cal-Nate
- Calaclear
- Caladryl Clear
- Caladryl Clear (obsolete)
- calamine lotion
- Calamine Lotion Topical
- Calamine Plain topical
- calamine topical
- calamine/diphenhydramine
- calamine/pramoxine
- Calan
- Calan immediate-release tablets
- Calan SR
- Calan SR controlled-release tablets
- Calcarb
- Calcarb with D
- Calcet
- Calci Mix (obsolete)
- Calci-Chew
- Calci-Mix
- Calcibind
- Calcidol
- Calciferol
- Calciferol solution
- CalciFolic-D chewable wafers
- Calcijex
- Calcijex solution
- Calcilac
- Calcio Del Mar
- Calcipiryna
- Calcipotriene
- Calcipotriene and Betamethasone Ointment
- Calcipotriene Cream
- calcipotriene foam
- Calcipotriene Ointment
- calcipotriene solution
- calcipotriene Topical
- Calcipotriene/Betamethasone Dipropionate
- Calcipotriol + Betamethasone Teva
- Calciquid
- Calcistad 100 (Calcihexal)
- Calcistad 50 (Calcihexal)
- Calcitonin
- calcitonin (salmon) Nasal
- calcitonin injection
- calcitonin nasal
- calcitonin Parenteral
- calcitonin salmon Spray
- Calcitonin-Salmon
- Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray
- Calcitrate with D
- Calcitrene
- Calcitrene Topical
- Calcitriol
- Calcitriol Capsules
- Calcitriol Injection
- Calcitriol Ointment
- calcitriol solution
- calcitriol topical
- Calcium
- Calcium (o smaku wiśniowym)
- Calcium 200
- Calcium 300 cytrynowe
- Calcium 300 Lemon
- Calcium 500
- Calcium 500 POLFARMEX
- Calcium 500D
- Calcium 600+D
- calcium acetate
- Calcium Acetate Capsules
- Calcium Acetate Gelcaps
- calcium acetate solution
- Calcium Acetate Tablets
- Calcium Aflofarm (o smaku bananowy)
- Calcium Aflofarm (o smaku truskawkowym)
- calcium and vitamin D combination
- Calcium C-farmaco
- Calcium C210-farmaco smak cytrynowy
- Calcium Calfit
- calcium carbonate
- calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide
- calcium carbonate and risedronate
- calcium carbonate chewable tablets
- calcium carbonate tablets
- calcium carbonate with vitamin d
- calcium carbonate with vitamin d chewable tablets
- calcium carbonate with vitamin d extended-release caplets
- calcium carbonate/magnesium
- calcium carbonate/magnesium carbonate
- calcium carbonate/magnesium hydroxide chewable tablets
- calcium carbonate/magnesium hydroxide suspension
- calcium carbonate/vitamin d
- calcium carbonate/vitamin d/vitamin b6/vitamin b12/folic acid chewable wafers
- Calcium chloratum 10% WZF
- Calcium Chloride
- calcium citrate
- calcium citrate with vitamin d powder
- Calcium Concentrate
- Calcium Disodium Versenate
- Calcium disodium versenate injection
- Calcium dobesilate Aflofarm
- Calcium dobesilate Galena
- Calcium dobesilate Hasco
- Calcium dobesilate Polfarmex
- Calcium effervescens
- Calcium farmaco smak malinowy
- Calcium Folinate Actavis
- Calcium Folinate Injection
- calcium glubionate
- calcium gluconate
- Calcium Gluconate Injection
- Calcium gluconicum
- Calcium gluconicum Espefa
- Calcium gluconicum Farmapol
- Calcium Hasco Allergy
- Calcium HASCO o smaku bananowym
- Calcium HASCO o smaku malinowym (o smaku coli)
- Calcium HASCO o smaku pomarańczowym
- Calcium HASCO o smaku truskawkowym
- Calcium Hydroxylapatite
- calcium lactate
- Calcium Liquid Softgel
- Calcium Oyster Shell
- Calcium pantothenate
- Calcium pantothenicum Jelfa
- calcium phosphate, tribasic
- Calcium Pliva
- Calcium Plus smak cytrynowy
- Calcium Polfa
- Calcium Polfa 500
- Calcium POLFARMEX o smaku bananowym
- Calcium POLFARMEX o smaku jeżynowym
- Calcium POLFARMEX o smaku truskawkowym
- Calcium Resonium
- Calcium Salts
- Calcium Sandoz + Vitamin D3
- Calcium Sandoz + Witamin D3
- Calcium smak cytrynowy
- Calcium Stool Softener
- calcium supplement Oral, Parenteral
- Calcium TEVA
- Calcium z witamina C Polfa-Łódź o smaku cytrynowym (Calcium C cytr.)
- Calcium z witamina C Polfa-Łódź o smaku pomarańczowym (Calcium C pomarańcz.)
- Calcium z witaminą C o smaku jeżynowym
- Calcium z witaminą C o smaku pomarańczowym
- Calcium-Sandoz
- Calcium-Sandoz Forte
- Calcium-Sandoz+Vitamin C
- Calcium-Sandoz+Vitamin C (Lemon)
- calcium/folic acid/vitamin b6/vitamin b12/vitamin d
- calcium/glycine
- calcium/magnesium/valerian/ginkgo biloba/passiflora
- calcium/magnesium/vitamin d
- calcium/simethicone chewable tablets
- calcium/simethicone suspension
- CalciviD
- Caldecort
- Caldesene
- Caldesene Topical
- Caldolor
- Caldolor injection
- Calendula
- Calendulin
- calfactant
- Calgam - Vitamin B15
- Calgel
- Calgon Vesta
- Calipra
- Callergy Clear
- Callus
- Calm-Aid
- Calmol-4 Suppository
- Calmoseptine ointment
- Calomist
- CaloMist nasal
- Calperos 1000
- Calperos 500
- Calperos D3
- Calperos Osteo
- Calpol
- Calpol 125
- Calpol 250
- Calpol 6 Plus
- Calpol Effervescens
- Caltrate
- Caltrate 600 + D
- Caltrate 600 + D tablets
- Caltrate 600 + soy tablets
- Caltrate 600 with D
- Caltrate 600 with D (obsolete)
- Caltrate 600 with D Plus Soy
- Caltrate 600+D Plus
- Caltrate 600+D Soft Chews
- Caltrate Colon Health
- Caltrate Gummy Bites
- Caltro with Vitamin D
- Calube
- Calubloc 50 mg
- Calumid
- Calvidin
- Calvite P&D
- Cambia
- Cambia powder packets
- Camellia sinensis
- Camila
- Camila Oral, Implantation, Parenteral
- Camila Oral, Parenteral, Vaginal
- Camilia
- Camitotic
- Campath
- camphor and menthol topical
- camphor liquid
- camphor ointment
- camphor patch
- camphor/capsicum/menthol patch
- camphor/pramoxine/zinc
- Campral
- Campto
- Camptosar
- Camrese
- Camrese extended-cycle
- Camrese Lo extended-cycle
- Camreselo
- canagliflozin
- Canakinumab
- canakinumab Subcutaneous
- Canasa
- Canasa Oral, Rectal
- Canasa Pac rectal
- Canasa rectal
- Canasa suppositories
- Canbiox
- Cancidas
- Candegamma
- Candepres HCT ratiopharm
- Canderox
- Canderox HCTZ
- Candesartan
- Candesartan + HCT Genoptim (Candesartan + Hydrochlorothiazide Liconsa)
- Candesartan + Hydrochlorothiazide Liconsa
- Candesartan -1 A Pharma
- Candesartan -ratiopharm
- candesartan and hydrochlorothiazide
- Candesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets
- candesartan cilexetil
- Candesartan cilexetil Teva
- Candesartan Cilexetil/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Candesartan HCT Pfizer
- Candesartan HCT Teva
- candesartan/hydrochlorothiazide
- Candotim
- CanesOral
- Canespor
- Canespor Onychoset (Mycospor Onychoset)
- Canesten
- Canesten Topical
- Canges-HC
- Canges-HC liquid
- Canges-XP
- CanineAid
- Cantaloda
- Cantil
- Capacet
- Capastat
- Capastat Sulfate
- CapCof syrup
- Capecitabine
- Capecitabine Accord
- Capecitabine Actavis
- Capecitabine Adamed (Actabi)
- Capecitabine Cipla
- Capecitabine Fresenius Kabi
- Capecitabine Glenmark
- Capecitabine Intas
- Capecitabine medac
- Capecitabine Polpharma
- Capecitabine Sandoz
- Capecitabine Strides
- Capecitabine SUN
- Capecitabine Teva
- Capecitabine Zentiva
- Capecitalox
- Capestri
- Capex
- Capex shampoo
- Caphosol solution
- Capital & Codeine
- Capital and Codeine Suspension
- Capital w/Codeine
- Capital w/Codeine suspension
- Capital with Codeine Suspension
- Capitrol
- Capitrol Topical
- Capivit A forte
- Capivit A mitte
- Capmist DM
- Capoten
- Capozide
- Capozide 25/15
- Capozide 25/25
- Capozide 50/15
- Capozide 50/25
- Caprelsa
- capreomycin
- capreomycin Injection
- Capreomycin Sulfate
- caprylidene
- Capsagel Topical
- Capsagesic-HP Arthritis Relief Topical
- Capsaicin
- capsaicin cream
- Capsaicin Hp Topical
- capsaicin in lidocaine cream
- capsaicin liquid
- capsaicin lotion
- capsaicin patch
- capsaicin topical
- capsaicin/lidocaine/menthol/methyl salicylate lotion
- capsaicin/menthol patch
- capsaicin/menthol/methyl salicylate lotion
- capsaicin/menthol/methyl salicylate ointment
- Capsicum
- Capsicum Oleoresin
- Capsigel N
- Capsin
- Capsin Topical
- Capstar
- Captopril
- captopril and hydrochlorothiazide
- Captopril Jelfa
- Captopril Tablets
- captopril/hydrochlorothiazide
- Capzasin Back and Body
- Capzasin liquid
- Capzasin Quick Relief
- Capzasin-HP
- Capzasin-HP Arthritis Formula
- Capzasin-P
- Capzasin-P cream
- Carac
- Carac cream
- Carac cream, 0.5%
- Carac Topical
- Carafate
- Carafate suspension
- Carafate Tablets
- Caramlo
- Carb PSE 12 DM
- Carb Pseudo-Tan
- Carb-O-Lac HP topical
- Carb-O-Lac5 topical
- Carb-O-Philic/10
- Carb-O-Sal5
- Carba-XP
- Carbachol
- carbachol drops
- carbachol ocular
- carbachol ophthalmic
- Carbaglu
- Carbamazepine
- Carbamazepine Capsules
- Carbamazepine Chewable
- carbamazepine chewable tablets
- Carbamazepine ER
- Carbamazepine Oral Suspension
- carbamazepine suspension
- carbamazepine sustained-release capsules
- carbamazepine sustained-release tablets
- Carbamide Peroxide
- carbamide peroxide otic
- carbamide peroxide solution
- Carbaphen 12 liquid
- Carbaphen CH suspension
- Carbaphen Ped CH suspension
- Carbastat
- Carbastat Ocular
- Carbatab-12
- Carbatab-12 sustained-release tablets
- Carbatrol
- Carbatrol sustained-release capsules
- Carbatuss
- Carbatuss-CL liquid
- Carbaxef-DM
- carbenicillin
- carbenicillin indanyl
- Carbenicillin Indanyl Sodium
- Carbetapentane
- carbetapentane and chlorpheniramine
- carbetapentane and guaifenesin
- carbetapentane and pseudoephedrine
- carbetapentane suspension
- carbetapentane, carbinoxamine, phenylephrine
- carbetapentane, chlorpheniramine, ephedrine, and phenylephrine
- carbetapentane, dexchlorpheniramine, and phenylephrine
- carbetapentane, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine
- carbetapentane, guaifenesin, and phenylephrine
- carbetapentane, phenylephrine, and pyrilamine
- carbetapentane, pseudoephedrine, and pyrilamine
- carbetapentane/carbinoxamine/phenylephrine drops
- carbetapentane/chlorpheniramine
- carbetapentane/chlorpheniramine suspension
- carbetapentane/chlorpheniramine/ephedrine/phenylephrine
- carbetapentane/chlorpheniramine/ephedrine/phenylephrine suspension
- carbetapentane/diphenhydramine/phenylephrine
- carbetapentane/diphenhydramine/phenylephrine suspension
- carbetapentane/guaifenesin
- carbetapentane/guaifenesin liquid
- carbetapentane/guaifenesin suspension
- carbetapentane/guaifenesin sustained-release capsules
- carbetapentane/guaifenesin sustained-release tablets
- carbetapentane/guaifenesin/phenylephrine solution
- carbetapentane/guaifenesin/phenylephrine sustained-release tablets
- carbetapentane/phenylephrine suspension
- carbetapentane/phenylephrine/pyrilamine
- carbetapentane/phenylephrine/pyrilamine suspension
- carbetapentane/pseudoephedrine chewable tablets
- carbetapentane/pseudoephedrine liquid
- carbetapentane/pseudoephedrine suspension
- Carbetaplex
- carbetocin Intravenous
- carbidopa
- carbidopa and levodopa
- Carbidopa and Levodopa ODT
- Carbidopa and Levodopa Tablets
- Carbidopa+Levodopa Accord
- carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa
- Carbidopa, Levodopa and Entacapone Tablets
- carbidopa/entacapone/levodopa
- carbidopa/levodopa
- carbidopa/levodopa orally disintegrating tablets
- carbidopa/levodopa sustained-release tablets
- Carbidopa/Levodopa/Entacapone
- Carbihist
- carbinoxamine
- carbinoxamine and pseudoephedrine
- Carbinoxamine Maleate
- carbinoxamine maleate extended-release capsules
- carbinoxamine maleate liquid
- carbinoxamine maleate/tannate
- Carbinoxamine PD
- carbinoxamine, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine
- carbinoxamine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- carbinoxamine, hydrocodone, and phenylephrine
- carbinoxamine, hydrocodone, and pseudoephedrine
- carbinoxamine, methscopolamine, and pseudoephedrine
- carbinoxamine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine drops
- carbinoxamine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine syrup
- carbinoxamine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine drops
- carbinoxamine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine liquid
- carbinoxamine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine suspension
- carbinoxamine/hydrocodone/phenylephrine liquid
- carbinoxamine/hydrocodone/pseudoephedrine liquid
- carbinoxamine/methscopolamine/pseudoephedrine sustained-release tablets
- carbinoxamine/methscopolamine/pseudoephedrine syrup
- carbinoxamine/phenylephrine drops
- carbinoxamine/phenylephrine sustained-release tablets
- carbinoxamine/pseudoephedrine
- carbinoxamine/pseudoephedrine controlled-release tablets
- carbinoxamine/pseudoephedrine drops
- carbinoxamine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- carbinoxamine/pseudoephedrine suspension
- Carbo - Hasco
- Carbo Activ Aflofarm
- Carbo medicinalis MF
- Carbo medicinalis VP
- Carboadsorbent
- Carbocaine
- Carbocaine HCl
- carbocysteine chewable tablets
- Carbodex DM
- Carbodex DM drops
- Carbodex DM elixir
- Carbofed DM
- Carbofed DM Drops
- Carbofed DM Syrup
- Carbogen
- carbohydrate and electrolyte combination
- carbol-fuchsin solution Topical
- Carbomedac
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Dioxide Air Mixture
- Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Mixture
- Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Gas
- Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid
- Carbon Dioxide-Oxygen-Nitrogen Mixture
- carbonic anhydrase inhibitor Oral, Parenteral
- carbonyl iron
- Carboplatin
- Carboplatin Accord
- Carboplatin Actavis
- carboplatin Intravenous
- Carboplatin Kabi
- Carboplatin Pfizer
- Carboplatin-Ebewe
- carboprost
- carboprost Intramuscular
- Carboprost Tromethamine
- Carboptic
- Carboptic Drops
- Carboxine
- Carboxine 12D suspension
- Cardec
- Cardec DM
- Cardec DM Drops
- Cardec DM Elixir
- Cardec Drops
- Cardec elixir
- Cardene
- Cardene I.V.
- Cardene Injection
- Cardene Intravenous
- Cardene IV
- Cardene SR
- Cardene SR sustained-release capsules
- Cardiacol C
- Cardiactiv
- Cardiamid-Coffein
- Cardiamidum
- Cardio essentials capsules
- Cardio Omega Benefits
- Cardiobonisan
- Cardiobonisol
- Cardiofil
- Cardiogen-82
- Cardiogen-82 Generator
- Cardiol C
- Cardiolite
- Cardiopirin
- Cardioplegic
- Cardioquin
- Cardiotek-RX
- Cardiotonic
- Cardioxane
- Cardipen
- Cardizem
- Cardizem CD
- Cardizem CD 24-hour sustained-release beads capsules
- Cardizem immediate-release tablets
- Cardizem Intravenous
- Cardizem LA
- Cardizem LA 24-hour extended-release beads tablets
- Cardura
- Cardura XL extended-release tablets
- Care One Acid Reducer Plus Antacid
- Care One Sleep Aid
- CareNatal DHA
- Careone Acid Reducer
- Careone Antibacterial Foaming Kitchen
- Careone Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men
- carfilzomib
- carfilzomib Intravenous
- carglumic acid
- Carident
- Carimune
- Carimune IGIV
- carisoprodol
- Carisoprodol and Aspirin
- carisoprodol, aspirin, and codeine
- Carisoprodol, Aspirin, Codeine
- carisoprodol/aspirin
- carisoprodol/aspirin/codeine
- Carisoprodol/Aspirin/Codeine Phosphate
- Carlson D
- Carmex
- Carmol
- Carmol 20 cream
- Carmol 40 cream
- Carmol 40 emulsion
- Carmol HC
- Carmol HC (obs)
- Carmol Scalp
- Carmol Scalp Treatment Kit
- Carmol Scalp Treatment lotion
- Carmolis
- Carmustine
- Carmustine (bcnu)
- carmustine implant wafer
- carmustine Implantation
- carmustine Intravenous
- Carnitine
- Carnitor
- Carnitor Injection
- Carnitor Oral Solution
- Carnitor SF solution
- Carnitor solution
- Carnitor Sugar-Free Solution
- Carnitor Tablets
- Carotenoids
- Carpaquin
- Carprofen
- CarraKlenz
- Carrington Antifungal Topical
- Carrington Oral Wound Rinse
- Carteol LP 2%
- carteolol
- carteolol drops
- Carteolol Hydrochloride
- Carteolol hydrochloride ophthalmic solution usp, 1%
- carteolol Ophthalmic
- Carters Little Pills
- Cartia XT
- Cartia XT 24-hour sustained-release beads capsules
- Carticel
- Cartrol
- carvedilol
- carvedilol extended-release capsules
- Carvedilol Orion
- Carvedilol Pfizer
- Carvedilol-ratiopharm 12,5
- Carvedilol-ratiopharm 25
- Carvedilol-ratiopharm 6,25
- Carzenio
- cascara sagrada
- Casodex
- caspofungin
- Caspofungin Acetate
- caspofungin Intravenous
- Castagnus
- Castiva Cooling
- Castiva Cooling lotion
- Castiva Warming
- Castiva Warming lotion
- Castor Equi
- Castor Oil
- Cat Hair Standardized
- Cat Pelt Standardized
- cat's claw
- cat's claw controlled-release tablets
- Cataflam
- Cataflam 50
- Cataflam immediate-release tablets
- Catalin
- Catapres
- Catapres-TTS
- Catapres-TTS patches
- Catapres-TTS-1
- Catapres-TTS-1 transdermal
- Catapres-TTS-2
- Catapres-TTS-2 Transdermal
- Catapres-TTS-3
- Catapres-TTS-3 Transdermal
- Catasod-ocuxtra optigold macutein
- Cathflo Activase
- Catosal
- Cattlyst
- Caustic Dressing Powder
- Caustinerf Fort
- Cavan EC DHA Plus
- Cavan Folate
- Cavan One
- Cavan One Omega
- Cavan-Folate DHA
- Cavan-Heme OB
- Cavan-Heme Omega
- Caverject
- Caverject Impulse
- Caverject Impulse injectable and transurethral
- Caverject injectable and transurethral
- Cavinton
- Cavinton Forte
- CaviRinse
- CaviRinse Sodium Fluoride Oral Rinse
- Cayston
- Cayston inhalation
- Caziant
- CCNSB Capsules
- Ce-Vi-Sol
- Cebion
- Cebionmulti
- Cecon
- Cecon solution
- Cedax
- Cedax suspension
- Ceel
- Ceenu
- Cefa-Drops
- Cefaclor
- Cefaclor Capsules
- cefaclor extended-release tablets
- cefaclor suspension
- cefadroxil
- Cefadroxil Capsules
- Cefadroxil Oral Suspension
- cefadroxil suspension
- Cefalgin
- Cefazolin
- Cefazolin and Dextrose
- Cefazolin Hospira
- Cefazolin Injection
- Cefazolin IPP Pharma
- Cefazolin Sandoz
- Cefazolin Sodium
- cefdinir
- Cefdinir Capsules
- cefdinir suspension
- cefditoren
- Cefditoren Pivoxil
- cefepime
- Cefepime Hospira
- Cefepime Hydrochloride
- Cefepime Hydrochloride and Dextrose
- cefepime Injection
- Cefepime Kabi
- Cefepime Panpharma
- Cefiksym Orchid Europe Ltd.
- cefixime
- cefixime chewable tablets
- cefixime suspension
- Cefizox
- Cefizox Injection
- Cefobid
- Cefobid injection
- Cefobid pharmacy bulk package - not for direct infusion
- Cefotan
- Cefotaxim -MIP
- Cefotaxime
- Cefotaxime and Dextrose
- Cefotaxime FarmaPlus
- cefotaxime Injection
- Cefotaxime Sodium
- Cefotetan
- Cefotetan and Dextrose
- Cefotetan Disodium
- cefotetan Injection
- Cefoxitin
- Cefoxitin and Dextrose Injection
- cefoxitin Intravenous
- Cefoxitin Sodium
- cefpodoxime
- Cefpodoxime Proxetil
- Cefpodoxime Proxetil Suspension
- cefpodoxime suspension
- Cefprozil
- cefprozil suspension
- Cefprozil Tablets
- Ceftagen
- ceftaroline
- Ceftaroline Fosamil
- Ceftaroline Fosamil Monoacetate
- ceftaroline Intravenous
- ceftazidime
- Ceftazidime and Dextrose
- ceftazidime Injection
- Ceftazidime Kabi
- Ceftazidime Pfizer
- ceftibuten
- ceftibuten suspension
- Ceftin
- Ceftin suspension
- Ceftin Tablets, Oral Suspension
- ceftizoxime
- Ceftizoxime Sodium
- Ceftriaxon -MIP i.m.
- Ceftriaxon -MIP i.v.
- Ceftriaxon -MIP i.v./i.m
- Ceftriaxon Kabi
- Ceftriaxone
- Ceftriaxone and Dextrose
- Ceftriaxone Hospira
- ceftriaxone injection
- Ceftriaxone Sodium
- Cefuroksym Hospira
- Cefuroxim -MIP 1500 mg
- Cefuroxim -MIP 750 mg
- Cefuroxim Kabi
- Cefuroxim Teva
- Cefuroxime
- Cefuroxime -ratiopharm
- Cefuroxime Actavis
- Cefuroxime Arrow
- Cefuroxime Axetil
- Cefuroxime Axetil Oral Suspension
- Cefuroxime Dextrose
- Cefuroxime Glob
- Cefuroxime Injection
- cefuroxime Injection, Intravenous
- Cefuroxime Sodium
- cefuroxime suspension
- cefuroxime tablets
- Cefuroxime-1A Pharma
- Cefzil
- Cefzil for oral suspension
- Cefzil Suspension
- Celebrex
- celecoxib
- Celestial seasonings soothers throat drops
- Celestoderm-V
- Celestoderm-V/2
- Celestone Soluspan
- Celestone solution
- Celexa
- Celexa solution
- Celipres 100
- Celipres 200
- Celiprolol Vitabalans
- CellCept capsules
- Cellcept Oral
- CellCept solution
- CellCept suspension
- Cellulase
- Celluvisc
- Celomix 15 mg
- Celomix 7,5 mg
- Celontin
- Celontin Kapseals
- Celsentri
- Celsior
- Celvapan-7,5 mcg/0,5 ml szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Celvista
- CEM-Urea
- Cemill 1000
- Cemill 500
- Cemill controlled-release capsules
- Cena K
- Cenafed
- Cenestin
- Cenestin tablets, 0.3mg
- Cenestin tablets, 0.45mg, 0.625mg, 0.9mg, 1.25mg
- Cenestin tablets, 0.625mg, 0.9mg, 1.25mg
- Cenogen Ultra
- Cenolate injection
- Centany
- Centany AT
- Centany ointment
- Centany ointment, 2%
- Centany Topical
- Center-Al
- Centratex
- Centrine
- Centrophenoxin
- Centrum
- Centrum Jr + Extra C
- Centrum Jr + Extra Calcium
- Centrum Junior (pow.2 l.)
- Centrum kids complete children's chewables
- Centrum Liquid
- Centrum od A do Z
- Centrum Silver
- Centrum Singles-Vitamin C
- Centrum Singles-Vitamin E
- Centruroides (Scorpion) Immune F(ab′)2 (Equine)
- Centruroides (Scorpion) Immune F(ab′)2 (Equine)
- Centussin DHC
- Cepacol Dual Relief Sore Throat Cherry
- Cepacol Dual Relief Sore Throat Mint
- Cepacol Dual Relief spray
- Cepacol Extra Strength
- Cepacol Extra Strength Cherry
- Cepacol Extra Strength Cherry Sugar Free
- Cepacol Extra Strength Citrus
- Cepacol Extra Strength Honey Lemon
- Cepacol Extra Strength Menthol
- Cepacol Extra Strength Menthol Sugar Free
- Cepacol Fizzlers
- Cepacol Maximum Strength Lozenges
- Cepacol Sensations Hydra
- Cepacol Sensations Warming
- Cepacol Sore Throat & Coating
- Cepacol Sore Throat from Post Nasal Drip Menthol oral mucous membrane
- Cepacol Sore Throat lozenges
- Cepacol Sore Throat Max Numb oral mucous membrane
- Cepacol Sore Throat oral mucous membrane
- Cepacol Ultra
- Cepacol Viractin
- Cepan
- Cepasmel
- Cepastil
- Cephadyn
- Cephalexin
- cephalexin capsules
- cephalexin suspension
- cephalosporin Oral, Injection, Intravenous, Intramuscular
- Cephradine
- Ceplene
- Cepodem
- Cepodem 100
- Cepodem 200
- Ceprotin
- Ceptaz
- Cera Sport
- CeraLyte 70
- CeraLyte powder packets
- CeraVe
- CeraVe AM
- Cerazette
- Cerebrolysin
- Cerebyx
- Ceredase
- Cerefolin
- Cerefolin NAC
- Cerefolin with NAC
- Cerenia
- Ceretec
- Cereus Drops 6x
- Cerezyme
- Cerisa Wash
- cerivastatin
- Cernevit
- Ceron
- Ceron Drops
- Ceron-DM
- Ceron-DM Drops
- Ceron-DM Liquid
- Cerose DM
- Cerovel
- Cerovite Jr chewables
- Certain Dri solution
- Certiva
- certolizumab
- Certolizumab Pegol
- certolizumab pegol Subcutaneous
- certolizumab Subcutaneous
- Certuss
- Certuss-D
- Cerubidine
- Cerugrip
- Cerumenex otic
- Cerutin
- Cervarix
- Cervarix Szczepionka przeciw wir.brodawczaka ludz.
- Cervidil
- Cervidil inserts
- Cesamet
- Cesia
- Cesol
- Ceta Plus
- Cetacaine liquid
- Cetacaine topical anesthetic
- Cetacaine Topical Anesthetic Gel
- Cetacort
- Cetafen
- CetAlergin Ten
- Cetamide
- Cetaphil Cleanser
- Cetaphil Lotion
- Cetapred
- Cetilevo
- Cetip
- Cetiri D
- cetirizine
- cetirizine and pseudoephedrine
- Cetirizine Aurobindo
- cetirizine chewable tablets
- Cetirizine Galpharm
- Cetirizine Hydrochloride
- Cetirizine Hydrochloride/Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
- cetirizine orally disintegrating tablets
- cetirizine syrup
- Cetirizine Tablets
- Cetirizine Tablets Chewable
- cetirizine/pseudoephedrine
- Cetirizinum Fair-Med
- Cetraxal
- Cetraxal ear drops
- Cetraxal Plus
- Cetriseptin
- Cetrix
- Cetrorelix Acetate
- cetrorelix injectable
- cetrorelix Subcutaneous
- Cetrotide injectable
- cetuximab
- cetuximab Intravenous
- Cetyl alcohol
- Cetyl myristate
- Cetyl myristoleate
- Cetyryzyna -EGIS
- Ceuronex
- Cevi-Bid
- Cevi-Bid controlled-release capsules
- Cevikap
- Cevimeline
- Cevimeline Hydrochloride
- Cezoryn
- chamomile
- Champix
- Chantix
- Chantix Start Month Pak
- Chantix Starter Pack
- Chantix Starting Month Box
- Chap Stick
- chaparral
- charcoal
- charcoal activated
- Charcoal Plus DS
- Charcoal, activated
- chaste tree
- Chateal
- CheeTah Butterscotch oral and rectal
- CheeTah Chocolaty-Fudge oral and rectal
- CheeTah oral and rectal
- CheeTah Orange oral and rectal
- CheeTah Rasberry oral and rectal
- CheeTah Raspberry oral and rectal
- Cheetah Suspension
- Chelated Magnesium
- Chelicur
- Chemet
- Chenodal
- Chenodiol
- Cheracol Plus
- Cheracol Sore Throat
- Cheracol with Codeine
- Cheracol-D
- Cheratussin AC
- Cheratussin DAC
- Chibroxin
- Chiggerex
- Children's Acetaminophen
- Children's Acetaminophen - Grape
- Children's Acetaminophen Bubble Gum Flavor
- Children's Acetaminophen Cherry Flavor
- Children's Acetaminophen Grape Flavor
- Children's Acetaminophen Suspension Bubble Gum Flavor - Ages 2 To 11
- Children's Acetaminophen Suspension Cherry Flavor
- Children's Acetaminophen Suspension Grape Flavor - Ages 2 To 11
- Children's Advil Chewable Tablets
- Children's Advil drops
- Children's Advil suspension
- Children's Allegra Allergy
- Children's Allegra ODT
- Children's Allergy
- Children's benadryl allergy cold fastmelt tablets
- Children's benadryl allergy sinus liquid
- Children's benadryl D allergy sinus fastmelt tablets
- Children's Benadryl-D Allergy and Sinus liquid
- Children's Claritin Allergy chewable tablets
- Children's Cold & Allergy
- Children's Cold & Cough DM
- Children's Cold Plus Cough chewable tablets
- Children's dimetapp cold allergy elixir
- Children's Dimetapp Decongestant Infant drops
- Children's dimetapp DM cold cough elixir
- Children's ElixSure gel syrup
- Children's Gas-X Tongue Twisters strips
- Children's Ibuprofen Berry
- Children's Ibuprofen Cold Relief
- Children's Mapap
- Children's Motrin
- Children's Motrin Berry Flavor
- Children's Motrin Bubble Gum Flavor
- Children's Motrin chewable tablets
- Children's Motrin drops
- Children's Motrin Grape Flavor
- Children's Motrin suspension
- Children's Nortemp
- Children's NyQuil
- Children's NyQuil Cold & Cough
- Children's Pedia Care
- Children's Silapap elixir
- Children's Silfedrine
- Children's sudafed cold cough non-drowsy liquid
- Children's Sudafed liquid
- Children's Triacting
- Children's Triacting Daytime
- Children's Triacting Night Time
- Children's Triaminic Cough and Sore Throat syrup
- Children's Triaminic Cough/Cold Nighttime strips
- Children's Triaminic Flu Cough & Fever liquid
- Children's Tylenol
- Children's Tylenol Cold chewable tablets
- Children's Tylenol Cold liquid
- Children's Tylenol Flu
- Children's Tylenol Meltaway
- Children's Tylenol Meltaways dispersible tablets
- Children's tylenol plus cold allergy
- Children's tylenol plus cold allergy suspension liquid
- Children's tylenol plus cold cough
- Children's tylenol plus cold cough suspension liquid and chewable tablets
- Children's tylenol plus cold daytime non-drowsy suspension liquid
- Children's Tylenol Plus Cough and Runny Nose suspension
- Children's Tylenol Suspension
- Childrens All Day Allergy Liquid
- Childrens Allergy Relief CVS
- Childrens Cetirizine Oral Solution
- Childrens Ibuprofen Berry
- Childrens Kaopectate
- Childrens Motrin Cold
- Childrens Mucinex Cough
- Childrens Tylenol Meltaway oral/rectal
- Childrens Tylenol oral/rectal
- China Oel
- Chinidinum sulfuricum
- Chinoplus
- ChiRhoStim
- Chlo Tuss
- Chlo Tuss EX
- Chlo Tuss EX liquid
- Chlo Tuss liquid
- Chlo-Amine
- Chloe
- Chlophed liquid
- chlophedianol
- chlophedianol and chlorcyclizine
- chlophedianol and guaifenesin
- chlophedianol and pseudoephedrine
- chlophedianol and triprolidine
- chlophedianol, chlorcyclizine, and pseudoephedrine
- chlophedianol, dexbrompheniramine, and phenylephrine
- chlophedianol, dexchlorpheniramine, and pseudoephedrine
- chlophedianol, guaifenesin, and phenylephrine
- chlophedianol, guaifenesin, and pseudoephedrine
- chlophedianol, phenylephrine, and pyrilamine
- chlophedianol, phenylephrine, and triprolidine
- chlophedianol/chlorcyclizine
- chlophedianol/chlorcyclizine liquid
- chlophedianol/dexbrompheniramine/phenylephrine liquid
- chlophedianol/guaifenesin liquid
- chlophedianol/guaifenesin/phenylephrine liquid
- chlophedianol/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine
- chlophedianol/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine liquid
- Chlor Trimeton Nasal Decongestant
- Chlor-3 shaker
- Chlor-Al Rel
- Chlor-Mal
- Chlor-Mes
- Chlor-Mes Jr
- Chlor-Phen
- Chlor-Phenit
- Chlor-Trimeton
- Chlor-Trimeton 12 Hour
- Chlor-Trimeton Allergy SR
- Chlor-Trimeton Decongestant sustained-release tablets
- Chlor-Trimeton Nasal Decongestant Oral
- Chlor-Trimeton Sinus
- Chlor-Trimeton syrup
- Chloral Hydrate
- chloral hydrate Oral, Rectal
- chloral hydrate rectal
- chloral hydrate suppositories
- chloral hydrate syrup
- Chlorambucil
- chloramphenicol
- Chloramphenicol Injection
- chloramphenicol Ophthalmic
- chloramphenicol Oral, Intravenous, Injection
- chloramphenicol Otic
- Chloramphenicol Sodium Succinate
- chloramphenicol/polymyxin B and hydrocortisone ophthalmic
- Chloraprep One-Step
- Chloraseptic
- Chloraseptic lozenges
- Chloraseptic Sore Throat Lozenge
- Chloraseptic Sore Throat Spray
- Chloraseptic spray
- Chloratet 100
- Chloratet 90
- Chlorchinaldin H
- Chlorchinaldin o smaku czarnej porzeczki
- Chlorchinaldin VP
- chlorcyclizine and codeine
- chlorcyclizine and phenylephrine
- chlorcyclizine and pseudoephedrine
- chlorcyclizine, codeine, and phenylephrine
- chlorcyclizine, codeine, and pseudoephedrine
- chlorcyclizine/codeine liquid
- chlorcyclizine/phenylephrine
- chlorcyclizine/phenylephrine chewable tablets
- chlorcyclizine/phenylephrine syrup
- chlorcyclizine/pseudoephedrine
- chlorcyclizine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- chlordiazepoxide
- chlordiazepoxide and amitriptyline
- chlordiazepoxide and clidinium
- Chlordiazepoxide and Clidinium Capsules
- Chlordiazepoxide Capsules
- Chlordiazepoxide Hydrochloride
- chlordiazepoxide injection
- Chlordiazepoxide,Amitriptyline
- Chlordiazepoxide/Amitriptyline
- chlordiazepoxide/clidinium
- chlordiazepoxide/methscopolamine
- Chlorek strontu (89SrCl2) Polatom
- Chlorex A
- Chlorex-A 12
- Chlorex-A 12 Suspension
- Chlorheksydyny Diglukonian Sage
- chlorhexidine
- Chlorhexidine Gluconate
- Chlorhexidine Gluconate eent
- chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse
- Chlorhexidine Gluconate topical
- chlorhexidine liquid
- chlorhexidine Periodontal
- Chlorhexidine Scrub
- Chlorhexidine Solution
- chlorhexidine topical
- chlorhexidine Topical application
- ChlorMax
- Chlornade
- Chlorocyclinum 3%
- Chloromag
- Chloromycetin
- Chloromycetin Ophthalmic
- Chloromycetin Ophthalmic Ointment
- Chloromycetin Oral, Intravenous, Injection
- Chloromycetin Otic
- Chloromycetin Otic Solution
- Chloromycetin Sodium Succinate
- Chloropernazinum
- chlorophyllin
- Chlorophyllin copper complex sodium
- Chloroprocaine
- Chloroptic
- Chloroptic S.O.P.
- chloroquine
- chloroquine Oral, Intramuscular
- Chloroquine Phosphate
- chloroquine tablets
- Chlorostat
- Chlorostat 4
- Chlorothiazide
- chlorothiazide and methyldopa
- chlorothiazide and reserpine
- Chlorothiazide Injection
- chlorothiazide Intravenous
- Chlorothiazide Sodium
- chlorothiazide suspension
- chlorothiazide tablets
- chlorotrianisene
- chloroxine Topical
- chloroxylenol and pramoxine otic
- chloroxylenol, hydrocortisone, and pramoxine otic
- chloroxylenol/benzocaine/hydrocortisone drops
- chloroxylenol/hydrocortisone/pramoxine lotion
- chloroxylenol/hydrocortisone/pramoxine solution
- chloroxylenol/pramoxine drops
- chloroxylenol/pramoxine/glycerin/zinc ear drops drops
- chloroxylenol/pramoxine/zinc drops
- Chlorphen
- Chlorphen Mal, Dex HBr, Pseudoeph
- Chlorphen Mal, Pseudoeph HCl
- chlorphenesin
- chlorpheniramine
- chlorpheniramine and codeine
- chlorpheniramine and dextromethorphan
- chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone
- chlorpheniramine and methscopolamine
- chlorpheniramine and phenylephrine
- chlorpheniramine and phenylpropanolamine
- chlorpheniramine and pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine controlled-release capsules
- Chlorpheniramine Maleate
- Chlorpheniramine Maleate, Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate
- Chlorpheniramine Maleate/Phenylephrine Hydrochloride/Methscopolamine Nitrate
- Chlorpheniramine Maleate/Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride/Codeine Phosphate
- Chlorpheniramine Maleate/Tannate, Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate
- chlorpheniramine suspension
- chlorpheniramine suspension drops
- chlorpheniramine sustained-release capsules
- chlorpheniramine syrup
- Chlorpheniramine Tablets
- chlorpheniramine, carbetapentane, ephedrine, and phenylephrine
- chlorpheniramine, codeine, and pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine, dextromethorphan, and methscopolamine
- chlorpheniramine, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine
- chlorpheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine, dihydrocodeine, and phenylephrine
- chlorpheniramine, dihydrocodeine, and pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine, guaifenesin, hydrocodone, and pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine, guaifenesin, hydrocodone, pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine, hydrocodone, and phenylephrine
- chlorpheniramine, hydrocodone, and pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine, ibuprofen, and pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine, methscopolamine, and phenylephrine
- chlorpheniramine, methscopolamine, and pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine, phenylephrine, and phenyltoloxamine
- chlorpheniramine, phenyltoloxamine, and phenylephrine
- chlorpheniramine, pyrilamine, and phenylephrine
- chlorpheniramine/ phenyltoloxamine/ phenylephrine/ phenylpropanolamine
- chlorpheniramine/ pyrilamine/ phenylephrine/ phenylpropanolamine
- chlorpheniramine/acetaminophen
- chlorpheniramine/codeine
- chlorpheniramine/codeine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/codeine suspension
- chlorpheniramine/codeine/acetaminophen
- chlorpheniramine/codeine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/codeine/pseudoephedrine suspension
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan chewable tablets
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan liquid
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/phenylephrine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine chewable tablets
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine drops
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine suspension
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine sustained-release tablets
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylpropanolamine
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine chewable tablets
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine suspension
- chlorpheniramine/dihydrocodeine/phenylephrine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/dihydrocodeine/pseudoephedrine syrup
- chlorpheniramine/guaifenesin
- chlorpheniramine/guaifenesin/phenylephrine drops
- chlorpheniramine/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine/hydrocodone extended release capsules
- chlorpheniramine/hydrocodone extended-release suspension
- chlorpheniramine/hydrocodone solution
- chlorpheniramine/hydrocodone/phenylephrine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/hydrocodone/pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine/hydrocodone/pseudoephedrine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/methscopolamine
- chlorpheniramine/methscopolamine 12-hour tablets
- chlorpheniramine/methscopolamine chewable tablet
- chlorpheniramine/methscopolamine suspension
- chlorpheniramine/methscopolamine/phenylephrine suspension
- chlorpheniramine/methscopolamine/pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine/phenindamine/phenylpropanolamine
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine chewable tablets
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine controlled-release tablets
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine elixir
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine suspension
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine sustained-release capsules
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/aspirin effervescent tablets
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/methscopolamine
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/methscopolamine chewable tablets
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/methscopolamine controlled-release tablets
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/methscopolamine sustained-release and long-acting tablets
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/methscopolamine syrup
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/phenylpropanolamine
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/phenyltoloxamine
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/phenyltoloxamine controlled-release tablets
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/phenyltoloxamine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/pyrilamine
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/pyrilamine controlled-release tablets
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/pyrilamine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/pyrilamine suspension
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine 24-hour sustained-release capsules
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine chewable tablets
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine controlled-release capsules
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine suspension
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine sustained-release capsules
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine sustained-release tablets
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine/ibuprofen
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine/methscopolamine sustained-release tablets
- chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine/methscopolamine syrup
- Chlorphenylcaine Ear Drops
- Chlorpram Z drops
- chlorpromazine
- chlorpromazine concentrate
- Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride
- chlorpromazine suppositories
- chlorpromazine syrup
- chlorpromazine tablets
- chlorpropamide
- Chlorsuccillin
- ChlorTan
- ChlorTan D
- chlorthalidone
- chlorthalidone and reserpine
- chlorthalidone/clonidine
- Chlortox
- Chlorzoxazone
- Choice OB + DHA
- Cholagoga II
- Cholagoga III
- Cholamid
- cholecalciferol
- cholecalciferol, genistein, and zinc chelazome
- cholecalciferol/genistein/zinc chelazome
- cholecystographic agent
- cholecystographic agent Oral
- cholecystokinin Injection
- Choledyl
- Choledyl Expectorant Elixir
- Choledyl SA
- Cholegran
- cholera vaccine Injection
- Cholesol
- Cholestagel
- Cholestil
- cholestyramine
- Cholestyramine Light
- cholestyramine powder
- Cholestyramine Resin
- Choletec
- Cholib
- Choligrip Effect
- Choligrip HOT
- Choligrip Max
- Choligrip na noc
- choline and dexpanthenol
- choline and magnesium trisalicylates
- choline and magnesium trisalicylates liquid
- Choline C 11
- choline c 11 Intravenous
- choline magnesium trisalicylate
- Choline Magnesium Trisalicylate Liquid
- Cholinex
- Cholinex Intense
- Cholinoid
- Cholitol
- Cholografin Meglumine
- Cholox
- Choloxin
- chondrocytes, autologous cultured Implantation
- chondroitin
- chondroitin and glucosamine
- chondroitin, glucosamine, and methylsulfonylmethane
- Chondroitin-Glucosamine
- Chondrostad
- Chooz
- Choragon 5000
- Chorex
- Choriogonadotropin Alfa
- Chorionic Gonadotropin
- Chorionic Gonadotropin (Human)
- chorionic gonadotropin Subcutaneous, Intramuscular, Injection
- Chromacaps
- Chromagen
- Chromagen Forte
- Chromate
- Chromatinic
- Chromax
- Chromic Chloride Injection
- Chromic Phosphate P 32
- chromic phosphate p 32 Injection
- Chromitope
- Chromium
- chromium picolinate
- chromium supplement Oral, Parenteral
- Chust.dezynf.Kodan
- Chymodiactin
- chymopapain Injection
- Cialis
- Cicaderma
- Ciclesonide
- Ciclesonide (Systemic, Oral Inhalation)
- ciclesonide aerosol
- Ciclesonide eent
- ciclesonide Inhalation
- ciclesonide Nasal
- ciclesonide spray
- Ciclodan
- Ciclodan cream
- Ciclodan Kit
- Ciclodan Kit cream and cleanser kit
- Ciclodan Topical
- Ciclolack
- Ciclopirox
- ciclopirox cream
- ciclopirox cream and cleanser kit
- Ciclopirox Gel
- Ciclopirox Lotion
- Ciclopirox Nail Lacquer
- Ciclopirox Olamine
- Ciclopirox Shampoo
- ciclopirox solution
- ciclopirox solution kit
- ciclopirox suspension
- ciclopirox topical
- Ciclopirox Topical Solution
- Ciclopirox Topical Suspension
- Cidaflex
- cidofovir
- Cidofovir Injection
- cidofovir Intravenous
- Ciechocinski Szlam Leczniczy
- Ciechocinski Ług Leczniczy
- Cignoderm 2%
- Cilapril
- Cilazaprilum 123ratio (Inhibestril)
- Cilest
- Cilium
- Cilostazol
- Cilostop
- Ciloxan
- Ciloxan drops
- Ciloxan eent
- Ciloxan ointment
- Ciloxan Ophthalmic Solution
- Cilozek
- cimetidine
- Cimetidine Hydrochloride
- Cimetidine Injection
- Cimetidine Jelfa
- Cimetidine Sodium Chloride
- cimetidine solution
- cimetidine suspension
- Cimetidine Tablets
- Cimetidinum
- Cimzia
- Cinacalcet
- Cinacalcet Hydrochloride
- Cincol
- Cinep
- Cinie 100
- Cinie 50
- Cinnarizinum Aflofarm
- Cinnarizinum Hasco
- Cinnarizinum WZF
- Cinobac
- Cinolar
- cinoxacin
- Cinryze
- CIP - fenofibrate
- Ciphin 250
- Cipramil
- Cipro
- Cipro HC
- Cipro HC Otic
- Cipro I.V.
- Cipro I.V. pharmacy bulk package
- Cipro IV
- Cipro Iv Minibags
- Cipro suspension
- Cipro Tablets
- Cipro XR
- Cipro XR Extended-Release Tablets
- Ciprobay 250
- Ciprobay 500
- Ciprobay Uro
- Ciprodex
- ciprofloxacin
- ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone otic
- ciprofloxacin and hydrocortisone otic
- ciprofloxacin drops
- Ciprofloxacin Ear Drops
- Ciprofloxacin Extended Release Tablets
- Ciprofloxacin Fair-Med
- Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride
- Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride eent
- Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride/Hydrocortisone
- Ciprofloxacin in 5% Dextrose
- Ciprofloxacin Injection
- Ciprofloxacin Injection Concentrate
- ciprofloxacin Intravenous
- Ciprofloxacin Kabi 100/50ml
- Ciprofloxacin Kabi 200
- Ciprofloxacin Kabi 400
- ciprofloxacin ointment
- ciprofloxacin Ophthalmic
- Ciprofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution
- ciprofloxacin otic
- ciprofloxacin suspension
- Ciprofloxacin Tablets
- ciprofloxacin/dexamethasone
- ciprofloxacin/hydrocortisone
- Ciprofloxacinum Claris
- Ciprolon 250 mg
- Ciprolon 500 mg
- Ciprolon 750 mg
- Cipronex 0,3% (Proxacin 0,3%)
- Ciproquin
- Ciqorin
- Circadin
- Circlet
- Circulat
- Cirkused
- Cirrus
- cisapride
- cisatracurium
- Cisatracurium Accord
- Cisatracurium Actavis
- Cisatracurium Besylate
- Cisatracurium Besylate Injection
- Cisatracurium Hospira
- Cisatracurium Kabi
- Cisatracurium Mylan
- Cisatracurium Strides
- Cisplatin
- Cisplatin - Ebewe
- Cisplatin Actavis
- Cisplatin Caduceus
- cisplatin Intravenous
- Cisplatin Kabi
- Cisplatin Strides
- Cisplatin Teva
- Cisplatinum Accord
- Citabax 10
- Citabax 20
- Citabax 40
- Cital
- citalopram
- Citalopram Bluefish
- Citalopram Capsules
- Citalopram Hydrobromide
- Citalopram Oral Solution
- Citalopram Pliva (Citaxin)
- citalopram solution
- Citalopram Tablets
- Citalopram Teva
- Citalopram Vitabalans
- Citalostad
- Citanest
- Citanest Forte Dental Injection
- Citanest Plain Dental Injection
- Citaxin
- Citocartin 100
- Citocartin 200
- Citra pH
- Citracal
- Citracal 250 mg + D
- Citracal Calcium + D Slow Release 1200
- Citracal Calcium Gummies
- Citracal caplets + D
- Citracal Caplets Plus
- Citracal Creamy Bites
- Citracal Liquitab
- Citracal Maximum + D
- Citracal Petites
- Citracal Petites/Vitamin D
- Citracal+D
- Citraderm
- CitraFleet
- CitraNatal 90 DHA
- CitraNatal Assure
- CitraNatal B-Calm
- CitraNatal CalmRx Prenatal Vitamin
- CitraNatal DHA
- CitraNatal Harmony
- CitraNatal Harmony 2.1
- CitraNatal Rx
- citrate
- Citrate of Magnesia
- Citrate of Magnesia solution
- Citrate Salts, Citric Acid, Citric Acid Monohydrate, Potassium Citrate, Potassium Citrate Monohydrate, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Citrate and Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate Dihydrate
- citric acid and potassium citrate
- citric acid and sodium citrate
- citric acid, potassium citrate, and sodium citrate
- citric acid/sodium citrate
- Citroma
- Citronil
- Citropepsin
- Citrucel
- Citrucel Clear Mix
- Citrucel Food Pack
- Citrucel Lax
- Citrucel powder
- Citrucel SF
- Citrucel Tablets
- Citrus Calcium with Vitamin D
- Cladostad 100
- cladribine
- cladribine Intravenous
- Cladribine Novaplus
- Claforan
- Clanza CR
- Claravis
- Clarderin
- Clarelux
- Clarifoam EF
- Clarifoam EF foam
- Clarinase
- Clarinex
- Clarinex Reditabs
- Clarinex Reditabs orally disintegrating tablets
- Clarinex syrup
- Clarinex-D
- Clarinex-D 12 Hour
- Clarinex-D 12 Hour sustained-release tablets
- Clarinex-D 24 Hour
- Clarinex-D 24 Hour sustained-release tablets
- Clarinex-D Oral
- Claripel
- Claripel cream
- Claris Clarifying Wash
- clarithromycin
- Clarithromycin ER
- clarithromycin extended-release tablets
- clarithromycin suspension
- Claritin
- Claritin 24 Hour Allergy
- Claritin Eye
- Claritin Hives Relief
- Claritin Liqui-Gels
- Claritin Reditab
- Claritin Reditabs orally disintegrating tablets
- Claritin syrup
- Claritin-D
- Claritin-D 12 Hour 12-hour sustained-release tablets
- Claritin-D 24 Hour
- Claritin-D 24 Hour 24-hour sustained-release tablets
- Claritine
- Claritine Active
- Claritine Allergy
- Claritine SPE
- Clarix
- Clatra
- Clazistada
- Cleanse & Treat Plus topical
- Cleanse & Treat topical
- Cleanse and Treat Pad
- Cleanse and Treat Plus pads
- Cleanz-Detox
- Clear away gel with aloe wart remover system
- Clear Away Wart Removal System Topical
- Clear Calamine
- Clear Cough PM Multi-Symptom liquid
- Clear Eyes
- Clear Eyes + Redness Relief
- Clear Eyes ACR
- Clear Eyes CLR
- Clear Eyes drops
- Clear Eyes Extra Relief Drops
- Clear Eyes Seasonal Relief lubricant
- Clear Up Prep
- Clear-Atadine
- Clear-Atadine Children's
- ClearLax
- Clearplex
- Clearskin
- Clearskin cream
- Cleeravue-M
- Clemastine
- clemastine and phenylpropanolamine
- Clemastine Fumarate
- clemastine syrup
- Clemastinum
- Clemastinum Aflofarm
- Clemastinum Hasco
- Clemastinum WZF
- Clenia Cream
- Clenia Emollient Cream
- Clenia Foaming Wash
- Clenz-Lyte
- Cleocin
- Cleocin cream
- Cleocin HCl
- Cleocin Pediatric
- Cleocin Pediatric suspension
- Cleocin Phosphate
- Cleocin Phosphate IV
- Cleocin solution
- Cleocin suppositories
- Cleocin T
- Cleocin T gel
- Cleocin T lotion
- Cleocin T solution
- Cleocin T swab
- Cleocin T Topical
- Cleocin Topical Solution
- Cleocin Vaginal
- Cleocin Vaginal Cream
- Cleocin Vaginal Ovules
- Cleodette
- Cleonita
- Cleosensa
- clevidipine
- Clevidipine Butyrate
- clevidipine Intravenous
- Cleviprex
- clidinium
- Clidinium Bromide
- Climara
- Climara Pro
- Climara Pro transdermal
- Climara Pro weekly patch
- Climara Transdermal
- Climara weekly patch
- Climen
- Clinac BPO
- Clinac BPO 7
- Clinac BPO Topical
- Clinacort
- Clinacort injection
- Clinacox
- Clinagen LA 40
- Clinalog injection
- Clinda-Derm
- Clinda-Derm Topical
- Clindacin
- Clindacin ETZ
- Clindacin ETZ Topical
- Clindacin P
- Clindacin Pac swab
- Clindacin Pac Topical
- Clindacne
- ClindaCure
- Clindagel
- Clindagel Topical
- ClindaMax
- ClindaMax Cream
- Clindamax gel
- ClindaMax lotion
- ClindaMax Topical
- Clindamax Topical Suspension
- ClindaMax Vaginal
- clindamycin
- clindamycin and tretinoin topical
- clindamycin and tretinoin Topical application
- Clindamycin Capsules
- clindamycin cream
- Clindamycin Foam
- clindamycin gel
- Clindamycin Hydrochloride
- Clindamycin in Dextrose Injection
- Clindamycin Injection
- Clindamycin Injection Concentrate
- Clindamycin Kabi
- clindamycin lotion
- Clindamycin MIP 150
- clindamycin Oral, Injection, Intravenous
- Clindamycin Palmitate Hydrochloride Granules
- Clindamycin Phosphate
- Clindamycin Phosphate and Benzoyl Peroxide
- Clindamycin Phosphate topical
- Clindamycin phosphate/Tretinoin
- Clindamycin Pledget
- clindamycin solution
- clindamycin suppositories
- clindamycin suspension
- clindamycin swab
- Clindamycin Topical
- Clindamycin Topical Solution
- clindamycin Vaginal
- Clindamycin Vaginal Cream
- clindamycin/benzoyl peroxide gel
- clindamycin/tretinoin
- ClindaReach
- ClindaReach Pledget
- ClindaReach Topical
- Clindesse
- Clindesse cream
- Clindets swab
- Clindets Topical
- Clindoxyl
- Clinimix
- Clinimix E
- Clinimix N14G30E
- Clinisol
- ClinOleic 20%
- Clinolipid
- Clinoril
- Clinpro 5000
- Clinpro 5000 Anti-Cavity Toothpaste
- Clinsol
- Clintabs
- clioquinol and hydrocortisone Topical
- clioquinol Topical
- clioquinol/hydrocortisone cream
- clioquinol/hydrocortisone cream and hydrating serum kit
- clobazam
- clobazam suspension
- Clobederm
- Clobeta Cream
- Clobeta Ointment
- Clobetasol
- Clobetasol Cream
- Clobetasol Cream Emulsion
- Clobetasol Cream,Ointment
- clobetasol emollient foam
- Clobetasol Foam
- clobetasol gel
- Clobetasol Lotion
- Clobetasol Propionate
- Clobetasol Shampoo
- clobetasol solution
- clobetasol spray
- clobetasol topical
- clobetasol Topical application
- Clobetasol Topical Solution
- Clobevate
- Clobex
- Clobex lotion
- Clobex shampoo
- Clobex spray
- clocortolone
- clocortolone topical
- Cloderm
- Clodivac (Td-Szczepionka tęż.-błonicza.adsorb.)
- clodronic acid Oral, Injection
- clofarabine
- clofarabine Intravenous
- clofazimine
- Clofera
- clofibrate
- Clogrel
- Clolar
- Clomicalm
- Clomid
- clomiphene
- Clomiphene Citrate
- clomipramine
- Clomipramine Capsules
- Clomipramine Hydrochloride
- Clonazepam
- clonazepam orally disintegrating tablets
- Clonazepam Tablet Orally Disintegrating
- clonidine
- clonidine and chlorthalidone
- clonidine Epidural
- Clonidine Extended Release Tablets
- Clonidine Hydrochloride
- Clonidine Hydrochloride/Chlorthalidone
- Clonidine Injection
- clonidine Oral, Transdermal
- Clonidine Patch
- clonidine patches
- clonidine suspension
- clonidine tablets
- clonidine transdermal
- Clopidogrel
- Clopidogrel 1A Pharma
- Clopidogrel Acino
- Clopidogrel Acino Pharma
- Clopidogrel Acino Pharma GMBH
- Clopidogrel Arrow
- Clopidogrel Bisulfate
- Clopidogrel BMS
- Clopidogrel DURA
- Clopidogrel Generics
- Clopidogrel Genoptim (Trogran)
- Clopidogrel HCS
- Clopidogrel Hexal
- Clopidogrel IWA
- Clopidogrel Jenson
- Clopidogrel Krka d.d. (Zopya)
- Clopidogrel Mylan
- Clopidogrel Pfizer
- Clopidogrel Qualimed
- Clopidogrel Quisisana
- Clopidogrel Ranbaxy
- Clopidogrel Ratiopharm
- Clopidogrel Ratiopharm GmbH
- Clopidogrel Sandoz
- Clopidogrel TAD
- Clopidogrel Teva
- Clopidogrel Teva Generics B.V.
- Clopidogrel Teva Pharma
- Clopidogrel Wockhardt
- Clopidogrel Zentiva (Clopidogrel Winthrop)
- Clopidogrel/Acetylsalicylic acid Teva
- Clopidogrelum 123ratio
- Clopinovo
- Clopixol Acuphase
- Cloranxen
- Clorazepate
- Clorazepate Dipotassium
- clorazepate sustained-release tablets
- Cloropid
- Clorpactin wcs-90
- Clorpres
- Clostilbegyt
- Clotrim Antifungal Topical
- Clotrimaderm Topical
- Clotrimazol
- clotrimazole
- Clotrimazole Betamethasone Lotion
- Clotrimazole Cream
- clotrimazole inserts
- clotrimazole lotion
- Clotrimazole Lozenge
- clotrimazole Mucous membrane, oral
- clotrimazole solution
- clotrimazole topical
- clotrimazole troches
- clotrimazole vaginal
- Clotrimazole-3
- Clotrimazole-7
- clotrimazole/betamethasone cream
- Clotrimazolum 1%
- Clotrimazolum Aflofarm
- Clotrimazolum Hasco
- Clotrimazolum Medana
- Clotrimazolum Ziaja
- clove
- cloxacillin
- Cloxapen
- clozapine
- Clozapine Orally Disintegrating Tablet
- clozapine orally disintegrating tablets
- clozapine solution
- Clozaril
- CLTC 100 MR
- Cluvot 1250 j.m.
- Cluvot 250 j.m.
- CM plex cream
- CM plex softgels
- CNL8
- CNL8 Nail
- CNL8 solution kit
- CNL8 Topical
- Co Natal FA
- CO Oxycodone CR
- Co-Akanid
- Co-Amlessa
- Co-gesic
- Co-Olimestra
- Co-Prenessa 2mg/0,625mg
- Co-Presomyl
- Co-Presomyl Forte
- Co-Q10
- Co-trimoxazole
- coagulation factor IX
- coagulation factor IX injection (human)
- coagulation factor IX injection (recombinant)
- coagulation factor ix recombinant Intravenous
- coagulation factor VIIa (recombinant)
- coagulation factor VIIa (recombinant) (RT)
- coagulation factor VIIa injection
- coagulation factor viia Intravenous
- coagulation factor XIII concentrate (human)
- coagulation factor xiii Intravenous
- Coal Tar
- coal tar foam
- coal tar lotion
- coal tar ointment
- coal tar shampoo
- coal tar Topical
- coal tar/salicylic acid shampoo
- coal tar/salicylic acid/sulfur shampoo
- Coaparin
- CoAprovel
- Coartem
- Cobal 1000
- Cobal-1000 injection
- cobicistat, elvitegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir
- Cobolin-M injection
- cocaine hydrochloride Topical
- Cocaine Hydrochloride Topical Solution
- cocaine Topical
- Cocarboxylasum
- Cocarboxylasum Jelfa
- Cocculine
- Cocet
- Cocet Plus
- Cocois
- Codafed
- Codahistine Expectorant
- Codal-DM Syrup
- Codar AR
- Codar D
- Codar GF
- codeine
- codeine and guaifenesin
- codeine and phenylephrine
- codeine and promethazine
- codeine and pseudoephedrine
- Codeine Phosphate
- Codeine Phosphate and Guaifenesin
- codeine phosphate soluble tablets
- codeine phosphate solution
- Codeine Phosphate-Promethazine HCl
- Codeine Sulfate
- Codeine Sulfate Oral Solution
- codeine sulfate solution
- codeine, dexbrompheniramine, and pseudoephedrine
- codeine, dexchlorpheniramine, and phenylephrine
- codeine, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine
- codeine, guaifenesin, and phenylephrine
- codeine, guaifenesin, and pseudoephedrine
- codeine, phenylephrine, and promethazine
- codeine, pseudoephedrine, and pyrilamine
- codeine, pseudoephedrine, and triprolidine
- codeine/chlorcyclizine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- codeine/dexbrompheniramine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- codeine/diphenhydramine/phenylephrine solution
- codeine/guaifenesin
- codeine/guaifenesin liquid
- codeine/guaifenesin/phenylephrine liquid
- codeine/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine
- codeine/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine liquid
- codeine/phenylephrine/promethazine syrup
- codeine/phenylephrine/pyrilamine syrup
- codeine/pseudoephedrine
- codeine/pyrilamine syrup
- Codeprex
- Codiclear DH
- CodiCLEAR DH liquid
- Codimal DH
- Codimal DH liquid
- Codimal DM
- Codimal DM syrup
- Codimal PH Syrup
- Codipar
- Codipar 250
- Codipar 500
- Codituss DM
- Codituss DM syrup
- Codrix
- coenzyme q-10
- Coenzyme Q10
- coenzyme q10 chewable tablets
- coenzyme q10 liquid
- Coffecorn forte
- Coffecorn mite
- Coffepirine /od bólu głowy/
- Coffepirine Tabletki od bólu głowy
- Cogentin
- Cogentin Injection
- Cogiton ODT
- Cognex
- Cognezil
- Cognezil ODT
- Cognomem
- Colace
- Colace capsules, syrup, liquid
- Colace Glycerin Suppositories rectal
- Colace glycerin suppositories, usp 1.2 grams - infants and children
- Colace glycerin suppositories, usp 2.1 grams - adults and children
- Colace glycerin, usp 1.2 grams - children and infants
- Colace glycerin, usp 2.1 grams - adults and children
- Colace liquid
- Colace liquid 1% solution
- Colace Micro-Enema
- Colace Microenema enema
- Colace oral/rectal
- Colace Pediatric suppositories
- Colace syrup
- Colax
- Colazal
- Colazal Oral, Rectal
- Colchican
- Colchicine
- colchicine and probenecid
- colchicine Oral, Intravenous
- colchicine/probenecid
- Colchicum Dispert
- Colcrys
- Cold & Allergy Relief
- Cold & Cough Childrens
- Cold & Cough PE
- Cold & Hot Pain Relief
- Cold Head Congestion Severe Daytime
- Cold Medicine Plus
- Cold Multi-Symptom Severe Daytime Cool Ice
- Cold Spot Point Relief
- Cold-Eeze
- Coldamine
- Coldcough PD Syrup
- Coldcough Syrup
- Coldec
- Coldec D controlled-release tablets
- Coldloc-LA
- Coldrex HotRem czarna porzeczka
- Coldrex Junior C
- Coldrex KTR
- Coldrex MaxGrip (smak cytrynowy)
- Coldrex MaxGrip C
- Coldrex MaxGrip Lemon 10 sasz.-12 w cenie 8 (12op. w cenie 8op)
- Coldrex Menthol Active
- Coldrex o smaku cytrynowym
- Coldrex Pocket
- colesevelam
- Colesevelam Hydrochloride
- colesevelam suspension
- Colestid
- Colestid Flavored
- Colestid granules
- Colestid Oral Suspension
- Colestipol
- colestipol granules
- Colestipol Hydrochloride
- Colfed-A
- Colgate Periogard 0,2%
- Colgate Total Advanced Clean
- Colgate Total Whitening Gel
- Colidrops drops
- Colistimethate
- colistimethate Injection
- Colistimethate Sodium
- Colistin Sulfate/Neomycin Sulfate/Thonzonium Bromide/Hydrocortisone Acetate
- colistin, hydrocortisone, neomycin, and thonzonium otic
- colistin, neomycin, thonzonium, and hydrocortisone Otic
- colistin/hydrocortisone/neomycin
- colistin/hydrocortisone/neomycin/thonzonium drops
- Colitan
- Collagen
- collagen/lidocaine gel
- Collagenase
- Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum
- collagenase clostridium histolyticum Injection
- collagenase ointment
- Collagenase Santyl
- Collagenase santyl ointment
- collagenase topical
- Collyrium Fresh ophthalmic
- Colobar-100
- Colocort
- Colocort enema
- Colocort foam, enema
- Colocynthis Homaccord
- Colostrum
- Coloxet
- Colrex Compound
- Colsalide
- Coly-Mycin
- Coly-Mycin M
- Coly-Mycin M Parenteral
- Coly-Mycin S
- Coly-Mycin S drops
- Coly-Mycin S Otic
- Colyte
- Colyte solution
- Colyte th Flavor Packs
- Colyte with Flavor Packs
- Colyte with Flavor Packs solution
- Comarol
- Combigan drops
- CombiPatch
- CombiPatch patch (bi-weekly)
- Combipatch transdermal
- Combivent
- Combivent aerosol
- Combivent inhalation
- Combivent Respimat
- Combivent Respimat inhalation
- Combivent Respimat spray
- Combivir
- Combizym
- Combunox
- Cometriq
- Comfort Pac w/Tizanidine
- Comfort Pac with Naproxen
- Comfort Tears
- Comfortis
- comfrey
- Comhist
- Commit Cappuccino gum, lozenge
- Commit Cherry gum, lozenge
- Commit gum, lozenge
- Commit lozenges
- Compazine
- Compazine Spansule
- Compazine Suppositories
- Compazine Suppository
- Compazine syrup
- Compazine Tablets
- Competact
- complement C1 esterase inhibitor
- Complera
- Complete Allergy chewable tablets
- Complete Natal
- Complete Natal DHA
- Complete Sinus Relief
- Complete-RF
- Complete-RF Prenatal
- CompleteNate
- Complex HQ Plus
- Compound W
- Compound W One-Step Wart Remover Topical
- Compound W Plus Topical
- Compound W Topical
- Compoz Nighttime Sleep Aid
- Compressed Gas N.O.S.
- Compressed Gas Oxidizing, N.O.S.
- Compro
- Compro rectal
- Compro suppositories
- Comtan
- Comtess
- Comtrex Acute Head Cold
- Comtrex Allergy Sinus
- Comtrex Allergy Sinus Maximum Strength
- Comtrex Allergy Sinus Night and Day
- Comtrex Cold & Cough
- Comtrex Cold and Cough Maximum Strength
- Comtrex Cold and Flu Maximum Strength
- Comtrex Cold and Flu Maximum Strength Liquid
- Comtrex Cold and Flu Maximum Strength Tablet
- Comtrex Deep Chest Cold
- Comtrex Flu Therapy
- Comtrex Maximum Strength Cold Relief
- Comtrex Nighttime Flu Therapy liquid
- Comtrex Non-Drowsy
- Comtrex Severe Cold & Sinus
- Comtrex Sinus and Nasal
- Comtrex Sore Throat Relief
- Comvax
- Comvax Vaccine
- Conal
- Conbriza
- Concentrated Phillips Milk of Magnesia
- Concentrated tylenol infants' drops
- Concentrated tylenol infants' drops plus cold
- Concentrated tylenol infants' drops plus cold and cough
- Concept DHA
- Concept OB
- Concept OB Capsules
- Concerta extended-release tablets
- Concor 10
- Concor 5
- Concor ASA
- Concor Cor 1,25
- Concor Cor 10
- Concor Cor 2,5
- Concor Cor 3,75
- Concor Cor 5
- Concor Cor 7,5
- Concoram
- Condasin
- Condrin
- Condyline
- Condyline Topical
- Condylox
- Condylox gel
- Condylox solution
- Condylox Topical
- Conex
- Conex liquid
- Conex solution
- Congestac
- Congestant
- conivaptan
- Conivaptan Hydrochloride
- conivaptan Intravenous
- conjugated estrogens
- conjugated estrogens (synthetic a)
- conjugated estrogens (synthetic b)
- conjugated estrogens and bazedoxifene
- conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone
- conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone Oral
- conjugated estrogens and methyltestosterone
- conjugated estrogens cream
- conjugated estrogens Intravenous
- conjugated estrogens tablets
- conjugated estrogens vaginal
- conjugated estrogens/bazedoxifene
- conjugated estrogens/medroxyprogesterone
- Conray
- Conray 30
- Conray 400
- Conray 43
- Constella
- Constulose
- Constulose solution
- Contac 12 Hour
- Contac 12 Hour Allergy
- Contac Cold
- Contac Cold and Flu Maximum Strength
- Contac Cold+Flu
- Contac Cold+Flu Cooling Night
- Contac Cold+Flu Maximum Strength
- Contac Cold+Flu Non-Drowsy
- Contac Day and Night Allergy
- Contac Day and Night Cold and Flu
- Contac Severe Cold and Flu Maximum Stength
- Contac Severe Cold/Flu No-Drowsiness
- Contac-D
- Contexine
- Contix ZRD
- Contraceptives, Oral (Combination Products)
- Contraceptives, Oral (Progestin-Only Products)
- Contraceptives, Transdermal Patch (Combination Product)
- Contraceptives, Vaginal Ring (Combination Product)
- Contractubex
- Contrahist Allergy
- Contrin
- Control
- Control Rx
- Controloc
- Controloc Control
- ControlRx Multi Toothpaste
- ControlRx Toothpaste
- Convafort
- ConZip
- ConZip extended-release capsules
- Cool mint listerine mouthrinse
- CoolBottoms
- Cooling Gel
- Coordinax
- Copalia
- Copalia HCT
- Copaxone
- Copaxone injection
- Cope
- Copegus
- Copper
- Copper Mate
- copper supplement Oral, Parenteral
- Copper, intrauterine
- Coppertone
- Coquinone capsules
- Coraz topical
- Cordafen
- Cordapaq
- Cordarone
- Cordarone I.V. injection
- Cordarone injection
- Cordarone IV
- Cordarone IV Intravenous
- Cordema
- Cordipin Retard
- Cordran
- Cordran cream
- Cordran Lotion
- Cordran SP
- Cordran SP cream
- Cordran Tape
- Cordron NR
- Cordron-12 DM
- Cordron-12 DM suspension
- Cordron-D NR
- Cordron-DM liquid
- Cordron-DM NR
- Cordron-HC
- Cordron-HC NR
- Cordymax CS-4 capsules
- Coreg
- Coreg CR
- Coreg CR extended-release capsules
- Corfen-DM
- Corgard
- Corhydron 100
- Corhydron 25
- Coricidin
- Coricidin D
- Coricidin HBP Chest Congestion & Cough Liqui-Gels
- Coricidin HBP Cold & Flu
- Coricidin HBP Cold/Flu
- Coricidin HBP Congestion/Cough
- Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold
- Coricidin HBP Cough/Cold
- Coricidin HBP Day/Night Multi-Symptom Cold
- Coricidin HBP Maximum Strength Flu
- Coricidin HBP Nighttime Multi-Symptom Cold
- Coricidin Night Time Cold Relief
- Corid
- Corid Granules
- Corifact
- Coripren
- Corlentor
- Corlopam
- Corlopam injection
- Cormax
- Cormax Cream
- Cormax Scalp Application
- Cormax Solution
- Corn
- Corn (Washproof)
- Corn Huskers Lotion
- Corn Removing Topical
- Corneregel
- Corneregel Fluid
- Cornstarch
- Corona Multi-Purpose Ointment
- Corona Original
- Corona Udder Butter
- Corotrope
- Corr 10
- Corr 20
- Corr 40
- Correctol
- Correctol Softgel Extra Gentle
- Cort-Biotic
- Cort-Eze Topical application
- Corta-Cap
- Cortagel Extra Strength
- Cortaid
- Cortaid Intensive Therapy
- Cortaid Maximum Strength
- Cortaid with Aloe
- CortAlo With Aloe
- Cortamox otic
- Cortane-B Aqueous otic
- Cortane-B lotion
- Cortane-B otic
- Cortane-B solution
- Cortastat 10 injection
- Cortastat injection
- Cortastat LA injection
- Cortate Topical application
- Cortatrigen
- Cortatrigen Modified
- Cortef
- Cortef Oral Suspension
- Cortelle
- Cortenema
- Cortenema enema
- Cortenema foam, enema
- Cortic-ND otic
- Corticaine
- Corticool Maximum Strength
- Corticorelin ovine triflutate
- corticosteroid Dental
- corticosteroid Inhalation
- corticosteroid Nasal
- corticosteroid Ophthalmic
- corticosteroid Oral, Parenteral
- corticosteroid Otic
- corticosteroid Rectal
- corticosteroid- low potency Topical application
- corticosteroid- medium to very high potency Topical application
- corticotropin
- Corticotropin (Adrenocorticotropic hormone; ACTH)
- Corticotropin (Anti-inflammatory)
- corticotropin gel
- corticotropin Injection
- Cortifoam
- Cortifoam foam
- Cortifoam foam, enema
- cortisone
- Cortisone Acetate
- Cortisone Cortisone Acetate
- Cortisporin
- Cortisporin cream
- Cortisporin ointment
- Cortisporin Ophthalmic
- Cortisporin Ophthalmic Suspension
- Cortisporin Ophthalmic Suspension drops suspension
- Cortisporin Otic
- Cortisporin Otic Suspension
- Cortisporin solution
- Cortisporin suspension
- Cortisporin TC
- Cortisporin-TC drops
- Cortisporin-TC otic
- Cortitrol capsules
- Cortizone 10 creme
- Cortizone 10 ointment
- Cortizone 10 plus creme
- Cortizone for Kids
- Cortizone-10
- Cortizone-10 Anal Itch Cream cream, ointment, suppository
- Cortizone-10 cream
- Cortizone-10 Intensive Healing Formula
- Cortizone-10 Plus
- Cortizone-5
- Cortoderm Mild Ointment Topical application
- Cortoderm Regular Ointment Topical application
- Cortomycin
- Cortomycin Eye Ointment
- Cortomycin solution
- Cortomycin suspension
- Cortone Acetate
- Cortrosyn
- Corvert
- Corvite 150
- Corvite FE
- Coryzalia
- Corzall
- Corzall liquid
- Corzall Plus
- Corzall-PE
- Corzall-PE liquid
- Corzide
- Corzide 40/5
- Corzide 80/5
- Cosamin DS
- Cosmegen
- CosmoFer
- Cosopt drops
- Cosopt Ocumeter
- Cosopt Ocumeter Plus
- Cosopt PF
- Cosopt PF drops
- cosyntropin
- Cosyntropin (Synthetic Corticotropin)
- Cosyntropin (Synthetic Corticotropin;Synthetic ACTH)
- Cotab A
- Cotab AX
- Cotabflu
- Cotacort
- Cotamox
- Cotazym
- Cotazym-S
- Cotolone
- Cotuss V
- Cough & Sore Throat Nighttime
- cough and cold combination
- cough and cold combinations
- cough and cold combinations Oral
- Coughtuss
- Coumadin
- Coumadin Injection
- Coumadin Intravenous
- Coumadin tablets
- Covangesic
- Covaryx
- Covaryx HS
- Covera-HS
- Covera-HS sustained-release tablets (controlled onset)
- Coverex
- Coxalgan
- Coxtral
- Coyden
- CP Dec
- CP Dec DM
- CP Dec Drops
- CP Dec-DM Drops
- CPM-PSE DM Drops
- Cr-GTF
- Cranberry
- Crantex
- Cratonic
- Cravisol
- creatine
- Creo-Terpin
- Creomulsion
- Creomulsion Cough/Cold/Allergy
- Creomulsion Pediatric
- Creon
- Creon 10
- Creon 10 delayed-release capsules
- Creon 20
- Creon 5
- Cresophene
- Crestor
- cresyl acetate drops
- Cresylate drops
- Crinone
- Crinone 4% gel
- Crinone 8% gel
- Crinone gel
- Critic Aid
- Critic Aid Skin
- Critic-Aid Clear AF
- Critic-Aid Skin Care Pack
- Critic-Aid Skin Paste
- Critipeme
- Crixivan
- Crixivan 100
- Crixivan 200
- Crixivan 333
- Crixivan 400
- crizotinib
- CroFab
- Crofelemer
- Crolom
- Crolom cromolyn sodium sterile ophthalmic solution usp 4%
- Crolom ophthalmic
- Crolom sterile ophthalmic solution usp 4%
- Cromohexal
- cromolyn
- cromolyn aerosol solution
- cromolyn concentrate
- cromolyn drops
- cromolyn Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- cromolyn Nasal
- Cromolyn Nasal Spray
- cromolyn nebulizer solution
- cromolyn Ophthalmic
- Cromolyn Ophthalmic Solution
- Cromolyn Sodium
- Cromolyn Sodium (Disodium Cromoglycate)
- Cromolyn Sodium eent
- cromolyn sodium inhalation
- Cromolyn Sodium Inhalation Solution
- cromolyn sodium nasal
- cromolyn sodium ophthalmic
- cromolyn sodium oral
- cromolyn solution
- Cromosol
- Cropoz G
- Crosuvo
- Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine)
- Crotamiton
- crotamiton cream
- Crotamiton Farmapol
- crotamiton lotion
- crotamiton topical
- Cruex
- Cruex Prescription Strength
- Cruex Prescription Strength Topical
- Cruex Topical
- Cryselle
- Cryselle 28
- Crystalline Amino Acids
- Crystalline Amino Acids With Dextrose
- Crystalline Amino Acids with Electrolytes
- Crystalline Amino Acids with Electrolytes in Dextrose
- Crysticillin
- CTX4 Gel 5000
- Cubicin
- Cubicin 350
- Cubicin 500
- Culturelle DS
- Culturelle HS
- Cupric Sulfate
- Cupric Sulfate Injection
- Cuprimine
- Cuprymina
- Curacne
- Curacne 10 mg
- Curacne 20 mg
- Curacne 5 mg
- Curam
- Curam 1 g
- Curasore
- Curatoderm
- Curatrem
- CureChrome solution
- Curel Moisture Lotion
- Curidol
- Curosurf
- Curosurf intratracheal suspension
- Curtega
- Cusi Chloramphenicol 1%
- Cusi Erythromycin 0,5%
- Cusicrom 4%
- Cusiviral
- Custodiol htk solution
- Cutar
- Cutar Emulsion Topical
- Cutivate Cream
- Cutivate Lotion
- Cutivate lotion 0.05%
- Cuvposa
- Cuvposa solution
- cyanocobalamin
- cyanocobalamin (b12)
- cyanocobalamin (b12) chewable tablets
- cyanocobalamin (b12) controlled-release tablets
- cyanocobalamin (b12) spray
- cyanocobalamin (b12) tablets
- Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)
- cyanocobalamin injection
- cyanocobalamin nasal
- cyanocobalamin/folic acid/iron
- cyanocobalamin/folic acid/iron/vitamin c
- cyanocobalamin/vitamin c/folic acid/iron
- cyanocobalamin/vitamin c/folic acid/iron/succinic acid
- Cyanokit
- Cyanokit injection
- Cyanokit kit
- Cyanoplex
- Cyclafem 1/35
- Cyclafem 1/35 birth control
- Cyclafem 7/7/7
- cyclandelate
- Cyclessa
- Cyclessa Oral
- Cyclivert
- cyclizine
- cyclizine chewable
- Cyclo 3 Fort
- Cyclo Mag
- Cyclobenzaprine
- Cyclobenzaprine Capsules
- cyclobenzaprine extended-release capsules
- Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride
- Cyclocort
- Cyclocort Cream
- Cyclocort Lotion
- Cyclocort Ointment
- Cyclodynon
- Cyclogyl
- Cyclogyl Ophthalmic
- Cyclomydril
- Cyclonamine
- Cyclonamine 12,5%
- cyclopentolate
- cyclopentolate and phenylephrine ophthalmic
- Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride
- Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride/Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
- cyclopentolate ophthalmic
- cyclopentolate/phenylephrine
- Cyclophosphamide
- cyclophosphamide capsules
- Cyclophosphamide Injection
- cyclophosphamide oral and injection
- cyclophosphamide Oral, Intravenous
- cycloserine
- Cycloserine Capsules
- Cycloset
- Cyclospasmol
- cyclosporine
- Cyclosporine (Cyclosporin A)
- cyclosporine capsules
- cyclosporine drops
- Cyclosporine eent
- Cyclosporine Injection
- cyclosporine ophthalmic
- cyclosporine Oral, Intravenous
- cyclosporine soft gelatin capsules
- cyclosporine solution
- Cydectin
- Cydectin Oral Drench
- Cydectin Pour-On
- Cyklokapron
- Cyklokapron tablet
- Cylate
- Cylert
- Cymbalta
- Cymbalta delayed-release capsules
- Cymevene
- Cynacholin
- Cynarex
- Cyomin injection
- Cyotic otic
- Cypex-LA
- Cyprofloksacyna 500 mg
- Cyprofloksacyna Embedded Signal Processing
- Cyproheptadine
- Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride
- Cyproheptadine Solution
- cyproheptadine syrup
- cyproterone Oral, Intramuscular
- Cyrdanax
- Cystadane
- Cystadane powder
- Cystagon
- Cystaran
- cysteamine
- cysteamine delayed-release capsules
- cysteamine Ophthalmic
- Cysteine Hydrochloride
- Cysto-Conray II
- Cystografin
- Cystografin Dilute
- Cystorelin
- Cystospaz
- Cysview
- Cytadren
- Cytarabina Accord
- Cytarabine
- Cytarabine Kabi
- Cytarabine Liposomal
- cytarabine liposome Intrathecal
- Cyto-Protectin MR
- Cytogam
- Cytogam injectable
- cytomegalovirus immune globulin
- cytomegalovirus immune globulin (CMV IG) injectable
- Cytomegalovirus Immune Globulin IV
- Cytomel
- Cytosar
- Cytosar-U
- Cytotec
- Cytovene
- Cytovene Capsules
- Cytovene IV
- Cytovene oral and injectable
- Cytoxan
- Cytoxan Lyophilized
- Cytoxan Lyophilized oral/injection
- Cytoxan oral and injection
- Cytoxan tablets
- Cytra K Oral Solution
- Cytra-2
- Cytra-2 Oral Solution
- Cytra-3
- Cytra-3 Oral Syrup
- Cytra-3 solution
- Cytra-K
- Cytra-K Crystals
- Cytra-K powder pack
- Cytra-K solution
- Cytuss HC
- Cytuss-HC NR
- Czopki glicerolowe
- Czopki glicerolowe (blistry )Lab.Galenowe Olsztyn
- Czopki glicerolowe Aflofarm
- Czopki glicerolowe Lab.Galenowe Olsztyn
- Czopki glicerynowe
- Czopki glicerynowe Gemi
- Czopki propolisowe 3%
- D 1000 IU
- D-Alpha Gems
- D-Amine-SR
- D-Feda II
- D-Panthenol
- D-Phen 1000
- D-S Caps
- D-Szczepionka błon.ads.na wod.glinu
- D-Szczepionka błonicza adsorbowana
- D-Tab
- D-Tal
- D-Tann
- D-Tann chewable tablets
- D-Tann CT
- D-Tann CT suspension
- D-Tann HC
- D-Tann suspension
- D-Vert
- D-Vi-Sol
- D-Vi-Sol Oral
- D-Vita Drops
- D-Worm Combo
- D.H.E 45
- D.H.E. 45
- D.H.E. 45 injection
- D2000
- D3
- D3-5
- D3-50
- D400
- dabigatran
- Dabigatran Etexilate Mesylate
- dabrafenib
- Dabrafenib Mesylate
- Dacarbazin Lipomed
- Dacarbazin Teva
- dacarbazine
- dacarbazine Intravenous, Injection
- Dacepton
- Dacex-A
- Dacex-DM
- Dacex-PE
- Daclizumab
- daclizumab Intravenous
- Dacogen
- dactinomycin
- Dactinomycin Injection
- dactinomycin Intravenous
- Dafalgan codeine
- Dafiro
- Dafiro HCT
- Dafnegin
- DAGOMED 13 Cantharis -St.zap.dróg moczow.
- DAGOMED 14 Ignatia -Stres
- DAGOMED 17 Fucus -Odchudzanie
- DAGOMED 2 Drosera -Kaszel
- DAGOMED 24 Phytolacca -Bóle gardła, chrypka
- DAGOMED 26 Ranunculus -Opryszczka wargowa
- DAGOMED 3 Cinnabaris -St.zapal.zatok,katar
- DAGOMED 36 Ruta -urazy mięśni i ścięg.
- DAGOMED 39 Passiflora -bezsenność,nadpobud.
- DAGOMED 39 Passiflora -Łatwe zasypianie
- DAGOMED 40 Luffa -Katar alergiczny
- DAGOMED 40 Luffa -katar sienny
- DAGOMED 41 Mercurius -anginy ropne
- DAGOMED 41 Mercurius -Zapalenie gardła
- DAGOMED 44 Chamomilla -Bolesne ząbk.
- DAGOMED 46 Echinacea -Częste przeziębienia
- DAGOMED 46 Echinacea -zab.odporności
- DAGOMED 47 Thallium -wyp.włosów łysienie
- DAGOMED 9 Cimicifuga -Menopauza
- DAGOMED Alvia -zaparcia
- DAGOMED it -Grypa
- DAGOMED Malia -Kaszel
- DAGOMED Malia -kaszel suchy i wilgotny
- DAGOMED Sonna -Stres
- Dairyland CHG Teat Dip
- Dairyland Iodine Teat Dip
- Dairyland Iodine Teat Dip Controlled
- Dairyland Pre-Post Teat Dip
- Dairyland Sprayable CHG Teat Dip
- Dairyland Teat Dip
- Daivobet
- Daivonex
- Daklinza
- Daktarin
- Daktarin 2%
- Daktarin-oral
- Dalacin
- Dalacin C Palmitate
- Dalacin T
- Dalfampridine
- Dalfaz
- dalfopristin and quinupristin
- Daliresp
- Dallergy
- Dallergy (obsolete)
- Dallergy chewable tablets
- Dallergy DM
- Dallergy Drops
- Dallergy JR Sustained-Release Capsules
- Dallergy PE Syrup
- Dallergy PE Tablets
- Dallergy PSE sustained-release tablets
- Dallergy sustained-release and long-acting tablets
- Dallergy Syrup
- Dallergy Tablets
- Dallergy-JR
- Dalmane
- dalteparin
- Dalteparin Sodium
- dalteparin Subcutaneous
- Damason-P
- Damelium
- damiana
- Dampiryna
- danaparoid
- danaparoid Subcutaneous
- danazol
- dandelion
- Dandrex
- Dandrex lotion
- Dandrex Topical
- Danocrine
- Dantrium
- Dantrium capsules
- Dantrium Intravenous
- dantrolene
- dantrolene capsules
- Dantrolene Injection
- dantrolene Intravenous
- Dantrolene Sodium
- dapagliflozin
- dapiprazole
- dapiprazole Ophthalmic
- dapsone
- dapsone gel
- Dapsone topical
- Daptacel
- Daptacel (DTaP)
- daptomycin
- daptomycin Intravenous
- Daranide
- Daraprim
- Darbepoetin Alfa
- darbepoetin alfa (albumin)
- darbepoetin alfa (polysorbate 80)
- darbepoetin alfa Injection
- Darby Topical Fluoride Bubble Gum
- Darby Topical Fluoride Foam
- Darby Topical Fuoride Gel
- Darcalma
- Dardum
- darifenacin
- darifenacin extended-release tablets
- Darifenacin Hydrobromide
- Darob
- Daronrix-30 mcg/ml szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Darpaz
- Darunavir
- Darunavir Ethanolate
- darunavir suspension
- Darvocet A500
- Darvocet-N
- Darvocet-N 100
- Darvocet-N 50
- Darvon
- Darvon Compound 32
- Darvon Compound-65
- Darvon-N
- Dasatinib
- Dasetta 1/35 birth control
- Dasetta 7/7/7
- Dasetta1/35
- daunorubicin
- daunorubicin citrate
- Daunorubicin Citrate Liposomal
- daunorubicin citrate liposome Intravenous
- Daunorubicin Hydrochloride
- daunorubicin Intravenous
- daunorubicin liposomal
- DaunoXome
- Davapamid
- Davercin
- Davercin 1%
- Daxas
- Day Time Multi Symptom
- Dayalets Plus Iron
- Dayhist-D
- Daylette
- Daypro
- Daypro Alta
- Daypro Tablets
- DayQuil
- Dayquil Allergy
- Dayquil Liquicaps
- DayQuil liquid
- DayQuil Mucus Control DM
- DayQuil Multi-Symptom Cold/Flu
- Dayquil Pressure and Pain Caplet
- DayQuil Severe Cold & Flu
- Dayquil Sinus Pressure and Congestion
- DayQuil/NyQuil Severe Cold and Flu liquid
- Daysee
- Daysee extended-cycle
- Daytime
- Daytime Cold
- Daytrana
- Daytrana system
- Daytrana Transdermal
- Dazidox
- DC-240
- DCP Drops
- DDAVP Injection
- Ddavp injection 4 mcg ml
- DDAVP nasal
- DDAVP Nasal Spray
- DDAVP Oral
- DDAVP Rhinal Tube
- DDAVP Rhinal Tube nasal
- DDAVP solution
- DDAVP spray
- DDAVP Tablets
- DDAVP tube
- DDS Dental Wipes
- Dds-acidophilus capsules, tablets, and powder
- De-Chlor DM
- De-Chlor DR
- De-Chlor HC
- De-Sone LA injection
- Debecylina
- Debelizyna
- Debretin
- Debridat
- Debrox otic
- Debrox solution
- Dec-Agesic A.B.
- Dec-Chlorphen
- Dec-Chlorphen DM
- Deca-Durabolin
- Decadron
- Decadron Dose Pack tablets (dose pack)
- Decadron Ocumeter
- Decapeptyl 0,1 mg
- Decara
- Decavac
- Decavac (Td)
- Decaven
- Deccox
- Deccox M
- Decilosal
- Decitabine
- decitabine Intravenous
- Declomycin
- Decon-A elixir
- Deconamine
- Deconamine liquid
- Deconamine SR
- Deconamine SR Controlled-Release Capsules
- Deconex
- Deconex DM
- Deconex DMX
- decongestant and analgesic combinations
- decongestant and analgesic combinations Oral
- Decongex-3
- Deconsal CT chewable tablets
- Deconsal CT Tannate
- Deconsal DM chewable tablets
- Deconsal II
- Deconsal Pediatric
- DECYMAL Euphrasia - Świetlik
- Deep Down Pain Relief
- Deespa
- Deespa (Desparin)
- deferasirox
- deferiprone
- Deferoxamine
- deferoxamine Injection
- Deferoxamine Mesylate
- Definity
- Defitelio
- Deflegmin
- Degarelix
- degarelix acetate
- degarelix Subcutaneous
- Degest 2
- Dehalid
- Dehistar
- Dehistine
- Dehydrated Alcohol Injection
- Dehydroepiandrosterone (dhea)
- Deka liquid
- Dekpak 13 Day Taperpak
- Dekstran 40 000 10%
- Dekstran 70 000 6% Baxter
- Dekstran 70 000 6% Fresenius
- Del-Aqua Topical
- Del-Beta
- Delacet
- Delacort
- Delatar
- Delatestryl
- delavirdine
- Delavirdine Mesylate
- Delazinc
- Delestrogen
- Delflex
- Delflex Neutral pH
- Delhist D
- Delhistine D
- Delhistine DM
- Delonide
- Delos
- Delos Liquid
- Delos Lotion
- Delsym
- Delsym Adult Night Time Multi-Symptom
- Delsym Cough Plus Chest Congestion DM
- Delsym Cough Plus Cold Day Time
- Delsym Cough Plus Cold Night Time
- Delsym extended-release liquid
- Delsym Nighttime Cough & Cold
- Delsym Oral
- Delsym12 Hour Cough Relief
- Delta D3
- Delta D3 Oral
- Deltasone
- Deltuss DMX liquid
- Deltuss DP liquid
- Deltyba
- Delzicol
- Delzicol delayed-release capsules
- Demacylan
- Demadex
- Demadex Intravenous
- Demadex Solution
- Demazin
- demecarium bromide ophthalmic
- demeclocycline
- Demeclocycline Hydrochloride
- Demerol
- Demerol Injection
- Demerol syrup
- Demerol tablets
- Demezon
- Demi-Regroton
- Demser
- Demulen
- Denagard
- Denagard 10
- Denagard Powder
- Denavir
- Denavir Topical
- Denaze
- Dendracin lotion
- Dendracin Neurodendraxcin lotion
- Dendrid
- denileukin diftitox
- denileukin diftitox Intravenous
- Denorex
- Denorex Dry Scalp
- Denorex Extra Strength
- Denorex Medicated Shampoo and Conditioner
- Denorex shampoo
- Denorex Topical
- denosumab
- denosumab Subcutaneous
- Denovals
- Dent-O-Kain
- Dent-O-Kain/20
- Denta 5000 Plus
- Dentagel
- Dentall 1100 Plus
- Dentemp's
- Denti-Care Denti-Foam Topical Sodium Fluoride Foam
- Denti-Care Denti-Freeze Topical Anesthetic
- Denti-Care Denti-Pro Topical Sodium Fluoride
- Denti-Care Denti-Rinse
- Denti-Care Denti-Rinse Chlorhexidine Oral Rinse
- Denti-Care Denti-Rinse Neutral Sodium Fluoride Oral Rinse
- Dentinox N
- DentiPatch
- Dentocaine
- Dentosept
- Dentosept A
- Dep Gynogen
- Depacon
- Depakene
- Depakene syrup
- Depakote
- Depakote Capsules
- Depakote delayed-release tablets
- Depakote DR
- Depakote ER
- Depakote ER extended-release tablets
- Depakote Pellets
- Depakote sprinkle capsules
- Depakote Sprinkles
- Depalong
- Depamide
- Depandro 100
- Depen
- Depen Titratabs
- Deplin
- Depo-Cobolin injection
- Depo-Estradiol
- Depo-Medrol suspension
- Depo-Provera Contraceptive
- Depo-Provera Contraceptive injectable
- Depo-Provera injectable
- Depo-Provera injectable suspension
- Depo-Sub Q Provera Injectable Suspension (subcutaneous)
- Depo-SubQ Provera 104
- Depo-SubQ Provera 104 injectable
- depo-subQ provera 104 injectable suspension (subcutaneous)
- Depo-Testosterone
- Depocyt
- DepoCyte
- DepoDur
- DepoDur suspension
- Depralin
- Depralin ODT
- Deprestonic
- Depretaxer
- Deprim
- Deprim Forte
- Deprizine
- Depulol
- Depulpin
- Deramaxx
- Dercin
- Derhotill
- Derifil
- Derma Gran
- Derma Gran AF Topical
- Derma Numb Spray
- Derma Soothe
- Derma-Pax lotion
- Derma-Smoothe/FS
- Derma-Smoothe/FS (Scalp)
- Derma-Smoothe/FS Body Oil
- Derma-Smoothe/FS Body Oil oil (body oil)
- Derma-Smoothe/FS Scalp Oil
- Derma-Smoothe/FS Scalp Oil oil (scalp oil)
- DermaFungal
- Dermafusin
- Dermagran AF
- Dermagran BC
- DermalZone
- Dermaprot Triclotrex-B
- Dermarest
- Dermarest cream
- Dermarest Dricort
- Dermarest Eczema Medicated
- Dermarest Plus Anti-Itch
- Dermarest Psoriasis Skin Treatment
- Dermarest Psoriasis Topical
- DermaSarra
- Dermasept Antifungal Topical
- Dermasorb AF
- Dermasorb AF Complete Kit Topical
- Dermasorb AF cream and hydrating serum kit
- Dermasorb HC
- Dermasorb HC Complete Kit
- Dermasorb TA
- Dermasorb TA Complete Kit
- Dermasorb XM
- Dermatol
- Dermatol Aflofarm
- Dermatol Gemi
- Dermatop
- Dermatop cream
- Dermatop E
- Dermatop Ointment
- Dermazene
- Dermazin
- Dermazinc cream
- Dermazinc shampoo
- DermaZinc Topical
- Dermestril 25
- Dermestril 50
- Dermogal
- Dermopanten
- Dermophenazol
- Dermoplast
- Dermoplast Antibacterial
- Dermoplast Maximum Strength
- Dermopur
- Dermoretin
- Dermosavit
- DermOtic drops
- DermOtic Oil
- Dermovate Scalp Application
- Dermovit A
- Dermovit E
- Dermovit F
- Dermtex-HC
- Dernilan
- Desada
- Desalergo
- Desderman N
- Desenex AF Prescription Strength
- Desenex Foot
- Desenex Jock Itch
- Desenex Prescription Strength
- Desenex Spray
- Desenex Topical
- Desferal
- Desflurane
- desflurane Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Desipramine
- Desipramine Hydrochloride
- Desirett
- Desirudin
- desirudin Subcutaneous
- Desitin
- Desitin cream
- Desitin Creamy Diaper Rash Ointment topical
- Desitin Creamy topical
- Desitin Maximum Strength Original
- Desitin Rapid Relief Creamy
- Deslix
- Deslodyna pro
- Desloraphar
- desloratadine
- Desloratadine +pharma
- desloratadine and pseudoephedrine
- Desloratadine Farmaprojects
- Desloratadine Labormed
- Desloratadine Lupin
- Desloratadine Mylan
- Desloratadine Orally Disintegrating Tablets
- Desloratadine Peseri
- Desloratadine Ratiopharm
- desloratadine syrup
- Desloratadine Teva
- Desloratadine Zentiva
- desloratadine/pseudoephedrine sustained-release tablets
- Desloratadyna Apotex
- Desloratadyna Ibermedgen
- Desmopressin
- Desmopressin Acetate
- Desmopressin Acetate (1-Deamino-8-D-Arginine Vasopressins)
- desmopressin Injection
- desmopressin nasal
- Desmopressin Nasal Solution
- Desmopressin Nasal Spray
- desmopressin Nasal, Oral, Injection
- Desmopressin Rhinal Tube
- desmopressin solution
- desmopressin spray
- Desmopressin Tablets
- desmopressin tube
- Desmotev
- Desmoxan
- Desogeffik
- Desogen
- Desogestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol
- desogestrel/ethinyl estradiol
- Desonate
- Desonate gel
- Desonide
- Desonide Cream
- desonide foam
- desonide gel
- desonide lotion
- desonide topical
- desonide Topical application
- Desowen
- DesOwen 2 oz
- DesOwen 4 oz
- DesOwen cream
- DesOwen Cream Kit cream
- DesOwen lotion
- DesOwen Lotion 4 oz Kit
- DesOwen Lotion Kit lotion
- Desoxi
- Desoximetasone
- desoximetasone cream
- desoximetasone gel
- Desoximetasone Ointment
- desoximetasone spray
- desoximetasone topical
- desoximetasone Topical application
- Desoxyn
- Desoxyn Gradumet
- Desoxyn tablets, usp
- Despec
- Despec DM
- Despec DM Syrup
- Despec drops
- Despec NR Drops
- Despec-PD liquid
- Despec-SR
- Desquam Topical
- Desquam-E
- Desquam-X 10
- Desquam-X 5
- Desquam-X Wash
- Dessette
- Dessette Forte
- Dessette Mono
- desvenlafaxine
- Desvenlafaxine ER Tablets
- desvenlafaxine extended-release tablets
- Desvenlafaxine Succinate
- Desyrel
- Desyrel Dividose
- Desyrel Dividose Oral
- Desyrel Oral
- Detane
- Detasolde
- Detimedac 100 mg
- Detimedac 1000 mg
- Detimedac 200 mg
- Detimedac 500 mg
- Detralex
- Detreomycyna 1%
- Detreomycyna 2%
- Detrol
- Detrol LA
- Detrol LA extended-release capsules
- Detrusitol
- Dettol Liquid
- Dettol Med
- Dettol Med d/przemywania ran
- Detuss
- Detussin Liquid
- Device
- devil's claw
- Devipasta
- Dewee's Carminative
- DeWilt's Pain Reliever
- DeWitt's Pain Reliever
- Dex PC
- Dex-Tuss
- DexaCaps
- Dexacen-4 injection
- Dexacidin
- Dexacine
- Dexacort Phosphate in Turbinaire
- Dexadent
- Dexafree
- Dexaject
- Dexaject SP
- Dexak
- Dexak 12,5
- Dexak 50
- Dexak SL
- Dexall
- DexAlone
- Dexamethason WZF 0.1%
- dexamethasone
- dexamethasone drops
- Dexamethasone eent
- dexamethasone elixir
- Dexamethasone Injection
- Dexamethasone Intensol
- dexamethasone Intraocular
- dexamethasone intravitreal implant
- dexamethasone nasal
- dexamethasone ophthalmic
- dexamethasone sodium phosphate
- Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate eent
- Dexamethasone SodiumPhosphate
- dexamethasone solution
- dexamethasone suspension
- dexamethasone tablets (dose pack)
- dexamethasone/neomycin/polymyxin b drops
- dexamethasone/neomycin/polymyxin b ointment
- Dexamethasone/Tobramycin
- Dexamytrex
- DEXAPico
- Dexapini
- Dexapolcort N
- Dexasol
- Dexasol drops
- Dexasone Injection
- Dexasone LA injection
- Dexasporin
- Dexatrex D elixir
- Dexatrim
- Dexatrim results, ephedrine free caplets
- Dexatussin
- Dexatussin Junior
- Dexaven
- dexbrompheniramine
- dexbrompheniramine and phenylephrine
- dexbrompheniramine and pseudoephedrine
- dexbrompheniramine, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine
- dexbrompheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- dexbrompheniramine, hydrocodone, and phenylephrine
- dexbrompheniramine/acetaminophen caplets
- dexbrompheniramine/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine liquid
- dexbrompheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine liquid
- dexbrompheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine sustained-release tablets
- dexbrompheniramine/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine syrup
- dexbrompheniramine/hydrocodone/phenylephrine
- dexbrompheniramine/phenylephrine/pyrilamine suspension
- dexbrompheniramine/pseudoephedrine solution
- dexbrompheniramine/pseudoephedrine sustained-release tablets
- Dexchlorpheniramine
- dexchlorpheniramine and phenylephrine
- dexchlorpheniramine and pseudoephedrine
- dexchlorpheniramine controlled-release tablets
- Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate
- dexchlorpheniramine syrup
- dexchlorpheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- dexchlorpheniramine, methscopolamine, and phenylephrine
- dexchlorpheniramine, methscopolamine, and pseudoephedrine
- dexchlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine liquid liquid
- dexchlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine suspension
- dexchlorpheniramine/hydrocodone/phenylephrine liquid
- dexchlorpheniramine/methscopolamine/pseudoephedrine sustained-release tablets
- dexchlorpheniramine/phenylephrine
- dexchlorpheniramine/phenylephrine/methscopolamine solution
- dexchlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine
- dexchlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- dexchlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine suspension
- dexchlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine/pyrilamine suspension
- Dexcon-DM
- Dexdor
- Dexedrine
- Dexedrine Spansule
- Dexedrine Spansule sustained-release capsules
- Dexedrine Spansules
- DexFerrum
- Dexferrum Injection
- Dexilant
- Dexilant delayed-release capsules
- Dexium Injection
- Dexium SP Injection
- Dexium Tablets
- Dexlansoprazole
- dexlansoprazole delayed-release capsules
- Dexlansoprazolum Takeda
- Dexmedetomidine Hydrochloride
- dexmethylphenidate
- Dexmethylphenidate ER Capsule
- dexmethylphenidate extended-release capsules
- Dexmethylphenidate Hydrochloride
- Dexodryl chewable tablet
- Dexodryl suspension
- DexPak
- DexPak 10 Day TaperPak
- DexPak 13 Day TaperPak
- DexPak 13 DayTaperpak
- DexPak 6 Day TaperPak
- DexPak 6 DayTaperpak
- DexPak Jr
- Dexpak Jr. Taperpak
- DexPak tablets (dose pack)
- Dexpak Taperpak
- Dexpanthenol
- dexpanthenol cream
- DexPhen M
- Dexphen M solution
- Dexphen w/C
- Dexrazoxane
- Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride
- dexrazoxane Intravenous
- Dextran 40
- Dextran 70
- Dextran 70 6% in 0.9% Sodium Chloride
- Dextran 70 6% in 5% Dextrose high molecular weight
- Dextran 75
- dextran high molecular weight
- dextran, high molecular weight
- dextranomer and sodium hyaluronate
- Dextranomer/Sodium Hyaluronate
- dextroamphetamine
- dextroamphetamine and amphetamine
- Dextroamphetamine ER
- Dextroamphetamine Extended-Release Capsules
- Dextroamphetamine Mixed Salts
- Dextroamphetamine Oral Solution
- Dextroamphetamine Saccharate, Amphetamine Aspartate, Dextroamphetamine Sulfate, Amphetamine Sulfate
- Dextroamphetamine Saccharate, Amphetamine Aspartate, Dextroamphetamine Sulfate, Amphetamine Sulfate ER Capsules
- dextroamphetamine solution
- Dextroamphetamine Sulfate
- dextroamphetamine sustained-release capsules
- dextromethorphan
- dextromethorphan and doxylamine
- dextromethorphan and guaifenesin
- dextromethorphan and menthol
- dextromethorphan and phenylephrine
- dextromethorphan and promethazine
- Dextromethorphan and Promethazine Syrup
- dextromethorphan and quinidine
- dextromethorphan chewable tablets
- dextromethorphan drops
- dextromethorphan freezer pops
- dextromethorphan gel syrup
- Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide
- Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide/Benzocaine
- Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide/Phenylephrine Hydrochloride/Chlorpheniramine Maleate
- Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide/Quinidine Sulfate
- dextromethorphan liquid
- dextromethorphan lozenges
- dextromethorphan orally disintegrating strips
- dextromethorphan polistirex extended-release liquid
- dextromethorphan polistirex/guaifenesin extended-release liquid
- dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine
- dextromethorphan, doxylamine, and pseudoephedrine
- dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, and phenylephrine
- dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, and pseudoephedrine
- dextromethorphan, pheniramine, and phenylephrine
- dextromethorphan, phenylephrine, and pyrilamine
- dextromethorphan, pseudoephedrine, and pyrilamine
- dextromethorphan/acetaminophen/diphenhydramine liquid
- dextromethorphan/chlorpheniramine/methscopolamine
- dextromethorphan/doxylamine
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin elixir
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin extended-release tablets
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin granule packets
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin suspension
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/phenylephrine controlled-release and sustained-release tablets
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/phenylephrine drops
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/phenylephrine liquid
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/phenylephrine suspension
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/potassium guaiacolsulfonate sustained-release capsules
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine controlled-release and sustained-release tablets
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine drops
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine liquid
- dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine suspension
- dextromethorphan/pheniramine/phenylephrine powder packets
- dextromethorphan/phenylephrine drops
- dextromethorphan/phenylephrine orally disintegrating strips
- dextromethorphan/phenylephrine syrup
- dextromethorphan/phenylephrine/pyrilamine chewable tablets
- dextromethorphan/phenylephrine/pyrilamine suspension
- dextromethorphan/potassium guaiacolsulfonate
- dextromethorphan/promethazine syrup
- Dextromethorphan/Pseudoephedrine/Chlorpheniramine
- dextromethorphan/quinidine
- Dextrose
- dextrose 5% in water injection
- Dextrose 50% Injection
- Dextrose and Electrolyte No 48
- dextrose and ringer's
- Dextrose and Sodium Chloride Injection
- Dextrose Electrolyte No. 75
- Dextrose in Lactated Ringer's
- Dextrose in Ringer's
- Dextrose Injection
- Dextrose Injection Concentrated
- Dextrose Injection Infants
- Dextrose Injection Mini-Bag
- dextrose Intravenous
- dextrose/fructose/phosphoric acid solution
- Dextrostat
- dextrothyroxine
- Dey-Pak
- Dezogestrel Besins
- Dezogestrel Famy Care
- Dezorol
- Dezorol płyn do stos.na skórę
- DHE-tar
- DHEA AFL (Biostym Balance)
- DHEA Eljot
- Dhea plus capsules
- DHS Sal Topical
- DHS Tar Shampoo
- DHS Tar Topical
- DHS Zinc Topical
- DHT Intensol
- DHU Carbo vegetabilis-Pentarkan H
- Di-Bromm
- Di-Gel
- Di-Gel Liquid suspension
- Di-Gon II
- Dia Ionx Blood Sugar Management Formula
- Diabeta
- DiabetAid Anti-Itch Topical
- DiabetAid Antifungal Foot Bath Topical
- Diabetic Siltussin DAS-Na
- Diabetic Tuss DM
- Diabetic Tussin C
- Diabetic Tussin EX
- Diabetic Tussin liquid
- Diabetic Tussin Night Time Formula
- Diabetofort
- Diabetol
- Diabetovit
- Diabezidum
- Diabinese
- Diacetazone
- Diacomit
- Diafer
- Dialose
- Dialume
- Dialyvite 3000
- Dialyvite 5000
- Dialyvite Supreme D
- Diamed
- Diamicron 30 mg
- Diamilla
- Diamode
- Diamox
- Diamox Sequels
- Diamox Sequels sustained-release capsules
- Dianeal Low Calcium Peritoneal Dialysis Solution
- Dianeal PD-1
- Dianeal PD-2
- Dianeal PD4 (glukoza 1,36%) zestaw
- Dianeal PD4 (glukoza 2,27%) zestaw
- Dianeal PD4 (glukoza 3,86%) zestaw
- Dianeal with Dextrose
- Diaparene cream
- Diaper Rash Ointment
- Diaper Relief
- Diarrest
- Diastat
- Diastat AcuDial gel
- Diastat gel
- Diastat Pediatric
- Diatex
- Diatrizoate Meglumine
- Diatx
- Diatx Fe
- Diatx Zn
- Diazepam
- diazepam concentrate
- diazepam gel
- Diazepam Injection
- Diazepam Intensol
- Diazepam Intensol concentrate
- diazepam Rectal
- Diazepam Rectal Gel
- diazepam solution
- Diazepam Tablet
- diazepam tablets
- diazoxide
- diazoxide suspension
- Diazoxide, Oral
- Diazoxide, Parenteral
- Dibenzyline
- Dibetix
- Dibrom
- Dibromm
- Dibucaine
- dibucaine ointment
- dibucaine topical
- dibucaine Topical application
- Dical Captabs
- Dical-D
- Dicalphos plus D
- Dicel
- Dicel CD
- Dicel Chewables
- Dicel DM
- Dicel DM Chewables
- Dicel DM Chewables chewable tablets
- dichlorphenamide
- Diclac 25
- Diclac Lipogel
- Diclegis
- Dicloberl 50
- Dicloberl retard
- Diclofenac
- diclofenac and misoprostol
- Diclofenac and Misoprostol Tablets
- Diclofenac Delayed Release Tablets
- diclofenac drops
- diclofenac enteric-coated tablets
- diclofenac epolamine
- Diclofenac Extended Release Tablets 100mg
- diclofenac extended-release tablets
- diclofenac gel
- Diclofenac GSK
- diclofenac immediate-release tablets
- diclofenac Ophthalmic
- Diclofenac Ophthalmic Solution
- diclofenac patch
- Diclofenac Potassium
- diclofenac potassium powder packets
- Diclofenac Sodium
- Diclofenac Sodium topical
- Diclofenac Sodium/Misoprostol
- diclofenac solution
- Diclofenac Tablets
- diclofenac topical
- diclofenac transdermal
- diclofenac/misoprostol
- Dicloratio 100
- Dicloratio 25
- Dicloratio 50
- Dicloratio gel
- Dicloratio Retard 100
- Dicloreum
- Dicloreum retard
- dicloxacillin
- Dicloxacillin Sodium
- Dicloziaja
- Dicopanol
- Dicortineff
- Dicuno
- Dicyclomine
- Dicyclomine Capsules
- Dicyclomine Hydrochloride
- Dicyclomine Injection
- dicyclomine syrup
- Dicyclomine Tablets
- Didanosine
- didanosine chewable/dispersible buffered tablets
- didanosine delayed-release enteric-coated capsules
- Didanosine Oral Solution
- didanosine powder pack
- didanosine solution
- Didanosine Tablet, for suspension
- Didrex
- Didronel
- Didronel I.V.
- Diener
- dienogest and estradiol
- Dietary supplement
- diethylcarbamazine
- Diethylpropion
- diethylpropion controlled-release tablets
- Diethylpropion Extended Release
- Diethylpropion Hydrochloride
- diethyltoluamide Topical
- Difadol
- difenoxin and atropine
- Diff-Stat chewable tablets
- Differin
- Differin Cream
- Differin Lotion
- Differin pads
- Differin solution
- Differin Topical
- Diffumax Easyhaler
- Dificid
- Dificlir
- Difil G
- Difil-G Forte
- Diflorasone
- Diflorasone Cream
- Diflorasone Diacetate
- diflorasone diacetate cream
- diflorasone topical
- diflorasone Topical application
- Diflucan
- Diflucan Intravenous
- Diflucan IV
- Diflucan single-dose tablets
- Diflucan solution
- Diflucan suspension
- Diflucan tablets, injection, and oral suspension
- diflunisal
- Difluprednate
- difluprednate emulsion
- difluprednate ophthalmic
- Difumenil
- Digestiol
- Digestive Enzymes
- Digestonic
- Digestosan
- Digex
- Digex NF
- Digibar 190 oral and rectal
- Digibind
- DigiFab
- Digitaline Nativelle
- Digitek
- Digox Tablets
- digoxin
- digoxin immune fab
- Digoxin immune fab (ovine)
- Digoxin Injection
- digoxin Intravenous
- Digoxin Oral Solution
- digoxin solution
- Digoxin Sopharma
- Digoxin Tablets
- Dih Max
- Dihistine DH Liquid
- Dihydro CP Syrup
- Dihydro-CP
- DiHydro-PE
- dihydrocodeine and guaifenesin
- dihydrocodeine and phenylephrine
- Dihydrocodeine Bitartrate/Phenylephrine Hydrochloride/Guaifenesin
- Dihydrocodeine BPM Phenyleph HCl
- Dihydrocodeine, Aspirin and Caffeine
- dihydrocodeine, aspirin, and caffeine
- dihydrocodeine, guaifenesin, and pseudoephedrine
- dihydrocodeine, phenylephrine, and pyrilamine
- dihydrocodeine/guaifenesin liquid
- dihydrocodeine/guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine syrup
- dihydroergotamine
- dihydroergotamine injection
- Dihydroergotamine Mesylate
- dihydroergotamine nasal
- Dihydroergotamine Nasal Spray
- dihydroergotamine spray
- Dihydroergotaminum Filofarm
- Dihydroergotoxinum Filofarm
- dihydrotachysterol
- dihydroxyaluminum sodium chewable tablets
- Diklofenak LGO
- Diklonat P
- DIKY 4%
- Dilacor XR
- Dilacor XR 24-Hour Sustained-Release Capsules
- Dilantin
- Dilantin Infatabs
- Dilantin Infatabs chewable tablets
- Dilantin Intravenous
- Dilantin Kapseals
- Dilantin Kapseals extended-release capsules
- Dilantin suspension
- Dilantin-125
- Dilantin-30
- Dilatrate-SR
- Dilaudid
- Dilaudid Injection
- Dilaudid liquid
- Dilaudid suppository
- Dilaudid tablets
- Dilaudid tablets - 8 mg
- Dilaudid-5
- Dilaudid-HP
- Dilex-G
- Dilex-G 200
- Dilex-G 400 Tablets
- Dilex-G liquid
- Dilizolen
- Dilocard
- Dilor
- Dilor-200
- Dilor-400
- Dilt-CD
- Dilt-XR
- Dilt-XR 24-hour sustained-release capsules
- Diltia XT
- Diltia XT 24-hour sustained-release capsules
- Diltiazem
- diltiazem 12-hour sustained-release capsules
- diltiazem 24-hour extended-release beads capsules
- diltiazem 24-hour extended-release beads tablets
- diltiazem 24-hour sustained-release beads capsules
- diltiazem 24-hour sustained-release capsules
- diltiazem and enalapril
- Diltiazem CD
- Diltiazem Extended Release Tablets
- Diltiazem Hydrochloride
- Diltiazem hydrochloride ADOH
- diltiazem immediate-release tablets
- Diltiazem Injection
- diltiazem Intravenous
- Diltiazem Polfarmex
- Diltiazem Tablets
- Diltzac
- Dilzem
- Dimaphen
- Dimaphen DM
- Dimaphen Elixir
- Dime Time Extended Release
- dimenhydrinate
- dimenhydrinate chewable tablets
- dimenhydrinate tablets
- Dimercaprol
- Dimesar
- Dimetane
- Dimetane DX
- Dimetane Extentab
- Dimetapp
- Dimetapp Allergy
- Dimetapp Allergy Liquigel
- Dimetapp Allergy Sinus
- Dimetapp Cold & Allergy
- Dimetapp Cold & Cough
- Dimetapp cold allergy elixir
- Dimetapp Cold and Cough Liquigel
- Dimetapp Cold and Fever
- Dimetapp Cold and Flu
- Dimetapp Cold Drops
- Dimetapp Decongestant
- Dimetapp Decongestant drops
- Dimetapp Decongestant Plus Cough Infant Drops
- Dimetapp DM
- Dimetapp DM Cold & Cough
- Dimetapp DM Cold/Cough Elixir
- Dimetapp DM Cough/Cold elixir
- Dimetapp elixir
- Dimetapp Long Acting Cough Plus Cold
- Dimetapp Multi-Symptom Cold and Flu liquid
- Dimetapp ND
- Dimetapp Nighttime Cold & Congestion
- Dimetapp Nighttime Flu suspension
- Dimetapp, Childrens Non-Drowsy Allergy ODT
- dimethicone cream
- dimethicone liquid
- dimethicone spray
- dimethicone/zinc cream
- dimethyl fumarate
- dimethyl sulfoxide
- dimethyl sulfoxide Intravesical
- dinoprost tromethamine Injection
- Dinoprostone
- Dinoprostone (PGE2; Prostaglandin E2)
- dinoprostone gel
- dinoprostone inserts
- dinoprostone topical
- dinoprostone Vaginal
- Dinortes
- Diocto liquid
- Diocto oral/rectal
- Diocto syrup
- Dioctocal
- Dioctosoftez
- Dioctyn
- Dioeze oral/rectal
- Diohespan
- Diohespan forte
- Diohespan Max
- Diomycin
- Dionelle
- Dionex
- Diosminex
- Diosminex Max
- Diosminum Aflofarm
- diosmiplex
- diosmiplex, hydrocortisone, and pramoxine
- Diotame
- Diovan 160
- Diovan 80
- Diovan HCT
- Diovan Tablets
- Dip Hot Rozgrzewający
- Dip Hot Spray Rozgrzewający
- Dip Rilif
- Dip Rilif (Deep Relief)
- Dip Sport Chłodzący
- Dipentum
- Dipentum Oral, Rectal
- Dipeptiven
- Diphedryl
- Diphen
- Diphen Cough
- Diphenhist
- Diphenhydramine
- diphenhydramine and ibuprofen
- diphenhydramine and magnesium salicylate
- diphenhydramine and phenylephrine
- diphenhydramine and pseudoephedrine
- diphenhydramine capsules
- diphenhydramine chewable tablets
- diphenhydramine cream
- diphenhydramine dispersible tablets
- diphenhydramine elixir
- Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride
- Diphenhydramine Injection
- diphenhydramine lotion
- diphenhydramine orally disintegrating strips
- diphenhydramine solution
- diphenhydramine suspension
- diphenhydramine, hydrocodone, and phenylephrine
- diphenhydramine/hydrocodone/phenylephrine syrup
- diphenhydramine/ibuprofen
- diphenhydramine/phenylephrine
- diphenhydramine/phenylephrine chewable tablets
- diphenhydramine/phenylephrine liquid
- diphenhydramine/phenylephrine strips
- diphenhydramine/phenylephrine suspension
- diphenhydramine/pseudoephedrine
- diphenhydramine/pseudoephedrine controlled-release capsules
- diphenhydramine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- diphenhydramine/pseudoephedrine tablets
- diphenidol
- Diphenmax D
- Diphenoxylate and Atropine
- Diphenoxylate and Atropine Oral Solution
- Diphenoxylate Hydrochloride
- Diphenoxylate Hydrochloride/Atropine Sulfate
- Diphentann-D
- Diphereline 0,1 mg
- Diphereline SR 22,5 mg
- Diphergan
- diphtheria and tetanus toxoid Parenteral
- diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DT) vaccine
- Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Adsorbed, Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed
- Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed, Hepatitis B (Recombinant) and Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine Combined
- Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed, Inactivated Poliovirus and Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (DTaP-IPV/Hib)
- Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed, Tetanus Toxoid and Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed
- diphtheria and tetanus toxoids vaccine
- Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids, Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed, Hepatitis B (Recombinant), and Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine Combined
- diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, acellular pertussis, hepatitis b (recombinant), and inactivated poliovirus vaccine
- diphtheria and tetanus vaccine Intramuscular
- diphtheria and tetanus vaccines
- diphtheria antitoxin Injection
- Diphtheria tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine adsorbed
- diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, acellular pertussis, inactivated polio, and haemophilus b conjugate vaccine
- diphtheria, haemophilus B, pertussis, polio, tetanus vaccine
- diphtheria, haemophilus influenzae, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine
- diphtheria, haemophilus, pertussis, tetanus, and polio
- diphtheria, hepatitis B, pertussis (acellular), polio, and tetanus vaccine
- diphtheria, pertussis acellular, polio, tetanus vaccine
- diphtheria, pertussis acellular, tetanus, and polio
- diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, acellular pertussis, and inactivated poliovirus vaccine
- diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis vaccine
- diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine
- diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis b, and polio vaccine Intramuscular
- diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis b, polio vaccine Intramuscular
- diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, polio vaccine Intramuscular
- diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, polio, hib vaccine Intramuscular
- diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis booster vaccine Intramuscular
- diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine Intramuscular
- diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccines
- Diphtheria-Tetanus Toxoids, Pediatric
- Diphtheria-Tetanus Toxoids, Pediatric (DT)
- Diphtheria/Tetanus Toxoids/Acellular Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP/Tdap)
- Diphtheria/Tetanus Toxoids/Acellular Pertussis, Adsorbed/Inactivated Poliovirus Combination Vaccine (DTAP/IPV)
- Dipivefrin
- Dipivefrin Hydrochloride
- dipivefrin ophthalmic
- Diprivan
- Diprobase
- Diprogenta
- Diprolene
- Diprolene AF
- Diprolene AF cream 0.05%
- Diprolene cream
- Diprolene gel
- Diprolene gel 0.05%
- Diprolene Lotion
- Diprolene lotion 0.05%
- Diprolene ointment 0.05%
- Diprosalic
- Diprosone
- Diprosone cream, usp 0.05%
- dipyridamole
- Dipyridamole Injection
- dipyridamole Oral, Intravenous
- dipyridamole tablets
- Dipyridamole/Aspirin
- Diquinol
- dirithromycin
- Diroton
- Disalcid
- Disalunil
- Disaperid
- Diskets
- Diskets Dispersible
- Disnemar Xylo
- Disocorea
- Disopyramide
- Disopyramide Phosphate
- disopyramide sustained-release capsules
- Disotate EDTA
- DisperMox
- Disposable Enema rectal
- Dissenten
- Distreptaza
- Disulfiram
- Disulfiram WZF
- Ditropan Syrup
- Ditropan XL
- Ditropan XL extended-release tablets
- Diupres
- Diupres-250
- Diupres-500
- Diuramid
- Diured
- Diuretic Ap-Es
- Diuril
- Diuril Injection
- Diuril Sodium
- Diuril suspension
- Diuroflos
- Diuronis
- Diuver
- Divalproex
- Divalproex Capsules
- Divalproex Delayed Release
- divalproex delayed-release tablets
- Divalproex Extended Release
- divalproex extended-release tablets
- Divalproex Sodium
- Divalproex Sprinkle
- divalproex sprinkle capsules
- Divascan
- Divigel
- Divigel 0.25 mg/packet for use on skin
- Divigel 0.5 mg/packet for use on skin
- Divigel 1 mg/packet for use on skin
- Divigel gel
- Divigel Transdermal
- Divista
- Dixaphedrine sustained-release tablets
- DM Cold and Cough
- DM-PE-Chlor
- DMax Pediatric drops
- DMax Syrup
- Doak Tar
- Doak Tar Oil
- Doak Tar shampoo
- Doak Tar Topical
- Doan's Extra Strength
- Doan's Pills
- Doan's Regular
- Doans Pills
- Doans PM
- Dobenox
- Dobenox Forte
- Dobroson
- Dobuject
- Dobutamin-Sandoz
- dobutamine
- Dobutamine Hydrochloride
- Dobutamine in Dextrose
- Dobutamine Injection
- Dobutamine TZF
- Dobutrex
- Doc-Q-Lace oral/rectal
- Doc-Q-Lax
- Docefrez
- Docetaksel Strides
- Docetaxel
- Docetaxel - Ebewe
- Docetaxel - Egis
- Docetaxel Accord
- Docetaxel Hospira
- Docetaxel Injection, Concentrate
- docetaxel Intravenous
- Docetaxel Kabi
- Docetaxel Lek
- Docetaxel Medana
- Docetaxel Mylan
- Docetaxel Pfizer
- Docetaxel Polpharma
- Docetaxel Seacross
- Docetaxel Teva
- Docetaxel Teva Pharma
- Docetaxel Wintrop
- Docosanol
- docosanol topical
- Docosavit
- DocQLace Syrup
- Doctors Choice
- Doctors Foster and Smith Benzocaine Liquid
- Doctors Foster and Smith Chlorhexidine
- Doctors Foster and Smith Chlorhexidine Cloth
- Doctors Foster and Smith Chlorhexidine Salve
- Doctors Foster and Smith Chlorhexidine Spray
- Doctors Foster and Smith Dental Cleans Pad
- Doctors Foster and Smith Iodoform Powder
- Docu oral/rectal
- Docu Soft oral/rectal
- Docucal
- Doculase oral/rectal
- Doculax
- Docuprene oral/rectal
- Docuprene Tablets
- docusate
- docusate and ferrous fumarate
- docusate and senna
- docusate enema
- docusate liquid
- docusate oral/rectal
- Docusate Salts
- Docusate Sodium
- docusate sodium/ferrous fumarate/folic acid
- docusate syrup
- docusate/sennosides
- Docusil oral/rectal
- Docusoft S oral/rectal
- DocuSol oral/rectal
- dofetilide
- DOK oral/rectal
- Dok Plus
- Dolacet
- Dolagesic
- Dolargan
- dolasetron
- dolasetron injection
- Dolasetron Mesylate
- dolasetron Oral, Intravenous
- dolasetron tablets
- Dolcontral
- Dolgic
- Dolgic LQ
- Dolgic LQ elixir
- Dolgic LQ Oral
- Dolgic Plus
- Dolgic Plus capsules and tablets
- Dolgit
- Dolobid
- Dolobid Oral, Rectal
- Dologen
- Dologen caplets
- Dologesic
- Dologesic DF
- Dologesic liquid
- Dologran
- Dolomit VIS
- Dolono
- Dolophine
- Dolophine solution
- Dolor-Parche with Lidocaine
- Dolorac
- Doloracin Rx
- Doloracin/L Rx with Lidocaine
- Doloracin/L with Lidocaine
- Dolorex
- Dolorex Forte
- Dolorstad
- Dolotic
- Dolovit Torula Hefe Naturliche
- dolutegravir
- Dom-Etoposide
- Domeboro Otic
- domperidone
- Donatuss DC Syrup
- Donatussin
- Donatussin DC
- Donatussin DM Drops
- Donatussin DM suspension
- Donatussin Drops
- Donatussin liquid
- Donatussin MAX
- Donatussin Pediatric Drops
- Donecleus
- Donegen ODT
- Donepenorm
- Donepezil
- Donepezil hameln
- Donepezil Hydrochloride
- Donepezil Hydrochloride Accord
- Donepezil hydrochloride Sanovel
- Donepezil Orally Disintegrating Tablet
- donepezil orally disintegrating tablets
- Donepezil Pliva
- Donepezil Specifar
- Donethon
- Donezic (Donepezil Peseri)
- dong quai
- Donnatal
- Donnatal Elixir
- Donnatal Extentabs controlled-release tablets
- Donnatal Tablets
- Donnatussin
- Donor Prep Kit
- Dopamar
- Dopamar mite
- Dopamin Admeda 200
- dopamine
- Dopamine and Dextrose
- Dopamine Hydrochloride
- dopamine injection
- Dopaminum hydrochl. WZF 1%
- Dopaminum hydrochl. WZF 4%
- Dopegyt
- Doppelherz Aktiv Antireumal
- Doppelherz Energovital Tonik
- Doppelherz Energovital Tonik K
- Doppelherz Ginseng Active
- Doppelherz Tonikum K
- Doppelherz Vitalkapseln
- Dopram
- Dopram-V
- Doral
- Doral Tablets
- Doribax
- Dorin
- doripenem
- doripenem Intravenous
- Dormicum
- Dormidina
- Dormosedan
- Dornase Alfa
- Dornase Alfa (Recombinant Human Deoxyribonuclease; DNase)
- dornase alfa inhalation
- dornase alfa Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Dortim-POS
- Doryx
- Doryx delayed-release capsules
- Doryx delayed-release tablets
- Dorzogen
- Dorzolamid Axxon
- Dorzolamide
- dorzolamide and timolol ophthalmic
- Dorzolamide and Timolol Ophthalmic Solution
- dorzolamide drops
- Dorzolamide Hydrochloride
- Dorzolamide Hydrochloride/Timolol Maleate
- dorzolamide Ophthalmic
- dorzolamide/timolol drops
- Dosaflex
- Doss-Relief
- Dostinex
- Dotarem
- Dotarem multidose
- Dotigen
- Dotur
- Double Cap Topical
- Dovobet
- Dovonex
- Dovonex cream
- Dovonex cream 0.005%
- Dovonex Ointment
- Dovonex ointment 0.005%
- Dovonex Scalp Solution
- Dovonex scalp solution 0.005%
- Dovonex solution
- Dovonex Topical
- DoxaLEK
- Doxapram
- Doxapram Hydrochloride
- Doxaratio 4
- Doxazosin
- Doxazosin Aurobindo
- doxazosin extended-release tablets
- Doxazosin Mesylate
- Doxazosin-ratiopharm PR 4
- Doxepin
- Doxepin 10
- Doxepin 25
- doxepin capsules
- doxepin concentrate
- doxepin cream
- Doxepin Hydrochloride
- Doxepin Oral Solution Concentrate
- Doxepin Teva
- doxepin Topical
- doxercalciferol
- Doxercalciferol Capsules
- Doxercalciferol Injection
- Doxidan Tablet
- Doxil
- Doxium 500
- Doxorubicin
- Doxorubicin Actavis
- Doxorubicin Ebewe
- Doxorubicin Hydrochloride
- doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome Intravenous
- doxorubicin Intravenous
- doxorubicin liposomal
- doxorubicin liposome Intravenous
- Doxorubicin medac
- Doxorubicin, Conventional
- Doxorubicin, Liposomal
- Doxorubicinum Accord
- Doxy 100
- Doxy 200
- Doxycyclin Stada 100
- Doxycyclin Stada 200
- doxycycline
- Doxycycline Calcium
- doxycycline capsules
- doxycycline hyclate
- Doxycycline Hyclate Delayed Release
- doxycycline hyclate delayed-release capsules
- doxycycline hyclate delayed-release tablets
- Doxycycline Hyclate eent
- Doxycycline Hyclate Tablets
- Doxycycline Injection
- doxycycline kit
- doxycycline monohydrate
- doxycycline monohydrate capsules and omega-3/vitamin e
- Doxycycline Oral Suspension
- doxycycline Subgingival
- doxycycline suspension
- doxycycline syrup
- doxycycline tablets
- doxycycline tablets/salicylic acid wash/sunscreen
- doxycycline with cleanser
- Doxycyclinum FARMA-PROJEKT
- Doxycyline Suspension
- doxylamine
- doxylamine and pseudoephedrine
- doxylamine and pyridoxine
- doxylamine chewable tablets
- doxylamine liquid
- Doxylamine Succinate
- doxylamine suspension
- doxylamine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- Doxyratio M
- Doxytex liquid
- Dozopres
- Dozopres Combi
- Dr Caldwell Laxative
- Dr Fischer Schwedenbitter
- DR RECKEWEG R1 stany zapalne
- DR RECKEWEG R10 okres przekwitania
- DR RECKEWEG R11 reumatyzm mięśniowy
- DR RECKEWEG R14 neurolog/nasenne
- DR RECKEWEG R16 na migrenę
- DR RECKEWEG R19 na czynności grucz.u mężcz.
- DR RECKEWEG R2 Essentia aurea
- DR RECKEWEG R22 przeciw nerwicy serca
- DR RECKEWEG R25 krople na prostatę
- DR RECKEWEG R26 uodparniające
- DR RECKEWEG R27 przeciw kamicy nerkowej
- DR RECKEWEG R3 osłabienie serca
- DR RECKEWEG R30 Atomare Beckeron (nerwobóle)
- DR RECKEWEG R32 przeciw poceniu się
- DR RECKEWEG R34 na przemianę wapniową
- DR RECKEWEG R35 na dolegl.ząbkowania
- DR RECKEWEG R36 przeciw pląsawicy
- DR RECKEWEG R38 przeciw dolegl.podbrzusza pr.str.
- DR RECKEWEG R4 przeciw biegunce
- DR RECKEWEG R40 dla cukrzyków
- DR RECKEWEG R44 przeciw obniż.ciśnienia krwi
- DR RECKEWEG R45 na dolegliwości krtani
- DR RECKEWEG R49 przeciw schorz.zatok przynos.
- DR RECKEWEG R5 żoładek i dwunastnica
- DR RECKEWEG R51 przeciw nadczynności tarczycy
- DR RECKEWEG R52 przeciw wymiotom
- DR RECKEWEG R54 wzmac.czynności mózgu
- DR RECKEWEG R55 na leczenie ran
- DR RECKEWEG R59 przeciw otyłości
- DR RECKEWEG R6 przeciwgrypowe
- DR RECKEWEG R60 oczyszczające krew
- DR RECKEWEG R61 Lumbagin przeciw reumat.
- DR RECKEWEG R65 przeciw łuszczycy
- DR RECKEWEG R66 przeciw niereg.prac.serca
- DR RECKEWEG R73 przeciw schorz.stawów
- DR RECKEWEG R75 na zaburz.miesiączki
- DR RECKEWEG R8 Jutussin przeciw kaszl.
- DR RECKEWEG R9 przeciw kaszl.
- DR RECKEWEG Vita C-15 śr.uspokajający
- DR RECKEWEG Vita-C-15 Forte
- Dr Scholl's Callus Removers
- Dr Scholl's Clear Away Wart Remover
- Dr Scholl's Corn Removers
- Dr Scholl's Essentials Cracked Skin Repair
- Dr Theiss Schwedenbitter
- Dr. Scholl's Athlete's Foot Topical
- Dr. Scholl's Clear Away One Step Plantar Wart Remover Topical
- Dr. Scholl's Corn/Callous Remover solution
- Dr. Scholl's Cracked Heel Relief cream
- Dr. Scholl's Cushlin Ultra Slim Callus Removers Topical
- Dr. Scholl's Cushlin Ultra Slim Corn Removers Topical
- Dr. Scholl's Fungal Nail Management Kit cream kit
- Dr. Scholl's Ingrown Toenail Pain Reliever gel
- Dr. Scholl's Medicated Foot Powder
- Dr. Scholl's Zino Soft Corn Remover pads
- Dr. Smith's Diaper
- Dr.s Cream
- Dramamine
- Dramamine chewable tablets
- Dramamine II
- Dramamine Less Drowsy
- Draximage MAA
- Drenison
- Drenison 1/4
- Drenison Tape
- Dretacen
- Driminate
- Drimon
- Drisdol
- Drisdol solution
- Dristan 12-Hour
- Dristan Cold Maximum Strength
- Dristan Cold Multi Symptom Formula
- Dristan Cold Non-Drowsy
- Dristan Sinus
- Dritho Creme
- Dritho-Scalp cream
- Dritho-Scalp Topical
- Drithocreme Topical
- Drituss DM
- Drituss G
- Drituss HD
- Drixoral
- Drixoral Allergy Sinus
- Drixoral Cold and Allergy
- Drixoral Cold and Flu
- Drixoral Cold/Flu controlled-release tablets
- Drixoral Cough/Sore Throat
- Drixoral Decongestant Non-Drowsy
- Drixoral Non-Drowsy Sustained-Release Capsules
- Drixoral Sinus
- Drixoral Sinus sustained-release tablets
- Drocon-CS
- dronabinol
- Droncit
- dronedarone
- Dronedarone Hydrochloride
- Drontal
- Drontal Plus
- Dropax
- Droperidol
- droperidol Injection
- Drosera Complexe Nr 64
- Drosetux
- Drosfemine
- Drosfemine forte
- Drosfemine mini
- drospirenone and estradiol
- Drospirenone and Ethinyl Estradiol
- drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol, and levomefolate
- drospirenone/estradiol
- drospirenone/ethinyl estradiol
- drospirenone/ethinyl estradiol/levomefolate
- Drotic
- drotrecogin alfa
- Drotrecogin Alfa (Activated)
- drotrecogin alfa Intravenous
- DroTuss-CP
- Droxia
- Dry Eye Relief
- Dry Eye Test
- Dry-Clox
- DryMax
- DryMax AF syrup
- DryMax syrup
- Dryphen
- Drysol solution
- Drysol topical
- Drytec
- Drytex Topical
- Dryvax
- DSS oral/rectal
- DT-Szczepionka błoniczo-tężc.ads.
- DTIC-Dome
- DTP-Szczepionka bł.tęż.krzt.adsorb.
- Duac
- Duac Care System
- Duac CS Kit gel
- Duac gel
- Duaklir Genuair
- Dual Action Complete
- Dualvit OB
- Duavee
- Ducord
- Duet
- Duet Chewable
- Duet chewable tablets by stuartnatal
- Duet DHA
- Duet DHA 400
- Duet DHA Balanced
- Duet DHA Complete
- Duet DHA EC
- Duet DHA with Ferrazone
- Duet tablets by stuartnatal
- Duetact
- DuetDHA Balanced
- DuetDHA Complete
- Duexis
- Dukoral
- Dulcobis
- Dulcogen
- Dulcolax
- Dulcolax Laxative
- Dulcolax Milk of Magnesia suspension
- Dulcolax Stool Softener oral/rectal
- Dulcolax suppositories
- Dulcolax Suppository
- DuLeek-Dp
- Dulera
- Dulera aerosol
- Duloxetine
- Duloxetine Boehringer Ingelheim
- Duloxetine Capsules
- duloxetine delayed-release capsules
- Duloxetine Hydrochloride
- Dultavax-Szczepionka przeciw błon.,tężc. i poliomyelit.inakt.ads.
- Duo-Medihaler
- Duo-Vil 2-10
- Duo-Vil 2-25
- Duocaine
- DuoCover
- Duodart
- Duodopa
- DuoDote
- Duofilm
- Duofilm solution
- Duofilm Topical
- Duoforte 27 Topical
- Duohist DH
- Duohist DH liquid
- Duomax
- Duoneb
- DuoNeb solution
- Duoplant gel
- Duoplant Topical
- Duoplavin
- Duoramix
- DuoResp Spiromax
- Duosol nie zawierający potasu LZ
- Duosol zawierający 2mmol/l potasu
- Duosol zawierający 4mmol/l potasu
- Duospore ointment
- Duotan DM suspension
- Duotan PD
- Duotan PD suspension
- Duotan suspension
- Duozinal
- Duphalac
- Duphalac Fruit
- Duphaston
- Duplex T Topical
- Dura Tan PE suspension
- Dura-Gest
- Dura-Tap/PD
- Dura-Vent/A
- Durabac
- Durabac Forte
- Duraclon
- Duraclon Injection
- Duradrin
- Duradryl
- Durafed
- Durafed suspension
- duraflex comfort
- Duraflu
- Duragal-S
- Duraganidin NR
- Duragesic
- Duragesic patch
- Duragesic skin patch
- Duragesic-100 skin patch
- Duragesic-12 skin patch
- Duragesic-25 skin patch
- Duragesic-50 skin patch
- Duragesic-75 skin patch
- Durahist
- Durahist D
- DuraHist D sustained-release tablets
- Durahist PE
- DuraHist Sustained-Release Tablets
- DuraMAX
- Duramist Plus
- Duramorph
- Duramorph solution
- Duraphat
- Duraphat 5000 Past.d/zęb.
- Duraphen 1000
- Duraphen DM
- Duraphen DM controlled-release and sustained-release tablets
- Duraphen Forte
- Duraphen II
- Duraphen II DM
- DuraProxin ES patch
- Durasal
- Durasal Topical
- DuraTan DM
- DuraTan DM Suspension
- DuraTan Forte
- DuraTan PE
- Duratex
- Duration
- Duratuss
- Duratuss AC 12 suspension
- Duratuss CS
- Duratuss DA
- Duratuss DM
- Duratuss DM 12 suspension
- Duratuss G
- Duratuss PE
- Duravent DPB
- Duravent-DA controlled-release tablets
- Duraxin
- Durezol
- Durezol emulsion
- Duricef
- Duricef suspension
- Durvet
- Durvet All Purpose Lubricant
- Duspatalin
- Duspatalin retard
- dutasteride
- dutasteride and tamsulosin
- Dutasteride Teva
- Dutasteride Teva Pharma
- dutasteride/tamsulosin
- Dutasteride/Tamsulosin Hydrochloride
- Dutasteryd Regiomedica
- Dutoprol
- Dutoprol extended-release tablets
- Duvoid
- Dy-G
- DY-G Liquid
- Dyazide
- Dycill
- Dyclonine Hydrochloride
- dyclonine lozenges
- dyclonine/menthol lozenges
- Dyfilin GG
- Dyflex-G
- Dygase
- Dylix
- Dylix elixir
- Dymelor
- Dymista
- Dymista spray
- Dyna-Hex
- Dyna-Hex2
- Dynabac
- Dynabac D5-Pak
- Dynacin
- Dynacin capsules
- Dynacirc
- DynaCirc CR
- DynaCirc CR extended-release tablets
- Dynahist ER sustained-release capsules
- Dynahist-ER Pediatric
- Dynapen
- Dynastat
- Dynatuss liquid
- Dynepo
- Dynex
- Dynex HD
- Dynex LA
- Dynex VR sustained-release capsules
- Dyphyllin-GG
- Dyphylline
- dyphylline and guaifenesin
- Dyphylline and Guaifenesin Tablets
- dyphylline elixir
- Dyphylline GG
- Dyphylline GG ES
- dyphylline Oral, Intramuscular
- Dyphylline-GG Elixir
- dyphylline/guaifenesin
- dyphylline/guaifenesin liquid
- Dyrenium
- Dysport
- Dytan suspension
- Dytan-CS
- Dytan-CS suspension
- Dytan-D
- Dytan-D Chewable Tablets
- Dytan-D suspension
- Dytan-DM
- Dytan-HC
- Dytuss
- Dytuss elixir
- E Pherol
- E-400
- E-400 Clear
- E-45
- E-600
- E-Gems
- E-Pilo-1
- E-Pilo-2
- E-Pilo-4
- E-Pilo-6
- E-Z AC oral and rectal
- E-Z Dose Kit with Polibar Plus oral and rectal
- E-Z Dose with Liquid Polibar Plus
- E-Z Paste oral and rectal
- E-Z-Cat
- E-Z-Cat Dry
- E-Z-Cat Dry oral and rectal
- E-Z-Cat oral and rectal
- E-Z-Disk
- E-Z-Disk oral and rectal
- E-Z-Hd
- E-Z-HD oral and rectal
- E-Z-Jug
- E-Z-Paque
- E-Z-Paque oral and rectal
- E. E. S. 400
- E. E. S. Granules suspension
- E. E. S. Liquid suspension
- E. E. S. suspension
- E.E.S, 400 Tablets
- E.E.S. 100
- E.E.S. 200
- E.E.S. 200 liquid
- E.E.S. 200 Oral
- E.E.S. 400
- E.E.S. 400 filmtab tablets
- E.E.S. 400 liquid
- E.E.S. 400 Oral
- E.E.S. granules
- E.E.S. Granules Oral
- E.S.P.
- Ear Wax otic
- Ear Wax Removal otic
- Ease It
- Easiphen smak owoców leśnych
- Easprin
- EasyGel gel
- Easytravel Solution
- Ebilfumin
- Ebixa
- Ebrantil 25
- EC-Naprosyn
- EC-Naprosyn enteric-coated tablets
- Ecallantide
- ecallantide Subcutaneous
- Ecalta
- Ecansya (Capecitabine Krka)
- echinacea
- Echinacea Ratiopharm
- Echinacea-ratiopharm Max
- Echinacea-ratiopharm Max (Echimax)
- Echinacin
- Echinapur
- Echinasal
- Echinerba
- echothiophate eye drops
- Echothiophate Iodide
- echothiophate iodide ophthalmic
- Ecomer
- Econazole Cream
- econazole foam
- Econazole Nitrate
- econazole Topical
- Econochlor
- Econopred
- Econopred Plus
- Econopred Plus Drops
- Ecotrin
- Ecotrin Adult Low Strength
- Ecotrin delayed-release tablets
- Ecotrin enteric coated aspirin low, regular and maximum strength tablets
- Ecotrin Maximum Strength
- EcoVag
- Ecoza
- Ecoza foam
- Ecoza Topical
- Ecpirin
- Ecriten
- Ectosone Mild-Lotion
- Ectosone Regular-Cream
- Ectosone Regular-Lotion
- Ectosone Scalp Lotion
- eculizumab
- eculizumab Intravenous
- Eczemol
- Ed A-Hist
- Ed A-Hist DM
- Ed Chlor-Tan
- Ed ChlorPed
- Ed ChlorPed D
- Ed ChlorPed suspension drops
- ED Cyte F
- ED DM chewable tablets
- Ed Spaz
- Ed-Bron G
- Ed-Bron G liquid
- Ed-Chlor Ped Jr
- Ed-Chlortan
- Ed-TLC
- Ed-Tuss HC
- Edarbi
- Edarbyclor
- Edecrin
- Edecrin Sodium
- Edelan
- edetate calcium disodium
- Edetate Calcium Disodium (Calcium EDTA)
- edetate disodium EDTA
- Edex
- Edex injectable and transurethral
- Edex Injection
- Edex Refill injectable and transurethral
- Edge OB
- Edicin
- Edluar
- Ednyt 2,5 mg
- Ednyt 5 mg
- Edronax
- edrophonium
- Edrophonium Chloride/Atropine Sulfate
- edrophonium Injection
- Edurant
- EEMT Tablets
- Ees 200
- EES Oral Suspension
- Efalizumab
- efalizumab Subcutaneous
- efavirenz
- efavirenz capsules
- Efavirenz Mylan
- Efavirenz Teva
- efavirenz, emtricitabine, and tenofovir
- efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir
- Efavirenz/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate
- Efdege
- Efectin
- Efectin ER 37,5
- Effer-K
- Effer-K 10 meq Tablets
- Effer-K effervescent tablets
- Effer-K Tablets
- Efferalgan
- Efferalgan Codeine
- Efferalgan Forte
- Efferalgan Vitamin C
- Effervescent Potassium
- Effervescent Potassium/Chloride
- Effexor
- Effexor XR
- Effexor XR extended-release capsules
- Effexor XR extended-release tablets
- Efficib
- Effient
- Effortil
- Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine
- Efidac-24 Chlorpheniramine
- Efient
- Eflornithine
- eflornithine cream
- eflornithine Injection
- eflornithine Topical
- Efracea
- Efrinol 1%
- Efrinol 2%
- Efudex
- Efudex cream
- Efudex Occlusion Pack
- Efudex Topical
- Efudix
- Egg product HYPERIMMUNE
- Egg product, hyperimmune
- Egilipid
- Egilipid 20
- Egilipid 40
- Egilitax
- Egitinid
- Egitromb
- Egrifta
- Eklira Genuair
- Ekogal
- Ekovit
- Elaprase
- Elavil
- Eldepryl
- Eldepryl Capsules
- Eldepryl Oral
- Eldepryl Tablets
- Eldertonic
- Eldopaque
- Eldopaque Forte
- Eldoquin
- Eldoquin Forte
- Elecare
- Elecare nutritionally complete amino acid-based medical food
- electrolyte
- electrolyte freezer-pops
- electrolyte jell cups
- electrolyte powder packets
- electrolyte solution
- electrolyte strips
- Elelyso
- Elelyso Injection
- Elemental Iron
- Elenium
- Elenza Patch
- Elernap
- Elestar
- Elestar HCT
- Elestat
- Elestrin
- Elestrin gel
- Elestrin Transdermal
- eletriptan
- Eletriptan Hydrobromide
- Eleveon
- Elevit Pronatal
- Elicea
- Elicea Q-Tab
- Elidel
- Elidel cream 1%
- Elidel Topical
- Eligard
- Eligard kit
- Eligard suspension
- Elimite
- Elimite cream
- Elimite Topical
- Elinest
- Eliphos
- Elitasone
- Elite Iron
- Elite Magnesium
- Elite OB 400
- Elite OB with DHA
- Elitek
- Elixophyllin
- Elixophyllin elixir
- Elixophyllin GG Liquid
- Elixophyllin-GG
- ElixSure Congestion Children's
- ElixSure Congestion gel syrup
- Elixsure Cough
- ElixSure Cough Children's
- ElixSure Cough gel syrup
- Elixsure Decongestant
- Elixsure Fever/Pain
- ella
- ellaOne
- Ellence
- Elliotts B Solution
- Elmetacin
- Elmex
- ELMEX fluid
- ELMEX Żel do fluoryzacji
- Elmiron
- Elmogan
- Elocom
- Elocon
- Elocon cream
- Elocon cream 0.1%
- Elocon Lotion
- Elocon lotion 0.1%
- Elocon ointment 0.1%
- Elocon topical
- Elofen
- Elon Dual Defense Anti-Fungal Formula
- Elon Dual Defense Anti-Fungal liquid
- Elosalic
- Elosone
- Eloxatin
- elppa CoQ10
- Elspar
- Elspar Escherichia coli
- Elta Tar
- eltrombopag
- Elvitegravir and Cobicistat
- elvitegravir, cobicistat, emtricitabine, and tenofovir
- elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir
- Emadine
- Emadine 0.05%
- Emadine drops
- Embeda
- Embeda extended-release capsules
- Embeline
- Embeline cream
- Embeline E
- Embeline gel
- Embeline Scalp Application
- Embeline solution
- Emcin Clear
- Emcin Clear pad
- Emcin Topical
- Emcyt
- Emcyt Oral, Parenteral, Topical application, Transdermal
- Emedastine Difumarate
- emedastine drops
- emedastine Ophthalmic
- Emend 2-Day
- Emend 3-Day
- Emend for Injection
- Emend for Injection pimozide
- Emend Injection
- Emend Intravenous
- Emepradis
- Emetrol oral solution (lemon-mint cherry flavors)
- Emetrol solution
- Emetron
- Emgel
- Emgel gel
- Emgel Topical
- Emla
- EMLA cream
- EMLA disc
- Emla Plaster
- Emla Topical
- Emo-Cort Scalp Solution Topical application
- Emo-Cort Topical application
- Emochol
- Emoclot
- Emoquette
- Emorect
- Emorect /Venorect/
- Emperin
- Emphysal
- Empirin
- Empirin with Codeine
- Empro
- Emsam
- Emsam system
- Emsam transdermal
- Emselex
- Emser Salt 1.1%
- emtricitabine
- emtricitabine and tenofovir
- emtricitabine solution
- emtricitabine, lopinavir, ritonavir, and tenofovir
- emtricitabine, nelfinavir, and tenofovir
- emtricitabine, rilpivirine, and tenofovir
- Emtricitabine/Rilpivirine Hydrochloride/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate
- emtricitabine/rilpivirine/tenofovir
- emtricitabine/tenofovir
- Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate
- Emtriva
- Emtriva solution
- Ena
- Enablex
- Enablex extended-release tablets
- enalapril
- enalapril and felodipine
- enalapril and hydrochlorothiazide
- Enalapril Maleate
- Enalapril Maleate/Felodipine
- Enalapril Maleate/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Enalapril Medana
- enalapril solution
- Enalapril Tablets
- Enalapril Tablets Soluble
- Enalapril Vitabalans
- enalapril/felodipine
- enalapril/hydrochlorothiazide
- Enalaprilat
- enalaprilat Intravenous
- Enalaprilat/Enalapril Maleate
- Enap
- Enap H
- Enap HL
- Enarenal Plus
- Enaros
- Enbrel
- Enbrel dla dzieci
- Enbrel Multiple-Use Vials
- Enbrel Prefilled Syringes
- Encepur Adults szczepionka p.kleszcz/zap.op.mózg.
- Encepur K szczepionka przeciw zap.op.mózg.
- Encopirin Cardio 81
- Encora am tablets
- Encora capsules
- Encora PM tablets
- EndaCof DH
- EndaCof Drops
- Endacof HC
- EndaCof PD
- EndaCof-AC
- Endacof-C
- EndaCof-DC
- EndaCof-DM
- EndaCof-HC Liquid
- EndaCof-PD Drops
- EndaCof-Tab
- Endacon
- Endagen-HD
- Endal CD
- Endal CD solution
- Endal CD Syrup
- Endal HD
- Endal-HD Plus
- Endiex
- Endo-Mectin
- Endo-Mectin Plus
- Endocet
- Endodan
- Endometrin
- Endometrin insert
- Endosal
- Endosol Extra intraocular
- Endrate
- Endrate EDTA
- Enduron
- Enduronyl
- Enecat oral and rectal
- Enema
- Enemeez Mini enema
- Enemeez Mini oral/rectal
- Energize Liquid
- Eneset 2 oral and rectal
- Enfalyte solution
- Enfamil D-Vi-Sol
- Enflurane
- Enfuvirtide
- enfuvirtide Subcutaneous
- Engerix-B
- Engerix-B Pediatr.szczepionka
- Engerix-B Pediatric
- Engerix-B szczepionka
- Enhancer Barium Sulfate
- Enhancer oral and rectal
- Enilor
- Enjuvia
- Enkaid
- Enlon
- Enlon-Plus
- EnLyte
- Enomine
- enoxacin
- enoxaparin
- Enoxaparin Sodium
- Enoxaparin Sodium Injection
- enoxaparin Subcutaneous, Injection
- Enpresse
- Enskyce
- Ensure (o smaku waniliowym)
- Entacapone
- Entacapone Orion
- Entacapone Teva
- Entecavir
- entecavir solution
- Entereal nutrition
- Entereg
- Enterex Glutapak-10
- Entero VU oral and rectal
- Entero-H oral and rectal
- Enterol 250
- Enterosol
- Entex
- Entex ER
- Entex HC
- Entex LA
- Entex LA sustained-release capsules
- Entex liquid
- Entex LQ
- Entex Pac liquid
- Entex PSE
- Entex PSE controlled-release capsules
- Entex PSE sustained-release tablets
- Entex suspension
- Entex T
- EntexT
- Entocort EC
- Entocort EC sustained-release capsules
- Entonox
- Entre-B
- Entre-Cough
- Entre-Cough suspension
- Entre-S
- Entreik 81
- Entrobar
- Entrobar oral and rectal
- Entroease
- Entus Junior
- Entus Max
- Entuss liquid
- Entyvio
- Enulose
- Enulose solution
- Enurev Breezhaler
- Envarsus
- Enviage
- Envil gardło
- Envil kaszel
- Envil kaszel junior
- Envil katar (Kato-Nasal Spray)
- Envit Q10
- Enyglid
- enzalutamide
- Enzaprost F5
- Enzone
- Eolarix
- Eonic
- Eovist
- EPA Fish Oil
- Epaned
- Epaned solution
- Epanutin Parenteral
- Eperbel-S
- Eperzan
- ephedra
- ephedrine
- ephedrine capsules
- Ephedrine Hydrochloride
- Ephedrine Sulfate
- Ephedrine Sulphate Injection
- ephedrine/guaifenesin
- ephedrine/guaifenesin syrup
- Ephedrinum hydrochl. WZF
- Epi-C
- Epi-Stat
- EpiCeram emulsion
- Epidrin
- Epiduo
- Epiduo gel
- Epiduo topical
- Epiflur
- Epifoam
- Epifoam foam
- Epifoam topical/rectal
- Epifrin
- Epiject Iv
- Epimedac
- Epimide 50
- Epinar
- epinastine
- Epinastine HCl Ophthalmic Solution
- Epinastine Hydrochloride
- epinastine Ophthalmic
- Epinephrine
- Epinephrine (Mydriatic) eent
- epinephrine aerosol
- epinephrine and pilocarpine ophthalmic
- epinephrine auto-injector
- Epinephrine eent
- epinephrine Injection
- epinephrine nebulizer solution
- epinephrine Ophthalmic
- epinephrine solution
- epinephrine/lidocaine iontophoretic patch
- Epionce Active Shield Lotion
- Epipen
- EpiPen 2-Pak
- EpiPen auto-injector
- Epipen Jr
- EpiPen JR 2-Pak
- EpiPen JR Auto-Injector
- EpiPen Jr.
- EpiPen Jr. Auto-Injector
- EpiPen Senior
- EpiQuin Micro
- Epiquin micro topical cream
- Epiquin micro xd topical cream
- Epirubicin
- Epirubicin -Ebewe
- Epirubicin Accord
- Epirubicin Hydrochloride
- epirubicin Intravenous, Injection
- Epirubicin Kabi
- Epirubicin Strides
- Episindan
- Epitol
- Epitrigine 25 mg
- Epivir
- Epivir A/F
- Epivir solution
- Epivir-HBV
- Epivir-HBV solution
- Eplenocard
- Eplerenon Bluefish
- Eplerenone
- Eplerenotif
- Eplerium
- Epoetin Alfa
- Epoetin Alfa (Erythropoietin; EPO)
- Epoetin alfa Hexal
- epoetin alfa Injection
- epoetin beta-methoxy polyethylene glycol
- Epogen
- epoprostenol
- epoprostenol Intravenous
- Epoprostenol Sodium
- Eporatio
- Eposin
- Eppy/N
- Eprex
- Eprilexan
- eprosartan
- eprosartan and hydrochlorothiazide
- Eprosartan Mesylate
- Eprosartan Mesylate/Hydrochlorothiazide
- eprosartan/hydrochlorothiazide
- Epsal
- Epsisolde
- Epsom Salt
- ept Pregnancy Test
- Eptifibatide
- eptifibatide Intravenous
- Eptifibatide Strides
- Eptimal
- Epzicom
- Equagesic
- Equalactin
- Equaline Acid Reducer
- Equaline All Day Allergy
- Equaline Allergy Relief
- Equaline Allergy Relief Non-Drowsy
- Equaline Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men
- Equaline Heartburn Relief
- Equaline Nicotine Lozenge
- Equaline Pain Relief Children's
- Equaline Sleep Aid
- Equalize Gas Relief Drops
- Equanil
- Equate Acid Controller Maximum Strength
- Equate Children's Ibuprofen - Berry
- Equate Children's Ibuprofen - Berry - Dye Free
- Equate Dual Action Complete
- Equate Nicotine Lozenge
- Equate Sleep Aid
- Equell
- Equetro
- Equetro sustained-release capsules
- Equi-Nade
- Equi-Roca Plus
- Equicyte Plus
- Equidone Oral Gel
- Equilizer Gas Relief
- Equimax
- Equimectrin
- Equine Colic Calm
- Equine Horse Calm
- Equine Joint Relief
- Equine Respiratory Relief
- Equineaid
- Equioxx
- Equioxx Injection
- Equistrength
- Eqvalan
- Eranoprazol
- Eraxis
- Erazaban 10%
- Erbitux
- Ercaf
- Erdomed
- Erex
- Erfinazin
- Ergamisol
- Ergocalciferol
- ergocalciferol solution
- Ergoloid
- ergoloid mesylates
- Ergoloid Mesylates (Dihydrogenated Ergot Alkaloids; Dihydroergotoxine)
- ergoloid mesylates Oral, Sublingual
- Ergoloid Tablets
- Ergomar
- Ergomar Sublingual Tablets
- ergonovine
- Ergonovine Maleate
- ergotamine
- Ergotamine and Caffeine
- Ergotamine Tartrate
- eribulin
- eribulin Intravenous
- Eribulin Mesylate
- Eridanus
- Erivedge
- Erlotinib
- Errin
- Errin Oral, Implantation, Parenteral
- Errin Oral, Parenteral, Vaginal
- Ertaczo
- Ertaczo cream, 2%
- Ertaczo Topical
- ertapenem
- ertapenem Injection
- Ertapenem Sodium
- Erudan
- Erwinaze
- Ery Pads
- Ery Pads pad
- Ery Topical
- Ery-Tab
- Ery-Tab delayed-release tablets
- Eryc
- Eryc delayed-release capsules
- Erycette
- Erycette Topical
- Eryderm
- Eryderm solution
- Eryderm Topical
- Erygel
- Erygel Topical
- Erymax
- EryPed
- EryPed 200
- Eryped 200 eryped 400
- Eryped 200 Oral
- Eryped 400
- Eryped 400 Oral
- EryPed drops
- Eryped Oral
- EryPed suspension
- Erythra-Derm
- Erythrocin
- Erythrocin Injection
- Erythrocin Injection USP
- Erythrocin Lactobionate
- Erythrocin Lactobionate Intravenous
- Erythrocin Oral
- Erythrocin Stearate
- Erythrocin Stearate Oral
- erythromycin
- Erythromycin and Benzoyl Peroxide
- erythromycin and benzoyl peroxide Topical
- Erythromycin and Sulfisoxazole
- erythromycin base and stearate
- Erythromycin Base Filmtab
- Erythromycin Capsules
- erythromycin delayed-release capsules
- Erythromycin delayed-release capsules, usp
- erythromycin delayed-release tablets
- Erythromycin eent
- Erythromycin Ethyl Succinate Tablets
- erythromycin ethylsuccinate
- erythromycin ethylsuccinate drops
- erythromycin ethylsuccinate suspension
- Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate/Sulfisoxazole
- Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate/Sulfisoxazole Acetyl
- Erythromycin Filmtabs
- erythromycin gel
- erythromycin Intravenous
- erythromycin lactobionate
- Erythromycin Lactobionate - I.V.
- erythromycin ointment
- erythromycin Ophthalmic
- Erythromycin Ophthalmic Ointment
- Erythromycin Oral Suspension
- erythromycin Oral, Parenteral
- erythromycin pad
- Erythromycin Pledgets
- erythromycin solution
- Erythromycin Tablets
- erythromycin Topical
- Erythromycin Topical Solution
- Erythromycin/Benzoyl Peroxide
- erythromycin/sulfisoxazole
- Erythromycinum Intravenosum TZF
- Erythromycinum pro Susp.
- Erythromycinum TZF
- Eryzole
- Esberitox N
- Esbriet
- Escalar
- Escapelle 1500mcg
- Escavite
- Escavite chewable tablets
- Escertal
- Esceven
- Escilatopram Pfizer
- Esciplex
- Escipram
- Escitactil
- escitalopram
- Escitalopram 1 A Pharma
- Escitalopram Actavis
- Escitalopram Bluefish
- Escitalopram Oral Solution
- Escitalopram Oxalate
- Escitalopram Pfizer
- Escitalopram PharmaSwiss
- escitalopram solution
- Escitalopram Tablets
- Escitalopram Zdrovit
- Escitasan
- Esciteva
- Escitil
- Esclim
- Esclim Transdermal
- Eserine
- Eserine Sulfate Ophthalmic
- Esgic
- Esgic Oral
- Esgic Tablets
- Esgic-Plus
- Esgic-Plus Capsule
- Esgic-Plus Oral
- Esidrix
- Esimil
- Eskalith
- Eskalith CR controlled-release and extended-release tablets
- Eskalith-CR
- eslicarbazepine
- Esmeron
- Esmocard 100 mg/10 ml
- Esmocard 2500 mg/10 ml
- Esmocard Lyo
- esmolol
- Esmolol HCl
- Esmolol Hydrochloride
- esmolol Intravenous
- Esmya
- Esobar
- Esocor P
- Esogasec
- Esolifa
- Esomeprazol +pharma
- Esomeprazol Actavis
- Esomeprazol Renantos
- esomeprazole
- esomeprazole and naproxen
- Esomeprazole Capsules
- esomeprazole delayed-release capsules
- Esomeprazole Hospira
- Esomeprazole Injection
- Esomeprazole Magnesium
- esomeprazole Oral, Intravenous
- Esomeprazole Polpharma
- Esomeprazole Sodium
- Esomeprazole Strontium
- esomeprazole suspension
- Esopho-Cat Esophageal Cream
- Esopho-Cat oral and rectal
- Esophotrast oral and rectal
- Esoranban
- Esoterica
- Esoterica cream
- Esoterica Sunscreen Formula cream
- Esoterica with Sunscreen
- Espiro
- Espumisan
- Espumisan 100 mg/ml
- Espumisan 3%
- Esputicon
- Esputicon przeciw gazom i wzdęciom
- Esseliv
- Esseliv Forte
- Esseliv Max
- Essentiale
- Essentiale forte
- Essentiale Max
- Essian
- Essian H.S.
- Estalis-Sequi
- Estar Topical
- Estarylla
- Estazolam
- Estazolam Espefa
- Estazolam Polfarmex
- Estazolam TZF
- Ester-C
- esterified estrogens
- Esterified Estrogens and Methyltestosterone
- Esterified Estrogens/Methyltestosterone
- Estinyl
- Estinyl Oral, Parenteral, Topical application, Transdermal
- Estivin II
- Estmar
- Estrace
- Estrace cream
- Estrace Vaginal
- Estrace Vaginal Cream local
- Estrace Vaginal Cream topical
- Estrace Vaginal local
- Estracyt
- Estraderm
- Estraderm patch
- Estraderm Transdermal
- Estraderm TTS 25
- Estradiol
- estradiol acetate
- estradiol and dienogest
- estradiol and levonorgestrel transdermal
- estradiol and medroxyprogesterone
- estradiol and medroxyprogesterone Intramuscular
- estradiol and norethindrone
- Estradiol and Norethindrone Tablets
- estradiol and norethindrone transdermal
- estradiol and norgestimate
- estradiol cream
- estradiol cypionate
- estradiol emulsion
- estradiol gel
- estradiol patch
- estradiol ring
- estradiol spray
- estradiol topical
- estradiol Transdermal
- estradiol Vaginal
- estradiol vaginal local
- estradiol valerate
- estradiol valerate and dienogest
- Estradiol Valerate Injection
- estradiol valerate/dienogest
- estradiol weekly patch
- Estradiol/Drospirenone
- Estradiol/Levonorgestrel
- estradiol/levonorgestrel weekly patch
- estradiol/norethindrone
- Estradiol/Norethindrone Acetate
- estradiol/norethindrone patch (bi-weekly)
- Estradot 37.5
- Estradot 50
- Estradot 75
- Estradot Transdermal
- Estradot Transdermal Therapeutic System
- Estradot Transdermal Therapeutic System Transdermal
- Estradot Transdermal Transdermal
- Estragyn
- estramustine
- Estramustine Phosphate Sodium
- Estrasorb
- Estrasorb emulsion
- Estratab
- Estratest
- Estratest H.S.
- Estratest H.S. tablets
- Estreva
- Estring
- Estring local
- Estring ring
- Estring topical
- Estring Vaginal
- EstroGel
- Estrogel 0.06%
- EstroGel Gel
- EstroGel Transdermal
- estrogen and progestin combination (ovarian hormone therapy)
- estrogen and progestin oral contraceptives
- estrogen Oral, Parenteral, Topical application, Transdermal
- estrogen Vaginal
- Estrogen-Progestin Combinations
- estrogen/androgen combination Oral, Parenteral
- Estrogens, conjugated
- Estrogens, Conjugated (Synthetic A or B)
- Estrogens, Conjugated or Esterified
- Estrogens, conjugated, synthetic A
- Estrogens, Conjugated/Medroxyprogesterone Acetate
- Estrogens, esterified
- Estrogens/Progestins, Oral (Combination Products)
- Estrogens/Progestins, Transdermal (Combination Products)
- estropipate
- Estropipate (Piperazine Estrone Sulfate)
- Estropipate, Esterified Estrogens
- Estroplan
- Estrostep Fe
- Estrostep Fe birth control
- Estroven caplets
- Estroven gelcaps
- Eszopiclone
- Etanercept
- etanercept Subcutaneous
- Etaproben
- ETH-Oxydose
- Ethacrynate Sodium
- ethacrynate sodium Intravenous
- ethacrynic acid
- Ethacrynic Acid (Ethacrynate)
- Ethambutol
- Ethambutol Hydrochloride
- Ethamolin
- ethanolamine oleate
- ethchlorvynol
- EtheDent
- Ethedent Chewable
- EtheDent Chewable Tablets
- Ethexderm
- EthexDERM BPW Topical
- EthexDERM BPW wash
- Ethezyme 650
- Ethezyme 830
- Ethezyme ointment
- ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel
- ethinyl estradiol and ethynodiol diacetate
- ethinyl estradiol and etonogestrel Vaginal
- ethinyl estradiol and etonogestrel vaginal ring
- ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel
- ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel extended-cycle
- ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin transdermal
- ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone
- ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone birth control
- ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone HRT
- ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate
- ethinyl estradiol and norgestrel
- Ethinylestradiol/Dienogest Pharbil
- Ethiodol
- Ethionamide
- Ethmozine
- ethosuximide
- Ethosuximide Oral Solution
- ethosuximide solution
- Ethosuximide Syrup
- ethotoin
- Ethyl chloride
- ethyl chloride spray
- Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate
- ethynodiol/ethinyl estradiol
- Ethyol
- Etibral
- etidronate
- Etidronate Disodium
- etidronate Oral, Intravenous
- Etodolac
- Etodolac Capsules
- etodolac extended-release tablets
- Etomar
- Etomidate
- Etomidate-Lipuro
- Etonogestrel
- etonogestrel implant
- etonogestrel Intradermal
- etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol ring
- Etopiryna
- Etopiryna - od bólu głowy
- Etopiryna Kontrol
- Etopiryna Max
- Etopiryna Plus
- Etopophos
- Etoposid Actavis
- Etoposid-Ebewe
- Etoposide
- Etoposide Capsule
- etoposide capsules
- etoposide injection
- Etoposide Kabi
- etoposide Oral, Intravenous
- etoposide phosphate
- Etopozyd Accord
- Etoran
- Etoran Extra
- Etoricoxib Zydus
- Etrafon
- Etrafon 2-10
- Etrafon 2-25
- Etrafon Forte
- etravirine
- Etrixenal
- Eucalyptamint
- Eucalyptus, oil of
- Eucardin
- Eucerin
- Eucerinum (Euceryna bezwodna)
- Euclamin
- Eucol
- Eucreas
- Euflexxa
- Euflexxa Injection
- Euglucon
- Eulexin
- Eurartesim
- Eurax
- Eurax cream
- Eurax lotion
- Eurax Topical
- Eurefin
- Eurespal
- Eurodastin
- Euthroid
- Euthyrox 100
- Euthyrox 125
- Euthyrox 150
- Euthyrox 175
- Euthyrox 200
- Euthyrox 25
- Euthyrox 50
- Euthyrox 75
- Euvax B (d/dzieci)
- Euvax B (dla dorosł.)
- Evac-U-Gen
- Evac-u-gen chewable tablets
- Evamist
- Evamist spray
- Evamist Transdermal
- EVARREST 10,2 x 10,2 cm
- evening primrose
- Evening Primrose Oil
- everolimus
- everolimus tablets for oral suspension
- Evicel
- Evict ES
- Evict Liquid Wormer
- Eviplera
- Evista
- Evitex
- Evoclin
- Evoclin foam
- Evoclin foam, 1%
- Evoclin Topical
- Evoltra
- Evoxac
- Evra
- Ewofex 120
- Ewofex 180
- Ex-Lax chewable tablets
- Ex-Lax Chocolated
- Ex-Lax Gentle Nature
- Ex-Lax Maximum Relief Formula
- Ex-Lax Milk of Magnesia
- Ex-Lax Regular Strength Pills
- Ex-Lax Stool Softener
- Ex-lax Ultra
- Exactacain Topical Anesthetic Spray
- Exalgo
- Exalief
- exall
- Exall Liquid
- Exall-D Liquid
- Exametazime HMPAO
- Examples include Daptacel and Tripedia
- Exbol
- Excedrin
- Excedrin Back & Body
- Excedrin Back & Body Extra Strength
- Excedrin capsules
- Excedrin extra strength tablets, caplets, and geltabs
- Excedrin PM
- Excedrin PM Caplet
- Excedrin PM Express Gels
- Excedrin PM tablets, caplets, and geltabs
- Excedrin Quick Tab Peppermint
- Excedrin Quick Tab Spearmint
- Excedrin Sinus Headache
- Excedrin Sinus Headache Caplet
- Excedrin Tension Headache
- Excedrin Tension Headache Caplet
- Excedrin Tension Headache Express Gels
- Excedrin Tension Headache Geltab
- Excel
- Excel Ear Powder
- Excel Hydrocortisone
- Excel Hydrocortisone Spray
- Excel Roundworm
- Excel Roundworm Tablets
- Excel Salve
- Excof
- Excof-SF
- Excof-SF liquid
- Execlear
- ExeClear-C
- ExeFen
- Exefen IR Tablets
- ExeFen-DMX
- ExeFen-IR
- Exelderm
- Exelderm cream
- Exelderm Solution
- Exelderm Topical
- Exelon patch
- Exelon solution
- Exelon Transdermal
- Exemestane
- Exemestane Accord
- Exemestane Fair-Med. Healthcare
- Exemestane GlenmarkPharma
- Exemestane Mylan
- Exemestane Tablets
- Exenatide
- exenatide Subcutaneous
- Exerdya
- Exestralan
- ExeTuss
- Exforge
- Exforge HCT
- Exgest LA
- Exjade
- Exmo
- Exmo fruit
- Exmo mint
- Exocaine Plus
- Exoderil
- Exotic-HC otic
- Exparel
- Expectuss
- Expectuss Liquid
- Experience capsules
- Extavia
- Extavia solution
- Extendryl
- Extendryl chewable tablets
- Extendryl Chews
- Extendryl DM
- Extendryl G
- Extendryl GCP
- Extendryl HC
- Extendryl PEM extended-release tablets
- Extendryl PSE extended-release tablets
- Extendryl solution
- Extendryl SR Jr capsules
- Extendryl syrup
- Exter
- Extina
- Extina foam
- Extina Topical
- Extr.Thymi fluidum
- Extra Strength Mylanta Calci Tabs
- Extra strength tylenol gelcaps, geltabs, caplets, and tablets
- Extra strength tylenol geltabs, caplets, cool caplets and ez tabs
- Extra strength tylenol PM caplets, geltabs, and gelcaps
- Extra strength tylenol PM caplets, geltabs, gelcaps and liquid
- Extra-Virt Plus DHA
- Extraneal
- Extraneal LVP solution
- Extraneal. zestaw
- Extraspasmina
- Extuss LA
- Exubera powder
- Exviera
- Eye Allergy Relief
- Eye Cool
- Eye Cool Ophthalmic
- Eye Moisturizing Relief drops
- Eye scrub pads
- Eye Wash
- eyebright
- Eyemycin
- Eylea
- EZ Char suspension
- EZ Gas II effervescent granule packets
- EZ-OX Plus
- EZChar
- Ezen
- ezetimibe
- ezetimibe and simvastatin
- Ezetimibe Mylan
- ezetimibe/atorvastatin
- Ezetimibe/Simvastatin
- Ezfe
- EzFe Forte
- Eziclen
- Ezocem
- Ezogabine
- Ezol
- Ezol Oral
- Eztom
- FA-8
- FaBB Tablets
- Fabior
- Fabior Foam
- Fabior Topical
- Fablyn
- Fabrazyme
- Factive
- Factor IX
- Factor IX (Human), Factor IX Complex (Human)
- Factor IX (Recombinant)
- factor IX (recombinant) complex
- factor IX complex
- factor IX complex injectable
- factor ix complex Intravenous, Injection
- Factor IX Concentrates
- Factor VIIa (Recombinant)
- factor XIII
- Factor XIII (Human)
- Factor XIII Concentrate (Human)
- factor xiii human Intravenous
- factor xiii Intravenous
- Factrel
- Factrel injectable
- Falmina
- Falsigra
- Falvit M
- Famciclovir
- Famidyna
- famotidine
- famotidine and ibuprofen
- famotidine chewable tablets
- Famotidine Injection
- Famotidine Oral Suspension
- famotidine solution
- famotidine suspension
- Famotidine Tablets
- famotidine, calcium, and magnesium
- famotidine/calcium carbonate/magnesium hydroxide
- Fampyra
- Famvir
- Fanapt
- Fanapt Titration Pack
- Fanatrex
- Fansidar
- Fantomalt
- Farbital
- Fareston
- Farfaron
- Faringosept
- Farmorubicin PFS
- Farmorubicin RD
- Farxiga
- Faslodex
- Fasprin
- Fast Freeze
- Fast Freeze Roll-On
- Fastin
- FastStat Topical Hemostat
- Fastum
- Fasturtec
- fat emulsion Intravenous, Injection
- fat supplement
- Father John's Medicine
- FazaClo
- FazaClo orally disintegrating tablets
- FCV Protect
- FDGtomosil
- FE C
- FE C Tab Plus
- FE C Tablets
- Fe Caps controlled-release capsules
- FE-40
- Fe-Tinic 150
- Fe-Tinic 150 Forte
- Febrisan
- Febrisan Tabs
- Febrol
- Febrol Solution elixir
- febuxostat
- Feen-A-Mint
- Feiba NF
- Feiba VH
- Feiba VH Immuno
- Feiba VH injectable
- felbamate
- Felbamate Oral Suspension
- felbamate suspension
- Felbatol
- Felbatol suspension
- Feldene
- Felimazole
- Feline Skin and Itch
- FelineAid
- Felisafe
- Felixen
- Felodipin-1A Pharma (FeloHEXAL 10)
- felodipine
- Felogel
- Felogel NEO
- Fem pH
- Fem pH Vaginal Jelly
- Femcare
- Femcon FE
- Femcon FE birth control
- Femcon Fe chewable tablets
- Femecal OB
- Femecal OB plus DHA
- Femhrt
- femhrt 0.5 mg/2.5 mcg HRT
- femhrt 1 mg/5 mcg HRT
- Femhrt 1/5
- femhrt 1/5 HRT
- femhrt HRT
- Femhrt Lo
- Femibion
- Femicur N
- Femilux
- Feminon PMS
- Femipol
- Femiron
- Femiron Multi with Iron
- Femoden
- Femoston
- Femoston mini
- Femoston mite
- Femring
- Femring ring
- Femring Vaginal
- Femtrace
- Femtrace Oral, Parenteral, Topical application, Transdermal
- Fenablox
- Fendrix szczepionka
- Fenesin DM
- Fenesin DM IR
- Fenesin PE IR
- Fenicol
- Fenistil
- Fenistil retard
- fennel
- Fenofibrate
- Fenofibrate Capsules
- Fenofibric Acid
- Fenofibric Acid Delayed Release Capsules
- Fenoglide
- Fenoldopam
- Fenoldopam Mesylate
- fenoprofen
- Fenoprofen Calcium
- fenoprofen capsules
- Fenoratio 100
- Fenoratio Retard
- Fenoterol GSK
- Fenoterol TEVA
- Fenspogal
- Fentanyl
- fentanyl buccal
- fentanyl Buccal mucosa, Oromucosal
- Fentanyl Buccal Tablets
- Fentanyl Citrate
- fentanyl citrate oral transmucosal
- Fentanyl Injection
- Fentanyl Lozenge
- fentanyl Nasal
- Fentanyl Novaplus Patch
- Fentanyl Orion
- fentanyl patch
- Fentanyl Pfizer
- fentanyl soluble film
- fentanyl spray
- fentanyl sublingual
- fentanyl tablet
- fentanyl Transdermal
- fentanyl transdermal device
- fentanyl transdermal skin patch
- Fentanyl Transdermal System
- Fentanyl WZF
- Fentex
- Fentora
- Fentora buccal
- fenugreek
- Feocyte
- Feosol
- Feosol Caplet
- Feostat
- Feostat chewable tablets
- Feostat suspension
- Feprasol
- Fer-Gen-Sol drops
- Fer-In-Sol
- Fer-In-Sol drops
- Feraheme
- Feratab
- Ferate
- Fergon
- Feridex
- Ferinject
- Ferion
- FeRiva
- FeRivaFA
- Fero-Folic 500
- Ferocon
- Feroplex
- Ferotrin
- Ferotrinsic
- Ferra-Cap
- Ferragen
- Ferralet 90
- FerraPlus 90
- Ferrets
- Ferretts
- Ferretts Iron
- Ferrex 150
- Ferrex 150 capsules and tablets
- Ferrex 150 Forte
- Ferrex 150 Forte Plus
- Ferrex 150 Plus
- Ferrex 28
- ferric carboxymaltose
- ferric carboxymaltose Intravenous
- Ferric polymaltose Medana
- Ferric Subsulfate
- Ferric Subsulfate Aqueous
- Ferriprox
- Ferrlecit
- Ferro 66
- Ferro-DSS
- Ferro-Gradumet
- Ferro-Plex Hematinic
- Ferro-Sequels
- Ferro-Sequels controlled-release tablets
- Ferrocite
- Ferrocite F
- Ferrocite Plus
- FerroGels Forte
- Ferrograd Folic
- FerroLogic
- ferrous fumarate
- ferrous fumarate and folic acid
- ferrous fumarate and iron polysaccharide
- ferrous fumarate chewable tablets
- ferrous fumarate controlled-release tablets
- ferrous fumarate suspension
- ferrous fumarate, folic acid, and iron polysaccharide
- ferrous fumarate/docusate
- ferrous fumarate/docusate controlled-release tablets
- ferrous fumarate/folic acid
- ferrous fumarate/folic acid/b complex/vitamin c/minerals
- ferrous fumarate/folic acid/docusate sodium
- ferrous fumarate/folic acid/sodium docusate
- ferrous fumarate/polysaccharide iron complex/folic acid
- ferrous fumarate/polysaccharide iron complex/folic acid/vitamin b complex/vitamin c/biotin
- ferrous fumarate/polysaccharide iron complex/folic acid/vitamin c/vitamin b3
- ferrous fumarate/polysaccharide iron complex/vitamin c/vitamin b3
- ferrous fumarate/vitamin c
- ferrous fumarate/vitamin c/vitamin b12
- ferrous gluconate
- Ferrous Salts
- ferrous sulfate
- ferrous sulfate and folic acid
- ferrous sulfate controlled-release capsules
- ferrous sulfate drops
- ferrous sulfate elixir
- ferrous sulfate liquid
- Ferrous Sulfate Tablets
- ferrous sulfate/vitamin c
- Ferrum Lek
- Fertavid
- Fertinex
- Fertinorm Hp
- ferumoxsil
- Ferumoxytol
- ferumoxytol Intravenous
- Ferus Pic-150
- Fervex
- Fervex D
- Fervex Junior
- Fervex o smaku malinowym
- fesoterodine
- Fesoterodine Fumarate
- Fetzima
- Fetzima extended-release capsules
- Fetzima Titration Pack
- Feverall
- Feverall rectal
- feverfew
- Fexmid
- Fexofast 120 mg
- Fexofast 180 mg
- fexofenadine
- fexofenadine and pseudoephedrine
- Fexofenadine Hydrochloride
- Fexofenadine Hydrochloride/Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
- fexofenadine orally disintegrating tablets
- fexofenadine suspension
- fexofenadine/pseudoephedrine extended-release tablets
- fexofenadine/pseudoephedrine extended-release tablets (12 hour)
- FexoGen
- Fezzor
- Fiber Eze
- Fiber Lax
- Fiber, dietary
- Fiberall
- FiberCon
- Fibercon caplets
- Fiberlax
- Fibernorm
- Fibricor
- Fibrin sealant
- Fibrin Sealant (Human)
- fibrin sealant topical
- fibrinogen
- Fibrinogen (Human)
- Fibrinogen Concentrate (Human)
- fibrinogen Intravenous
- fibrinolysis inhibitor-thrombin topical
- Fibro Vein 0.2%
- Fibro Vein 1%
- Fibro Vein 3%
- Fibrolan
- Fidaxomicin
- Figura 1 z senesem
- Figura 2 z kruszyną
- Figuretka fix z Senesem
- Fildlata
- Filgrastim
- Filgrastim (G-CSF)
- Filgrastim Hexal
- filgrastim Injection
- Filomag B6
- Finacea
- Finacea gel
- Finacea gel, 15%
- Finacea Plus
- Finacea Plus gel
- Finacea Plus Topical
- Finacea Topical
- Finalgon
- Finasterid Accord
- finasteride
- Finasteride -1A Pharma
- Finasteride Accord
- Finasteride Aurobindo 5
- Finasteridum Bluefish
- Finasteryd Mepha (Finamef)
- Finevin
- fingolimod
- Fingolimod Hydrochloride
- Fiolet gencjanowy 2% rozt.wodny
- Fioricet
- Fioricet Capsules
- Fioricet capsules and tablets
- Fioricet Oral
- Fioricet with Codeine
- Fiorinal
- Fiorinal w/Codeine
- Fiorinal with Codeine
- Fiorinal with Codeine III
- Firdapse (Zenas)
- First Lansoprazole
- First Mouthwash BLM
- First Omeprazole
- First Progesterone MC10
- First Progesterone MC5
- First-Omeprazole suspension
- First-Progesterone VGS
- FIRST-Progesterone VGS 100
- FIRST-Progesterone VGS 200
- FIRST-Progesterone VGS 25
- FIRST-Progesterone VGS 400
- FIRST-Progesterone VGS 50
- FIRST-Testosterone
- FIRST-Testosterone MC
- Fitolizyna
- Fitoprost
- Fitoven
- Flagyl
- Flagyl 375 Capsules
- Flagyl capsules
- Flagyl ER
- Flagyl ER extended-release tablets
- Flagyl I.V.
- Flagyl I.V. Intravenous
- Flagyl I.V. RTU
- Flagyl I.V. RTU Intravenous
- Flagyl Injection
- Flagyl Oral, Intravenous
- Flagyl Vaginal
- Flamazine Topical
- Flamexin
- Flammacerium
- Flanders Buttocks Ointment
- Flarex
- Flarex suspension
- Flatulence Preventer
- Flatulex
- Flavamed
- Flavamed Max
- Flavamed Max (Ambroxoli hydrochloridum Berlin-Chemie)
- Flavobil
- flavocoxid
- flavocoxid/citrated zinc bisglycinate
- Flavomycin
- Flavoxate
- Flavoxate Hydrochloride
- flax
- flaxseed
- Flebogamma
- Flebogamma 10% DIF
- Flebogamma 5%
- Flebogamma DIF
- Flebogamma IGIV
- Flebogamma IV
- Flecainide
- Flecainide Acetate
- Flector
- Flector Patch
- Flector Tissugel
- Flector Topical
- Fleet Babylax enema
- Fleet Babylax rectal
- Fleet Bisacodyl
- Fleet Bisacodyl Enema
- Fleet enema
- Fleet Enema for Children
- Fleet Enema rectal
- Fleet Glycerin Suppositories Adult rectal
- Fleet Glycerin Suppositories Pediatric rectal
- Fleet Mineral Oil Enema rectal
- Fleet Pain Relief Pad
- Fleet Phospho-Soda
- Fleet phospho-soda accu-prep
- Fleet Phospho-soda EZ-Prep
- Fleet Phospho-soda EZ-Prep Oral
- Fleet Phospho-Soda Solution
- Fleet Relief ointment
- Fleet Sof-Lax
- Flegamina
- Flegamina Baby
- Flegamina o smaku malinowym
- Flegamina o smaku miętowym
- Flegamina o smaku miętowym bez cukru
- Flegamina o smaku truskawkowym
- Flegatussin
- Fletchers Castoria
- Flex-All 454
- Flex-All 454 Maximum Strength
- Flex-All 454 Ultra Plus
- Flexbumin
- Flexbumin 200 g/l
- Flexbumin human
- Flexeril
- Flexove 625mg
- Flextra
- Flextra Plus
- Flextra-650
- Flextra-DS
- Flexyess
- Flintstones Gummies chewables
- Flintstones with Iron Chewable
- Flixotide 125
- Flixotide 250
- Flixotide 50
- Flo-Coat
- Flo-Pred
- Flo-Pred suspension
- Floam /smak truskawkowy/
- Flolan
- Flomax
- Flonase
- Flonase eent
- Flonase Nasal
- Flonase spray
- Flonidan Control
- Flor-Opal Gel
- Flora-Q
- Flora-Q 2
- Florajen3
- Floranex
- Florastor
- Florastor Kids
- florbetapir F 18
- florbetapir f-18 Intravenous
- Florical capsules and tablets
- Florinef
- Florinef Acetate
- Florone
- Flosin 0,4mg
- Flour-A-Day Chewable Tablets
- Flovent
- Flovent aerosol inhaler
- Flovent Diskus
- Flovent Diskus powder
- Flovent HFA
- Flovent HFA aerosol inhaler
- Flovent Inhalation Powder
- Flovent Rotadisk
- Flovent Rotadisk powder
- Floxal
- Floxamic
- Floximox
- Floxin
- Floxin I.V.
- Floxin Otic
- Floxin Otic solution
- Floxin Tablets
- Floxitrat
- Floxitrat Ofta
- Floxuridine
- floxuridine Injection
- Flu & Severe Cold & Cough Daytime Powder
- Flu & Severe Cold Night Time
- Fluarix
- Fluarix 2010-2011 injection
- Fluarix 2011-2012 injection
- Fluarix 2012-2013 injection
- Fluarix 2013-2014 injection
- Fluarix injectable
- Fluarix Quadrivalent 2013-2014 injection
- Fluarix szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Flublok
- Flublok 2012-2013 injection
- Flucaine
- Flucaine drops
- Flucelvax
- Flucelvax 2012-2013 injection
- Flucelvax 2013-2014 Formula
- Flucelvax 2013-2014 injection
- Flucinar
- Flucinar N
- Flucon
- Fluconazol 150
- Fluconazol 50
- fluconazole
- Fluconazole 150
- Fluconazole Accord
- Fluconazole B.Braun
- Fluconazole EGIS
- Fluconazole Injection
- fluconazole Intravenous
- Fluconazole Kabi
- Fluconazole Oral Suspension
- fluconazole single-dose tablets
- fluconazole solution
- fluconazole suspension
- Fluconazole Tablets
- Flucontrol Hot
- Flucontrol Max
- FluControl Symptom
- Flucorta
- flucytosine
- Fludalym
- Fludara
- Fludara injection
- Fludara Oral
- Fludarabin-Ebewe
- fludarabine
- fludarabine injection
- fludarabine Intravenous
- Fludarabine Phosphate
- fludarabine tablets
- Fludarabine Teva
- Fludeoksyglukoza EuroPET
- Fludeoxyglucose F 18
- fludeoxyglucose f 18 Intravenous
- Fludeoxyglucosi (18F) Biont
- Fludrocortisone
- Fludrocortisone Acetate
- Fluenz
- Fluenz Tetra
- Fluimucil
- Fluimucil Antidot 20%
- Fluimucil Forte
- Fluimucil Muko
- Fluimucil Muko Junior
- Flukonazol
- Flulaval
- FluLaval 2010-2011 injection
- FluLaval 2011-2012 injection
- FluLaval 2012-2013 injection
- Flulaval 2013-2014 Formula
- FluLaval 2013-2014 injection
- FluLaval injectable
- FluLaval Quadrivalent 2013-2014 injection
- Flumadine
- Flumadine syrup
- flumazenil
- Flumazenil B.Braun
- Flumazenil Injection
- Flumazenil Kabi
- Flumazenil Pharmaselect
- Flumeglumine Injection
- FluMist
- FluMist 2012-2013 nasal
- FluMist 2013-2014 nasal
- FluMist nasal
- FluMist Quadrivalent
- Flunarizinum
- Flunarizinum WZF
- Flunazine Injection
- Flunazine-S
- Flunisolide
- flunisolide aerosol inhaler
- Flunisolide eent
- flunisolide hfa inhaler
- flunisolide inhalation
- flunisolide nasal
- flunisolide spray
- Flunixiject Injection
- Flunixin Injection
- Fluocinolone
- Fluocinolone Acetonide
- Fluocinolone Acetonide eent
- fluocinolone acetonide implant
- Fluocinolone Acetonide topical
- Fluocinolone Cream
- fluocinolone cream and ointment kit
- fluocinolone drops
- Fluocinolone Ear Drops
- fluocinolone oil
- fluocinolone oil (body oil)
- fluocinolone oil (scalp oil)
- Fluocinolone Ointment
- fluocinolone ophthalmic implant
- Fluocinolone Scalp Oil
- fluocinolone shampoo
- Fluocinolone Solution
- fluocinolone topical
- fluocinolone Topical application
- fluocinolone topical oil
- fluocinolone, hydroquinone, and tretinoin topical
- fluocinolone, hydroquinone, and tretinoin Topical application
- fluocinolone/hydroquinone/tretinoin
- Fluocinonide
- Fluocinonide Cream
- fluocinonide gel
- Fluocinonide Ointment
- fluocinonide solution
- Fluocinonide topical
- fluocinonide Topical application
- Fluocinonide-E
- Fluoderm Mild Cream
- Fluoderm Mild Ointment
- Fluoderm Regular Cream
- Fluoderm Regular Ointment
- Fluoksetyna
- Fluolar Mild
- Fluolar Regular
- Fluomizin
- Fluonide Mild-Cream
- Fluor-A-Day
- Fluor-A-Day chewable tablets
- Fluor-A-Day drops
- Fluor-I-strip A.T. ophthalmic strips 1 mg
- Fluor-Op
- Fluorabon
- Fluoracaine drops
- Fluorescein and Benoxinate Ophthalmic Solution
- Fluorescein Sodium/Proparacaine Hydrochloride
- fluorescein/proparacaine drops
- Fluoresceine Thea
- Fluorescite
- Fluorescite 100
- Fluorescite injection
- fluoride
- Fluoride Foam
- fluoride topical
- Fluoride Treatment
- Fluorides
- Fluoridex
- Fluoridex Daily Defense
- Fluoridex Daily Defense Enhanced Whitening
- Fluoridex Whitening
- Fluorigard
- Fluorinse
- Fluorishield
- Fluoritab
- Fluoritab Chewable
- Fluoritab drops
- Fluoritab Fluoride Drops
- Fluormex
- Fluorometholone
- fluorometholone acetate suspension
- Fluorometholone Drops
- fluorometholone ointment
- fluorometholone ophthalmic
- Fluorometholone/Sulfacetamide
- fluorometholone/sulfacetamide suspension
- Fluoroplex
- Fluoroplex cream
- Fluoroplex Topical
- Fluorosol
- fluorouracil
- Fluorouracil 1000 medac
- Fluorouracil 5000 medac
- Fluorouracil Accord
- fluorouracil cream
- fluorouracil injection
- fluorouracil Intravenous, Injection
- Fluorouracil medac
- fluorouracil topical
- Fluorouracil Topical Solution
- Fluossen
- Fluoxetine
- fluoxetine and olanzapine
- Fluoxetine Capsules
- fluoxetine delayed-release capsules
- Fluoxetine Hydrochloride
- Fluoxetine Oral Solution
- fluoxetine solution
- Fluoxetine Vitabalans
- Fluoxetine Vitama
- fluoxymesterone
- Flupaten
- fluphenazine
- fluphenazine concentrate
- fluphenazine decanoate
- Fluphenazine Elixir
- fluphenazine hydrochloride
- Fluphenazine Hydrochloride Injection
- Fluphenazine Injection
- Fluphenazine Oral Solution
- Fluphenazine Tablets
- Flura-Drops
- Flura-Loz
- Flura-Tab
- Flurandrenolide
- flurandrenolide cream
- flurandrenolide lotion
- flurandrenolide tape
- flurandrenolide topical
- flurandrenolide Topical application
- flurazepam
- Flurazepam Hydrochloride
- Flurbiprofen
- flurbiprofen drops
- flurbiprofen ophthalmic
- Flurbiprofen Ophthalmic Solution
- Flurbiprofen Sodium eent
- Flurbiprofen Tablets
- Flurosyn
- Flurox Ophthalmic Solution
- Flutabs
- flutamide
- flutemetamol f 18 Intravenous
- Fluticasone
- fluticasone aerosol inhaler
- fluticasone and salmeterol
- fluticasone and salmeterol Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- fluticasone and vilanterol
- fluticasone and vilanterol Inhalation
- fluticasone cream
- Fluticasone furoate GSK
- fluticasone furoate Nasal
- fluticasone furoate spray
- fluticasone HFA aerosol inhaler
- fluticasone Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- fluticasone lotion
- fluticasone Nasal
- Fluticasone Nasal Spray
- Fluticasone Ointment
- fluticasone powder
- Fluticasone Propionate
- Fluticasone Propionate eent
- fluticasone propionate Nasal
- Fluticasone Propionate/Salmeterol
- fluticasone spray
- fluticasone topical
- fluticasone Topical application
- fluticasone/salmeterol inhaler
- fluticasone/salmeterol powder
- fluticasone/vilanterol powder
- Flutiform
- Flutone
- FluTuss XP
- Fluvastad XL
- Fluvastatin
- Fluvastatin Capsules
- Fluvastatin ER Tablets
- fluvastatin extended-release tablets
- Fluvastatin Sodium
- Fluvirin
- Fluvirin 2010-2011 injection
- Fluvirin 2011-2012 injection
- Fluvirin 2012-2013 injection
- Fluvirin 2013-2014 Formula
- Fluvirin 2013-2014 injection
- Fluvirin injectable
- Fluvirin Preservative-Free 2010-2011 injection
- Fluvirin Preservative-Free 2011-2012 injection
- Fluvirin Preservative-Free 2012-2013 injection
- Fluvirin Preservative-Free 2013-2014 injection
- Fluvirin Preservative-Free injectable
- Fluvoxamine
- Fluvoxamine ER Capsules
- fluvoxamine extended-release capsules
- Fluvoxamine Maleate
- Fluxid
- Fluxum
- Fluzone
- Fluzone 2010-2011 injection
- Fluzone 2011-2012 injection
- Fluzone 2012-2013 injection
- Fluzone 2013-2014 injection
- Fluzone High Dose
- Fluzone High-Dose 2010-2011 injection
- Fluzone High-Dose 2011-2012 injection
- Fluzone High-Dose 2012-2013 injection
- Fluzone High-Dose 2013-2014 injection
- Fluzone injectable
- Fluzone Intradermal
- Fluzone Intradermal 2011-2012 injection
- Fluzone Intradermal 2012-2013 injection
- Fluzone Intradermal 2013-2014 injection
- Fluzone Pediatric
- Fluzone Preservative-Free 2010-2011 injection
- Fluzone Preservative-Free 2011-2012 injection
- Fluzone Preservative-Free 2012-2013 injection
- Fluzone Preservative-Free 2013-2014 injection
- Fluzone Preservative-Free injectable
- Fluzone Preservative-Free Pediatric 2010-2011 injection
- Fluzone Preservative-Free Pediatric 2011-2012 injection
- Fluzone Preservative-Free Pediatric 2012-2013 injection
- Fluzone Preservative-Free Pediatric 2013-2014 injection
- Fluzone Preservative-Free Pediatric injectable
- Fluzone Preservative-Free Pediatric Quadrivalent 2013-2014 injection
- Fluzone Preservative-Free Quadrivalent 2013-2014 injection
- FML Forte
- FML Forte Liquifilm
- FML Liquifilm
- FML ointment
- FML Ophthalmic Ointment
- FML S.O.P.
- FML-S Liquifilm
- FML-S suspension
- Focalgin B
- Focalin
- Focalin XR
- Focalin XR extended-release capsules
- Focetria-15 mcg/ml szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Foclivia
- Foille Cort
- Foille Plus
- Folacid
- Folacin-800
- Folbecal
- Folbee Plus
- Folcal DHA
- Folcaps
- Folcaps Care One
- Folcaps Omega 3
- Folcaps Tablets
- Folgard
- Folgard OS
- Folgard RX
- Foli-Iron caplets
- Folic Acid
- folic acid capsules
- Folic Acid Injection
- folic acid Oral, Injection
- folic acid with vitamin b6 and b12
- Folic Acid XTRA
- Folic Acid/Cobalamin/Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
- folic acid/cyanocobalamin
- folic acid/iron/vitamin c
- folic acid/vitamin b6/vitamin b12/omega-3 acids/phytosterols
- folic acid/vitamin b6/vitamin b12/omega-3 fatty acids/biotin/chromium
- folic acid/vitamin d/vitamin b6/vitamin b12/omega-3 acids/phytosterols
- Folidex
- Folifem
- Folik
- FoliTab 500
- Folivan-EC DHA
- Folivan-OB
- Folivan-PRX DHA
- Folivane-PRx DHA NF
- follicle stimulating hormone
- follicle stimulating hormone and ganirelix injectable kit
- follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone Intramuscular, Subcutaneous
- Follistim
- Follistim AQ
- Follistim AQ Cartridge
- Follistim Beta
- Follistim injectable
- Follistim/Antagon injectable kit
- Follitropin Alfa
- follitropin alfa powder
- follitropin alfa solution
- follitropin alfa Subcutaneous
- follitropin beta
- follitropin beta Subcutaneous
- Folotyn
- Folovit
- Folpace Rx
- Folplex
- Folprexin
- Foltabs
- Foltabs 800
- Foltabs 90 plus DHA
- Foltabs plus DHA
- Foltabs Prenatal
- Foltabs Prenatal Plus DHA
- Foltrate
- Foltx
- fomepizole
- fomivirsen Intraocular
- fondaparinux
- Fondaparinux Sodium
- fondaparinux Subcutaneous
- Food for thought drink mix
- Foradil Aerolizer
- Foradil Aerolizer inhalation
- Forane
- Forcaltonin
- Forfivo XL
- Forfivo XL extended-release tablets
- Forlax
- Forlax 10 g
- Forma-Ray
- Formadon
- Formadon solution
- Formalaz
- Formaldehyde Liquid
- formaldehyde solution
- Formo Cresol
- Formodual
- formoterol
- formoterol and mometasone
- Formoterol Fumarate
- formoterol inhalation
- formoterol Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- formoterol solution
- Formucare Allergy Relief
- Formucare Cetirizine
- Formucare Ranitidine
- Formula B Plus
- Formula E 400
- Formulation R rectal
- Forsteo
- Fort E Vite
- Fortabs
- Fortakehl D4
- Fortakehl D5
- Fortalbia 200 mg/ml
- Fortamet
- Fortaz
- Forteo
- Fortesta
- Fortesta Gel
- Fortical
- Fortical Nasal
- Fortical Parenteral
- Fortical spray
- Fortomet extended-release tablets
- Fortovase
- Fortrans
- Fortum
- Fortum®
- Forxiga
- Fosamax
- Fosamax 70
- Fosamax Plus D
- Fosamax solution
- fosamprenavir
- Fosamprenavir Calcium
- fosamprenavir suspension
- fosaprepitant
- Fosaprepitant Dimeglumine
- fosaprepitant Intravenous
- Fosavance
- Foscan
- foscarnet
- foscarnet Intravenous
- Foscarnet Sodium
- Foscarnet Sodium (Phosphonoformic Acid)
- Foscavir
- Fosfomol
- fosfomycin
- Fosfomycin Tromethamine
- Fosidal
- Fosidal PPH
- fosinopril
- Fosinopril + Hydrochlorothiazide Aurobindo
- Fosinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide
- Fosinopril Sodium
- Fosinopril Sodium/Hydrochlorothiazide
- fosinopril/hydrochlorothiazide
- Fosphenytoin
- fosphenytoin Injection
- Fosphenytoin Sodium
- Fospropofol
- fospropofol Intravenous
- Fosrenol
- Fosteum
- Fostex Bar 10%
- Fostex Benzoyl Peroxide Topical
- Fostex BPO bar
- Fostex cream
- Fostex Cream Topical
- Fostex Gel 10%
- Fostex Medicated soap
- Fostex Nexthaler
- Fostex Wash 10%
- Fostril
- Fototar
- Fototar ointment
- Fototar Topical
- Four-Way Nasal Spray
- Fovex
- framycetin Ophthalmic
- Fraxiparine Multi
- FreAmine HBC
- FreAmine III
- Freelax caplets
- Freeze It
- Freeze It Roll-On
- Freezone - One Step Callus Remover Pad Topical
- Freezone - One Step Corn Remover Pad Topical
- Freezone Corn Remover
- Freezone liquid
- Freezone Topical
- Frenadol
- Frenna AC
- Freshburst listerine mouthrinse
- FreshKote drops
- Fresubin Energy Drink (smak waniliowy)
- Fresubin original smak czekoladowy
- Fresubin original smak waniliowy
- Frimig
- Frisium 10
- Fromilid Uno
- Frova
- frovatriptan
- Frovatriptan Succinate
- fructose, dextrose, and phosphoric acid
- Fruity Chews with Iron
- FSME -Immun 0,25ml JUNIOR
- FSME -Immun 0,5ml
- FSME -Immun Inject
- Fuanxol
- Fucidin
- Fucidin Suspension
- Ful-Glo
- fulvestrant
- fulvestrant Intramuscular
- Fulvicin P/G
- Fulvicin-U/F
- Fulyzaq
- Fulyzaq Tablets
- Fumatinic
- Fung-O Topical
- Fungatin
- Fungi-Guard
- Fungi-Guard Topical
- FungiCURE Pump Spray
- Fungizone
- Fungizone Cream
- Fungizone For Tissue Culture
- Fungizone Intravenous, Injection
- Fungizone Lotion
- Fungizone Topical
- Fungoid
- Fungoid Kit
- Fungoid Solution
- Fungoid Topical
- Funtrol
- Fura Septin
- Furacin Topical
- Furadantin
- Furadantin suspension
- Furaginum
- Furaginum Adamed
- Furazolidon
- Furazolidon Medana
- furazolidone
- Furocot
- Furomide M.D.
- furosemide
- Furosemide Injection
- Furosemide KABI
- Furosemide Oral Solution
- furosemide solution
- Furosemide Tablets
- Fusacid
- Fusacid H
- FusePaq Fanatrex
- FusePaq Synapryn
- FusePaq Tabradol
- fusidic acid Oral, Injection
- Fusilev
- Fuzeon
- Fuzeon Injection
- Fycompa
- G Phen DM
- G-Tusicof
- G-Vent
- Gabagamma 300
- Gabagamma 400
- Gabagamma 600
- Gabagamma 800
- Gabalept
- Gabapentin
- Gabapentin Aurobindo
- Gabapentin Capsules
- gabapentin enacarbil extended-release tablets
- Gabapentin Oral Solution
- gabapentin solution
- Gabapentin Tablets
- Gabarone
- Gabavale-5
- Gabazolamine-0.5
- Gabazolamine-0.5 Oral
- Gablofen
- Gadavist
- Gadobenate Dimeglumine
- gadobenate Intravenous
- Gadobutrol
- gadobutrol Intravenous
- gadodiamide
- gadodiamide Intravenous
- gadofosveset Injection
- Gadofosveset Trisodium
- gadopentetate dimeglumine
- Gadopentetate Dimeglumine Sanochemia
- Gadopentetate Injection
- gadopentetate Intravenous
- gadoterate Intravenous
- gadoteridol
- gadoteridol Intravenous
- gadoversetamide
- Gadovist 1,0
- gadoxetate
- gadoxetate Intravenous
- Gainpro
- Gal-Vit
- Galamir
- galantamine
- Galantamine Capsules
- galantamine extended-release capsules
- Galantamine Hydrobromide
- Galantamine Oral Solution
- galantamine solution
- Gallimycin PFC
- Gallium
- Gallium Citrate Ga 67
- gallium citrate ga 67 Intravenous
- Gallium Nitrate
- gallium nitrate Intravenous
- Galomega
- Galospa
- Galpent
- Galphimia glauca
- Galprofen
- Galprofen Max
- galsulfase
- galsulfase Intravenous
- Galsya SR
- Galvenox
- Galvus
- Galzin
- GamaSTAN S/D
- Gambrosol Trio 10
- Gambrosol Trio 40
- Gamimune N
- Gamimune N 10% IGIV
- Gamimune N, 10% solvent detergent treated
- Gamimune N, 5% solvent detergent treated
- Gamma anty D 150
- Gamma anty D 50
- GAMMA anty HBs 1000
- GAMMA anty HBs 200
- Gamma E Plus
- Gamma E-Gems
- Gammagard
- Gammagard (obsolete) IGIV
- Gammagard IGIV
- Gammagard intravenous and subcutaneous
- Gammagard Liquid
- Gammagard S/D
- Gammagard S/D IGIV
- Gammaked intravenous and subcutaneous
- Gammanorm
- Gammaplex
- Gammaplex IGIV
- Gammar-P
- Gammar-P I.V.
- Gammar-P I.V. IGIV
- Gammasolde
- Gamunex
- Gamunex 10%
- Gamunex IGIV
- Gamunex immune globulin I.V., 10%
- Gamunex-C
- Gamunex-C intravenous and subcutaneous
- ganciclovir
- Ganciclovir (DHPG)
- ganciclovir capsules
- ganciclovir gel
- ganciclovir implant
- ganciclovir Intraocular
- ganciclovir Ophthalmic
- ganciclovir oral and injectable
- ganciclovir Oral, Intravenous
- Ganciclovir Sodium
- ganirelix
- Ganirelix Acetate
- ganirelix Subcutaneous
- Ganite
- Ganoderma lucinum mushroom extract
- Gantrisin
- Gantrisin Ophthalmic
- Gantrisin Pediatric
- Gantrisin suspension
- Garamycin
- Garamycin ( 5x20x0,5cm)
- Garamycin ( 5x5x0,5cm)
- Garamycin (10x10x0,5cm)
- Garamycin Eye Drops
- Garamycin Eye Ointment
- Garamycin Injection
- Garamycin Ophthalmic
- Garamycin solution
- Garamycin Topical
- Garasone
- Gardan P
- Gardasil
- Gardasil Szczepionka przeciw wir.brodawczaka ludz.
- Gardimax Medica
- Gardimax Medica Spray
- Garfield Vitamin with Iron
- Gargarin
- Gargarin Aflofarm
- Gargarisma prophylacticum
- Gargarisma prophylacticum Amara
- Garimide
- garlic
- Gas Aid Maximum Strength
- Gas Aide
- Gas Free Extra Strength
- Gas-X
- Gas-X chewable tablets
- Gas-X Extra Strength
- Gas-X Extra Strength liquid
- Gas-X Infant Drops
- Gas-X Infant Drops liquid drops
- Gas-X Maximum Strength
- Gas-X Thin Strips Cinnamon
- Gas-X Thin Strips Peppermint
- Gas-X Tongue Twisters Thin Strips Children's
- Gas-X Ultra Softgels
- Gasprid
- Gastal smak miętowy
- Gastranin Zdrovit
- Gastrikon
- Gastrinex
- Gastro
- Gastrobonisan
- Gastrobonisol
- Gastrocrom
- Gastrocrom concentrate
- Gastrocynesine
- Gastrofan
- Gastrogard
- Gastrografin
- Gastrolyte
- Gastromark
- Gastropant
- Gastrosil
- Gastrotrombina 10000
- Gastrotrombina 5000
- Gastrowell
- Gastrowell Control
- gatifloxacin
- gatifloxacin drops
- Gatifloxacin eent
- Gatifloxacin Eye Drops
- gatifloxacin Ophthalmic
- gatifloxacin suspension
- gatifloxacin tablets
- Gattex
- Gattex Injection
- Gavilax
- Gavilyte C
- Gavilyte G
- Gavilyte N
- GaviLyte-C with Flavor Pack
- Gaviscon Advance
- Gaviscon chewable tablets
- Gaviscon Duo
- Gaviscon Extra Relief Formula chewable tablets
- Gaviscon Extra Strength
- Gaviscon Extra Strength Liquid
- Gaviscon o smaku mięty
- Gaviscon o smaku mięty TAB
- Gaviscon Regular Strength Liquid
- Gaviscon suspension
- Gaviscon-2
- Gazyva
- Gazyvaro
- Gałki dopoch.z propolisem 3%
- Gealcid
- Gebauer's ethyl chloride
- Gebauer's Ethyl Chloride spray
- Gebauer's Spray and Stretch aerosol spray
- Gefemin
- gefitinib
- Gel-Kam
- Gel-Kam Dental Therapy Pak
- Gel-Kam Dentinbloc
- Gel-Kam rinse
- Gel-Kam Sensitivity Therapy
- Gel-One Injection
- Gelaspan
- Gelato APF Foam
- Gelato APF Gel
- Gelato Chlorhexidine Rinse
- Gelato Fluoride Foam
- Gelato Neutral PH
- Gelato Neutral Sodium Fluoride Foam
- Gelato Neutral Sodium Fluoride Gel
- Gelato Perio Maintenance Rinse
- Gelato Topical Anesthetic
- Gelato Topical Anesthetic Gel
- Gelato X
- Gelatum Alum.Phosph.
- Gelatum Alum.Phosph. 4.5%
- Gelatum Aluminii Phosphorici Aflofarm
- Gelclair gel
- Gelclair topical
- Geldoren
- Gelnique
- Gelnique gel
- Gelnique topical
- Gelofusine
- Geloplasma
- GeloPromt
- Geltim
- Gelusil
- Gelusil chewable tablets
- Gembin
- Gemcel
- Gemcit
- Gemcitabin Cancernova
- Gemcitabine
- Gemcitabine Accord
- Gemcitabine Actavis (Gemalata)
- Gemcitabine Caduceus Pharma
- Gemcitabine CSC
- Gemcitabine Egis
- Gemcitabine Fair-Med Healthcare
- Gemcitabine Hospira
- Gemcitabine Hydrochloride
- gemcitabine Intravenous
- Gemcitabine Kabi
- Gemcitabine medac
- Gemcitabine Mylan
- Gemcitabine Polfa Łódź
- Gemcitabine POLPHARMA
- Gemcitabine Sandoz
- Gemcitabine Strides
- Gemcitabinum Accord
- Gemfibrozil
- Gemi Maść na odciski
- Gemiderma
- gemifloxacin
- Gemifloxacin Mesylate
- Gemipar 125
- Gemipar 50
- Gemipar 500
- Gemliquid
- Gemsol
- Gemstad
- gemtuzumab
- gemtuzumab Intravenous
- Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin
- gemtuzumab ozogamicin Intravenous
- Gemzar
- Gen Lax
- Gen-Amoxicillin
- Gen-Amoxicillin Oral
- Gen-Budesonide Aq
- Gen-K powder
- Gen-Minoxidol Topical
- Gen-Nitro
- Gen-Xene
- Genac
- Genace
- Genacote
- Genadur
- Genahist
- Genamin
- Genapap
- Genapap chewable tablets
- Genapap drops
- Genapap oral/rectal
- Genapap Sinus
- Genaphed
- Genaphed Plus
- Genarc
- Genasal
- Genasec
- Genasoft
- Genasone/Aloe
- Genaspor
- Genasyme
- Genasyme suspension
- Genaton
- Gencjana 0,5% roztwór wodny
- Gencjana 1% roztwór spirytusowy (Pyoctanina)
- Gencold
- Genebs
- Genelan NF liquid
- General Lube
- Generess FE
- Generess Fe birth control
- Generess FE chewable tablets
- Generlac
- Generlac solution
- Genexa LA
- Geneye Extra
- Geneyes
- Genfiber
- Gengraf
- Gengraf Capsules
- Gengraf Oral
- Gengraf solution
- Genoptic
- Genoptic Drops
- Genoptic S.O.P.
- Genora 1/35
- Genotropin
- Genotropin 12
- Genotropin 5,3
- Genotropin lyophilized powder
- Genotropin Miniquick
- Genpril
- Gentacidin
- Gentafair
- Gentak
- Gentak cream
- Gentak drops
- Gentak eent
- Gentak ointment
- Gentak Ophthalmic Ointment
- Gentamicin
- gentamicin and prednisolone ophthalmic
- Gentamicin B.Braun
- Gentamicin Cream
- gentamicin drops
- gentamicin Injection
- Gentamicin Ointment
- gentamicin ophthalmic
- Gentamicin Ophthalmic Ointment
- Gentamicin Ophthalmic Solution
- gentamicin Otic
- Gentamicin Sodium Chloride
- gentamicin solution
- Gentamicin Sulfate
- Gentamicin Sulfate eent
- Gentamicin Sulfate Injection Concentrate
- Gentamicin Sulfate topical
- gentamicin Topical
- Gentamicin TZF
- gentamicin/prednisolone
- Gentasol
- Gentasol drops
- GentaVed
- GenTeal
- Genteal eye drops
- Genteal gel
- Genteal lubricant eye drops
- Genteal lubricant gel
- Genteal Mild
- Genteal mild eye drops
- Genteal mild lubricant eye drops
- Genteal pf lubricant eye drops
- Gentex 30
- Gentex LA
- Gentex LA sustained-release tablets (12 hour)
- Gentex LQ
- Gentex-LQ solution
- gentian
- gentian violet Topical
- gentian violet Vaginal
- Gentlax
- Gentlax S
- Gentlax Tablet
- Gentle Laxative
- Gentos
- Gentran 70
- Genuine bayer professional labeling (aspirin regimen bayer)
- Genuine bayer tablets, caplets and gelcaps
- Geocillin
- Geodon
- Geodon capsules
- Geodon Intramuscular
- Geone
- Geone Oral
- Geralen
- Geravim
- Geravine elixir
- Geref
- Geref Diagnostic
- Geri-Hydrolac
- Geri-Protect
- Geriatrix
- Geriavit
- Geriavit Pharmaton
- Geritol
- Geronpol
- Gessedil
- Gesticare
- Gesticare DHA
- Gesticare DHA tablet
- Gestodene/Ethinylestradiol Actavis
- Gestrol
- Gets-It Corn/Callus Remover Topical
- Gianvi
- Giazo
- Giazo Oral, Rectal
- Giazo Tablets
- Gilchew IR chewable tablets
- Gildagia
- Gildagia birth control
- Gildess 1.5/30
- Gildess 1/20
- Gildess birth control
- Gildess FE 1.5/0.03
- Gildess FE 1.5/30
- Gildess FE 1/0.2
- Gildess FE 1/20
- Gilenya
- Gilotrif
- Gilphex TR
- Giltuss
- Giltuss Ped-C liquid
- Giltuss TR
- GINEintima ClotriActive
- ginger
- Gingimed
- Gingival C
- Ginjal
- ginkgo
- ginkgo biloba
- ginkgo biloba controlled-release tablets
- Ginkgofol
- Ginkgomax
- Ginkofar
- Ginkofar forte
- Ginkofar Max
- Ginkofar Vita
- Ginkofar Żeń-Szeń (Intelektan)
- Ginsana G 115
- ginseng
- Ginseng Dragees
- Ginseng Royal Jelly
- Ginsengin 200
- Ginsengin 400
- Ginsengin 600
- Ginsengin C 200
- Ginsenol
- Giotrif
- Gitrabin
- Gladase
- Glassia
- Glassia solution
- glatiramer
- Glatiramer Acetate
- glatiramer injection
- glatiramer Subcutaneous
- Glaucon
- Glauctabs
- Glautaxer (Rozamax)
- Glautic
- Glazide
- Gleevec
- Glemid
- Gliadel
- Gliadel implant wafer
- Gliatilin
- Gliatilin 1000
- Glibenese GITS
- Glibezid 4
- Glibezid 6
- Glicerol 86%
- Glicerol 86% Lab.Galenowe Olsztyn
- Gliceryna
- Gliceryna 86%
- Glick Sensor
- Gliclabare
- Gliclagamma MR
- Gliclazide Krka
- Gliclazide Richter
- Glidipion
- Glimatin SR
- Glimbax
- Glimegamma
- glimepiride
- Glimepiride 1A Pharma
- Glimepiride Accord
- glimepiride and pioglitazone
- glimepiride and rosiglitazone
- Glimepiride Andissa 4
- Glimepiride Arrow
- Glimepiride Genoptim (Aurobindo)
- Glimepiride-1 A Pharma (Glimesan 1)
- Glimepiride-1 A Pharma (Glimesan 2)
- Glimepiride-1 A Pharma (Glimesan 3)
- Glimepiride-1 A Pharma (Glimesan 4)
- glimepiride/pioglitazone
- glimepiride/rosiglitazone
- Glimepiryd SymPhar
- Glindia 2
- Gliolan
- glipizide
- Glipizide and Metformin
- Glipizide ER
- glipizide extended-release tablets
- Glipizide Tablets
- Glipizide XL
- glipizide/metformin
- Glipizide/Metformin Hydrochloride
- Glivec
- Globulin, immune (human)
- Globulki propolisowe 5%
- Glofil-125
- GloStrips
- Glu-K
- Glubrava
- Gluca-balance capsules
- Glucagen
- Glucagen Diagnostic Kit
- Glucagon
- Glucagon Diagnostic Kit
- Glucagon Emergency Kit
- Glucagon Emergency Kit for Low Blood Sugar
- glucagon Injection
- Glucarb
- Glucardiamid
- Glucarpidase
- glucarpidase Intravenous
- Glucoheptonate Injection
- Glucophage
- Glucophage 500
- Glucophage 850
- Glucophage XR extended-release tablets
- glucosamine
- Glucosamine & Chondroitin with MSM
- Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM Complex
- glucosamine/chondroitin/primorine
- glucose chewable tablets
- glucose gel
- Glucosum
- Glucosum 10%
- Glucosum 10% Fresenius
- Glucosum 20%
- Glucosum 20% Fresenius
- Glucosum 5%
- Glucosum 5% et Nat.chl. 0,9% 1:1 Fresenius
- Glucosum 5% et Nat.chl. 0,9% 2:1 Fresenius
- Glucosum 5% Fresenius
- Glucosum TEVA
- Glucoten
- Glucotrol
- Glucotrol XL
- Glucotrol XL extended-release tablets
- Glucovance
- Gluctam MR 30mg
- Gludef
- Glukoza
- Glukoza 10 Braun
- Glukoza 20 Braun
- Glukoza 40 Braun
- Glukoza 5 Braun
- Glukoza Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn
- Glukozamina Pharma Nord
- Glumetsan 500
- Glumetsan 850
- Glumetza
- Glurenorm
- Gluscan PL
- Glustin
- Glutam MR 60 mg
- glutamine
- GlutaSolve
- Glutofac-MX
- Glutofac-ZX
- Gly-Cort
- Gly-oxide liquid
- glyburide
- Glyburide and Metformin
- Glyburide Micronized
- Glyburide Tablets
- glyburide tablets (micronized)
- glyburide/metformin
- Glyburide/Metformin Hydrochloride
- Glycate
- Glycate Tablets
- glycerin
- Glycerin (Glycerol)
- glycerin and witch hazel topical
- glycerin enema
- glycerin rectal
- glycerin suppositories
- Glycerin Suppositories Maximum Strength rectal
- glycerin/phenol spray
- Glycerol 86%
- glycerol phenylbutyrate
- Glycerolum 86%
- Glycine
- GlycoLax
- GlycoLax powder for oral solution
- GlycoLax powder packets for oral solution
- Glycophos
- Glycophos Injection
- glycopyrrolate
- Glycopyrrolate Injection
- glycopyrrolate solution
- Glycopyrrolate Tablets
- Glycotuss-DM
- Glycron
- Glycron tablets (micronized)
- glycyrrhetinic acid/povidone/sodium hyaluronate gel
- Glydium MR 30mg
- Glydium MR 60mg
- Glynase
- Glynase Pres-Tab
- Glynase tablets (micronized)
- Glypressin
- Glyquin
- Glyquin-XM
- Glyset
- Glytone Clarifying Cream
- Glytone Clarifying Gel
- GNP Capsaicin lotion
- GNP Cold Relief Plus effervescent tablets
- GNP Pediatric Electrolyte strips
- Gold Bond Anti-Itch
- Gold Bond Ultimate Healing
- gold compound Oral, Parenteral
- gold sodium thiomalate
- goldenseal
- Goldesin
- golimumab
- golimumab Subcutaneous
- Golytely
- GoLYTELY solution (jug)
- GoLYTELY solution (packet)
- gonadorelin
- gonadorelin injectable
- gonadorelin Intravenous, Injection
- Gonadotropin, Chorionic
- Gonak
- Gonal-f powder
- Gonal-f RFF
- Gonal-f RFF Pen
- Gonal-f RFF Pen solution
- Gonal-F RFF Redi-ject
- Gonal-f RFF Subcutaneous
- Goniosoft
- Goniovisc
- Good Neighbor Acid Control
- Good Neighbor Acid Reducer
- Good Neighbor All Day Allergy D
- Good Neighbor All Day Pain Relief
- Good Neighbor Allergy Relief
- Good Neighbor Anti-Diarrheal
- Good Neighbor Childrens Ibuprofen
- Good Neighbor ClearLax
- Good Neighbor Dayhist Allergy
- Good Neighbor Ibuprofen Cold and Sinus
- Good Neighbor Ibuprofen Suspension
- Good Neighbor Nicotine Gum
- Good Neighbor Nicotine Lozenge
- Good Neighbor Sleep Aid
- Good Neighbor Tioconazole 1
- Good Sense Hair Regrowth Treatment
- Good Sense Lice Killing Shampoo, Step 1
- Good Sense Nicotine Lozenge
- Good Sense Sleep Aid
- Goodsense Cetirizine D-12 Hour
- Goody's Body Pain powder pack
- Goody's Extra-Strength Headache Powders powder packet
- Goody's Headache Powders
- Goodys Extra Strength
- Goodys Headache Powders
- Goprazol 10
- Gopten 0,5
- Gopten 2,0
- Gopten 4,0
- Gordochom
- Gordofilm Topical
- Gordogesic
- Gordons Urea 40
- Gormel
- goserelin
- Goserelin Acetate
- goserelin Subcutaneous
- gotu kola
- Goxyral
- Gracial
- Grafco Applicator
- Graftskin
- Gralise
- gramicidin, neomycin, and polymyxin B ophthalmic
- gramicidin/neomycin/polymyxin B ophthalmic
- gramicidin/neomycin/polymyxin drops
- Gramposimide
- Granegis
- Granisetron
- Granisetron Hydrochloride
- Granisetron Injection
- granisetron Oral, Intravenous
- granisetron solution
- granisetron tablets
- granisetron transdermal
- Granisol
- Granix
- Granocyte 34
- Granul-Derm
- Granul-Derm Spray
- Granulderm topical
- Granulex
- Granulex Spray
- Granupas
- grape seed
- Grass Pollen Injection
- Gravistat
- Gravistat 125
- Grazax
- green tea
- GreenGlo Ophthalmic Strip
- grepafloxacin
- Grief and Pining Formula
- Grifexin
- Grifulvin V
- Grifulvin V Microsize
- Grifulvin V microsize tablets
- Grifulvin V Tablets
- Grimodin
- Grinazole
- Gripblocker
- Gripex
- Gripex ActiCaps
- Gripex Control
- Gripex HotActiv
- Gripex HotActiv Forte
- Gripex Max
- Gripex Noc
- Gripex Pro Mucus
- Gripex SinuCaps
- Gripotaxin
- Grippokaps
- Grippostad
- Grippostad C
- Gris-PEG
- Gris-PEG ultramicrosize tablets
- Grisactin 250
- Grisactin 500
- Grisactin Ultra
- Griseofulvin
- griseofulvin microsize oral suspension
- griseofulvin microsize tablets
- Griseofulvin Tablets
- griseofulvin ultramicrosize tablets
- Groprinosin
- growth hormone Parenteral
- GRX Analgesic Balm
- Grypolek
- Grypostop
- Grypostop Control
- Grypostop Mix o smaku cytrynowym
- Guaiatussin AC
- Guaiatussin DAC
- Guaibid DM
- Guaifed Caps
- Guaifed PD
- Guaifen DAC
- Guaifen DM
- Guaifen PE
- Guaifen-C
- guaifenesin
- Guaifenesin AC Liquid
- guaifenesin and hydrocodone
- guaifenesin and phenylephrine
- guaifenesin and phenylpropanolamine
- guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine
- guaifenesin and theophylline
- Guaifenesin DM Elixir
- guaifenesin granules
- guaifenesin immediate-release capsules
- guaifenesin liquid
- Guaifenesin NR
- guaifenesin sustained-release tablets
- Guaifenesin Tablets
- Guaifenesin(Glyceryl Guaiacolate)
- guaifenesin, hydrocodone, and phenylephrine
- guaifenesin, hydrocodone, and pseudoephedrine
- guaifenesin, phenylephrine, and pyrilamine
- Guaifenesin-DM NR
- guaifenesin/codeine
- Guaifenesin/Codeine Phosphate
- guaifenesin/dextromethorphan
- guaifenesin/hydrocodone
- guaifenesin/hydrocodone liquid
- guaifenesin/hydrocodone sustained-release tablets
- guaifenesin/hydrocodone/phenylephrine liquid
- guaifenesin/phenylephrine
- guaifenesin/phenylephrine controlled-release tablets
- guaifenesin/phenylephrine liquid
- guaifenesin/phenylephrine suspension
- guaifenesin/phenylephrine sustained-release capsules
- guaifenesin/phenylephrine sustained-release tablets (12 hour)
- guaifenesin/phenylephrine/phenylpropanolamine
- guaifenesin/phenylephrine/pseudoephedrine liquid
- guaifenesin/phenylephrine/pyrilamine
- guaifenesin/phenylephrine/pyrilamine suspension
- guaifenesin/potassium guaiacolsulfonate
- guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine
- guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine capsules
- guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine controlled-release capsules
- guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine liquid
- guaifenesin/pseudoephedrine sustained-release tablets
- guaifenesin/theophylline
- guaifenesin/theophylline capsules
- guaifenesin/theophylline liquid
- Guaifenex
- Guaifenex DM
- Guaifenex DM extended-release tablets
- Guaifenex G
- Guaifenex LA
- Guaifenex PPA 75
- Guaifenex PSE 120
- Guaifenex PSE 60
- Guaifenex PSE 80
- Guaifenex PSE 85
- Guaiphen-D 1200
- Guaiphen-D 600
- Guaiphen-PD
- Guaituss liquid
- Guaivent
- GuajaVis
- Guajazyl
- Guajazyl Mint
- guanabenz
- Guanabenz Acetate
- guanadrel
- guanethidine
- guanethidine and hydrochlorothiazide
- Guanethidine Monosulfate
- guanfacine
- guanfacine extended-release tablets
- Guanfacine Hydrochloride
- guanidine
- Guanidine HCl
- Guaphen Forte
- Guaphenyl LA sustained-release capsules
- guarana
- Guiadex DM
- Guiadex PD
- Guiadrine DX
- Guiatex II SR
- Guiatex LA
- Guiatex PE
- Guiatuss AC
- Guiatuss AC liquid
- Guiatussin with Codeine
- Gumsol
- Guna Collagen
- Guna-Beta-Estradiol
- Guna-Diur
- Guna-Handfoot
- Guna-Hip
- Guna-Ischial
- Guna-Knee
- Guna-Lumbar
- Guna-Muscle
- Guna-Neck.
- Guna-Neural
- Guna-Polyarthritis
- Guna-Shoulder
- Guna-Thoracic
- Gutron
- Guttae Stomachicae
- Gwajatussin
- Gynalgin
- Gynalka
- Gynazol
- Gynazole-1
- Gynazole-1 cream
- Gyne Cure Topical
- Gyne Sulf
- Gyne-Lotrimin
- Gyne-Lotrimin 3 cream
- Gyne-Lotrimin 3 Day
- Gyne-Lotrimin Combo Pack
- Gyne-Lotrimin cream
- Gyne-Lotrimin inserts
- Gynecort Maximum Strength
- Gyno-Daktarin 2%
- Gyno-Pevaryl 150
- Gyno-Pevaryl 50
- Gynodian Depot
- Gynodiol
- Gynoflor
- Gynogen LA 20
- Gynoxin
- H-C Tussive
- H-C Tussive-NR
- H-Pantoten
- H.P. Acthar
- H.P. Acthar Gel
- H1N1 influenza virus vaccine injectable
- H1N1 influenza virus vaccine nasal
- Habitrol
- Habitrol oral/patches/nasal
- Habitrol transdermal
- Haemate P 1000 LZ
- Haemate P 250 LZ
- Haemate P 500 LZ
- Haematoven
- Haemoctin 1000
- Haemoctin 250
- Haemoctin 500
- haemophilus b and hepatitis B vaccine
- haemophilus b and meningococcal conjugate vaccine
- haemophilus b conjugate (HbOC) vaccine
- haemophilus b conjugate (PRP-OMP) vaccine
- haemophilus b conjugate (PRP-T) vaccine
- haemophilus b conjugate and hepatitis b vaccine Intramuscular
- Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine
- haemophilus b conjugate vaccine Intramuscular
- haemophilus b conjugate/hepatitis b vaccine
- haemophilus b oligosaccharide conjugate vaccine
- haemophilus b polysaccharide conjugate vaccine
- haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine Intramuscular, Injection
- Haemophilus b Vaccine
- Haepcard
- HAES-steril 10%
- Hair Regrowth Treatment Extra Strength For Men
- Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men
- Hair Regrowth Treatment for Women
- Hair Regrowth Treatment Topical
- Hairgro Topical
- Hairkare
- Halaven
- halazepam
- Halcinonide
- halcinonide cream
- halcinonide topical
- halcinonide Topical application
- Halcion
- Haldol
- Haldol Decanoate
- Haldol Intramuscular
- Haley's M-O suspension
- Halfan
- HalfLytely and Bisacodyl
- HalfLytely solution
- Halfprin
- Halidor
- Halitonic
- Halls Citrus Blend oral mucous membrane
- Halls defense drops
- Halls defense multiblend supplement drops
- Halls defense sugarfree vitamin C drops
- Halls fruit breezers pectin throat drops
- Halls max drops
- Halls mentho-lyptus drops
- Halls Mentho-Lyptus Drops oral mucous membrane
- Halls Mountain Menthol oral mucous membrane
- Halls plus cough drops
- Halls sugar free drops
- Halls sugar free squares
- Halobetasol
- Halobetasol Cream
- halobetasol cream and ammonium lactate lotion cream
- halobetasol cream and ointment with lactic acid cream
- halobetasol ointment and ammonium lactate ointment
- Halobetasol Propionate
- Halobetasol Propionate Ointment
- halobetasol topical
- halobetasol Topical application
- halofantrine
- Halog
- Halog cream
- Halog Ointment
- Halog Ointment, USP
- Halog Solution
- Halog-E
- Halog-E cream
- Halonate
- Halonate ointment
- Haloperidol
- haloperidol decanoate
- Haloperidol Decanoate Injection
- haloperidol Intramuscular
- Haloperidol Lactate
- Haloperidol Oral Solution
- Haloperidol Oral Solution, Concentrate
- haloperidol solution
- haloperidol tablets
- haloprogin topical
- Halotestin
- Halotex
- Halothane
- Halotussin DAC
- Halotussin DM
- Halset
- Haltran
- Hardic
- Harmonet
- Hasceral
- Hascoderm
- Hascofungin
- Hascopiryn cardio
- Hascosept
- Hascosept dental
- Hascosept Forte
- Hascovir pro
- Havrix
- Havrix 720 Junior
- Havrix Adult
- Havrix Pediatric
- hawthorn
- HBVaxPRO szczepionka
- Hc 45
- HC DermaPax spray
- HC Pram Cream
- HC Pramoxine topical/rectal
- HC Tussive
- HD 200 Plus
- HD 85 Suspension
- Head & Shoulders Intensive Treatment
- Head shoulders dandruff shampoo
- Head shoulders dandruff shampoo dry scalp
- Head shoulders intensive treatment dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis shampoo
- headache medicine ergot-derivative-containing Oral, Parenteral, Rectal
- Headache Relief PM
- Healing Waters Hand Sanitizer
- Healthy Accents All Day Allergy
- Healthy Accents Allergy Relief
- Heart and Circulation Tonic
- Heartburn Antacid Extra Strength
- Heartburn Relief
- Heartgard
- Heartgard Plus
- Heartworm
- Heather Tablets
- Hecoria
- Hecoria oral and injection
- Hectorol
- Hectorol capsules
- Hectorol Injection
- Hedelicum
- Hedelix
- Hederasal
- Hederoin
- HEEL Abropernol N
- HEEL Aesculus compositum N
- HEEL Angin-Heel SD
- HEEL Apis-Homaccord
- HEEL Arnica-Heel
- HEEL Arnica-Heel S
- HEEL Arteria-Heel N
- HEEL Aurumheel N
- HEEL Barijodeel
- HEEL Belladonna-Homaccord
- HEEL Berberis-Homaccord
- HEEL Bronchalis-HEEL
- HEEL Bryaconeel
- HEEL Calcoheel
- HEEL Calendula-Heel S
- HEEL Cardiacum-Heel
- HEEL Ceanothus - Homaccord
- HEEL Cerebrum compositum
- HEEL Chelidonium-Homaccord N
- HEEL China-Homaccord S
- HEEL Cimicifuga-Homaccord
- HEEL Cinnamomum-Homaccord N
- HEEL Colocynthis-Homaccord
- HEEL Cralonin
- HEEL Cutis compositum N
- HEEL Diarrheel S
- HEEL Droperteel
- HEEL Drosera-Homaccord
- HEEL Duodenoheel
- HEEL Engystol
- HEEL Engystol N-HEEL
- HEEL Euphorbium S
- HEEL Euphorbium SN
- HEEL Galium -Heel N
- HEEL Gastricumeel
- HEEL Graphites Homaccord
- HEEL Gripp-Heel
- HEEL Gynacoheel N
- HEEL Hamamelis-Homaccord
- HEEL Hepeel N
- HEEL Hormeel SNT
- HEEL Husteel
- HEEL Ignatia-Homaccord
- HEEL Klimakt-Heel T
- HEEL Leptandra compositum
- HEEL Luffa compositum - Heel
- HEEL Lymphomyosot Heel
- HEEL Melilotus Homaccord N
- HEEL Mercurius-Heel S
- HEEL Mucosa compositum
- HEEL Naso-Heel SNT
- HEEL Nervoheel N
- HEEL Nux Vomica Homaccord
- HEEL Nux Vomica-Homaccord-Heel
- HEEL Oculoheel
- HEEL Oculoheel Lux
- HEEL Paeonia-HEEL
- HEEL Phosphor-Homaccord -chrypa
- HEEL Placenta Comp.
- HEEL Podophyllum compositum
- HEEL Rheuma-Heel
- HEEL Sabal-Homaccord
- HEEL Schwef-Heel
- HEEL Spascupreel
- HEEL Spascupreel -HEEL
- HEEL Spigelon
- HEEL Strumeel Forte NF
- HEEL Strumeel T
- HEEL Sulfur compositum -Heel
- HEEL Tartephedreel N
- HEEL Traumeel S
- HEEL Valerianaheel
- HEEL Vertigoheel
- HEEL Viburcol compositum
- HEEL Viburcol Plus
- HEEL Vomitusheel
- HEEL Vomitusheel Compositum
- HEEL Vomitusheel S-przeciw wymiot.
- HEEL Ypsiloheel N
- HEEL Zeel T
- Heet Analgesic Liniment
- Heet Triple Action
- Helason
- Helical
- Helicid 10
- Helicid 40
- Helidac
- Helidac therapy pack
- Heliox
- Helium
- Helium Oxygen Mixture
- Helium Oxygen Nitrogen Mixture
- Helixate FS
- Helixate FS injection
- Helixate FS recombinant
- Helixate injection
- Helixate NexGen
- Helopan
- Hemabate
- Hemacord
- Hemafluid
- Hemangiol
- Hematinic with Folic Acid
- Hematogen FA Capsules
- Hematogen Forte
- Hematogen Softgels
- hematopoietic progenitor cells, cord blood Intravenous
- Hemax
- heme iron polypeptide
- HemeNatal OB
- HemeNatal OB plus DHA
- HemeTab
- hemin
- Heminevrin
- Hemkortin-HC
- Hemo-Stat Solution
- Hemoban
- Hemocal
- Hemocyte
- Hemocyte Oral
- Hemocyte Plus
- Hemocyte-F
- Hemofer
- Hemofer F prolongatum
- Hemofer prolongatum
- Hemofil-M
- Hemofil-M human
- Hemofil-M injection
- Hemohes 10%
- Hemohes 6%
- Hemolan czopki przeciw hemoroid.
- Hemorectal
- Hemorid rectal
- Hemorigen
- Hemorol
- Hemorrhoidal Cooling Gel rectal
- Hemorrhoidal HC cream, ointment, suppository
- Hemorrhoidal Hygiene Pads
- Hemorrhoidal Ointment rectal
- Hemorrhoidal rectal
- Hemorrhoidal Suppositories rectal
- Hemorrhoidal-HC suppositories
- Hemorrodil
- Hemosol BO
- Hemostin
- Hemox-A
- Hemril-30 cream, ointment, suppository
- Hemril-HC Uniserts cream, ointment, suppository
- Hep-forte capsules
- Hep-Lock
- Hep-lock (heparin lock flush solution, usp)
- Hepa-Merz
- Hepa-Merz 3000
- Hepacynar
- HepaGam B
- HepaGam B NovaPlus
- Heparegen
- Heparin
- Heparin and Dextrose
- Heparin and Sodium Chloride
- heparin flush
- Heparin Hasco
- Heparin Hasco Forte
- heparin Intravenous, Subcutaneous
- Heparin Lock flush
- Heparin Lock Flush Solution
- Heparin Sodium
- Heparin sodium injection, usp
- Heparin, Concentrate
- Heparinum
- Heparinum GSK
- Heparinum Hasco
- Heparinum WZF
- Heparizen 1000
- HepatAmine
- Hepatasol Injection
- Hepatect CP
- Hepatil
- Hepatil - Vit
- Hepatina na wątr.
- hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine
- hepatitis a and hepatitis b vaccine Intramuscular
- Hepatitis A Inactivated & Hepatitis B (Recombinant) Vaccine
- hepatitis a inactivated/hepatitis b (recombinant) vaccine
- hepatitis A pediatric vaccine
- hepatitis a vaccine
- hepatitis a vaccine inactivated and hepatitis b vaccine recombinant Intramuscular
- hepatitis a vaccine Intramuscular
- Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated
- hepatitis a vaccine, inactivated Intramuscular
- Hepatitis A Virus Vaccine Inactivated
- hepatitis B adult vaccine
- Hepatitis B Immune Globulin
- Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (HBIG)
- Hepatitis B immune globulin (human)
- hepatitis b immune globulin Intramuscular
- hepatitis B pediatric vaccine
- hepatitis B vaccine
- hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant)
- hepatitis b vaccine Intramuscular
- hepatitis b vaccine recombinant Intramuscular
- Hepatitis B vaccine, recombinant
- Hepato-Drainol
- Hepavax-Gene TF
- HepFlush
- Hepsera
- Heptovir
- Herbals MULTIPLE
- Herbals with vitamins minerals
- Herbals, multiple
- Herbapect
- Herbata LAXANTIA Tea
- Herbion na kaszel
- Herbion na kaszel mokry (Herbion Ivy)
- Herbogastrin
- Herceptin
- Herceptin I.V.
- Herpecin-L
- Herpex
- Herplex
- Hespan
- Hesperidin complex
- Hesperidin methyl chalcone
- Hetacin-K Infusion
- Hetastarch
- Hetastarch (Hydroxyethyl Starch; HES)
- hetastarch in sodium chloride
- Hetlioz
- Heviran PPH
- Hex-Plus
- Hex-Tra
- Hex-Wash
- Hexabrix
- Hexachlorophene
- hexachlorophene Topical application
- Hexacima
- Hexafed Controlled-Release Tablets
- Hexaflu
- Hexalen
- Hexaminolevulinate Hydrochloride
- hexaminolevulinate Urinary bladder
- Hexasol
- Hextend
- Hexvix
- Hexyon
- Hi-Vegi-Lip
- Hiberix
- HIBERIX szcz.przeciw Haemoph.B
- HIBERIX szcz.przeciw Haemoph.B(2 igły)
- HIBERIX szcz.przeciw Haemoph.B(bez igły)
- HIBERIX szcz.przeciw Haemoph.B(z igłą)
- HIBERIX szcz.przeciw Haemoph.influenzae
- Hibiclens
- Hibiclens liquid
- Hibistat
- Hibtiter
- Hicon Kit
- Hidrasec 10 mg
- Hidrasec 30 mg
- High Potency Multi B Complex
- Hiposem
- Hiprex
- Hipuran 131 J
- Hirobriz Breezhaler
- Hirudoid
- Hismanal
- Hist-PSE
- Hista-Vadrin
- Hista-Vent PSE
- Histacol BD Drops
- Histacol DM Pediatric Syrup
- Histade
- Histade CR sustained-release capsules
- Histadec
- HistadecDM
- Histafed
- Histaglobulina
- Histalet Forte
- histamine h2 antagonist Oral, Injection, Intravenous
- histamine Intradermal
- Histamine Phosphate
- histamine phosphate Intradermal
- Histanium hydrochloricum
- Histatab
- Histatab D
- Histatab PH
- Histatab Plus
- Histatrol
- Histex
- Histex CT
- Histex CT extended-release capsules
- Histex HC
- Histex HC liquid
- Histex I/E
- Histex I/E extended-release capsules
- Histex PD
- Histex Pd 12
- Histex Pd liquid
- Histex SR
- Histex SR controlled-release and sustained-release capsules
- Histigen
- Histine-D
- Histinex DM
- Histinex HC
- Histinex PV
- Histinex PV Liquid
- Histostat
- Histrelin
- Histrelin Acetate
- histrelin acetate Subcutaneous
- histrelin implant
- histrelin Subcutaneous
- Histuss PD
- Histussin D Liquid
- Histussin-HC
- Hitaxa Fast (Desada)
- Hivid
- Hizentra
- Hizentra subcutaneous
- Hold DM
- Hold lozenges
- Holoxan
- Homatropaire
- Homatropaire drops
- homatropine and hydrocodone
- homatropine drops
- Homatropine Hydrobromide
- homatropine ophthalmic
- Homatropine Ophthalmic Solution
- homatropine/hydrocodone
- Homeogene 46
- Homeogene 9
- homeopathic analgesic ointment
- Homeopathic formulations
- Homeoplasmine
- Homeoptic
- Homeotuss
- Homeovox
- Hongos
- Horacort mite
- Horizant
- Horizant extended-release tablets
- horse chestnut
- horse chestnut controlled-release capsules
- Horsemans Dream Fung-A-Way
- Hospisept
- Hot Spots
- House Dust Mite Injection
- Hova
- HP Acthar gel
- HPA Lanolin
- HT-Tuss DM Elixir
- Humalog
- Humalog 50/50
- Humalog cartridges
- Humalog Mix 50/50
- Humalog Mix 50/50 KwikPen
- Humalog Mix 50/50 Pen
- Humalog Mix 50/50 pens
- HumaLog Mix 50/50 vials
- Humalog Mix 75/25
- Humalog Mix 75/25 KwikPen
- Humalog Mix 75/25 Pen
- Humalog Mix 75/25 pens
- HumaLog Mix 75/25 vials
- Humalog vials
- Human Alb. 20%
- Human Albumin 200g/l
- Human Albumin 250g/l
- Human Albumin 50g/l
- Human Albumin CSL Behring 200 g/l
- Human Albumin Grifols
- Human Albumin Grifols human
- Human Hemin Orphan Europe
- human papillomavirus
- human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
- human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, bivalent
- human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, quadrivalent
- Human Papillomavirus Bivalent Vaccine, Recombinant
- Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent Vaccine, Recombinant
- Human Papillomavirus Recombinant Vaccine, Quadrivalent
- human papillomavirus vaccine
- human papillomavirus vaccine Intramuscular
- human papillomavirus vaccine, bivalent Intramuscular
- human papillomavirus vaccine, quadrivalent Intramuscular
- Humate-P
- Humate-P injection
- Humatin
- Humatrope
- Humatrope cartridge
- Humatrope vial
- Humibid CS
- Humibid DM
- Humibid DM sustained-release capsules
- Humibid LA
- Humira
- Humorsol Ocumeter
- Humulin 50 50, 100 units
- Humulin 50/50
- Humulin 50/50 pens
- Humulin 50/50 vials
- Humulin 70/30
- Humulin 70/30 Pen
- Humulin 70/30 pens
- Humulin L
- Humulin L, 100 units
- Humulin N
- Humulin N pens
- Humulin N vials
- Humulin N, 100 units
- Humulin R
- Humulin R (Concentrated)
- Humulin R (Concentrated) U-500
- Humulin R innolets
- Humulin R U-100
- Humulin R U-500
- Humulin R, 100 units
- Humulin U
- Humulin U, 100 units
- Hurricaine
- Hurricaine Kit
- Hurricaine Snap-n-Go
- Hurricaine topical anesthetic aerosol spray kit, 2 oz. wild cherry with 200 disposable extension tubes
- Hurricaine topical anesthetic aerosol spray, 2 oz. wild cherry
- Hurricaine topical anesthetic gel, 1 oz. fresh mint, wild cherry, pina colada, watermelon, 1 6 oz. wild cherry
- Hurricaine topical anesthetic gel: 1 oz. wild cherry, pina colada, watermelon, fresh mint, 0.18 oz. wild cherry
- Hurricaine topical anesthetic liquid, 1 oz. wild cherry, pina colada, .25 ml swab applicator wild cherry
- Hurricaine topical anesthetic liquid: 1 oz. wild cherry and pina colada, swab applicator wild cherry
- Hurricaine topical anesthetic spray extension tubes (200)
- Hurricaine topical anesthetic spray kit, 2 oz. wild cherry
- Hurricaine topical anesthetic spray, 2 oz. wild cherry
- Hurricane Spray Kit
- Hyalgan
- Hyalgan Injection
- Hyalgan L/L
- Hyalgan L/L Injection
- Hyalovet
- hyaluronan
- hyaluronate sodium
- hyaluronate sodium cream
- hyaluronate sodium Injection
- Hyaluronic Acid Derivatives
- hyaluronic acid Injection
- hyaluronidase
- hyaluronidase Subcutaneous, Injection
- Hyate:C
- Hybrisil
- Hycamtin
- Hycamtin Capsules
- Hycamtin Intravenous
- Hycet
- Hycet liquid
- Hycodan
- Hycodan Oral
- Hycodan syrup
- Hycomine
- Hycort
- Hycotuss Expectorant
- Hycotuss expectorant syrup
- Hydase
- Hydeltrasol
- Hydergine
- Hydex PD liquid
- Hydiphen 25
- Hydone
- Hydra-1
- Hydra-Zide
- Hydralazine
- hydralazine and hydrochlorothiazide
- hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate
- Hydralazine Hydrochloride
- hydralazine Oral, Injection, Intravenous
- Hydralazine Tablets
- hydralazine/hydrochlorothiazide
- hydralazine/hydrochlorothiazide/reserpine
- HydraLife
- Hydramine
- Hydrap-ES
- hydrating Foam
- hydrating topical foam
- hydrating topical lotion
- Hydrea
- Hydrex S
- Hydrisalic
- Hydrisalic gel
- Hydrisalic Topical
- Hydro 35
- Hydro 35 foam
- Hydro 40 Foam
- Hydro Ear Drops
- Hydro Ear otic
- Hydro-DP
- Hydro-DP syrup
- Hydro-PC II
- Hydro-PC II Plus
- Hydro-Tuss XP
- Hydro-Tussin DHC
- Hydro-Tussin EXP
- Hydro-Tussin EXP syrup
- Hydrocet
- Hydrochlorothiazide
- hydrochlorothiazide and aliskiren
- hydrochlorothiazide and amiloride
- hydrochlorothiazide and benazepril
- hydrochlorothiazide and bisoprolol
- hydrochlorothiazide and candesartan
- hydrochlorothiazide and captopril
- hydrochlorothiazide and enalapril
- hydrochlorothiazide and eprosartan
- hydrochlorothiazide and fosinopril
- hydrochlorothiazide and hydralazine
- hydrochlorothiazide and irbesartan
- hydrochlorothiazide and lisinopril
- hydrochlorothiazide and methyldopa
- hydrochlorothiazide and metoprolol
- hydrochlorothiazide and moexipril
- hydrochlorothiazide and olmesartan
- hydrochlorothiazide and propranolol
- hydrochlorothiazide and quinapril
- hydrochlorothiazide and reserpine
- hydrochlorothiazide and spironolactone
- hydrochlorothiazide and telmisartan
- hydrochlorothiazide and timolol
- hydrochlorothiazide and triamterene
- hydrochlorothiazide and valsartan
- hydrochlorothiazide capsules
- hydrochlorothiazide solution
- Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets
- hydrochlorothiazide/moexipril
- hydrochlorothiazide/olmesartan
- hydrochlorothiazide/spironolactone
- hydrochlorothiazide/telmisartan
- hydrochlorothiazide/timolol
- Hydrochlorothiazide/Triamterene
- Hydrochlorothiazidum
- Hydrochlorothiazidum Polpharma
- Hydrocil
- Hydrocod-GF
- hydrocodone
- Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen
- Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen Capsules
- Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen Elixir
- Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen Oral Solution
- Hydrocodone and Chlorpheniramine
- hydrocodone and chlorpheniramine polistirex
- Hydrocodone and Homatropine
- Hydrocodone and Homatropine Tablets
- Hydrocodone and Ibuprofen
- hydrocodone and phenylephrine
- hydrocodone and pseudoephedrine
- Hydrocodone Bitartrate
- Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen Oral Solution
- Hydrocodone Bitartrate/Acetaminophen
- Hydrocodone Bitartrate/Chlorpheniramine Maleate
- Hydrocodone Bitartrate/Guaifenesin
- Hydrocodone Bitartrate/Homatropine Methylbromide
- Hydrocodone Bitartrate/Ibuprofen
- Hydrocodone Bitartrate/Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate
- Hydrocodone Bitartrate/Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
- hydrocodone extended-release capsules
- hydrocodone, chlorpheniramine, and pseudoephedrine
- hydrocodone/acetaminophen liquid
- hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablets and capsules
- hydrocodone/homatropine syrup
- hydrocodone/ibuprofen
- hydrocodone/phenylephrine liquid
- hydrocodone/phenylephrine/pyrilamine liquid
- hydrocodone/potassium guaiacolsulfonate liquid
- hydrocodone/pseudoephedrine
- hydrocodone/pseudoephedrine liquid
- Hydrocof-HC
- Hydrocort CHEMA
- hydrocortisone
- Hydrocortisone 1% In Absorbase
- Hydrocortisone 2.5%
- Hydrocortisone Acetate
- Hydrocortisone Acetate eent
- hydrocortisone acetate foam
- hydrocortisone acetate suppositories
- Hydrocortisone Acetate topical
- hydrocortisone acetate/pramoxine cream
- hydrocortisone acetate/pramoxine cream with cleansing wipes
- hydrocortisone acetate/pramoxine foam
- Hydrocortisone Acetate/Pramoxine Hydrochloride
- hydrocortisone acetate/pramoxine lotion
- Hydrocortisone Acetate/Urea
- Hydrocortisone and Acetic Acid
- hydrocortisone and acetic acid Otic
- hydrocortisone and lidocaine topical
- hydrocortisone and lidocaine topical with psyllium
- hydrocortisone and lidocaine topical/rectal
- Hydrocortisone and Pramoxine Cream
- Hydrocortisone and Pramoxine Cream Singles
- hydrocortisone and pramoxine topical
- hydrocortisone and pramoxine topical/rectal
- hydrocortisone and urea topical
- Hydrocortisone Buteprate topical
- Hydrocortisone Butyrate
- Hydrocortisone Butyrate Ointment
- hydrocortisone butyrate solution
- Hydrocortisone Butyrate topical
- hydrocortisone butyrate Topical application
- hydrocortisone cream
- Hydrocortisone Cream 2.5%
- Hydrocortisone Cream Topical application
- Hydrocortisone eent
- hydrocortisone enema
- hydrocortisone foam
- hydrocortisone gel
- Hydrocortisone Iodoquinol Cream
- hydrocortisone lotion
- Hydrocortisone Ointment
- hydrocortisone probutate Topical application
- hydrocortisone rectal cream, ointment, suppository
- hydrocortisone rectal foam, enema
- Hydrocortisone Rectal Suspension
- Hydrocortisone Sodium Phosphate
- Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate
- hydrocortisone solution
- Hydrocortisone Suppository
- Hydrocortisone Tablets
- Hydrocortisone topical
- hydrocortisone Topical application
- Hydrocortisone Valerate
- Hydrocortisone Valerate Cream
- Hydrocortisone Valerate topical
- hydrocortisone valerate Topical application
- Hydrocortisone with Aloe
- hydrocortisone with aloe cream
- hydrocortisone, neomycin, and polymyxin B otic
- hydrocortisone, salicylic acid, and sulfur topical
- Hydrocortisone-Aloe
- hydrocortisone/diphenhydramine spray
- hydrocortisone/iodoquinol
- hydrocortisone/lidocaine cream
- hydrocortisone/neomycin/polymyxin b cream
- hydrocortisone/neomycin/polymyxin b solution
- hydrocortisone/neomycin/polymyxin b suspension
- hydrocortisone/pramoxine cream
- hydrocortisone/pramoxine with aloe
- hydrocortisone/urea
- Hydrocortisonum Aflofarm
- Hydrocortisonum Homeofarm
- Hydrocortisonum Jelfa
- Hydrocortisonum Oceanic
- Hydrocortone
- Hydrocortone phosphate injection, sterile
- Hydrocot
- Hydroctin
- Hydroksyetyloskrobia 200/0,5 6% Baxter
- Hydromet
- Hydromet syrup
- Hydromorohone
- hydromorphone
- hydromorphone extended-release
- hydromorphone extended-release capsules
- hydromorphone high-potency
- Hydromorphone Hydrochloride
- hydromorphone Injection
- hydromorphone liquid
- hydromorphone rectal
- hydromorphone suppository
- hydromorphone tablets
- Hydromorphone Tablets, Solution
- Hydron CP
- Hydron PCS
- Hydron PSC
- Hydrophil Ointment
- Hydropram topical/rectal
- Hydropres-25
- Hydropres-50
- Hydroquinone
- Hydroquinone and Sunscreen
- Hydroquinone Cream
- Hydroquinone Cream with Sunscreens
- Hydroquinone Cream with Sunscreens Gel
- Hydroquinone Time Release Cream
- hydroquinone topical
- hydroquinone with sunscreen cream
- hydroquinone/vitamin a
- Hydroserpine
- Hydrostat IR
- Hydrotuss HC
- Hydrotussin HD
- Hydroval
- hydroxocobalamin
- hydroxocobalamin injection
- hydroxocobalamin kit
- hydroxyamphetamine and tropicamide Ophthalmic
- Hydroxyamphetamine Hydrobromide/Tropicamide
- hydroxyamphetamine ophthalmic
- hydroxyamphetamine/tropicamide
- hydroxychloroquine
- Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate
- Hydroxychloroquine Tablets
- hydroxyprogesterone
- Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate
- hydroxyprogesterone Intramuscular
- hydroxypropyl cellulose Ophthalmic
- hydroxyquinoline vaginal
- Hydroxyurea
- Hydroxyzine
- Hydroxyzine Capsules
- Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride
- Hydroxyzine Injection
- Hydroxyzine Oral Solution
- Hydroxyzine Pamoate
- hydroxyzine suspension
- Hydroxyzine Syrup
- Hydroxyzine Tablets
- Hydroxyzinum Aflofarm
- Hydroxyzinum BIOGENED
- Hydroxyzinum Espefa
- Hydroxyzinum Hasco
- Hydroxyzinum TEVA
- Hydroxyzinum VP
- Hydrozone Plus
- Hyflex-650
- Hyflex-DS
- Hygenic Cleansing Pad
- Hygroton
- hylan G-F 20
- hylan polymers a and b Injection
- hylan solution
- Hyland's arnisport tablets
- Hyland's backache with arnica caplets
- Hyland's bumps 'N bruises tablets
- Hyland's calms forte tablets and caplets
- Hyland's colic tablets
- Hyland's complete flu care tablets
- Hyland's earache drops
- Hyland's earache tablets
- Hyland's leg cramps ointment
- Hyland's leg cramps with quinine tablets and caplets
- Hyland's menocalm tablets
- Hyland's migraine headache relief tablets
- Hyland's nerve tonic tablets and caplets
- Hyland's seasonal allergy tablets
- Hyland's teething gel
- Hyland's teething tablets
- Hylase Wound Gel
- Hylase Wound Gel topical
- Hylatopic
- Hylenex
- Hylenex Recombinant
- Hylira gel
- Hylira topical
- Hylorel
- Hylosept
- Hylutin
- HyoMax
- HyoMax DT
- HyoMax FT
- HyoMax SL
- HyoMax SR
- HyoMax-FT Chewable Melt
- Hyophen
- Hyophen Tablets
- hyoscyamine
- hyoscyamine and phenyltoloxamine
- hyoscyamine controlled-release tablets
- hyoscyamine drops
- hyoscyamine elixir
- hyoscyamine extended-release capsules
- hyoscyamine extended-release tablets
- hyoscyamine orally disintegrating tablets
- hyoscyamine spray
- Hyoscyamine Sulfate
- Hyoscyamine Sulfate Elixir
- Hyoscyamine Sulfate Extended-Release Tablets
- Hyoscyamine Sulfate Oral Drops
- Hyoscyamine Sulfate Orally Disintegrating Tablet
- Hyoscyamine Sulfate Sublingual Tablet
- Hyoscyamine Sulfate Tablet
- hyoscyamine tablets
- hyoscyamine, methenamine, methylene blue, and phenyl salicylate
- hyoscyamine, methenamine, methylene blue, and sodium biphosphate
- hyoscyamine, methenamine, methylene blue, phenyl salicylate, and sodium phosphate
- hyoscyamine/methenamine/methylene blue/phenyl salicylate/sodium biphosphate delayed-release tablets
- hyoscyamine/methenamine/methylene blue/phenyl salicylate/sodium phosphate
- hyoscyamine/methenamine/methylene blue/sodium phosphate
- hyoscyamine/phenyltoloxamine
- Hyosophen
- Hyospaz
- Hyosyne
- Hyosyne drops
- Hyosyne elixir
- Hypaque
- Hypaque Injection
- Hypaque-76
- Hypaque-Cysto
- Hyper-Sal inhalation
- Hyperbaric Chamber Mix
- Hypercare
- Hypercare topical
- HyperHAES
- Hyperhep B
- HyperHEP B S/D
- Hyperherba
- Hypericum
- Hyperlyte CR
- Hyperosmotic Laxatives
- Hyperrab
- HyperRAB S/D
- HyperRHO S/D
- HyperRHO S/D Full Dose
- HyperRHO S/D Mini Dose
- Hyperstat
- Hyperstat I.V. injection
- Hypertet
- HyperTET S/D
- Hypertonic Dextrose Injection
- Hypertonic Saline
- Hyphed
- Hypnogen
- Hypnomidate
- Hyposart
- Hypromellose
- hypromellose Intraocular
- hypromellose Ophthalmic
- HyQvia
- Hysan Pain Reliever
- Hyskon high molecular weight
- Hytakerol
- HyTan
- Hytinic
- Hytone
- Hytone cream
- Hytone lotion
- Hytrin capsules
- Hytuss immediate-release capsules
- Hyzine
- I 123 Mini
- I-123 MIBG
- I-131 Mini
- I-Fol Plus caplets
- I-Prin
- I.V. busulfex
- IASOcholine
- Iasoflu
- IB-Stat
- IB-Stat spray
- Ibalgin
- Ibalgin baby
- Ibalgin Fast
- Ibalgin Maxi
- Ibalgin Sport
- Ibandronat Apotex
- Ibandronat Polpharma
- ibandronate
- Ibandronate Bluefish
- ibandronate Intravenous
- ibandronate Oral, Injection
- ibandronate oral/injection
- Ibandronate Sodium
- Ibandronate Sodium Tablets
- Ibandronian Actavis
- Ibandronic acid Accord
- Ibandronic Acid Alvogen
- Ibandronic Acid Mylan
- Ibandronic Acid Noridem
- Ibandronic acid Sandoz
- Ibandronic acid Stada
- Ibandronic acid Synthon
- Ibandronic Acid Teva
- Ibandronic Acid Teva Pharma
- IBC 500
- Iberogast
- ibritumomab
- ibritumomab Intravenous
- Ibritumomab Tiuxetan
- ibritumomab tiuxetan Intravenous
- ibritumomab tiuxetan with indium-111
- ibritumomab tiuxetan with yttrium-90
- ibrutinib
- IBU Tablets
- Ibu-2
- Ibu-200
- Ibu-4
- Ibu-6
- Ibu-8
- Ibu-Tab
- Ibudone
- Ibufarmalid
- Ibufen
- Ibufen Baby
- Ibufen dla dzieci Forte o smaku malinowym
- Ibufen dla dzieci Forte smak coli
- Ibufen dla dzieci Forte smak truskawka
- Ibufen dla dzieci o smaku truskawkowym
- Ibufen Junior
- Ibufen mini Junior
- Ibufen smak malinowy
- Ibufen smak pomarańczowy
- Ibufen Total
- Ibufen Total (Ibuprofen)
- Ibum
- Ibum dla dzieci
- Ibum Forte
- Ibum Forte Minicaps
- Ibum Forte smak bananowy
- Ibum Forte smak malinowy
- Ibum Grip.
- Ibum smak bananowy
- Ibum Zatoki
- Ibumax 200mg
- Ibumax 400mg
- Ibumax Forte 600mg
- Ibupar
- Ibupar Forte
- Ibuprfen Lysine Perrigo
- Ibuprofen
- Ibuprofen + Codeine phosphate hemihydrate Rockspring
- Ibuprofen + Pseudoefedryna 123ratio
- Ibuprofen 123ratio (Irfen)
- Ibuprofen 800mg
- Ibuprofen Actavis
- Ibuprofen Aflofarm
- Ibuprofen and Diphenhydramine
- ibuprofen and famotidine
- ibuprofen and oxycodone
- ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine
- Ibuprofen APC
- Ibuprofen APC Max
- Ibuprofen Banner
- ibuprofen capsules
- ibuprofen chewable tablets
- Ibuprofen Dr. Max
- ibuprofen drops
- Ibuprofen Fair-Med
- Ibuprofen Farmalider
- Ibuprofen Galpharm
- Ibuprofen Generics
- Ibuprofen Immediate Release Tablets
- ibuprofen injection
- ibuprofen Intravenous
- Ibuprofen LGO
- Ibuprofen LGO (promocja)
- Ibuprofen Lidefarm
- Ibuprofen Lysine
- ibuprofen lysine Intravenous
- Ibuprofen Oral Suspension
- Ibuprofen PM
- Ibuprofen Rockspring
- ibuprofen suspension
- Ibuprofen-Pabi 200
- ibuprofen/famotidine
- ibuprofen/oxycodone
- Ibuprohm
- Ibuprom
- Ibuprom DUO
- Ibuprom MAX
- Ibuprom MAX Sprint
- Ibuprom Sprint Caps
- Ibuprom Zatoki
- Ibuprom Zatoki Tabs
- Ibuprom Żel
- Iburion
- ibutilide
- Ibutilide Fumarate
- Ibutilide Fumarate Injection
- IC-green
- Icandra
- Icaps
- Icar
- Icar Prenatal
- Icar Prenatal Chewable Calcium
- Icar Prenatal Essential Omega-3
- Icar suspension
- Icar-C
- Icare Prenatal Rx
- icatibant
- Icatibant Acetate
- icatibant Subcutaneous
- Iclusig
- icodextrin LVP solution
- icosapent
- icosapent ethyl
- Icy Hot
- Icy Hot Arthritis Therapy Topical
- Icy Hot PM
- Icy Hot with Capsaicin
- Icy Rub Gel-przeciw bólowy
- IcyHot PM Medicated Lotion
- IcyHot PM Medicated Patch
- Idamycin
- Idamycin PFS
- idarubicin
- Idarubicin Hydrochloride
- idarubicin Intravenous
- Idarubicin Teva
- Idarubicin- Ebewe
- Ideos
- IDflu
- IDkit HP One
- idoxuridine Ophthalmic
- idursulfase
- idursulfase Intravenous
- Ifenin
- Ifenin Forte
- Iferex 150
- Ifex
- Ifex solution
- Ifex/Mesnex Kit
- Iffeza
- Ifirmacombi
- ifosfamide
- ifosfamide and mesna
- Ifosfamide and Mesna Injection
- ifosfamide Intravenous
- ifosfamide solution
- Ig Vena
- Igantet 250 (Immunoglob.przeciw tężc.Grifols 250
- Igantet 500 (Immunoglob.przeciw tężc.Grifols 500
- Ikametin
- Ikarium
- Ikarium Forte
- Ilaris
- Iletin II Regular Pork
- Iletin II, lente (pork), 100 units
- Iletin II, nph (pork), 100 units
- Iletin II, regular (pork), 100 units
- Iletin Lente
- Ilevro
- Ilomedin 20
- Ilopan Choline
- Iloperidone
- Iloperidonesee
- Iloprost
- iloprost inhalation
- iloprost Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Ilosone
- Ilosone Oral
- Ilotycin
- Imakrebin
- Imatenil
- Imatinib
- Imatinib Accord
- Imatinib Actavis
- Imatinib Apotex
- Imatinib Generics
- Imatinib Glenmark
- Imatinib medac
- Imatinib Mesylate
- Imatinib Mylan
- Imatinib Polfa
- Imatinib Teva
- Imatinib Teva Pharmaceuticals
- Imatinib Zentiva
- Imatynib BioOrganics
- Imatynib Genthon
- Imatynib Kiron
- Imatynib Synthon
- Imavec
- Imazol
- Imazol plus
- Imbruvica
- Imdur
- Imdur ER
- Imdur sustained-release tablets
- Imecitin
- imiglucerase
- imiglucerase Intravenous
- Imigran
- Imigran®
- Imigran® FDT
- Imipenem
- Imipenem and Cilastatin
- Imipenem and Cilastatin Injection
- imipenem and cilastatin Intravenous, Intramuscular
- Imipenem+Cilastatin Polpharma
- Imipenem-Cilastatin
- Imipenem/Cilastatin Kabi
- Imipenem/Cylastyna Ranbaxy
- Imipenemum/Cilastatin um Hospira
- imipramine
- imipramine capsules
- Imipramine HCl
- Imipramine Hydrochloride
- Imipramine Pamoate
- Imiquimod
- Imiquimod Cream
- imiquimod topical
- Imitrex
- Imitrex injection
- Imitrex Nasal oral/nasal
- Imitrex Nasal Spray
- Imitrex Oral
- Imitrex oral/nasal
- Imitrex spray
- Imitrex Stat Dose Refill
- Imitrex Stat Dose Refill Subcutaneous
- Imitrex Statdose injection
- Imitrex Statdose Refill injection
- Imitrex Subcutaneous
- Imitrex tablets
- Immiticide
- Immunal
- Immunate 1000 IU FVIII/190IU VWF
- Immunate 250 IU FVIII/190IU VWF
- Immunate 500 IU FVIII/190IU VWF
- Immune Globulin
- immune globulin (human)
- immune globulin (intramuscular) IGIM
- immune globulin (intravenous) IGIV
- Immune Globulin IM (IGIM; IG; Gamma Globulin)
- immune globulin Injection
- Immune globulin intravenous (human)
- immune globulin intravenous and subcutaneous
- Immune Globulin IV (IGIV)
- Immune Globulin IV/Subcutaneous
- immune globulin subcutaneous
- Immune support powder
- Immune26 balance powder shake mix
- Immune26 complete support powder shake mix
- Immune26 powder and capsules
- Immune26 powder, capsules and chewable tablets
- Immunine 1200 IU
- Immunine 600 IU
- Immunocal powder sachets
- Immunofort
- Immunoprin
- Immunopro RX powder
- Immuzim
- Imnovid
- Imodium
- Imodium A-D
- Imodium A-D solution
- Imodium Instant
- Imodium Multi-Action
- Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief
- Imogam rabies - ht
- Imogen
- Imotil
- Imovane
- Imovax
- Imovax Polio szczepionka przeciw poliomyel.inak.
- Imovax Rabies
- Imovax Rabies (obsolete)
- Imovax Rabies human diploid cell
- Imovax Rabies I.D. (obsolete)
- Imperim
- Implanon
- Implanon NXT
- Imprida
- Imprida HCT
- Imuflex WB-RP Blood Bag System
- Imuplus formula
- Imuran Intravenous
- Imvanex szczepionka przeciw ospie prawdziwej
- In A Wink Daily Cleaner
- In A Wink Neutralizing Rinse
- In Control Nicotine Lozenge
- In-111 DTPA
- In-111 Zevalin
- Inamrinone
- inamrinone Intravenous
- Inamrinone Lactate
- Inapsine
- Inatal Advance
- Inatal Ultra
- Incivek
- Incivo 375 mg
- IncobotulinumtoxinA
- incobotulinumtoxina Intramuscular
- Increlex
- Incresync
- Incruse
- indacaterol
- indacaterol inhalation
- Indacaterol Maleate
- Indap
- Indapagamma
- Indapamid-1A Pharma
- Indapamid-ratiopharm SR
- Indapamide
- Indapamide 1,5 SR Servier
- Indapamide SR Genoptim (Teva)
- Indastad
- Inderal
- Inderal Intravenous
- Inderal LA
- Inderal LA sustained-release capsules
- Inderal XL
- Inderide
- Indiclor
- Indigo Carmine
- indinavir
- Indinavir Sulfate
- Indium DTPA
- Indium In 111
- Indium Oxyquinoline
- Indocid
- Indocin
- Indocin I.V.
- Indocin Injection
- Indocin Intravenous
- Indocin IV
- Indocin Rectal
- Indocin SR
- Indocin SR Sustained-Release Capsules
- Indocin suppositories
- Indocin Suppository
- Indocin Suspension
- Indocollyre 0,1%
- Indocyanine Green
- indomethacin
- indomethacin capsules
- Indomethacin ER
- Indomethacin Injection
- indomethacin Intravenous
- indomethacin Rectal
- indomethacin suppositories
- Indomethacin Suppository
- indomethacin suspension
- indomethacin sustained-release capsules
- Indoor/Outdoor Allergy Relief
- InductOs
- Inegy
- Infacol
- Infanate DHA
- Infanrix
- Infanrix (DTaP)
- Infanrix (DTaP) Preservative Free
- Infanrix - DTPa
- Infanrix - Hep B
- Infanrix - IPV+HIB
- Infanrix HEXA
- Infanrix PENTA
- Infanrix® - IPV
- Infantaire
- Infantaire Gas Relief
- Infants Tylenol Concentrated Drops
- Infants' advil concentrated drops
- Infants' advil drops
- Infants' Motrin
- Infants' motrin concentrated drops
- Infants' motrin non-staining dye-free drops
- Infants' mylicon drops
- Infasurf
- Infasurf intratracheal suspension
- Infectoscab 5%
- Infed
- Infergen
- Inflamase Forte
- Inflamase Forte drops
- Inflamase Mild
- Inflectra
- Inflexal V szczepionka przeciw grypie
- infliximab
- infliximab Intravenous
- Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine Inactivated
- Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine Live
- Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccine
- influenza a (H1N1) virus vaccine
- Influenza A H1N1 Intranasal
- Influenza A Vaccine
- influenza a virus vaccine, h1n1, inactivated Intramuscular
- influenza a virus vaccine, h1n1, live Nasal
- influenza a virus vaccine, h5n1, inactivated Intramuscular
- Influenza H1N1 Vaccine
- Influenza Vaccine Live Intranasal
- Influenza Vaccine Recombinant
- influenza virus vaccine
- influenza virus vaccine (subvirion) Intramuscular
- Influenza Virus Vaccine Inactivated
- influenza virus vaccine injection
- influenza virus vaccine Intramuscular
- Influenza Virus Vaccine Live Intranasal
- influenza virus vaccine nasal
- influenza virus vaccine recombinant Intramuscular
- Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1
- influenza virus vaccine, h5n1 Intramuscular
- influenza virus vaccine, live Nasal
- Infumorph
- Infumorph solution
- Infuvite Adult
- Infuvite Pediatric
- ingenol
- Ingenol Mebutate
- ingenol topical
- ingenol Topical application
- Inhalol
- Inhalyptus forte
- Inhibace
- Inhibace Plus
- Inj. Polocaini hydrochlorici 2% POLPHARMA
- Inj.Glucosi 5% et. Natrii Chlorati 0,9% 2:1 Viaflo
- Inj.Magnesii sulfurici 20% POLPHARMA
- Inj.Natrii chlorati 10% Polpharma
- Inject.Gluc. 20% BAXTER
- Inject.Gluc. 5%
- Inject.Gluc. 5% Baxter
- Inject.Gluc.5% et Nat.chl.0,9% 1:1
- Inject.Gluc.5% et Nat.chl.0,9% 2:1 BAXTER
- Injectafer
- Injectio Glucosi 10% Baxter
- Injectio Solutionis Ringeri
- Inlyta
- Innerclean
- Innofem
- Innohep
- InnoPran XL
- InnoPran XL sustained-release bead capsules
- Innovate
- Innovo
- Inocor
- INOmax
- INOmax inhalation gas
- inositol niacinate
- Inova
- Inova 4/1 Acne Control Therapy pads
- Inova 4/1 topical
- Inova 8/2 topical
- Inova ACT pads
- Inova pads
- Inovelon
- Insom
- Inspra
- Insta-Char
- Insta-Glucose gel
- Instacort
- Instacort gel
- Instacort-10
- insulin
- Insulin Analogs
- Insulin Aspart
- insulin aspart and insulin aspart protamine
- insulin aspart cartridges
- insulin aspart protamine and insulin aspart Subcutaneous
- Insulin aspart protamine, human
- insulin aspart protamine/insulin aspart cartridges
- insulin aspart protamine/insulin aspart vials
- insulin aspart vials
- Insulin aspart, human
- insulin aspart, recombinant Subcutaneous
- insulin detemir
- insulin detemir cartridges
- insulin detemir Subcutaneous
- insulin detemir vials
- Insulin Glargine
- insulin glargine cartridge systems
- insulin glargine pens
- insulin glargine vials
- insulin glargine, recombinant Subcutaneous
- insulin glulisine
- insulin glulisine cartridges
- insulin glulisine pens
- insulin glulisine Subcutaneous
- insulin glulisine vials
- Insulin Human
- insulin human regular Injection
- Insulin Human Winthrop Basal
- Insulin Human Winthrop Basal OptiClik
- Insulin Human Winthrop Basal OptiSet
- Insulin Human Winthrop Basal SoloStar
- Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 15
- Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 15 OptiClik
- Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 15 OptiSet
- Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 15 SoloStar
- Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 25
- Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 25 OptiClik
- Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 25 OptiSet
- Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 25 SoloStar
- Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 30
- Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 50
- Insulin Human Winthrop Infusat
- Insulin Human Winthrop Rapid
- insulin inhalation
- insulin isophane
- insulin isophane (NPH)/insulin regular pens
- insulin isophane (NPH)/insulin regular vials
- insulin isophane and insulin regular
- insulin isophane pens
- insulin isophane vials
- Insulin Lente Pork
- insulin lispro
- insulin lispro and insulin lispro protamine
- insulin lispro cartridges
- insulin lispro protamine and insulin lispro Subcutaneous
- Insulin lispro protamine, human
- insulin lispro protamine/insulin lispro pens
- insulin lispro protamine/insulin lispro vials
- insulin lispro Subcutaneous
- insulin lispro vials
- Insulin lispro, human
- insulin lispro, recombinant Subcutaneous
- insulin Parenteral
- insulin powder
- Insulin Purified Regular Pork
- insulin regular
- insulin regular innolets
- insulin regular, concentrated U-500
- insulin zinc
- insulin zinc (pork) suspension
- insulin zinc extended
- insulin zinc suspension, extended
- Insulin, human nph
- Insulin, human regular
- Insulin, human regular and human nph mixture
- Insulin, human, zinc suspension
- Insulin, nph
- Insulin, regular
- Insulin, zinc suspension
- Insulina Abasria
- Insulina Actraphane 10 NovoLet
- Insulina Actraphane 10 Penfill
- Insulina Actraphane 20 NovoLet
- Insulina Actraphane 20 Penfill
- Insulina Actraphane 30
- Insulina Actraphane 30 FlexPen
- Insulina Actraphane 30 InnoLet
- Insulina Actraphane 30 NovoLet
- Insulina Actraphane 30 Penfill
- Insulina Actraphane 40 NovoLet
- Insulina Actraphane 40 Penfill
- Insulina Actraphane 50 NovoLet
- Insulina Actraphane 50 Penfill
- Insulina Actrapid
- Insulina Actrapid FlexPen
- Insulina Actrapid Innolet
- Insulina Actrapid NovoLet
- Insulina Apidra OptiClik
- Insulina Apidra OptiSet
- Insulina Gensulin M10 (10/90)
- Insulina Gensulin M20 (20/80)
- Insulina HumaJect M3 (30/70)
- Insulina Humalog Humaject
- Insulina Humalog KwikPen
- Insulina Humalog Mix 25 Humaject
- Insulina Humalog Mix 25 KwikPen
- Insulina Humalog Mix 25 Pen
- Insulina Humalog Mix 50 Humaject
- Insulina Humalog Mix 50 KwikPen
- Insulina Humalog Mix 50 Pen
- Insulina Humalog Mix NPL Pen
- Insulina Humalog NPL
- Insulina Humalog NPL HumaJect
- Insulina Humalog NPL KwikPen
- Insulina Humalog NPL Pen
- Insulina Humalog Pen
- Insulina Humulin M3 KwikPen
- Insulina Insulatard
- Insulina Insulatard FlexPen
- Insulina Insulatard Innolet
- Insulina Insulatard Novolet
- Insulina Insuman
- Insulina Insuman Comb 15
- Insulina Insuman Comb 15 OptiSet
- Insulina Insuman Comb 25 OptiSet
- Insulina Insuman Comb 50
- Insulina Insuman Comb 50 OptiSet
- Insulina Insuman Infusat
- Insulina Insuman Rapid OptiSet
- Insulina Lantus OptiClik
- Insulina Lantus OptiSet
- Insulina Lente "WO-S" alto depur. TZF
- Insulina Liprolog
- Insulina Liprolog Basal
- Insulina Liprolog Basal KwikPen
- Insulina Liprolog Basal Pen
- Insulina Liprolog KwikPen
- Insulina Liprolog Mix 25
- Insulina Liprolog Mix 25 KwikPen
- Insulina Liprolog Mix 25 Pen
- Insulina Liprolog Mix 50
- Insulina Liprolog Mix 50 KwikPen
- Insulina Liprolog Mix 50 Pen
- Insulina Liprolog Pen
- Insulina Maxirapid "WO-S" alto depur. TZF
- Insulina Mixtard 10 NovoLet
- Insulina Mixtard 10 Penfil
- Insulina Mixtard 10 Penfill
- Insulina Mixtard 20 NovoLet
- Insulina Mixtard 20 Penfil
- Insulina Mixtard 20 Penfill
- Insulina Mixtard 30
- Insulina Mixtard 30 FlexPen
- Insulina Mixtard 30 InnoLet
- Insulina Mixtard 30 NovoLet
- Insulina Mixtard 30 Penfil
- Insulina Mixtard 40 NovoLet
- Insulina Mixtard 40 Penfil
- Insulina Mixtard 50 NovoLet
- Insulina Mixtard 50 Penfil
- Insulina NovoMix 30 FlexPen
- Insulina NovoMix 50 FlexPen
- Insulina NovoMix 70 FlexPen
- Insulina NovoMix 70 Penfill
- Insulina NovoRapid
- Insulina NovoRapid FlexPen
- Insulina NovoRapid Innolet
- Insulina NovoRapid NovoLet
- Insulina Optisulin
- Insulina Protaphane
- Insulina Protaphane FlexPen
- Insulina Protaphane InnoLet
- Insulina Protaphane NovoLet
- Insulina Protaphane Penfill
- Insulina Solutio Neutralis "WO-S" alto depur. TZF
- Insulina Velosulin
- Intal
- Intal aerosol solution
- Intal inhalation
- Intal Inhaler
- Intal Inhaler inhalation
- Intal Nebulizer Solution
- Intanza 15 mcg. szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Intanza 9 mcg. szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Integra
- Integra F
- Integra Plus
- Integral
- Integrilin
- Intelectol tablets
- Intelence
- Interceptor Flavor Tabs
- Interferon Alfa
- interferon alfa-2a
- interferon alfa-2a solution
- interferon alfa-2a Subcutaneous
- Interferon alfa-2a, recombinant
- interferon alfa-2b
- interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin
- interferon alfa-2b Injection
- interferon alfa-2b powder
- interferon alfa-2b solution
- Interferon alfa-2b, recombinant
- interferon alfa-n3
- Interferon alfa-n3 (human leukocyte derived)
- interferon alfa-n3 solution
- Interferon Alfacon-1
- interferon alfacon-1 Subcutaneous
- Interferon Beta
- interferon beta-1a
- interferon beta-1a Intramuscular, Subcutaneous, Injection
- interferon beta-1a pens, prefilled syringes
- interferon beta-1a vials
- interferon beta-1b
- interferon beta-1b solution
- interferon beta-1b Subcutaneous
- Interferon Gamma
- interferon gamma Subcutaneous, Injection
- interferon gamma-1b
- Intermezzo
- Intractum Crataegi
- Intractum Hippocastani
- Intractum Hippocastani PhytoPharm
- Intractum Hyperici
- Intractum Melissae
- Intractum Visci
- Intractum Visci PhytoPharm
- Intralipid
- Intralipid 10%
- Intralipid 20%
- Intralipid 30%
- Intratect
- Intrinsa
- Intrinsitinic
- Intron A
- Intron A ( bez albumin )
- Intron-A powder
- Intron-A solution
- IntronA (Alfatronol)
- Intropaste
- Intropaste oral and rectal
- Introval extended-cycle
- Introvale
- Intuniv
- Intuniv extended-release tablets
- inulin Intravenous
- inVag
- Invanz
- Invanz ADD-Vantage
- Invega
- Invega extended-release tablets
- Invega Sustenna
- Inversine
- Invirase
- Invirase capsules
- Invokana
- iobenguane i 123 Intravenous
- iobenguane i 131 Intravenous
- iobenguane I-123
- Iobenguane sulfate I 131
- Iodex Topical
- Iodine
- iodine and potassium iodide (strong iodine)
- iodine I 131/tositumomab
- iodine Topical
- iodixanol
- Iodo Plain
- Iodoflex gel pad
- Iodoflex Topical
- IodoMet-123I
- Iodopen
- Iodopen Sodium Iodide Injection
- iodoquinol
- Iodoquinol topical
- iodoquinol/aloe gel
- Iodoshield Active
- Iodosorb gel
- Iodosorb Topical
- Iodotope
- ioflupane i 123 Intravenous
- ioflupane I-123
- Iohist D
- Iohist DM
- Iomeron 250
- Iomeron 300
- Iomeron 350
- Iomeron 400
- Ionamin
- Ionil Plus shampoo
- Ionil Plus Topical
- Ionil T
- Ionil T Plus
- Ionil T shampoo
- Ionil Topical
- Ionil-T Plus Topical
- Ionite APF Foam
- Ionite APF Gel
- Ionite R
- Ionosol
- Ionosol and Dextrose
- Ionosol MB
- Ionsys
- Ionsys device
- iopamidol
- Iopamidol-370
- Iopamigita
- Iophen DM NR
- Iophen-C NR
- Iopidine
- Iopidine drops
- Iopromide
- iopromide Injection
- Iosat
- ioversol
- Ipecac Syrup
- Ipegen
- Ipertrofan 40
- ipilimumab
- ipilimumab Intravenous
- Iplex
- Ipramol Steri-Neb
- Ipratropium
- ipratropium aerosol suspension
- Ipratropium and Albuterol
- ipratropium and albuterol Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Ipratropium Bromide
- Ipratropium Bromide eent
- Ipratropium Bromide Nebuamp
- Ipratropium Bromide/Albuterol Sulfate
- ipratropium inhalation
- ipratropium Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- ipratropium Nasal
- Ipratropium Nasal 0.03
- Ipratropium Nasal 0.06
- ipratropium solution
- ipratropium spray
- Ipratrovent Sterules
- Ipreziv
- Iprivask
- Ipronal
- IQ Dental Mepivacaine
- Iquix
- Iquix drops
- Irbesartan
- Irbesartan Accord
- Irbesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide
- Irbesartan Fair-Med
- Irbesartan HCT Fair-Med
- Irbesartan HCT Pfizer
- Irbesartan Hydrochlorothiazide Aurobindo
- Irbesartan Hydrochlorothiazide Teva
- Irbesartan Hydrochlorothiazide Winthrop
- Irbesartan Invent Farma
- Irbesartan Miklich
- Irbesartan Pfizer
- Irbesartan Ranbaxy
- Irbesartan Teva
- Irbesartan USV
- Irbesartan Viketo
- Irbesartan Winthrop
- Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Ircolon
- Ircon
- Ircon-FA
- Iressa
- Iricam
- Irinocol
- Irinotecan
- Irinotecan -Ebewe
- Irinotecan CSC
- Irinotecan Fair-Med
- Irinotecan Fresenius (Accord)
- Irinotecan Generics
- Irinotecan hameln rds
- Irinotecan Hospira
- Irinotecan Hydrochloride
- irinotecan Intravenous
- Irinotecan Kabi
- Irinotecan medac
- Irinotecan Seacross
- Irinotecan Stada
- Irinotecan Strides
- Irinotesin
- Iro-Plex
- Irofol
- Iromin G
- iron
- iron and folic acid
- Iron Chews
- Iron Complex
- Iron Dextran
- Iron Hydrogenated Dextran
- iron polysaccharide
- iron polysaccharide/vitamins/folic acid/intrinsic factor/senna
- Iron Preparations, Oral
- Iron Products
- iron sucrose
- iron sucrose injection
- iron sucrose Intravenous
- iron supplement Oral, Parenteral
- iron suspension
- Iron-C
- iron/folic acid/cyanocobalamin/vitamin c/docusate
- iron/folic acid/vitamin c/vitamin b12
- iron/l-methylfolate/vitamin b12/vitamin c
- iron/succinic acid/folic acid
- iron/succinic acid/vitamin c/folic acid/vitamin b12
- iron/succinic acid/vitamin c/vitamin b12/desiccated stomach substance
- iron/vitamin b complex/vitamin c/folic acid Caplets
- iron/vitamin c
- iron/vitamin c/folic acid
- iron/vitamin d liquid
- Irospan 24/6
- Irprezide
- Irritation & Redness Relief
- Irtucalan
- Iscar mali injection
- Iscar mali special injection
- Iscar quercus injection
- Iscar quercus special injection
- Iscover
- Isentress
- Isentress chewable tablets
- Ismelin
- Ismigen szczepionka
- Ismotic
- Iso-Acetazone
- Isocaine
- isocarboxazid
- Isochron
- Isocom
- Isoderm
- Isodettes Sore Throat
- IsoDitrate
- isoetharine inhalation
- Isoflurane
- Isoflurane Veterinary
- Isoket Retard 120
- Isolyte H
- Isolyte M in Dextrose
- Isolyte P in Dextrose
- Isolyte S
- Isolyte S pH 7.4
- Isometheptene Mucate/Dichloralphenazone/Acetaminophen
- Isometheptene, Caffeine, and Acetaminophen Tablets
- Isometheptene, Dichloralphenazone and Acetaminophen Capsules
- isometheptene, dichloralphenazone, and acetaminophen
- Isomil
- Isomil 2
- Isonarif
- Isoniazid
- Isoniazid (Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide; INH)
- isoniazid and rifampin
- Isoniazid Injection
- isoniazid Oral, Intramuscular
- Isoniazid Solution
- Isoniazid Syrup
- isoniazid tablets
- isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and rifampin
- isoniazid/pyrazinamide/rifampin
- isoniazid/rifampin
- Isoplate
- Isoprinosine
- Isopropyl Alcohol
- Isopropyl Alcohol Swabs
- isoproterenol
- Isoproterenol Hydrochloride
- isoproterenol inhalation
- Isoptin
- Isoptin 40
- Isoptin 80
- Isoptin SR
- Isoptin SR controlled-release tablets
- Isoptin SR-E
- Isopto Atropine
- Isopto Atropine Drops
- Isopto Atropine Ophthalmic Solution
- Isopto Carbachol
- Isopto Carbachol drops
- Isopto Carbachol Ophthalmic Solution
- Isopto Carpine
- Isopto Carpine drops
- Isopto Carpine Ophthalmic Solution
- Isopto Cetamide
- Isopto Cetapred
- Isopto Eserine
- Isopto Fenicol
- Isopto Frin
- Isopto Homatropine
- Isopto Homatropine drops
- Isopto Homatropine Ophthalmic Solution
- Isopto Hyoscine
- Isopto Hyoscine drops
- Isopto Hyoscine Ophthalmic Solution
- Isopto Tears
- Isordil
- Isordil Titradose
- Isosorbide
- Isosorbide Dinitrate
- isosorbide dinitrate extended-release
- isosorbide dinitrate Oral, Sublingual
- isosorbide dinitrate/hydralazine
- Isosorbide Dinitrate/Hydralazine Hydrochloride
- Isosorbide Dinitrate/Mononitrate
- isosorbide mononitrate
- Isosorbide Mononitrate Extended Release
- isosorbide mononitrate sustained-release tablets
- Isosorbide mononitrate Vitabalans
- Isosorbidi mononitras Accord
- Isosulfan Blue Injection
- isosulfan blue Subcutaneous
- isotretinoin
- Isotretinoin (13-cis-Retinoic Acid)
- Isotretinoin Jenson
- Isotrex
- Isotrexin
- Isovue
- Isovue-300
- Isovue-370
- Isovue-M
- isoxsuprine
- Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride
- isoxsuprine Oral, Injection
- Ispagul
- isradipine
- isradipine extended-release tablets
- Istalol
- Istalol drops
- Istodax
- Isuprel
- Isuprel Mistometer
- Itami (Diclodermex)
- Itch-X
- Itch-X foam
- Itch-X Lotion
- itraconazole
- itraconazole capsules
- itraconazole solution
- itraconazole tablets
- Itraconazole-Premier Reserch
- ItraPol
- ivacaftor
- Ivarest
- IvDerm otic
- Iveegam
- Iveegam EN
- Iveegam En IGIV
- Iveegam Immuno
- Ivemend
- Iverhart Max
- Ivermax
- Ivermax Injection
- Ivermax Plus Injection
- Ivermectin
- Ivermectin Injection
- ivermectin lotion
- ivermectin Topical application
- Iviprolol
- Ivirosina (Rosuvastatin Sigillata)
- Ivistatyna
- Ivites Rx
- Ivomec
- Ivomec Eprinex Pour-On
- Ivomec Injection
- Ivomec Plus
- Ivomec Pour-On
- Ivomec Premix for Swine
- Ivoxel
- Ivy Block Topical
- Ivy Soothe
- Ivy-Dry Cream topical
- IvyBlock
- IvyStat
- Iwostin HC
- ixabepilone
- ixabepilone Intravenous
- Ixel 25
- Ixel 50
- Ixempra
- Ixiaro
- Ixiaro SA14-14-2
- Izba
- Izepox
- Izotek
- Izotek 10 mg
- Izotek 10mg
- Izotek 20 mg
- Izotek 20mg
- Izotziaja
- J-COF DHC liquid
- J-Max
- J-MAX DHC liquid
- J-Tan D
- J-Tan D chewable tablets
- J-Tan D HC
- J-Tan D SR
- J-Tan D suspension
- J-Tan PD
- J-Tan suspension
- J-TanD PD
- Jack & Jill Cough Syrup
- Jakafi
- Jakavi
- Jalra
- Jalyn
- Jantoven
- Jantoven tablets
- Janumet
- Janumet XR
- Janumet XR extended-release tablets
- Januvia
- Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccine
- Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine Nakayama
- Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine SA14-14-2
- japanese encephalitis virus vaccine, inactivated adsorbed Intramuscular
- japanese encephalitis virus vaccine, inactivated Subcutaneous
- Jardiance
- Jarvis 150
- Jarvis 37,5
- Jarvis 75
- Javlor (fiol.zam.czarnym kor.)
- Javlor (fiol.zam.szarym kor.)
- Jay-Phyl
- Jay-Phyl Syrup
- JayCof-HC
- Jaydess
- Je-Vax
- Je-Vax Nakayama
- Jeanine
- Jencycla
- Jenest
- Jenloga
- Jentadueto
- Jetrea
- Jevantique
- Jevtana
- Jinteli
- Jinteli HRT
- Jodek Potasu G.L. Pharma
- Jodek sodu Na - 131 J
- Jodek sodu Na- 131 J Polatom kapsułki do diagn.
- Jodi Gel 10%
- Jodid 100
- Jodid 200
- Jodox
- Jodthyrox
- Jodyna
- Jodyna 3%
- Jodyna Aflofarm
- Johnson's Baby Cream
- Joint Stress
- jojoba topical
- Jolessa
- Jolessa extended-cycle
- Jolivette
- Jolivette Oral, Implantation, Parenteral
- Jolivette Oral, Parenteral, Vaginal
- Jonosteril Basic z Glukozą
- Jucolon
- Junel
- Junel 1.5/30
- Junel 1.5/30 birth control
- Junel 1/20
- Junel Fe 1.5/30
- Junel Fe 1/20
- Junior Strength Tylenol
- Junior Tylenol Meltaways dispersible tablets
- Just for Kids gel
- Juvesan 2%
- Juvisync
- Juvit C
- Juvit Multi
- Juxtapid
- Juxtapid Capsules
- K+Care ET
- K-10 Solution
- K-Dur
- K-Dur controlled-release tablets
- K-Effervescent
- K-Effervescent Tablets
- K-Lor
- K-Lyte
- K-Lyte/Ci
- K-Lyte/Cl
- K-Lyte/Cl 25
- K-Phos M.F.
- K-Phos Neutral
- K-Phos Neutral Oral, Parenteral
- K-Phos No. 2
- K-Phos Original
- K-phos original (sodium free) tablets
- K-Tab
- K-Tabs extended-release tablets
- K-Tan
- K-Tan 4 Suspension
- K-vescent
- K-Vescent Efffervescent
- K-Y Jelly
- Ka-Pec liquid
- Kabiven
- Kabiven Peripheral
- Kadcyla
- Kadian
- Kadian ER
- Kadian extended-release capsules
- Kalbitor
- Kalcipos-D
- Kaldyum
- Kaletra
- Kaletra capsules
- Kaletra Oral Solution
- Kaletra solution
- Kalexate
- Kalexate Powder
- Kalii chloridum 0,15% +Natrii chloridum 0,9% Kabi
- Kalii chloridum 0,3% +Natrii chloridum 0,9% Kabi
- Kalinox
- Kalium
- Kalium chloratum 15% KABI
- Kalium chloratum WZF 15%
- Kalium effervescens
- Kalium effervescens bez cukr.
- Kalium gluconicum Polfarmex
- Kalium guajacolosulfonicum
- Kalium hypermanganicum Galena
- Kalium Polfarmex
- Kalms
- Kalms Tablets
- Kalydeco
- Kamagel
- Kamistad-Gel
- Kanamycin
- kanamycin Injection
- Kanamycin Sulfate
- Kandesar Comp
- Kank-a
- Kank-A Soft Brush
- Kantrex
- Kao-Paverin
- Kao-Paverin Caps
- Kao-Tin Advanced Formula liquid
- Kao-Tin Bismuth Subsalicylate Formula
- Kao-Tin oral/rectal
- Kaochlor 10
- Kaochlor 20
- Kaodene A-D
- Kaolin Pectin Suspension
- Kaolin/Pectin
- Kaon
- Kaon elixir
- Kaon liquid
- Kaopectate
- Kaopectate 1-D
- Kaopectate Caplet
- Kaopectate Oral, Rectal
- Kaopectate Stool Softener
- Kaopectate suspension
- Kapectolin
- Kapectolin (New Formula)
- Kapidex
- Kapidex Delayed-Release Capsules
- Kapsiplast 10cm x 15cm
- Kapvay
- Kapvay Dose Pack
- Kapvay extended-release tablets
- Karbinal ER
- Karbostad
- Kardium drops
- Karidium
- Karidium Drops
- Kariva
- Karnidin
- Karvea
- Karvezide
- Karwedilol EGIS
- Kasof
- Katadolon
- kava
- Kayexalate
- Kayexalate powder
- Kazano
- KC Defense
- Kcentra
- Kedbumin human
- Keflex suspension
- Kefort
- Kefzol injection
- Keithon
- Kelicardina
- Kelnor
- Kemadrin
- Kemstro
- Ken-Jec 40 injection
- Kenalog
- Kenalog aerosol solution
- Kenalog cream
- Kenalog lotion
- Kenalog Ointment
- Kenalog Orabase
- Kenalog Spray
- Kenalog-10
- Kenalog-10 injection
- Kenalog-10 suspension
- Kenalog-40
- Kenalog-40 injection
- Kenalog-40 suspension
- Kennaf
- Kentera
- Kepivance
- Keppra Injection
- Keppra Intravenous
- Keppra solution
- Keppra tablets
- Keppra XR
- Keppra XR extended-release tablets
- Kera Nail
- Kera-42
- Kerafoam
- Kerafoam 42
- Kerafoam foam
- Keralac
- Keralac cream
- Keralac emulsion
- Keralac Nailstik solution
- Keralyt
- Keralyt gel
- Keralyt Scalp shampoo
- Keralyt Scalp Topical
- Keralyt Shampoo
- Keralyt Topical
- Kerasal
- Kerasal AL
- Kerasal Ultra 20 cream
- Keratol 45 Cream
- Keratol 45 Nail Gel
- Keratol HC
- Keratol HC (obsolete)
- Keratolysin
- Keri Lotion
- Kericort 10
- Kerlone
- Kerol
- Kerol AD
- Kerol emulsion
- Kerol Redi Cloths
- Kerstipon
- Ketalar
- Ketalar (Ketanest 50)
- ketamine
- Ketamine Hydrochloride
- Ketamine Injection
- Ketamine Injection, Concentrate
- ketamine Intramuscular, Intravenous
- Ketanest 10
- Ketanest 50
- Ketaset Injection
- Ketek
- Ketek Pak
- Ketesse 12,5
- Ketesse 25
- Ketesse 50
- Ketesse SL
- Ketilept 150
- Ketocon
- Ketoconazole
- Ketoconazole Cream
- Ketoconazole Foam
- ketoconazole gel
- ketoconazole gel and pyrithione zinc shampoo gel
- Ketoconazole HRA
- ketoconazole shampoo
- Ketoconazole Tablets
- ketoconazole Topical
- ketoconazole/hydrocortisone gel
- Ketodan
- Ketodan foam
- Ketodan Kit foam
- Ketodan Kit Topical
- Ketoderm Topical
- Ketof
- Ketonal UNO
- ketoprofen
- ketoprofen extended-release capsules
- Ketoprofen LGO
- Ketoprom
- Ketopronil
- ketorolac
- ketorolac drops
- Ketorolac Injection
- ketorolac nasal
- ketorolac Ophthalmic
- Ketorolac Ophthalmic Solution
- ketorolac Oral, Intravenous, Injection, Intramuscular
- ketorolac spray
- ketorolac tablets
- Ketorolac Tromethamine
- ketorolac tromethamine drops
- Ketorolac Tromethamine eent
- Ketospray Forte
- Ketosteril
- ketotifen
- ketotifen drops
- Ketotifen Fumarate
- Ketotifen Hasco
- ketotifen ophthalmic
- Ketotifen WZF
- Key-E
- Key-Pred SP
- KG-Hist D
- KGS-PE liquid
- Khedezla
- Khedezla Extended Release
- Khedezla extended-release tablets
- Kid Kare Drops
- Kidcare Cough and Cold
- Kidkare Cough/Cold
- Kidofen
- Kidofen Duo
- Kids Choice
- Kie
- Kinder Biovital
- Kinder Biovital Activ Toffy
- Kinder-Biovital Gel
- Kinerase cream
- Kineret
- kinetin cream
- Kinevac
- Kinlytic
- Kinrix
- Kinzalkomb
- Kinzalmono
- Kionex
- Kionex powder
- Kionex suspension
- Kiovig
- Kirkland Signature Sleep Aid
- Kirklands Childrens Aller-Tec
- Kirklands Signature Aller-Tec
- Kivexa
- Klabion UNO
- Klacid IV
- Klacid Uno
- Klaristat
- Klaron
- Klaron lotion 10%
- Klaron suspension
- Klarytrogen MR
- Klepisal
- Klimadynon
- Klimafemin
- Klimaktoplant
- Klimax
- Klindacin T
- Klonopin
- Klonopin Wafer orally disintegrating tablets
- Klonopin Wafers
- Klor-Con
- Klor-Con EF
- Klor-Con extended-release tablets
- Klor-Con M
- Klor-Con M10 controlled-release tablets
- Klor-Con Powder
- Klor-Con/EF effervescent tablets
- Klotrix
- Klout shampoo
- KneeRelief
- Koala Pals Fluoride Tooth Gel - Berrylicious Flavor
- Koate DVI
- Koate-DVI human
- Koate-DVI injection
- Koate-HP injection
- Kodan Tinktur Forte bezbarwny
- Kodan Tinktur Forte Gefarbt rozt.d/dezynf/przed.oper.
- Koenzym Q-10
- Koferina Tabletki od bólu głowy
- Kofex
- Kofex bez cukru
- Kogenate Bayer
- Kogenate FS
- Kogenate FS injection
- Kogenate FS recombinant
- Kogenate FS w/BIO-SET
- Kogenate FS with BIO-SET
- Kogenate FS with Bioset recombinant
- Kogenate injection
- Kola-Pectin
- Kola-Pectin DS
- Kolbam (Cholic Acid FGK)
- Koldets Cough Drops oral mucous membrane
- Kolephrin
- Kolephrin GG/DM
- Kolmentin
- Kolnatal DHA
- Kolorz Sixty Second Fluoride Foam
- Kolpotex-230
- Kombiglyze XR
- Kombiglyze XR extended-release tablets
- Komboglyze
- Konakion
- Kondremul emulsion
- Konsyl
- Konsyl Fiber
- Konsyl for Kids
- Konsyl Orange Sugar-free
- Konsyl powder
- Konsyl-D
- Konsyl-Orange
- Kontracept
- Konyne 80
- Konyne 80 injectable
- Kophane
- Kopiryna
- Kopiryna od bólu głowy
- Korlym
- Kostya
- Kovia
- Kreon
- Kreon 10 000
- Kreon 40 000
- Kreon Travix (Kreon 10 000)
- Kristalose
- Kristalose crystals
- Kronofed-A
- Kronofed-A-Jr
- Krople gorzkie
- Krople miętowe
- Krople miętowe Aflofarm
- Krople nasercowe
- Krople nasercowe Aflofarm
- Krople nasercowe Cardiacol
- Krople uspokajające
- Krople walerianowe
- Krople żołądkowe
- Krople żołądkowe Amara
- Krople żołądkowe forte
- Krople żołądkowe P
- Krople żołądkowe T
- Krople Żołądkowe z Papaweryną -Fortestomachicae
- Krystexxa
- Ksylometazolin Chlorowodorek Basic Pharma
- Ku-Zyme
- Ku-Zyme HP
- Kunecatechins
- kunecatechins topical
- Kuric
- Kuric cream
- Kurvelo
- Kuterid
- Kutrase
- Kuvan
- Kvelux SR
- Kwas borowy
- Kwas foliowy
- Kwas ibandronowy Liconsa
- Kwelcof
- Kwell Topical
- Kwellada Lotion 1% Topical
- Kwetaplex Starter
- Kwetaplex XR (Kwetax XR)
- Kwetax
- Kwetiapina NEUROPHARMA
- Kwetinor
- Kybernin P
- Kynamro
- Kyprolis
- Kytril
- Kytril Injection
- Kytril solution
- Kytril tablets
- Kytta-Salbe f
- L-Carnitine
- L-Cetirinax
- L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Injection
- L-cystine
- L-M-X4 cream
- L-Methyl-B6-B12 Tablets
- L-Methyl-MC Tablets
- l-methylfolate
- L-Methylfolate Calcium
- L-Methylfolate Formula
- l-methylfolate with vitamins b6 and b12
- l-methylfolate/b12/b6/b2
- l-methylfolate/methylcobalamin/n-acetylcysteine
- l-methylfolate/vitamin b12/n-acetylcysteine
- L-tryptophan
- La Prairie Anti-Aging Day Cream
- La Prairie Cellular Radiance Emulsion
- La Vaquita Extra Strength
- Labetalol
- Labetalol Hydrochloride
- labetalol Intravenous
- Labetalol Tablets
- Lac-Hydrin
- Lac-Hydrin 5
- Lac-Hydrin cream
- Lac-Hydrin lotion
- Lacidipine Teva
- Lacidofil
- Laclotion
- Laclotion 12% lotion
- Lacosamide
- lacosamide Intravenous
- lacosamide solution
- lacosamide tablets
- Lacri-Lube S.O.P.
- Lacri-Lube S.O.P. ointment
- Lacrimal
- Lacrisert
- Lacrisert insert
- Lactaid
- Lactaid chewable tablets
- Lactaid original strength caplets
- Lactaid Ultra chewable tablets
- lactase
- Lactase (beta-D-galactosidase)
- lactase chewable tablets
- Lactated Ringer's Irrigation
- Lactated Ringers
- Lacteol Fort 170 mg
- Lacteol Fort 340 mg
- lactic acid cream
- Lactic Acid E Cream
- Lactic Acid Lotion
- lactic acid with vitamin e
- lactic acid/salicylic acid/urea
- Lacticare-HC
- Lactinex granules
- Lactinol lotion
- Lactinol-E
- Lactobacillus Acidophilus
- lactobacillus acidophilus and bulgaricus
- lactobacillus acidophilus/bifidobacterium
- lactobacillus granules
- lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
- Lactobif
- Lactocal-F
- Lactovaginal
- Lactulogel
- lactulose
- Lactulose Abbott
- lactulose crystals
- Lactulose Fresenius
- lactulose solution
- Lactulose-MIP
- Lactulosum Aflofarm
- Lactulosum Amara
- Lactulosum Arrow
- Lactulosum HASCO
- Lactulosum Polfarmex
- Lactulosum Takeda
- Lady Comfort
- Ladybon
- Lagesic
- Lagesic controlled-release tablets
- Lagosa
- Lakcid
- Lakcid forte
- Lakcid L
- Lakea HCT
- Laktomag
- Laktomag B6
- Lameptil S
- Lamictal
- Lamictal CD
- Lamictal chewable dispersible tablets
- Lamictal ODT orally disintegrating tablets
- Lamictal Orally Disintegrating Tablets
- Lamictal XR
- Lamictal XR extended-release tablets
- Lamifortan active
- Lamisil AT
- Lamisil AT Athletes Foot
- Lamisil AT Continuous Spray
- Lamisil AT cream
- Lamisil AT creams (athlete's foot jock itch)
- Lamisil AT for Women
- Lamisil AT Gel
- Lamisil AT Jock Itch
- Lamisil AT Spray
- Lamisil AT Topical
- Lamisil Dermgel Topical
- Lamisil Oral Granules
- Lamisil Topical
- Lamisilatt
- Lamisilatt (Lamisil)
- Lamisilatt 1
- Lamisilatt Dermgel
- Lamisilatt Spray
- Lamisilk Heel Balm
- Lamivudine
- Lamivudine (3TC)
- lamivudine and zidovudine
- Lamivudine and Zidovudine Tablets
- Lamivudine Mylan
- lamivudine solution
- Lamivudine Teva
- Lamivudine Teva Pharma B.V.
- Lamivudine/Zidovudine
- Lamivudine/Zidovudine Teva
- Lamiwudyna/Zydowudyna Mylan
- Lamotrigine
- Lamotrigine Aurobindo
- lamotrigine chewable dispersible tablets
- Lamotrigine Extended Release Tablets
- lamotrigine orally disintegrating tablets
- Lamotrigine Tablets
- Lamozor
- Lamprene
- Lan-O-Soothe
- Lanabiotic ointment
- Lanacane
- Lanacane aerosol spray
- Lanacane Maximum Strength
- Lanacane with Aloe
- Lancetan
- Langerin
- Laniroif
- Lanolin
- lanolin topical
- Lanolina bezwodna
- Lanolor Cream
- Lanoxicaps
- Lanoxin
- Lanoxin elixir
- Lanoxin Injection Pediatric
- Lanoxin Intravenous
- Lanoxin Pediatric
- Lanoxin Pediatric Intravenous
- Lanoxin tablets
- lanreotide
- Lanreotide Acetate
- lanreotide Subcutaneous
- Lansinoh for Breast Feeding Mothers
- Lansonrazolum VP (Renazol)
- Lansoprazol Qualitec
- lansoprazole
- lansoprazole and naproxen
- lansoprazole delayed-release capsules
- lansoprazole orally disintegrating tablets
- lansoprazole powder packet
- Lansoprazole, Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin
- Lansoprazole/Naproxen
- lanthanum carbonate
- Lantrea
- Lantrea ODT
- Lantus
- Lantus cartridge systems
- Lantus SoloStar
- Lantus Solostar cartridge systems
- Lantus Solostar pens
- Lantus vials
- Lanzapin
- Lanzogen
- Lanzogen 30
- Lanzomyl
- Lapase
- lapatinib
- Lapatinib Ditosylate
- Laprides
- Laremid
- Lariam
- Larin 1/20
- Larin Fe 1.5/30
- Larin Fe 1/20
- LarkaDrin Capsules
- Larodopa
- Laronidase
- laronidase Intravenous
- Larynex
- Laryng-O-Jet
- Laryng-O-Jet Spray
- Laryngesic lozenges
- Lasix
- Lasix Injection
- Lassar's Paste
- Lastacaft
- Lastacaft drops
- Latacris
- Latano-POS
- Latanoprost
- Latanoprost 1A PHARMA
- latanoprost drops
- Latanoprost Mylan
- Latanoprost NTC
- latanoprost ophthalmic
- Latanoprost Ophthalmic Solution
- Laticort -CH
- Latisse
- Latisse solution
- Latiteva
- Latrix
- Latrix XM emulsion
- Latuda
- laureth-9 polidocanol
- Laurina
- lavender
- Laventair
- Lavistina
- Laviv
- Lavoclen Cream
- Lavoclen-4
- Lavoclen-4 Creamy Wash
- Lavoclen-8
- Lavoclen-8 Creamy Wash
- Lawenol
- Lawenol (spir.lawendowy)
- Laxamix 1
- laxative
- Laxative Gentle Suppositories
- laxative Oral
- laxative Rectal
- Laxitab
- Laxmar
- Laxmar Orange
- Laxmar Sugar Free
- Laxol
- Lazanda
- Lazanda nasal
- Lazanda Nasal Spray
- Lazanda spray
- Lazer Creme (obsolete) topical
- Lazer Creme topical
- Lazerformalyde solution
- Lazivir
- Leader 8 Hour Pain Reliever
- Leader Acid Control
- Leader Acid Reducer
- Leader Acid Reducer Maximum Strength
- Leader All Day Allergy
- Leader Allergy D 12
- Leader Allergy Relief
- Leader Allergy Relief D-24
- Leader Allerhist
- Leader Anti-Diarrheal
- Leader Childrens Ibuprofen
- Leader Heartburn Relief
- Leader Lice Solution
- Leader Mineral Oil Enema rectal
- Leader Naproxen Sodium
- Leader Nicotine Polacrilex gum, lozenge
- Leader Sleep Aid
- Leaks No More
- Lecalpin
- Lecithin
- Lecithin Natural
- Lecithin-Softgels
- Lecrolyn
- Lecytyna E (Leciton)
- Lecytyna Plus
- Leena
- Leena birth control
- leflunomide
- Leflunomide ratiopharm
- Leflunomide Teva
- Leflunomide Winthrop
- Legalon 140
- Legatrin PM
- Legend
- LEHNING Acidum phosphor.compositum Nr.5
- LEHNING Amphosca a l'orchitine
- LEHNING Badiaga Complexe Nr 47
- LEHNING Berberis Complexe Nr 83
- LEHNING China Complexe Nr 107
- LEHNING Echinacea Complexe Nr 40
- LEHNING Fucus Complexe Nr 111
- LEHNING Gelsemium Complexe Nr 70
- LEHNING Homeomag
- LEHNING Lachesis Complexe Nr 122
- LEHNING Mercurius solubilis Complexe Nr 39
- LEHNING Nux vomica Complexe Nr 49
- LEHNING Passiflora G.H.L.
- LEHNING Phytotux Ipeca Compose
- LEHNING Rexorubia
- LEHNING Santaherba
- LEHNING Sinuspax
- LEHNING Urarthone
- LEHNING Voxpax
- Lekap
- Leko do dezynfekcji
- LEKO Zestaw iniekcyjny
- Lekoptin
- Lemohist Plus
- Lemtrada
- lenalidomide
- Lendacin
- Lendacin 1 g
- Lendacin 2 g
- Lente Iletin II suspension
- Lenuxin
- LenzaPatch patch
- Lepirudin
- lepirudin Intravenous
- Leponex
- Lercan
- Lercaprel
- Lerpin
- Lescol XL extended-release tablets
- Lesine
- Lesinelle
- Lesiplus
- Lessina
- Let Me Clarify Gel
- Letairis
- Letin -Oil /z wiesiołka/
- Letralan
- Letraxon
- Letrofem
- Letronorm
- Letrozol Teva
- letrozole
- Letrozole Accord
- Letrozole Fair-Med Healthcare
- Letrozole Welding
- Letrozolum Genthon
- leucovorin
- Leucovorin Calcium
- Leucovorin Calcium (Citrovorum Factor; Folinic Acid)
- Leucovorin Injection
- leucovorin Oral, Intravenous, Injection
- leucovorin powder
- leucovorin solution
- Leucovorin Tablets
- Leukine
- Leukoscan
- Leukotrap CP2D Solution
- leuprolide
- Leuprolide Acetate
- leuprolide and norethindrone
- leuprolide and norethindrone Intramuscular, Oral
- leuprolide depot Suspension
- leuprolide implant
- leuprolide Intramuscular, Subcutaneous, Intradermal, Injection
- leuprolide kit
- leuprolide suspension
- Leustatin
- Leutipol
- Leuzek
- Levacet
- Levact
- Levalbuterol
- levalbuterol aerosol
- levalbuterol inhalation
- levalbuterol Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- levalbuterol solution
- levalbuterol solution (concentrate)
- Levall
- Levall 12
- Levall 5.0
- Levall 5.0 liquid
- Levall G
- Levall solution
- Levall-12 suspension
- levamisole
- Levaquin
- Levaquin in 5% dextrose injection
- Levaquin Intravenous
- Levaquin Oral Solution
- Levaquin solution
- Levaquin tablets
- Levatol
- Levbid
- Levbid extended-release tablets
- Levemir
- Levemir cartridges
- Levemir Flexpen
- Levemir vials
- Leventa Solution
- Leverette
- Levetiracetam
- Levetiracetam -Generics
- Levetiracetam Accord
- Levetiracetam Actavis Group
- Levetiracetam Aurobindo
- Levetiracetam Extended Release Tablets
- Levetiracetam Fair-Med Healthcare
- Levetiracetam GSK
- Levetiracetam Hospira
- Levetiracetam Injection
- Levetiracetam Injection, Concentrate
- levetiracetam Intravenous
- Levetiracetam Krka
- Levetiracetam Mylan
- Levetiracetam Orion
- Levetiracetam Ratiopharm
- Levetiracetam Sanovel
- levetiracetam solution
- Levetiracetam Stada
- Levetiracetam SUN
- levetiracetam tablets
- Levetiragamma
- Levitra
- Levlen
- Levlite
- Levmetamfetamine
- Levo-Dromoran
- Levo-Dromoran oral/injection
- Levo-Dromoran Tablets
- levobetaxolol ophthalmic
- Levobunolol
- levobunolol drops
- Levobunolol Hydrochloride
- levobunolol ophthalmic
- Levobupivacaine Kabi
- levocabastine Ophthalmic
- levocarnitine
- Levocarnitine Injection
- Levocarnitine Oral Solution
- levocarnitine Oral, Intravenous
- levocarnitine solution
- Levocarnitine Tablet
- Levocetirizine
- Levocetirizine Bristol Laboratories
- Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride
- Levocetirizine dihydrochloride Fair-Med
- Levocetirizine dihydrochloride Zentiva
- Levocetirizine Oral Solution
- levocetirizine solution
- levodopa
- Levodopa+Carbidopa Mylan
- Levodopa/Carbidopa
- Levodopa/Carbidopa/Entacapone Orion
- levofloxacin
- levofloxacin drops
- Levofloxacin eent
- levofloxacin eye drops
- Levofloxacin FP
- Levofloxacin Genoptim (Levofloxacin Macleods)
- Levofloxacin Injection Concentrate
- levofloxacin Intravenous
- Levofloxacin Kabi
- levofloxacin Ophthalmic
- Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution
- Levofloxacin Oral Solution
- Levofloxacin Sanovel
- levofloxacin solution
- levofloxacin tablets
- Levofloxacinum B.Braun
- Levofolic
- levoleucovorin
- Levoleucovorin 1
- Levoleucovorin Calcium
- levoleucovorin Intravenous
- Levomefolate DHA
- LevomefolatePNV
- levomethadyl
- levomilnacipran
- levomilnacipran extended-release capsules
- Levonest
- Levonor
- Levonorgestrel
- Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol
- Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraceptive
- levonorgestrel Intrauterine
- levonorgestrel intrauterine system
- levonorgestrel iud
- levonorgestrel/ethinyl estradiol
- Levophed
- Levophed Bitartrate
- Levopront
- Levora
- levorphanol
- levorphanol oral/injection
- levorphanol tablets
- Levorphanol Tartrate
- Levosert
- Levothroid
- Levothyroxine
- levothyroxine capsules
- Levothyroxine Injection
- Levothyroxine Sodium
- Levothyroxine Sodium (T4; L-thyroxine)
- levothyroxine solution
- Levoxa
- Levoxyl
- Levsin
- Levsin Drops
- Levsin Elixir
- Levsin tablets
- Levsin/SL
- Levsinex extended-release capsules
- Levsinex SR
- Levulan
- Levulan Kerastick
- Levulan Kerastick solution
- Levulan Kerastick Topical
- Levulose
- Lewetyracetam PMCS
- Lewomezin
- Lexapro
- Lexapro MELTZ
- Lexapro solution
- Lexapro; also available generically
- Lexiscan
- Lexiva
- Lexiva suspension
- Lexotan
- Lextril
- Lexuss 210 Liquid
- Lexxel
- Lialda
- Lialda delayed-release tablets
- Libertek
- Librax
- Librax capsules
- Libritabs
- Librium
- Librium injection
- Lice Bedding Spray
- Lice Treatment gel
- Lice Treatment Maximum Strength
- Lice-X Topical
- Licide shampoo
- Licide Topical
- Lickables Nutritional Gel
- Lickables Nutritional Gel Caviar
- Lickables Nutritional Gel Chicken
- licorice
- Licosil
- Lida Mantle HC
- Lida Mantle Topical
- Lida Mantle Topical application
- LidAll Patch
- LidaMantle
- LidaMantle cream
- LidaMantle HC cream
- LidaMantle HC lotion
- LidaMantle HC pad
- LidaMantle HC Relief
- LidaMantle HC topical/rectal
- Lidazone HC topical/rectal
- Lidemol
- Lidex
- Lidex Topical Solution
- Lidex cream
- Lidex gel
- Lidex Mild
- Lidex Ointment
- Lidex Regular
- Lidex solution
- Lidex-E
- Lidex-E cream
- Lidocain-EGIS
- Lidocaine
- lidocaine aerosol
- Lidocaine and Dextrose
- Lidocaine and Dextrose Intraspinal
- Lidocaine and Epinephrine Injection
- Lidocaine and Hydrocortisone Cream
- Lidocaine and Hydrocortisone Gel
- Lidocaine and Hydrocortisone Rectal Cream
- lidocaine and hydrocortisone Topical application, Rectal
- Lidocaine and Prilocaine
- lidocaine and prilocaine Gingival
- lidocaine and prilocaine Topical
- lidocaine and tetracaine Topical application
- Lidocaine Cream
- lidocaine foam
- lidocaine gel
- Lidocaine Grindeks
- Lidocaine Hydrochloride
- Lidocaine Hydrochloride (Antiarrhythmic)
- Lidocaine Hydrochloride (Local Anesthetic)
- Lidocaine Hydrochloride (Local)
- Lidocaine Hydrochloride/Epinephrine
- Lidocaine Hydrochloride/Prilocaine
- lidocaine injection
- lidocaine Intradermal
- lidocaine intradermal system
- Lidocaine Jelly
- Lidocaine Laryngotracheal Solution
- lidocaine liquid
- Lidocaine Lotion
- lidocaine ointment
- lidocaine Ophthalmic
- Lidocaine Oropharyngeal Solution
- lidocaine Pad
- lidocaine patch
- Lidocaine Rectal Cream
- lidocaine solution
- Lidocaine Spray
- lidocaine Topical
- lidocaine Topical application
- Lidocaine Topical Oral Solution
- Lidocaine Topical Oral Solution 4%
- Lidocaine Viscous
- lidocaine/benzalkonium cream
- lidocaine/benzalkonium spray
- lidocaine/hydrocortisone cream
- lidocaine/hydrocortisone lotion
- lidocaine/hydrocortisone pad
- lidocaine/prilocaine cream
- lidocaine/prilocaine disc
- lidocaine/prilocaine periodontal gel
- Lidocaine/Prilocaine Plethora
- lidocaine/tetracaine patch
- LidoCort
- Lidocort topical/rectal
- Lidocream
- Lidodent
- Lidoderm
- Lidoderm patch
- Lidoderm Topical
- Lidoderm Topical application
- Lidogel smak wiśniowy
- LidoPen
- Lidoposterin
- LidoRx
- LidoRx Gel
- Lidosense 5 Cream
- Lidosense5
- LidoSite
- LidoSite Patch iontophoretic patch
- Life health - bios life 2 drink mix
- Life health - core health supplement
- Life health - daily produce 24 capsules
- Lifepak capsules
- Lignadren
- Lignocain 2%
- Lignocainum hydrochloric. WZF 1%
- Lignocainum hydrochloric. WZF 2%
- Lignocainum Jelfa A
- Lignocainum Jelfa U
- Lignocainum WZF 5% Grave
- Lignospan Forte Injection
- Lignospan Injection
- Lignox
- Ligosan
- Limagin (Linomag)
- Limbitrol
- Limbitrol DS
- Limbrel
- Limbrel 250
- Limbrel 500
- Limbrel250
- Limbrel500
- Limetic
- Limfocept
- linaclotide
- Linagliptin
- linagliptin and metformin
- linagliptin/metformin
- Linatera
- Lincocin
- LincoMed 300
- Lincomix
- lincomycin
- Lincomycin Hydrochloride
- lincomycin Oral, Injection
- Lindane
- Lindane Lotion
- Lindane lotion usp 1%
- lindane shampoo
- Lindane shampoo usp 1%
- lindane Topical
- Lindron
- Lindynette
- Linezolid
- linezolid Intravenous
- linezolid Intravenous, Oral
- linezolid oral/injection
- Linezolid Polpharma
- Linezolid Sandoz
- linezolid suspension
- linezolid tablets
- Linhist-L.A.
- Linimentum Capsici Compositum
- Linimer
- Linoeparol
- Linola
- Linomag
- Linzess
- Lioresal
- Lioresal Double Strength
- Lioresal Intrathecal
- Lioresal Intrathecal 0,05 mg/ml
- Lioresal Intrathecal 10 mg/20 ml
- Lioresal Intrathecal 10 mg/5 ml
- liothyronine
- liothyronine Intravenous
- Liothyronine Sodium
- Liothyronine Sodium (T3; triiodothyronine)
- liothyronine tablets
- Lioton 1000
- Liotrix
- Lioven Max
- Lipancrea 16 000
- Lipancrea 8000
- Lipanthyl
- Lipanthyl NT 145
- Lipasterix
- Lipegis
- Lipiodol Ultra-Fluide
- Lipitor
- Lipodox
- Lipodox 50
- Lipofen
- Lipofundin 10% N
- Lipofundin 20% N
- Lipofundin MCT/LCT 10% LZ
- Lipofundin MCT/LCT 20% LZ
- Lipohep
- Lipoic acid
- Lipomal
- Lipomal 6 Plus (Lipomal)
- Liposic
- Liposyn
- Liposyn III
- Liposyn II
- Lipram
- Lipram UL Capsules (Enteric-Coated)
- Liproxal 400
- Liptruzet
- Liptruzet Tablets
- LiQsorb
- Liquadd
- Liquadd Solution
- Liqui-Char
- Liqui-Coat HD oral and rectal
- Liqui-Coat Suspension
- Liqui-Doss emulsion
- Liqui-Dual Citra
- Liqui-DualCitra
- Liqui-Histine-D
- Liqui-Minic Infant
- Liquibid
- Liquibid D-R
- Liquibid-D
- Liquibid-D sustained-release tablets (12 hour)
- Liquibid-PD
- Liquicet
- Liquicough HC
- Liquid Barosperse oral and rectal
- Liquid Calcium with Vitamin D
- Liquid Calcium-Magnesium Strawberry Flavor
- Liquid Co-Q10
- Liquid E-Z Paque
- Liquid E-Z Paque oral and rectal
- Liquid PedvaxHIB
- Liquid Polibar oral and rectal
- Liquid Polibar Plus oral and rectal
- Liquid Vitamin D-3
- Liquihistine DM
- Liquimat Light
- Liquimat Medium
- Liquimat Topical
- LiquiPrep solution
- Liquor Carbonis Detergens Topical
- Liraglutide
- liraglutide Subcutaneous
- Lirona
- Lirra Gem
- lisdexamfetamine
- Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate
- Lisigen
- Lisinopril
- lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide
- Lisinopril Pfizer
- Lisinopril-1A (Lisdene)
- Lisinopril/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Lisonid 10
- Lisonid 20
- Lisonid 5
- Lisonid HCT
- Lispecip
- Lispro-PFC
- Listermint rinse
- Litak
- Litecoat Aspirin
- Lithane
- lithium
- Lithium Capsules
- Lithium Carbonate
- Lithium Carbonate Tablets
- Lithium Citrate Syrup
- lithium controlled-release and extended-release tablets
- Lithium ER
- Lithium Oral Solution
- Lithium Salts
- lithium syrup
- Lithobid
- Lithobid controlled-release and extended-release tablets
- Lithostat
- Litocid
- Little Bottoms Daily Care Spray
- Little Colds Decongestant drops
- Little Colds Decongestant/Cough drops
- Little Colds Multi-Symptom drops
- Little Fevers
- Little Fevers Children's Fever/Pain Reliever
- Little Noses Decongestant
- Little Tummys
- Little Tummys Laxative Drops
- Liv 52
- Livalo
- Livazo
- Livensa
- Liver Aid
- Liver preparations
- Livial
- Livitrinsic-F
- Livostin
- LMD Injection
- LMX 4
- LMX 4 Topical
- LMX 4 Topical application
- LMX 4 with Tegaderm
- LMX 5
- LMX 5 cream
- LMX 5 Topical
- LMX 5 Topical application
- lnventum (Xalugra)
- lnventum 100 (Xalugra)
- lnventum 50 (Xalugra)
- Lo Loestrin Fe
- Lo Loestrin Fe birth control
- Lo Minastrin Fe
- Lo Minastrin Fe chewable tablets
- Lo-Hist 12 12-hour sustained-release tablets
- Lo/Ovral
- Lo/Ovral-28
- Locacid
- Locatop
- Loceryl
- Locholest
- Locholest Light
- Locoid
- Locoid cream
- Locoid Crelo
- Locoid Lipocream
- Locoid lipocream cream
- Locoid Lipocream Topical application
- Locoid Lotion
- Locoid Ointment
- Locoid Solution
- Locoid Topical application
- Lodine
- Lodine XL
- Lodosyn
- Lodotra 1 mg
- Lodotra 2 mg
- Lodotra 5 mg
- lodoxamide
- lodoxamide Ophthalmic
- Lodoxamide Tromethamine
- Lodrane 12 Hour
- Lodrane 12 Hour 12-hour sustained-release tablets
- Lodrane 12D
- Lodrane 12D sustained-release tablets
- Lodrane 24 24-hour sustained-release capsules
- Lodrane 24D
- Lodrane D
- Lodrane D suspension
- Lodrane Liquid
- Loestrin 1.5/30
- Loestrin 1.5/30 Oral
- Loestrin 1/20
- Loestrin 1/20 Oral
- Loestrin 21 1.5/30 birth control
- Loestrin 21 1/20
- Loestrin 24 Fe
- Loestrin Fe
- Loestrin Fe 1.5/30
- Loestrin Fe 1/20
- Lofibra
- Lofibra Capsules
- Lofradyk
- Lofral 5
- Logest
- Lohist
- Lohist PD Drops
- LoHist PEB
- LoHist PSB
- LoHist-12D
- LoHist-D
- Lohist-DM
- LoHist-PD
- LoKara
- LoKara lotion
- Lokomotiva
- Lokren 20
- Lomedia 24 Fe
- lomefloxacin
- Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride
- Lomir SRO
- lomitapide
- Lomocot
- Lomotil
- Lomotil solution
- Lomustine
- lomustine (CCNU)
- Longavital
- Loniten
- Lonox
- Loosyn
- Lopacut
- Loper
- loperamide
- loperamide capsules
- Loperamide Galpharm
- Loperamide Hydrochloride
- Loperamide Oral Solution
- loperamide solution
- loperamide/simethicone
- Lophlex smak neutralny
- Lophlex smak owoców leśnych
- Lophlex smak pomarańczowy
- Lopid
- Lopigalel
- Lopinavir and Ritonavir
- lopinavir/ritonavir
- lopinavir/ritonavir capsules
- lopinavir/ritonavir solution
- Lopressor
- Lopressor HCT
- Lopressor Injection
- Lopressor Intravenous
- Lopressor tablets
- Loprox
- Loprox Cream
- Loprox Gel
- Loprox shampoo
- Loprox Suspension
- Loprox Topical
- Loprox Topical Suspension
- Loprox TS Topical
- Loquen
- Lorabid
- Lorabid Pulvules
- Lorabid suspension
- Loracarbef
- loracarbef suspension
- Lorafen
- loratadine
- Loratadine -1A Pharma (Lorahexal)
- loratadine and pseudoephedrine
- loratadine capsules
- loratadine chewable tablets
- Loratadine Galpharm
- Loratadine Oral Solution
- loratadine orally disintegrating tablets
- Loratadine Reditab
- loratadine syrup
- Loratadine Tablet
- Loratadine-D 12 Hour
- Loratadine-D 24 Hour
- loratadine/pseudoephedrine 12-hour sustained-release tablets
- loratadine/pseudoephedrine 24-hour sustained-release tablets
- Loratadine/Pseudoephedrine Sulfate
- Loratadyna
- Loratadyna Egis
- Loratadyna Pylox
- Loratan pro
- Loratine
- lorazepam
- Lorazepam Concentrate
- lorazepam Injection
- Lorazepam Intensol
- Lorazepam Orion
- lorazepam solution
- lorcaserin
- Lorcaserin Hydrochloride
- Lorcet
- Lorcet Plus
- Lorcet Tablets
- Lordestin
- Lorinden A
- Lorinden C
- Lorinden lotio
- Lorinden N
- Lorinespes
- Loristiven
- Lormed 7,5
- Loroxide
- Loroxide Topical
- Lortab
- Lortab ASA
- Lortab liquid
- Lortab Oral Solution
- Lortab Tablets
- Lortab tablets and capsules
- Lortuss DM
- Lortuss DM (obsolete)
- Lortuss DM Elixir
- Lortuss DM liquid
- Lortuss EX
- Lortuss HC
- Lortuss HC liquid
- Lortuss LQ
- Lortuss LQ liquid
- Loryna
- Lorzone
- Lorzone Tablets
- Losacomb
- Losarlic 100
- Losarlic 12,5
- Losarlic 50
- Losartan
- losartan and hydrochlorothiazide
- Losartan Arrow
- Losartan HCT Pfizer
- Losartan Hydrochlorotiazyd Krka
- Losartan Kalium Jubilant
- Losartan Pfizer
- Losartan Potassium
- Losartan Potassium and Hydrochlorothiazide
- Losartan potassium Hydrochlorothiazide Liconsa
- Losartan Potassium/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Losartan Tecnimede
- Losartan+HCT Arrow
- Losartan-1A Pharma
- Losartan-ratiopharm
- losartan/hydrochlorothiazide
- Losartic HCT
- LoSeasonique
- LoSeasonique extended-cycle
- Losec
- Lositala
- Losiwuto
- Lostanorm
- Lostar
- Lotemax
- Lotemax 0,5%
- Lotemax drops
- Lotemax Eye Gel
- Lotemax Eye Ointment
- Lotemax gel
- Lotemax ointment
- Lotemax ophthalmic suspension 0.5%
- Lotemax sterile ophthalmic suspension 0.5%
- Lotensin HCT
- loteprednol and tobramycin Ophthalmic
- loteprednol drops
- Loteprednol Etabonate
- loteprednol etabonate and tobramycin Ophthalmic
- loteprednol gel
- loteprednol ointment
- loteprednol ophthalmic
- loteprednol/tobramycin drops
- Lotio Zinci
- Lotrel
- Lotriderm
- Lotriderm Topical
- Lotrimin
- Lotrimin AF
- Lotrimin AF Cream
- Lotrimin AF cream, lotion, solution, and jock itch cream
- Lotrimin AF For Her
- Lotrimin AF Jock Itch
- Lotrimin AF lotion
- Lotrimin AF powder
- Lotrimin AF Solution
- Lotrimin AF spray
- Lotrimin AF Topical
- Lotrimin cream
- Lotrimin cream 1%
- Lotrimin Jock Itch Powder
- Lotrimin lotion 1%
- Lotrimin Topical
- Lotrimin topical solution 1%
- Lotrimin ultra cream 1%
- Lotrisone
- Lotrisone cream
- Lotrisone lotion
- Lotrisone Topical
- Lotronex
- Lovastatin
- lovastatin and niacin
- lovastatin extended-release tablets
- Lovastatinum Sandoz
- Lovaza
- Lovenox
- Low-Ogestrel
- Low-Ogestrel-28
- loxapine
- loxapine Inhalation
- loxapine powder
- Loxapine Succinate
- Loxelza
- Loxitane
- Loxitane C
- Loxon 2%
- Loxon 5%
- Lozi-Flur
- Lozi-Flur lozenges
- Lozol
- LTA II Kit
- LTA Pediatric Kit
- LTA Preattached 360 Kit
- Lubexyl
- lubiprostone
- Lubri-Soft
- lubricant drops
- Lubricant Eye Drops
- Lubriderm
- Lubriderm advanced therapy creamy lotion
- Lubriderm advanced therapy moisturizing lotion
- Lubriderm daily uv lotion
- Lubriderm seriously sensitive lotion
- Lubriderm skin firming lotion
- Lubriderm skin therapy moisturizing lotion
- Lucentis
- Lucentis ophthalmic
- Lucetam
- lucinactant
- lucinactant Intratracheal
- Lucrin PDS
- Luden's Honey Lemon Throat Drops oral mucous membrane
- Ludent Fluoride Chews
- Ludiomil
- Luffa operculata
- Lufyllin
- Lufyllin-400
- Lufyllin-GG
- Lufyllin-GG liquid
- Lufyllin-GG Solution
- Lugols Strong Iodine Solution
- Luivac
- luliconazole cream
- luliconazole topical
- luliconazole Topical application
- Lulina
- Lumewal
- Lumicain
- Lumigan drops
- Luminal
- Luminity
- Lumitene
- Lumizyme
- Lumizyme injection
- Lunapret
- Lunelle
- Lunelle Monthly Contraceptive
- Lunesta
- Lupaneta Pack
- Lupaneta Pack depot suspension
- Lupicare Topical
- Lupron
- Lupron Depot
- Lupron Depot 11.25 mg depot suspension
- Lupron Depot 3.75 mg suspension
- Lupron Depot depot suspension
- Lupron Depot suspension
- Lupron depot--3 month 11.25 mg
- Lupron depot--3 month 22.5 mg
- Lupron depot--4 month 30 mg
- Lupron Depot-Gyn
- Lupron Depot-Ped
- Lupron depot-PED 7.5 mg, 11.25 mg and 15 mg
- Lupron Depot-PED kit
- Lupulina
- lurasidone
- Lurasidone Hydrochloride
- Luride
- Luride chewable tablets
- Luride Drops
- Lusair
- Lusedra
- Lusonal
- Lusonal liquid
- Lusonex
- Lusonex controlled-release tablets
- Lustra
- Lustra Cream
- Lustra-AF
- Lustra-Ultra
- LutaPol
- Lutein
- Lutenyl
- Lutera
- Lutinus
- Lutrate Depot
- lutropin alfa
- lutropin alfa Subcutaneous
- Luttagen
- Luveris
- Luveris 75
- Luvox
- Luvox CR
- Luvox CR extended-release capsules
- Luxiq
- Luxiq foam
- Luzu
- Luzu cream
- Lybrel
- Lycelle
- Lyderm
- Lydia E. Pinkham
- lyme disease vaccine (recombinant ospa) Intramuscular
- Lymphazurin
- Lymphazurin 1%
- Lymphdiaral basic
- Lymphdiaral sensitiv
- lymphocyte immune globulin
- lymphocyte immune globulin, anti-thymocyte globulin (equine)
- Lymphomyosot
- Lymphoseek
- Lymphozil
- Lymphozil H
- Lyphocin
- Lyrica solution
- lysine
- Lysiplex elixir
- Lysodren
- Lysteda
- Lytensopril
- Lyxumia
- Lyza
- Lyza Tablets
- M-Clear
- M-Clear WC
- M-End DM
- M-End DMX
- M-END DMX liquid
- M-End Max D
- M-End Max D liquid
- M-End PE
- M-End PE liquid
- M-End WC
- M-Klyx
- M-M-R II
- M-M-R II szcz.przeciw od-św.róż.
- M-M-R II Vaccine
- M-M-RVAXPRO szcz.przeciw od-św.róż.
- M-Zole 3
- M-Zole Dual Pack
- M.V.I. pediatric for injection
- M2 Chromium
- M2 Potassium
- M2 Zinc 50
- ma huang
- Maalox
- Maalox 70
- Maalox Advanced Maximum Strength
- Maalox Advanced Regular Strength
- Maalox Antacid Antigas Regular Strength
- Maalox Antacid Barrier
- Maalox Anti-Diarrheal
- Maalox Anti-Gas
- Maalox Anti-Gas chewable tablets
- Maalox Anti-Gas Extra Strength
- Maalox bez cukru
- Maalox Childrens'
- Maalox concentrate
- Maalox Daily Fiber Therapy
- Maalox Max
- Maalox Plus
- Maalox Quick Dissolve
- Maalox Quick Dissolve Maximum Strength
- Maalox Regular Strength
- Maalox Total Stomach Relief
- Maasol
- MabCampath
- Mabthera
- macitentan
- Macmiror
- Macmiror complex
- Macmiror complex 500
- Macnatal CN with DHA
- Macrobid
- Macrodantin
- Macrodantin Macrocrystalline Capsules
- Macromax
- Macroratio
- Macrotec
- Macugen
- Macutek Smooth Dissolve Tablets
- Made
- Madinette
- Madopar HBS 125
- Mafenide Acetate
- mafenide cream
- mafenide solution
- mafenide topical
- Mafenide Topical Solution
- Mag 2
- Mag 2 Oral, Topical application, Route Not Applicable
- Mag 64
- Mag-200
- Mag-Caps
- Mag-Delay
- Mag-G
- Mag-Gel 600
- Mag-Ox
- Mag-Ox 400
- Mag-Sol
- Mag-SR
- Mag-SR sustained-release tablets
- Mag-Tab SR
- Magaant
- magaldrate
- Magaldrate (Hydroxymagnesium Aluminate)
- magaldrate suspension
- magaldrate/simethicone suspension
- Magdelay
- Magespan
- MagGel
- Magic Bullet
- Magic Mouthwash
- Maginex
- Maginon
- Maglek B6
- Magmilax Bolus
- Magnacet
- Magnalax
- Magne-B6
- Magne-B6 Forte
- Magne-Balans Plus
- MagneBind 400
- Magnefar B6 JUNIOR
- Magnegita
- Magnelium
- Magnesium
- magnesium amino acids chelate
- Magnesium Asparticum Filofarm
- Magnesium Chloride
- Magnesium Chloride Injection
- magnesium chloride sustained-release tablets
- Magnesium Citrate
- Magnesium Citrate Liquid
- magnesium citrate solution
- magnesium gluconate
- magnesium gluconate liquid
- magnesium hydroxide
- magnesium hydroxide chewable tablets
- magnesium hydroxide suspension
- magnesium hydroxide/mineral oil suspension
- magnesium lactate
- Magnesium Oxide
- magnesium salicylate
- magnesium salicylate/phenyltoloxamine
- Magnesium Sulfate
- magnesium sulfate granules
- Magnesium Sulfate in Dextrose Injection
- magnesium sulfate injection
- magnesium sulfate Oral, Topical application, Route Not Applicable
- Magnesium Sulfate-Sodium Chloride injection
- magnesium supplement Oral, Parenteral
- Magnesium Water
- Magnesium+E-Vitamin-Ratiopharm
- Magnesium-Rougier
- Magnesium-Rougier Oral, Topical application, Route Not Applicable
- Magnesol 150
- Magnevist
- Magnez
- Magnez 120
- Magnez+witamina B6 Biofarm
- Magnez-Biofarm (Magnefar)
- Magnezin
- Magnezu siarczan
- Magnezu siarczan GEMI
- Magnezu Siarczan Siedmiowodny Aflofarm
- Magnokal
- Magonate
- Magonate liquid
- Magonate Natal
- Magsal
- Magsolvit B6
- Magtrate
- Magvit B6
- Maintain
- Majamil
- Majamil PPH
- Major Childrens Ibuprofen
- Major Heartburn Relief Maximum Strength
- Major-gesic
- Makena
- Malarone
- Malarone Pediatric
- Malathion
- malathion Topical
- Maldemar
- Maldroxal Plus
- Malgacid
- Maltan
- Maltoferrochin
- Mamostrol
- Mandelamine
- Mandelay
- mangafodipir Intravenous
- Manganese
- Manganese Sulfate Injection
- manganese supplement Oral, Parenteral
- Mangimin
- Mannitol
- Mannitol (Diuretic)
- Mannitol 15% Baxter
- Mannitol 20% Baxter
- Mannitol 20% Fresenius
- Mannitol 20% LZ
- mannitol Inhalation
- Mannitol Injection
- Mannitol Irrigation
- Manti
- Manti Forte smak miętowy
- Manti Gastop
- Manti smak miętowy
- Manti smak owocowy
- Manusan 4%
- Manusan 4% nakrętka
- Manusan 4% z dozownikiem
- Maolate
- Mapap
- Mapap Arthritis Pain
- Mapap Children's suspension
- Mapap Cold Formula
- Mapap Cough & Sinus Formula
- Mapap Extra Strength Rapid Burst
- Mapap Infant Drops
- Mapap Infants suspension drops
- Mapap Infants'
- Mapap Meltaway
- Mapap PM
- Mapap Rapid Release Gelcaps
- Mapap Rapid Tabs
- Mapap rectal
- Mapap Sinus Congestion and Pain
- Mapap suppositories
- Mapresol
- Maprotiline
- Maprotiline HCl
- Maprotiline Hydrochloride
- Mapryl
- Mar-cof BP
- Mar-cof BP liquid
- Mar-cof CG
- maraviroc
- Marbodin
- Marcaine
- Marcaine 0.5%
- Marcaine Adrenaline 0.5%
- Marcaine HCl
- Marcaine solution
- Marcaine Spinal
- Marcaine Spinal 0.5% Heavy
- Marcaine Spinal solution
- Marcaine with Epinephrine
- Mardrops-DX drops
- Mardrops-EX liquid
- Mareol
- Marezine
- Margesic
- Margesic Oral
- Marine Lipid Concentrate
- Marinol
- Marixino
- Marlissa
- Marlyn formula 50 capsules
- Marmot Ointment maść z sadła świstaka
- Marnatal-F
- Marnatal-F Plus
- Marplan
- Marqibo
- Marqibo injection
- Marquis
- Marten-Tab
- Marvelon
- Marvelon 21
- Marvelon 28 - White Tablet
- Masanti
- Masanti DS
- Masanti Supreme suspension
- Masporin Otic
- Mass appeal tablets
- Massengill baby powder scent soft cloth towelette
- Massengill feminine cleansing wash
- Massengill Medicated Soft Cloth
- Mastodynon
- Mastodynon N®
- Materna
- Materna z selenem
- Maternity
- Matever
- Matulane
- Matzim LA
- Mavik
- Max HC liquid
- Maxair
- Maxair Autohaler
- Maxalt
- Maxalt RPD
- Maxalt RPD 10
- Maxalt-MLT
- Maxalt-MLT orally disintegrating tablets
- Maxaquin
- Maxaron Forte
- Maxaron Forte Capsules
- MaxEPA
- Maxi-Tuss HCG liquid
- Maxi-Tuss HCX
- Maxi-Tuss HCX liquid
- Maxiban 72
- Maxibar oral and rectal
- Maxibiotic
- Maxichlor PEH DM
- Maxichlor PSE DM
- Maxidex
- Maxidex eent
- Maxidex Ophthalmic Ointment
- Maxidex suspension
- Maxidone
- Maxifed
- Maxifed CD
- Maxifed CDX
- Maxifed DM
- Maxifed DM controlled-release and sustained-release tablets
- Maxifed DMX
- Maxifed-G
- Maxifed-G CD
- Maxifed-G CDX
- Maxiflor
- Maxiflor cream
- Maxiflu CD
- Maxiflu CDX
- Maxiflu DM
- Maxigra
- Maxigra Go
- Maximaroll
- Maximum D3
- Maximum Strength Orajel Pm
- Maximum strength tylenol allergy sinus day time caplets, gelcaps, and geltabs
- Maximum strength tylenol sinus day non-drowsy geltabs, gelcaps, and caplets
- Maxinate
- Maxiphen
- Maxiphen ADT
- Maxiphen CD
- Maxiphen CDX
- Maxiphen DM
- Maxiphen-G DM
- Maxipime
- Maxipime ADD-Vantage
- Maxipime injection
- MaxiTears Dry Eye Formula
- Maxitrol
- Maxitrol drops
- Maxitrol ointment
- Maxitrol Ophthalmic Ointment
- Maxitrol Ophthalmic Suspension
- MaxiVision Omega-3 Formula
- Maxzide
- Maxzide-25
- May-vita elixir
- Mazanor
- mazindol
- Maść arnicae
- Maść arnikowa
- Maść arnikowa arnimax
- Maść Borna
- Maść borna Aflofarm
- Maść borowinowa
- Maść bursztynowa
- Maść bursztynowa 10%
- Maść cynkowa
- Maść cynkowa 10%
- Maść cynkowa Aflofarm
- Maść cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym
- Maść ichtiolowa
- Maść ichtiolowa "Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn"
- Maść ichtiolowa 10%
- Maść Ichtiolowa Aflofarm
- Maść kamforowa
- Maść kamforowa (FP.IV)
- Maść kamforowa Gemi
- Maść majerankowa
- Maść majerankowa Aflofarm
- Maść majerankowa Gemi
- Maść majerankowa Lab.Galenowe Olsztyn
- Maść na odciski
- Maść na odciski Aflofarm
- Maść na odleżyny
- Maść nagietkowa
- Maść nagietkowa nagietex
- Maść nagietkowa Ziaja
- Maść ochronna z witaminą A
- Maść Pięciornika złożona
- Maść pięciornikowa złożona
- Maść propolisowa
- Maść propolisowa 3%
- Maść przeciw odciskom
- Maść przeciw odciskom i zgr.skóry Rekord Łuszczy
- Maść rumiankowa
- Maść Smocza (Bals.Świątynia Niebios)
- Maść szałwiowa
- Maść tranowa
- Maść tranowa Aflofarm
- Maść witaminowa gojąca
- Maść witaminowa ochronna
- Maść z Ichtamolem
- Maść z koziego masła Goats Butt.Oint.
- Maść z sulfobituminianem amonowym
- Maść z tlenkiem cynku
- Maść z tlenkiem cynku GEMI
- Maść z witaminą A
- Mb-Tab
- MCT Oil
- MD Hydrocortisone
- MD-76R
- MDP Utilipak
- MDP-Bracco
- Me-500
- ME-Gastroview
- measles and rubella virus vaccine live Intramuscular, Injection
- measles virus vaccine
- Measles virus vaccine, live
- measles virus vaccine, live Subcutaneous
- Measles, mumps rubella virus vaccine, live
- measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine
- Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine
- Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine, Live
- measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine live Subcutaneous, Intramuscular
- measles, mumps, rubella and varicella virus vaccine
- measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine
- measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella virus vaccine live Subcutaneous
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella Virus Vaccine, Live
- Meaxin
- Mebaral
- Mebaral tablets, usp
- mebendazole
- Mebrofenin
- Mecadox
- mecamylamine
- Mecamylamine Hydrochloride
- Mecamylamine Hydrochloride Tablets
- mecasermin
- mecasermin rinfabate
- mecasermin Subcutaneous
- mechlorethamine
- mechlorethamine gel
- Mechlorethamine Hydrochloride
- mechlorethamine Intravenous
- mechlorethamine topical
- mechlorethamine Topical application
- Meclan
- Meclicot
- Meclizine
- meclizine chewable tablets
- Meclizine Hydrochloride
- meclocycline sulfosalicylate topical
- Meclofenamate
- Meclofenamate Sodium
- Meclomen
- Mecorlong
- Mecortolon
- Mecortolon N
- Med Amoxicillin
- Med Amoxicillin Oral
- Med Clobetasol Scalp Application
- Med Minoxidil Topical
- Medazepam
- Medazepam TZF
- Medebar Plus oral and rectal
- Medebar Super 250 oral and rectal
- Medebar Suspension
- Medent C
- Medent LD
- Medent-DMI
- Medent-LDI
- Medent-PE
- Medent-PEI
- Mederma
- Mederma for kids topical gel
- Mederma gel
- Mederma topical gel
- Medi-Cortisone Maximum Strength
- Medi-Derm L with Lidocaine RX
- Medi-Derm RX
- Medi-Lice Maximum Strength Topical
- Medi-Lyte
- Medi-Pad
- Medi-Paste
- Medi-Patch with Lidocaine
- Medi-Quik Spray
- Medi-Quik topical
- Medi-Seltzer effervescent tablets
- Medi-Sleep
- Medi-Tabs
- Medical Air Compressed
- medical food product
- Medicone
- Medicone Hemorrhoidal rectal
- Medicone Maximum Strength
- Medicone Ointment
- Medigesic
- Medigesic Oral
- Medigox
- Medihaler Ergotamine
- Medihaler-Epi
- Medihaler-Iso
- Medikinet CR 50 mg
- Medikinet CR 5mg
- Medikinet CR 60 mg
- Medilip
- Mediplast
- Mediplast Topical
- Meditonsin
- medium chain triglycerides
- Medotar ointment
- Medotar Topical
- Medox
- Medrox ointment
- Medrox-Rx Ointment
- Medroxyprogesterone
- Medroxyprogesterone Acetate
- medroxyprogesterone injectable
- medroxyprogesterone injectable suspension
- medroxyprogesterone injectable suspension (subcutaneous)
- Medroxyprogesterone Injection
- medroxyprogesterone Intramuscular
- medrysone ophthalmic
- Medtax
- Mefacit
- mefenamic acid
- mefloquine
- Mefloquine Hydrochloride
- Mefoxin
- Mefoxin Premixed
- Mega antioxidant tablets
- Mega-B tablets
- Mega-C
- Mega-C-Acid-Plus
- Mega-Trim
- Megace ES
- Megace ES suspension
- Megace Oral Suspension
- Megace Os
- Megace suspension
- Megadose tablets
- Megavite Rx
- Megesin
- Megestrol
- Megestrol Acetate
- megestrol suspension
- Megestrol Tablets
- Meglimid
- Meglispes
- meglumine antimoniate Intravenous, Injection
- Mekinist
- Melamin Skin Bleaching Cream
- Melamix Skin Lightener Cream
- Melanex topical solution
- melatonin
- melatonin controlled-release tablets
- melatonin/l-tryptophan
- Melatonina + B6
- Melatonina LEK-AM
- Melatonina o smaku pomarańczowym
- Melfiat
- MELIS-Tonic
- Melisal forte
- Melisana Klosterfrau
- Melissed
- Mellaril
- Mellaril-S
- Melobax 15
- Melobax 7,5
- Meloksam
- Melokssia
- Melotev
- Meloxic
- meloxicam
- Meloxicam Arrow 15
- Meloxicam Arrow 7,5
- Meloxicam Aurobindo 15
- Meloxicam Aurobindo 7,5
- meloxicam suspension
- Meloxicamum 123Ratio (Melotev)
- MeloxiLek 15
- MeloxiLek Activ
- Melpaque HP
- Melphalan
- melphalan Intravenous
- melphalan oral/injection
- melphalan tablets
- Melquin cream
- Melquin HP
- Melquin-3
- Melyd 1
- Melyd 2
- Melyd 3
- Melyd 4
- Melyd 6
- Memabix
- Memantin G.L.
- Memantin NeuroPharma (Memantyna NEUROPHARMA)
- memantine
- Memantine Accord
- Memantine Alvogen
- memantine extended-release capsules
- Memantine Glenmark
- Memantine Hydrochloride
- Memantine Lek
- Memantine Merz
- Memantine Mylan
- Memantine Orion
- Memantine ratiopharm
- memantine solution
- memantine tablets
- Memantine Teva
- Memantine Vipharm
- Memantyna Abdi
- Members Mark Cetirizine
- Members Mark Loratadine
- MembraneBlue
- Memigmin
- Memiranum
- Memotropil
- Memotropil (Piracetam)
- Memotropil 20 %
- Men's rogaine extra strength topical solution, ocean rush scent and original unscented
- Men's Rogaine Topical
- Men-phor
- Menactra
- Menactra Intramuscular
- Menaval-20
- Menest
- MenHibrix
- Meni-D
- Meningitec
- Meningo A+C
- meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine
- meningococcal (a, c, y, w-135) oligosaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine
- meningococcal (a, c, y, w-135) polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine
- meningococcal (c, y) and haemophilus b tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine
- meningococcal conjugate vaccine
- meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine Subcutaneous
- meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine, diphtheria conjugate Intramuscular
- Meningococcal Vaccine
- meningococcal vaccine (a, c, y, w-135)
- meningococcal vaccine and haemophilus b vaccine Intramuscular
- meningococcal vaccine, diphtheria conjugate Intramuscular
- Menitorix
- Menogen
- Menogon
- Menomune
- Menomune-A/C/Y/W-135
- Menopause Formula Progesterone
- Menopause Support
- Menopur injectable
- Menostar
- Menostar Transdermal
- Menostar weekly patch
- menotropins
- menotropins injectable
- Mens Kirkland Minoxidil Extra Strength
- Mensapex
- Menstrual PMS
- Mentadent Advanced Breath Freshening
- Mentadent Toothpolish
- Mentax
- Mentax cream
- Mentax Topical
- Menthac Arthritis Cream with Capsaicin
- Mentho-Paraffinol
- Mentho-Paraffinol Aflofarm
- Mentho-Paraffinol Hasco
- Menthoderm cream
- Menthol C
- menthol cream
- menthol lotion
- menthol spray
- menthol topical oral mucous membrane
- menthol/zinc oxide ointment
- Mentholatum Deep Heating
- Mentholatum Natural Chest Rub
- Mentholatum Ointment
- Mentholatum Pain Gel
- Mentholatum Pain Patch
- Mentholaxin
- Menthosept
- Mentowal
- Menveo
- Menveo szczepionka przeciw menigokokom
- mepenzolate
- Mepenzolate Bromide
- meperidine
- meperidine and promethazine
- Meperidine and Promethazine Capsules
- Meperidine Hydrochloride
- Meperidine Injection
- meperidine syrup
- meperidine tablets
- meperidine/promethazine
- Meperitab
- Mepharis 1
- Mepharis 2
- Mepharis 3
- Mepharis 4
- Mephator
- mephenytoin
- Mephobarbital
- Mephyton
- Mepidont 2% z adren.1:100,000
- Mepidont 3%
- mepivacaine
- Mepivacaine and Levonordefrin
- Mepivastesin
- meprobamate
- meprobamate and aspirin
- Mepron
- Mepron tablets
- Meprozine
- mequinol and tretinoin Topical
- mequinol/tretinoin
- Meramyl 1,25 mg
- Merandex
- Mercaptopurine
- Mercilon
- Meribin
- Meridia
- Meridia 10
- Merinfec
- Merional
- Meronem
- meropenem
- Meropenem ACIC
- Meropenem Genoptim (Meropental)
- Meropenem Hospira
- meropenem Intravenous
- Meropenem Kabi
- Meropenem Noridem
- Meropenem Sandoz
- Meropenem Teva
- Meropenem Zentiva
- Merrem
- Merrem I.V.
- Merrem IV
- Meruvax II
- Merz Spezial Dragees
- Mesalamine
- Mesalamine (5-aminosalicylic acid, 5-ASA)
- Mesalamine Controlled-Release Capsules
- mesalamine delayed-release capsules
- mesalamine delayed-release tablets
- mesalamine enema
- mesalamine extended-release capsules
- mesalamine Rectal
- Mesalamine Rectal Suspension
- mesalamine suppositories
- Mesalazyna
- Mesantoin
- Mesasal Oral, Rectal
- Mesasal Rectal
- Mesehist DM
- mesna
- mesna Intravenous
- mesna oral/injection
- mesna tablets
- Mesnex
- Mesnex Injection
- Mesnex oral/injection
- Mesnex tablets
- mesoridazine
- Mestinon controlled-release tablets
- Mestinon syrup
- Mestinon tablets
- Mestinon Timespan
- mestranol and norethindrone
- mestranol/norethindrone
- Metacam Injection
- Metadate CD
- Metadate CD controlled-release capsules
- Metadate ER
- Metaderm Mild
- Metaderm Regular
- Metafen
- Metafen Ibuprofen (Aprofen)
- Metafen Zatoki
- Metafen żel Forte
- Metafen żel Forte (Ibufen)
- Metaglip
- Metahistine D
- Metajodobenzyloguanidyna 123 I (MIG-123 I)
- Metajodobenzyloguanidyna 131 I (MIG-131 I) do diagn.
- Metajodobenzyloguanidyna 131 I (MIG-131 I) do terapii
- Metalyse 10000 j.m.
- Metalyse 6000 j.m.
- Metalyse 8000 j.m.
- Metamucil
- Metamucil Berry Burst Smooth Texture Sugar Free
- Metamucil Orange Coarse Milled Original Texture
- Metamucil Orange Smooth Texture
- Metamucil Orange Smooth Texture Sugar Free
- Metamucil original texture powder, orange flavor
- Metamucil original texture powder, regular flavor
- Metamucil Original Texture Regular
- Metamucil Pink Lemonade Smooth Texture Sugar-Free
- Metamucil Plus Calcium
- Metamucil powder
- Metamucil Smooth Texture powder
- Metamucil smooth texture powder, orange flavor
- Metamucil smooth texture powder, sugar-free, orange flavor
- Metamucil smooth texture powder, sugar-free, regular flavor
- Metamucil Unflavored Coarse Milled Original Texture
- Metamucil Unflavored Smooth Texture Sugar Free
- Metamucil wafers
- Metamucil wafers, apple crisp and cinnamon spice flavors
- Metanabol
- Metanx
- Metaprel
- metaproterenol
- metaproterenol aerosol
- metaproterenol Inhalation
- metaproterenol solution
- Metaproterenol Sulfate
- Metaproterenol Syrup
- Metaproterenol Tablets
- Metaraminol bitartrate
- Metastron
- Metatrace FDG
- Metaxalone
- Metazydyna
- Metazydyna MR
- Meted shampoo
- Meteospasmyl
- Metex PEN
- Metforatio 850
- metformin
- Metformin 1A Pharma
- metformin and pioglitazone
- metformin and repaglinide
- metformin and rosiglitazone
- metformin and saxagliptin
- metformin and sitagliptin
- Metformin Aurobindo
- metformin extended-release tablets
- metformin extended-release/pioglitazone
- Metformin Hydrochloride
- metformin solution
- Metformin SR Actavis
- Metformin Teva
- Metformin USV
- Metformin Vitabalans
- metformin/pioglitazone
- methacholine solution
- Methadex
- Methadone
- methadone concentrate
- Methadone Diskets
- methadone dispersible tablets
- Methadone HCl Intensol
- Methadone Hydrochloride
- Methadone Injection
- Methadone Oral Concentrate
- Methadone Powder
- Methadone Solution
- Methadose
- Methadose Conc
- Methadose concentrate
- Methadose Disp
- Methadose dispersible tablets
- methamphetamine
- Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
- Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Desoxyephedrine Hydrochloride)
- methazolamide
- Methedex
- Methenamine
- Methenamine and Methenamine Salts
- Methenamine Hippurate
- Methenamine Mandelate
- Methenamine Mandelate Tablets
- methenamine/sodium biphosphate
- methenamine/sodium phosphate
- Methergine
- Methergine Injection
- Methergine oral and injectable
- Methergine tablets
- methimazole
- methionine
- Methitest
- Methocarbamol
- Methocarbamol Espefa
- methocarbamol Injection
- methocarbamol tablets
- methohexital
- Methotrexat
- methotrexate
- Methotrexate (Amethopterin; MTX)
- Methotrexate Injection
- methotrexate Oral, Injection
- Methotrexate Sodium
- methotrexate tablets
- methoxsalen
- methoxsalen hard-gelatin capsules
- methoxsalen Injection
- methoxsalen lotion
- methoxsalen soft-gelatin capsules
- methoxsalen Topical
- Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol/Epoetin Beta
- Methscopolamine
- Methscopolamine Bromide
- methscopolamine/phenylephrine extended-release tablets
- methscopolamine/pseudoephedrine extended-release tablets
- Methsuximide
- methyclothiazide
- Methyl Aminolevulinate
- methyl aminolevulinate cream
- methyl aminolevulinate topical
- methyl aminolevulinate Topical application
- methyl salicylate topical
- methyl salicylate/benzocaine/menthol lotion
- methyl salicylate/menthol cream
- methyl salicylate/menthol lotion
- methylcellulose
- methylcellulose eye drops
- methylcellulose powder
- Methyldopa
- methyldopa and hydrochlorothiazide
- Methyldopa and Methyldopate Hydrochloride
- methyldopa Oral, Intravenous
- Methyldopa/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Methyldopate
- methyldopate hydrochloride
- Methylene Blue
- Methylene Blue Injection
- methylene blue oral and injection
- methylene blue Oral, Intravenous
- methylergonovine
- methylergonovine Injection
- Methylergonovine Maleate
- Methylergonovine Maleate Injection
- Methylergonovine Maleate Tablets
- methylergonovine oral and injectable
- methylergonovine tablets
- Methylin
- Methylin chewable tablets
- Methylin ER
- Methylin ER controlled-release tablets
- Methylin Oral Solution
- Methylin solution
- methylnaltrexone
- Methylnaltrexone Bromide
- methylnaltrexone Subcutaneous
- Methylphen Tablets
- methylphenidate
- Methylphenidate CD Capsules
- methylphenidate chewable tablets
- methylphenidate controlled-release capsules
- methylphenidate controlled-release tablets
- Methylphenidate ER Capsules
- methylphenidate extended-release capsules
- methylphenidate extended-release tablets
- Methylphenidate Hydrochloride
- Methylphenidate Oral Solution
- methylphenidate Oral, Transdermal
- methylphenidate solution
- methylphenidate suspension
- methylphenidate system
- Methylphenidate Tablets
- methylphenidate Transdermal
- Methylpred-DP
- Methylprednisolone
- Methylprednisolone Acetate
- methylprednisolone Injection
- Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate
- Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate Injection
- methylprednisolone solution
- Methylprednisolone Sopharma
- methylprednisolone suspension
- Methylprednisolone Tablets
- Methylprednisolone Teva
- methylsulfonylmethane
- Methyltestosterone
- methysergide
- Meticorten
- Metimyd
- Metindol
- Metindol retard
- Metindonium
- Metipranolol
- metipranolol drops
- metipranolol ophthalmic
- Metizol
- Metocard ZK
- Metoclopramide
- Metoclopramide Hydrochloride
- Metoclopramide Injection
- metoclopramide Intravenous
- Metoclopramide Oral Solution
- metoclopramide orally disintegrating tablets
- metoclopramide solution
- metoclopramide syrup
- Metoclopramide Tablets
- Metoclopramidum 0,5% Polpharma
- Metoclopramidum Polpharma
- Metogen SC
- MetoHexal 100 ZK
- MetoHexal 150 ZK
- MetoHexal 200 ZK
- MetoHexal 25 ZK
- MetoHexal 50 ZK
- Metoject
- metolazone
- Metopirone
- Metoprolol
- Metoprolol -1A Pharma
- metoprolol and hydrochlorothiazide
- Metoprolol Biofarm ZK
- metoprolol Intravenous
- Metoprolol Succinate
- metoprolol succinate extended-release tablets
- metoprolol tartrate
- Metoprolol Tartrate Injection
- metoprolol tartrate tablets
- Metoprolol Tartrate/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Metoprolol VP
- Metoprolol VP (Metoprolol)
- metoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide
- metoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide extended-release tablets
- Metoprololum 123ratio
- Metoratio ZK
- Metostad
- Metozolv ODT
- Metozolv ODT orally disintegrating tablets
- Metral
- Metrival
- Metro
- Metrocream
- MetroCream cream
- Metrocream Topical
- Metrodin
- MetroGel
- Metrogel 1%
- MetroGel cream
- MetroGel gel
- MetroGel Pump
- Metrogel Topical
- MetroGel Vaginal gel
- MetroGel-Vaginal
- Metrolotion
- MetroLotion cream
- Metrolotion Topical
- Metronidazol
- Metronidazol 0,5% Fresenius
- Metronidazol 0.5% Polpharma
- Metronidazol Chema
- Metronidazol Jelfa
- Metronidazol Polpharma
- metronidazole
- Metronidazole B.Braun
- metronidazole capsules
- Metronidazole Cream
- metronidazole emulsion
- metronidazole extended-release tablets
- metronidazole gel
- Metronidazole Hydrochloride
- Metronidazole Injection
- metronidazole Intravenous
- Metronidazole Lotion
- metronidazole Oral, Intravenous
- metronidazole tablets
- metronidazole topical
- metronidazole Vaginal
- Metronidazole Vaginal Gel
- Metvix
- Metvixia
- Metvixia cream
- Metvixia topical
- metyrapone
- metyrosine
- Mevacor
- Mexan 15 mg
- Mexan 7,5 mg
- Mexar
- Mexar wash
- Mexicord
- mexiletine
- Mexiletine Hydrochloride
- Mexitil
- Mezavant
- MG 217 Psoriasis
- MG 217 Topical
- MG Plus Protein
- MG217 Medicated Tar
- MG217 Medicated Tar lotion
- Mg217 Sal-Acid Topical
- Mi-Acid
- Mi-Acid Double Strength
- Mi-Acid Gas Relief
- Mi-Acid II
- Mi-Omega
- Mi-Omega NF
- Miacalcic
- Miacalcic Nasal 200
- Miacalcic Nasal 50
- Miacalcin
- Miacalcin Injection
- Miacalcin Nasal
- Miacalcin Nasal Spray
- Miacalcin Ns
- Miacalcin Parenteral
- Miacalcin spray
- Mibitec
- Micaderm
- micafungin
- micafungin Intravenous
- Micafungin Sodium
- Micardis HCT
- Micatin
- Micatin Cooling Action
- Micatin cream
- Micatin Foot Powder
- Micatin Foot Powder Deodorant
- Micatin Jock Itch
- Micatin Liquid Foot
- Micatin spray
- Micatin Topical
- Micetal
- Micon 7
- Miconal
- Miconazole
- Miconazole 3
- miconazole and zinc oxide topical
- miconazole Buccal mucosa
- miconazole cream
- miconazole gel
- miconazole liquid
- miconazole lotion
- Miconazole Nitrate
- Miconazole Nitrate/Zinc Oxide
- miconazole oral buccal
- miconazole powder
- miconazole spray
- miconazole suppositories
- miconazole topical
- miconazole vaginal
- miconazole/zinc/white petrolatum
- MiCort-HC
- Micotil 300
- Micrainin
- MicRhogam Ultra-Filtered
- MicRhoGAM Ultra-Filtered Plus
- Micro-Guard
- Micro-Guard Topical
- Micro-K
- Micro-K 10
- Micro-K extended-release capsules
- Microcort
- Microdiet dietary supplement
- Microgestin
- Microgestin 1.5/30
- Microgestin 1/20
- Microgestin Fe
- Microgestin FE 1.5/30
- Microgestin Fe 1/20
- Microlaxregula
- Microlipid
- Micronase
- Micronefrin Nebulizer Solution
- Microser
- Microshield Dodesept C
- Microshield Dodesept T
- Microzide
- Midamor
- Midanium
- midazolam
- Midazolam Accord
- Midazolam Hydrochloride
- midazolam Injection
- Midazolam Injection Hospira
- Midazolam Sandoz
- midazolam syrup
- Midazolam-MIP
- Midazolam-MIP 1mg/ml LZ
- Midiana
- midodrine
- Midodrine Hydrochloride
- Midol
- Midol Extended Relief
- Midol Maximum Strength Menstrual
- Midol PM
- Midol PMS
- Midol PMS Maximum Strength
- Midrin
- Mifeprex
- mifepristone
- mifepristone tablets
- MIG dla dzieci
- MIG Forte dla dzieci o smaku truskawkowym
- Migard
- Migea
- Migergot oral/rectal
- Migergot suppositories
- Migergot Suppository
- miglitol
- Miglustat
- Migquin
- Migragesic IDA
- Migralam
- Migranal
- Migranal nasal
- Migranal Nasal Spray
- Migranal spray
- Migrapap
- MigraTen
- Migratine
- Migrazone
- Migrenoxin
- Migrin-A
- Migropar
- Mikanisal
- Mikonazol VP
- Miktosan
- Milantex
- Milbemite
- Milgamma 100
- Milgamma N
- Milifen
- Milk of Magnesia
- milk thistle
- Milkhouse CHG Teat Tip
- Milkhouse Iodine Teat Dip
- Milkhouse Pre-Post Teat Dip
- Milkhouse Sprayable CHG Teat Tip
- Millipred
- Millipred DP
- Millipred solution
- Millipred Tablets
- milnacipran
- Milnacipran Hydrochloride
- Milocardin
- Milrinone
- Milrinone Dextrose
- Milrinone Injection
- Milrinone Lactate
- Milrinone Lactate in Dextrose Injection
- Miltown
- Miltuss
- MILUPA Basic-P
- MILUPA PKU 2 Shake truskaw.-wanil.
- MILUPA PKU 3 Shake pomarańcz.
- Milvane
- Mimpara
- Mimvey
- Minaphlex smak waniliowo-ananasowy
- Minastrin 24 Fe
- Minastrin 24 Fe birth control
- Mineral Ice Gel
- Mineral Oil
- mineral oil emulsion
- mineral oil enema
- Mineral Oil Light
- Mineral Oil Light NF
- mineral oil liquid
- mineral oil rectal
- mineral oil/hydrophilic petrolatum ointment
- minerals with folic acid
- Minerals, multiple
- minerals/iron
- Miniderm
- Minidyne solution
- Minims Chloramphenicol 0.5%
- Minims Cyclopentolate 0.5%
- Minims Cyclopentolate 1%
- Minims Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
- Minims Pilocarpine 2%
- Minims Pilocarpine 4%
- Minipress
- Miniprin
- Minirin
- Minirin 0,1
- Minirin 0,2
- Minirin spray
- Minisiston
- Minit Rub
- Minitran
- Minitran 10
- Minitran 5
- Minitran patch
- Minitran transdermal
- Minivelle
- Minivelle Oral, Parenteral, Topical application, Transdermal
- Minivelle Transdermal
- Minizide
- Minocin
- Minocin injection
- Minocin Kit
- Minocin pellet-filled capsules
- minocycline
- Minocycline Capsules
- minocycline extended-release tablets
- Minocycline Hydrochloride
- Minocycline Hydrochloride eent
- minocycline hydrochloride Subgingival
- minocycline injection
- minocycline microspheres
- minocycline pellet-filled capsules
- minocycline Subgingival
- Minocycline Tablets
- Minox Topical
- Minoxidil
- minoxidil foam (for men)
- Minoxidil Lavineli
- minoxidil solution
- minoxidil topical
- Mintex
- Mintex DM
- Mintex HC liquid
- Mintex PD
- Mintex PSE liquid
- Mintezol
- Mintezol suspension
- Mintox
- Mintox Plus chewable tablets
- Mintuss DR
- Mintuss DR Syrup
- Mintuss MS
- Mintuss NX liquid
- Minulet
- Mio-Rel
- Miochol-E
- Miochol-E system pak
- Miochol-E with steri-tags
- Mionic
- Miostat
- Miostat ocular
- Miozepam
- mipomersen
- mipomersen Subcutaneous
- mirabegron
- Miradyne-3
- MiraLax
- MiraLax powder for oral solution
- MiraLax powder packets for oral solution
- Miralust
- Miranel AF liquid
- Mirapex
- Mirapex ER
- Mirapex ER extended-release tablets
- Mirapexin
- Miraphen PE controlled-release tablets
- Mircera
- Mircera 100
- Mircera 1000
- Mircera 120
- Mircera 150
- Mircera 200
- Mircera 250
- Mircera 30
- Mircera 300
- Mircera 360
- Mircera 40
- Mircera 400
- Mircera 50
- Mircera 60
- Mircera 600
- Mircera 75
- Mircera 800
- Mircette
- Mircette Oral
- Mirena
- Mirena iud
- Mirpresoc
- Mirtagen
- Mirtastad
- Mirtazapine
- Mirtazapine Aurobindo
- Mirtazapine Bluefish
- mirtazapine orally disintegrating tablets
- Mirtazapine Tablets
- Mirtazapine Teva
- Mirtor
- Mirvaso
- Mirvaso gel
- Mirvedol
- Mirzaten
- Mirzaten 30 mg
- Mirzaten 45 mg
- Mirzaten Q-Tab
- Misodel
- Misoprostol
- Mission Prenatal
- Mission Prenatal HP
- Misyo
- Mithracin
- Mitomycin
- Mitomycin Agila
- Mitomycin C KYOWA
- mitomycin Intravenous
- mitomycin Topical application
- Mitosol
- Mitotane
- Mitoxantron AP
- mitoxantrone
- Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride
- Mitoxantrone Injection Concentrate
- mitoxantrone Intravenous, Injection
- Mitrazol
- Mitrazol Topical
- Mitrip
- Mitripiazyd
- Mivacron
- mivacurium
- mixed respiratory vaccine
- Mizormic
- MMF 500
- Moban
- Mobic
- Mobic suspension
- Mobic Tablets
- Mobidin
- Mobilat
- moclobemide
- Mocloxil
- Modafen
- Modafen baby (Ibalgin baby)
- Modafen Grip
- modafinil
- Modane
- Modane Bulk
- Modane Soft
- Moderiba
- Moderiba (Vilarib)
- Modicon birth control
- Modigraf
- Moduretic
- Moduretic 5-50
- Moexipril
- Moexipril and Hydrochlorothiazide
- Moexipril Hydrochloride
- moexipril/hydrochlorothiazide
- Mofimutral
- Moilec
- Moilec (Meloksam)
- Moisture Drops
- Moisturel
- molindone
- Molindone Hydrochloride
- Mollifene otic
- Moloxin
- Molsidomina
- Molsidomina WZF
- Molybdenum
- Molypen
- Mom's Choice Rx
- Mom's Omega Advantage
- Momarid
- Momecutan
- Momecutan ((Momekort))
- Momederm
- Momester
- Mometasone Adamed
- mometasone and formoterol Inhalation
- Mometasone Cream
- mometasone cream and ammonium lactate mousse cream
- Mometasone Furoate
- Mometasone Furoate eent
- Mometasone Furoate topical
- Mometasone Furoate/Formoterol Fumarate
- mometasone inhalation
- mometasone Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- mometasone lotion
- mometasone nasal
- Mometasone Ointment
- mometasone powder
- mometasone spray
- mometasone topical
- mometasone Topical application
- mometasone/formoterol aerosol
- Momexin
- Momexin cream
- Monafox
- Monarc-M
- Monarc-M human
- Monarc-M injection
- Monarch Sentinel Sanitizing Teat Dip
- Monistat 1 Combination Pack
- Monistat 1 Combo Pack cream
- Monistat 1 Topical
- Monistat 3
- Monistat 3 Combination Pack Triple Action
- Monistat 3 cream
- Monistat 3 suppositories
- Monistat 5
- Monistat 7
- Monistat 7 Combination Pack
- Monistat 7 Cream
- Monistat 7 suppositories
- Monistat Derm Topical
- Monistat-1
- Monistat-1 Day or Night
- Monistat-Derm
- Monistat-Derm cream
- Monitor Conditioning Barrier Dip
- Mono-Linyah
- Monobasic Sodium Phosphate and Dibasic Sodium Phosphate Tablets
- monobenzone topical
- Monobenzone VIS
- Monocal tablets
- Monoclate-P
- Monoclate-P human
- Monoclate-P injection
- monoctanoin Injection
- Monodox
- Monofluorophosphate
- Monoject Prefill Advanced flush
- Monoket
- Mononessa
- Mononine
- Mononine injectable
- Mononit 80 retard
- Monopril
- Monopril-HCT
- Monosan
- Monotens HCT
- Monotop
- Monover
- Monovitan C (Witamina C)
- Monozide
- Monsels Solution
- Monte-G HC
- Monteban
- MonteCough
- Montelak
- montelukast
- Montelukast -1A Pharma
- Montelukast Arrow
- Montelukast Chewable Tablets
- Montelukast Cinfa
- Montelukast Fair-Med
- montelukast granules
- Montelukast Invent Farma
- Montelukast Oral Granules
- Montelukast Pfizer
- Montelukast Sodium
- Montelukast STADA
- Montelukast Tablets
- Montelukastum Synthon
- Montelukastum Unimark
- MontePhen
- Montespir
- Montessan
- Montest
- Montetrinas
- Montexal
- Monural
- Monuril
- Monurol
- Moore Medical Ibuprofen
- Mooylec
- Morfeo
- Morgidox
- Morgidox Kit
- moricizine
- Moricizine Hydrochloride
- morphine
- morphine and naltrexone
- morphine concentrate
- morphine Epidural
- Morphine ER
- Morphine Extended Release Capsules
- morphine immediate-release
- morphine immediate-release tablets
- Morphine Injection
- Morphine Injection PF
- Morphine Oral Solution
- morphine soluble tablets
- morphine solution
- Morphine Sulfate
- Morphine Sulfate Injection
- Morphine Sulfate Injection, Concentrate
- Morphine Sulfate Solution, Concentrate
- Morphine Sulfate Suppository
- Morphine Sulfate/Naltrexone Hydrochloride
- morphine suppositories
- morphine suspension
- morphine sustained-release tablets
- morphine/naltrexone extended-release capsules
- Morphini hydrochloridum Sopharma
- Morphini Sulfas WZF 0,1% Spinal
- morrhuate
- Morrhuate Sodium
- Morysa
- Mosco Corn & Callus Remover Topical
- Motion Sickness Relief
- Motofen
- Motrin
- Motrin Childrens Cold
- Motrin Cold and Flu
- Motrin cold sinus caplets
- Motrin IB
- Motrin IB Sinus
- Motrin IB tablets, caplets, and gelcaps
- Motrin Junior Strength chewable tablets
- Motrin PM
- Motrin Sinus Headache
- Motrin suspension, oral drops, chewable tablets, and caplets
- Motrin Tablets
- Mova Nitrat Pipette
- Moventig
- Movicol
- Moviprep
- Movmax
- Moxalole
- Moxatag
- Moxatag extended-release tablets
- Moxeza
- Moxeza drops
- moxifloxacin
- moxifloxacin drops
- Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride
- Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride eent
- moxifloxacin Intravenous
- Moxifloxacin Kabi
- Moxifloxacin Noridem
- moxifloxacin Ophthalmic
- moxifloxacin tablets
- Moxilin
- Moxogamma 0,2 mg
- Moxogamma 0,3 mg
- Moxogamma 0,4 mg
- Mozarin
- Mozarin Swift
- Mozobil
- MPM Anti-Fungal
- MS Contin
- MS Contin sustained-release tablets
- MSIR oral tablets
- Mucinex
- Mucinex Children's Cold
- Mucinex Children's Cold, Cough & Sore Throat
- Mucinex Children's Cough
- Mucinex Children's granules
- Mucinex Children's Multi-Symptom Cold
- Mucinex Children's Multi-Symptom Cold & Fever
- Mucinex Cough Mini-Melts granule packets
- Mucinex D
- Mucinex D Max Strength
- Mucinex D Maximum Strength
- Mucinex DM
- Mucinex DM Maximum Strength
- Mucinex Fast-Max Cold, Flu & Sore Throat
- Mucinex Fast-Max Night Time Cold and Flu
- Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Cold
- Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Congestion & Cold
- Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Congestion & Cough
- Mucinex for Kids
- Mucinex Full Force
- Mucinex Junior Strength granules
- Mucinex Maximum Strength
- Mucinex Moisture Smart
- Mucinex Nasal Spray
- Mucinex sustained-release tablets
- Muco-Fen 1200
- Mucoangin
- Mucobid DM
- Mucofalk O
- Mucofluid
- Mucomyst
- Mucomyst Solution
- Mucomyst-10 inhalation
- Mucosit
- Mucosolvan
- Mucosolvan i.v.
- Mucosolvan inhalacje
- Mucosolvan mini
- Mucotussin
- Mucus Relief Sinus
- MucusRelief DM
- MuGard
- Mulit-vit with Fluoride
- Mult-Ferr Folic
- Multaq
- Multi Vita Bets and Fluoride
- Multi Vita Bets and Fluoride and Iron
- Multi Vitamin Fluoride Drops
- Multi Vitamin Infusion M.V.I. 12
- Multi Vitamin Infusion M.V.I. Adult
- Multi Vitamin Infusion Pediatric
- Multi Vitamin Tablets Chewable
- Multi Vitamin with Fluoride
- Multi Vitamin, Iron and Fluoride
- Multi-Nate 30
- Multi-Nate 30 DHA
- Multi-Nate 30 Kit
- Multi-Nate 30 Prenatal Multivitamin and Minerals
- Multi-Nate DHA
- Multi-Nate DHA Extra
- Multi-Sanostol
- Multi-Symptom Nighttime
- Multi-Symptom Nighttime Cold & Flu Relief
- Multi-Symptom Nighttime Cold & Flu Relief (cherry)
- Multi-Tabs
- Multi-Tabs Classic
- Multi-Tabs dzieci 1-6 roku życia
- Multi-Tabs o smaku pomarańczowym
- Multi-Tabs trusk.-malinowe pow.7r.ż.
- Multi-Tabs z beta karotenem
- Multi-Vit with Fluoride and Iron
- Multi-Vit with Fluoride Drops
- Multi-Vit/Fl chewable tablets
- Multi-Vit/Fl drops
- multi-vitamin with fluoride chewable tablets
- MultiBic bez potasu
- MultiBic z potasem
- Multibionta Forte
- Multibiotic
- Multiferon
- Multifol Plus
- MultiHance
- Multihist D
- Multihistamine-D
- Multimel N4-550E
- Multimel N6-900E
- Multimel N7-1000E
- Multimin 90
- MultiNatal Plus
- multiple vitamins with calcium
- Multisal
- MultiVit with Fluoride Chewable Tablets
- multivitamin
- multivitamin drops
- multivitamin with fluoride
- Multivitamin with Fluoride Chewable Tablets
- multivitamin with fluoride drops
- multivitamin with iron
- multivitamin with iron and fluoride
- multivitamin with iron and fluoride chewable tablets
- multivitamin with iron and fluoride drops
- multivitamin with iron drops
- multivitamins
- multivitamins and minerals
- multivitamins with folic acid/amino acids
- multivitamins with folic acid/iron
- multivitamins with folic acid/iron syrup
- multivitamins with folic acid/iron/docusate
- multivitamins with iron
- multivitamins with l-methylfolate and fluoride drops
- multivitamins with l-methylfolate, iron, and fluoride drops
- multivitamins with minerals
- multivitamins with minerals liquid liquid
- multivitamins with minerals/folic acid
- multivitamins with minerals/folic acid/iron
- multivitamins with minerals/folic acid/iron/docusate
- multivitamins with minerals/folic acid/omega-3 fatty acids
- multivitamins/folic acid/iron/minerals
- Multivitaminum
- Multivitaminum forte
- Multivitamol d/dzieci
- Multiwitamina
- mumps virus vaccine
- Mumps virus vaccine, live
- mumps virus vaccine, live Subcutaneous
- Mumpsvax
- Mupirocin
- Mupirocin (Pseudomonic Acid A)
- Mupirocin Cream
- mupirocin nasal
- mupirocin ointment
- mupirocin Topical
- Mupirocin Veterinary Ointment
- Mupirox
- Murine Ear Drops otic
- Murine Tears drops
- Murine Tears Plus Drops
- Muro 128 drops
- Muro 128 ointment
- Muro 128 ophthalmic solution 2% and 5%
- Muro 128 sterile ophthalmic solution 2% and 5%
- Muro-128
- Murocel eye drops
- Murocoll 2
- Muromonab-CD3
- muromonab-cd3 Intravenous
- Muscle Rub
- Muse
- Muse injectable and transurethral
- Muse Micro
- Muse suppository
- Mushroom mycelia
- Mustargen
- Mustophoran
- Mutamycin
- MVC-Fluoride
- MVI Adult
- My Way
- My Way Oral, Parenteral
- My Way Tablets
- Myambutol
- Mycamine
- Mycelex
- Mycelex cream
- Mycelex OTC
- Mycelex Topical
- Mycelex Troche
- Mycelex troches
- Mycelex-7 Combo Pack cream
- Mycelex-7 cream
- Mycelex-7 inserts
- Mycelex-G
- Mycifradin
- Mycin Scalp
- Mycinette
- Myclausen
- Myclo-Derm Topical
- Mycobutin
- Mycogen II
- Mycogen II topical
- Mycolog-II
- Mycolog-II Cream
- Mycolog-II Topical
- Mycomax
- Mycomax 100
- Mycomax 50
- Myconafine 1%
- Myconolak
- Mycophenolat Mofetil Actavis
- Mycophenolate
- mycophenolate Intravenous
- Mycophenolate Mofetil
- Mycophenolate mofetil Alkem
- mycophenolate mofetil capsules
- mycophenolate mofetil Oral, Intravenous
- Mycophenolate mofetil Sandoz 250
- mycophenolate mofetil solution
- mycophenolate mofetil suspension
- Mycophenolate mofetil Teva 250
- Mycophenolate mofetil Teva 500
- Mycophenolate Mofetil/Mycophenolic Acid
- mycophenolate sodium
- Mycophenolate Tablets
- Mycophenolate Tablets Delayed Release
- mycophenolic acid
- Mycophenolic Acid Accord
- mycophenolic acid delayed-release tablets
- Mycostatin
- Mycostatin cream
- Mycostatin Cream Topical
- Mycostatin Ointment Topical
- Mycostatin Pastilles
- Mycostatin Powder Topical
- Mycostatin suspension
- Mycostatin Topical
- Mycostatin Vaginal
- Mycostatin Vaginal Cream
- Mycosten
- Mydex
- Mydfrin
- Mydfrin Ophthalmic
- Mydfrin Ophthalmic Solution
- Mydocalm
- Mydocalm forte
- Mydral
- Mydral Ophthalmic
- Mydriacyl
- Mydriacyl Ophthalmic
- Myferon 150 capsules and tablets
- Myferon 150 Forte
- Myfortic
- Myfortic delayed-release tablets
- MyHist-PD
- MyKidz Iron 10
- MyKidz Iron drops
- MyKidz Iron FL
- Mykodermina
- Mykofar Forte
- Mykofar Mite
- Mykrox
- Mylagen
- Mylanta
- Mylanta AR
- Mylanta Child
- Mylanta Gas
- Mylanta Gas Maximum Strength
- Mylanta Gas Relief Maximum Strength
- Mylanta Gelcap
- Mylanta Supreme
- Mylanta Supreme suspension
- Mylanta suspension
- Mylanta Ultra
- Mylanta Ultra chewable tablets
- Mylformet
- Mylicon
- Mylicon suspension
- Mylotarg
- Mynephrocaps Dialysis Stress Vitamin Supplement
- Myobloc
- Myocet
- Myochrysine
- Myofibex
- Myoflex Cream
- Myogesic
- Myolastan
- Myopam 100
- Myopam 25
- Myopam 50
- Myophen controlled-release tablets
- Myorisan
- Myoview
- MyOxin
- Myozyme
- Myozyme injection
- Myphetane DX
- Myphetane DX Cough
- Myphetapp
- Myrac
- Myrbetriq
- Mysoline
- Mysoline Oral, Parenteral, Rectal
- Mytab Gas
- Mytelase Chloride
- Mytrex Topical
- Mytrophene
- Mytussin AC
- Mytussin DAC
- Mytussin DAC liquid
- Mywy
- Myzilra
- Młode Pędy Sosny
- N Ice oral mucous membrane
- N Ice with Vitamin C
- Nabi-HB
- Nabi-HB NovaPlus
- Nabilone
- Nableran
- Nabumetone
- Nabumetone Polfarmex
- Nacecis
- Nacon sustained-release tablets
- Nacralid
- nadolol
- nadolol and bendroflumethiazide
- Nadolol/Bendroflumethiazide
- Nadopen V 200
- Nadopen V 400
- Nadostine
- Nadostine Sucrose-Free
- Nadostine Topical
- Nadostine Vaginal
- nadroparin Subcutaneous
- nafarelin
- Nafarelin Acetate
- nafarelin Nasal
- Nafazair
- Nafcil
- nafcillin
- nafcillin injection
- Nafcillin Sodium
- Nafrinse
- NaFrinse Daily/Acidulated
- NaFrinse Daily/Neutral
- Nafrinse Solution
- NaFrinse Weekly
- Nafta dest.Petroleum D-4
- Nafta dest.Petroleum D-5
- naftifine cream
- naftifine gel
- Naftifine Hydrochloride
- naftifine Topical
- Naftin
- Naftin cream
- Naftin Gel
- Naftin Topical
- Naftin-MP Cream
- Naftin-MP Topical
- Naglazyme
- Nail-ex
- Naklofen TOP
- Nalbuphine
- Nalbuphine Hydrochloride
- nalbuphine Injection
- Naldecon
- Naldecon DX Liquigel
- Naldecon-EX Pediatric
- Naldelate
- NalDex
- Nalewka Bursztynowa
- Nalewka Bursztynowa Złoto Bałtyku
- Nalewka gorzka
- Nalewka Kozłkowa
- Nalewka kozłkowa GEMI
- Nalewka miętowa
- Nalewka z Kory Chinowej
- Nalewka z koszyczka arniki
- Nalewka z Kwiatostanu Głogu
- Nalewka z kwiatu arniki
- Nalex A 12
- Nalex AC
- Nalex AC syrup
- Nalex CR controlled-release capsules
- Nalex DH liquid
- Nalex Expectorant
- Nalex-A
- Nalex-A 12 suspension
- Nalex-A controlled-release tablets
- Nalex-A liquid
- Nalex-DH
- Nalfon
- Nalfon 200
- Nalfrx suspension
- Nalgesin
- Nalgesin Mini
- Nalgest
- nalidixic acid
- nalidixic acid suspension
- Nallpen injection
- nalmefene
- Nalmefene Hydrochloride
- Naloxone
- naloxone and pentazocine
- Naloxone Hydrochloride
- Naloxone Injection
- naloxone/pentazocine
- Naloxonum hydrochlor. WZF
- Nalpain 0,01 g/ml
- Nalphen
- Nalspan
- Naltrexone
- Naltrexone Hydrochloride
- Naltrexone Hydrochloride Accord
- naltrexone injection
- naltrexone Intramuscular
- Namenda
- Namenda solution
- Namenda tablets
- Namenda XR
- Namenda XR extended-release capsules
- Namenda XR Titration Pack
- Nandrolone
- Nanocoll Zestaw do sporządzania radiof.LZ
- Nanogy 5%
- NanoVM oral powder
- Nantarid
- Naphazoline
- naphazoline and zinc ophthalmic
- naphazoline drops
- Naphazoline Hydrochloride
- naphazoline Ophthalmic
- naphazoline/pheniramine
- naphazoline/zinc drops
- naphazoline/zinc sulfate lubricant
- Naphcon
- Naphcon A
- Naphcon drops
- Naphcon Forte
- Naprelan
- Naprelan 500
- Naprelan Dose Card
- Naprelan sustained-release tablets
- Naprosyn
- Naprosyn suspension
- Naprosyn Tablets
- Naproxen
- Naproxen 1.2%
- Naproxen 10%
- Naproxen 250
- Naproxen Aflofarm
- naproxen and esomeprazole
- naproxen and pseudoephedrine
- Naproxen Capsules
- Naproxen Delayed Release
- Naproxen Emo
- naproxen enteric-coated tablets
- Naproxen Sodium
- naproxen suspension
- naproxen sustained-release tablets
- Naproxen Tablets
- naproxen tablets and capsules
- Naproxen/Esomeprazole
- naproxen/esomeprazole delayed-release tablets
- Naramig
- naratriptan
- Naratriptan Hydrochloride
- Naratriptan Stada
- Naraya
- Naraya Plus
- Narcan
- Narcof
- narcotic analgesic - for surgery and obstetrics Parenteral
- narcotic analgesics - for pain relief Oral, Parenteral, Rectal
- narcotic analgesics and acetaminophen
- narcotic analgesics and acetaminophen Oral
- narcotic analgesics and aspirin
- narcotic analgesics and aspirin Oral
- Nardil
- Nariz
- Naropin
- Naropin Polyamp
- Naropin SDV
- Narvox
- Nasabid SR
- Nasacon
- Nasacort
- Nasacort AQ
- Nasacort AQ nasal
- Nasacort AQ spray
- Nasacort Cfc-Free
- Nasacort eent
- Nasacort HFA
- Nasahist LA
- Nasal Allergy Control solution
- Nasal Mist
- Nasalcrom
- Nasalcrom Child nasal
- Nasalcrom nasal
- NasalCrom solution
- Nasarel
- Nasarel nasal solution 0.025%
- Nasarel Spray
- Nasatab LA
- Nascobal
- Nascobal nasal
- Nascobal spray
- Nasehaler (Mometazonu Furoinian Cipla)
- Nasen
- Nasex
- Nasex-G
- Nasic
- Nasic Kids
- Nasin
- Nasivin 0.01%
- Nasivin 0.025%
- Nasivin 0.05%
- Nasivin soft 0,05%
- Nasivin soft 0.01%
- Nasivin soft 0.025%
- Nasivin soft 0.05%
- nasofed
- NasoGel gel
- Nasohist Pediatric
- nasohist-DM
- Nasohist-DM Pediatric
- Nasometin
- Nasonex
- Nasonex Nasal Spray eent
- Nasonex nasal spray, 50 mcg
- Nasonex spray
- Nasop
- Nasop dissolving tablets
- Nasop suspension
- Nasop12
- NasOpen
- Nasopen PE
- Nasorin
- Nasotuss
- Nat-Rul B-125 controlled-release tablets
- Nata 29 OB
- Nata 29 Prenatal
- Nata Komplete
- Natacaps
- Natachew
- Natachew tablets
- Natacyn
- Natacyn 5%
- Natafort
- NataFort Tablets
- Natalcare Pic
- natalizumab
- natalizumab Intravenous
- Natalvirt 90 DHA
- Natalvirt CA
- Natalvirt FLT
- Natalvit
- Natamycin
- natamycin ophthalmic
- Natamycyna Unia
- Natatab CFe
- Natazia
- Natecal D3
- nateglinide
- Natelle
- Natelle C
- Natelle Complete
- Natelle One
- Natelle One DHA
- Natelle Plus with DHA
- Natelle Prefer
- Natelle-ez
- Natrax 100 (Naproxen)
- Natrax 200 (Naproxen)
- Natrecor
- Natrium bicarbonicum 8.4%
- Natrium chloratum 0,9% Baxter
- Natrium Chloratum 0,9% Fresenius
- Natrium chloratum 0,9% Kabi
- Natrium chloratum 0.9%
- Natrium chloratum 0.9% LZ
- Natrium chloratum 10%
- Natroba
- Natroba suspension
- Natrol SAMe
- Natural Fiber Therapy
- Natural Ice
- Natural Vitamin Blend E-400IU
- Naturalny Beta Karoten - Prowitamina A
- Naturapia-Menopauza
- Naturapia-Osteoporoza
- Naturapia-Prostata
- Nature's Blend Folic Acid
- Nature's Tears
- Nature-Throid
- Nature-Throid NT-1
- Nature-Throid NT-1/2
- Nature-Throid NT-2
- Nature-Throid NT-3
- Nature-Thyroid
- Naturetin
- Naturkaps Czosnek
- Naturkaps Koenzym Q-10
- Naudicelle olej z nasion wiesiołka
- Nausetrol solution
- Navane
- Navane Oral
- Navelbine
- Navelbine Injection
- Navirel
- Navstel intraocular
- Naxen
- Naxii
- Nazarin
- Nazil Ofteno
- Neatin
- Nebcin
- Nebcin injection
- Nebido
- Nebilet HCT
- Nebitrix
- Nebivas
- nebivolol
- Nebivolol Hydrochloride
- Nebivor
- Nebucort
- NebuPent
- Nebupent solution
- NebuSal inhalation
- Necon
- Necon 0.5/35
- Necon 1/35
- Necon 1/35 birth control
- Necon 1/50
- Necon 10/11
- Necon 7/7/7
- Necon 777
- nedocromil aerosol
- nedocromil drops
- Nedocromil eent
- nedocromil inhalation
- nedocromil Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- nedocromil Ophthalmic
- Nedocromil Ophthalmic Solution
- Nedocromil Sodium
- Neevo
- Neevo caplets
- Neevo DHA
- NeevoDHA
- Nefazodone
- Nefazodone Hydrochloride
- Nefopam Jelfa
- Nefrobonisan
- Nefrobonisol
- Nefrol
- Nefrosept
- Neggram
- NegGram suspension
- NeisVac-C
- NeisVac-C Baxter
- nelarabine
- nelarabine Intravenous
- nelfinavir
- Nelfinavir Mesylate
- nelfinavir powder
- Nelgast
- Neloren
- Nelova 0.5/35
- Neluptin
- Nembutal
- Nembutal Sodium
- Nembutal sodium solution, usp
- Nemdatine
- Nemedan
- Nemex-2
- Neo AC
- Neo AC syrup
- Neo DM
- Neo DM Drops
- Neo DM suspension
- Neo HC
- Neo Sol 50
- Neo-Aesculan
- Neo-Angin
- Neo-Angin bez cukru
- Neo-Angin Spray
- Neo-Angin Szałwia
- Neo-Angin wiśnia
- Neo-Calglucon
- Neo-Capsiderm
- Neo-Decadron
- Neo-Decadron Ocumeter
- Neo-Dex
- Neo-Dexair
- Neo-Estrone
- Neo-Fradin
- Neo-Fradin solution
- Neo-Metric
- Neo-Oxy 100/100 MR
- Neo-Oxy 50/50
- Neo-Pancreatinum
- Neo-Pancreatinum Forte
- Neo-Poly-Bac
- Neo-Poly-Dex
- Neo-Poly-Dex Eye Drops
- Neo-Polycin
- Neo-Polycin HC Ointment
- Neo-Polycin Ointment
- Neo-Rx topical
- Neo-Synephrine
- Neo-Synephrine 12 Hour
- Neo-Synephrine Extra Strength Nasal
- Neo-Synephrine Injection
- Neo-Synephrine Mild Nasal
- Neo-Synephrine Nasal
- Neo-synephrine nasal drops, regular and extra strength
- Neo-synephrine nasal sprays, mild, regular and extra strength
- Neo-Synephrine Ophthalmic
- Neo-Synephrine solution
- Neo-Tab
- Neo-Terramycin 100/100
- Neo-Terramycin 100/50
- Neo-Terramycin 50/50
- Neo-Tormentil
- Neo-Zol Topical
- Neoazarina
- NeoBenz Micro
- Neobenz Micro Benzoyl Peroxide Cream
- Neobenz Micro Benzoyl Peroxide Wash
- Neobenz micro cream
- NeoBenz Micro Cream Plus Pack
- Neobenz Micro Plus Benzoyl Peroxide Cream
- NeoBenz Micro SD
- NeoBenz Micro Wash
- NeoBenz Micro Wash Plus Pack
- NeoBenz Micro Wash Plus Pack cream
- Neocardina
- Neocidin
- Neocidin Ophthalmic Ointment
- Neocin
- Neocin ointment
- Neocin PG
- Neocin-PG drops
- Neocitec
- Neoclarityn
- NeoFitolizyna
- Neofrin
- Neofrin drops
- Neofrin Ophthalmic
- neoFuragina
- Neomed 325
- neomycin
- neomycin and dexamethasone ophthalmic
- Neomycin and Polymyxin B Irrigation
- Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates
- neomycin and polymyxin b Topical
- Neomycin Liquid
- neomycin Ophthalmic
- neomycin solution
- Neomycin Sulfate
- Neomycin Sulfate 325
- Neomycin Sulfate eent
- Neomycin Sulfate topical
- Neomycin Sulfate/Polymyxin B Sulfate/Bacitracin Zinc
- Neomycin Sulfate/Polymyxin B Sulfate/Dexamethasone
- Neomycin Sulfate/Polymyxin B Sulfate/Gramicidin
- neomycin Topical
- neomycin, polymyxin b, and bacitracin Ophthalmic
- neomycin, polymyxin b, and bacitracin Topical
- neomycin, polymyxin B, and dexamethasone ophthalmic
- neomycin, polymyxin b, and gramicidin Ophthalmic
- neomycin, polymyxin b, and hydrocortisone Ophthalmic
- neomycin, polymyxin b, and hydrocortisone Otic
- neomycin, polymyxin B, and prednisolone ophthalmic
- Neomycin, Polymyxin B, Bacitracin Ophthalmic Ointment
- Neomycin, Polymyxin B, Dexamethasone
- Neomycin, Polymyxin B, Hydrocortisone Ophthalmic Suspension
- Neomycin, Polymyxin, Hydrocortisone Ear Drops
- Neomycin,Polymyxin B Sulfates and Hydrocortisone
- Neomycin,Polymyxin B,Bacitracin,Hydrocortisone
- Neomycin,Polymyxin B,Dexamethasone Ointment
- Neomycin,Polymyxin B,Gramicidin
- neomycin/polymyxin B and dexamethasone ophthalmic
- neomycin/polymyxin B and hydrocortisone ophthalmic
- neomycin/polymyxin b/bacitracin/hydrocortisone ointment
- neomycin/polymyxin b/hydrocortisone drops suspension
- neomycin/polymyxin b/prednisolone drops
- neomycin/polymyxin B/prednisolone ophthalmic
- neomycin/polymyxin cream
- neomycin/polymyxin/lidocaine cream
- neomycin/polymyxin/pramoxine cream
- Neomycinum 0.5%
- Neomycinum Jelfa
- Neomycinum TZF
- Neonormosan
- NeoProfen
- Neoprofen Intravenous
- Neoprost
- Neoptic
- Neoral
- Neoral Oral
- Neoral solution
- NeoRecormon
- NeoRecormon 1000
- NeoRecormon 10000
- NeoRecormon 10000 do wst.Reco-Pen
- NeoRecormon 100000 wielodaw.
- NeoRecormon 2000
- NeoRecormon 20000
- NeoRecormon 20000 do wst.Reco-Pen
- NeoRecormon 3000
- NeoRecormon 30000
- NeoRecormon 4000
- NeoRecormon 500
- NeoRecormon 5000
- NeoRecormon 6000
- NeoRecormon 60000
- NeoRecormon wielodawk.
- Neorelium
- Neosalus
- Neosar
- Neosar oral and injection
- Neosine
- Neosine Forte
- Neospasmina
- NeoSpect-zest.radiofarm.
- Neosporin
- Neosporin + pain relief maximum strength cream
- Neosporin + pain relief maximum strength ointment
- Neosporin AF Topical
- Neosporin drops
- Neosporin G.U
- Neosporin G.U. irrigant sterile
- Neosporin ointment
- Neosporin Ophthalmic
- Neosporin Ophthalmic Ointment
- Neosporin Ophthalmic Solution
- Neosporin Plus cream
- Neosporin topical
- Neostigmin Jelfa
- Neostigmine
- Neostigmine Bromide
- neostigmine Injection
- Neostigmine Methylsulfate
- Neostigmine Methylsulfate Injection
- Neosynephrin POS 10%
- Neothylline
- Neotic drops
- Neoton
- Neotricin HC
- Neotuss D liquid
- Neova Complex HQ Plus
- Neovet 325
- Nepafenac
- nepafenac Ophthalmic
- Nephplex Rx
- NephrAmine 5.4%
- Nephro Calci
- Nephro-Derm
- Nephro-Fer
- Nephrocaps
- Nephrocaps QT quick dissolve tablets
- Nephrocaps-QT
- Nephron FA
- Nephrotect
- Neptazane
- Nervendragees-Ratioph.
- Nervinex-fix
- Nervinolum
- Nervinum uspakajające
- Nervogran
- Nervolek
- Nervomix Forte
- Nervomix Forte (Nervomix)
- Nervosan
- Nervosan fix
- Nervosol
- Nervosol K
- Nervosol K Krople uspokajające
- Nerwobonisan
- Nerwobonisol
- Nerwonal
- Nesacaine
- Nescon-PD
- Nesina
- Nesina, Kazano, Oseni
- Nesiritide
- nesiritide Intravenous
- Nespo
- Nestabs
- Nestabs CBF
- Nestabs DHA
- Nestabs DHA Prenatal
- Nestabs Prenatal
- Nestabs RX tablets
- Nestrex
- nettle
- Neulasta (bez blistra)
- Neuleptil 4%
- Neumega
- Neumega injectable
- Neupopeg
- Neupopeg (bez blistra)
- Neupro
- Neupro Patch
- Neupro transdermal
- Neuraceq
- Neuran 600
- Neuran 800
- NeuroBloc
- Neurol 0,25
- Neurol 1,0
- Neurol SR 0,5
- Neurol SR 1,0
- Neurolipon-MIP 300
- Neurolipon-MIP 600
- Neurolite
- Neurontin
- Neurontin capsules
- Neurontin solution
- Neurosina uspok.nasenne
- Neurovit
- Neut
- Neutra Maxx
- Neutra-Phos
- Neutra-Phos-K powder for solution
- Neutracare Gel
- Neutragard
- Neutragard Advanced
- Neutrahist Drops
- Neutrahist PDX Drops
- Neutral Sodium Fluoride Rinse
- Neutramaxx 5000 Plus Turbo
- Neutramaxx 5000 TCP
- NeutrapHor
- NeutrapHorus Rex
- NeutraSal powder
- Neutrexin
- Neutrogena Acne Mask
- Neutrogena Cleansing
- Neutrogena Healthy Scalp shampoo
- Neutrogena Lotion
- Neutrogena On Spot Acne Treatment
- Neutrogena T/Derm
- Neutrogena T/Derm Topical
- Neutrogena T/Gel
- Neutrogena T/Gel Extra Strength
- Neutrogena T/Gel Topical
- Neutrogena T/Scalp
- Neutrogena Topical
- NeutroSpec
- Neutroval
- Nevanac
- Nevigramon
- Nevirapine
- nevirapine extended-release tablets
- Nevirapine Mylan
- Nevirapine Suspension
- Nevirapine Teva
- Nexa Select
- Nexa Select with DHA
- Nexafed
- Nexavar
- Nexiclon XR
- Nexiclon XR extended-release tablets
- Nexiclon XR suspension
- Nexium
- Nexium Capsules
- Nexium Control
- Nexium delayed-release capsules
- Nexium I.V.
- Nexium Oral
- Nexium suspension
- Nexodal
- Nexphen PD
- Nexplanon
- Nexplanon implant
- Nexpram
- Next Choice
- Next Choice Oral, Implantation, Parenteral
- Next Choice Oral, Parenteral, Vaginal
- Nexterone
- Nexterone injection
- Nexterone solution
- Nezyr
- NFZ Equine Dressing
- Nia-Chrom
- niacin
- Niacin (B3; Nicotinic Acid)
- niacin and simvastatin
- niacin capsules
- niacin controlled-release capsules
- niacin controlled-release tablets
- niacin extended-release and lovastatin
- Niacin Flush Free
- niacin Oral, Parenteral
- niacin/folic acid/zinc/copper
- niacin/lovastatin
- Niacin/Simvastatin
- niacinamide
- niacinamide gel
- niacinamide with copper/folic acid/zinc
- Niacinol
- Niacor
- Niaspan
- Niaspan controlled-release tablets
- Nibix
- NIC 750
- nicardipine
- nicardipine capsules
- Nicardipine Hydrochloride
- Nicardipine Injection
- nicardipine Intravenous
- nicardipine sustained-release capsules
- NicAzel Doxy Kit
- Niccorex Lemon
- Niccorex Mint
- Nicergolin
- Nicerin
- niclosamide
- Nico Fruit
- Nico Mint
- Nico-Loz citrus
- Nico-Loz spearmint
- Nico-Loz toffee
- Nicoderm
- Nicoderm CQ
- Nicoderm CQ patch
- Nicomide
- Nicomide-T gel
- Nicomind
- Nicopass 1,5 mg /lukrecjowo-miętowe/
- Nicopass 1,5 mg /świeża mięta/
- Nicopass 2,5 mg o smaku lukrec.-miętowym
- Nicopass 2,5 mg o smaku świeżej mięty
- Nicopatch 14
- Nicopatch 21
- Nicopatch 7
- Nicorandil Dexcel Pharma
- Nicorette
- Nicorette Classic Gum
- Nicorette Coolmint
- Nicorette Drugs Facts
- Nicorette FreshFruit Gum
- Nicorette Freshmint Gum
- Nicorette Fruit Chill
- Nicorette gum
- Nicorette Icy White Gum
- Nicorette Inhaler
- Nicorette Invisipatch
- Nicorette Mint Gum
- Nicorette Patch
- Nicorette Spray
- Nicorette White Ice
- Nicotinamide
- Nicotine
- nicotine gum
- nicotine Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- nicotine inhaler
- nicotine lozenges
- nicotine Nasal
- nicotine Oral, Transdermal
- nicotine patch
- Nicotine Perrigo
- nicotine spray
- Nicotine Transdermal System
- Nicotine Transdermal System Step 1
- Nicotine Transdermal System Step 2
- Nicotine Transdermal System Step 3
- Nicotinex
- Nicotinex elixir
- Nicotrol Inhalant
- Nicotrol Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Nicotrol inhaler
- Nicotrol NS
- Nicotrol NS spray
- Nicotrol Oral, Transdermal
- Nidagel
- Nidrazid
- Nifediac CC
- Nifedical XL
- nifedipine
- Nifedipine Capsules
- Nifedipine Extended-Release Tablets
- nifedipine sustained-release tablets
- Niferex
- Niferex elixir
- Niferex-150
- Nifuroksazyd
- Nifuroksazyd 200
- Nifuroksazyd 200 Hasco
- Nifuroksazyd Hasco
- Nifuroksazyd Richter
- Nifux
- Night Cast R Topical
- Night Cast S Topical
- Night Time Cold/Flu
- Night Time Pain
- Night-Time
- Nighttime Cough
- Nighttime Sleepaid
- Niglostin
- Nilandron
- Nilogrin
- Nilotinib
- Nilstat
- Nilstat Drops
- Nilstat Powder
- Nilstat Topical Cream Topical
- Nilstat Topical Ointment Topical
- Nilstat Vaginal Cream
- Nilstat Vaginal Tablet
- nilutamide
- Nimbex
- Nimenrix
- Nimetaxin
- nimodipine
- nimodipine oral solution
- Nimotop
- Nimotop S
- Nipas
- Nipent
- Niphanoid injection
- Niquitin
- NiQuitin Mini
- NiQuitin Mini smak wiśniowy
- NiQuitin Miętowe Listki
- Niquitin przezroczysty
- Niravam
- Niravam Oral
- Niravam orally disintegrating tablets
- Niron Komplete
- Nisoldipine
- nisoldipine extended-release tablets
- Nitazoxanide
- nitazoxanide suspension
- Nite Time Cold & Flu
- Nite Time Cold & Flu Relief
- Nite-Time Cold/Flu
- Nitetime Oral Liquid
- Nithiodote
- Nitisinone
- Nitracor
- Nitrazepam GSK
- Nitrek
- Nitrek transdermal
- Nitresan 10 mg
- Nitresan 20 mg
- Nitric Oxide
- nitric oxide Inhalation
- nitric oxide inhalation gas
- Nitric Oxide Nitrogen Mix
- Nitro TD Patch-A transdermal
- Nitro-Bid
- Nitro-Bid ointment
- Nitro-Bid topical
- Nitro-Bid Transdermal
- Nitro-Dur
- Nitro-Dur 0.2
- Nitro-Dur 0.3
- Nitro-Dur 0.4
- Nitro-Dur 0.6
- Nitro-Dur 0.8
- Nitro-Dur patch
- Nitro-Dur transdermal
- Nitro-Time
- Nitro-Time controlled-release capsules
- Nitro-Time oral/sublingual
- Nitrocard
- Nitrocot
- Nitroderm TTS 10
- Nitrodur 0.2
- Nitrodur 0.4
- Nitrodur 0.6
- nitrofurantoin
- Nitrofurantoin Capsules
- Nitrofurantoin Macrocrystals
- Nitrofurantoin Oral Suspension
- nitrofurantoin suspension
- Nitrofurazon
- Nitrofurazone Soluble Dressing
- nitrofurazone Topical
- Nitrogard
- Nitrogen
- Nitrogen Liquid
- Nitrogen NF
- nitroglycerin
- nitroglycerin aerosol
- nitroglycerin controlled-release capsules
- Nitroglycerin Dextrose
- Nitroglycerin ER
- Nitroglycerin in Dextrose
- Nitroglycerin Injection
- nitroglycerin Intravenous
- Nitroglycerin Lingual Spray
- nitroglycerin ointment
- nitroglycerin Oral, Sublingual
- nitroglycerin oral/sublingual
- nitroglycerin patch
- nitroglycerin rectal
- Nitroglycerin Slocaps
- nitroglycerin spray
- Nitroglycerin Sublingual Tablet
- nitroglycerin tablets
- nitroglycerin topical
- nitroglycerin Transdermal
- Nitroglycerinum LEK (Nitroglycerinum 0.5)
- Nitrol Appli-Kit topical
- Nitrolingual
- Nitrolingual Duo Pack oral/sublingual
- Nitrolingual oral/sublingual
- Nitrolingual Pumpspray
- Nitrolingual Pumpspray spray
- NitroMist
- NitroMist aerosol
- Nitromist oral/sublingual
- Nitropress
- nitroprusside
- Nitroprusside Sodium
- NitroQuick
- Nitroquick oral/sublingual
- Nitrostat
- Nitrostat oral/sublingual
- Nitrotab
- Nitrotop Dressing
- Nitrous Oxide
- Nitroxolin forte
- Nitrozone
- Nitrozone Ointment
- Nivalin
- Nivea
- Nivenol
- Nivestim 120 MU
- Nivestim 30 MU
- Nivestim 48 MU
- Nix Complete Lice Treatment System
- Nix Cream Rinse
- Nix Creme Rinse Topical
- Nix Dermal Cream Topical
- Nix Lice Control
- Nix Shampoo
- Nix Topical
- nizatidine
- nizatidine solution
- Nizax Activ
- Nizoral
- Nizoral 2% cream
- Nizoral 2% shampoo
- Nizoral A-D
- Nizoral A-D shampoo
- Nizoral A-D shampoo, 1%
- Nizoral A-D Topical
- Nizoral cream
- Nizoral shampoo
- Nizoral Topical
- No-Spa
- No-Spa Comfort
- No-Spa forte
- No-Spa MAX
- Noax
- Nocertone
- Noclaud
- Noctissin
- Noctofer
- Nodolor
- Nodolor Capsules
- NoDoz
- Noell
- Noepix
- Nofardom
- Noflamen
- Nogron
- NoHist
- NoHist DM
- NoHist LQ
- NoHist-A
- Nohist-DMX
- NoHist-Plus controlled-release tablets
- Nolahist
- Nolamine
- Nolfemic
- Noliprel
- Nolodon
- Nolpaza
- Nolpaza control
- Nolvadex
- Nomuc-PE
- Non-Drowsy Daytime
- Non-Pseudo Cold Relief
- Nonafact 1000 j.m.
- Nonafact 500 j.m.
- Nonbac
- Noni plus plus liquid
- Nonpres
- Nootropil
- Nootropil 20%
- Nootropil 33%
- Nor-QD
- Nora-BE
- Norco
- Norcuron
- Nordette
- Norditropin
- Norditropin Cartridge
- Norditropin FlexPro
- Norditropin FlexPro Pen
- Norditropin Nordiflex
- Norditropin Nordiflex Pen
- Norditropin SimpleXx
- Norel AD
- Norel CS
- Norel DM
- Norel EX
- Norel LA sustained-release tablets
- Norel SR sustained-release tablets
- Norel SR Tablets
- norelgestromin/ethinyl estradiol patch
- norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine (Levarterenol)
- Norepinephrine Bitartrate
- Norethin 1/35 E
- norethindrone
- Norethindrone Acetate
- Norethindrone Tablets
- Norethindrone, Ethinyl Eestradiol and Ferrous Fumarate
- norethindrone, ethinyl estradiol, and ferrous fumarate
- norethindrone/ethinyl estradiol
- norethindrone/ethinyl estradiol (HRT)
- norethindrone/ethinyl estradiol chewable tablets
- norethindrone/ethinyl estradiol tablets
- Norflex
- Norflex Injection
- Norfloxacin
- norfloxacin ophthalmic
- Norgesic
- Norgesic Forte
- norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol
- norgestimate with ethinyl estradiol
- Norgestimate/Ethinylestradiol Famycare
- Norgestrel
- Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol
- norgestrel/ethinyl estradiol
- Norifaz
- Norinyl 1 + 35 28-day tablets
- Norinyl 1 + 50 28-day tablets
- Norinyl 1+35
- Norinyl 1+50
- Noritate
- Noritate cream, 1%
- Noritate Topical
- Normaclin
- Normaglic
- Normalac
- Normapina 10mg
- Normapina 5mg
- Normase
- Normatens
- Normiflo
- Normocard
- Normodiab MR
- Normodyne
- Normodyne Intravenous
- Normoglaucon
- Normolax
- Normolax Control
- Normolax Natural fix
- Normosan (nr 14)
- Normosan fix
- Normosol-M and Dextrose
- Normosol-R
- Normosol-R Injection
- Norocarp
- Norocillin
- Noromectin
- Noromectin Plus
- Noromectin Pour-On
- Noromycin 300 LA
- Noroxin
- Noroxin Ophthalmic
- Norpace
- Norpace CR
- Norpace CR sustained-release capsules
- Norphyl
- Norplant System
- Norpramin
- Norprolac
- Norspan
- Northyx
- Nortrel
- Nortrel 0.5/35
- Nortrel 1/35 birth control
- Nortrel 7/7/7
- nortriptyline
- Nortriptyline Hydrochloride
- Nortriptyline Oral Solution
- nortriptyline solution
- Nortuss-DE drops
- Norvasc
- Norvir
- Norvir capsules
- Norvir solution
- Norvir Tablets
- Norwich Aspirin
- Nosox
- Nostril
- Nostril Nasal Decongestant
- Nostrilla
- Nostrilla 12 Hour solution
- Notuss-AC
- Notuss-AC liquid
- Notuss-DC
- Notuss-DC liquid
- Notuss-Forte
- Notuss-Forte Oral
- Notuss-NX
- Notuss-NX liquid
- Notuss-NXD
- Notuss-NXD liquid
- Notuss-PE
- Notuss-PE liquid
- Nov-Onxol
- Nova Rectal
- Novacet
- Novacort
- Novacort topical/rectal
- Novafed A Controlled-Release Capsules
- NovaFerrum
- NovaFerrum 125
- NovaFerrum 50
- Novaflor
- Novahistine DH
- Novahistine DH Liquid
- Novahistine elixir
- Novahistine Expectorant
- Novamine
- Novamox
- Novamox 1000
- Novamox 500
- Novamox 750
- Novamoxin
- Novamoxin Oral
- Novamoxin Reduced Sugar
- Novanatal
- Novanatal tablets
- Novantrone
- Novaplus Irinotecan Hydrochloride
- Novarel
- Novarel injectable
- NovaStart
- Novasus
- Novate
- Noverban
- Novo-Betamet
- Novo-Cholamine
- Novo-Cholamine Light
- Novo-Cisapride
- Novo-Clavamoxin 125
- Novo-Clavamoxin 250
- Novo-Furan Suspension
- Novo-Helisen Depot (stęż. 0-3), leczenie podstawowe
- Novo-Helisen Depot (stęż. 0-3), leczenie podstawowe (roztocza)
- Novo-Helisen Depot (stęż. 1-3), leczenie podstawowe
- Novo-Helisen Depot (stęż. 1-3), leczenie podstawowe (roztocza)
- Novo-Helisen Depot (stęż. 3), leczenie podstawowe (roztocza)
- Novo-Helisen Depot (stęż. 3), leczenie podtrzymujące
- Novo-Helisen Depot leczenie podtrzymujące
- Novo-Hydrocort Cream Topical application
- Novo-Hydrocort Topical application
- Novo-Lexin
- Novo-Methacin Suppositories
- Novo-Peridol
- Novo-Rythro Estolate Suspension
- Novo-Rythro Ethyl Succinate Suspension
- Novo-Rythro Stearate
- Novo-Trimel
- Novocain
- NovoEight
- Novofem
- Novofine
- Novolin 70/30
- Novolin 70/30 Innolet
- Novolin 70/30 PenFill
- Novolin 70/30 pens
- Novolin 70/30 vials
- Novolin L
- Novolin N
- Novolin N Innolet
- Novolin N PenFill
- Novolin N pens
- Novolin N vials
- Novolin R
- Novolin R Innolet
- Novolin R innolets
- Novolin R PenFill
- Novolog
- Novolog cartridges
- Novolog FlexPen
- Novolog Injection
- NovoLog Mix 70/30
- NovoLog Mix 70/30 cartridges
- NovoLog Mix 70/30 FlexPen
- Novolog Mix 70/30 PenFill
- NovoLog Mix 70/30 vials
- NovoLog vials
- NovoNorm
- Novoscabin
- Novoseven
- NovoSeven 100-Kj.m
- NovoSeven 120-Kj.m.
- NovoSeven 240-Kj.m
- NovoSeven 250-Kj.m
- NovoSeven 400-Kj.m.
- NovoSeven 50-Kj.m
- NovoSeven 60-Kj.m
- NovoSeven injection
- NovoSeven RT
- NovoSeven RT injection
- NovoSeven RTwith MixPro injection
- NovoThirteen
- Novothyral
- Novothyral 75
- Novothyrox
- Novox
- Novox Caplets
- Novynette
- Noxafil delayed-release tablet
- Noxafil suspension
- Noxecan
- Noxizol
- Nozer
- Nozer Med
- NP 27
- NP Thyroid 30
- NP Thyroid 60
- NP Thyroid 90
- NPD Ophthalmic Ointment
- Nplate
- NRS Nasal
- NRS-Nasal Relief
- NTZ Long Acting Nasal
- Nu-Amoxi
- Nu-Cotrimox
- Nu-Iron
- Nu-Iron 150
- Nu-Iron Plus
- Nu-Med
- Nubain
- Nuclaval
- Nuclazox
- Nucochem Pediatric Expectorant
- Nucodran
- Nucofed
- Nucofed liquid
- Nucofed Pediatric Expectorant
- Nucofed Syrup
- NuCort
- NuCort Lotion
- NuCort with Aloe
- Nucynta
- Nucynta ER
- Nucynta ER extended-release tablets
- Nucynta Solution
- Nuedexta
- Nuflor Gold
- Nulecit
- NuLev
- NuLev MeltTablets
- NuLev orally disintegrating tablets
- Nulojix
- Nulojix 250 mg
- NuLYTELY Cherry
- NuLYTELY Lemon Lime
- NuLYTELY Orange
- NuLYTELY solution
- NuLYTELY with Flavor Packs
- Nulytely, cherry flavor, lemon-lime flavor, and orange flavor nulytely for oral solution
- Num-Zit
- Numeta G 13%E
- Numeta G 16%E
- Numeta G 19%E
- Numorphan
- Numorphan suppositories
- Numzident
- NuOx
- NuOx gel
- Nupercainal
- Nupercainal HC
- Nupercainal ointment
- Nupercainal topical
- Nuprin
- Nuprin Backache Caplet
- Nuquin HP
- Nurofen
- Nurofen dla dzieci
- Nurofen dla dzieci Forte
- Nurofen dla dzieci JUNIOR pomarańczowy
- Nurofen dla dzieci JUNIOR truskawkowy
- Nurofen dla dzieci o smaku truskawkowym
- Nurofen Express
- Nurofen Express Femina
- Nurofen Express Forte (Nurofen Caps)
- Nurofen Express Forte rozpuszczalny
- Nurofen Express TAB 200 mg
- Nurofen Forte
- Nurofen Forte Caps (Nurofen Express Forte)
- Nurofen Forte Express
- Nurofen na ból pleców
- Nurofen Plus
- Nurofen przeciw bólowy
- Nurofen Topss
- Nurofen Ultima
- Nurofen Ultra Forte do rozpuszczania
- Nurofen Ultrafast
- Nurofen Zatoki
- Nuromax
- Nutr-E-Sol
- Nutracort
- Nutracort lotion
- Nutraderm
- NutraDrops
- Nutramigen
- Nutramigen AA
- Nutraplus
- Nutrestore
- Nutri-Tab OB
- Nutri-Tab OB Plus DHA
- Nutricel Additive Solution
- Nutridox Convenience Kit
- Nutridrink o smaku czekoladowym
- Nutridrink owoce trop.
- Nutridrink trusk.
- Nutridrink wanil.
- Nutriflex Lipid Special
- Nutriflex Omega Plus
- Nutriflex Omega Specjal
- Nutrineal PD4 zestaw
- Nutrison Advanced Peptisorb
- Nutrison Energy
- Nutrison Multi Fibre
- Nutrison Protein Plus
- Nutrison Standard
- Nutrisure otc tablets
- Nutropin
- Nutropin AQ
- Nutropin AQ NuSpin
- Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10
- Nutropin AQ NuSpin 5
- Nutropin AQ Pen
- Nutropin Aq Subcutaneous, Injection
- Nutropin AQ vials
- Nutropin Depot
- Nutropin Subcutaneous, Injection
- NutropinAq
- NuvaRing
- NuvaRing ring
- Nuvigil
- NuZole
- NuZon
- Ny-Tannic
- Nyaderm
- Nyaderm Cream Topical
- Nyaderm Ointment Topical
- Nyaderm Vaginal Cream
- Nyamyc
- NyCair
- Nycoff
- Nydrazid
- Nykob
- nylidrin
- Nylosed
- Nymalize
- Nymalize oral solution
- Nyquil Child Cough and Cold
- Nyquil Cold & Flu
- NyQuil Cold & Flu (Alcohol Free)
- Nyquil Cold & Flu Nighttime
- Nyquil Cold Medicine
- NyQuil Cold/Flu Relief
- NyQuil Cold/Flu Relief Cherry
- NyQuil Cough
- NyQuil D
- Nyquil Hot Therapy
- Nyquil Liquicap
- NyQuil liquid
- NyQuil Multi-Symptom
- NyQuil Nature Fusion Cold & Flu Nighttime
- NyQuil Severe Cold & Flu
- NyQuil Sinex
- nystatin
- Nystatin and Triamcinolone
- Nystatin and Triamcinolone Ointment
- nystatin and triamcinolone topical
- nystatin cream
- Nystatin Ointment
- Nystatin Oral Suspension
- nystatin powder
- nystatin suspension
- Nystatin Tablets
- nystatin topical
- nystatin Vaginal
- Nystatin Vaginal Insert
- Nystatin vaginal tablets, usp
- nystatin/triamcinolone
- Nystatin/Triamcinolone Acetonide
- Nystatyna TEVA
- Nystatyna VP
- Nystop
- Nystop powder
- Nystop Topical
- Nytol
- Nytol Caplet
- Nytol Maximum Strength
- Nytol QuickCaps
- O-Cal FA Multivitamin
- O-Cal Prenatal
- O-Cal-D
- Oasis Tears
- OB Complete
- OB Complete 400
- OB Complete 400 with DHA
- OB Complete Chewable chewable tablets
- OB Complete Chewables
- OB Complete One with DHA
- OB Complete Petite
- OB Complete Premier
- OB Complete with DHA
- Ob Lube
- OB Natal One
- Ob-20
- Obag Nu-Derm Clear
- Obagi C Rx System C Clarifying Serum
- Obagi C Rx System C Clarifying Serum Liquid
- Obagi C Rx System Skin Intervention
- Obagi Condition and Enhance
- Obagi Skin Lightening Complex
- Obegyn prenatal supplement
- Obenix
- Obezine
- obinutuzumab
- obinutuzumab Intravenous
- Obtrex DHA
- Oby-Cap
- OC8
- Occlucort
- Occlusal-HP liquid
- Occlusal-HP Topical
- Ocean hypertonic nasal irrigant
- Ocean nasal spray
- Ocella
- Ocriplasmin
- ocriplasmin Intraocular
- Octagam
- Octagam 10%
- Octagam IGIV
- Octanate
- Octanate LV
- Octanine F 1000
- Octanine F 500
- Octaplas
- Octaplex
- Octeniderm Prep.do dezyn. chir.rąk
- Octenisept
- Octocaine
- Octocaine 100
- OctreoScan
- Octreotide
- Octreotide Acetate
- Octreotide CSC
- octreotide injection
- octreotide Injection, Intramuscular
- Octreotide Kabi
- octreotide kit
- Octrin
- Octycine-100
- Octycine-250 oral/rectal
- Octyl methoxycinnamate
- Ocu-Caine
- Ocu-Carpine
- Ocu-Chlor
- Ocu-Cort
- Ocu-Dex ophthalmic
- Ocu-Lone C
- Ocu-Mycin
- Ocu-Pentolate
- Ocu-Phrin
- Ocu-Spor-G
- Ocu-Spore-B
- Ocu-Spore-G
- Ocu-Sul 10
- Ocu-Sul 15
- Ocu-Sul 30
- Ocu-Tracin
- Ocu-Trol
- Ocu-Tropic
- Ocu-tropine
- Ocu-Zoline
- Ocuclear
- OcuClear drops
- Ocudox
- Ocudox Convenience Kit
- Ocufen
- Ocufen drops
- Ocufen eent
- Ocuflox
- Ocuflox drops
- OcuFresh
- Oculamid
- ocular lubricant
- Oculosan
- Oculotect Fluid
- Oculotect Fluid Sine
- Oculotect Gel
- Ocumycin
- Ocupress
- Ocusert Pilo
- Ocusulf-10
- Ocusulf-10 Drops
- Ocutricin
- Ocuvite extra vitamin and mineral supplement
- Ocuvite lutein vitamin and mineral supplement
- Ocuvite preservision vitamin and mineral supplement
- Ocuvite vitamin and mineral supplement
- Oekolp
- Oekolp forte
- OEPAROL olej z nasion wiesiołka
- Oesclim
- Oesclim 37.5
- Oesclim 75
- Oesclim Transdermal
- Oestrilin
- ofatumumab
- ofatumumab Intravenous
- Off-Ezy Topical
- Ofirmev
- Ofirmev injection
- Oflodinex
- ofloxacin
- ofloxacin drops
- Ofloxacin Ear Drops
- Ofloxacin eent
- ofloxacin Ophthalmic
- Ofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution
- ofloxacin Otic
- ofloxacin solution
- Ofloxacin-POS
- Ofloxamed
- Oforta
- Oframax
- Oftagel
- Oftahist
- Oftaquix
- Oftaquix Sine
- Oftarinol
- Oftipan
- Oftophenazol
- Ogen
- Ogen .625
- Ogen 0.625
- Ogen 1.25
- Ogen 2.5
- Ogen Cream
- Ogestrel
- Ogestrel 0.5/50
- Ogestrel-28
- ohm Allergy Relief
- Oilatum
- Oilatum Plus
- Oksaliplatyna medac 5
- Oksazepam TZF
- Olanzafloc
- Olanzamin
- Olanzapin KRKA
- Olanzapin Stada
- Olanzapina Aspen
- Olanzapina Aurobindo
- Olanzapina KRKA
- Olanzapina TZF
- olanzapine
- Olanzapine Adamed
- olanzapine and fluoxetine
- Olanzapine and Fluoxetine Capsules
- Olanzapine Cipla
- Olanzapine Egis
- olanzapine extended-release
- Olanzapine Galenicum
- Olanzapine Injection
- olanzapine Intramuscular
- Olanzapine Orally Disintegrating Tablets
- Olanzapine Pfizer
- Olanzapine Ranbaxy
- Olanzapine Sanovel
- Olanzapine Tablets
- Olanzapine Teva
- olanzapine/fluoxetine
- Olanzapine/Fluoxetine Hydrochloride
- Olbas Oil
- Olbas Pastilles
- Olej kamforowy
- Olej kamforowy Aflofarm
- Olej kamforowy Gemi
- Olej kamforowy Lab.Galen.Olsztyn
- Olej rycynowy
- Olej rycynowy Aflofarm
- Olej z nasion wiesiołka
- Olej z wiesiołka
- Olej z wiesiołka dwulet.
- Olejek eter.eukal.
- Oleptro
- Oleptro extended-release tablets
- Oleptro Oral
- Oleum camphoratum 10%
- Oleum ricini
- Oleum Ricini PhytoPharm
- Olfen
- Olfen 100
- Olfen 100 SR Depocaps
- Olfen 25
- Olfen 50
- Olfen Patch
- Olfen Uno
- Olicard 40 retard
- Olicard 60 retard
- Olimel N5E
- Olimel N7
- Olimel N7E
- Olimel N9
- Olimel N9E
- Olimel Peri N4E
- Olimestra
- olmesartan
- olmesartan and hydrochlorothiazide
- Olmesartan Medoxomil
- Olmesartan Medoxomil Teva
- Olmesartan Medoxomil/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Olmesartan Polpharma
- olmesartan, amlodipine, and hydrochlorothiazide
- olmesartan/hydrochlorothiazide
- olopatadine drops
- Olopatadine Hydrochloride
- olopatadine Nasal
- Olopatadine Nasal Spray
- olopatadine Ophthalmic
- olopatadine spray
- Olopatadine Zentiva
- Olopeg
- olsalazine
- Olsalazine Sodium
- Olux
- Olux foam
- Olux-E
- Olux-E emollient foam
- Olux/Olux-E Complete Pack
- Olux/Olux-E Complete Pack foam
- Olysio
- omacetaxine
- omacetaxine injection
- Omacetaxine Mepesuccinate
- omacetaxine Subcutaneous
- Omacor
- Omalizumab
- omalizumab Subcutaneous
- Omar
- Omar Max
- Omeclamox-Pak
- Omeclamox-Pak therapy pack
- Omega 3 Sandoz
- Omega Essentials
- Omega Essentials Basic
- Omega-3
- Omega-3 Fish Oil
- omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
- Omega-3-acid Ethyl Esters
- Omega-500
- Omegaven
- Omeoformula 1 Adiposity
- Omeoformula 2 Cellulite
- Omeoformula 3 Tissue Tone
- Omeoformula 4 Breast
- Omeoformula 5 Vein
- Omepraz Bio
- Omeprazamyl
- Omeprazol Biofarm
- Omeprazol Farmax
- Omeprazol Generics
- Omeprazol Mylan
- Omeprazol Sandoz
- Omeprazol Zentiva
- Omeprazole
- Omeprazole 1A Pharma
- omeprazole and sodium bicarbonate
- Omeprazole and Sodium Bicarbonate Capsule
- omeprazole delayed-release capsules
- omeprazole delayed-release oral suspension
- omeprazole delayed-release tablets
- omeprazole magnesium delayed-release capsules and tablets
- omeprazole suspension
- Omeprazole Tablets
- omeprazole/clarithromycin/amoxicillin therapy pack
- Omeprazole/Sodium Bicarbonate
- omeprazole/sodium bicarbonate powder packets
- Omisson
- Omisson Daily
- Omnadren 250
- Omnaris
- Omnaris eent
- Omnaris spray
- Omnicef
- Omnicef suspension
- Omnihist L.A.
- Omnii Gel
- Omnii Gel Just For Kids
- Omnipaque
- Omnipaque Injection
- Omnipred
- Omnipred drops
- Omniscan
- Omniscan Prefill Plus
- Omniscan Safepak
- Omnitamgen
- Omnitrope
- Omontys
- onabotulinumtoxinA
- onabotulinumtoxina Intramuscular
- Oncaspar
- Onco TICE
- Oncovin
- Ondansetron
- Ondansetron -1A Pharma
- Ondansetron Accord 2mg/ml
- Ondansetron and Dextrose
- Ondansetron B.Braun 2 mg/ml
- Ondansetron Claris
- Ondansetron Hydrochloride
- Ondansetron Injection
- Ondansetron Kabi
- Ondansetron ODT
- Ondansetron Oral Solution
- ondansetron Oral, Injection, Intravenous
- ondansetron Oral, Oromucosal
- ondansetron orally disintegrating tablets
- Ondansetron Pfizer
- ondansetron soluble film
- ondansetron solution
- ondansetron tablets
- Ondatran
- Onduarp
- One Minute Sodium Fluoride Gel
- One Touch Advanced Gel
- One-A-day active tablets
- One-A-day energy formula tablets
- One-A-day kids bugs bunny and friends complete sugar free tablets
- One-A-day kids complete scooby doo multivitamin multimineral tablets
- One-A-day kids scooby doo plus calcium multivitamin tablets
- One-A-day memory concentration tablets
- One-A-day men's health formula tablets
- One-A-day prostate health softgels
- One-A-Day Within
- One-Alpha
- One-Gram C
- Onfi
- Onfi suspension
- Onfi Tablets
- Onglyza
- Onirex
- Onirex (Eanox)
- Onko BCG 100
- Onko BCG 50
- Onmel
- Onsenal-200 mg
- Onsenal-400 mg
- Onsolis
- Onsolis buccal
- Onsolis soluble film
- Ontak
- Onxol
- Ony-Clear
- Opahl Gel
- Opana
- Opana ER
- Opana ER extended-release tablets
- Opana Injection
- Opana tablets
- Opatanol, 0,1% (1 mg/ml)
- Opcon-A Eye Drops
- Operand Chg Surgical Scrub Brush
- Operand Chlorhexidine Gluconate
- Operand Closed Loop Chg Scrub
- Operand douche
- Opgenra
- ophthalmic irrigation intraocular
- Ophthetic
- Ophthetic drops
- Ophtho-Chloram
- Ophtho-Flox
- Ophthocort
- Opium
- Opium Deodorized
- opium preparation
- Opium Tincture
- Opium Tincture/Paregoric
- Opokan
- Opokan Actigel
- Opokan forte
- Opokan INJ
- Opokan-keto
- Oprelvekin
- oprelvekin injectable
- oprelvekin Subcutaneous
- Oprymea
- Opsumit
- Optaflexx 45
- Optaflu szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Optase
- Optase Wound Care Gel
- Opti-Clear
- Opti-Free Rewetting Drops
- Opticaine drops
- Opticrom ophthalmic
- OptiFlex Complete
- OptiFlex-C
- Optigene 3
- OptiMARK
- Optimine
- Optimum Charcoal
- Optimum Magnesium Gluconate
- OptiNate
- Optinate tablets
- Option 2
- Option 2 Oral, Parenteral
- Option 2 Oral, Parenteral, Vaginal
- Optipranolol
- OptiPranolol drops
- Optipranolol metipranolol ophthalmic solution 0.3%
- Optiray
- Optiray 160
- Optiray 240
- Optiray 300
- Optiray 320
- Optiray 350
- Optison
- Optivar
- Optivar drops
- optive
- Optruma
- Or-Phen-Ade
- Ora film
- Ora film strips
- Orabase
- Orabase Baby Teething Gel
- Orabase Gel-B
- Orabase Lip Healer
- Orabase with Benzocaine
- Orabase-B
- Orabloc
- Oracaine
- Oracea
- Oracit
- Orajel
- Orajel Baby
- Orajel Baby Nighttime
- Orajel D
- Orajel Denture
- Orajel Denture Plus
- Orajel Extra Strength
- Orajel Maximum Strength
- Orajel Maximum Strength PM
- Orajel Mouth Sore Medicine
- Orajel Mouth-Aid
- Orajel Severe Pain Formula
- Oral B Anti-Cavity
- Oral Gel
- Oral Pain Relief
- Oral-B Fluorinse
- Oral-B Minute Foam
- Oral-B Neutra Foam
- Oral-B Neutracare
- Oralair 100IR&300IR wyciąg alergenów z pyłków traw
- Oralair 300IR wyciąg alergenów z pyłków traw
- Oralone
- Oralseptic
- OraMagic Plus
- OraMagic Plus suspension
- OraMagic Rx
- Oramorph SR
- Oramorph SR sustained-release tablets
- Oranex
- Orange-Vit
- Orap
- Orapred
- Orapred ODT
- Orapred solution
- Oraqix
- Oraqix periodontal gel
- Orasol
- Oratuss
- Oratuss 12 sustained-release tablets
- Oratuss liquid
- OraVerse
- Oravig
- ORAVIG buccal
- Oraxyl
- Orazinc
- Orazinc 110
- Orazinc 220
- Orbax Suspension
- Orbivan
- Orbivan CF
- Ordrine
- Orelox
- Orencia
- Orencia 125
- Orencia 250
- Orenitram
- Orest Easyhaler
- Orfadin
- Orfiril
- Orfiril 150
- Orfiril 300
- Orfiril 300 retard
- Orfiril 600
- Orfiril Long 1000
- Orfiril Long 150
- Orfiril Long 300
- Orfiril Long 500
- Orfro
- Organidin NR
- Organidin NR immediate-release capsules
- Organidin NR Liquid
- Orgaran
- Original Tegrin Medicated shampoo
- Orilukast
- Orimune
- Orimune Oral, Parenteral
- Orinase
- Oripeg
- Orlaam
- orlistat
- Orlistat 123ratio
- Orlistat Polpharma 120 mg
- Orlistat Polpharma 60 mg
- Orlistat Sandoz 120 mg
- Orlistat Sandoz 60 mg
- Orlistat STADA 120 mg
- Orlistat STADA 60 mg
- Orlistat Teva 120 mg
- Ornade Spansules
- Ornex
- Ornex Maximum Strength
- Ornithine TEVA
- Orocal D3
- Orocal D3 Forte
- Orocal D3 lemon
- Orocal D3 Lemon Plus
- Orocal D3 Orange Plus
- Orocal D3 Tab
- Oroclean do przemywania uszu
- Oroes
- Orofar
- Orofar MAX
- Oroflocina
- Oroperidys
- Oropram 20mg
- Orphacol
- orphenadrine
- Orphenadrine Aspirin Caffeine
- Orphenadrine Citrate
- Orphenadrine Citrate/Aspirin/Caffeine
- orphenadrine extended-release tablets
- orphenadrine Injection
- Orphenadrine w/A.C.
- orphenadrine, aspirin, and caffeine
- Orphenate
- Orphengesic
- Orphengesic Forte
- Orsythia
- Ortanol
- Ortanol 10 Plus
- Ortanol Max
- Ortho Dienestrol
- Ortho Evra
- Ortho Evra patch
- Ortho Guard
- Ortho Micronor
- Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo
- Ortho-Cept
- Ortho-Cyclen
- Ortho-Est
- Ortho-Gynest 0.01%
- Ortho-Gynest D
- Ortho-Novum
- Ortho-Novum 777
- Ortho-Novum 1/35
- Ortho-Novum 1/50
- Ortho-Novum 7/7/7 birth control
- Ortho-Tri-Cyclen
- Orthoclone OKT 3
- Orthoclone OKT3
- Orthovisc
- OrthoWash
- Ortofosforan sodu Na2H32PO4
- Orudis
- Orudis KT
- Oruvail
- Oruvail extended-release capsules
- Orvaten
- Os-cal 250 + D tablets
- Os-Cal 250 with D
- Os-Cal 500
- Os-cal 500 + D tablets
- Os-Cal 500 with D
- Os-Cal 500+D
- Os-Cal 500+Extra D Chewable chewable tablets
- Os-Cal Calcium+D3
- Os-Cal with D
- Osagrand
- Osalen
- Oscillococcinum
- Oscimin Oral Dispersible Tablet
- Oscimin SR Tablets
- Oscimin Sublingual Tablet
- Oscimin Tablet
- Oscion
- Oscion Cleanser
- Osco Sore Throat
- oseltamivir
- Oseltamivir Phosphate
- oseltamivir suspension
- Oseni
- Osigraft
- Oslif Breezhaler
- Osmitrol
- Osmoglyn
- OsmoPrep
- OsmoPrep Oral
- Ospamox 125 mg/5ml
- Ospamox 250 mg/5ml
- Ospamox 500 mg/5ml
- ospemifene
- Osphena
- Osseor
- Ossica
- Ossopan
- Ostenil
- Osteo Bi-Flex
- Osteo Bi-Flex Advanced
- Osteo Bi-Flex Double Strength
- Osteo bi-flex plus calcium caplets
- Osteo Bi-Flex Plus MSM
- Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength
- Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength caplets
- Osteocynesine
- Osteogel
- Osteogenon
- Osteolite
- Ostone
- Ostowap D3
- Ostram
- OsvaRen
- Oti-Sone
- Otic Edge
- Oticaine
- Oticin Ear Drops
- Oticin HC Ear Drops
- OtiLam
- Otimar
- Otinum
- OtiRx Ear Drops
- Otirx otic
- OTN Mitoxantrone
- Oto End 10
- Oto-End otic
- Otocain drops
- Otocort Sterile Solution
- Otocort Sterile Suspension
- Otogesic
- Otomar HC otic
- Ototalgin
- Otozin
- Otozone solution
- Otrex 600
- Otrexup
- Otrexup injection
- Otrivin
- Otrivin (Otrivin 0,1%)
- Otrivin 0,05%
- Otrivin 0,1%
- Otrivin Allergy
- Otrivin dla dzieci
- Otrivin Duo
- Otrivin ipra MAX
- Otrivin Menthol
- Otrivin Pediatric
- Outgro
- Outgro Pain Relief
- Ovace
- Ovace cream
- Ovace Foam
- Ovace Plus
- Ovace Plus Cream
- Ovace Plus shampoo
- Ovace Plus Wash
- Ovace Wash
- Ovadine
- Ovaleap
- Ovaprim
- Ovcon
- Ovcon 35
- Ovcon 35 birth control
- Ovcon 35 Fe
- Ovcon 50
- Ovestin
- Ovide
- Ovide .5% lotion
- Ovide Topical
- Ovidrel
- Ovidrel injectable
- Ovidrel Injection
- Ovitrelle 250
- Ovol
- Ovrette Oral, Implantation, Parenteral
- Ovrette Oral, Parenteral, Vaginal
- Ovulan
- Ovulastan
- Ovulastan Forte
- oxacillin
- Oxacillin Injection
- Oxacillin Sodium
- oxacillin solution
- Oxalin 0.025%
- Oxalin 0.05%
- oxaliplatin
- Oxaliplatin Concentrate Injection
- Oxaliplatin CSC
- Oxaliplatin Hospira
- oxaliplatin Intravenous
- Oxaliplatin Kabi
- Oxaliplatin Mylan
- Oxaliplatin Stada
- Oxaliplatin Strides
- Oxaliplatin Teva
- Oxaliplatin-Ebewe
- Oxaliplatinum Accord
- oxamniquine
- Oxandrin
- oxandrolone
- Oxaprozin
- Oxaprozin Potassium
- Oxaprozin Tablets
- Oxazepam
- Oxazepam Espefa
- Oxcarbazepine
- oxcarbazepine extended-release tablets
- Oxcarbazepine Suspension
- Oxecta
- oxiconazole cream
- oxiconazole lotion
- Oxiconazole Nitrate
- oxiconazole topical
- Oxilan
- Oxipor VHC
- Oxistat
- Oxistat cream
- Oxistat lotion
- Oxistat Topical
- Oxodil
- Oxoject
- Oxsoralen lotion
- Oxsoralen lotion 1%
- Oxsoralen Topical
- Oxsoralen-Ultra
- Oxsoralen-Ultra soft-gelatin capsules
- Oxtellar XR
- Oxtellar XR extended-release tablets
- oxtriphylline
- oxtriphylline and guaifenesin
- Oxtyrol For Women system
- Oxy 10 Balance
- Oxy Balance
- Oxy Balance Deep Pore Cleanser liquid
- Oxy Balance Topical
- Oxy Daily Wash
- Oxy Daily Wash Chill Factor
- Oxy Face Scrub
- Oxy IR
- Oxy-10
- Oxybenzone
- OxyBlend 55
- oxybutynin
- Oxybutynin Chloride
- Oxybutynin ER Tablets
- oxybutynin extended-release tablets
- oxybutynin gel
- Oxybutynin hydrochloride Accord
- Oxybutynin Oral Solution
- oxybutynin syrup
- oxybutynin system
- oxybutynin Transdermal
- Oxycodon Acino
- Oxycodone
- oxycodone and acetaminophen
- Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Capsules
- Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Oral Solution
- Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Tablets
- oxycodone and aspirin
- Oxycodone and Ibuprofen
- Oxycodone Aspirin
- Oxycodone Capsules
- oxycodone concentrate
- Oxycodone ER
- Oxycodone Extended-Release Tablets
- Oxycodone Hydrochloride
- Oxycodone Hydrochloride Accord
- Oxycodone Hydrochloride/Aspirin
- Oxycodone Immediate-Release Capsules
- Oxycodone Solution
- Oxycodone Solution Concentrate
- oxycodone sustained-release tablets
- Oxycodone Tablets
- Oxycodone Vitabalans
- Oxycodone/Acetaminophen
- oxycodone/acetaminophen solution
- Oxycontin CR
- OxyContin sustained-release tablets
- Oxycort
- Oxycort A
- Oxydose
- Oxyfast
- Oxyfast concentrate
- Oxyfrin
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Mix
- Oxygen Helium Mixture
- Oxygen Liquid
- Oxygen Nitrogen Mixture
- Oxygen, Refrigerated
- OxyIR
- Oxymeta-12
- oxymetazoline drops
- Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride
- oxymetazoline nasal
- oxymetazoline ophthalmic
- oxymetazoline solution
- Oxymetholone
- oxymorphone
- oxymorphone extended-release tablets
- Oxymorphone Hydrochloride
- oxymorphone Injection
- oxymorphone suppositories
- Oxymorphone Tablets
- OxyNEO
- OxyNorm
- oxyquinolone
- Oxytet
- oxytetracycline and polymyxin B ophthalmic
- oxytetracycline/polymyxin b sulfate ointment
- Oxytocin
- Oxytocin -Richter
- oxytocin Intravenous, Intramuscular
- Oxytocin-Grindex
- Oxytrol
- Oxytrol system
- Oysco 500
- Oysco 500 with D
- Oysco D
- Oysco D with Calcium
- Oyst Cal 500
- Oyst-Cal-D
- Oyster Cal
- Oyster Calcium
- Oyster Shell
- Oyster Shell Calcium
- Oyster Shell Calcium 500
- Oyster Shell Calcium with Vitamin D
- Oyster-D
- Oystercal-D
- Ozolan
- Ozurdex
- P & S Topical
- P Chlor DM
- P-1000
- P-A-C
- P-A-C Analgesic
- P-Hist DM Drops
- P-V Tussin
- P-V-Tussin Syrup
- P1E1
- P2E1
- P3E1
- P4E1
- P6E1
- Pabal
- Pabi-Acenocoumarol
- Pabialgin Neo
- Pabialgin P
- Pacaps
- Pacerone
- Paclimedac
- paclitaxel
- Paclitaxel -Ebewe
- Paclitaxel -Kabi
- Paclitaxel Dr Schlichtiger
- Paclitaxel Hospira
- paclitaxel Intravenous
- Paclitaxel Novaplus
- paclitaxel protein-bound
- paclitaxel protein-bound Intravenous
- Paclitaxel WZF
- Paclitaxelum Accord
- Paclitaxelum Teva
- Paclitaxin
- Pacnex
- Pacnex HP
- Pacnex LP
- Pacnex MX
- Pacnex MX Wash
- Pacquin
- Padma 28
- Padma 28 blistry
- Pain Enz Topical
- Pain Relief PM Extra Strength
- Pain Reliever Plus
- Pain Stick Arthritis Formula
- Pain Stick Sports Formula
- Pain-Eze +/Rheu-Thritis
- Pain-Eze oral/rectal
- Painaid
- Painalay
- PainZone
- Paire OB Plus DHA
- Palafer
- Palandra
- Palcaps
- Palcaps 10
- Palexia
- Palexia retard
- Palgic
- Palgic DS liquid
- palifermin
- palifermin Intravenous
- Palin
- paliperidone
- paliperidone extended-release tablets
- paliperidone Intramuscular
- Palivizumab
- palivizumab Intramuscular
- Palladone
- Palladone extended-release capsules
- Palmer's Skin Success Acne Cleanser Topical
- Palmitate-A
- palonosetron
- palonosetron capsules
- Palonosetron Hydrochloride
- palonosetron Intravenous
- pamabrom
- Pamelor
- Pamelor Solution
- pamidronate
- Pamidronate Disodium
- Pamidronate Disodium Agila
- pamidronate Intravenous
- Pamidronate Intravenous Infusion
- Pamifos-15
- Pamine
- Pamine Forte
- Pamistad
- Pamix
- Pamprin Cramp Formula
- Pamprin ES Multi-Symptom Relief Formula
- Pamprin Max
- Pamprin Maximum Pain
- Pamprin Multi-Symptom
- Pan C 500
- Pan-2400
- Panacur
- Panacur Paste
- Panadol
- Panadol Capsules
- Panadol dla dzieci
- Panadol Extra
- Panadol Femina
- Panadol Max
- Panadol Menthol Active
- Panadol Novum
- Panadol Rapid
- Panafil ointment
- Panafil spray
- Panalgesic Gold
- Panasal 5/500
- Panatuss DXP
- Panatuss DXP liquid
- Panatuss Pediatric DXP
- Panaxan
- Pancod
- Pancof EXP syrup
- Pancof HC
- Pancof HC Oral
- Pancof PD Liquid
- Pancof syrup
- Pancof XP
- Pancof-PD
- Pancote
- Pancrease MT 10
- Pancrease MT 16
- Pancrease MT 20
- Pancrease MT 4
- Pancrease MT Capsules (Enteric-Coated)
- pancreatin
- Pancreatin 4X
- Pancreaze
- Pancrecarb MS capsules (enteric-coated)
- Pancrecarb MS-16
- Pancrecarb MS-4
- Pancrecarb MS-8
- Pancrelipase
- pancrelipase capsules
- pancrelipase capsules (enteric-coated)
- pancrelipase delayed-release capsules
- Pancron 10 delayed-release capsules
- Pancuronium
- Pancuronium Bromide
- Pancuronium Jelfa
- Pandel
- Pandel cream, 0.1%
- Pandel Topical application
- Pandemic Influenza Vaccine H5N1 Baxter
- Pandemrix szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Panfil G
- Pangestyme CN-10 Delayed-Release Capsules
- Pangestyme EC
- Panglen
- Panglobulin NF
- Panglobulin NF IGIV
- Pangrol 10 000
- Pangrol 25 000
- Panhematin
- panitumumab
- panitumumab Intravenous
- Panixine
- Panixine DisperDose
- Pankreaflos
- Pankrosan
- Panlor DC
- Panlor SS
- PanMist DM Liquid
- Pannaz
- Pannaz S
- Pannaz S syrup
- Pannaz sustained-release tablets
- Panocaps
- Panocaps MT 16
- Panogastin
- Panokase
- Panoprist
- PanOxyl
- Panoxyl 10
- Panoxyl 5
- Panoxyl Aqua Gel
- PanOxyl bar
- PanOxyl Maximum Strength Foaming Acne Wash
- Panoxyl Soap
- Panretin
- Panretin Gel 0,1%
- Panretin Topical
- Pantecta Control
- Panthenol
- Panthenol Spray
- Panthoderm cream
- Panto-250
- Pantodia
- Pantoloc Control
- Pantomed
- Pantopon
- Pantopon Oral
- Pantopraz 20 mg
- Pantopraz Bio
- Pantoprazol 123ratio
- Pantoprazol Beximco
- Pantoprazol Genoptim
- Pantoprazol Mepha
- Pantoprazol Vitama
- Pantoprazol-ratiopharm
- Pantoprazole
- Pantoprazole Agila
- pantoprazole delayed-release tablets
- Pantoprazole Distriquimica (Dialoc)
- Pantoprazole Genoptim SPH
- Pantoprazole Injection
- pantoprazole Intravenous
- Pantoprazole Olinka
- Pantoprazole Reig Jofre
- Pantoprazole Sodium
- pantoprazole suspension
- Pantoprazole Wockhardt
- pantothenate
- pantothenic acid
- pantothenic acid (vitamin b5)
- Pantozol Control
- Panvitan Baby
- Panvitan dla kobiet
- Panvitan dla mężczyzn
- Panvitan dla osób starszych
- Panzol Pro
- Panzytrat 10 000 j.Ph.Eur.
- Panzytrat 25000 j.Ph.Eur.
- Pap-Urea
- Papacon
- papain-urea topical
- papain/urea foam
- papain/urea ointment
- papain/urea spray
- papain/urea spray emulsion
- papain/urea/chlorophyllin foam
- papain/urea/chlorophyllin ointment
- papain/urea/chlorophyllin spray
- papaverine
- papaverine capsules
- Papaverine Hydrochloride
- Papaverine Hydrochloride Injection
- papaverine injection
- Papaverinum hydrochl. WZF
- Papfyll foam
- Paptase foam
- Para-aminobenzoic acid
- Para-Time S. R.
- Para-Time S.R.
- Para-Time SR
- Paracemol 2.4%
- Paracenol
- Paracetamol
- Paracetamol 0,5
- Paracetamol 123ratio
- Paracetamol 2.4%
- Paracetamol Accord
- Paracetamol Actavis
- Paracetamol Aflofarm
- Paracetamol APC
- Paracetamol APTEO MED
- Paracetamol B.Braun
- Paracetamol Basi
- Paracetamol BIOFARM
- Paracetamol Dr Max
- Paracetamol efervescens
- Paracetamol Farmina
- Paracetamol Filofarm
- Paracetamol Galena
- Paracetamol Hasco
- Paracetamol Kabi
- Paracetamol LGO
- Paracetamol Life
- Paracetamol Marcmed
- Paracetamol Panpharma
- Paracetamol Polfa-Łódź
- Paracetamol Polfarmex
- Paracetamol Polpharma
- Paracetamol Rockspring
- Paracetamol Rubital
- Paracetamol Sandoz
- Paracetamol+Coffeine Galpharm
- Paracetamol+Guaifenesin +Phenylephrine+Hydrochloride Perrigo
- Paracetamol-Herbapol Wrocław
- Paradentosol
- Paradione
- Paraffinum liquidum
- Parafina ciekła
- Parafina ciekła - Avena
- Parafina ciekła Aflofarm
- Parafon DSC
- Parafon Forte DSC
- ParaGard
- Paragard T 380a intrauterine copper contraceptive
- Paragrippe
- paraldehyde Oral, Injection, Rectal
- Paralen Extra
- Paralen Grip
- Paralen Plus
- Paralen Sus
- Paramax Comp
- Paramax Rapid 500
- Paramax-Cod
- paramethadione
- Parapasta
- Paraplatin
- Paraplatin NovaPlus
- Parareg
- Parcaine
- Parcopa
- Parcopa orally disintegrating tablets
- Parcotram
- Paregoric
- Paremyd
- Paremyd Ophthalmic
- Paricalcitol
- paricalcitol capsules
- Paricalcitol Fresenius
- paricalcitol Intravenous
- Paricalcitol Teva
- Parlodel
- Parnassan
- Parnate
- Paroex
- Paromomycin
- Paromomycin Sulfate
- Paromycin
- paroxetine
- paroxetine capsules
- paroxetine controlled-release tablets
- Paroxetine ER
- Paroxetine Hydrochloride
- paroxetine mesylate
- Paroxetine Oral Suspension
- paroxetine suspension
- Parsonil
- Parvo K
- PASCOE Pascofemin
- PASCOE Pascolets
- PASCOE Thyreo-Pasc
- Paser
- Paser controlled-release granules packet
- Pasireotide
- pasireotide Subcutaneous
- Passiflor
- Pasta borowinowa lecznicza
- Pasta cynkowa
- Pasta cynkowa Aflofarm 25 %
- Pasta cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym
- Pasta cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym GEMI
- Pastylki wykrztuśne
- Pataday
- Pataday drops
- Patanase
- Patanase nasal
- Patanase spray
- Patanol
- Patanol drops
- Patentex Oval N
- Pavabid Plateau
- Pavacot
- Pavagen
- Pavulon
- Paxene
- Paxifar ER 150
- Paxifar ER 37,5
- Paxifar ER 75
- Paxil
- Paxil CR
- Paxil CR controlled-release tablets
- Paxil suspension
- Paxipam
- Paylean 9
- Pazol XS shampoo
- Pazopanib
- Pazopanib Hydrochloride
- PB Hyos Elixir
- PBM Allergy
- PC Pen VK oral
- PC Tar
- PCE Dispertab
- PCXX Foam
- PD-Cof
- PD-Cof Drops
- PD-Hist D
- PD-Hist D Drops
- Pdf
- PE-Guai
- Pectobonisol
- PectoDrill
- Pectonarex
- Pectosol
- Pedea
- Pedi-Dent
- Pedi-Dri
- Pedi-Dri Powder
- Pedi-Dri Topical
- Pedia Relief Infant drops
- Pedia-Lax
- Pedia-Lax Chewable
- Pedia-Lax Liquid rectal
- Pedia-Lax Stool Softener oral/rectal
- Pedia-Pop
- Pediacare
- PediaCare Children's Allergy
- PediaCare Children's Allergy & Cold
- PediaCare Children's Decongestant
- PediaCare Children's Multi-Symptom Cold
- PediaCare Children's NightRest liquid
- Pediacare cold allergy liquid
- Pediacare Cough and Cold
- Pediacare decongestant cough infant drops
- Pediacare Decongestant Infants
- Pediacare decongestant infants' drops
- PediaCare Infant drops
- PediaCare Infant Long-Acting Cough drops
- Pediacare infants' drops decongestant
- Pediacare infants' drops decongestant plus cough
- Pediacare Long-Acting Cough
- PediaCare Long-Acting Cough freezer pops
- PediaCare Long-Acting Cough/Cold chewable tablets
- PediaCare Multi-Symptom Chewable Tablets
- Pediacare Nightrest
- Pediaderm AF
- Pediaderm AF cream
- Pediaderm HC
- Pediaderm HC Kit
- Pediaderm HC lotion
- Pediaderm TA
- Pediaderm TA cream
- PediaHist DM Drops
- Pediahist DM Syrup
- Pedialyte freezer-pops
- Pedialyte Singles solution
- Pedialyte solution
- Pediapred
- PediaPred liquid
- Pediapred Oral Solution
- Pediapred solution
- Pediarix
- PediaTan
- PediaTan D
- Pediatex
- Pediatex 12
- Pediatex 12 DM
- Pediatex 12 DM suspension
- Pediatex 12D
- Pediatex 12D suspension
- Pediatex 12DM
- Pediatex HC
- Pediatex HC Liquid
- Pediatex liquid
- Pediatex TD
- Pediatex TDM suspension
- Pediatex-CT chewable tablets
- Pediatex-D
- Pediatex-DM
- Pediatric Cough & Cold Medicine
- pediatric multivitamin/minerals chewables
- pediatric multivitamin/minerals oral powder
- Pediatric vicks 44e cough chest congestion relief liquid
- Pediatric vicks 44m cough cold relief
- Pediaven G15
- Pediaven G20
- Pediaven G25
- Pediaven NN1
- Pediaven NN2
- Pediazole
- Pedicetamol
- Pediotic
- Pediox
- Pediox-S suspension
- Pedipirox Nail Lacquer
- Pedipirox-4
- Pedipur
- Peditrace
- Pedvaxhib
- PedvaxHIB szczepionka przeciw Haemophilus B
- Peg Intron RP
- Peg-200 glyceryl tallowate
- PEG-3350 with Electolytes
- PEG-3350, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate and Potassium Chloride
- PEG-Intron
- PEG-Intron Redipen
- pegademase bovine
- pegademase bovine Intramuscular
- Peganone
- Peganone tablets, usp
- pegaptanib
- pegaptanib Intraocular
- pegaptanib ophthalmic injection
- Pegaptanib Sodium
- Pegaspargase
- pegaspargase Intramuscular, Intravenous
- Pegasys
- Pegasys Proclick
- Pegasys ProClick Autoinjector
- Pegfilgrastim
- pegfilgrastim Subcutaneous
- peginesatide
- Peginesatide Acetate
- peginesatide Injection
- Peginterferon Alfa
- peginterferon alfa-2a
- peginterferon alfa-2a Subcutaneous
- peginterferon alfa-2b
- peginterferon alfa-2b Subcutaneous
- PegIntron
- PegIntron Redipen
- pegloticase
- pegloticase Intravenous
- Pegvisomant
- pegvisomant Subcutaneous
- Pektosan (nr 13)
- Pelethrocin
- Pelogel - borowinowy żel stomatol.
- Pelzont
- pemetrexed
- Pemetrexed Disodium
- pemetrexed Intravenous
- pemirolast
- pemirolast ophthalmic
- Pemirolast Potassium
- pemoline
- Pen G Max
- Pen-Aqueous
- penbutolol
- Penbutolol Sulfate
- Penciclovir
- penciclovir Topical
- Pendex
- Penetran Pain Relieving
- Penetrex
- Penicill.cryst.
- penicillamine
- Penicillin G
- Penicillin G Sodium Injection
- penicillin G benzathine
- penicillin g benzathine suspension
- Penicillin G Benzathine/Penicillin G Procaine
- penicillin g benzathine/penicillin g procaine suspension
- Penicillin G Benzathine/Potassium/Sodium
- Penicillin G Injection
- penicillin G potassium
- Penicillin G Procaine
- Penicillin G Procaine injectable suspension
- penicillin G sodium
- penicillin Oral, Injection, Intravenous, Intramuscular
- Penicillin V
- Penicillin V (Phenoxymethyl Penicillin, Penicillin V Potassium)
- Penicillin V Potassium
- penicillin v potassium solution
- Penicillin VK
- Penicillin-VK solution
- Penicillinum Crystallisatum TZF
- Penicillinum procainicum
- Penicillinum procainicum L TZF
- Penigra
- Penject
- Penlac
- Penlac Nail Lacquer
- Penlac nail lacquer, topical solution
- Penlac nail lacquer, topical solution, 8%
- Penlac solution
- Penlac Topical
- Pennchlor 64
- Pennox 343
- Pennsaid
- Pennsaid solution
- Pennsaid Topical
- pennyroyal
- Pentacel
- Pentaerythritol compositum
- pentafluoropropane/tetrafluoroethane aerosol spray
- Pentagastrin
- Pentaglobin
- Pentam
- Pentam 300
- pentamidine
- pentamidine Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- pentamidine Injection
- Pentamidine Isethionate
- pentamidine solution
- Pentamycetin Ophthalmic Solution 0.25%
- Pentamycetin Ophthalmic Solution 0.5%
- Pentasa controlled-release capsules
- Pentasa Oral, Rectal
- Pentasa Rectal
- Pentaxim
- pentazocine
- pentazocine and acetaminophen
- pentazocine and naloxone
- Pentazocine Combinations
- Pentazocine Hydrochloride
- pentazocine Injection
- Pentazocine Lactate
- Pentazocine Naloxone
- pentazocine/acetaminophen
- Pentazocinum WZF
- Pentetate Calcium Trisodium
- pentetate calcium trisodium (Ca-DTPA)
- pentetate calcium trisodium Intravenous, Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Pentetate zinc trisodium
- pentetate zinc trisodium (Zn-DTPA)
- pentetate zinc trisodium Intravenous, Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Pentetic Acid
- pentobarbital
- Pentobarbital Sodium
- PentoHEXAL 600 Retard
- Pentopak
- pentosan
- pentosan polysulfate sodium
- pentostatin
- pentostatin Intravenous
- Pentothal
- Pentoxifylline
- Pentoxifylline-1 A (Dartelin retard)
- Pentoxil
- Pentrax
- Pentrax Gold
- Pepcid
- Pepcid Injection
- Pepcid AC
- Pepcid AC Chewable Tablets
- Pepcid AC Maximum Strength
- Pepcid AC Maximum Strength Tablets
- Pepcid Complete
- Pepcid Oral Suspension
- Pepcid RPD
- Pepcid Solution
- peppermint
- Peptic Relief
- Pepto Bismol
- Pepto Children's
- Pepto-Bismol chewable tablets
- Pepto-Bismol Maximum Strength
- Pepto-Bismol Oral, Rectal
- Pepto-bismol original liquid, maximum strength liquid, original and cherry tablets and easy-to-swallow caplets
- Pepto-Bismol suspension
- perampanel
- Peranex HC
- Peranex HC pad
- Peranex HC topical/rectal
- Percocet
- Percodan
- Percogesic
- Percogesic Extra Strength
- Percogesic Original Strength
- Percolone
- Percorten V
- Perdiem Fiber
- Perdiem Fiber Caplet
- Perdiem Fiber Powder
- Perdiem Overnight
- Perfalgan
- Perfect Choice
- Perfect Choice Acidulated Phosphate Fluoride
- Perfect Choice Fluoride Gel
- Perfect Coat Shampoo
- Perfect Coat Studio Shampoo
- perflubron
- perflutren
- perflutren (lipid microspheres)
- perflutren (protein-type a microspheres)
- perflutren lipid microsphere Intravenous
- perflutren protein type a microsphere Intravenous
- Perfocrat
- Perform Pain Relieving Spray
- Perforomist
- Perforomist inhalation
- Perforomist solution
- pergolide
- Pergolide Mesylate
- Pergonal
- Pergoveris-150
- Peri-Care
- Peri-Colace
- Periactin
- Peridex
- Peridex oral rinse
- Peridex solution
- Peridin-C
- Peridol
- PeriGuard
- Perilexin
- Perindopril
- Perindopril + Indapamide Krka
- Perindopril Aurobindo
- Perindopril Erbumine
- Perindopril Krka
- Perindopril Medana
- Perindopril Pfizer
- Perindopril/Amlodipine Krka
- Perindoprilum 123ratio
- Perindoran
- Perio Med
- Perio Med rinse
- PerioChip
- PerioGard
- Periogard oral rinse
- PerioGard solution
- Periostat
- Perishield
- Perisol oral rinse
- Peritol
- Perjeta
- Perjeta Injection
- Perlinganit
- Perloxx
- Permapen Isoject
- Permax
- Permente
- Permethrin
- permethrin cream
- permethrin cream rinse
- permethrin lotion
- permethrin topical
- Permitil
- Permixon
- Pernox lotion
- Peroderm 7 Wash
- Perosall C (stęż.0)
- Perosall C (stęż.1-4)
- Perosall C (stęż.4)
- Perosall D (stęż.0)
- Perosall D (stęż.1-4)
- Perosall D (stęż.4)
- Perosall T13 (stęż.0)
- Perosall T13 (stęż.1-4)
- Perosall T13 (stęż.4)
- Peroxygel 3.0
- Peroxyl - Denta Gel 1%
- perphenazine
- perphenazine and amitriptyline
- perphenazine solution
- Perphenazine/Amitriptyline
- Perrigo Benzoyl Peroxide Alcohol Base Gel
- Perrigo Benzoyl Peroxide Gel
- Perrigo Benzoyl Peroxide Wash
- Perrigo Sodium Sulfacetamide and Sulfur
- Persa-Gel
- Persantine
- Persen
- Persen forte
- Personnelle Children's Ibuprofen - Berry
- Personnelle Children's Ibuprofen - Grape
- Pertlenon
- Pertuzumab
- pertuzumab Intravenous
- Pertzye
- Pertzye delayed-release capsules
- Peryndopryl + Indapamid Servier
- Petcalm
- Petco Chlorhexidine
- Petco Hydrocortisone
- Petco Hydrocortisone Spray
- Petco Iodoform
- Petco Lidocaine
- Petco Roundworm De-wormer
- Petrem
- Petrolatum
- Petrolatum, white
- Petroleum Jelly White
- Petylyl
- Pevaryl
- Pevazol
- Pevisone
- Pexeva
- Pexopar
- Peyona
- Pfizerpen
- Pharmabetic capsules
- Pharmadine aerosol solution
- Pharmadine cream
- Pharmadine Gauze pads
- Pharmaflur
- Pharmaflur 1.1
- Pharmalgen Hymenoptera Venoms
- Pharmalgen Hymenoptera Venoms (stęż.1-4)
- Pharmalgen Hymenoptera Venoms podtrz. osa,(stęż.4)
- Pharmalgen Hymenoptera Venoms podtrz. pszczoła,(stęż.4)
- Pharmaton
- Pharmorubicin Pfs
- Phazyme
- Phazyme Liquid Gas Relief, Maximum Strength
- Phazyme Maximum Strength
- Phazyme Ultra
- Phazyme-125
- Phazyme-95
- Pheburane
- Phena-Plus
- Phena-S
- Phena-S 12 suspension
- Phena-S liquid
- Phenabid DM sustained-release tablets
- Phenadoz
- Phenagesic
- Phenavent
- Phenazo
- Phenazo 95
- PhenazoForte Plus
- Phenazolinum
- phenazopyridine
- Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride
- Phenazopyridine Plus
- Phenazopyridine Tablets
- phenazopyridine/butabarbital/hyoscyamine
- Phencarb GG
- Phenchlor Tannate Pediatric
- Phendiet
- Phendiet-105
- phendimetrazine
- phendimetrazine sustained-release capsules
- Phendimetrazine Tablets
- Phendimetrazine Tartrate
- Phenelzine
- Phenelzine Sulfate
- Phenergan
- Phenergan Injection
- Phenergan Injection, Intravenous
- Phenergan Rectal
- Phenergan suppositories
- Phenergan tablets
- Phenergan VC
- Phenergan w/Codeine
- Phenflu CD
- Phenflu CDX
- Phenflu DM
- Phenhist Expectorant
- phenindamine
- Pheniramine maleate
- pheniramine/ pyrilamine/ phenyltoloxamine/ phenylpropanolamine
- pheniramine/phenyltoloxamine/pyrilamine elixir
- pheniramine/pyrilamine/phenylpropanolamine
- Phenobarbital
- Phenobarbital Elixir
- Phenobarbital Oral Solution
- Phenobarbital Sodium
- Phenobarbital Sodium Injection
- phenobarbital tablets
- phenol Oromucosal
- phenol spray
- phenolsulfonphthalein Injection
- phenothiazine Oral, Parenteral, Rectal
- phenoxybenzamine
- Phenoxybenzamine Hydrochloride
- Phentercot
- Phentermine
- phentermine and topiramate
- Phentermine Capsules
- Phentermine Extended Release
- Phentermine Hydrochloride
- phentermine orally disintegrating tablets
- phentermine resin
- phentermine/topiramate extended-release capsules
- Phentex-LA
- Phentolamine
- phentolamine Injection
- Phentolamine Mesylate
- Phentride
- Phenyl 15/12mg
- Phenyl 7.5/6mg
- Phenyl salicylate
- Phenyl-T
- Phenylbutazone
- Phenyldrine
- phenylephrine
- Phenylephrine and Chlorpheniramine Tablets
- Phenylephrine and Guaifenesin Drops
- phenylephrine and promethazine
- phenylephrine and pyrilamine
- phenylephrine and triprolidine
- phenylephrine and zinc ophthalmic
- phenylephrine chewable tablets
- Phenylephrine CM
- Phenylephrine Complex
- phenylephrine dissolving tablets
- phenylephrine drops
- Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
- Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Injection
- Phenylephrine Hydrochloride/Guaifenesin
- phenylephrine liquid
- phenylephrine nasal
- phenylephrine Ophthalmic
- Phenylephrine Ophthalmic Solution
- phenylephrine orally disintegrating strips
- phenylephrine rectal
- phenylephrine solution
- phenylephrine suppositories
- phenylephrine tablets
- phenylephrine tannate suspension
- Phenylephrine Tannate/Chlorpheniramine Tannate
- Phenylephrine Tannate/Chlorpheniramine Tannate/Pyrilamine Tannate
- Phenylephrine, Carbetapentane, Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate
- phenylephrine/brompheniramine/chlophedianol liquid
- phenylephrine/brompheniramine/codeine
- phenylephrine/brompheniramine/dextromethorphan
- phenylephrine/brompheniramine/dextromethorphan elixir
- phenylephrine/brompheniramine/dihydrocodeine liquid
- phenylephrine/carbetapentane/guaifenesin
- phenylephrine/carbetapentane/guaifenesin capsules
- phenylephrine/carbetapentane/potassium guaiacolsulfonate liquid
- phenylephrine/chlorpheniramine/carbetapentane liquid
- phenylephrine/chlorpheniramine/chlophedianol suspension
- phenylephrine/chlorpheniramine/codeine syrup
- phenylephrine/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan
- phenylephrine/codeine liquid
- phenylephrine/dexbrompheniramine/dextromethorphan/pyrilamine suspension
- phenylephrine/dexchlorpheniramine/carbetapentane liquid
- phenylephrine/dexchlorpheniramine/codeine
- phenylephrine/dexchlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan suspension
- phenylephrine/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin
- phenylephrine/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin capsules
- phenylephrine/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin drops
- phenylephrine/dihydrocodeine/guaifenesin syrup
- phenylephrine/diphenhydramine/dextromethorphan suspension
- phenylephrine/guaifenesin
- phenylephrine/guaifenesin/codeine/acetaminophen
- phenylephrine/guaifenesin/dextromethorphan
- phenylephrine/methscopolamine
- phenylephrine/polyvinyl alcohol drops
- phenylephrine/potassium guaiacolsulfonate liquid
- phenylephrine/promethazine
- phenylephrine/pyrilamine
- phenylephrine/pyrilamine chewable tablets
- phenylephrine/pyrilamine suspension
- phenylephrine/pyrilamine/chlophedianol liquid
- phenylephrine/pyrilamine/dextromethorphan drops
- phenylephrine/pyrilamine/dextromethorphan syrup
- phenylephrine/pyrilamine/dihydrocodeine liquid
- phenylephrine/scopolamine
- phenylephrine/triprolidine liquid
- phenylephrine/triprolidine/chlophedianol liquid
- Phenylfenesin
- Phenylfenesin LA
- Phenylgesic
- Phenylhistine
- Phenylhistine DH Expectorant
- Phenylhistine DH liquid
- Phenylhistine Expectorant
- phenylpropanolamine
- Phenytek
- Phenytek extended-release capsules
- Phenytoin
- Phenytoin Capsules
- Phenytoin Chewable Tablets
- phenytoin extended-release capsules
- Phenytoin Hikma
- phenytoin immediate-release capsules
- Phenytoin Infatabs
- phenytoin Intravenous
- Phenytoin Oral Suspension
- Phenytoin Sodium
- Phenytoin Sodium, Prompt
- phenytoin suspension
- Philith
- Philith birth control
- Phillips Colon Health
- Phillips Milk of Magnesia
- Phillips Milk of Magnesia suspension
- Phillips Stool Softener oral/rectal
- Phillips' chewable tablets
- Phillips' liqui-gels
- Phillips' m-o original formula
- Phillips' m-o refreshing mint formula
- Phillips' Milk of Magnesia chewable tablets
- Phillips' milk of magnesia liquid (original, cherry, mint)
- Phisoderm
- Phisohex
- Phl-Fluoxetine
- Phlebodia
- Phlemex
- Phlemex Forte
- PhluoriVit with Iron
- Phocal APF
- Phocal PHN
- Phoenix Solidagro
- Phos-Flur
- Phos-Flur cream
- Phos-Flur Gel
- Phoschol 900 softgels
- Phoschol concentrate
- Phosenamine
- PhosLo
- PhosLo Gelcap
- Phoslyra
- Phoslyra solution
- Phospha 250 Neutral
- Phospha 250 Neutral Oral, Parenteral
- Phosphasal
- Phosphate Laxative
- phosphate supplement Oral, Parenteral
- Phosphatidylcholine
- Phospho-Soda
- Phospho-Soda Oral
- Phosphocol P 32
- Phospholine Iodide
- Phospholine Iodide eye drops
- Phosphosorb 660 mg
- Phosphotec
- Phostal alergen grzyb.dermof.drożdż-podst.
- Phostal alergen grzyb.dermof.drożdż-podtrzym.
- Phostal alergen poch.roślin.-podst.
- Phostal alergen poch.roślin.-podtrzym.
- Phostal alergen poch.zwierz.-podst.
- Phostal alergen poch.zwierz.-podtrzym.
- Phostal alergen rozt.kurzu dom.-podst.
- Phostal alergen rozt.kurzu dom.-podtrzym.
- PhotoBarr
- Photofrin
- Phoxilium
- Phrenilin
- Phrenilin Forte
- Phrenilin with Caffeine and Codeine
- Phyllocontin
- Physiolyte
- Physioneal 40 z Glukozą 1,36 w/v
- Physioneal 40 z Glukozą 2,27 w/v
- Physioneal 40 z Glukozą 3,86 w/v
- Physiosol Irrigation
- Physiotens 0,2
- Physiotens 0,4
- Physiotens 0.2
- physostigmine Ophthalmic
- Physostigmine Salicylate
- Phytaloe capsules
- Phytaloe powder
- Phytodolor
- phytonadione
- Phytonadione (K1; Phylloquinone; Methylphytyl Naphthoquinone)
- phytonadione tablets
- Phytonutrients
- Phytopharm Diabetovit
- Phytopharm Normovit
- phytosterol esters, DHA, and EPA
- Phytosterols
- Piascledine
- Piascledine 300
- Picato
- Picozone
- Pigmentum Castellani
- Pikovit
- Pilocar
- Pilocar Drops
- Pilocarpine
- pilocarpine drops
- Pilocarpine Eye Drops
- pilocarpine gel
- Pilocarpine Hydrochloride
- pilocarpine ophthalmic
- Pilocarpine Tablets
- Pilopine HS gel
- Pilopine-HS
- Piloptic drops
- Pilostat
- Piloxidil
- Pima
- Pima syrup
- Pimafucin
- Pimafucort
- Pimecrolimus
- pimecrolimus topical
- pimozide
- Pimtrea
- Pin-X
- Pin-X chewable tablets
- Pin-X suspension
- pindolol
- Pinexet 150 mg
- PiniHelix
- Pink Bismuth
- Pinnacaine Ear Drops
- Pinworm
- Pinworm Caplets
- Pinworm Medicine
- Pinxav
- pioglitazone
- Pioglitazone Accord 30mg
- Pioglitazone Accord 45mg
- Pioglitazone Actavis
- pioglitazone and glimepiride
- pioglitazone and metformin
- Pioglitazone and Metformin Tablets
- Pioglitazone Bioton
- Pioglitazone Hydrochloride
- Pioglitazone Hydrochloride/Glimepiride
- Pioglitazone Hydrochloride/Metformin Hydrochloride
- Pioglitazone Pfizer
- Pioglitazone Tablets
- Pioglitazone Teva
- Pioglitazone Teva Pharma
- pioglitazone/glimepiride
- pioglitazone/metformin
- pioglitazone/metformin extended-release tablets
- Pioktisol Fiolet gencj.1% rozt.wodny
- piperacillin
- Piperacillin + Tazobactam Mylan
- Piperacillin and Tazobactam
- piperacillin and tazobactam Intravenous
- Piperacillin Sodium
- Piperacillin Sodium and Tazobactam Sodium
- Piperacillin Sodium/Tazobactam Sodium
- Piperacillin TZF
- piperacillin/tazobactam
- Piperacillin/Tazobactam Actavis
- Piperacillin/Tazobactam Kabi
- Piperacillin/Tazobactam Milpharm
- Piperacillin/Tazobactam Noridem
- Piperacillin/Tazobactam Sandoz
- Piperato
- piperazine
- piperonyl butoxide and pyrethrins topical
- Pipracil
- Piracetam Medana
- Piracetam Mylan
- Piracetamum 123ratio
- Piramil 1,25mg
- pirbuterol
- Pirbuterol Acetate
- pirbuterol Inhalation
- pirbuterol inhaler
- Pirmella 1/35
- Pirmella 7/7/7
- Pirolam
- Pirolam 1%
- piroxicam
- Piroxicam 20
- Piroxicam 5%
- Piroxicam Jelfa
- Pirydostygminy bromek NRIM
- Pitavastatin
- Pitavastatin Calcium
- pitcher plant
- Pitocin
- Pitressin
- Pitressin Injection
- Pitrex Topical
- Pixuvri
- Placidyl
- Plan B
- Plan B One-Step
- Plan B One-Step Oral
- Plan B Oral, Implantation, Parenteral
- Plan B Oral, Parenteral, Vaginal
- PlantagoPharm
- Plantex
- Plantifort
- Plaquenil
- Plaquenil Sulfate
- Plasbumin
- Plasbumin-25 human
- Plasbumin-5 human
- Plasma fractions HUMAN
- Plasma fractions, human
- plasma Intravenous
- Plasma Protein Fraction
- Plasma protein fraction (human)
- Plasma Volume Redibag
- Plasma-Lyte 148
- Plasma-Lyte 148 and Dextrose
- Plasma-Lyte 56
- Plasma-Lyte 56 and Dextrose
- Plasma-Lyte A
- Plasma-Lyte M and Dextrose
- Plasma-Lyte R
- Plasmalyte
- Plasmanate
- Plast.Nostrzykowy Gemi
- Plast.Urgo Cor Dressing
- Plaster na odciski
- Platarex
- Platinol
- Platinol (Restricted Access)
- Platinol-AQ
- Platox 5
- Plavix
- Plegine
- Plegisol
- Plegridy
- Plegridy Zestaw do rozpocz.leczenia
- Plenaxis
- Plerecard
- Plerixafor
- plerixafor Subcutaneous
- Pletal
- Plexion
- Plexion Cleanser
- Plexion Cleansing Cloths
- Plexion SCT
- Plexion SCT cream
- Plexion TS
- Plexion TS emulsion
- Plexxo 100
- Plexxo 25
- Plexxo 50
- Pliaglis
- plicamycin
- plicamycin Intravenous
- Plofed 1%
- Plus caplets
- Plus with ambrotose complex caplets
- Pluspiryna (Tabl.przeciw grypie)
- Plusssz C-Vitamin
- Plusssz Junior
- Plusssz Multiwitamina
- Pms-Asa Suppository Adult
- Pms-Asa Suppository Children
- Pms-Chloramphenicol
- Pms-Clotrimazole And Betamethasone Topical
- Pms-Desonide
- Pms-Dicitrate
- Pms-Erythromycin
- Pms-Etoposide
- Pms-Ferrous Sulfate
- Pms-Fluorometholone
- Pms-Haloperidol
- Pms-Isoniazid
- Pms-Lindane Topical
- Pms-Mometasone
- Pms-Nystatin
- pms-Oxycodone
- Pms-Prednisolone
- Pms-Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate
- pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine
- pneumococcal 13-valent vaccine
- pneumococcal 13-valent vaccine, diphtheria conjugate Intramuscular
- pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine
- pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine pediatric only
- pneumococcal 7-valent vaccine, diphtheria conjugate Intramuscular
- Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
- pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV-pediatric only), 7-valent
- pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
- pneumococcal polysaccharides vaccine (PPSV), 23-valent
- pneumococcal polysaccharides vaccine (PPV), 23-valent
- Pneumococcal Vaccine
- pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent
- pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent Intramuscular
- Pneumococcal vaccine, diphtheria conjugate
- Pneumococcal vaccine, polyvalent
- Pneumolid
- Pneumotussin 2.5
- Pneumovax 23
- Pneumovax 23 - szczepionka
- Pnu-Imune 23
- PNV OB with DHA
- PNV Prenatal plus Multivitamin
- PNV Prenatal Vitamins
- PNV Prenatal Vitamins plus Vitamin A
- PNV Select
- PNV-DHA Plus
- PNV-DHA Prenatal Vitamins
- PNV-First
- PNV-Omega
- PNV-Select Tablets
- PNV-Total
- Podactin
- Podactin Topical
- Podocon
- Podocon-25
- Podocon-25 topical
- Pododerm
- Podofilm Topical
- Podofilox
- Podofilox Gel
- podofilox solution
- podofilox topical
- podophyllum resin
- podophyllum resin topical
- Podtlenek Azotu
- Podtlenek Azotu Air PRODUCTS
- Podtlenek Azotu Medyczny Air Liquide
- Podtlenek Azotu Medyczny SPAWMET
- Podtlenek Azotu N2O
- Poetra
- Polaramine
- Polcortolon 0.1%
- Polcortolon TC
- Polcrom
- Polcrom 2 %
- Poldanen
- Polfergan
- Polfilin
- Polfilin prolongatum
- Polfungicid
- Polgentec 2-120 GBq - generator radionuklidu
- Polibar ACB
- Polibar ACB oral and rectal
- Polibar Plus, Liquid
- Polibiotic
- Polidocanol
- polidocanol Intravenous
- Polinail
- Polio Sabin-Oral
- polio vaccine
- polio vaccine, inactivated
- Poliorix
- poliovirus vaccine
- Poliovirus Vaccine Inactivated
- poliovirus vaccine Oral, Parenteral
- Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated (IPV)
- poliovirus vaccine, inactivated Injection
- poliovirus vaccine, live
- Poliovirus Vaccine, Live, Oral, Trivalent (OPV)
- Pollen Injection
- Pollen Ragweed
- Polmatine
- Polmesilat
- Polocaine
- Polocaine Injection
- Polocaine injection, usp
- Polocaine-MPF
- Polocaine-mpf injection, usp
- Polocard
- Polodina-R
- Polomigran
- Polopiryna
- Polopiryna Active
- Polopiryna C
- Polopiryna C Plus
- Polopiryna Complex
- Polopiryna Max
- Polopiryna Max (Polopiryna)
- Polopiryna Rapid
- Polopiryna S
- Polovital C
- Polprazol AcidControl
- Polprazol Max
- Polsen
- Polseptol
- Polspiron
- Polstigminum
- PoltechColloid
- PoltechDMSA
- PoltechDTPA
- PoltechMBrIDA
- PoltechMDP
- PoltechMIBI
- PoltechRBC
- Polvertic
- Poly DM
- Poly Hist CB
- Poly Hist DHC
- Poly Hist DHC liquid
- Poly Hist DM
- Poly Hist Forte
- Poly Hist Forte (old formulation)
- Poly Hist Forte controlled-release tablets
- Poly Hist HC liquid
- Poly Hist NC liquid
- Poly Hist PD
- Poly Hist PD (old formulation)
- Poly Histine DM
- Poly Iron
- Poly Pred
- Poly Tan D suspension
- Poly Tan DM suspension
- Poly Tussin DHC liquid
- Poly Vitamin Drops with Fluoride
- Poly Vitamin with Fluoride
- Poly Vitamin with Fluoride with Iron
- Poly-Citra K Crystals
- Poly-D
- Poly-Dex
- Poly-Dex drops
- Poly-Histine elixir
- Poly-Histine-D
- Poly-L-Lactic acid
- Poly-Pred drops
- Poly-Pred Suspension
- Poly-Tussin
- Poly-Tussin AC
- Poly-Tussin DHC
- Poly-Tussin DM
- Poly-Tussin DM liquid
- Poly-Tussin EX Syrup
- Poly-Tussin HD
- Poly-Tussin XP
- Poly-Vent
- Poly-Vent DM
- Poly-Vent DM liquid
- Poly-Vent IR
- Poly-Vent, Jr.
- Poly-Vi-Flor
- Poly-Vi-Flor drops
- Poly-Vi-Flor with Iron
- Poly-Vi-Flor/Iron chewable tablets
- Poly-Vi-Flor/Iron drops
- Poly-Vi-Sol with Iron
- Poly-Vi-Sol/Iron drops
- Poly-Vitamin/Fl drops
- Poly-Vite/Fl chewable tablets
- polycarbophil
- Polycin B ointment
- Polycin Ointment
- Polycitra
- Polycitra-K
- Polycitra-K Crystals
- Polycitra-K powder pack
- Polycitra-K Solution
- Polycitra-LC
- Polydine solution
- Polyethylene Glycol 3350 NF PEGyLAX
- Polyethylene Glycol
- Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
- polyethylene glycol 3350
- polyethylene glycol 3350 and electrolytes
- polyethylene glycol 3350, electrolytes, and ascorbic acid
- polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution
- polyethylene glycol, potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, and sodium sulfate
- polyethylene glycol, sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium ascorbate, and ascorbic acid
- polyethylene glycol-3350 powder for oral solution
- polyethylene glycol-3350 powder packets for oral solution
- Polyethylene Glycol-Electrolyte Solution (PEG-ES)
- polyethylene glycol/electrolytes solution
- polyethylene glycol/electrolytes solution (jug)
- polyethylene glycol/electrolytes solution (packet)
- polyethylene glycol/electrolytes/ascorbic acid
- polyethylene glycol/propylene glycol gel
- polyethylene glycol/propylene glycol spray
- Polyflex Injection
- Polygam S/D
- Polygam S/D IGIV
- Polygesic
- Polyhist NC
- polymyxin B and trimethoprim ophthalmic
- Polymyxin B and Trimethoprim Ophthalmic Solution
- Polymyxin B Injection
- polymyxin B ophthalmic
- polymyxin b sulfate
- Polymyxin B Sulfate eent
- Polymyxin B Sulfate topical
- polymyxin b sulfate/trimethoprim solution
- polysaccharide-iron
- polysaccharide-iron complex capsules and tablets
- polysaccharide-iron elixir
- Polysporin
- Polysporin ointment
- Polysporin Ophthalmic
- Polysporin ophthalmic ointment sterile
- Polytar
- Polytar Liquid
- polythiazide
- polythiazide/prazosin
- Polytracin Ophthalmic
- Polytrim
- Polytrim solution
- Polyvaccinum forte
- Polyvaccinum mite
- Polyvaccinum submite
- Polyvinyl alcohol
- Pomalidomide
- Pomalyst
- Pompec
- ponatinib
- Ponstel
- Pontocaine
- Pontocaine HCl injection
- Poractant Alfa
- porfimer
- porfimer Intravenous
- Porfimer Sodium
- Portia
- Portora
- posaconazole
- posaconazole delayed-release tablet
- Posaconazole SP
- posaconazole suspension
- Posatex Otic Suspension
- PosiFlush flush
- Positive Skin Test Control Histamine
- Positivum
- Posorutin
- Posterisan
- Posterisan H
- Postinor Duo
- Posture
- Posture-D H/P
- Potaba
- Potaba capsules
- Potaba powder
- Potactasol
- Potassimin
- Potassium Acetate
- Potassium Acetate Concentrate
- potassium acetate, bicarbonate, and citrate
- potassium aminobenzoate
- potassium and sodium citrates/citric acid solution
- potassium and sodium phosphate
- potassium and sodium phosphates
- potassium bicarbonate
- potassium bicarbonate and potassium chloride
- potassium bicarbonate and potassium citrate
- potassium bicarbonate effervescent tablets
- potassium bicarbonate/citric acid
- potassium bicarbonate/potassium chloride
- Potassium Chloride
- Potassium Chloride 0,15% +Sodium Chloride 0,9% B.Braun
- Potassium Chloride 0,15%+Glucose 5% B.Braun
- Potassium Chloride 0,3% +Sodium Chloride 0,9% B.Braun
- Potassium Chloride 0,3%+Glucose 5% B.Braun
- Potassium Chloride and Dextrose
- Potassium Chloride Capsules
- potassium chloride controlled-release tablets
- Potassium Chloride Effervescent Tablets
- potassium chloride extended-release capsules
- potassium chloride extended-release tablets
- Potassium Chloride in Dextrose and Sodium Chloride
- Potassium Chloride in Lactated Ringers
- Potassium Chloride in Sodium Chloride
- Potassium Chloride Injection
- Potassium Chloride Injection Concentrate
- potassium chloride liquid
- Potassium Chloride Oral Solution
- potassium chloride powder
- Potassium Chloride Powder for Oral Solution
- potassium chloride solution
- Potassium Citrate
- potassium citrate/citric acid powder pack
- potassium citrate/citric acid solution
- Potassium Citrate/Sodium Citrate/Citric Acid
- potassium gluconate
- potassium gluconate controlled-release tablets
- potassium gluconate elixir
- potassium guaiacolsulfonate
- Potassium Hydroxide Liquid
- Potassium Iodide
- potassium iodide drops
- potassium iodide liquid
- potassium iodide solution
- potassium iodide syrup
- Potassium nitrate
- potassium phosphate
- potassium phosphate and sodium phosphate
- potassium phosphate Intravenous
- potassium phosphate powder for solution
- Potassium Phosphates
- Potassium Products
- Potassium sorbate
- potassium supplement Oral, Parenteral
- Potassium Supplements
- Potassium-Rougier
- Potasu nadmanganian
- Potiga
- Povidone Iodine 10%
- Povidone Iodine Solution
- Povidone Iodine Swab
- povidone/iodine aerosol solution
- povidone/iodine cream
- povidone/iodine douche
- povidone/iodine pads
- povidone/iodine shampoo
- Pozitan
- Pp-Cap
- PR Natal 400
- PR Natal 400 EC
- PR Natal 430
- PR Natal 430 EC
- PR Natal 440
- PR Otic
- Pralatrexate
- pralatrexate Intravenous
- Pralex
- pralidoxime
- Pralidoxime Chloride
- pralidoxime Injection
- Pram
- Pramasone cream
- Pramasone E cream
- Pramatis
- Pramaxima
- Pramcort Cream
- Pramcort topical/rectal
- PrameGel
- PrameGel gel
- Pramipeksol Synthon
- Pramipexole
- Pramipexole Accord
- Pramipexole Arrow
- Pramipexole Aurobindo
- Pramipexole Dihydrochloride
- pramipexole extended-release tablets
- Pramipexole Orion
- Pramipexole Teva
- pramlintide
- Pramlintide Acetate
- pramlintide Subcutaneous
- pramlintide vial
- Pramogen
- Pramolan
- Pramosone
- Pramosone Cream
- Pramosone cream 1% and 2.5%
- Pramosone E Cream
- Pramosone E topical/rectal
- Pramosone lotion
- Pramosone lotion 1% and 2.5%
- Pramosone ointment 1% and 2.5%
- Pramosone topical/rectal
- PramOtic
- PramOtic drops
- Pramox
- Pramox gel
- pramoxine and zinc oxide topical
- pramoxine foam
- pramoxine gel
- Pramoxine Hydrochloride
- pramoxine lotion
- pramoxine ointment
- pramoxine topical
- Pramoxine-HC Otic Drops
- pramoxine/chloroxylenol
- pramoxine/phenylephrine/glycerin/petrolatum
- pramoxine/zinc oxide cream
- Pranactin Citric
- PrandiMet
- Prandin
- Prandin tablets (0.5, 1, and 2 mg)
- Prascion
- Prascion Cleanser
- Prascion FC Cleansing Cloths
- Prascion FC Cloths
- Prascion RA
- Prascion RA with Sunscreens Cream
- prasterone
- prasugrel
- Prattack
- Pravachol
- Pravafenix
- Pravapres
- pravastatin
- Pravastatin Sodium
- Pravator
- Pravigard PAC
- Prax
- Prax lotion
- Prax Wipe
- Praziquantel
- Prazol (Prazol Neo)
- Prazol Neo
- Prazolacid
- Prazopant
- prazosin
- prazosin and polythiazide
- Prazosin Hydrochloride
- Pre Milk Iod 1.0
- Pre-H-Cal
- Pre-Pen
- Precare
- Precare chewable tablets
- Precare chewables tablets
- Precare Conceive
- Precare conceive tablets
- Precare Premier
- Precare prenatal caplets
- Precedex
- Precise Pain Relieving
- Precose
- Pred Forte
- Pred Forte drops
- Pred Mild
- Pred-G
- Pred-G Ophthalmic Ointment
- Pred-G S.O.P.
- Pred-Ject-50
- Predacort 50
- Predalone 50
- Predate-50
- Prednicarbate
- prednicarbate cream
- prednicarbate ointment
- prednicarbate topical
- prednicarbate Topical application
- Prednicot
- Prednisol
- Prednisolone
- prednisolone acetate drops
- Prednisolone Acetate eent
- prednisolone acetate suspension
- Prednisolone Acetate/Gentamicin Sulfate
- Prednisolone Acetate/Neomycin Sulfate/Polymyxin B Sulfate
- prednisolone ophthalmic
- Prednisolone Ophthalmic Suspension
- Prednisolone Oral Solution
- Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate
- prednisolone sodium phosphate drops
- Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate eent
- prednisolone sodium phosphate liquid
- Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate Ophthalmic Solution
- Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate Oral Solution
- prednisolone sodium phosphate solution
- Prednisolone Syrup
- Prednisolone tablets
- prednisolone/sulfacetamide drops
- prednisolone/sulfacetamide ointment
- prednisolone/sulfacetamide suspension
- Prednisolonum 0.25%
- Prednisolonum 0.5%
- Prednisolonum WZF 0.5%
- Prednisone
- prednisone concentrate
- prednisone delayed-release tablets
- Prednisone Intensol
- prednisone solution
- Prednisone Tablets
- Preductal
- Preductal MR
- Predyne
- Prefera OB Plus DHA
- Prefera OB-One
- PreferaOB
- PreferaOB One
- PreferaOB+DHA
- Prefest
- Preflucel
- PreFol-DHA
- Prefrin Liquifilm
- pregabalin
- Pregabalin Pfizer
- pregabalin solution
- Pregestimil
- Pregnyl injectable
- Prelief tablets and granulate
- Prelief tablets and powder
- Prelieve PMS
- Prelone
- Prelone syrup
- Prelu-2
- Prelu-2 TR Sustained-Release Capsules
- Premarin
- Premarin cream
- Premarin Injection
- Premarin Intravenous
- Premarin Oral, Parenteral, Topical application, Transdermal
- Premarin tablets
- Premarin vaginal
- Premarin Vaginal Vaginal
- Premarin with Methyltestosterone
- Premasol
- Premcal light, regular, and extra strength tablets
- Premesis Rx
- Premesisrx tablets
- Premesyn PMS
- PremierPro RX Erythromycin
- Premovir
- Premphase
- Premphase Oral
- Premphase Prempro
- Prempro
- Prempro Low Dose
- Prempro Oral
- Prena1 Chew chewable tablets
- PrenaCare
- PrenaFirst
- Prenaissance
- Prenaissance Balance
- Prenaissance Next
- Prenaissance Plus
- PrenaPlus
- PreNata
- PreNata Chewable Tablets
- Prenatabs CBF
- Prenatabs FA
- Prenatabs FA Tablets
- Prenatabs OBN
- Prenatabs Rx
- Prenatal + DHA
- Prenatal + DHA powder packets
- Prenatal 1
- Prenatal 1 Plus 1
- Prenatal 19
- Prenatal AD
- Prenatal Elite
- Prenatal H
- Prenatal Low Iron
- prenatal multivitamin
- prenatal multivitamin and minerals with iron, folic acid, and l-methylfolate caplets
- prenatal multivitamin with folic acid chewable tablets
- prenatal multivitamin with minerals, iron, and folic acid
- prenatal multivitamin with minerals, iron, and folic acid chewable caplet
- prenatal multivitamin with minerals, iron, and folic acid tablet with DHA
- prenatal multivitamin with minerals, iron, folic acid, and DHA
- prenatal multivitamin with minerals, iron, folic acid, and DHA powder packets
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with calcium, iron, and folic acid
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, and folic acid
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, and folic acid capsules
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, and folic acid chewable tablet
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, folic acid, and DHA
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, folic acid, and DHA chewable tablets
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, folic acid, and docusate sodium
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, folic acid, and docusate sodium tablet
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, folic acid, DHA
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, folic acid, docusate sodium, and DHA
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, l-methylfolate, and DHA
- prenatal multivitamin without vitamin a with minerals, iron, l-methylfolate, folic acid, and DHA
- prenatal multivitamins
- prenatal multivitamins and minerals with docusate, iron, and folic acid
- prenatal multivitamins and minerals with iron and folic acid bar
- prenatal multivitamins and minerals with iron and folic acid chewable tablets
- prenatal multivitamins and minerals with iron, folic acid, and l-methylfolate
- prenatal multivitamins and minerals with iron, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids
- prenatal multivitamins and minerals with iron, folic acid, docusate sodium, and omega-3 fatty acids
- prenatal multivitamins with minerals and folic acid
- prenatal multivitamins without vitamin a with minerals, iron, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids
- Prenatal Plus
- Prenatal Plus Iron
- Prenatal prep.witamina -miner.
- Prenatal Rx Low Iron
- Prenatal S
- PreNatal Vitamins Plus
- Prenatal Vitamins Plus Low Iron
- Prenatal-U
- Prenate Advanced Formula
- Prenate AM
- Prenate Chewable
- Prenate DHA
- Prenate Elite
- Prenate Elite Plus Iron
- Prenate Elite tablets
- Prenate Enhance
- Prenate Essential
- Prenate Mini
- Prenate mini with DHA
- Prenate Plus
- Prenate Restore
- Prenavite FC
- Prenavite PC
- Prenessa Q-Tab
- PreNexa
- PreNexa Premier
- PreNexa premier with DHA
- PreNexa with DHA
- Prennaissance with DHA
- Preotact 100 microgr.
- Prep-Hem rectal
- Prepalepan
- Prepandemic szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Prepandrix szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Preparation H Cooling Gel rectal
- Preparation H Cream
- Preparation H Hydrocortisone
- Preparation H Hydrocortisone cream, ointment, suppository
- Preparation H maximum strength cream
- Preparation H rectal
- Preparation H Suppositories rectal
- Prepcat
- Prepcat Suspension
- Prepidil
- Prepidil gel
- Prepopik
- Prepulsid
- PreQue 10
- PreQue 10 Tablets
- Pres Gen
- Pres Gen Pediatric
- Prescription Strength Cruex
- Presomyl
- Prestarium 2,5 mg
- Prestarium Oro 10 mg
- Prestarium Oro 2,5 mg
- Prestarium Oro 5 mg
- PreSun
- Pretty Feet & Hands
- Pretz-D
- Prevacare Personal Protective
- Prevacid
- Prevacid 24 HR
- Prevacid delayed-release capsules
- Prevacid I.V.
- Prevacid I.V. for injection
- Prevacid Injection
- Prevacid NapraPAC
- Prevacid NapraPAC delayed-release capsules
- Prevacid powder packet
- Prevacid SoluTab
- Prevacid SoluTab orally disintegrating tablets
- Prevalite
- Prevalite Packets
- Prevalite powder
- Preven EC
- Prevenar 13 szczepionka
- Prevenar szczepionka
- Prevex Hc Topical application
- Previcox Chewable Tablets
- Prevident
- Prevident 500 Plus Boost
- PreviDent 5000 Booster
- Prevident 5000 Dry Mouth
- Prevident 5000 Enamel Protect
- PreviDent 5000 Plus
- PreviDent 5000 Sensitive
- PreviDent cream
- Prevident Dental Rinse
- PreviDent Gel
- Prevident Mouthwash
- PreviDent rinse
- Previfect
- Previfem
- Previte Rx
- Prevnar
- Prevnar 13
- Prevnar Intramuscular
- Prevnar pediatric only
- Prevpac
- Prevpac delayed-release therapy pack
- Prezista
- Prezista suspension
- Prialt
- Pributazone
- Pridinol
- Priftin
- Priligy
- Prilocaine Hydrochloride
- Prilocaine Hydrochloride Injection
- Prilocaine with Epinephrine Injection
- Prilosec
- Prilosec delayed-release capsules
- Prilosec delayed-release oral suspension
- Prilosec OTC
- Prilosec OTC delayed-release capsules and tablets
- Prilotekal
- PrimaCare
- PrimaCare Advantage
- Primacare am capsules
- PrimaCare One
- PrimaCare ONE capsules
- Primacare PM tablets
- Primacor
- Primacor I.V.
- Primadex
- Primalev
- primaquine
- Primaquine Phosphate
- Primasept Med
- Primatene
- Primatene Asthma
- Primatene Mist aerosol
- Primaxin I.m.
- Primaxin I.V.
- Primaxin IM
- Primaxin IV
- Primene 10%
- Primidone
- Primlev
- Primolut-Nor
- Primovist
- Primrose Oil
- Primsol
- Primsol Oral Solution
- Primsol solution
- Principen
- Prinivil
- Prinzide
- Priorix szczepionka przeciw odrze,śwince,różyczce
- Priorix-Tetra szczepionka przeciw odrze,śwince,różycz.,ospie w
- Priscoline
- Prismasol
- Pristiq
- Pristiq extended-release tablets
- Pritnox
- Privigen
- Privigen IGIV
- Privine drops
- Prixina
- Pro Dine 5000C
- Pro Pet
- Pro Pet Antiseptic
- Pro Pet Deodorizing Shampoo
- Pro Pet Dr Jeff
- Pro Pet Dr Jeff Liquid Wormer
- Pro Pet Hydrocortisone
- Pro Pet Medicated Spray
- Pro Pet Shampoo
- Pro-Banthine
- Pro-Chlo
- Pro-Chlo liquid
- Pro-Clear
- Pro-Clear AC
- Pro-Clear AC syrup
- Pro-Fast
- Pro-Fast SA
- Pro-Pen-G
- Pro-Red AC
- Pro-Red AC syrup
- Pro-xtreme drink mix
- ProAir HFA
- ProAir HFA aerosol
- Proamatine
- Probalan
- Probenecid
- probenecid and colchicine
- Probenecid Colchicine
- Probenecid Tablets
- Probeven
- probiotic
- probiotic chewable tablets
- Probiotic Formula
- Probiotica tablets
- probucol
- procainamide
- procainamide capsules
- procainamide controlled-release
- Procainamide Hydrochloride
- procainamide injection
- procainamide Intravenous
- procaine
- Procaine Hydrochloride
- procaine penicillin
- ProcalAmine
- Procan SR injection
- Procanbid
- Procanbid controlled-release
- Procanbid injection
- Procarbazine
- Procarbazine Hydrochloride
- Procardia
- Procardia XL
- Procardia XL sustained-release tablets
- ProCentra
- ProCentra solution
- Prochieve
- Prochieve 4% gel
- Prochieve 8% gel
- Prochieve gel
- prochlorperazine
- Prochlorperazine Edisylate
- Prochlorperazine Injection
- Prochlorperazine Maleate
- prochlorperazine rectal
- prochlorperazine suppositories
- Prochlorperazine Suppository
- prochlorperazine syrup
- Prochlorperazine Tablets
- Procomvax
- Procort Cream
- ProCort topical/rectal
- Procosa II tablets
- Procrit
- Procto-Glyvenol
- Procto-Glyvenol czopki
- Procto-Glyvenol krem
- Procto-Hemolan
- Procto-Hemolan control
- Procto-Hemolan protect
- Procto-kit
- Procto-Kit 1% cream, ointment, suppository
- Procto-Kit 2.5% cream, ointment, suppository
- Procto-Pak 1% cream, ointment, suppository
- ProctoCare-HC cream
- Proctocort
- Proctocort Cream
- Proctocort cream, ointment, suppository
- Proctocream-HC
- ProctoCream-HC Cream
- Proctocream-HC cream, ointment, suppository
- Proctofoam
- Proctofoam foam
- Proctofoam HC
- Proctofoam HC foam
- Proctofoam HC topical/rectal
- Proctosert HC cream, ointment, suppository
- Proctosol-HC cream, ointment, suppository
- Proctozone HC Cream
- Proctozone HC cream, ointment, suppository
- Proctozone-H cream, ointment, suppository
- Proctozone-P
- Proctrin
- procyclidine
- Procyclidine Hydrochloride
- Procysbi
- Procysbi Delayed Release
- Procysbi delayed-release capsules
- Prodium
- Prodrin
- Prodrin Tablets
- Prodrox
- Proepa
- Profasi
- Profasi HP
- ProFe
- ProFe Forte
- Profen LA
- Profenal
- Profender Topical Solution
- Proferrin-ES
- Proferrin-Forte
- Proficar
- Profilnine SD
- Profilnine SD injectable
- Proflavanol 90 tablets
- Progest
- Progesterone
- Progesterone Capsule
- progesterone gel
- progesterone insert
- progesterone oil
- progesterone vaginal
- Progesteronum
- progestin contraceptive Oral, Implantation, Parenteral
- progestin contraceptives Oral, Parenteral
- progestin Oral, Parenteral, Vaginal
- Progestins
- Progestins (Etonogestrel, Levonorgestrel, Norethindrone)
- Proglycem
- Proglycem suspension
- Prograf capsules
- Prograf Intravenous
- Prograf oral and injection
- Program 6 Month Injectable
- Program Flavor Tabs
- Program Suspension
- Prograniq ointment
- proguanil
- ProHance
- ProHance Injection
- Prohist CD
- Prohist CD liquid
- Prohist CF
- Prohist CF liquid
- ProHist DM
- Prohist LQ
- Prohist LQ liquid
- Prohistine DM
- Prohistine-D
- Prokit
- Proktosanol Maść przeciw hemoroidom
- Proktosedon
- Prolastic-C
- Prolastin
- Prolastin-C
- Prolensa
- Prolensa ophthalmic
- Proleukin
- Prolex D
- Prolex DM
- Prolex PD
- Prolipid
- Prolixin
- Prolixin Decanoate
- Prolixin Oral Concentrate
- Proloprim
- Prolutex
- Promacet
- Promacot
- Promacot Injection, Intravenous
- Promacta
- Promanum N
- Promazin Jelfa
- Prometax
- promethazine
- Promethazine and Codeine
- Promethazine and Dextromethorphan
- Promethazine and Phenylephrine
- Promethazine DM
- Promethazine HCl and Codeine Phosphate
- Promethazine Hydrochloride
- Promethazine Hydrochloride (Antihistamine)
- Promethazine Hydrochloride/Codeine Phosphate
- Promethazine Hydrochloride/Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide
- Promethazine Hydrochloride/Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
- Promethazine Hydrochloride/Phenylephrine Hydrochloride/Codeine Phosphate
- Promethazine Injection
- promethazine Injection, Intravenous
- Promethazine Phenylephrine and Codeine
- promethazine Rectal
- Promethazine Suppositories
- Promethazine Syrup
- promethazine tablets
- Promethazine VC
- Promethazine VC Plain
- Promethazine VC with Codeine
- Promethazine with Codeine
- Promethazine with Dextromethorphan
- Promethazine with DM
- promethazine/codeine syrup
- Promethegan
- Prometrium
- Prometrium capsules (100 mg, 200 mg)
- Prometrium Oral
- Promiseb cream
- Promixin
- Promolaxin oral/rectal
- Pronap-100
- Pronasal
- Pronemia
- Pronestyl
- Pronestyl injection
- Pronestyl-SR
- Pronestyl-SR controlled-release
- Pronestyl-SR injection
- Pronto Lice Kill System
- Pronto Maximum Strength Topical
- Pronto Shampoo & Cream Rinse
- Pronto Shampoo Kit
- Pronto Spray
- Pronto with Metal Comb
- Prontoket (Ketospray)
- Pronutra protein supplement
- Prop-A-Hist
- Propa P.H.
- Propa pH Acne Med Cleansing pads
- Propa pH Acne Med Maximum Strength liquid
- Propa pH Topical
- Propacet 100
- Propafenone
- Propafenone Extended Release Capsule
- Propafenone Hydrochloride
- Propafenone Orion
- propafenone sustained-release capsules
- Propagest
- Propan
- Propantheline
- Propantheline Bromide
- Proparacaine
- proparacaine drops
- proparacaine Ophthalmic
- Propecia
- Propet Dental
- Propet Hydrocortisone Spray
- Propine
- Proplex T
- Proplex T injectable
- propofol
- Propofol 1% Fresenius
- Propofol 1% Fresenius MCT/LCT
- Propofol 1% MCT/LCT Fresenius
- Propofol 2% Fresenius MCT/LCT
- Propofol 2% MCT/LCT Fresenius
- Propofol Norameda
- Propofol Pfizer
- Propofol Sandoz
- Propofol-Lipuro
- Propofol-Lipuro 2%
- Propolan
- Propolis 3 %
- Propolis 3% Krople z kitu pszczelego
- Propolis 5%
- Propolis Czopki przeciw hemor.3%
- Propolisan
- Propolisol
- Propolisowe Czopki dopoch.3%
- Propoven
- Propoxacet-N
- Propoxacet-N 100
- Propoxyphene
- propoxyphene and acetaminophen
- Propoxyphene and Acetaminophen Tablets
- Propoxyphene Capsules
- Propoxyphene Compound 65
- Propoxyphene Hydrochloride
- Propoxyphene Napsylate
- Propoxyphene/Acetaminophen
- propranolol
- Propranolol Accord
- propranolol and hydrochlorothiazide
- propranolol concentrate
- Propranolol HCl Intensol
- Propranolol Hydrochloride
- Propranolol Hydrochloride/Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)
- Propranolol Injection
- propranolol Intravenous
- Propranolol Oral Solution
- propranolol solution
- propranolol sustained-release bead capsules
- propranolol sustained-release capsules
- propranolol tablets
- propranolol/hydrochlorothiazide
- Proprinal
- Propulsid
- Propycil 50 mg
- Propylene glycol
- Propylene Glycol Liquid
- Propylhexedrine
- Propylthiouracil
- Propylthiouracil (PTU)
- ProQuad
- ProQuad szcz.przeciw od-św.róż.
- Proquin XR
- Proquin XR extended-release tablets
- Prorex
- Proscillaridin
- Prosed EC
- Prosed ED delayed-release tablets
- Prosed/DS
- Proshield Skincare Kit
- ProSol
- Prosom
- Prospan
- Prospes
- Prostaherb N
- Prostalizyna
- Prostalong Max
- Prostamer
- Prostamol uno
- Prostapol
- ProstaScint
- Prostate SR
- Prostatic 1
- Prostatic 2
- Prostatic 4
- Prostatonin
- Prostavan
- Prostavasin 20
- Prostavasin 60
- Prostigmin
- Prostigmin Bromide
- Prostin E2
- Prostin VR
- Prostin VR Pediatric
- Prostin VR Pediatric injectable and transurethral
- Prostogal (olej z nasi.dyni)
- Prosure (o smaku waniliowym)
- Proszek troisty
- Protadina
- Protamine Sulfate
- Protamine Sulfate Injection
- Protamine sulphate
- Protease
- Protectol
- Protegra liquid
- Protein C Concentrate
- Protein C Concentrate (Human)
- protein c, human Intravenous
- Protelos
- Protevasc SR
- Protexin
- Protexin solution
- Prothrombin Complex Concentrate
- prothrombin complex concentrate (human)
- prothrombin complex human Intravenous
- Prothromplex Total NF
- Protid
- Protid controlled-release tablets
- Protifar
- protirelin Intravenous
- Protonix
- Protonix delayed-release tablets
- Protonix I.V.
- Protonix Intravenous
- Protonix IV
- Protonix suspension
- Protonix Tablets
- Protopam
- Protopam Chloride
- Protopam chloride for injection, usp
- Protophylline Alcohol And Sugar Free
- Protopic
- Protopic 0,03%
- Protopic 0,1%
- Protopic ointment
- Protopic topical
- Protopy 0,03%
- Protopy 0,1%
- protriptyline
- Protriptyline Hydrochloride
- Proursan
- Provella
- Provenge
- Proventil
- Proventil aerosol
- Proventil HFA
- Proventil HFA aerosol
- Proventil Inhalation
- Proventil inhalation solution 0.083%
- Proventil oral
- Proventil Repetabs
- Proventil Repetabs controlled-release tablets
- Proventil solution
- Proventil solution for inhalation 0.5%
- Provigil
- Proviron-25
- Provive
- Provocholine
- Provocholine solution
- Proxacin 1%
- Proxacin 750
- Prozac
- Prozac Capsules
- Prozac solution
- Prozac Weekly
- Prozac Weekly delayed-release capsules
- Prozinc
- Prudoxin
- Prudoxin Topical
- Pruet DHA
- Pruet DHA EC
- prussian blue
- Pryflex
- PSE Allergy DM
- PSE Carb DM Drops
- PSE Carbinoxamine DM
- Pseudacarb
- Pseudatex
- Pseudatex HC
- Pseudo Carb DM
- Pseudo CM TR
- Pseudo GG
- Pseudo GG TR
- Pseudo Max
- Pseudodine C
- pseudoephedrine
- Pseudoephedrine (d-Isoephedrine)
- Pseudoephedrine and Codeine Syrup
- pseudoephedrine and pyrilamine
- pseudoephedrine and triprolidine
- pseudoephedrine drops
- pseudoephedrine gel syrup
- Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride/Guaifenesin/Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide
- pseudoephedrine liquid
- pseudoephedrine suspension
- pseudoephedrine sustained-release capsules
- pseudoephedrine sustained-release tablets (24 hour)
- pseudoephedrine/brompheniramine/codeine liquid
- pseudoephedrine/brompheniramine/dextromethorphan
- pseudoephedrine/brompheniramine/dextromethorphan drops
- pseudoephedrine/brompheniramine/dihydrocodeine liquid
- pseudoephedrine/chlorcyclizine/chlophedianol
- pseudoephedrine/chlorcyclizine/chlophedianol liquid
- pseudoephedrine/chlorpheniramine/chlophedianol syrup
- pseudoephedrine/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan
- pseudoephedrine/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan drops drops
- pseudoephedrine/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan oral suspension
- pseudoephedrine/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan tablets
- pseudoephedrine/chlorpheniramine/dextromethorphan/guaifenesin Liquid
- pseudoephedrine/codeine liquid
- pseudoephedrine/codeine/guaifenesin
- pseudoephedrine/codeine/guaifenesin suspension
- pseudoephedrine/codeine/guaifenesin Syrup
- pseudoephedrine/codeine/guaifenesin/acetaminophen
- pseudoephedrine/dexbrompheniramine/dextromethorphan liquid
- pseudoephedrine/dextromethorphan chewable tablets
- pseudoephedrine/dextromethorphan drops
- pseudoephedrine/dextromethorphan elixir
- pseudoephedrine/doxylamine/dextromethorphan liquid
- pseudoephedrine/ibuprofen
- pseudoephedrine/methscopolamine sustained-release tablets
- pseudoephedrine/naproxen
- pseudoephedrine/pyrilamine suspension
- pseudoephedrine/pyrilamine/carbetapentane liquid
- pseudoephedrine/pyrilamine/codeine syrup
- pseudoephedrine/pyrilamine/dextromethorphan suspension
- pseudoephedrine/triprolidine
- pseudoephedrine/triprolidine liquid
- pseudoephedrine/triprolidine/codeine liquid
- pseudoephedrine/triprolidine/dextromethorphan suspension
- Pseudovent
- Pseudovent Ped
- Pseudox M syrup
- Psorcon
- psorcon Ointment
- Psorcon E
- Psorcon E Cream
- Psorcon E Ointment
- Psoriasin
- Psoriatec Cream
- Psoriatec Topical
- Psorigel
- Psorigel Topical
- Psorizide Forte
- Psorizide Ultra
- Psychotonisol
- psyllium
- psyllium powder
- psyllium wafers
- psyllium/calcium
- Pterocyn
- Puder płynny
- Puder płynny Aflofarm
- Puder płynny wysuszający
- Puder płynny z anestezyną
- Pudroderm
- Pudrospan Puder płynny
- Pulmari
- Pulmari-GP
- Pulmex Baby
- Pulmicort Flexhaler
- Pulmicort Flexhaler powder
- Pulmicort Nebuamp
- Pulmicort Oral
- Pulmicort Respules
- Pulmicort Respules suspension
- Pulmicort Spacer
- Pulmicort Turbuhaler powder
- Pulmobonisan
- Pulmocare smak truskawk.
- Pulmolite
- Pulmolite - Technetium Tc99m Albumin Aggregated
- Pulmonil
- Pulmotil 90
- Pulmozyme inhalation
- Pulneo
- Pulpinol
- Pulpomixine
- Pulsaren 10
- Pulsaren 5
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkin Seed Oil olej z pestek dyni
- Pup Teeth
- Pupilek - Maść pielęg.d/dzieci
- Puralube Tears drops
- Pure garden cream
- Pure gardens cream
- Puregon 100
- Puregon 150
- Puregon 300
- Puregon 50
- Puregon 600
- Puregon 75
- Puregon 900
- Purelax
- Purethal Pojedyn.alergen (brzoza)
- Purethal roztocza 50/50%
- Puretrim whole food wellness shake
- Purina Friskies Hairball Remedy
- Purinethol
- PV Jod 10%
- Pylera
- Pylodes
- Pyoctaninum coeruleum 1% (r spirytusowy)
- Pyoctaninum coeruleum 1% (r wodny)
- Pyralgin
- Pyralgina
- Pyralgina Sprint
- Pyralginum
- Pyralginum GSK
- Pyramidon
- pyrantel
- pyrantel chewable tablets
- pyrantel pamoate
- pyrantel pamoate suspension
- Pyrazinamide
- Pyrecot
- Pyregesic
- Pyregesic-C
- Pyrethrins with Piperonyl Butoxide
- pyrethrins/piperonyl foam
- pyrethrins/piperonyl gel
- pyrethrins/piperonyl shampoo
- Pyrethrum extract
- pyrethrum extract and piperonyl butoxide Topical
- Pyri-500
- Pyrichlor PE
- Pyridiate
- Pyridium
- pyridostigmine
- Pyridostigmine Bromide
- pyridostigmine controlled-release tablets
- pyridostigmine syrup
- pyridostigmine tablets
- pyridoxine
- pyridoxine (vitamin b6 extended-release tablets
- pyridoxine (vitamin b6)
- pyridoxine (vitamin b6) tablets
- Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
- Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (B6)
- Pyridoxine Hydrochloride Injection
- pyridoxine Oral, Injection
- Pyril D
- Pyril D Suspension
- Pyril DM Suspension
- Pyril Mal Phenyl HCl
- Pyril Mal Phenyl HCl Dex HBr
- Pyril Tann-12
- Pyrilamine maleate
- Pyrilamine Tannate
- Pyrimethamine
- pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine
- Pyrimethamine, Sulfadoxine and Pyrimethamine
- pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine
- Pyrinex Topical
- Pyrinyl Topical
- pyrithione Topical
- pyrithione zinc conditioner
- pyrithione zinc shampoo
- Pyrlex PD
- Pyrophosphate Injection
- Pyrosal
- Pyrosal Forte
- Pyrroxate
- pyrvinium
- PYtest
- Płyn Burowa
- Płyn Burowa Coel
- Płyn do dial.otrzew. nr 2 LZ
- Płyn do płukania gardła
- Płyn fizj.wieloelekt.izot.
- Płyn fizjolog. Wieloelektrolitowy izot.
- Płyn fizjolog. Wieloelektrolitowy izot. Baxter
- Płyn fizjolog. wieloelektrolitowy izot. Fresenius
- Płyn jelit.zapob.izotoniczny
- Płyn jelitowy zapobiegawczy izotoniczny Baxter
- Płyn na odciski
- Płyn na odciski Aflofarm
- Płyn na odciski Radix
- Płyn nawad.interwen.hipoton.
- Płyn pediat.wyrówn.izoton
- Płyn Ringera Fresenius
- Płyn Ringera z mleczanami Fresenius
- Płyn Wieloelektrolitowy Fresenius
- Płyn wyrównawczy
- Q Flex
- Q-Bid LA
- Q-Dryl
- Q-Dryl A/F
- Q-Gesic
- Q-Naftate Topical
- Q-Pap
- Q-Pap Extra Strength
- Q-Profen
- Q-Sorb Co Q-10
- Q-Tapp
- Q-Tapp DM
- Q-Tussin CF
- Q-Tussin DM
- Q-Tussin PE
- Q-V Tussin
- Q10 D-Ental
- QC Cough/Cold
- QC Miconazole Nitrate Topical
- QDALL 24-hour sustained-release capsules
- QDALL AR sustained-release capsules
- Qlaira
- Qnasl aerosol
- QNASL Nasal Spray
- QS Plus
- Qsymia
- Qsymia extended-release capsules
- Quad-Tuss suspension
- Quadramet
- Quadramet Prep.radiofarmaceut.LZ
- Quadrapax Elixir
- Quadratuss
- Qual-Tussin Pediatric drops
- Qualaquin
- Qualisone
- Quamatel
- Quartette
- Quartette extended-cycle
- Quartuss DM
- Quartuss Syrup
- Quarzan
- Quasense
- Quasense extended-cycle
- Quazepam
- Quecor
- Quelicin
- Quenalin
- Quenalog Topical
- Quentiapine Medis
- Questran
- Questran Light
- Questran Light Packets
- Questran Packets
- Questran powder
- Quetap
- Quetiapin PMCS
- quetiapine
- Quetiapine Accord
- Quetiapine Actavis
- Quetiapine Arrow
- Quetiapine Fair-Med
- Quetiapine Fumarate
- Quetiapine Fumarate Tablets
- Quetiapine Intas
- Quetiapine Krka
- Quetiapine Lambda
- Quetiapine Lupin
- Quetiapine Pfizer
- quetiapine sustained-release tablets
- Quetilis
- Quflora Pediatric Chewable Tablets
- Quibron
- Quibron-300
- Quibron-T
- Quibron-T/SR
- Quick Cure
- Quick-K
- Quillivant XR
- Quillivant XR suspension
- Quin-G
- Quin-Release
- Quinaglute
- Quinaglute Dura-Tabs
- Quinalan
- Quinamm
- quinapril
- Quinapril and Hydrochlorothiazide
- Quinapril HASCO
- Quinapril Hydrochloride
- Quinapril Hydrochloride/Hydrochlorothiazide
- quinapril/hydrochlorothiazide
- Quinaretic
- Quinax
- Quinidex Extentabs
- quinidine
- Quinidine Extended Release Tablets
- Quinidine Gluconate
- quinidine gluconate controlled-release tablets
- quinidine Oral, Injection, Intramuscular
- quinidine sulfate
- quinidine sulfate controlled-release tablets
- Quinidine Tablets
- quinine
- quinine capsules
- Quinine Sulfate
- Quinine Sulfate Capsules
- Quintanrix
- Quinteva HCT
- Quintex
- Quinupristin and Dalfopristin
- quinupristin and dalfopristin Intravenous
- quinupristin/dalfopristin
- Quinzyme
- Quiphile
- Quixin
- Quixin eent
- Quixin eye drops
- Quodixor
- Qutenza
- Qutenza patch
- Qvar
- Qvar aerosol solution
- R & C Lice Treatment Kit
- R A Acne topical
- R-Gene 10
- R-gene 10 for intravenous use
- R-Pen
- R-Tanna
- R-Tanna Pediatric Suspension
- R-Tanna Tablets
- R-Tannate
- RabAvert
- RabAvert (obsolete)
- RabAvert purified chick embryo cell
- Rabebir
- Rabelinz
- Rabeprazole
- rabeprazole delayed-release capsules
- rabeprazole delayed-release tablets
- Rabeprazole Pfizer
- Rabeprazole Sodium
- Rabies Immune Globulin
- Rabies immune globulin (human)
- rabies immune globulin Intramuscular
- Rabies Immune Globulin, Human (RIGH)
- Rabies Vaccine
- Rabies Vaccine (obsolete)
- rabies vaccine human diploid cell
- rabies vaccine Intramuscular
- rabies vaccine purified chick embryo cell
- rabies vaccine, human diploid cell
- rabies vaccine, purified chick embryo cell
- rabies virus vaccine
- Rabipur
- racepinephrine inhalation solution
- RadiaPlexRx topical
- Radiogardase
- radiopaque agent- diagnostic Injection, ureteral, Injection, intracervical
- radiopaque agent- diagnostic Oral, Rectal, Intravenous, Intra-arterial, Intraspinal
- radiopharmaceutical
- radiopharmaceutical Oral
- Radiostol Forte
- Radirex
- radium ra 223 dichloride Intravenous
- Ralix
- raloxifene
- Raloxifene Hydrochloride
- Raloxifene Teva
- raltegravir
- raltegravir chewable tablets
- Raltegravir Potassium
- raltitrexed Intravenous
- ramelteon
- Rami-A
- Ramicor (Ramipril Ranbaxy)
- Ramicor 2,5 Comb
- Ramicor 5 Comb
- Ramicor Comb
- Ramigamma
- ramipril
- Ramipril Accord
- Ramipril Actavis
- Ramipril Aurobindo
- ramipril capsules
- Ramipril Pfizer
- Ramipril-Lupin
- Ramipril-ratiopharm
- Ramonna
- Rampar
- Ranexa
- Raniberl
- Raniberl 300
- Raniberl Max
- ranibizumab
- ranibizumab Intraocular
- ranibizumab ophthalmic
- Ranic
- Raniclor
- Ranigast FAST
- Ranigast MAX
- Ranigast PRO
- Ranimax
- Ranisan
- Ranisan 150
- Ranisan 75
- Ranitidine
- Ranitidine Accord
- ranitidine bismuth citrate
- Ranitidine Capsule
- ranitidine effervescent tablets
- Ranitidine Hydrochloride
- Ranitidine Injection
- ranitidine syrup
- Ranitidine Tablets
- Ranitidinum Pliva (Ranimax 150)
- Ranitydyna
- Ranitydyna Sanofi
- Ranloc Med
- Ranolazine
- Ransetron
- Rantudil Forte
- Rantudil Retard
- Rapaflo
- Rapamune solution
- Rapamune Tablets
- Raphacholin
- Raphacholin AC
- Raphacholin C
- Raphacholin forte
- Raphamax Forte
- Rapiflux
- Rapilysin
- Rapiscan
- Raptiva
- Rapydan
- rasagiline
- Rasagiline Mesylate
- Rasagiline ratiopharm
- Rasburicase
- rasburicase Intravenous
- Rash Relief
- Rasilamlo
- Rasilez
- Rasilez HCT
- Rasoltan HCT
- raspberry
- Ratio-Amoxi Clav 250f
- Ratio-Clobetasol
- Ratio-Haloperidol
- Ratio-Indomethacin
- Ratio-Ipra Sal Udv
- Ratio-Ipratropium
- Ratio-Ipratropium Udv
- Ratio-Ketorolac
- Ratio-Levobunolol
- Ratiograstim
- Rauwolfemms
- rauwolfia alkaloid
- rauwolfia alkaloid and thiazide diuretic combination
- Ravicti
- Ravicti Oral Liquid
- Raxar
- raxibacumab Intravenous
- Rayos
- Rayos delayed-release tablets
- Razadyne
- Razadyne ER
- Razadyne ER extended-release capsules
- Razadyne IR
- Razadyne solution
- RE 10
- RE Benzotic Otic Drops
- RE DCP Drops
- RE Iron Tablets
- RE OB 90 DHA
- RE OB 90 Plus DHA
- RE OB Plus DHA
- RE Prenatal Multivitamin with Iron
- RE Urea 50 Applicator
- RE Urea 50 Emulsion
- Re-Algin
- RE-Azo
- Re-Drylex
- RE-Nata 29 OB Prenatal Vitamin Tablets
- RE-Nata 29 Prenatal Vitamin Tablets
- RE-PB Hyos
- RE-PB Hyos Elixir
- Re-Tann
- RE-U40 Foam
- Re2+30
- Readi-Cat
- Readi-Cat 2 oral and rectal
- Readi-Cat oral and rectal
- Reaphirm
- Reaphirm Plant Source DHA
- Reaptan
- Reasec
- Rebetol
- Rebetol solution
- Rebetron
- Rebif
- Rebif 22
- Rebif 44
- Rebif 8,8/22
- Rebif Rebidose
- Rebif Rebidose Titration Pack
- Recal D
- Recal D chewable wafers
- Recalvit D
- Recede Tablets
- Reclast
- Reclipsen
- Recodium
- Recombinate
- Recombinate 1000 IU
- Recombinate 1000 IU/5 ml
- Recombinate 250 IU
- Recombinate 250 IU/5 ml
- Recombinate 500 IU
- Recombinate 500 IU/5 ml
- Recombinate injection
- Recombinate recombinant
- Recombivax
- Recombivax HB
- Recombivax HB Adult
- Recombivax HB Dialysis Formulation
- Recombivax HB Pediatric/Adolescent
- Reconcile
- Recort Plus
- Recort Plus cream, ointment, suppository
- Recothrom
- Rectacreme HC Cream
- RectaGel HC cream
- RectaGel HC topical/rectal
- Rectanal
- Rectasol-HC cream, ointment, suppository
- RectiCare
- Rectiv
- Rectiv Ointment
- Rectiv rectal
- Rectocort HC topical/rectal
- Rectogesic
- Rectosec
- Recuro Vaginal
- Recute
- red clover leaf extract
- Red Cross Canker Sore
- Red Yeast Rice
- Red-Senes Tea (Red-Slim Tea)
- Rederm
- Redness Relief
- Redness Relief Eye Drops
- Redness Relief Original
- Reduktoson -zioła do zmniejszania nadwagi
- Redur-PCM
- Redutemp
- Reese's Pinworm Medicine
- Reese's Pinworm Medicine suspension
- ReFacto
- Refacto injection
- Refacto recombinant
- Refenesen PE
- Refissa
- Refissa Topical
- Refludan
- Refluxend
- Refortan
- Refortan Forte
- Refresh
- Refresh liquigel
- Refresh P.m. lubricant eye ointment
- Refresh Redness Relief drops
- regadenoson
- regadenoson Intravenous
- Regenecare gel
- Regenecare HA Spray
- Regimex
- Regitine
- Reglan
- Reglan Intravenous
- Reglan solution
- Reglan Tablets
- Regonol
- regorafenib
- Regrace
- Regranex
- Regranex Topical
- Regroton
- Regulatex
- Regulavit
- Regulax
- Regulax SS
- Reguloid
- Regulon
- Regulson (Zioła przeczyszcz.)
- Reishimax capsules
- Rejuva-A Topical
- Rejuveso
- Rekostin 70 mg
- Rektosan
- Relacon LAX
- Relacon-DM NR
- Relacon-HC
- Relacon-HC liquid
- Relacon-HC NR
- Relafen
- Relagard
- Relagesic
- Relakson
- Relamine
- Relana Forte
- Relasin-HC
- Relasin-HCX
- RelaTuss HC
- Relcof PSE sustained-release tablets
- Relenza
- Relera
- Relera controlled-release tablets
- Relestat
- Relion Novolin 70/30 Innolet
- Relion Novolin N
- ReliOn Ventolin HFA
- ReliOn/HumuLIN R
- ReliOn/Novolin 70/30
- ReliOn/Novolin R
- Relistor
- Relnate DHA
- Relpax
- Reluri
- Relvar Ellipta
- Reme Hist DM
- Reme Tussin DM
- Remedy 4-in-1 Cleansing Lotion
- Remedy Antifungal with Olivamine
- Remedy Skin Repair Cream
- Remeron
- Remeron RD
- Remeron Soltab
- Remeron SolTab orally disintegrating tablets
- Remeron Tablets
- RemeronSolTab
- Remesolin
- Remestyp
- Remeven
- Remicade
- Remifemin
- Remifemin menopause tablets
- remifentanil
- Remifentanil B.Braun
- Remifentanil Chiesi
- Remifentanil Hospira
- Remifentanil Hydrochloride
- remifentanil Intravenous
- Remifentanyl Actavis
- Remirta Oro
- Remodulin
- Remodulin injection
- Remodulin solution
- Remotiv
- Remsima
- Remular-S
- Renacidin
- ReNaf Fluoride Chewable Tablets
- Renagel
- Renal Caps
- RenAmin
- Renatabs with Iron
- Renate
- Renate DHA
- Renate DHA Extra
- Renazol
- Renese
- Renese-R
- Rennie Antacidum
- Rennie Bolt
- Rennie Fruit
- Rennie ICE
- Reno Capsules
- Reno-30
- Reno-60
- Reno-Dip
- RenoCal-76
- Renografin-60
- Renova
- Renova 0.02% cream
- Renova 0.05% cream
- Renova Cream
- Renova emollient cream
- Renova Topical
- Rentamine
- Renvela
- Renvela powder packets
- ReoPro
- Repaglinide
- Repaglinide Accord
- repaglinide and metformin
- Repaglinide Krka
- Repaglinide Sigillata
- Repaglinide Tablets
- Repaglinide Teva
- repaglinide/metformin
- Repaglinide/Metformin Hydrochloride
- Repan
- Repara Silver Nitrate Applicators
- Reparil
- Reparil Gel N
- Replagal
- Replens
- Replesta
- Replesta Children's
- Replesta NX
- Repliva 21 7 tablets
- Repliva 21/7
- Repository Corticotropin (Adrenocorticotropic hormone; ACTH)
- Reprexain
- Repronex
- Repronex injectable
- Repso
- Requip XL extended-release tablets
- Requip-XL
- Resa
- Resaid
- Rescon
- Rescon JR
- Rescon Liquid
- Rescon MX
- Rescon MX Tablets
- Rescon-DM
- Rescon-Ed
- Rescon-GG
- Rescon-GG liquid
- Rescon-Jr controlled-release tablets
- Rescon-Jr.
- Rescriptor
- Rescue Remedy Pet
- Rescula
- Rescula drops
- Rescula Ophthalmic Solution
- Reserpine
- reserpine, hydralazine, and hydrochlorothiazide
- Resflor Gold
- Resinol topical
- Resolor
- Resonium A
- resorcinol and sulfur Topical
- resorcinol topical
- Resorpate
- Resource Glutasolve
- Resoxym 0,01%
- Resoxym 0,025%
- Resoxym 0,05%
- Resoxym Plus
- Respa C & C IR
- Respa C&C
- Respa SA
- Respa-AR sustained-release tablets
- Respa-DM
- Respa-PE
- RespaHist II
- Respaire-120 SR
- Respaire-30
- Respaire-60 SR
- Resperal-DM Drops
- Resperate device
- Respi-TANN
- Respi-Tann chewable tablets
- Respi-Tann G
- Respi-Tann G Suspension
- Respi-Tann Pd
- Respi-Tann suspension
- Respigam
- Respigam injectable
- respiratory syncytial virus immune globulin
- respiratory syncytial virus immune globulin (RSV IG) injectable
- respiratory syncytial virus immune globulin, human Intravenous
- RespiVent DF
- RespiVent Dosepack DF
- Respo K
- Restaline
- Restasis
- Restasis drops
- Restasis eent
- Restone
- Restore liquid
- Restoril
- Retacrit
- Retapamulin
- retapamulin ointment
- retapamulin topical
- retapamulin Topical application
- retaplase
- Retavase
- Retavase Half-Kit
- reteplase
- Reteplase, Recombinant
- reteplase, recombinant Intravenous
- Retiazid forte
- Retin A
- Retin A Micro Gel
- Retin-A cream
- Retin-A Cream, Gel, Liquid
- Retin-A gel
- Retin-A liquid
- Retin-A Micro
- Retin-A micro 0.1% 0.04%
- Retin-A Micro Topical
- Retin-A Topical
- Retisert
- Retisert eent
- Retisert implant
- Retre-Gel
- Retre-Gel gel
- Retrovir
- Retrovir capsules
- Retrovir Infusion
- Retrovir injection
- Retrovir Intravenous
- Retrovir syrup
- Reumacor
- Reumaflos
- Reumaherb
- Reumaphyt
- Reumaphyt Forte
- Reumatol
- Reumelox
- Reumobonisol
- Reumogel
- Reumoplast Forte
- Reumosan
- Reumpapai
- Rev-Eyes
- Rev-eyes ophthalmic eyedrops 0.5%
- Rev-eyes sterile ophthalmic eyedrops 0.5%
- Revalid
- Revasc
- Revatio
- Revatio Injection
- Revatio Intravenous
- Reversol
- Revestive
- Revex
- Revia
- Revina NLT
- Revinity Ellipta
- ReVital freezer-pops
- ReVital jell cups
- ReVital Squeezers solution
- Revitalose-C-1000
- Revitan
- Revitonus C-1000 Yellow Ampule
- Revival
- Revival Plus
- Revlimid
- RevmaStop
- Revolade
- Revolution Topical
- Revonto
- Revonto Injection
- Rezamid
- Rezine
- Rezira
- Rezulin
- ReZyst IM
- ReZyst IM Probiotic chewable tablets
- RFD Wormer
- Rhelax
- Rhesonativ
- Rheumasalix
- Rheumatrex
- Rheumatrex Dose Pack
- Rheumatrex Dose Pack Oral
- Rheumon
- Rhinabid
- Rhinabid PD
- Rhinabid sustained-release capsules
- Rhinaclear
- Rhinacon A controlled-release tablets
- Rhinacon A liquid
- Rhinafen
- RhinaHist
- Rhinall
- Rhinall solution
- Rhinallergy
- Rhinaris gel
- Rhinaris spray
- Rhinazin
- Rhindecon
- Rhino-Mist spray
- Rhinocort
- Rhinocort Aqua
- Rhinocort Aqua eent
- Rhinocort Aqua spray
- Rhinocort Turbuhaler
- RhinoFlex
- RhinoFlex 650
- Rhinoflex 650 Tablets
- Rhinolar-EX
- Rhinophenazol
- Rhinosyn-DM
- Rho (D) immune globulin (human)
- Rho(D) Immune Globulin
- Rho(D) Immune Globulin (RhIG)
- Rho(D) immune globulin (Rho(D) IG) injectable
- rho(d) immune globulin Intravenous, Intramuscular, Injection
- Rhodacine
- Rhogam
- RhoGAM Ultra-Filtered PLUS
- Rhomustin
- Rhophylac
- Rhophylac 300
- Rhophylac I.V.
- Rhoxal-Estradiol Derm 50
- Rhoxal-Estradiol Derm 50 Transdermal
- Rhoxal-Estradiol Derm 75
- Rhoxal-Estradiol Derm 75 Transdermal
- Rhuli Gel
- Ri-Mag suspension
- Riastap
- Riatiocard
- RibaPak
- Ribasphere
- Ribasphere capsules
- Ribasphere Ribapak
- Ribasphere Tablets
- RibaTab
- ribavirin
- ribavirin and interferon alfa-2b Oral, Injection
- Ribavirin Aurobindo
- Ribavirin Biopartners
- ribavirin capsules
- ribavirin Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Ribavirin Mylan (Ribavirin Three Rivers)
- ribavirin solution
- Ribavirin Teva
- Ribavirin Teva Pharma B.V.
- Ribavirin, usp capsules
- Ribo-100
- Ribo-2
- riboflavin
- Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
- Ribomunyl
- Ricobid H suspension
- Ricobid NR suspension
- Ricobid-D suspension
- Ricotuss suspension
- RID foam
- RID gel
- RID Home Lice Control Spray for Surfaces
- Rid Pediculicide
- Rid Shampoo/Spray Kit
- Rid Topical
- Rid-A-Pain
- Rid-A-Pain Compound
- Rid-A-Pain Topical
- Ridactate
- Ridaura
- Ridramin
- Rienso
- rifabutin
- Rifadin
- Rifadin IV
- Rifadin IV Intravenous
- Rifamate
- Rifampin
- rifampin and isoniazid
- rifampin capsules
- Rifampin Injection
- rifampin Intravenous
- rifampin Oral, Intravenous
- rifampin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide
- rifapentine
- Rifater
- rifaximin
- Riflux
- RightStep
- Rileptid 1
- Rileptid 2
- Rileptid 3
- Rileptid 4
- rilonacept
- rilonacept Subcutaneous
- rilpivirine
- Rilpivirine Hydrochloride
- Rilutek
- Riluzole
- Riluzole Mylan
- Riluzole Zentiva
- Rimabotolinumtoxin B
- rimabotulinumtoxinB
- rimabotulinumtoxinb Intramuscular
- Rimactane
- Rimadyl Injection
- Rimantadine
- Rimantadine Hydrochloride
- rimantadine syrup
- Rimantin
- Rimexolone
- rimexolone Ophthalmic
- Rimso-50
- Rinafen Zatoki
- Rinate Pediatric
- Rinazoline 0,01%
- Rinazoline 0,025%
- Rindal HD Plus
- Rindal HPD syrup
- Rindal-HD
- Ringer
- Ringer Lactate
- Ringer's Irrigation
- Ringers
- Rinnovi Nail System
- riociguat
- Riomet
- Riomet solution
- Riopan Plus suspension
- Riprazo
- Riprazo HCT
- Risacal-D
- Risadican
- RisaQuad
- Risaquad-2
- Risedronate
- risedronate delayed-release tablets
- Risedronate Sodium
- risedronate tablets
- risedronate tablets with calcium
- Risperdal
- Risperdal Consta
- Risperdal M-Tab
- Risperdal M-Tab orally disintegrating tablets
- Risperdal solution
- Risperidon Stada
- risperidone
- risperidone Intramuscular
- RisperiDONE M-Tab
- Risperidone Oral Solution
- Risperidone Orally Disintegrating
- risperidone orally disintegrating tablets
- risperidone solution
- risperidone tablets
- Risperidone-Arrow 1
- Risperidone-Arrow 2
- Risperidone-Arrow 3
- Risperidone-Arrow 4
- Risperigamma
- Rispolux
- Ristaben
- Ristfor
- Ritalin
- Ritalin LA
- Ritalin LA extended-release capsules
- Ritalin SR controlled-release tablets
- Ritalin-SR
- Rite Aid First Aid Epsom Salt
- Rite Aid Night Time Severe Cold and Cough Honey Lemon with Chamomile and White Tea Flavors
- Ritmorest
- ritodrine Oral, Intravenous
- ritonavir
- ritonavir capsules
- Ritonavir Mylan
- ritonavir solution
- Rituxan
- Rituxan I.V.
- Rituximab
- rituximab Intravenous
- Riva-Amoxicillin
- Rivaldo TDS
- Rivalong
- Rivanol 0,1%
- Rivanol 0,1% Coel
- Rivanolum 0,1%
- Rivanolum VP
- rivaroxaban
- Rivastigmin +pharma
- Rivastigmin Cipla
- Rivastigmin STADA
- Rivastigmin Welding
- rivastigmine
- Rivastigmine -ratiopharm
- Rivastigmine 1 A Pharma
- Rivastigmine 3M Health Care Ltd.
- Rivastigmine Aurobindo
- Rivastigmine Hexal
- Rivastigmine Mylan (Rivastigmine Acino)
- rivastigmine patch
- Rivastigmine Sandoz
- rivastigmine solution
- rivastigmine Transdermal
- Rivaxon
- Riveka
- Rivel
- Rixubis
- Rixubis 1000 j.m.
- Rixubis 2000 j.m.
- Rixubis 250 j.m.
- Rixubis 3000 j.m.
- Rixubis 500 j.m.
- Rixubis Intravenous
- Rixubis Intravenous, Injection
- rizatriptan
- Rizatriptan Benzoate
- Rizatriptan Orally Disintegrating Tablets
- Rizatriptan tablets
- Rizin
- RMS suppositories
- RoActemra
- Robafen AC
- Robafen CF
- Robafen Cough
- Robafen Cough Liquidgels
- Robafen DM
- Robaxin
- Robaxin Injection
- Robaxin Tablets
- Robaxin-750
- Robaxisal
- Robenz
- Robidone
- Robinul
- Robinul Forte
- Robinul Injection
- Robinul tablets
- Robitussin
- Robitussin Allergy & Cough
- Robitussin allergy cough liquid
- Robitussin allergy cough syrup
- Robitussin Antitussicum
- Robitussin Children's Cough & Cold CF
- Robitussin Cold and Cough
- Robitussin cold congestion caplets
- Robitussin cold congestion softgels
- Robitussin Cold Cough and Flu
- Robitussin cold multi-symptom cold flu caplets
- Robitussin cold multi-symptom cold flu softgels
- Robitussin Cold/Cough/Flu
- Robitussin Cough & Allergy
- Robitussin Cough & Cold CF
- Robitussin Cough & Cold CF Max
- Robitussin Cough & Cold CF To Go
- Robitussin Cough & Cold Long-Acting
- Robitussin Cough & Cold Nighttime
- Robitussin Cough & Congestion
- Robitussin Cough + Chest Congestion DM
- Robitussin cough cold infant drops
- Robitussin cough cold liquid-filled capsules
- Robitussin Cough Drop Almond Honey oral mucous membrane
- Robitussin Cough Drop Cherry oral mucous membrane
- Robitussin Cough Drop Herbal With Natural Honey Center oral mucous membrane
- Robitussin Cough Drop Honey Lemon oral mucous membrane
- Robitussin Cough Drop Menthol Eucalyptus oral mucous membrane
- Robitussin cough drops
- Robitussin cough, cold flu liquid-filled capsules
- Robitussin CoughGels
- Robitussin DAC liquid
- Robitussin DM elixir
- Robitussin Expectorans
- Robitussin Extra Strength
- Robitussin Flu
- Robitussin Head & Chest Congestion
- Robitussin Honey Cough
- Robitussin Honey Flu Nighttime
- Robitussin Honey Flu Non-Drowsy
- Robitussin Junior
- Robitussin Maximum Strength
- Robitussin maximum strength cough cold liquid
- Robitussin Maximum Strength liquid
- Robitussin Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Cold
- Robitussin Multi-Symptom Cold
- Robitussin Nasal Relief
- Robitussin Night Cold
- Robitussin Night Relief
- Robitussin Night Relief syrup
- Robitussin Night Time Cough & Cold
- Robitussin Night Time Cough & Cold Children's
- Robitussin Night Time Cough & Cold Pediatric
- Robitussin Nighttime Cough DM
- Robitussin Nighttime Multi-Symptom Cold
- Robitussin Nighttime Nasal Relief
- Robitussin Oral
- Robitussin PE
- Robitussin Peak Cold Daytime Cold + Flu
- Robitussin Peak Cold Nighttime Cold + Flu
- Robitussin Pediatric Cough & Cold CF
- Robitussin Pediatric Cough & Cold Long-Acting
- Robitussin Pediatric Cough & Cold Nighttime
- Robitussin Pediatric Cough and Decongestant
- Robitussin pediatric cough cold formula liquid
- Robitussin pediatric cough cold liquid
- Robitussin Pediatric Cough Suppressant
- Robitussin Pediatric Cough/Cold Elixir
- Robitussin Pediatric Liquid
- Robitussin Pediatric Night Relief
- Robitussin PM Cough & Cold
- Robitussin PM cough cold liquid
- Robitussin PM liquid
- Robitussin Severe Congestion
- Robitussin sinus congestion caplets
- Robitussin-AC
- Robitussin-DM
- Robitussin-DM infant drops
- Rocaltrol
- Rocaltrol solution
- Rocephin
- Rocephin injectable vials, add-vantage, galaxy, bulk
- Rocuronii bromidum Strides
- rocuronium
- Rocuronium B. Braun
- Rocuronium Bromide
- Rocuronium Bromide Injection
- Rocuronium Hospira
- Rocuronium Kabi
- Rocuronium Sandoz
- Rocuronium Tamarang
- Rodex
- rofecoxib
- Rofenaid 40
- Roferon A
- Roferon-A solution
- Roflumilast
- Rogaine
- Rogaine Extra Strength
- Rogaine Extra Strength Mens
- Rogaine foam (for men)
- Rogaine For Men Extra Strength Topical
- Rogaine solution
- Rogaine Topical
- Rolaids
- Rolaids chewable tablets
- Rolaids Extra Strength
- Rolaids multi-symptom antacid antigas tablets
- Rolaids Sodium Free
- Rolaids Soft Chew
- Romapal
- Romazicon
- Romidepsin
- romidepsin Intravenous
- Romiplostim
- romiplostim Subcutaneous
- Romycin
- Romycin eent
- Romycin ointment
- Ron Acid
- Ron Acid Plus suspension
- Ron-Acid suspension
- Rondamine
- Rondec
- Rondec DM Liquid
- Rondec Drops
- Rondec Elixir
- Rondec-DM
- Rondec-DM Drops
- Rondec-TR controlled-release tablets
- Rondex
- Rondex Drops
- Rondex-DM
- Rondex-DM Drops
- Ronoxidil
- Ropimol
- Ropinir
- ropinirole
- Ropinirole Aurobindo
- Ropinirole Extended Release Tablets
- Ropinirole Hydrochloride
- Ropinstad
- ropivacaine
- Ropivacaine Hydrocloride Hospira
- ropivacaine Injection
- Ropivacaine IWA
- Ropivcaine Injection
- Roqurum
- Rosac
- Rosac cream
- Rosac Wash
- Rosaclear
- Rosadan
- Rosadan Cream
- Rosadan Gel
- Rosaderm Cleanser
- Rosanil
- Rosanil Cleanser
- Roseglo Ophthalmic Strip
- rosiglitazone
- rosiglitazone and glimepiride
- rosiglitazone and metformin
- Rosiglitazone Maleate
- Rosiglitazone Maleate/Glimepiride
- Rosiglitazone Maleate/Metformin Hydrochloride
- rosiglitazone/metformin
- Rostil
- Rosucard
- Rosugen
- Rosula
- Rosula Cleanser
- Rosula Cleanser emulsion
- Rosula CLK kit
- Rosula foam
- Rosula gel
- Rosula NS
- Rosula NS medicated pads
- Rosulip Plus
- rosuvastatin
- Rosuvastatin Aurobindo
- Rosuvastatin Calcium
- Rosuvastatin Krka
- Rosuvastatin Pfizer
- Rosuvastatin Ranbaxy
- Rosuvastatin Teva
- Rosytona
- Rotadin
- Rotarix
- Rotateq
- RotaTeq szczepionka doustna
- rotavirus oral vaccine live
- rotavirus oral vaccine live (RotaTeq)
- rotavirus oral vaccine, live
- Rotavirus Vaccine Live
- Rotavirus Vaccine Live Oral
- rotavirus vaccine, live
- rotavirus vaccine, live, pentavalent
- rotigotine
- rotigotine transdermal
- Rovin-NV
- Rovin-NV DHA
- Rowachol
- Rowasa
- Rowasa enema
- Rowasa rectal
- Rowatinex
- Roxal-Estradiol Derm 100
- Roxal-Estradiol Derm 100 Transdermal
- Roxanol
- Roxanol concentrate
- Roxanol-T
- Roxicet
- Roxicet Oral Solution
- Roxicet solution
- Roxicodone
- Roxicodone concentrate
- Roxicodone Intensol
- Roxicodone solution
- Roxilox
- Roxiprin
- Roxitron
- Roychlor
- Roymicin
- Rozdol
- Rozerem
- Rozex
- Rozex emulsion
- Rozex Topical
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 006 Trawy
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 015 Trawy/Zboża
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 100 Klon
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 101 Grochodrzew
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 106 Bylica
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 108 Brzoza
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 109 Pokrzywa
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 110 Buk
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 111 Grab
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 114 Dąb szypułkowy
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 115 Olcha
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 116 Jesion wyniosły
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 117 Świerk
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 119 Komosa
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 121 Jęczmień
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 123 Parietaria lekarska
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 126 Owies
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 129 Leszczyna
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 132 Bez czarny
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 133 Kłosówka
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 135 Trawa bermudzka
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 136 Jaśmin
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 137 Grzebienica
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 139 Sosna zwyczajna
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 140 Kupkówka pospolita
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 142 Lipa
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 143 Mniszek lekarski
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 147 Kukurydza
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 151 Oliwka europejska
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 152 Topola
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 153 Platan wschodni
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 154 Ambrozja piołunolistna
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 157 Rajgras angielski
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 158 Żyto
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 160 Tomka wonna
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 161 Szczaw
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 168 Wiąz
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 169 Babka lanc.
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 170 Wierzba iwa
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 173 Pszenica
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 177 Tymotka łąkowa
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 178 Wiechlina łąkowa
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 179 Kostrzewa łąkowa
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 180 Rzepak
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 304 Sierść chomika
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 306 Sierść psa
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 308 Sierść królika
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 309 Sierść kota
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 310 Sierść myszy
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 311 Sierśc świnki morsk.
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 314 Sierść konia
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 314 Sierść szczura
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 317 Sierść krowy
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 318 Wełna owcza
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 319 Sierść świni
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 322 Pióra papugi
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 322 Sierść kozy
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 400 Alternaria tenuis
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 401 Aspergillus fumigatus
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 402 Botrytis cinerea
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 403 Candida albicans
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 405 Cladosporium herbarum
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 406 Curvularia lunata
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 407 Fusarium moniliforme
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 408 Helminthosporium halodes
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 410 Mucor mucedo
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 411 Neurospora sitophila
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 412 Penicilium notatum
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 413 Pulluaria pullans
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 414 Rhizopus nigricans
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 416 Serpula lacrymans
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 419 Trichophyton mentagrophytes
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 423 Phoma betae
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 500 Mięso kacze
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 501 Baranina
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 503 Mięso kurze
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 504 Konina
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 505 Mięso indycze
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 506 Wołowina
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 507 Wieprzowina
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 509 Węgorz
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 510 Pstrąg
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 511 Halibut
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 513 Dorsz
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 514 Karp
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 515 Łosoś
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 520 Sola
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 522 Tuńczyk
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 526 Krab
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 527 Langusta
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 528 Małże
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 529 Homar
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 530 Ananas
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 531 Jabłko
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 532 Pomarańcza
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 533 Banan
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 534 Gruszka
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 537 Truskawki
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 538 Orzeszki ziemne
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 541 Grejpfrut
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 542 Orzech laskowy
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 546 Klementynka
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 549 Papryka
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 551 Brzoskwinia
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 553 Pomidor
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 554 Orzech włoski
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 555 Winogrona
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 556 Cytryna
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 559 Kalafior
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 563 Ziemniak
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 567 Pietruszka
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 574 Szparagi
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 576 Szpinak
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 581 Groszek
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 588 Kleik jęczmienny
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 589 Mąka jęczmienna
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 590 Mąka owsiana
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 592 Kleik kukurydziany
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 593 Mąka kukurydziana
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 595 Kleik żytni
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 596 Mąka żytnia
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 599 Mąka pszenna
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 600 Kleik pszenny
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 601 Mleko krowie
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 604 Jajko kurze (całe)
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 606 Kakao
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 610 Jajko kurze (białko)
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 611 Jajko kurze (żółtko)
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 612 Mięso gęsie
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 620 Anyż
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 624 Rumianek
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 632 Papryka
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 637 Seler
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 708 Dermatophagoides farinae
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 709 Kurz z siana
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 725 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 728 Acarus siro
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 729 Lepidoglyphus destructor
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 730 Tyrophagus putrescentiae
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 901 Kontr.ujemny-rozt.soli fizjol.
- Roztwory do testów punktowych 902 Kontr.dodat.-rozt.histaminy
- Roztwór do testów prowokacyjnych Allergopharma
- Roztwór do testów śródskórnych Alleropharma
- Roztwór glukozy 10% BAXTER
- Roztwór glukozy 5% Baxter
- Roztwór Ringera
- Roztwór wodny jodu
- RT Capsin
- Ru-Hist Forte
- Ru-Hist Forte controlled-release tablets
- Ru-Hist-D
- Ru-Tuss Jr.
- Ru-Tuss sustained-release tablets
- Rub-Arom
- rubella and mumps virus vaccine live Intramuscular
- rubella virus vaccine
- Rubella virus vaccine, live
- rubella virus vaccine, live Subcutaneous
- Rubex
- rubidium rb 82 Intravenous
- Rubital
- Rubital Compositum
- Rubital Forte
- Rubramin PC
- Rubratope-57
- Rudotel
- Rufinamide
- Rulox
- Rum-K
- Rum-K liquid
- Rumatel
- Rumensin
- Rupafin
- Rupafin 10
- Rusedal
- Ruskorex
- Rutin
- RutinaC forte
- Rutinosal C
- Rutinoscorbin
- Rutinoscorbin Active C (Cetebe)
- Rutinoscorbin Plus
- Rutokal C smak cytrynowy
- Rutoven
- Rutovit C Forte
- Ruxolitinib
- Ruxolitinib Phosphate
- RVPaque
- Rx Support Heartburn and Acid Reflux
- Rx-Otic
- Ry-T-12
- Ry-Tann
- Rybix ODT
- Rybix ODT orally disintegrating tablets
- Ryna-12
- Ryna-12 S
- Ryna-12 S suspension
- Ryna-12S
- Ryna-12X
- Ryna-12X suspension
- Rynatan
- Rynatan Chewable Pediatric Tablets
- Rynatan chewable tablets
- Rynatan Pediatric
- Rynatan Pediatric Suspension
- Rynatuss
- Rynatuss Pediatric suspension
- Rynatuss Tablets
- Rynesa 12S
- Rynesa 12S suspension
- Rynex DM
- Rynex PE
- Ryneze
- Ryneze 12-hour tablets
- Ryneze Liquid
- Rythmol
- Rythmol Extended Release
- Rythmol SR
- Rythmol SR sustained-release capsules
- Rytmonorm
- Rytmonorm 150
- Rytmonorm 300
- Rywanol 0,1%
- Ryzolt
- Ryzolt extended-release tablets
- Rzewex
- s-adenosylmethionine
- s-adenosylmethionine SAMe
- S-T Forte 2
- S-T Forte 2 liquid
- Sab-Tobramycin
- Sabervel
- Sabril solution
- Sabril Tablets
- Saccharinum
- saccharomyces boulardii lyo
- Sachol
- Sachol Żel Stomatologiczny
- Sacox 60
- Sacrosidase
- Sadamin
- Sadamin prolong.
- Safe-Guard Fenbendazole
- Safe-Guard Fenbendazole Paste
- Safetussin 30 DM
- Safetussin CD
- Safetussin DM
- Safetussin PM
- Safyral
- Saizen
- Saizen Subcutaneous, Injection
- Sal Carolinum factitium effervescens
- Sal Ems artif. (Sal Ems facti.)
- Sal Ems Artificiale
- Sal Ems factitium
- Sal Vichy factitium
- Sal-Acid Plaster Topical
- Sal-Plant gel
- Sal-Plant Gel Topical
- Sal-Tropine
- Salac
- Salac Topical
- Salactic Film Topical
- Salacyn Cream
- Salacyn lotion
- Salagen
- Salazopyrin Oral, Rectal
- Salbutamol
- Salbutamol Nebuamp
- Salbutamol Respirator Solution
- Salbutamol WZF
- Saldiam
- Salex
- Salex lotion
- Salex Topical
- Salfazin
- Salflex
- Salicortex
- Salicylamide
- Salicylate Combination
- salicylate Oral, Rectal
- Salicylic Acid
- salicylic acid and sodium thiosulfate topical
- salicylic acid and sulfur Topical
- salicylic acid and urea topical
- salicylic acid cleansing bar
- salicylic acid cream
- salicylic acid film-forming liquid
- salicylic acid foam
- salicylic acid foam and urea foam
- salicylic acid gel
- Salicylic Acid Liquid
- Salicylic Acid Lotion
- salicylic acid pads
- salicylic acid patch
- salicylic acid shampoo
- salicylic acid solution
- salicylic acid topical
- salicylic acid, sulfur, and coal tar Topical
- salicylic acid/sulfur lotion
- salicylic acid/sulfur shampoo
- salicylic acid/sulfur soap
- salicylic acid/urea foam
- salicylic acid/urea/white petrolatum ointment
- Salicylol
- Saliderm - Gel
- saline bacteriostatic
- saline gel
- Saline Laxatives
- saline solution
- saline spray
- Salinex spray
- Salitop Cream
- Salitop lotion
- Salitop Topical
- Salivart spray
- Salixan C
- Saljet Rinse flush
- Saljet Sterile flush
- Salkera foam
- Salkera Topical
- Salmeson
- salmeterol
- salmeterol Inhalation
- Salmeterol Xinafoate
- Salofalk Oral, Rectal
- Salofalk Rectal
- Salonpas Arthritis Pain
- Salonpas Gel-Patch
- Salonpas Pain Gel
- Salonpas Pain Patch
- Salonpas Pain Patch with Capsaicin
- Salonpas Pain Relief Patch
- Salonpas Pain Spray
- Salpirin
- salsalate
- Salsitab
- Salumin
- Saluron
- Salvax
- Salvax Duo
- Salvax Duo foam
- Salvax Duo Plus
- Salvax Duo Plus foam
- Salvax foam
- Salvax Topical
- Salviasept
- Samarium SM 153 Lexidronam
- samarium sm 153 lexidronam Intravenous
- Samba
- Samsca
- Sanctura
- Sanctura XR
- Sanctura XR extended-release capsules
- Sancuso
- Sancuso transdermal
- Sandimmun
- Sandimmune
- Sandimmune I.V. ampuls for infusion
- Sandimmune Oral
- Sandimmune soft gelatin capsules
- Sandimmune solution
- Sandoglobulin
- Sandoglobulin IGIV
- Sandoglobulin P
- Sandostatin injection
- Sandostatin LAR Depot
- Sandostatin LAR Depot injection
- Sandostatin LAR Depot kit
- Sani-Clens
- Sani-pads with Aloe
- Sani-Supp rectal
- Sani-Supp suppositories
- Sanofil
- Sanorex
- Sanosvit Calcium o smaku bananowym
- Sans-Acne Topical
- Sansert
- Santyl
- Santyl ointment
- SANUM Albicansan D5
- SANUM Arthrokehlan "A" D6
- SANUM Arthrokehlan "U" D6
- SANUM Citrokehl
- SANUM Exmykehl D4
- SANUM Latensin D4
- SANUM Latensin D6
- SANUM Mucedokehl D5
- SANUM Mucokehl D3
- SANUM Mucokehl D4
- SANUM Mucokehl D5
- SANUM Nigersan D5
- SANUM Notakehl D5
- SANUM Pefrakehl D5
- SANUM Quentakehl D5
- SANUM Recarcin D4
- SANUM Recarcin D6
- SANUM Sankombi D5
- SANUM Sanukehl Staph D6
- SANUM Sanuvis
- SANUM Utilin D4
- SANUM Utilin D6
- SANUM Utilin S D4
- SANUM Utilin S D6
- Sanval
- Sanza 10
- Sanza 2,5
- Sanza 5
- Sanza 7,5
- Saphris
- Saphris Black Cherry
- Sapoven
- Sapoven T
- sapropterin
- Sapropterin Dihydrochloride
- saquinavir
- saquinavir capsules
- Saquinavir Mesylate
- Sarafem
- Sarafem Tablets
- Sarapin
- sargramostim
- sargramostim Intravenous
- Saridon
- Sarna
- Sarna Hc Topical application
- Sarna Sensitive
- Sarna Sensitive Eczema Itch Relief
- Sarna Sensitive lotion
- Sarna Ultra
- Sarnol-HC
- Sarnol-HC Maximum Strength
- Sarraceniaceae
- SAStid soap
- Sastid Soap Topical
- SAStid Topical
- Sativex
- Satogesic
- Satogesic Hot Gel
- Satogesic Pad
- Satural
- Savandra
- Savarix
- Savella
- Savene
- saw palmetto
- Saxagliptin
- saxagliptin and metformin
- Saxagliptin Hydrochloride
- saxagliptin/metformin extended-release tablets
- Saxagliptin/Metformin Hydrochloride
- Sayana Press
- Scalacort
- Scalacort DK shampoo
- Scalacort DK topical
- Scaldex
- Scalpcort
- Scalpicin gel
- Scalpicin Scalp Relief
- Scan C oral and rectal
- Scan C Suspension
- Scandonest
- Scandonest L
- SCE-A cream
- Scheinpharm Amoxicillin
- Schiff Move Free
- Schiff Move Free Caplets
- SCHOLL Corn and Callous
- SCHOLL Krem Przeciwgrzybiczny do stóp
- SCHOLL Seal and Heal
- Scholl Tritin Antifungal Powder Topical
- Scholl Tritin Antifungal Spray Powder Topical
- Scholl's Athlete's Foot Spray Topical
- Schwedenbitter 43%
- Scintimun Prep.radiofarmaceut.
- Sclefic
- Scleromate
- Sclerosol
- Sclerosol Intrapleural
- Scopace
- scopolamine
- scopolamine drops
- Scopolamine Hydrobromide
- Scopolamine Hydrobromide (Hyoscine Hydrobromide)
- Scopolamine Injection
- scopolamine ophthalmic
- scopolamine patch
- scopolamine topical
- scopolamine Transdermal
- Scopolan
- Scopolan compositum
- Scorbolamid
- scorpion (centruroides) immune f(ab)2 Intravenous
- Scot-Tussin
- Scot-Tussin Allergy Relief Formula
- Scot-Tussin Diabetic
- Scot-Tussin DM
- Scot-Tussin DM Cough Chasers
- Scot-Tussin DM liquid
- Scot-Tussin Expectorant SF Cough
- Scot-Tussin Senior
- Scot-Tussin Sugar Free DM
- Scrub Care
- Scytera foam
- SE 10-5 SS
- SE 10-5 SS Cream
- Se Aspartate
- SE BPO Cream
- SE BPO Wash
- Se-Care
- Se-Care Conceive
- Se-Donna PB Hyos
- Se-Natal 16
- Se-Natal 19
- Se-Natal 19 chewable tablets
- Se-Natal 90
- Se-Natal One
- Se-Plete DHA
- Se-Tan DHA
- Sea Kelp
- Sea-Omega
- Sea-Omega 30
- Sea-Omega 70
- Seasonale
- Seasonale extended-cycle
- Seasonique
- Seasonique extended-cycle
- Seb-Prev
- Seb-Prev Cream
- Seb-Prev Gel
- Seb-Prev lotion
- Seb-Prev Wash
- Seba-Clear Topical
- Seba-Gel
- Sebidin
- Sebidin Plus
- Sebivo
- Sebizon
- Sebizon lotion
- Seboren
- Sebucare
- Sebulex shampoo
- secobarbital
- Secobarbital Sodium
- Seconal
- Seconal Sodium
- Secretin
- Sectral
- Secura
- Secura Antifungal
- Secura Antifungal Topical
- Secura Protective Cream
- Sedalia
- Sedam 3
- Sedam 6
- Sedapap
- Sedatif PC
- Sedoloris
- Sedomix
- Sedomix mikstura uspakajajaca
- Seldane
- Select-OB
- Select-OB + DHA chewable caplet
- Select-OB+DHA
- selegiline
- Selegiline Hydrochloride
- Selegiline Hydrochloride (L-Deprenyl)
- selegiline Oral
- selegiline orally disintegrating tablets
- selegiline system
- Selegiline Tablets
- selegiline transdermal
- selenium
- Selenium (as selenious acid)
- Selenium and Zinc
- Selenium Bonus
- selenium foam
- Selenium Jenson
- selenium lotion
- Selenium Sulfide
- Selenium Sulfide Shampoo
- selenium sulfide topical
- selenium supplement
- Selenium TR
- selenium/urea/zinc pyrithione
- Selenos
- Selenos Shampoo
- Selenos Topical
- Selepen
- Selerin
- Selfemra
- Selgin
- Selincro
- Sellymin
- Selonos
- SelRx
- SelRx Shampoo
- Selseb
- Selseb Topical
- Selsun
- Selsun Blue
- Selsun Blue 2 in 1
- Selsun Blue Balanced Treatment
- Selsun Blue Conditioner
- Selsun Blue lotion
- Selsun Blue Medicated Treatment Topical
- Selsun Blue Moisturizing Treatment
- Selzentry
- Semduramicin
- Semen Sinapis Nigrae
- Semprex-D
- Sen-sei-ro liquid gold
- Sen-sei-ro liquid royal
- Sen-sei-ro powder gold
- Senalax
- Senalax Extra
- Senalax K
- Senatec
- Senatec HC
- Senatec Topical
- Senatec Topical application
- Senefol
- Senexon
- Senexon liquid
- Seniortopix Healix
- senna
- Senna Lax
- Senna Plus
- Senna S
- Senna Smooth
- Senna Soft
- Senna-gen
- Sennagen
- Sennalax
- Sennalax-S
- sennosides
- sennosides chewable tablets
- sennosides granules
- sennosides liquid
- Senokot
- Senokot Child
- Senokot Extra
- Senokot granules
- Senokot liquid
- Senokot S
- Senokot To Go
- SenokotXTRA
- Senolax
- SenoSol
- SenoSol-SS
- SenoSol-X
- Senospasmina
- Sensi-Care
- Sensipar
- Sensiva
- Sensodyne cool gel
- Sensodyne extra whitening
- Sensodyne fresh mint
- Sensodyne original flavor
- Sensodyne tartar control
- Sensodyne tartar control plus whitening
- Sensodyne with baking soda
- Sensorcaine
- Sensorcaine -MPF
- Sensorcaine solution
- Sensorcaine-MPF Spinal
- Sensorcaine-MPF Spinal solution
- Sentinel Flavor Tabs
- Sentravil PM-25
- Sentry AQ Maracide
- Sentry AQ Mardel Coppersafe
- Sentry AQ Mardel Maracyn
- Sentry AQ Mardel Maracyn TC
- Sentry AQ Mardel Maracyn-Oxy
- Sentry AQ Mardel Quick Aid
- Sentry AQ Mardel Tablet
- Sentry AV Ornacycline
- Sentry AV Ornacycline-Plus
- Sentry AV Ornacyn
- Sentry HC Dermasphere Anti-Itch Shampoo
- Sentry HC Dermasphere Medicated Shampoo
- Sentry HC Hairball Relief
- Sentry HC Hotspot
- Sentry HC Petrodex Breath
- Sentry HC Petrodex Breath Spray
- Sentry HC Petromalt Hairball Relief
- Sentry HC Worm X
- Sentry HC Wound Cream
- Sentry SA Dritail
- Senzop
- Sepioglin
- Septa Pediatric
- Septanazal dla dorosłych
- Septanazal dla dzieci
- Septanest z adrenaliną 1:100 000
- Septanest z adrenaliną 1:200 000
- Septocaine
- Septolete
- Septolete Apple
- Septolete D
- Septolete Junior
- Septolete Lemon
- Septolete Plus
- Septolete Plus o smaku miodu i limonki
- Septolete Plus o smaku truskawkowym
- Septolux
- Septopal minikette
- Septosan
- Septosan fix
- Septra
- Septra DS
- Septra Pediatric Suspension
- Septra Suspension
- Septrin
- Septyl R/koncentrat/
- Ser-Ap-Es
- Seractil
- Seradex
- Seradex LA sustained-release tablets
- Seradex liquid
- Seradex-LA
- Serax
- Serenoa repens
- Serentil
- Serenus
- Serestill
- Seretide Dysk 100
- Seretide Dysk 250
- Serevent Diskhaler Disk
- Serevent Diskus
- Serevent Diskus inhalation
- Sermion
- sermorelin acetate
- sermorelin Injection
- Seromycin
- Serophene
- Seroquel
- Seroquel XR
- Seroquel XR sustained-release tablets
- Serostim
- Serovex
- Seroxat
- Seroxat®
- Serpalan
- Serpazide
- sertaconazole
- Sertaconazole Nitrate
- sertaconazole topical
- sertraline
- Sertraline Arrow
- Sertraline Aurobindo 100 mg
- sertraline concentrate
- Sertraline Hydrochloride
- Sertraline Oral Concentrate
- Sertraline Oral Solution
- Serutan
- Servenon
- Servira
- Serzone
- Sesame St. Vitamins Plus Iron
- Setal MR
- Setegis
- Seton ET
- Seton ET-EC
- SetonET
- SetonET-EC DHA
- Seudotabs
- sevelamer
- Sevelamer Hydrochloride/Carbonate
- sevelamer powder packets
- Sevemed
- Severent
- Severent Diskhaler
- Severent Diskus
- Sevoflurane
- Sevoflurane Baxter
- sevoflurane Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Sevorane
- SF
- SF 1.1% Gel
- SF 5000 Plus
- sfRowasa
- sfRowasa rectal
- shark cartilage
- Shark liver oil
- Sheerdesenz Desensitizing Treatment
- Sheerfluorx FluorideTreatment
- Shelter Tinted
- Short Ragweed
- Siarczan protaminy 1 %
- Sibilla
- sibutramine
- Sibutramine Hydrochloride
- Sidretella 20
- Sidretella 30
- Sifrol
- Sigilukad
- Signelon
- Signifor
- Signifor Injection
- Signopam
- Sigtalaz
- Siklos
- Silace oral/rectal
- Siladryl
- Siladryl Allergy
- Silapap
- Silapap Childrens
- Silapap Infants
- Silapo
- Sildeagil
- Sildec
- Sildec DM
- Sildec DM Syrup
- Sildec PE DM Syrup
- Sildec PE Syrup
- Sildec Syrup
- Sildec-PE
- Sildec-PE DM
- Sildec-PE DM Drops
- Sildec-PE Drops
- Silden
- sildenafil
- Sildenafil -1A Pharma
- Sildenafil Accord
- Sildenafil Actavis
- Sildenafil Apotex
- Sildenafil Arrow
- Sildenafil Aspen
- Sildenafil Axxon
- Sildenafil Bluefish
- Sildenafil Citrate
- Sildenafil Genoptim
- Sildenafil Hasco
- sildenafil injection
- sildenafil Intravenous
- Sildenafil Liconsa
- Sildenafil Macleods
- Sildenafil Medana
- Sildenafil Mylan
- Sildenafil Pfizer
- Sildenafil Ranbaxy
- Sildenafil ratiopharm
- Sildenafil Sandoz
- Sildenafil STADA
- Sildenafil SymPhar
- Sildenafil Tablets
- Sildenafil Teva
- Sildenafilum Farmacom
- Silenil
- Silenor
- Silfedrine
- Silfeldrem
- Silgard Szczepionka przeciw wir.brodawczaka ludz.
- Silimax
- Silodosin
- Silodyx
- Silol 350 F
- Silon
- Silphen Cough
- Silphen DM
- Siltane
- Siltussin DM
- Silvadene
- Silvadene Topical
- SilvaSorb gel
- Silver
- Silver Nitrate
- Silver Sulfadiazine
- Silver Sulfadiazine Cream
- silver sulfadiazine Topical
- Simaldoz
- Simbrinza
- Simbrinza drops
- Simcor
- SimePed
- simeprevir
- Simet
- Simethicone
- simethicone chewable tablets
- simethicone liquid
- simethicone liquid drops
- simethicone strips
- simethicone suspension
- Simetikon Hasco
- Simply Cough
- Simply cough liquid
- Simply Motion
- Simply Sleep
- Simply Stuffy
- Simply stuffy liquid
- Simponi
- Simponi Aria
- Simponi SmartJect
- Simuc
- Simuc-GP
- Simulect
- Simvalip 10
- Simvalip 20
- Simvalip 40
- simvastatin
- Simvastatin -1A
- simvastatin and niacin
- simvastatin and sitagliptin
- Simvastatin Aurobindo
- Simvastatin FP
- Simvastatin orally disintegrating tablet
- Simvastatin Pfizer
- Simvastatin Teva Pharma
- simvastatin/niacin
- SimvaTeva
- Simvor
- Sina-12X
- Sina-12X suspension
- Sinadrin Plus
- Sinapils
- Sinarest
- Sinarest Nasal
- Sinarest Sinus
- sincalide
- sincalide Intravenous
- Sindaxel
- Sine-Off Maximum Strength
- Sinebriv (Paracetamol Actavis)
- sinecatechins
- sinecatechins topical
- sinecatechins Topical application
- Sinecch capsules
- Sinecod
- Sinemet
- Sinemet CR
- Sinemet CR sustained-release tablets
- Sinequan
- Sinequan concentrate
- Sinex Long-Acting
- Sinex Nasal Spray
- Sinex Ultra Fine Mist
- Singulair
- Singulair ® Mini
- Singulair 10
- Singulair 4
- Singulair 5
- Singulair chewable tablets
- Singulair granules
- Sinografin
- Sinomenorm
- Sintrom
- Sinu-Rite
- Sinucon
- Sinulin
- Sinupan
- Sinupret
- Sinupret extract
- Sinupret®
- Sinus & Allergy Maximum Strength
- Sinus & Allergy PE
- Sinus Congestion & Pain Nighttime
- Sinus Congestion and Pain Daytime Cool Ice
- Sinus Pain & Pressure
- Sinusit - Pascoe
- Sinutab Ex-Strength
- Sinutab Non-Drying
- Sinutab sinus allergy medication, maximum strength formula, tablets caplets
- Sinutab sinus medication, maximum strength without drowsiness formula, tablets caplets
- Sinutuss DM
- Sinutuss DM controlled-release and sustained-release tablets
- SINUvent PE
- Sipuleucel-T
- sipuleucel-t Intravenous
- Sirdalud
- Siroctid
- sirolimus
- sirolimus solution
- Sirturo
- Sirturo Tablets
- Sirupus Althaeae
- Sirupus Kalii guaiacolosulfonici
- Sirupus Kalii guajacolosulfonici
- sitagliptin
- sitagliptin and metformin
- sitagliptin and simvastatin
- Sitagliptin Phosphate
- Sitagliptin Phosphate/Simvastatin
- sitagliptin/metformin
- sitagliptin/metformin extended-release tablets
- Sitagliptin/Metformin Hydrochloride
- sitagliptin/simvastatin
- Sitavig
- Sitrex
- Sitrex PD
- Sitzmarks oral and rectal
- Skeeter Stik
- Skelaxin
- Skelid
- Skin and Seborrhea
- skin barrier emulsion
- Skin Lightening Complex
- Skincure Topical
- Skinman Soft
- Skinoren
- Skinoren Rosacea (Finacea)
- Skinsept color d/odkaż.skóry
- Skinsept Mucosa d/odkaż.błon śluz.
- Skinsept Pur
- Sklice
- Sklice lotion
- Skopryl Plus
- Skyla
- Skyla IUD
- Sleep
- Sleep Aid
- Sleep Aid Tablets
- Sleep-ettes
- Sleep-ettes D
- Sleep-tite caplets
- Sleepinal
- Slideflex
- Slim krople odchudzające
- slippery elm
- Slo-Niacin
- Slo-Niacin controlled-release capsules
- Sloan's Liniment
- Slow Fe
- Slow Fe controlled-release capsules
- Slow Fe with Folic Acid
- Slow Release Iron
- Slow-K
- Slow-Mag
- Slow-Mag B6
- Slow-Mag sustained-release tablets
- Smallpox Vaccine
- smallpox vaccine Injection
- Smecta
- Smile's prid salve
- SmofKabiven
- SmofKabiven EF
- SmofKabiven Peripheral
- SMOFlipid
- Smoothie Readi-Cat 2 oral and rectal
- SMZ-TMP Pediatric
- Snorestop extinguisher 120 oral sprays
- Snorestop maximum strength chewable tablets
- Sobycombi
- Sochlor
- Sodium Acetate
- sodium ascorbate injection
- sodium benzoate and sodium phenylacetate
- sodium bicarbonate
- sodium bicarbonate Oral, Intravenous, Subcutaneous
- sodium bicarbonate tablets
- sodium bicarbonate/citric acid/simethicone effervescent granule packets
- sodium biphosphate and sodium phosphate
- sodium biphosphate and sodium phosphate rectal
- sodium cellulose phosphate
- sodium chloride
- Sodium Chloride Irrigation Baxter
- Sodium chloride BRAUN 0.9%
- sodium chloride drops
- Sodium Chloride Extracorporeal Solution
- sodium chloride flush
- sodium chloride inhalation
- Sodium Chloride Inhalation Solution
- sodium chloride Injection
- Sodium Chloride Injection 0.45%
- Sodium Chloride Injection 14.6%
- Sodium Chloride Injection 23.4%
- Sodium Chloride Injection 3% 5%
- Sodium Chloride Injection Hospira
- Sodium Chloride Irrigant
- Sodium Chloride Irrigation
- Sodium Chloride Irrigation Hospira
- Sodium Chloride Mini-Bag
- sodium chloride nebulizer solution
- sodium chloride ointment
- sodium chloride Ophthalmic
- sodium chloride solution
- Sodium Chloride, inhalation
- Sodium Chromate CR 51
- Sodium Citrate and Citric Acid Oral Solution
- Sodium Citrate/Citric Acid
- Sodium Diuril
- Sodium Edecrin
- Sodium Ferric Gluconate
- sodium ferric gluconate complex
- sodium ferric gluconate complex Intravenous
- sodium fluoride
- Sodium Fluoride Chewable Tablets
- sodium fluoride cream
- Sodium Fluoride Dental Rinse
- sodium fluoride drops
- Sodium Fluoride F 18 Injection
- sodium fluoride lozenges
- sodium fluoride Oral, Dental, Oromucosal
- sodium fluoride rinse
- sodium fluoride/potassium nitrate
- sodium hyaluronate gel
- sodium hyaluronate injection
- sodium hyaluronate topical
- Sodium Hydroxide Solution
- sodium hypochlorite
- sodium iodide
- sodium iodide i 131
- Sodium Iodide I 131 Capsules
- sodium iodide Oral, Injection, Intravenous
- Sodium Iodide, i-123
- Sodium Lactate
- Sodium Lactate Injection
- Sodium monofluorophosphate
- sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate
- sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate Intravenous
- Sodium Nitrite Injection
- Sodium Nitrite/Sodium Thiosulfate
- Sodium Nitroprusside
- Sodium Oxybate
- Sodium oxychlorosene
- sodium phenylacetate and benzoate Intravenous
- Sodium Phenylacetate and Sodium Benzoate
- Sodium Phenylacetate/Sodium Benzoate
- sodium phenylbutyrate
- sodium phenylbutyrate powder
- Sodium Phosphate
- sodium phosphate dibasic and sodium phosphate monobasic
- Sodium Phosphate P 32
- sodium phosphate p 32 Intravenous
- Sodium Phosphate, Bowel Evacuant
- sodium phosphates
- sodium phosphates enema
- sodium phosphates solution
- sodium picosulfate, magnesium, and citric acid
- sodium picosulfate/magnesium oxide/anhydrous citric acid
- sodium polystyrene sulfonate
- Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate Oral Powder
- sodium polystyrene sulfonate powder
- sodium polystyrene sulfonate Rectal
- sodium polystyrene sulfonate suspension
- Sodium propionate
- Sodium Sulamyd
- Sodium Sulfacetamide
- sodium sulfacetamide 10%/sulfur 4% foam
- Sodium Sulfacetamide and Sulfur Aqueous Gel
- Sodium Sulfacetamide and Sulfur Cleanser
- Sodium Sulfacetamide and Sulfur Cream
- Sodium Sulfacetamide and Sulfur Foam
- Sodium Sulfacetamide and Sulfur Lotion
- Sodium Sulfacetamide and Sulfur Suspension
- Sodium Sulfacetamide and Sulfur Wash
- sodium sulfacetamide and urea topical
- Sodium Sulfacetamide Cleansing Gel
- Sodium Sulfacetamide Medicated Pads
- Sodium Sulfacetamide Scalp Treatment
- Sodium Sulfacetamide Shampoo
- Sodium Sulfacetamide Sulfur Cleansing Cloths
- Sodium Sulfacetamide Sulfur Cleansing Pads
- sodium sulfacetamide topical
- Sodium Sulfacetamide Wash
- sodium sulfacetamide-sulfur topical
- Sodium Sulfacetamide/Sulfur
- sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur emulsion
- sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur foam
- Sodium sulfate
- sodium sulfate/potassium sulfate/magnesium sulfate solution
- sodium sulfide gel
- sodium tetradecyl sulfate
- sodium tetradecyl sulfate Intravenous
- Sodium Thiosulfate
- Sodium Thiosulfate Injection
- sodium thiosulfate Intravenous
- sodium thiosulfate lotion
- Sodu Chlorek 0.9% Baxter
- Sodu wodorowęglan
- Sodu wodorowęglan Hasco
- sofosbuvir
- Soft Sense
- Softa - Man
- Softasept N niezabarwiony
- Softasept N zabarwiony
- Softdyne 110
- Softglo Ophthalmic Strip
- Sojourn
- Sojourn Inhalant
- Sol-O-Pake oral and rectal
- Solage
- Solage Topical
- Solaquin
- Solaquin Forte
- Solaquin Forte cream
- Solaraze
- Solaraze 3%
- Solaraze gel
- Solaraze topical
- Solarcaine
- Solarcaine Aerosol
- Solarcaine aerosol spray
- Solarcaine Aloe Extra Burn Relief
- Solarcaine Aloe Extra gel
- Solarcaine Cool Aloe
- Solarcaine Cool Aloe Topical
- Solarcaine Cool Aloe Topical application
- Solarcaine First Aid Lidocaine Spray Topical
- Solarcaine First Aid Lidocaine Spray Topical application
- Solarcaine Lidocaine First Aid Spray Topical
- Solarcaine Lidocaine First Aid Spray Topical application
- Solarcaine Plus Aloe
- Solaren
- Solcogyn
- Solcoseryl
- Solesmin
- Solesta
- Solfoton
- Solganal
- Solia
- solifenacin
- Solifenacin PMCS
- Solifenacin Succinate
- Soliris
- Soliris 300
- Solnasin 0.65%
- Solodyn
- Solodyn extended-release tablets
- solotuss
- Solotuss suspension
- Solovent
- Soloxine
- Solpadeine
- Solpaflex
- Soltamox
- Soltamox solution
- Solu-Cortef
- Solu-Cortef solution
- Solu-Medrol solution
- SoluCLENZ Rx
- Solurex injection
- Solurex LA injection
- Solutio Iodi aquosa (Płyn Lugola)
- Solutio Iodi Cum Glycerini (Płyn Lugola)
- Solutio Iodi Spirituosa 3%
- Solutio Pyoctanini 1%
- Solutio Ringeri
- Solutio Ringeri Fresenius
- Solutio Ringeri Lactate Fresenius
- Soluvit N
- Soluvite F
- Solvertyl
- Soma
- Soma Compound
- Soma Compound with Codeine
- Somac Control
- Somatostatin -Eumedica
- somatropin
- somatropin (rDNA origin - nonrefrigerated)
- somatropin (rDNA origin - refrigerated)
- somatropin (rDNA origin - refrigerated) cartridge
- somatropin (rDNA origin - refrigerated) vial
- somatropin (rDNA origin - refrigerated) vials
- Somatropin (rdna origin)
- Somatropin Biopartners
- somatropin, e-coli derived Subcutaneous, Injection
- somatropin, mammalian derived Subcutaneous, Injection
- Somatuline Depot
- Somatuline PR
- Somavert
- Sominex
- Sominex Maximum Strength Caplet
- Sominex Pain Relief Formula
- Somnol
- Somnote
- Son formula tablets
- Sonahist
- Sonahist DM
- Sonahist DM Pediatric Drops
- Sonata
- Sonirem
- Sonol
- SonoVue
- Soothables KAPD
- Soothe
- Soothe & Cool Inzo
- Soothe & Cool Inzo Antifungal Topical
- Soothe & Cool Skin Paste
- Soothe-It Plus Hemmorhoidal Pad
- Soothex Cream
- Soothing Liniment Aloe Vera Gel
- Sopamycetin Ophthalmic
- Sopamycetin Otic
- Sophtensif
- Sopodorm 15
- Sopodorm 2
- Sopodorm 5
- Sopromin
- Sora Forte
- Sorafenib
- Sorafenib Tosylate
- Sorbet APF Gel
- Sorbet Neutral
- Sorbet Rinse
- Sorbifer Durules
- sorbitol
- sorbitol irrigation solution
- sorbitol solution
- Sorbitol-Mannitol
- Sorbonit
- Sorel
- Sorel Plus
- Soriatane
- Soriatane CK
- Sorilux
- Sorilux foam
- Sorilux Topical
- Sorine
- Sortis 10
- Sortis 20
- Sortis 40
- Sortis 5
- Sortis 80
- Sotahexal
- Sotalol
- sotalol AF
- Sotalol Hydrochloride
- Sotalol Hydrochloride AF
- Sotalol Injection
- sotalol Intravenous
- Sotradecol
- Sotret
- Sovaldi
- Soventol
- Soy extract
- Soy isoflavones
- Soya Lecithin
- Soya Meno
- Soyfem
- Soyfem Forte
- Spacer, inhalation
- Span C
- sparfloxacin
- Spartan hair system shampoo
- Spartan hair system supplement
- Spascupreel
- Spasdel Drops
- Spasdel Elixir
- Spasmalgon
- Spasmo-Lyt
- Spasmolin
- Spasmolina
- Spasmophen
- Spasticol
- Spastrin
- SPB11
- Spectam Water Soluble Concentrate
- Spectazole
- Spectazole cream
- Spectazole Topical
- spectinomycin
- Spectinomycin Hydrochloride
- spectinomycin Intramuscular
- Spectogard Scour Chek
- Spectracef
- Spectro Tar Skin Wash Topical
- Spectrobid
- Spectrum-4
- Spedifen 400
- Spedra
- Spemeprol
- spermicide Vaginal
- Spersallerg
- Spinosad
- spinosad suspension
- spinosad topical
- spinosad Topical application
- Spinosad Topical Suspension
- Spir.roztwór jodu (Jodyna)
- spiramycin Oral, Injection, Rectal
- Spiritus camph. 10% (FP.IV)
- Spiritus kamforowy
- Spiritus mentolowo-rumiankowy
- Spiritus mrówczany
- Spiritus mrówczany GEMI
- Spiritus salicylowy 2%
- Spiritus skażony hibitanem 0.5% AMARA
- Spiritus skażony hibitanem 0.5% Coel
- Spiriva HandiHaler
- Spirokast
- Spironolactone
- Spironolactone and Hydrochlorothiazide
- Spironolactone/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Spirytus Hibitanowy 0,5% ATS
- Spirytus kamforowy
- Spirytus kamforowy 10%
- Spirytus kamforowy Aflofarm
- Spirytus mrówczany
- Spirytus mrówczany Aflofarm
- Spirytus salicylowy
- Spirytus salicylowy 2%
- Spirytus salicylowy Aflofarm
- Spirytus salicylowy APTEO MED
- Spirytus salicylowy Avena
- Spirytusowy Roztwór Fioletu Gencjanowego 1%
- Spirytusowy Roztwór Fioletu Gencjanowego 1% Gemi
- Spirytusowy Roztwór Fioletu Gencjanowego 2% Gemi
- Spirytusowy roztwór jodu
- Spirytusowy Roztwór Jodu 3%
- Spitaderm do odkaż.rąk
- Sporanox
- Sporanox capsules
- Sporanox injection
- Sporanox PulsePak
- Sporanox solution
- Sportsmed Topical
- Sportz Block Dark
- Sportz Block Light
- Sportz Block Medium
- Sprimeo
- Sprintec
- Sprix
- Sprix nasal
- Sprix Nasal Spray
- Sprix spray
- Sprycel
- SPS suspension
- Squa-Med
- Sronyx
- SSD AF Topical
- SSD Cream
- Ssd Topical
- SSKI drops
- SSKI Oral
- St. Ives
- st. john's wort
- St. Joseph
- St. Joseph 81 mg Adult chewable tablets
- St. joseph 81 mg aspirin
- St. joseph 81 mg aspirin chewable and enteric coated tablets
- St. Joseph Aspirin
- St. Joseph Aspirin Adult Chewable
- St. Joseph Aspirin Adult EC
- St. Joseph Aspirin-Free
- St. Joseph Cough Suppressant
- Sta-D sustained-release tablets
- Stadaquel
- Stadarisp 0,25
- Stadarisp 0,5
- Stadarisp 1
- Stadarisp 3
- Stadarisp 4
- Stadarisp 6
- Stadarisp 8
- Stadazar HCT
- Stadol
- Stadol injection
- Stadol NS
- Stadol NS Nasal
- Stadol solution
- Stafac 50
- Staflex
- Stagesic
- Stahist
- Stahist AD
- Stahist AD liquid
- Stalevo
- Stalevo 100
- Stalevo 125
- Stalevo 150
- Stalevo 200
- Stalevo 50
- Stalevo 75
- Staloral 300 podstawow.
- Staloral 300 podtrzym.
- Staloral 300 zest.do lecz.podstawow.
- Staloral 300 zest.do lecz.podtrzym.
- Staloral 300 Zestaw do lecz.podstawow.
- Staloral 300 Zestaw do lecz.podtrzym.
- Staloral alergen grzyb.drożdż.-podst.
- Staloral alergen grzyb.drożdż.-podtrzym.
- Staloral alergen poch.kurzu dom.-podst.
- Staloral alergen poch.kurzu dom.-podtrzym
- Staloral alergen poch.roślin.-podst.
- Staloral alergen poch.roślin.-podtrzym.
- Staloral alergen poch.zwierz.-podst.
- Staloral alergen poch.zwierz.-podtrzym.
- Staloral alergen rośl.rozt.grzyb.-podst.
- Staloral alergen rośl.rozt.grzyb.-podtrzym.
- Stamaril szczepionka przeciw żółtej febrze
- Stamoist E
- Stamoist LA
- Stanback
- Stanback Analgesic
- Stanback Fast Pain Relief
- Standardized Grass Pollen
- Standardized Mite
- Standardized Mite Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus
- Stanhexidine Solution
- Stanley Chlorhexidine Tinted
- Stanley Chlorhexidine Untinted
- stannous fluoride gel
- Stannous Fluoride Oral Rinse
- stannous fluoride rinse
- stanozolol
- Staphcillin
- Star-Otic
- Starazolin
- Starch
- starch rectal
- Starch, topical
- Starlix
- Staticin
- Staticin Topical
- Statobex
- Statrol
- Statrol Ophthalmic Solution
- Statuss Green liquid
- Stavudine
- Stavudine Capsules
- Stavudine Oral Solution
- stavudine solution
- Stavzor
- Stavzor delayed-release capsules
- Staxyn
- Staxyn orally disintegrating tablets
- Stayveer
- Stelara
- Stelara PFS
- Stelazine
- Stemetic
- Stendra
- Steovess
- Stephan bio-nutritional daytime hydrating creme
- Stephan bio-nutritional eye-firming concentrate
- Stephan bio-nutritional nightime moisture creme
- Stephan bio-nutritional refreshing moisture gel
- Stephan bio-nutritional ultra hydrating fluid
- Stephan clarity capsules
- Stephan elasticity capsules
- Stephan elixir capsules
- Stephan essential capsules
- Stephan feminine capsules
- Stephan flexibility capsules
- Stephan lovpil capsules
- Stephan masculine capsules
- Stephan protector capsules
- Stephan relief capsules
- Stephan tranquility capsules
- Sterapred
- Sterapred 12 DAY
- Sterapred DS
- Sterapred DS 12 DAY
- Steri-Neb Ipratropinum
- Sterile Saline Diluent Tip-Lok Syringe
- Sterile Talc
- Sterile Water for Injection
- Sterile Water for Irrigation
- Sterile Water Irrigation
- Sterilube
- Steripet
- Sterko
- Sterofundin
- Sterofundin ISO
- Sterovag
- Stieprox
- Stieva-A Cream Forte Topical
- Stieva-A Cream Topical
- Stieva-A Gel Topical
- Stieva-A Solution Topical
- Stilnox
- Stimate
- Stimate nasal
- Stimate spray
- Sting Relief
- Sting-Kill
- Stivarga
- Stocrin
- Stocrin 100
- Stocrin 200
- Stocrin 300
- Stocrin 50
- Stocrin 600
- Stodal
- Stomach Relief - Regular Formula
- Stomatosol
- Stomezul
- Stop
- Stopain cream
- Stopain spray
- Stoperan
- Stoperan Plus
- Stopex
- Stoppot
- Stopress
- Storm Stress
- Strenduo
- Strepsils
- Strepsils białe miod.-cytryn.
- Strepsils Immuno na Gardło z Witaminą C
- Strepsils Intensive
- Strepsils Intensive Fast
- Strepsils Intensive Sprint
- Strepsils Junior
- Strepsils pomarańczowy z witamina C
- Strepsils truskawkowy bez cukru
- Strepsils z mentolem i eukaliptusem
- Strepsils z natur.miodem i cytryną
- Streptase
- Streptokinase
- streptokinase Intravenous, Intracoronary
- Streptokinaza Medicplast
- streptomycin
- streptomycin Intramuscular
- Streptomycin Sulfate
- Streptomycinum TZF
- streptozocin
- streptozocin Intravenous
- Stress Formula with Iron
- Stress-600
- Stresstabs with Iron
- Stri-Dex
- Stri-Dex Topical
- Striant
- Stribild
- Stribild Tablets
- Stridex Body Focus cream
- Stridex Maximum Strength pads
- Stridex Topical
- Striverdi Respimat
- Strix
- Stromectol
- Strong Iodine Solution
- Strongid Paste
- Strongid T
- Strongstart
- Strongstart caplets
- Strongstart chewable tablets
- strontium chloride sr 89 Intravenous, Injection
- Strontium Chloride SR-89
- Strontium-89 Chloride
- Strovite Forte Syrup
- Structum
- Stuart Prenatal with Beta Carotene
- Stymen
- Su-Tuss HD Elixir
- Subcuvia
- Sublimaze
- Suboxone
- Suboxone film
- Subsys
- Subsys spray
- Subsys sublingual
- Subutex
- Subutex 0,4
- Subutex 2
- Subutex 8
- succimer
- succinylcholine
- Succinylcholine Chloride
- Succus Bardanae
- Succus Betulae
- Succus Betulae PhytoPharm
- Succus Echinaceae
- Succus Echinaceae Phytopharm
- Succus Farfarae
- Succus Farfarae Phytopharm
- Succus Hyperici
- Succus Taraxaci
- Succus Taraxaci Phytopharm
- Succus Urticae
- Suclear
- Suclear solution
- Suclor
- Sucraid
- Sucralfate
- sucralfate suspension
- Sucralfate Tablet
- Sucrets
- Sucrets 4-Hour Cough Drops lozenges
- Sucrets Complete lozenges
- Sucrets DM Cough
- sucroferric oxyhydroxide
- Suda-Tussin DM
- Sudafed
- Sudafed 12 Hour sustained-release capsules
- Sudafed 12-Hour
- Sudafed 24 Hour sustained-release tablets (24 hour)
- Sudafed 24-Hour
- Sudafed Children's Nasal Decongestant
- Sudafed Cold and Cough Liquicaps
- Sudafed Cold/Cough
- Sudafed Muco na kaszel mokry
- Sudafed Muco na kaszel mokry o smaku cytryny i miodu
- Sudafed Non Drying Sinus
- Sudafed non-drowsy cold cough liquid caps
- Sudafed non-drowsy severe cold tablets
- Sudafed OM Sinus Cold
- Sudafed Oral
- Sudafed PE
- Sudafed PE Children's Cold & Cough
- Sudafed PE Children's Nasal Decongestant
- Sudafed PE Cold & Cough
- Sudafed PE Day & Night Cold
- Sudafed PE Non-Drying Sinus
- Sudafed PE Pressure+Pain
- Sudafed PE Pressure+Pain+Cough
- Sudafed PE Quick Dissolve
- Sudafed PE Quick-Dissolve Orally Disintegrating Strips
- Sudafed PE Severe Cold
- Sudafed PE Sinus & Allergy
- Sudafed PE Sinus Headache
- Sudafed Plus
- Sudafed Pressure + Pain 12 Hour
- Sudafed Severe Cold
- Sudafed Sinus
- Sudafed sinus allergy tablets
- Sudafed Sinus and Cold Liquicaps
- Sudafed sinus cold liquid caps
- Sudafed Sinus Nighttime
- Sudafed Sinus Nighttime Plus Pain
- Sudafed XyloSpray
- Sudafed XyloSpray HA
- SudaHist
- Sudal 12 Tannate Chewable
- Sudal-12 Chewable
- Sudal-12 Tannate
- Sudatex DM
- SudaTex-G
- Sudaxyl HA
- Sudex
- Sudodrin
- SudoGest
- SudoGest 12 Hour
- Sudogest Cold & Allergy
- Sudogest PE
- SudoGest Sinus & Allergy
- Sufenta
- Sufentanil
- Sufentanil Chiesi
- Sufentanil Citrate
- Sukontix
- Sul-Q-Nox
- Sul-Ray Aloe Vera Acne Topical
- Sular
- Sular extended-release tablets
- sulconazole cream
- Sulconazole Nitrate
- sulconazole nitrate solution
- sulconazole topical
- Sulcosyn Topical
- Sulcrate Suspension Plus
- Sulf 10
- Sulfac 10%
- Sulfacet Sodium
- Sulfacet-R
- Sulfacetamide
- sulfacetamide and fluorometholone ophthalmic
- sulfacetamide and phenylephrine ophthalmic
- Sulfacetamide and Prednisolone
- sulfacetamide and prednisolone ophthalmic
- sulfacetamide cream
- sulfacetamide drops
- sulfacetamide foam
- sulfacetamide lotion
- sulfacetamide ointment
- sulfacetamide ophthalmic
- sulfacetamide shampoo
- Sulfacetamide Sodium
- sulfacetamide sodium and sulfur topical
- sulfacetamide sodium and urea topical
- sulfacetamide sodium topical
- sulfacetamide sodium/sulfur
- sulfacetamide sodium/sulfur cleanser
- sulfacetamide sodium/sulfur in urea with sunscreen kit
- sulfacetamide sodium/sulfur with cleanser
- sulfacetamide suspension
- Sulfacetamide Topical
- sulfacetamide wash
- sulfacetamide/sulfur cleansing cloths
- sulfacetamide/sulfur cream
- sulfacetamide/sulfur emulsion
- sulfacetamide/sulfur gel
- sulfacetamide/sulfur wash
- sulfacetamide/urea emulsion
- sulfacetamide/urea lotion
- sulfacetamide/urea medicated pads
- Sulfacetamidum Polpharma
- Sulfacetamidum WZF 10 % HEC
- Sulfacleanse 8/4
- sulfadiazine
- Sulfadimethoxine
- Sulfadoxine/Pyrimethamine
- Sulfalax Calcium
- Sulfamag injection
- Sulfamed G
- Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim
- Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim Double Strength
- Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim Injection
- Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim Suspension
- Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim Oral Suspension
- sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim
- sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim Intravenous
- sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim suspension
- sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim tablets
- Sulfamylon
- Sulfamylon cream
- Sulfamylon for 5% topical solution
- Sulfamylon solution
- Sulfamylon Topical
- sulfanilamide
- sulfanilamide vaginal
- sulfapyridine
- Sulfarinol
- Sulfasalazine
- Sulfasalazine Delayed-Release Tablets
- sulfasalazine Oral, Rectal
- Sulfatol 10-4 Cleansing Pads
- Sulfatol C
- Sulfatol C Cream
- Sulfatol Cleanser
- Sulfatol Cleanser emulsion
- Sulfatol Gel
- Sulfatol SS
- Sulfatol SS Cream
- Sulfatrim
- Sulfatrim Pediatric
- Sulfatrim Suspension
- Sulfazine
- Sulfazine EC
- Sulfimycin
- sulfinpyrazone
- sulfisoxazole
- sulfisoxazole ophthalmic
- sulfisoxazole suspension
- Sulfo-Lo
- Sulfo-Lo Topical
- Sulfoam
- Sulfoam Topical
- sulfonamide
- sulfonamide Ophthalmic
- sulfonamide Vaginal
- Sulforcin
- Sulfoxyl Regular
- Sulfoxyl Regular lotion
- Sulfoxyl Strong
- Sulfoxyl Strong lotion
- sulfur topical
- Sulfuric Acid/Sulfonated Phenolics
- Sulindac
- Sulmasque
- Sulmasque Topical
- Sulmet
- Sulperazon 1 g
- Sulperazon 2 g
- Sulpho-Lac
- Sulpho-Lac Soap
- Sulpho-Lac Topical
- SULPHODENT Past.d/zęb. przeciw paradont.
- Sulpiryd PLIVA
- Sultrin Triple Sulfa
- SulZee Wash
- Sumadan
- Sumadan Wash
- Sumadan XLT Wash
- Sumamigren
- Sumatriptan
- sumatriptan and naproxen
- Sumatriptan Injection
- Sumatriptan Ipca
- Sumatriptan Nasal Spray
- sumatriptan Nasal, Oral, Subcutaneous
- sumatriptan oral/nasal
- Sumatriptan Pfizer
- sumatriptan spray
- sumatriptan Subcutaneous
- Sumatriptan Succinate
- sumatriptan tablets
- sumatriptan Transdermal
- sumatriptan/naproxen
- Sumatriptan/Naproxen Sodium
- Sumavel DosePro
- Sumavel DosePro injection
- Sumavel DosePro Subcutaneous
- Sumaxin
- Sumaxin Cleansing Pads
- Sumaxin CP
- Sumaxin TS
- Sumaxin TS emulsion
- Sumaxin TS Lotion
- Sumaxin wash
- Sumigra 100
- Sumigra 50
- Summer's Eve Specialcare
- Summers Eve Anti-Itch
- Sumycin
- Sumycin suspension
- Sun Defense Cream
- sunitinib
- sunitinib malate
- Sunkist Child Chewable with Iron
- Sunkist Vitamin C
- Sunmark 12 Hour Allergy Relief
- Sunmark Acid Reducer
- Sunmark Acid Reducer Maximum Strength
- Sunmark Acid Reducer Ranitidine
- Sunmark All Day Allergy-D
- Sunmark Anti-Diarrheal
- Sunmark Anti-Diarrheal Tablet
- Sunmark Hour Allergy Relief
- Sunmark Ibuprofen Cold and Sinus
- Sunmark Loratadine
- Sunmark Miconazole 7
- Sunmark Nicotine Lozenge
- Sunmark Nicotine Polacrilex
- Sunmark Nite Time Cold and Flu
- Sunmark Sleep Aid
- Sunmark Tioconazole 1
- sunscreen
- sunscreen agent Topical application
- SunVanish Cream
- Supac
- Supartz
- Supartz Injection
- Super Calcium 600 + D3 400
- Super Dent Topical Anesthetic Gel
- Superdent Chlorhexidine Gluconate Oral Rinse
- Superdent Hemal
- Superdophilus
- Suphedrin
- Suphedrine
- Suphera
- Suplemag B6
- Supprelin LA
- Supprelin LA implant
- Suppressor Injection
- Supracaine
- Supradyn
- Supradyn N
- Suprane
- Suprax
- Suprax chewable tablets
- Suprax suspension
- Suprax Tablets
- Supregraf
- Supremin
- Suprenza
- Suprenza orally disintegrating tablets
- Suprep Bowel Prep
- Suprep Bowel Prep Kit solution
- Supress A liquid
- Supress A Pediatric
- Supress-DX
- Supress-PE
- Suprodeslon
- suprofen ophthalmic
- Sur-Q-Lax oral/rectal
- suramin Injection
- Surbex-750 with Iron
- SureLac
- Surfak
- Surfak Stool Softener oral/rectal
- Surfaxin
- Surgam
- Surmera
- Surmontil
- Surolan
- Surpass Cream
- Surval
- Survanta
- Survanta Intratracheal
- Survanta intratracheal suspension
- Survimed OPD
- Sustain III
- Sustiva
- Sustiva 100
- Sustiva 200
- Sustiva 50
- Sustiva 600
- Sustiva capsules
- SuTan
- SuTan-DM
- Sutent
- Suttar SF
- Suttar-2
- Suzette
- Sween cream
- Swineaid
- Sycrest
- Syeda
- Sylatron
- Sylicaps
- Sylicynar
- Syliflex
- Sylimarol
- Sylimarol 35mg
- Sylimarol 70mg
- Sylimarol Vita 150
- Sylimarol Vita 80
- Sylimarynal
- Sylimarynal Forte
- Sylivit
- Sylivit 150
- Syllact
- Sylvie 20
- Sylvie 30
- Symanastrol
- Symax Duotab
- Symax Duotab controlled-release tablets
- Symax FasTab
- Symax FasTabs orally disintegrating tablets
- Symax SL
- Symax SR
- Symax SR extended-release tablets
- Symbicort
- Symbicort 100 Turbuhaler
- Symbicort 200 Turbuhaler
- Symbicort aerosol
- Symblasta
- Symbyax
- Symdes
- Symescital
- Symibace
- Symla 100
- Symla 25
- Symla 50
- Symlin
- Symlin Pen
- Symlin vial
- SymlinPen
- SymlinPen 120
- SymlinPen 60
- Symloda
- Symlok SR
- Symmetrel
- Symonette
- SymPak
- SymPak DM
- SymPak II
- Sympramol
- Sympt-X
- SYMPT-X Glutamine
- Symrose
- Symtabin
- SymTan
- SymTan A
- SymTan A suspension
- Symtaxel
- Symtecan
- Symtopiram
- Symwastatyna 10 EuroLeki
- Symwastatyna 20 EuroLeki
- Symwastatyna 40 EuroLeki
- Symwastatyna Jelfa
- Synagis
- Synalar
- Synalar Cream
- Synalar cream and ointment kit
- Synalar Mild
- Synalar Ointment
- Synalar Regular
- Synalar solution
- Synalar TS solution
- Synalgos-DC
- Synamol
- Synanthic
- Synarel
- Synera
- Synera patch
- Synercid
- Synercid I.V.
- Synergydefense capsules
- Synflorix
- Synribo
- Syntest D.S.
- Syntest DS
- Syntest H.S.
- Syntest HS
- synthetic conjugated estrogens, a cream
- Synthetic Conjugated Estrogens, A vaginal
- Synthroid
- Synthroid Injection
- Syntocinon
- Synvisc
- Synvisc Hylan G-F
- Synvisc Hylan G-F Injection
- Synvisc Injection
- Synvisc One
- Synvisc One Injection
- Synvisc solution
- Synza 2,5 mg
- Synza 7,5 mg
- Syprine
- Syrex
- Syrop Althaeae
- Syrop Kalii guajacolosulfonicum
- Syrop Pini compositus
- Syrop Plantagen
- Syrop Plantaginis
- Syrop Plantaginis z babki lancet.
- Syrop Prawoślazowy
- Syrop Prawoślazowy Alte
- Syrop prawoślazowy Alte Forte 6 cz. korzenia prawoślazu
- Syrop prawoślazowy złożony GEMI
- Syrop sosnowy złożony Aflofarm
- Syrop Sulfoguaiacoli
- Syrop Thymi compositum
- Syrop Tussipini
- Syrop Tussipini D
- Syrop tymiankowy złożony
- Syrop tymiankowy złożony Aflofarm
- Syrop Verbasci
- Syrop z sulfogwajakolem
- Syrop z sulfogwajakolem Aflofarm
- Syrop z sulfogwajakolem Galena
- Systane
- Systane Balance
- Systane lubricant eye drops
- Szałwia tabletki
- Szczepionka durowa Ty
- Szczepionka durowo-tężc. TyT (daw.TyTe)
- Szczepionka Pneumo 23
- Szczepionka przeciw gruźl.BCG 10
- Szczepionka Pseudovac
- Szczepionka tężcowa adsorb.T
- Sztyft do nosa APS I
- Sztyft do nosa Cetix
- Sztyft do nosa Cetix -Plus
- Sztyft do nosa VIPS
- Sól Jodobromowa iwonicka
- Sól lecz.CAMPI
- Sól lecz.IWONICKA
- T-Athlete
- T-Diet
- T-Painol
- T-Stat
- T-Tanna DM suspension
- T-Tussin DM
- T/Gel Conditioner
- Tabcin
- Tabcin Impakt
- Tabcin Trend
- Tabex
- Tabitil
- Tabl.przeciw grypie
- Tabl.z pokrzywy
- Tabl.z rzew.(Radix Rhei)
- Table of Contents
- Tabletki przeciw niestrawności Labofarm
- Tabletki tonizujące Labofarm
- Tabletki uspokajające Labofarm
- Tabletki uspokajające Labofarm powlekane
- Tabletki z czosnku Labofarm
- Tabloid
- Tabulettae laxantes
- Tace
- Tacefur (Cefuroxime Arrow)
- TachoSil 3,0 x 2,5 cm
- TachoSil 3,0 x 2,5cm
- TachoSil 3,0 x2,5 cm
- TachoSil 4,8 x 4,8 cm
- TachoSil 9,5 x4,8 cm
- TachoSil Patch
- Tachyben
- Taclonex
- Taclonex ointment
- Taclonex Scalp
- Taclonex Scalp suspension
- Taclonex Scalp topical
- Taclonex suspension
- Taclonex topical
- Taclonex Topical Suspension
- Taconal
- tacrine
- Tacrine Hydrochloride
- Tacrine Hydrochloride (Tetrahydroaminoacridine; THA)
- Tacrolimus
- Tacrolimus Accord
- tacrolimus capsules
- tacrolimus extended-release capsules
- tacrolimus Intravenous
- tacrolimus ointment
- tacrolimus oral and injection
- tacrolimus Oral, Intravenous
- tacrolimus topical
- Tactus
- tadalafil
- Tadalafil PMCS
- Tadenan 50
- Tadroxil
- Tafen Nasal 32 mcg
- Tafen Nasal 64 mcg
- Tafinlar
- Tafluprost
- tafluprost drops
- tafluprost ophthalmic
- Tafril
- Tagamet
- Tagamet HB
- Tagamet suspension
- Tagitol V oral and rectal
- Tahitian noni liquid
- Take Home Fluoride
- Takrocept
- Talacen
- Taladine
- Talc
- talc Intrapleural
- Talc, Sterile Powder
- taliglucerase alfa
- taliglucerase alfa Intravenous
- Talk
- Talk "Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn"
- Talusin
- Talvosilen
- Talvosilen forte
- Talwin
- Talwin Injection
- Talwin Lactate
- Talwin Nx
- Tambocor
- Tamiflu
- Tamiflu suspension
- Tamoxifen
- Tamoxifen Citrate
- Tamoxifen EBEWE 10
- tamoxifen solution
- tamsulosin
- Tamsulosin +pharma
- Tamsulosin 1A Pharma
- Tamsulosin Aurobindo
- Tamsulosin Hydrochloride
- Tamsulosin Pfizer
- Tanabid SR
- TanaCof DM suspension
- Tanafed DMX
- Tanafed DMX suspension
- Tanafed DP
- Tanafed DP suspension
- Tanahist-D
- TanaHist-PD
- Tanakan
- Tandem
- Tandem Capsules
- Tandem DHA
- Tandem F
- Tandem OB
- Tandemact
- TanDur DM
- Taninal
- Tannate 12 S
- Tannate 12D S
- Tannate DMP-DEX
- Tannate Pediatric
- Tannate-12D S suspension
- Tannate-V-DM suspension
- Tannic-12 S
- Tannic-12 S suspension
- Tannihist-12D
- Tantum
- Tantum Rosa
- Tantum Verde
- Tantum Verde Forte
- Tantum Verde Smak Cytrynowy
- Tantum Verde Smak Eukaliptusowy
- Tantum Verde smak miodowo-pomarańczowy
- Tantum Verde smak miętowy
- Tao
- Tapazole
- Tapentadol
- tapentadol extended-release tablets
- Tapentadol Hydrochloride
- Tar Distillate Topical
- Tarabine PFS
- Tarcefandol
- Tarcefoksym
- Tarceva
- Tardyferon
- Tardyferon FOL
- Tarfazolin
- Targocid
- Targretin
- Targretin Gel
- Targretin Topical
- Tarka
- Taro-Desoximetasone
- Tarocort
- Taron-BC
- Taron-C DHA
- Taron-EC Calc DHA Pack
- Taron-Prex
- Taron-Prex Prenatal
- Taron-PRX Plus DHA
- Tarsum shampoo
- Tartriakson
- Tasigna
- tasimelteon
- Tasmar
- Tauredon
- Tavanic
- Tavanic 250
- Tavanic 500
- Tavist
- Tavist Allergy/Sinus/Headache
- Tavist ND
- Tavist NightTime Allergy
- Tavist Sinus
- Tavist-1
- Tavist-D
- Tavist-DA
- Taxier (Vigrande)
- Taxol
- Taxotere
- Tazabax
- Tazacylin
- Tazamol
- Tazarotene
- tazarotene cream
- tazarotene foam
- tazarotene gel
- tazarotene topical
- Tazicef
- Tazocin
- Tazopiperatio
- Tazorac
- Tazorac cream
- Tazorac gel
- Tazorac Topical
- Taztia XT
- Taztia XT 24-hour extended-release beads capsules
- tbo-filgrastim
- tbo-filgrastim Subcutaneous
- Tcis
- Td-pur
- Tdap-Szczepionka SSI bł.tęż.krzt.adsorb.
- TE Anatoxal Berna
- tea tree topical
- Tearisol
- Tears Again
- Tears Again Mc
- Tears Again ointment
- Tears Naturale
- Tears Naturale Free
- Tears Naturale II
- Tears Renew
- Tears Renewed Lubricant Eye Drops
- Teat Dip 10000
- Teat Dip 5000
- Teat Dip HP 5
- Teat Spray
- Tebamide suppositories
- Tebokan
- Tebranic
- Tecfidera
- Techimmuna
- TechneLite
- Technescan DMSA Zestaw do sporządzania prep.radiof.
- TechneScan HDP Kit
- Technescan LyoMAA Zestaw do sporządzania prep.radiofarm.
- Technescan MAA
- TechneScan MAG3
- TechneScan PYP
- Technescan PYP Zestaw do sporządzania prep.radiof.
- technetium tc 99m albumin aggregated Intravenous
- Technetium Tc 99M Disofenin
- Technetium TC 99M Mebrofenin
- Technetium TC 99M Medronate
- technetium tc 99m medronate Intravenous
- Technetium Tc 99M Pentetate
- technetium tc 99m pentetate Intravenous
- Technetium TC 99M Pyrophosphate
- Technetium TC 99M Sestamibi
- Technetium Tc 99m Sulfur Colloid
- technetium tc 99m sulfurcolloid
- technetium tc 99m sulfurcolloid Injection
- technetium tc 99m tilmanocept Injection
- Tecta
- Teczem
- Teddy's Choice Children's Ibuprofen - Berry
- Teddy's Choice Children's Ibuprofen - Bubble Gum
- Teddy's Choice Children's Ibuprofen - Grape
- Tedral
- teduglutide
- teduglutide Subcutaneous
- Teenia
- Teflaro
- tegaserod
- Tegaserod Maleate
- Tegopen
- Tegretol 250
- Tegretol chewable tablets
- Tegretol suspension
- Tegretol XR sustained-release tablets
- Tegretol-XR
- Tegrin dandruff shampoo - extra conditioning
- Tegrin dandruff shampoo - fresh herbal
- Tegrin Medicated
- Tegrin Medicated Soap
- Tegrin-LT Lice Spray
- Tegrin-LT Lice Treatment Kit
- Tegrin-LT Shampoo
- Tekamlo
- Tekral Tablets
- Tekturna
- Tekturna HCT
- telaprevir
- Telavancin
- Telavancin Hydrochloride
- Telavancin Hydrochloride Injection
- telavancin Intravenous
- telbivudine
- Teldrin
- Telfast 180
- Telfast 30
- Telfexo 120
- Telfexo 180
- Telithromycin
- Telmabax (Telmisartan Ranbaxy)
- Telmark
- telmisartan
- Telmisartan + Hydrochlorotiazyd Mylan
- Telmisartan +pharma
- Telmisartan Actavis
- telmisartan and amlodipine
- telmisartan and hydrochlorothiazide
- Telmisartan HCT Teva
- Telmisartan M.R.Pharma
- Telmisartan Teva
- Telmisartan Teva Pharma
- Telmisartan Torrent
- Telmisartan Zentiva
- Telmisartan-ratiopharm
- Telmisartan/Amlodipine
- telmisartan/hydrochlorothiazide
- Telmisartan/Hydrochlorothiazide Apotex
- Telmisartan/Hydrochlorothiazide Sandoz
- Telmotens
- Telmotens Plus
- Telumantes
- Telumyl
- Telux
- Telzir
- Temazepam
- Temodal
- Temodar
- Temodar Intravenous
- Temomedac
- Temostad
- Temovate
- Temovate Cream
- Temovate E
- Temovate E Cream
- Temovate Gel
- Temovate Scalp Application
- Temovate solution
- Temozolomid Fair-Med
- temozolomide
- Temozolomide Actavis
- Temozolomide Glenmark
- Temozolomide Hexal
- Temozolomide Hospira
- temozolomide Intravenous
- Temozolomide Polpharma
- Temozolomide Sandoz
- Temozolomide Sun
- Temozolomide Teva
- Temp Tabs
- Tempo
- Tempo chewable tablets
- Tempra 1 drops
- Temsirolimus
- temsirolimus Intravenous
- Tenar PSE
- Tenasil
- Tenaxum
- Tencon
- Tender Care
- Tenecteplase
- tenecteplase Intravenous
- Tenex
- teniposide
- Teniposide Injection
- teniposide Intravenous
- Tenivac
- Tenivac (Td)
- Tenlosar
- tenofovir
- Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate
- Tenofovir disoproxil Teva
- tenofovir powder
- Tenofovir Zentiva
- Tenoretic
- Tenoretic 100
- Tenoretic 50
- Tenormin
- Tenormin I.V. injection
- Tenormin Injection
- Tenormin Intravenous
- Tenormin tablets
- Tensilon
- Tenuate
- Tenuate Dospan
- Tenuate Dospan controlled-release tablets
- Tepadina
- Tepadina Injection
- Tepanil
- Tequin
- Tequin suspension
- Tequin tablets
- Tequin Teqpaq
- Terak
- Terak ointment
- Teramine
- Terazol
- Terazol 3
- Terazol 3 suppositories
- Terazol 7
- Terazol cream
- terazosin
- Terazosin Accord 1 mg
- Terazosin Accord 2 mg
- Terazosin Accord 5 mg
- Terazosin Hydrochloride
- Terbiderm
- Terbilum
- Terbinafin HM
- Terbinafina Ziaja
- Terbinafine
- terbinafine cream
- terbinafine gel
- terbinafine granules
- Terbinafine Hydrochloride
- Terbinafine Hydrochloride topical
- Terbinafine Pfizer
- Terbinafine Romikim Farma 250
- terbinafine spray
- terbinafine tablets and hydroxypropyl-chitosan
- terbinafine tablets and hydroxypropyl-chitosan nail lacquer
- Terbinafine Terbano 250
- terbinafine topical
- Terbinafine-APC
- Terbinex
- Terbistad
- terbutaline
- terbutaline inhalation
- terbutaline Subcutaneous
- Terbutaline Sulfate
- Terbutaline Tablets
- Terconazole
- terconazole cream
- terconazole suppositories
- terconazole Vaginal
- Terconazole Vaginal Cream
- Terconazole Vaginal Cream 0.8%
- terfenadine
- Teriflunomide
- Teriparatide
- teriparatide Subcutaneous
- Termasil przeciw gorączk.d.dzieci
- Terocin
- Terocin lotion
- Terocin patch
- Terpamid SR
- Terpichol
- Terra-Cortril
- Terramycin
- Terramycin Powder
- Terramycin with Polymyxin B
- Terramycin with Polymyxin B ointment
- Terramycin with Polymyxin B Sulfate
- Terrell Isoflurane
- Tersi Foam
- Tersi Foam Topical
- Tersilat
- Teruflex Blood Bag System
- Terumo
- tesamorelin
- Tesamorelin Acetate
- tesamorelin Subcutaneous
- Tesavel
- Teslac
- Teslascan
- Teslor
- Teslor fast
- Teslor fast junior
- Tespamol
- Tesprofen
- Tessalon
- Tessalon Perles
- Tessalon Perles Oral
- Tessyron
- Testim
- Testim 1% gel
- Testim gel
- testolactone
- Testomar
- Testopel
- testosterone
- testosterone Buccal
- testosterone buccal system
- testosterone cypionate
- Testosterone Enanthate
- testosterone gel
- testosterone injection
- testosterone patch
- testosterone solution
- testosterone topical
- testosterone Topical application
- testosterone Transdermal
- Testosteronum prolongatum Jelfa
- Testred
- Testred capsules, 10 mg
- Tet-Sol 324
- Tetabulin S/D
- Tetana
- tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (Td) vaccine
- tetanus and diphtheria toxoids vaccine
- Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids(Adult Strength, Td)
- Tetanus and Diphtheria Vaccine
- Tetanus diphtheria toxoids adsorbed
- Tetanus Gamma
- Tetanus Immune Globulin
- Tetanus Immune Globulin (TIG)
- tetanus immune globulin Intramuscular
- Tetanus Immune Globulin(Human)
- Tetanus Toxoid
- Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed
- tetanus toxoid adsorbed vaccine
- tetanus toxoid Intramuscular, Injection
- tetanus toxoid vaccine
- tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine
- tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis vaccine Tdap
- Tetanus-Diphtheria Toxoids, Adult
- Tetanus-Diphtheria Toxoids, Adult (Td)
- Tetcaine
- TETESEPT Angidin
- tetrabenazine
- Tetracaine
- tetracaine drops
- tetracaine injection
- tetracaine Ophthalmic
- Tetracaine Ophthalmic Solution
- tetracaine topical
- tetracaine Topical application
- tetracycline
- tetracycline (class) Oral, Parenteral
- Tetracycline Hydrochloride
- tetracycline Mucous membrane, oral
- tetracycline Ophthalmic
- tetracycline suspension
- tetracycline topical
- tetracycline Topical application
- Tetracyclinum
- Tetracyclinum TZF
- Tetradure
- tetrahydrozoline and zinc ophthalmic
- tetrahydrozoline drops
- tetrahydrozoline eye drops
- Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride
- tetrahydrozoline nasal
- tetrahydrozoline ophthalmic
- tetrahydrozoline solution
- tetrahydrozoline-zinc ophthalmic
- tetrahydrozoline/zinc drops
- Tetralysal
- Tetramed
- Tetraratio
- Tetraspan 100mg/ml HES
- Tetraspan 60mg/ml HES
- Tetravet
- TetraVisc
- TetraVisc Forte
- Tetrix granules
- Tetrofosmin
- Tetroxy HCA
- Tetroxy-LA
- Tetterine
- Tetterine cream
- Tetterine Topical
- Tev-tropin
- Teveten HCT
- Teveten HCT 600mg+12,5mg
- Teviop
- Tevioplus
- Texacort
- Texibax
- Teysuno
- TF Defense
- thalidomide
- Thalidomide Celgene
- Thalitone
- Thallous Chloride
- thallous chloride tl 201 Intravenous
- Thalomid
- Tham
- Tham injection
- Thelin
- Theo 24 sustained-release capsules
- Theo-24
- Theo-Dur
- Theo-Time
- TheoCap
- TheoCap Sustained-Release Capsules
- Theochron
- Theochron sustained-release tablets
- Theolair tablets
- Theomar GG Liquid
- theophylline
- theophylline and guaifenesin
- theophylline elixir
- Theophylline in Dextrose
- theophylline Intravenous
- Theophylline Oral Solution
- theophylline sustained-release capsules
- theophylline sustained-release tablets
- theophylline, ephedrine, and phenobarbital
- Theophyllines
- Theophyllinum
- Theophyllinum BAXTER
- Theophyllinum prolongatum
- Theoplus
- Theospirex
- Theovent 100
- Theovent 350
- Thera-D 2000
- Thera-D 4000
- Thera-D Rapid Repletion
- Thera-Flur-N
- Thera-gesic creme
- Thera-Gesic Extra Plus
- Thera-Gesic Extra Strength
- Thera-Gesic Plus cream
- Thera-gesic plus creme
- Thera-P Blue
- Thera-Sal Topical
- Thera-Tabs
- Theracap 131
- Theracodophen Low 90
- Theracys
- Theraflu (pseudoephedrine) Cold & Cough
- Theraflu (pseudoephedrine) Daytime Severe Cold
- Theraflu Chest and Cough
- Theraflu Cold & Cough
- Theraflu Cold & Sore Throat
- Theraflu Cold & Sore Throat (pseudoephedrine)
- Theraflu Cold and Cough powder packets
- Theraflu Cold and Sore Throat powder packets
- Theraflu cold cough hot liquid
- Theraflu cold sore throat hot liquid
- Theraflu Cold/Cough Nighttime strips
- Theraflu Daytime Severe Cold
- Theraflu Daytime Severe Cold & Cough
- Theraflu ExtraGRIP
- Theraflu Flu & Chest Congestion
- Theraflu Flu & Cough
- Theraflu Flu & Sore Throat
- Theraflu Flu & Sore Throat (pseudoephedrine)
- Theraflu Flu and Chest Congestion powder packets
- Theraflu Flu and Sore Throat powder packets
- Theraflu flu chest congestion non-drowsy hot liquid
- Theraflu flu sore throat hot liquid
- TheraFlu Flu/Cold/Cough powder packet
- Theraflu Grip Miód i Cytryna
- Theraflu Grip Owoce Leśne
- Theraflu Kaszel
- Theraflu Max-D Severe Cold & Flu
- Theraflu Maximum Strength
- Theraflu maximum strength flu congestion non-drowsy hot liquid
- Theraflu maximum strength flu cough night time hot liquid
- Theraflu maximum strength flu sore throat night time hot liquid
- Theraflu maximum strength severe cold congestion night time hot liquid
- Theraflu maximum strength severe cold congestion non-drowsy hot liquid
- Theraflu Multi-Symptom orally disintegrating strips
- Theraflu Multi-Symptom Severe Cold
- Theraflu Night Cough and Cold and Flu
- Theraflu Nightime Maximum Strength
- TheraFlu NightTime Maximum Strength powder packet
- Theraflu Nighttime Severe Cold
- Theraflu Nighttime Severe Cold & Cough
- Theraflu Nighttime Severe Cold & Cough (obs)
- Theraflu Nighttime Severe Cold (pseudoephedrine)
- Theraflu Nighttime Severe Cough and Cold powder packet
- TheraFlu Non-Drowsy Maximum Strength powder packet
- Theraflu Przeziębienie
- Theraflu regular strength cold cough night time hot liquid
- Theraflu regular strength cold sore throat night time hot liquid
- Theraflu Severe Cold & Congestion
- Theraflu Severe Cold & Congestion Non-Drowsy
- Theraflu Severe Cold & Cough Nighttime
- Theraflu Severe Cold and Cough packets
- Theraflu severe cold cough hot liquid
- Theraflu Severe Cold Daytime Powder Packet
- Theraflu Severe Nighttime Powder Packets
- Theraflu Sinus & Cold
- Theraflu Thin Strips Cough
- Theraflu Thin Strips Multi Symptom
- Theraflu Vapor Stick
- Theraflu Warming Flu & Sore Throat
- Theraflu Warming Relief Cold & Chest Congestion liquid
- Theraflu Warming Relief Daytime Multi-Symptom Cold
- Theraflu Warming Relief Nighttime Severe Cold liquid
- Theraflu Warming Severe Cold Daytime
- Theraflu Warming Severe Cold Nighttime
- Theraflu Warming Sinus & Cold
- Theraflu Zatoki
- Theraflu Zatoki Extra
- Theragran Hematinic
- Therahist
- Theramycin Z
- Theramycin Z Topical
- TheraNatal Complete
- TheraNatal Core Nutrition
- Therapatch Warm Topical
- Therapeutic
- Therapeutic Pain Relief
- Theraplex Lotion
- Theraplex T
- Therasoft Anti-Acne Topical
- Therasoft Anti-Itch & Dermatitis
- Therasoft Antifungal Topical
- TheraTears
- TheraTears Nutrition
- Therevac-SB
- Thermacare heat wraps
- Thermazene
- Thermazene Topical
- Thermo-Rheumon
- TherOmega
- thiabendazole
- thiabendazole suspension
- thiabendazole Topical
- Thiamilate
- Thiamin Hydrochloride (B1)
- thiamine
- thiamine capsules
- Thiamine Hydrochloride
- Thiamine Hydrochloride Injection
- thiamine Oral, Injection
- thiethylperazine
- thiethylperazine Oral, Intramuscular, Rectal
- Thiocodin
- Thiogamma
- Thiogamma 600
- Thiogamma Turbo-Set
- thioguanine
- Thioguanine Tabloid
- Thiola
- Thiola Tablets
- Thionex Topical
- Thiopental
- Thiopental Sodium
- Thioplex
- Thioridazin
- thioridazine
- thioridazine concentrate
- Thioridazine Hydrochloride
- thiotepa
- thiotepa Injection
- Thiothixene
- thioxanthene Oral, Parenteral
- Thonzonium bromide
- thonzylamine and phenylephrine
- Thorazine
- Thorazine suppositories
- Thorazine tablets
- Thorets
- Threamine DM
- Thrive gum, lozenge
- Thrombate III
- Thrombin
- Thrombin (Recombinant)
- Thrombin Human
- thrombin human, recombinant Topical application
- Thrombin-JMI
- Thrombinar
- Thromboreductin
- Thrombostat
- Thuja-Zinc Oxide Ointment
- Thylox Acne Treatment Topical
- Thymanax
- Thymazen
- Thymoglobulin
- Thymoglobulin rabbit
- Thymoglobuline 5mg/ml
- Thymol
- Thyrel TRH
- Thyrogen
- thyroid
- thyroid desiccated
- Thyroid Soothe
- Thyroid, Desiccated (Thyroid USP)
- Thyrolar
- Thyrolar-1
- Thyrolar-1/2
- Thyrolar-1/4
- Thyrolar-2
- Thyrolar-3
- ThyroSafe
- Thyrosan
- Thyroshield
- ThyroShield solution
- thyrotropin alfa
- thyrotropin alfa Injection
- thyrotropin Injection
- Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone TRH
- Thyrozol
- Thyrozol 10
- Thyrozol 20
- Thyrozol 5
- Thytropar
- Ti-Seb Topical
- Tiagabin
- tiagabine
- Tiagabine Hydrochloride
- Tiagabine Tablets
- Tialera
- Tiamol
- Tianeptine Sandoz
- Tianeptine-Lupin
- Tiaprid PMCS
- Tiapridal
- Tiazac
- Tiazac 24-hour extended-release beads capsules
- Tibaldix
- Ticagrelor
- Ticar
- ticarcillin
- ticarcillin and clavulanate Intravenous
- ticarcillin and clavulanate potassium injection
- Ticarcillin Disodium and Clavulanate Potassium
- ticarcillin/clavulanate
- Ticarcillin/Clavulanate Potassium
- Tice BCG Live (for intravesical use)
- Tice BCG Vaccine
- Tice bcg, bcg live
- Ticepro
- Ticlid
- ticlopidine
- Ticlopidine Hydrochloride
- Ticlopidine-1A Pharma
- Ticon
- Tienam
- Tifaxin PR
- Tigan
- Tigan Adult rectal
- Tigan Injection
- Tigan Intramuscular
- Tigan Pediatric rectal
- Tigan solution
- Tigan suppositories
- tigecycline
- tigecycline Intravenous
- Tiger Balm
- Tiger Balm Extra Strength
- Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch
- Tiger Balm Ultra Strength
- Tikosyn
- Tilade
- Tilade aerosol
- Tilia FE
- Tilia Fe birth control
- Tiliros
- tiludronate
- Tiludronate Disodium
- Time-Hist QD
- Timentin
- Timentin Add-Vantage
- Timentin Injection
- Timentin Novaplus
- Timo-Comod 0,25%
- Timo-Comod 0,5%
- Timolide
- Timolide 10-25
- timolol
- timolol and hydrochlorothiazide
- timolol drops
- Timolol eent
- Timolol GFS
- Timolol Maleate
- timolol ophthalmic
- Timonil 150 retard
- Timonil 300 retard
- Timonil 600 retard
- Timoptic
- Timoptic 0,5%
- Timoptic drops
- Timoptic in Ocudose
- Timoptic Ocudose
- Timoptic Ocudose drops
- Timoptic Ocumeter
- Timoptic Ocumeter Plus
- Timoptic XE
- Timoptic XE drops
- Timoptic-XE Ocumeter
- Timoptic-XE Ocumeter Plus
- Tinactin
- Tinactin Aerosol Liquid Topical
- Tinactin Aerosol Powder Topical
- Tinactin cream
- Tinactin Jock Itch Topical
- Tinactin Plus Aerosol Powder Topical
- Tinactin Plus Topical
- Tinactin powder
- Tinactin spray
- Tinactin Topical
- Tinaderm Topical
- Tinamar powder
- Tinamed Plantar pads
- Tinamed Topical
- Tinaspore
- Tinctura Arnicae
- Tinctura Calendulae
- Tinctura Calendulae Phytopharm
- Tinctura Crataegi Herbapol w Krakowie SA
- Tinctura Cynarae Herbapol w Krakowie SA
- Tinctura Ginkgo Bilobae
- Tinctura Ginko Bilobae
- Tinctura Hyperici
- Tinctura Hyperici Herbpol w Krakowie SA
- Tinctura Menthae piperitae
- Tinctura Salviae
- Tinctura Salviae Herbapol w Krakowie SA
- Tindamax
- Ting
- Ting Topical
- Tinidazole
- Tinidazole Tablets
- Tinidazolum Polpharma
- Tintaros
- tinzaparin
- Tinzaparin Sodium
- tinzaparin Subcutaneous
- Tioconazole
- tioconazole Topical
- tioconazole vaginal
- tiopronin
- Tiorfan
- tiotropium
- Tiotropium Bromide
- tiotropium inhalation
- tiotropium Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- tipranavir
- tipranavir solution
- tirofiban
- Tirofiban Hydrochloride
- tirofiban Intravenous
- Tirosint
- Tis-U-Sol
- Tisderol
- Tisit shampoo
- Tisit Topical
- Tisseel
- Tisseel Duploject Kit
- Tisseel Lyo
- Tisseel Valupak Kit
- Tisseel VH Kit
- Titralac
- Titralac Plus chewable tablets
- Titralac Plus suspension
- Tivicay
- Tixteller
- tizanidine
- Tizanidine Arrow
- Tizanidine Capsules
- Tizanidine Hydrochloride
- TizaniTeva
- TL G-Fol OS
- TL Icon
- TL-HEM 150
- TL-Hist CD
- TL-HIST CD Liquid
- TL-Hist CM
- TL-HIST CM Liquid
- TL-Hist DM
- TL-HIST DM Liquid
- Tlen medyczny
- Tlen medyczny Air Products
- Tlen medyczny Eurogaz 99%
- Tlen medyczny Messer
- Tlen medyczny skroplony Air Products
- Tlen medyczny sprężony Air Products
- TNKase
- Tnkase I.V.
- Tobacoff
- Tobi
- Tobi inhalation
- Tobi Podhaler
- Tobi Podhaler inhalation
- Tobi Podhaler powder
- Tobi solution
- Tobradex
- TobraDex drops
- TobraDex ointment
- TobraDex Ophthalmic Ointment
- Tobradex ST
- TobraDex ST drops
- Tobradex Suspension
- Tobraflex
- Tobralcon
- tobramycin
- Tobramycin and Dexamethasone
- tobramycin and dexamethasone ophthalmic
- Tobramycin B.Braun
- tobramycin drops
- Tobramycin eent
- Tobramycin in Sodium Chloride Injection
- tobramycin inhalation
- Tobramycin Inhalation Solution
- tobramycin injection
- tobramycin ointment
- tobramycin ophthalmic
- Tobramycin Ophthalmic Solution
- tobramycin powder
- tobramycin solution
- Tobramycin Sulfate
- Tobramycin Sulfate ADD-Vantage injection
- tobramycin/dexamethasone drops
- tobramycin/dexamethasone ointment
- Tobrasol
- Tobrasone
- Tobrex
- Tobrex drops
- Tobrex ointment
- Tobrex Ophthalmic Ointment
- Tobrexan
- Tobrosopt 0,3 %
- Tobrosopt-DEX
- tocainide
- tocilizumab
- Tocilizumab Injection
- tocilizumab Intravenous
- Toctino
- Today Intramammary Infusion
- Todays Health Nasal Relief Extra Moisturizing
- tofacitinib
- Tofacitinib Citrate
- Tofranil
- Tofranil injection
- Tofranil-PM
- Tokovit A+E
- Tokovit E 100
- Tokovit E 200
- Tokovit E 400
- Tol-Tab
- tolazamide
- Tolbutamide
- tolcapone
- Tolectin
- Tolectin 600
- Tolectin DS
- Tolfrinic
- Tolinase
- tolmetin
- Tolmetin Sodium
- Tolnaftate
- tolnaftate cream
- tolnaftate cream kit
- tolnaftate powder
- tolnaftate spray
- tolnaftate topical
- Tolnexa
- Tolperis VP
- tolterodine
- Tolterodine Accord
- tolterodine extended-release capsules
- Tolterodine Tartrate
- Tolterodine Tartrate Capsules
- Tolterodine Tartrate Tablets
- Tolvaptan
- Tomalex
- Tomocat
- Tomorrow Intramammary Infusion
- Tomycine
- Tonasen
- Tonicol
- Tonocard
- Tonojug oral and rectal
- Tonopaque oral and rectal
- Tonopaque Suspension
- Tonpular PR 150 mg
- Tonpular PR 75 mg
- Tonsilotren
- Topamax sprinkle capsules
- Topcare 8 Hour Pain Relief
- Topcare Acid Reducer
- Topcare All Day Allergy D
- Topcare All Day Pain Relief
- Topcare Allergy Relief
- Topcare Allergy Relief 24 Hour
- Topcare Anti-Diarrheal
- Topcare Arthritis Pain Relief
- Topcare Aspirin
- Topcare Children's Ibuprofen
- Topcare Childrens All Day Allergy
- Topcare Childrens Allergy Relief 24 Hour
- Topcare ClearLax
- Topcare Complete Acid Reducer plus Antacid
- Topcare Cough and Sore Throat
- Topcare Dayhist Allergy
- Topcare Ibuprofen
- Topcare Ibuprofen Drops
- Topcare Ibuprofen Junior Strength Chewable
- Topcare Ibuprofen Oral Suspension
- Topcare Ibuprofen PM
- Topcare Infants Ibuprofen
- Topcare Miconazole 3
- Topcare Miconazole 7
- Topcare Migraine Formula
- Topcare Nicotine Gum
- Topcare Nicotine Lozenge
- Topcare Sleep Aid
- Topcare Tioconazole 1
- Topco Allergy
- Topco Arthritis Pain Relief
- Topex
- Topex Gel
- Topicaine 5 gel
- Topicaine Topical
- Topicaine Topical application
- Topical Anesthetic Dental Gel
- topical emollients
- Topical Pain Relief Rx
- Topicort
- Topicort .05% gel
- Topicort .25% cream
- Topicort .25% ointment
- Topicort cream
- Topicort gel
- Topicort LP
- Topicort lp .05% cream
- Topicort LP cream
- Topicort Mild
- Topicort Ointment
- Topicort Spray
- Topicycline
- Topiegis
- Topigen
- TopiLEK 100
- TopiLEK 200
- TopiLEK 25
- TopiLEK 50
- Topimatil
- Topinitial
- Topiragen
- Topiramat Pfizer
- Topiramate
- Topiramate Arrow
- Topiramate Capsules
- topiramate extended-release capsules
- topiramate sprinkle capsules
- Topiramate Tablets
- Topiramate Tecnimede
- Topiramatum Accord
- Topiran
- Topistad
- Topisulf
- Topisulf Cream
- Topmax
- Toposar
- Toposar injection
- Topotecan
- Topotecan -Ebewe
- Topotecan Accord
- Topotecan Actavis
- topotecan capsules
- Topotecan Cipla
- Topotecan Hospira
- Topotecan Hydrochloride
- Topotecan Injection, Concentrate
- topotecan Intravenous
- Topotecan Kabi
- Topotecan Logenex
- Topotecan medac
- Topotecan Mylan
- Topotecan Strides
- Topotecan Teva
- Topotecanum Accord
- Topricin cream
- Toprol XL extended-release tablets
- Toprol-XL
- Topsyn
- Toradol
- Toradol im injection, iv injection
- Toradol IV/IM
- Toradol tablets
- Toramide
- toremifene
- Toremifene Citrate
- Torisel
- Tormazol
- Tormentalum
- Tormentile Forte
- Tormentiol
- Tormoro
- Tornalate
- Torsemed
- torsemide
- Torsemide Injection
- torsemide Intravenous
- torsemide solution
- Torvazin
- tositumomab
- Tositumomab and Iodine 131I-Tositumomab
- tositumomab and iodine i 131 tositumomab Intravenous
- tositumomab Intravenous
- Tostran 2%
- Totect
- Touro Allergy
- Touro CC
- Touro CC-LD
- Touro DM
- Touro HC
- Touro LA
- Touro LA-LD
- Tovanor Breezhaler
- Toviaz
- ToweRx Effervescent Potassium
- Toxi Sorb Bolus
- Tozal
- Tołpa
- TPN Electrolytes
- Trac Tabs
- Tracemol
- Trachisan
- Tracleer
- Tracrium
- Tractocile
- Tracutil
- Tradjenta
- Trajenta
- Tramacet
- Tramadol
- Tramadol and Acetaminophen
- Tramadol Aurobindo
- Tramadol Capsules
- Tramadol ER
- tramadol extended-release capsules
- tramadol extended-release tablets
- Tramadol Hydrochloride
- Tramadol hydrochloride+ Paracetamol Bristol Laboratoires
- Tramadol Hydrochloride/Acetaminophen
- tramadol orally disintegrating tablets
- Tramadol Tablets
- Tramadol Vitabalans
- tramadol/acetaminophen
- TramaHEXAL 50
- Tramal 100
- Tramalgin
- Tramapap
- Tramaparastad
- trametinib
- Trametinib Dimethyl Sulfoxide
- Tran
- Tran Cod Liver Oil z dorsza
- Tran Hasco
- Tran LYSI Capsules
- Tran LYSI Flavour(mięta)
- Tran LYSI Flavour(natur.)
- Tran LYSI Flavour(owoc)
- Tran LYSI Flavour(owoc.)
- Tran z olejem wiesiołk.
- Tran z witamina D,A,E
- Tran z wątroby dorsza
- Trancot
- Trandate
- Trandate Injection
- Trandate Intravenous
- Trandate tablets
- TrandoGen
- trandolapril
- Trandolapril Actavis (Trandolapril Arrow)
- Trandolapril and Verapamil
- Trandolapril Arrow
- Trandolapril Aurobindo
- Trandolapril Galex
- trandolapril/verapamil
- Trandolapril/Verapamil Hydrochloride
- Tranexamic Acid
- Tranexamic Acid Injection
- tranexamic acid Intravenous
- Tranexamic Acid Tablet
- Tranquil
- Trans-ver-sal AdultPatch patch
- Trans-ver-sal PediaPatch patch
- Transderm Nitro
- Transderm Scop patch
- Transderm-Scop
- Transderm-V
- Transfer factor cardio capsules
- Transfer factor plus capsules
- Transpulmin S
- Tranvit
- Tranxene
- Tranxene 10
- Tranxene 20
- Tranxene 5
- Tranxene SD
- Tranxene T-Tab
- Tranxene-SD sustained-release tablets
- Tranylcypromine
- Tranylcypromine Sulfate
- Tranzgel
- Traparac
- trastuzumab
- trastuzumab Intravenous
- Trasylol
- Traumeel
- Traumeel injection solution
- Traumeel ointment
- Traumon
- Travasol
- Travatan drops
- Travatan Z
- Travatan Z drops
- Travatan Z Ophthalmic Solution
- Travel Anxiety
- Travel Sickness
- Travel-Ease chewable tablets
- Travel-Eze
- Travocort
- Travogen
- Travoprost
- travoprost drops
- travoprost ophthalmic
- Travoprost Ophthalmic Solution
- Travoprost Pharmathen
- Travoprost Teva
- Travoprost Zentiva
- Trazec
- trazodone
- trazodone extended-release tablets
- Trazodone Hydrochloride
- trazodone Oral
- Treagan
- Treagan Otic Solution
- Treanda
- Trecator
- Trecator-SC
- Trelstar
- Trelstar Depot
- Trelstar Depot Mixject
- Trelstar LA
- Trelstar LA Mixject
- Trental
- Trental 400
- treprostinil
- treprostinil Inhalation
- treprostinil inhalation solution
- treprostinil Injection
- Treprostinil Sodium
- treprostinil solution
- Treprovist
- Tresaderm
- Tresiba
- Tretin X
- Tretin X Gel
- Tretin-X cream
- Tretin-X Topical
- Tretinex
- tretinoin
- Tretinoin ( trans-Retinoic Acid, Vitamin A Acid)
- Tretinoin Capsules
- tretinoin cream
- tretinoin emollient cream
- Tretinoin Emollient Topical
- tretinoin gel
- tretinoin liquid
- tretinoin topical
- Tretinx Cream
- Tretten
- Trevaclyn
- Trexall
- Trexall Oral
- Trexbrom
- Trexbrom liquid
- Treximet
- Trezix
- Tri Rx
- Tri Vita-Bets with Fluoride
- Tri Vites with Fluoride and Iron
- Tri-Buffered Aspirin
- Tri-Chlor
- Tri-Dex PE
- Tri-Estarylla
- Tri-Hist Pediatric
- Tri-Histine elixir
- Tri-Hydroserpine
- Tri-K
- Tri-Legest
- Tri-Legest Fe birth control
- Tri-Levlen
- Tri-Linyah
- Tri-Lo-Marzia
- Tri-Lo-Sprintec
- Tri-Luma
- Tri-Nasal
- Tri-Norinyl
- Tri-Norinyl birth control
- Tri-Otic otic
- Tri-Previfem
- Tri-Regol
- Tri-Sprintec
- Tri-Vent DPC
- Tri-Vent HC
- Tri-Vi-Flor
- Tri-Vi-Flor drops
- Tri-Vi-Flor with Iron
- Tri-Vi-Sol
- Tri-Vi-Sol with Iron
- Tri-Vit with Fluoride
- Tri-Vit with Fluoride and Iron Drops
- Tri-Vitamin
- Tri-Vitamin Drops with Fluoride
- Tri-Vitamin Drops with Iron and Fluoride
- Tri-Vitamin with Fluoride
- Tri-Zel Tablets
- Triac
- Triacet
- Triacin-C
- Triactin
- Triacyt MR
- Triaderm Mild Cream
- Triaderm Mild Ointment
- Triaderm Regular Cream
- Triaderm Regular Ointment
- TriAdvance
- Triam-Forte
- Triamcinolone
- Triamcinolone Acetonide
- Triamcinolone Acetonide eent
- Triamcinolone Acetonide in Absorbase
- Triamcinolone Acetonide topical
- triamcinolone aerosol
- triamcinolone aerosol solution
- triamcinolone cream
- Triamcinolone Hexacetonide
- Triamcinolone Injection
- triamcinolone lotion
- triamcinolone Nasal
- Triamcinolone Nasal Spray
- Triamcinolone Ointment
- triamcinolone ophthalmic
- Triamcinolone Paste
- triamcinolone spray
- triamcinolone suspension
- triamcinolone topical
- triamcinolone Topical application
- Triamcot
- Triamcot Injection
- Triaminic
- Triaminic Allerchews orally disintegrating tablets
- Triaminic Allergy
- Triaminic allergy runny nose congestion softchews
- Triaminic Allergy-Congestion Elixir
- Triaminic Chest & Nasal Congestion
- Triaminic chest nasal congestion liquid
- Triaminic Chest/Nasal liquid
- Triaminic Cold & Allergy
- Triaminic cold allergy liquid
- Triaminic cold allergy softchews
- Triaminic Cold and Allergy
- Triaminic Cold and Cough
- Triaminic Cold and Cough Day/Night Club Pack syrup
- Triaminic Cold and Fever
- Triaminic cold cough liquid
- Triaminic cold cough softchews
- Triaminic cold night time cough liquid
- Triaminic Cold/Allergy chewable tablets
- Triaminic Cold/Allergy elixir
- Triaminic Cold/Cough Chewable Tablets
- Triaminic Cold/Cough orally disintegrating strips
- Triaminic Cold/Cough/Fever liquid
- Triaminic Cough & Runny Nose
- Triaminic Cough & Runny Nose Softchews
- Triaminic Cough & Sore Throat
- Triaminic Cough & Sore Throat (pseudoephedrine)
- Triaminic Cough & Sore Throat Softchews
- Triaminic Cough and Runny Nose chewable tablets
- Triaminic cough congestion liquid
- Triaminic cough nasal congestion liquid
- Triaminic cough sore throat liquid
- Triaminic cough sore throat softchews
- Triaminic Cough/Sore Throat chewable tablets
- Triaminic Day Time Cold & Cough
- Triaminic Day Time Night Time Cold & Cough
- Triaminic Decongestant Infant Orally Disintegrating Strips
- Triaminic Decongestant/Cough Infant orally disintegrating strips
- Triaminic Expectorant
- Triaminic Flu Cough & Fever
- Triaminic Flu, Cough & Fever
- Triaminic flu, cough fever liquid
- Triaminic Infant
- Triaminic Long Acting Cough
- Triaminic Long Acting Cough orally disintegrating strips
- Triaminic Multi-Symptom Fever
- Triaminic Multi-Sympton
- Triaminic Night Time
- Triaminic Night Time Cold & Cough
- Triaminic Night Time Cough & Runny Nose
- Triaminic night time cough cold liquid
- Triaminic Pediatric
- Triaminic Runny Nose/Congestion chewable tablets
- Triaminic Softchew
- Triaminic Softchew Cold and Allergy
- Triaminic Softchew Cold and Cough
- Triaminic Softchew Throat Pain and Cough
- Triaminic Softchews Allergy Congestion
- Triaminic Softchews Allergy Runny Nose and Congestion
- Triaminic Softchews Allergy Sinus
- Triaminic Softchews Chest Congestion
- Triaminic Softchews Cold and Cough chewable tablets
- Triaminic Softchews Cough & Sore Throat (pseudoephedrine)
- Triaminic Softchews Cough chewable tablets
- Triaminic Sore Throat Formula liquid
- Triaminic Thin Strips Allergy
- Triaminic Thin Strips Cold
- Triaminic Thin Strips Cough & Runny Nose
- Triaminic thin strips cough runny nose
- Triaminic Thin Strips orally disintegrating strips
- Triaminic-D Multi-Symptom Cold
- Triaminicin
- Triaminicol Multi Symptom Cough and Cold
- triamterene
- triamterene and hydrochlorothiazide
- Triamterene and Hydrochlorothiazide Capsules
- triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide
- Trianex
- Trianide Mild-Cream
- Triant-HC
- Triavil
- Triaz
- Triaz 9% cleanser
- Triaz 9% gel
- Triaz Cleanser
- Triaz cloths
- Triaz Foaming Cloth
- Triaz Foaming Cloths
- Triaz gel
- Triaz lotion
- Triaz Pads
- Triaz Topical
- triazolam
- Tribenzagan
- Tribenzor
- Tribiotic
- Tribux
- Tribux forte
- Tricaine-S
- TriCare
- TriCare DHA One
- Tricare Prenatal
- TriCare Prenatal Compleat
- Tricare Prenatal DHA ONE
- Trichophyton
- Tricitrates
- Tricitrates solution
- Tricode AR
- Tricode GF
- Tricodene Forte
- Tricodene NN
- Tricodene SF liquid
- Tricodene Sugar Free
- Tricof syrup
- Tricold Pediatric Drops
- Tricon
- Tricor
- Tricosal
- Tridal liquid
- Trident for kids sugarless gum
- Trident white sugarless gum
- Triderm
- Tridesilon
- Tridesilon cream
- Tridione
- trientine
- Trientine Hydrochloride
- Triesence
- Triesence ophthalmic
- Triesence suspension
- Triesense
- triethanolamine polypeptide oleate otic
- Trifas 10
- Trifas 20
- Trifas 200
- Trifas COR
- trifluoperazine
- Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride
- Trifluoperazine Tablets
- Trifluridine
- trifluridine drops
- trifluridine ophthalmic
- Trifungol liquid
- Triglide
- Trigofen DM Drops
- Trigofen Drops
- TriHEMIC 600
- Trihexane
- Trihexyphenidyl
- Trihexyphenidyl Elixir
- Trihexyphenidyl Hydrochloride
- Trihexyphenidyl Oral Solution
- Trihibit
- Trihist DM
- Trihist-D
- Trilac
- Trilafon
- Trilafon enanthate
- Trileptal 300
- Trileptal suspension
- Trilipix
- Trilipix delayed-release capsules
- Trilisate
- TriLyte
- TriLyte solution
- TriLyte with Flavor Packs
- Trimeductan MR
- Trimepect
- Trimesan
- Trimesis Rx
- Trimetaratio
- Trimetazidinum 123ratio
- Trimetazydyna Mylan
- trimethadione
- Trimethobenzamide
- Trimethobenzamide Capsules
- Trimethobenzamide Hydrochloride
- trimethobenzamide Intramuscular
- trimethobenzamide solution
- trimethobenzamide/benzocaine suppositories
- trimethoprim
- trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole
- trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole Intravenous
- trimethoprim solution
- Trimethoprim Sulfate/Polymyxin B Sulfate
- Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (Co-trimoxazole)
- trimetrexate
- trimetrexate Intravenous
- trimipramine
- Trimipramine Capsules
- Trimipramine Maleate
- Trimo San Jelly
- Trimo-San
- Trimo-San vaginal
- Trimox
- Trimox Suspension
- Trimpex
- Trimpol MR
- Trinalin Repetabs
- Trinatal GT
- Trinatal Rx
- Trinatal Rx 1
- Trinate
- TriNessa
- TriNessa 28
- TriNessa Lo
- Trinipatch 0.2
- Trinipatch 0.4
- Trinipatch 0.6
- Trinsicon
- Trionate
- Triostat
- Triotann-S Pediatric
- Trioxin drops
- TriOxin Ear Drops
- trioxsalen
- Trip-PSE
- Tripacel
- Tripedia
- Tripedia (DTaP)
- tripelennamine
- Triphasil
- Triphasil-21
- Triphasil-28
- Triphenicol
- Triple Antibiotic HC Ophthalmic Ointment
- Triple Antibiotic Ointment
- Triple Antibiotic Topical
- Triple Care Antifungal Topical
- Triple Care EPC Topical
- Triple Paste
- Triple Paste AF
- triple sulfa vaginal
- Triple Tannate Pediatric
- Triple Vitamin Drops With Fluoride
- Triple Wormer
- Triple X Pediculicide
- Triplex AD
- Triplex DM
- Triplixam
- Tripohist
- Tripohist D
- Triprolidine
- triprolidine and pseudoephedrine
- Triprolidine Hydrochloride
- triprolidine suspension
- triprolidine syrup
- triprolidine/chlophedianol liquid
- Triptagram
- triptorelin
- triptorelin Intramuscular, Injection
- Triptorelin Pamoate
- Triquilar
- Trisenox
- Trisequens
- Trisyn
- Trital DM
- Trital SR
- Tritane
- Tritanrix HepB szczepionka
- Tritec
- Trittico XR
- TriTuss
- Trituss-A drops
- TriTuss-ER
- Trivaris
- Trivaris Intravitreal ophthalmic
- Triveen Ten
- Triveen-CF NAC
- Triveen-One
- Triveen-PRx RNF
- Trivora
- Trivora -28 tablets
- Trivora-28
- Trixaicin
- Trixaicin HP
- Trixaicin Topical
- Trobalt
- Trobalt 50 mg/100 mg
- Trobicin
- Trobicin Intramuscular
- Trocaine
- Trocaine Throat lozenges
- Trodon
- troglitazone
- Trokendi XR
- Trokendi XR extended-release capsules
- trolamine salicylate
- troleandomycin
- Tromethamine
- Tronolane
- Tronolane Anesthetic for Hemorrhoids
- Tronolane cream
- Tronolane Suppositories
- TrophAmine
- Tropicacyl
- tropicamide
- tropicamide ophthalmic
- Tropicamidum 0.5%
- trospium
- Trospium Chloride
- Trospium Chloride Capsules
- trospium extended-release capsules
- Trosyd Af Topical
- Trosyd J Topical
- trovafloxacin
- Trovan
- Trovan I.V.
- Troxeratio 300
- Troxerutin Synteza
- Troxerutin TM
- Troxescorbin
- Trozebax
- Trozel
- True Test
- Truphylline
- Trusopt drops
- Trusopt Ocumeter
- Trusopt Ocumeter Plus
- Truvada
- Truxazole
- Truxophyllin
- Trycet
- Trymiga
- trypan blue Intraocular
- Trypsin
- Trypsin Complex Ointment
- Trypsin/Balsam Peru/Castor Oil
- tryptophan
- Trysul
- Tuberculin
- tuberculin Intradermal
- tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD)
- Tuberculin purified protein derivative, diluted
- Tuberculin, Purified Protein Derivative (PPD)
- Tuberculin, purified protein derivative for mantoux test
- Tuberkulin PPD RT23 SSI
- Tubersol
- Tucks
- Tucks anti-itch ointment
- Tucks HC cream, ointment, suppository
- Tucks Hemorrhoidal
- Tucks Hemorrhoidal ointment
- Tucks pre-moistened pads
- Tucks Suppositories rectal
- Tucks witch hazel hemorrhoidal pad
- Tudorza Pressair
- Tudorza Pressair powder
- Tulip 10 mg
- Tulip 20 mg
- Tums
- Tums 500
- Tums chewable tablets
- Tums E-X
- Tums Kids
- Tums Kids chewable tablets
- Tums Plus chewable tablets
- Tums QuikPak
- Tums Ultra
- Tur-Bi-Cal
- Tusana-D
- Tusdec-DM
- Tusicof
- Tusnel
- Tusnel Diabetic
- Tusnel Pediatric Drops
- Tusnel-DM Pediatric Drops liquid
- Tusnel-HC liquid
- Tuss Tan
- Tuss-DM
- Tussafed-EX
- Tussafed-EX Drops
- Tussafed-HC
- Tussafed-HCG
- Tussafed-LA
- Tussal Antitussicum
- Tussal Expectorans
- Tussal syrup
- Tussal-ER sustained-release tablets
- Tussall
- Tussall-ER
- Tusscough DHC
- Tussend
- Tussgen Expectorant
- Tussi 12D S suspension
- Tussi-12
- Tussi-12 S
- Tussi-12 S suspension
- Tussi-12D
- Tussi-12D S
- Tussi-12S
- Tussi-Bid
- Tussi-Organidin DM NR
- Tussi-Organidin NR
- Tussi-Organidin NR liquid
- Tussi-Organidin-DM Elixir
- Tussi-Organidin-S NR
- Tussi-Pres
- Tussi-Pres B
- Tussi-Pres Pediatric
- TussiCaps
- TussiCaps extended release capsules
- TussiCaps Oral
- Tussicle
- Tussicom 200
- Tussicom 400
- Tussicom 600
- Tussiden C
- Tussidex
- Tussidex liquid
- Tussidex Mite
- TussiDrill
- Tussigon
- Tussin CF
- Tussin DM
- Tussin DM Clear
- Tussin Pediatric elixir
- Tussinate
- Tussionex
- Tussionex Pennkinetic
- Tussionex Pennkinetic extended-release suspension
- Tussipect
- Tussizone-12 RF
- Tusso-C
- Tusso-DF
- Tusso-HC sustained-release tablets
- Tusso-ZMR
- Tusso-ZR
- Tusso-ZR liquid
- Tussplex DM
- Tustan 12S
- Twice-A-Day
- Twilite
- Twinject
- Twinject auto-injector
- Twinject Auto-Injector Two Pack
- Twinrix
- Twinrix Adult
- Twinrix Adult szczepionka P/WZW typ AiB
- Twinrix Junior
- Twinrix Junior/Paediatric szczepionka P/WZW typ AiB
- Twinrix Preservative-Free
- Twynsta
- Tybost
- Tycolene
- Tygacil
- Tykerb
- Tylan 100
- Tylan 200
- Tylan 40
- Tylan 40 Sulfa-G
- Tylan 50
- Tylan Soluble
- Tylenol
- Tylenol 8 Hour controlled-release tablets
- Tylenol Allergy Multi-Symptom
- Tylenol Allergy Sinus Gelcap
- Tylenol Arthritis Pain
- Tylenol Arthritis Pain controlled-release tablets
- Tylenol Chest Congestion
- Tylenol Children's Plus Cold
- Tylenol Children's Plus Cold & Cough
- Tylenol Children's Plus Cold and Allergy suspension
- Tylenol Children's Plus Flu suspension
- Tylenol Children's Plus suspension
- Tylenol Children's suspension
- Tylenol Childrens Plus Cough & Runny Nose
- Tylenol Childrens Plus Cough & Sore Throat
- Tylenol Cold
- Tylenol Cold & Cough Nighttime Cool Burst
- Tylenol Cold & Flu Severe
- Tylenol Cold and Cough
- Tylenol Cold and Flu Powder
- Tylenol Cold capsules
- Tylenol Cold Complete Formula
- Tylenol cold flu severe daytime liquid
- Tylenol cold flu severe daytime liquid with cool burst
- Tylenol cold flu severe daytime liquid with cool bust
- Tylenol cold flu severe nighttime liquid
- Tylenol cold flu severe nighttime liquid with cool burst
- Tylenol Cold Head Congestion
- Tylenol Cold Head Congestion Severe
- Tylenol Cold Multi Symptom
- Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Daytime
- Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Daytime liquid
- Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom liquid
- Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Nighttime
- Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Severe
- Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Severe Daytime
- Tylenol Cold Plus Cough chewable tablets
- Tylenol Cold Relief
- Tylenol Cold Relief Caplet
- Tylenol Cold Relief Nighttime
- Tylenol Cold Relief Nighttime Caplet
- Tylenol Cold Severe Congestion Non-Drowsy
- Tylenol Cough
- Tylenol Cough & Sore Throat Night Time
- Tylenol Cough and Sore Throat Daytime
- Tylenol cough sore throat daytime liquid with cool burst
- Tylenol cough sore throat nighttime liquid with cool burst
- Tylenol Cough/Sore Throat liquid
- Tylenol Extra Strength PM
- Tylenol Extra Strength PM Rapid Release Gelcaps
- Tylenol Extra Strength PM Vanilla Caplet
- Tylenol Flu No Drowsiness
- Tylenol Infants Plus Cold drops
- Tylenol Infants Plus Cold/Cough drops
- Tylenol Infants suspension drops
- Tylenol Junior chewable tablets
- Tylenol Maximum Strength Flu Nighttime
- Tylenol NightTime Cold & Flu liquid
- Tylenol Oral
- Tylenol PM
- Tylenol Severe Allergy
- Tylenol Severe Allergy Caplet
- Tylenol Simply Stuffy Liquid
- Tylenol Sinus Childrens
- Tylenol Sinus Congestion and Pain
- Tylenol Sinus Congestion and Pain Cool Burst Day Night
- Tylenol Sinus Congestion Daytime
- Tylenol Sinus Congestion Nighttime
- Tylenol sinus day non-drowsy geltabs, gelcaps, and caplets
- Tylenol Sinus Night Time
- Tylenol Sore Throat Nighttime
- Tylenol suppositories
- Tylenol w/ Codeine
- Tylenol w/Codeine #3
- Tylenol w/Codeine #4
- Tylenol Warming Cold Multi-Symptom Nighttime
- Tylenol Warming Cough & Sore Throat Nightime
- Tylenol with Codeine
- Tylenol with Codeine #3
- Tylenol with Codeine #4
- Tylenol with Codeine No. 3
- Tylophen
- Tylox
- Tymianek i Podbiał
- Tymianek i Podbiał Plus
- Tympagesic
- Tymsal Spray
- Typhim Vi
- Typhoid Vaccine
- typhoid vaccine (inactivated), injection
- typhoid vaccine (live), oral
- typhoid vaccine Delayed-Release Capsules
- typhoid vaccine live delayed-release capsules
- typhoid vaccine, inactivated Subcutaneous, Injection
- typhoid vaccine, live
- typhoid vi polysaccharide vaccine
- typhoid vi polysaccharide vaccine Intramuscular
- Tysabri
- Tyvaso
- Tyvaso inhalation solution
- Tyvaso Refill Kit
- Tyvaso Starter Kit
- Tyverb
- Tyzeka
- Tyzine
- Tyzine Nasal
- Tyzine Pediatric Nasal
- Tyzine solution
- U-cort
- U-cort 1% cream
- U-kera cream
- U-Tri-Lone injection
- U40 Foam
- UAD Caine
- UAD Otic
- ubiquinone
- Ubistesin
- Ubistesin Forte
- Ubretid
- Ucephan
- Uceris
- Uceris extended-release tablets
- Uceris Tablets
- Udamin
- Udamin SP
- Udder Wash Concentrate175
- Udderdine 110
- UlcerGard
- Ulcetal
- Ulesfia
- Ulesfia lotion
- Ulgafen
- Ulgix Laxi
- ulipristal
- ulipristal acetate
- Uloric
- Ultane
- Ultane Amerinet
- Ultane Novation
- Ultibro Breezhaler
- UltimateCare Advance
- UltimateCare Combo
- UltimateCare One
- UltimateCare One NF
- Ultiva
- Ultra Control
- Ultra Derm
- Ultra Fresh
- Ultra Mide Topical
- Ultra NatalCare
- Ultra R oral and rectal
- Ultra Strength Muscle Rub
- Ultra-Natal
- Ultra-TechneKow DTE
- Ultra-Technekow FM
- Ultrabrom
- Ultrabrom PD
- Ultracain
- Ultracaps
- Ultracet
- Ultracod
- Ultrafastin
- Ultralytic 2 cream 20%
- Ultralytic 2 foam
- Ultralytic 2 foam 20%
- Ultralytic 2 topical
- Ultralytic topical
- Ultram
- Ultram ER
- Ultram ER extended-release tablets
- Ultram ODT
- Ultramop Topical
- Ultrasal-ER
- Ultrase
- Ultrase MT
- Ultrase MT 12
- Ultrase MT 18
- Ultrase MT 20
- Ultrase MT capsules (enteric-coated)
- UltraTag RBC
- Ultravate
- Ultravate Cream
- Ultravate PAC
- Ultravate PAC cream
- Ultravate PAC ointment
- Ultravate Pack Ointment
- Ultravate X
- Ultravate X Cream
- Ultravate X Ointment
- Ultravist
- Ultravist 240
- Ultravist 300
- Ultravist 370
- Ultravist Injection
- Ultresa
- Ultresa delayed-release capsules
- Ulunar Breezhaler
- Ulvenduosan
- Ulventroten
- Uman albumin 20%
- Uman Big
- umeclidinium and vilanterol
- umeclidinium and vilanterol Inhalation
- umeclidinium/vilanterol powder
- Umecta Emulsion
- Umecta Mousse
- Umecta nail film
- Umecta PD
- Umecta PD Topical Suspension
- Umecta suspension
- Umecta Topical Suspension
- undecylenic acid liquid
- undecylenic acid Topical
- undecylenic acid/chloroxylenol
- undecylenic acid/zinc undecylenate ointment
- undecylenic acid/zinc undecylenate powder
- Undelenic
- Undofen Atomizer
- Undofen Max
- Undofen Max Spray
- Ung.Acidi borici
- Ung.Ammonii sulfobit.10%
- Ung.Undecylenicum
- Unguentum Neomycini
- Uni All 12 suspension
- Uni Decon
- Uni Serp
- Uni-Lan
- Uni-Otic drops
- Uni-Otic Ear Drops
- Uni-Tann D
- Unibasis
- Uniben
- Unicap with Iron
- Unidox Solutab
- Unifed
- Unifed liquid
- Unipen
- Unipen injection
- Uniphyl
- Uniphyl Sustained-Release Tablets
- Uniprim Powder
- Uniretic
- Uniserts oral/rectal
- Uniserts rectal
- Unisom
- Unisom Sleepgels Maximum Strength
- Unisom SleepMelts
- Unisom with Pain Relief
- Unithroid
- Univasc
- Unna-Flex Elastic Unna Boot 3 inch
- Unna-Flex Elastic Unna Boot 4 inch
- unoprostone drops
- Unoprostone Isopropyl
- unoprostone ophthalmic
- Up & Up Bismuth - Regular Strength
- Up and Up Acid Controller Complete
- Up and Up Acid Reducer
- Up and Up All Day Allergy Relief
- Up and Up All Day Allergy Relief D
- Up and Up Anti-Diarrheal Solution
- Up and Up Children's Ibuprofen Oral Suspension
- Up and Up Childrens All Day Allergy Relief
- Up and Up Migraine Relief
- Up and Up Minoxidil
- Up and Up Naproxen Sodium
- Up and Up Nicotine
- Up and Up Temporary Minor Arthritis Pain Relief
- Up and Up Tioconazole 1
- UPCal D powder
- Uprox XR
- Upsarin C
- UR N-C
- UR N-C Urinary Antiseptic
- Uracil
- Uramaxin
- Uramaxin Cream
- Uramaxin foam
- Uramaxin GT
- Uramaxin GT solution
- Uramaxin Lotion
- Uramaxin Pads
- Uramaxin TS Cream
- Uramaxin TZ Cream
- Urasal
- Urban
- Urea 45% Cream
- Urea 50 Gel
- Urea Cloths
- urea cream
- urea emulsion
- urea foam
- Urea Gel
- Urea Gel Applicator
- Urea Hydrating Foam
- urea in ammonium lactate cream
- urea in ammonium lactate foam
- urea in lactic acid foam
- urea in zinc/lactic acid emulsion
- urea in zinc/lactic acid nail stick
- urea Intravenous
- Urea Lotion
- urea nail film and hyaluronic acid nail film
- Urea Nail Gel
- Urea Nail nail stick
- Urea Nail Stick
- Urea Ointment
- Urea Solution
- Urea Suspension
- urea topical
- urea topical suspension
- urea/lactic acid foam
- Urealac
- Urealac Topical Suspension
- Urecholine
- Urelief Plus
- Urelle
- Uretron D/S
- Urex
- Uribel
- Uricalm
- Urimar-T
- Urimax delayed-release tablets
- Urin D/S
- Urinary Pain Relief
- Urised
- Urispas
- Uristat
- Uritact DS
- Uritact-EC delayed-release tablets
- Uro Blue
- Uro-Jet
- Uro-Jet AC
- Uro-KP-Neutral
- Uro-Mag
- Uro-Vaxom
- Urobiotic
- Urocit-K
- Urocit-K 10
- Urocit-K 10 Oral
- Urocit-K 10 Oral, Parenteral
- Urocit-K 15
- Urocit-K 15 Oral
- Urocit-K 5
- Urocit-K 5 Oral
- Uroeze
- urofollitropin
- urofollitropin Intramuscular, Subcutaneous, Injection
- urofollitropin purified
- Urofort
- Urofuraginum
- Urogesic Blue (obsolete)
- Urogesic-Blue
- Urografin 76%
- Urogran
- Urointima FuragiActive
- Urokinase
- Urokinase APC
- urokinase Intravenous
- Urokinaza
- Urolene Blue
- Urolene Blue oral and injection
- Urolin
- Urolson zioł.moczopędne
- Uromitexan
- Uronat
- Uropatina
- Uroqid-Acid No. 2
- Uroqid-acid no. 2 tablets
- Urorec
- Urosal
- Urosan
- Urosept
- Urotrim
- Urotrol
- Uroxatral
- Ursinus
- Urso
- Urso 250
- Urso Forte
- Ursocam
- Ursodeoxycholic acid Strides
- ursodiol
- Ursodiol Capsules
- Ursofalk
- Ursopol
- Urtix
- Uryl
- Usept
- Ustekinumab
- ustekinumab Subcutaneous
- Ustell
- Uta
- UTA Capsules
- UTAC tablets
- UTI Relief
- Uti-Free
- Utira
- Utira delayed-release tablets
- Utira-C
- Utira-C Tablets
- Utopic
- Utopic Cream
- Utrona-C
- Uvadex
- Uvadex 20mcg/ml roztw.do frakcjonowania krwi
- Uverex
- V-Cof
- V-Cof suspension
- V-Hist
- V-HIST Suspension
- V-Lax
- V-Max 50
- V-Max Powder
- V-Natal Tablets
- V-Tann
- V.V.S.
- Va-Zone
- Vaccinia Immune Globulin IV (Human)
- vaccinia immune globulin, human Intravenous
- Vaccinia IVIG
- Vaciclor 1000 mg
- Vaciclor 500 mg
- Vacuant oral/rectal
- Vagical
- Vagifem
- Vagifem local
- Vagifem Vaginal
- Vagisil Feminine Cream
- Vagistat-1
- Vagistat-3
- Vagosan
- Vagothyl
- Valacyclovir
- Valacyclovir Hydrochloride
- Valbazen
- Valben
- Valcatuna 320 mg
- Valchlor
- Valchlor Gel
- Valcyte solution
- valdecoxib
- Valdispert
- Valdix
- Valdoxan
- Valegran
- valerian
- Valerin forte
- Valerin Max
- Valganciclovir
- Valganciclovir Hydrochloride
- valganciclovir solution
- Valganciclovir Teva
- Validol
- Validol (Darvalidol)
- Valisone
- Valium
- Valium Injection
- Valorin Extra
- valproate
- Valproate Sodium
- valproate sodium Intravenous
- valproate Syrup
- ValproHexal 500
- Valproic Acid
- Valproic Acid and Derivatives (Divalproex Sodium, Sodium Valproate)
- Valproic Acid and Derivatives (Sodium Valproate, Divalproex Sodium)
- Valproic Acid Capsules
- valproic acid delayed-release capsules
- Valproic Acid Oral Solution
- Valproic Acid Syrup
- Valrubicin
- valrubicin Intravesical
- Valsacor 40
- Valsargamma
- valsartan
- Valsartan + HCT Arrow
- valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide
- Valsartan Arrow
- Valsartan Bluepharma
- Valsartan HCT -1A Pharma
- Valsartan HCT Fair-med
- Valsartan HCT Genericon
- Valsartan HCT Ranbaxy
- Valsartan Orion
- Valsartan Pfizer
- Valsartan-1A Pharma
- Valsartan-Richter
- Valsartan/Hydrochlorothiazide
- Valsartan/Hydrochlorothiazyd Advisors
- Valsavil
- Valstar
- Valtrex
- Valtropin
- Valturna
- Valu-Dryl
- Valuherb
- Valused
- Valused Noc
- Valzorol
- Vamin 14 Elektrol.Free
- Vamin 18 Elektrol.Free
- Vaminolact
- Vanacof
- Vanacof CD
- Vanacof DX
- VanaCof DX liquid
- Vanacof G
- Vanacof G liquid
- Vanacof GPE
- Vanacon
- Vanadom
- Vanahist PD
- Vanatab DX
- Vanatrip
- Vancenase
- Vancenase AQ
- Vancenase AQ Double Strength
- Vancenase aq nasal spray 0.084%
- Vancocin
- Vancocin capsules
- Vancocin HCl
- Vancocin HCl capsules, usp
- Vancocin HCl Pulvules
- Vancoled
- Vancomycin
- Vancomycin Capsules
- Vancomycin CNP Pharma
- Vancomycin FarmaPlus
- Vancomycin Hydrochloride
- vancomycin Intravenous, Injection
- Vancomycin Kabi
- Vancomycin Mylan
- Vancomycin NRIM
- Vancomycin Sandoz
- Vancomycin-MIP 1000 LZ
- Vancomycin-MIP 500 LZ
- Vancotex
- Vandazole
- Vandetanib
- Vanex Forte
- Vanex Forte-R
- Vanex-HD
- Vanex-LA
- Vaniqa
- Vaniqa cream
- Vaniqa cream, 13.9%
- Vaniqa Topical
- Vanos
- Vanos cream
- Vanoxide HC
- Vanoxide-HC lotion
- Vanquish
- Vansil
- Vanspar
- Vantas
- Vantas implant
- Vantavo
- Vantin
- Vantin suspension
- VapoDrops Menthol oral mucous membrane
- Vaporizing Cold Rub
- VapoRub
- Vaporx Balm
- Vaprisol
- Vaqta
- Vaqta 25
- Vaqta 50
- Vaqta Pediatric
- vardenafil
- Vardenafil Hydrochloride
- vardenafil orally disintegrating tablets
- Varenelle
- Varenicline
- Varenicline tartrate
- Varibar Honey oral and rectal
- Varibar Nectar oral and rectal
- Varibar Pudding oral and rectal
- Varibar Thin Honey oral and rectal
- Varibar Thin oral and rectal
- varicella (chickenpox) virus vaccine
- varicella virus (chickenpox) vaccine
- Varicella Virus Vaccine Live
- varicella virus vaccine Subcutaneous
- Varicella virus vaccine, live
- Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin
- varicella-zoster immune globulin Intramuscular
- Variderm
- Varilrix
- Varilrix szczepionka przeciw ospie
- Varithena
- Varivax
- VariZIG
- Vascazen
- Vascepa
- Vascor
- Vascotazin
- Vasculera
- Vaseline Intensive Care
- Vaseretic
- Vaseretic 10-25
- Vaseretic 5-12.5
- Vaso Dose Pack
- Vasocidin
- Vasocidin Drops
- Vasoclear
- VasoClear drops
- VasoClear-A drops
- Vasocon
- Vasodilan
- Vasoflex HD
- Vasolex
- Vasolex Ointment
- Vasopirin
- Vasopressin
- Vasopressin (8-Arginine-Vasopressin)
- vasopressin Injection
- Vasosan S
- Vasosulf
- Vasotec
- Vasotec I.V.
- Vasotec I.V. injection
- VasoTuss HC suspension
- Vasovist
- Vatoud
- Vaxigrip Junior szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Vaxigrip szczepionka przeciw grypie
- Vayarol
- VazoBid
- VaZol
- VaZol liquid
- VaZol-D
- Vazotab
- Vazotab chewable tablets
- VazoTan
- Vazotan suspension
- Vecamyl
- Vectibix
- Vectical
- Vectical ointment
- Vectical topical
- vecuronium
- Vecuronium Bromide
- Vedrop
- Veetids
- Veetids solution
- Vegantalgin
- Vegevit B12
- velaglucerase alfa
- velaglucerase alfa Intravenous
- Velaspir
- Velaxiran MR
- Velban
- Velbienne mini
- Velcade
- Veletri
- Velivet
- Velmetia
- Velosef
- Velosulin BR
- Velphoro
- Veltin
- Veltin Gel
- Veltin topical
- Vemavite PRX 2
- Vemma nutrition program - essential minerals
- Vemma nutrition program - mangosteen plus
- Vemurafenib
- Vena-Bal DHA
- Venacorn
- Venastat
- VeNatal Complete DHA
- VeNatal FA
- Venbig
- Vendiol
- Venelex Ointment
- Venescin
- Venescin forte
- Venitan
- Venlabax MR
- Venlafaxine
- Venlafaxine ER
- Venlafaxine ER Capsules
- venlafaxine extended-release capsules
- venlafaxine extended-release tablets
- Venlafaxine Fair-Med (Afaxine)
- Venlafaxine Hydrochloride
- Venlafaxine Mylan
- Venlagamma
- Vennifem
- Venofer
- Venofer injection
- Venoforton
- Venoglobulin-S
- Venolan
- Venolyte
- Venomenhal jady osy lub pszczoły do testów skór.i immunoterapii swoistej
- Venomenhal lecz.początk.i podtrzymujące (jad osy)
- Venomenhal lecz.początk.i podtrzymujące (jad pszczoły)
- Venomenhal zest.d/sporządzania rozcień.
- VenoProtect
- Venoruton 1000
- Venoruton 300
- Venoruton 500
- Venoruton forte
- Venoruton Gel
- Venotonin
- Venotrex
- Venożel
- Ventavis
- Ventavis d/inhal.
- Ventazol
- Ventilastin Novolizer
- Ventiprax
- Ventolin aerosol
- Ventolin HFA
- Ventolin HFA aerosol
- Ventolin Inhalation
- Ventolin Inhaler
- Ventolin Nebules P.F.
- Ventolin Respirator
- Ventolin Rotacaps
- Vepacel
- Vepesid
- Vepesid Oral
- Veracolate
- Veral
- Veramyst
- Veramyst Nasal
- Veramyst spray
- Verapamil
- verapamil controlled-release tablets
- Verapamil Extended Release Capsules
- Verapamil Extended Release Tablets
- Verapamil Hydrochloride
- Verapamil Hydrochloride PM
- verapamil immediate-release
- verapamil immediate-release tablets
- Verapamil Injection
- verapamil Intravenous
- verapamil sustained-release Capsules Controlled Onset
- verapamil sustained-release Pellet-Filled Capsules
- verapamil sustained-release tablets (controlled onset)
- Verazinc
- Verdeso
- Verdeso foam
- Veregen
- Veregen topical
- Verelan
- Verelan PM
- Verelan PM sustained-release capsules controlled onset
- Verelan sustained-release pellet-filled capsules
- Verhist
- Veripred 20
- Veripred 20 solution
- Verolax
- Verorab
- Verotin-BY
- Verotin-GR
- Verrumal
- Versacloz
- Versacloz solution
- Versatis
- Versed
- Versed Injection
- Versel Topical
- Versiclear
- Versiclear Lotion
- Verteporfin
- verteporfin Intravenous, Injection
- Vertigen
- Vertisan 24
- Vertix
- Vesanoid
- Vesicare
- Vesisol
- Vesomni
- Vessel Due F
- Vestibo
- Vestura
- Vet One Chlorhexidine
- Vetalar Injection
- Vetoryl
- Vetprofen
- Vetrimec
- Vetrimec Plus
- Vetrimec Pour-On
- Vetscription Benadene
- Vetscription Hydocortisone Spray
- Vetscription Sure Shot 2X
- Vetscription Sure Shot Liquid Wormer
- Vetscription Worm Away
- Vexol
- Vezepra
- Vfend
- Vfend I.V.
- Vfend Oral
- Vfend suspension
- Vfend tablets
- Vi-Atro
- Vi-Daylin with Iron
- Vi-Pro Plus
- Vi-Q-Tuss
- Vi-Sudo
- Viadur
- Viadur implant
- Viagra
- Vibativ
- Vibin
- Vibin Mini
- Vibovit Baby
- Vibovit Bobas
- Vibovit C
- Vibovit Junior
- Vibovit Junior bananowy
- Vibovit Junior brzoskwiniowy
- Vibovit Junior cytrynowy
- Vibovit Junior pomarańcz.
- Vibovit Junior waniliowy
- Vibra-Tabs
- Vibramycin
- Vibramycin Calcium
- Vibramycin Hyclate
- Vibramycin Monohydrate
- Vibramycin suspension
- Vibramycin syrup
- Vibrocil
- Vicebrol
- Vicebrol forte
- Vicefar 500
- Vicks 44 Cold, Flu and Cough
- Vicks 44 Cough Relief
- Vicks 44d cough head congestion relief
- Vicks 44E
- Vicks 44e cough chest congestion relief
- Vicks 44E Pediatric
- Vicks 44m cough, cold flu relief
- Vicks 44M Pediatric
- Vicks Cough Drop oral mucous membrane
- Vicks cough drops, menthol cherry flavors
- Vicks dayquil multi-symptom cold flu relief liquid liquicaps
- Vicks DayQuil Multi-Symptom Cold/Flu Relief
- Vicks DayQuil Multi-Symptom liquid
- Vicks DayQuil Sinus
- Vicks Formula 44 Custom Care Cough/Cold PM liquid
- Vicks Formula 44 liquid
- Vicks Formula 44 Sore Throat Spray
- Vicks Formula 44M
- Vicks Formula 44M liquid
- Vicks MedDex o smaku miodu na kaszel suchy
- Vicks MedExpecto o smaku miodu i imbiru n/kaszel mokry
- Vicks NyQuil Multi-Symptom
- Vicks Pediatric Formula 44M
- Vicks Sinex
- Vicks Sinex 12 Hour
- Vicks Sinex Aloes i Eukaliptus
- Vicks SymptoMed
- Vicks SymptoMed Complete Cytrynowy
- Vicks SymptoMed Max
- Vicks TriActin Complete Cytrynowy
- Vicks VapoRub
- Vicks VapoSteam liquid
- Vicks Vitamin C Drops
- Vicodin
- Vicodin ES
- Vicodin HP
- Vicodin tablets and capsules
- Vicon Forte liquid
- Vicoprofen
- Victoza
- Victrelis
- vidarabine Ophthalmic
- Vidaza
- Videx
- Videx chewable/dispersible buffered tablets
- Videx EC
- Videx EC delayed-release enteric-coated capsules
- Videx Pediatric
- Videx powder pack
- Videx solution
- Vidisic
- Vidisic EDO
- Viekirax
- Vigabatrin
- vigabatrin oral solution
- vigabatrin solution
- vigabatrin tablets
- Vigamox
- Vigamox drops
- Vigamox eent
- Vigantoletten 1000
- Vigantoletten 500
- Vigrande
- Viibryd
- Viibryd Starter
- Viibryd Titration Pack
- Viklaren
- vilazodone
- Vilazodone Hydrochloride
- ViloFane-Dp 7.5
- Vimovo
- Vimovo delayed-release tablets
- Vimpat 50/100/150/200mg d/rozp.leczen
- Vimpat Intravenous
- Vimpat solution
- Vimpat tablets
- Vinacal
- Vinacal OR
- Vinatal 600
- Vinatal bar
- Vinatal Forte
- Vinate
- Vinate 90
- Vinate Advanced (New Formula)
- Vinate AZ
- Vinate AZ Extra
- Vinate C
- Vinate Calcium
- Vinate Care
- Vinate Good Start
- Vinate GT
- Vinate IC
- Vinate II (New Formula)
- Vinate III
- Vinate M
- Vinate One
- Vinate PN Care
- Vinate Ultra
- Vinblastin -Richter
- vinblastine
- vinblastine Intravenous
- Vinblastine Sulfate
- Vincasar PFS
- Vincristin Richter
- Vincristin Teva
- vincristine
- vincristine Intravenous
- vincristine liposomal injection
- vincristine liposome
- vincristine liposome Intravenous
- Vincristine Sulfate
- vindesine Injection
- Vinorelbin -Ebewe
- vinorelbine
- vinorelbine Intravenous
- Vinorelbine Strides
- Vinorelbine Tartrate
- Vinpocetine
- Vinpocetine Espefa
- Vinpocetine HASCO
- VinpoHasco
- Vinpotaxer
- Vinpoton
- Vinpoton Forte
- Vioform Hydrocortisone Mild Topical
- Vioform Hydrocortisone Topical
- Vioform Topical
- Viokace
- Viokase
- Viokase 16
- Viokase 8
- Viorele
- Viosept
- Vioxx
- Vipdomet
- Vipidia
- Viprosal B
- Vira-A
- Viracept
- Viracept powder
- Viractin
- Viraferon (Virtron)
- ViraferonPeg
- ViraferonPeg cartr.
- Viramune
- Viramune O/S
- Viramune suspension
- Viramune XR
- Viramune XR extended-release tablets
- Virasal
- Virasal film-forming liquid
- Virasal Topical
- Viravan DM chewable tablets
- Viravan DM suspension
- Viravan P
- Viravan-P suspension
- Viravan-PDM
- Viravan-PDM suspension
- Viravan-S
- Viravan-T
- Viravan-T chewable tablets
- Virazole
- Virazole solution
- Virdec DM
- Viread
- Viread powder
- Virgan 1,5
- Virginiamycin
- Virlix
- Viroptic
- Viroptic drops
- Virt-BAL DHA Plus
- Virt-PN
- Virt-PN DHA Softgels
- Virt-Select
- Virti-Sulf
- Virti-Sulf Cream
- Viru-Merz
- Visicol
- Visicol Oral
- Visine
- Visine A.C.
- Visine A.C. seasonal itching and redness relief drops
- Visine A.C. seasonal relief from pollen dust eye drops
- Visine AC drops
- Visine Classic
- Visine eye drops
- Visine L.R.
- Visine L.R. long lasting eye drops
- Visine Long Lasting
- Visine LR drops
- Visine Maximum Redness Relief
- Visine Multi-Symptom Relief
- Visine Tears
- Visine Totality
- Visine-A
- Vision Clear
- Visionblue
- Visipaque
- Visken
- vismodegib
- Visonex
- Vispring (Visine Classic)
- Visqid A/A
- VisRx Dose Pack
- VisRx sustained-release tablets
- Vistabel
- Vistaril
- Vistaril Injection
- Vistaril suspension
- Vistide
- Vistra
- Visudyne
- Visutein capsules
- Visvex
- Vita #12 injection
- Vita - B 2
- Vita Buerlecithin
- Vita Care Q 10
- Vita Day
- Vita-Fem
- Vita-Gem C
- Vita-Merfen
- Vita-Plus E Natural
- Vita-Plus G
- Vita-Ray topical
- Vitabee 6
- Vitafol
- Vitafol Plus Prenatal Supplement
- Vitafol PN
- Vitafol Syrup
- Vitafol Ultra
- Vitafol-OB
- Vitafol-OB + DHA
- Vitafol-One
- Vital-D Rx
- Vital-Ratiopharm
- Vitalipid N Adult
- Vitalipid N Infant
- vitaMedMD One Rx
- VitaMedMD Plus Rx
- vitaMedMD RediChew Rx chewable tablets
- Vitamin 15
- vitamin A
- Vitamin A & D, topical
- Vitamin A Acid Topical
- vitamin a and d cream
- vitamin a Oral, Intramuscular
- vitamin A, D, and E topical
- vitamin a/vitamin d/vitamin c
- vitamin a/vitamin d/vitamin c/fluoride
- Vitamin AD Injection
- Vitamin B Complex
- vitamin b complex/vitamin c/biotin/folic acid
- vitamin b complex/vitamin c/biotin/folic acid/zinc
- vitamin b complex/vitamin c/biotin/minerals/folic acid
- vitamin b complex/vitamin c/biotin/vitamin e/folic acid
- vitamin b complex/vitamin c/biotin/vitamin e/folic acid/zinc
- vitamin b complex/vitamin c/choline/folic acid
- vitamin b complex/vitamin c/folic acid Caplets
- vitamin b complex/vitamin c/folic acid/iron/zinc
- vitamin b complex/vitamin c/vitamin d/biotin/folic acid quick dissolve tablets
- vitamin b complex/vitamin c/vitamin d/biotin/folic acid/zinc
- Vitamin B-12
- Vitamin B-12 injection
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin b12
- Vitamin B12 injection
- vitamin b12 Nasal, Oral, Parenteral
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B6
- vitamin b6, ginger, folic acid, and calcium
- vitamin b6/vitamin b12/vitamin d/folic acid with minerals
- vitamin b6/vitamin b12/vitamin e/folic acid with minerals
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin C Injection
- Vitamin C Powder
- Vitamin C TR
- Vitamin C with Rose Hips
- Vitamin D
- vitamin d and related compounds Oral, Parenteral
- Vitamin D Ergocalciferol
- Vitamin D2
- Vitamin D3
- vitamin e
- Vitamin E 200 Zentiva
- Vitamin E 400 Zentiva
- Vitamin K
- vitamin k Oral, Parenteral
- Vitamin K1
- Vitamina C
- Vitamina C Synteza
- Vitamins A, C, D and Fluoride
- vitamins A, D, and E topical
- vitamins with lipotropics
- vitamins with lipotropics controlled-release tablets
- vitamins with lipotropics elixir
- Vitamins, multiple
- Vitamins, prenatal
- Vitaminum A
- Vitaminum A 10000
- Vitaminum A 12000 + E70
- Vitaminum A 12000 + E70 Hasco
- Vitaminum A 2500
- Vitaminum A 30000+E 70
- Vitaminum A GAL
- Vitaminum A Hasco
- Vitaminum A Medana
- Vitaminum A+D3 Medana
- Vitaminum A+E
- Vitaminum A+E GSK
- Vitaminum A+E GSK (Capivit A+E forte)
- Vitaminum A+E Hasco
- Vitaminum A+E Medana
- Vitaminum A+E Omega Pharma
- Vitaminum A+E Teva
- Vitaminum A2000+D3400 Hasco
- Vitaminum B 1 TEVA
- Vitaminum B compositum
- Vitaminum B compositum Polfarmex
- Vitaminum B compositum TEVA
- Vitaminum B1
- Vitaminum B1 Polfarmex
- Vitaminum B1 Richter
- Vitaminum B2
- Vitaminum B2 Biofarm
- Vitaminum B2 TEVA
- Vitaminum B6
- Vitaminum B6 Biofarm
- Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex
- Vitaminum B6 TEVA
- Vitaminum C
- Vitaminum C 0,1
- Vitaminum C 0,2
- Vitaminum C 0,5 smak pomarańczowy
- Vitaminum C Aflofarm
- Vitaminum C Aflofarm 0,2
- Vitaminum C GSK
- Vitaminum C Hasco
- Vitaminum C Polfarmex
- Vitaminum C TEVA
- Vitaminum C Teva 100
- Vitaminum C Teva 200
- Vitaminum C-Herbapol Wrocław
- Vitaminum E
- Vitaminum E 300
- Vitaminum E 400 mg
- Vitaminum E 400 mg Hasco
- Vitaminum E GAL
- Vitaminum E Hasco
- Vitaminum E Medana
- Vitaminum E naturalis 400 j.m.
- Vitaminum E Omega Pharma
- Vitaminum E Synteza
- Vitaminum K
- Vitaminum PP
- Vitaminum PP 200 Polfarmex
- Vitaminum PP 50 Polfarmex
- Vitaminum PP Pliva
- Vitaminum PP Teva
- Vitamist intra-oral spray
- VitaNatal OB plus DHA
- Vitapap
- Vitaphil
- Vitaphil Aide
- Vitaphil and DHA
- Vitaphil and DHA 90
- Vitaphil Plus DHA
- Vitaphil Plus DHA 90
- Vitapil
- Vitaral
- Vitaspire
- Vitatab MV
- Vitazol
- Vitazol Topical
- Vitekta
- Vitelle Irospan
- Vitelle Nestrex
- Vitetal Elixir
- Vitex Extract
- Vitole E
- Vitoxapap
- Vitrase
- Vitrase injectable
- Vitrasert
- Vitrasert implant
- Vitravene
- Vitreolent
- Vitron C
- Vitrum
- Vitrum Calcium + Witamina D3
- Vitrum Osteomag
- Vitrum Senior
- Vitussin Expectorant
- Vituz
- Vituz Oral Solution
- Vituz solution
- Viva DHA
- Viva eye drops
- Vivacaine
- Vivactil
- Vivaglobin
- Vivaglobin subcutaneous
- Vivanza
- Vivarin
- Vivelle
- Vivelle 100 Mcg
- Vivelle 100 Mcg Transdermal
- Vivelle 25 Mcg
- Vivelle 25 Mcg Transdermal
- Vivelle 37.5 Mcg
- Vivelle patch
- Vivelle Transdermal
- Vivelle-Dot
- Vivelle-Dot Transdermal
- Vividrin
- Vivitrol
- Vivitrol injection
- VIViva CT Prenatal
- Vivotif
- Vivotif Berna
- Vivotif Berna Vaccine delayed-release capsules
- Vixpo
- Vizamyl
- Vizarsin
- Vizendo 10mg
- Vizendo 4 mg
- Vizendo 4mg
- Vizendo 5 mg
- Vizendo 5mg
- Vofenal
- Vokanamet
- Vol-Nate
- Vol-Plus
- Vol-Tab Rx
- Volibris
- Volmax
- Voltaren
- Voltaren 1%
- Voltaren Acti
- Voltaren Acti Forte
- Voltaren drops
- Voltaren Emulgel 1%
- Voltaren enteric-coated tablets
- Voltaren Express
- Voltaren Express Forte
- Voltaren Gel
- Voltaren MAX
- Voltaren Ophtha
- Voltaren Ophthalmic
- Voltaren ophthalmic sterile ophthalmic solution 0.1%
- Voltaren SR 100
- Voltaren SR 75
- Voltaren Topical
- Voltaren XR
- Voltaren XR extended-release tablets
- Voltenac
- Volulyte 6%
- Volumen
- Volumen oral and rectal
- Voluven
- Voluven 10%
- Von Willebrand Factor
- Voncento
- Vontrol
- Vopac
- Vopecidex
- Voraxaze
- Voriconazol Polpharma
- Voriconazole
- Voriconazole Accord
- Voriconazole Glenmark
- Voriconazole Injection
- Voriconazole Mylan
- voriconazole Oral, Intravenous
- Voriconazole Sandoz
- Voriconazole STADA
- voriconazole suspension
- voriconazole tablets
- Voriconazole Teva
- Voriconazole Tiefenbacher
- Voricostad
- vorinostat
- Vorta
- vortioxetine
- Vosol
- Vosol HC
- VoSpire ER
- Vospire ER extended-release tablets
- Vostar
- Votrient
- Votubia
- Voxsuprine
- VP-CH-PNV Softgels
- VP-ZEL tablets
- Vratizolin
- Vratizolin 3%
- VSL#3
- Vumon
- Vusion
- Vyfemla
- Vynatal F.A.
- Vyndaqel
- Vytone
- Vytone Cream
- Vytorin
- Vyvanse
- Wal-finate
- Wal-itin
- Wal-Zyr D
- WALA Aconitum compositum
- WALA Aconitum/China compositum
- WALA Agropyron compositum
- WALA Akne-Kapselen
- WALA Anagallis compositum
- WALA Apis/Belladonna Cum Mercurio
- WALA Archangelica compositum
- WALA Argentum Nitricum compositum
- WALA Argentum/Rohrzucker
- WALA Aurum compositum
- WALA Aurum/Stibium/Hyoscyamus
- WALA Aurum/Valeriana compositum
- WALA Berberis e fructibus compositum
- WALA Borago compositum
- WALA Bronchi /Plantago compositum
- WALA Calcium Carb./Cortex Quercus
- WALA Cantharis compositum
- WALA Carduus Marianus/Oxalis
- WALA Cichorium/Pancreas compositum
- WALA Disci/Viscum compositum cum Stanno
- WALA Echinacea compositum
- WALA Echinacea/Argentum
- WALA Eucalyptus compositum
- WALA Hirudo compositum
- WALA Lachesis compositum
- WALA Larynx/Apis compositum
- WALA Meteoreisen/Phosphor/Quarz
- WALA Myristica Sebifera compositum
- WALA Organum Quadruplex
- WALA Ovaria compositum
- WALA Plantago
- WALA Plantago przeciw kaszlowy
- WALA Salix/Rhus compositum
- WALA Secale/Galenit compositum
- WALA Silicea compositum
- WALA Silicea compositum d/dzieci
- WALA Urtica compositum
- Walgreens Ibuprofen Junior Strength
- Wamag
- Warfarin
- warfarin Intravenous
- Warfarin Sodium
- warfarin tablets
- Wart Remover
- Wart-Off Maximum Strength Topical
- Wart-Off Treatment
- Wartec
- Wasp and Bee Venom
- water
- Water for Injection
- Water PIK Fluoride
- Wazelina biała
- We Mist II LA
- We Mist LA
- Wee Care suspension
- Welby Health Allergy Relief
- WelChol
- Welchol suspension
- WELEDA Choleodoron
- WELEDA Combudoron
- WELEDA Hepatodoron
- WELEDA Iscador M zestaw 0
- WELEDA Iscador P zestaw 0
- WELEDA Iscador Qu
- WELEDA Kephalodoron 0.1%
- WELEDA Pneumodoron 2
- Wellbid-D
- Wellbutrin
- Wellbutrin SR
- Wellbutrin SR sustained-release tablets
- Wellbutrin Tablets
- Wellbutrin XL
- Wellbutrin XL extended-release tablets
- Wellbutrin XR
- Wellcovorin
- Wellferon 10 M.U. LZ
- Welltuss EXP
- Welltuss HC
- Wera
- Wera birth control
- Werten
- West-Decon
- West-Decon M
- Westcort
- Westcort cream
- Westcort Topical application
- Westhroid
- Westrim
- Westrim LA
- Whey protein
- Whey protein isolate
- Whitfields Ointment topical
- Wigraine
- Wilate
- Wilate 1000
- Wilate 450
- Wilate 500
- Wilate 900
- wild yam
- Willfact
- Wilzin
- Winrgy drink mix
- WinRho
- WinRho SDF
- Winstrol
- Wintergreen Oil
- Witagin
- WITAMINA C 1000 TEVA smak cytrynowybez cukru
- Witamina C monovitan
- Witamina C smak cytrynowy
- Witch hazel
- Wobenzym tablets
- Woda do wstrzykiwań Baxter
- Woda do wstrzykiwań Fresenius
- Woda do wstrzyknięć Braun
- Woda lecznicza Wielka Pieniawa
- Woda utleniona
- Woda utleniona 3%
- Woda utleniona APTEO MED
- Woda utleniona Avena 3%
- Woda utleniona GEMI
- Woda wapienna
- Wodny roztwór fioletu gencjanowego 2%
- Wodoru nadtlenek 3%
- Wodoru nadtlenek 3% "Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn"
- Wodoru nadtlenek 3% Aflofarm
- Wodoru nadtlenek 3% Filofarm
- Women's Rogaine Topical
- Women's rogaine topical solution, spring bloom scent and original unscented
- Women's Tylenol Multi-Symptom Menstrual Relief
- Woodwards Gripe Water
- wound dressing emulsion
- wound dressing gel
- WRM Clear
- Wycillin
- Wyciąg ze Skrzypu Pol.z witamina
- Wydase injectable
- Wymzya FE
- Wymzya Fe birth control
- Wytensin
- Węgiel leczniczy
- Węgiel leczniczy ICN
- Węgiel leczniczy Microfarm
- Węgiel leczniczy Norit
- X Prep
- X-Hist DM
- X-Prep (przeczyszczający)
- X-Seb T Plus shampoo
- X-Viate
- X-Viate Gel
- X-Viate Lotion
- Xagrid
- Xalaprost
- Xalatan drops
- Xalkori
- Xalvobin
- Xamiol
- Xanax
- Xanax Oral
- Xanax SL
- Xanax SR
- Xanax XR
- Xanax XR extended-release tablets
- Xanax XR Oral
- Xancodal
- Xapimant
- Xarelto
- Xavitor
- Xclair topical
- Xedec
- Xedec II
- Xefo
- Xefo Rapid
- Xelevia
- Xeljanz
- Xeloda
- Xenaderm
- Xenaderm Ointment
- Xenazine
- Xenical
- Xenna
- Xenna Extra
- Xenna Extra Comfort
- Xenon Xe 133 Gas
- xenon xe 133 Inhalation
- Xentic
- Xeomin
- Xeplion
- Xerac AC topical
- Xerese
- Xerese Cream
- Xeristar
- Xgeva
- Xiaflex
- Xiapex
- Xibrom
- Xibrom ophthalmic
- Xifaxan
- Xifia
- Xiflodrop
- Xigduo
- Xigris
- Xiliarx
- Ximino
- Ximino Capsules
- XiraHistDM
- Xiral SR Sustained-Release Tablets
- Xodol
- Xodol 5
- Xofigo
- Xolair
- Xolegel
- Xolegel CorePak gel
- Xolegel Duo gel
- Xolegel gel
- Xolegel Topical
- Xolox
- Xomolix
- Xopenex
- Xopenex HFA
- Xopenex HFA aerosol
- Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate
- Xopenex Pediatric
- Xopenex solution
- Xopenex solution (concentrate)
- Xorim
- Xorim 1500
- Xorim 750
- Xorimax 125
- Xoterna Breezhaler
- XP Maxamum smak pomarańczowy
- Xpect-AT
- Xpect-AT sustained-release tablets
- Xpect-HC
- Xpect-PE
- Xtandi
- Xylocaine
- Xylocaine 2%
- Xylocaine and Epinephrine
- Xylocaine Dental
- Xylocaine HCl
- Xylocaine Jelly
- Xylocaine Jelly gel
- Xylocaine solution
- Xylocaine Topical
- Xylocaine Topical application
- Xylocaine Topical Solution
- Xylocaine Viscous
- Xylocaine Viscous Solution
- Xylocaine-MPF
- Xylodex 0,05%
- Xylodex 0,1%
- Xylodont 2%
- Xylodont 2% z adren.1: 50000
- Xylodont 2% z adren.1: 80000
- Xylodont 2% z adren.1:100000
- Xylogel 0.05%
- Xylogel 0.1%
- Xylometazolin
- Xylometazolin 0.05%
- Xylometazolin 0.055%
- Xylometazolin 0.1%
- Xylometazolin 123ratio
- Xylometazolin Vibrocil
- Xylometazolin VP
- Xylometazolin WZF 0,05%
- Xylometazolin WZF 0.05%
- Xylometazolin WZF 0.1%
- xylometazoline Nasal
- xylometazoline spray
- Xylonor 3% Noradrenaline
- Xylorin
- Xylorin (Xylorhin)
- Xyntha
- Xyralid
- Xyralid RC
- Xyralid RC cream
- Xyrem
- Xyvelam
- Xyzal solution
- Y-90 Zevalin
- Y-Cof DM
- Y-Cof DM sustained-release tablets
- Yarisen
- Yasmin
- Yasminelle
- Yaz
- Yaz 28
- Ybersigax
- Yellow Fever Vaccine
- yellow fever vaccine Subcutaneous, Injection
- Yellox
- Yentreve
- Yervoy
- Yextor
- Yocon
- Yodefan liquid
- Yodefan-NF
- Yodoxin
- Yohimar
- Yohimbe
- yohimbine
- Yohimbinum hydrochloricum D-4
- Yohimex
- Yondelis
- YSP Aspirin
- Ytracis
- Yttriga
- Z-Clinz 10
- Z-Clinz 5
- Z-Clinz Topical
- Z-COF 12 suspension
- Z-Cof 12DM
- Z-Cof HC
- Z-Cof HCX
- Z-Dex
- Z-Sleep
- Z-Tuss 2
- Z-Tuss AC
- Z-Tuss AC liquid
- Z-tuss DM
- Z-Tuss E
- Z-Xtra
- Zabak
- Zacare
- Zacare 4% Kit lotion
- Zacare 8% Kit lotion
- Zaclir
- Zaditen
- Zaditor
- Zaditor drops
- Zaditor ophthalmic solution 0.025%
- Zafirlukast
- Zagam
- Zagam Respipac
- zalcitabine
- Zalcitabine (Dideoxycytidine; ddC)
- Zaldiar
- Zaldiar Effervescent
- zaleplon
- Zaltrap
- Zamicet
- Zanaflex
- Zanaflex Capsule
- zanamivir
- zanamivir Inhalation, oral/nebulization
- Zanosar
- Zantac
- Zantac 150 EFFERdose effervescent tablets
- Zantac 25 mg EFFERdose effervescent tablets
- Zantac 75
- Zantac Cool Mint
- Zantac Injection
- Zantac syrup
- Zantac tablets
- ZANTACZantac
- Zantryl
- Zapilux
- Zapzyt Cleansing Topical
- Zapzyt Topical
- Zarah
- Zaredrop
- Zarontin
- Zarontin Capsules
- Zarontin solution
- Zaroxolyn
- Zatean-CH
- Zatean-PN
- Zatean-PN DHA
- Zatean-PN Plus
- Zavedos
- Zavesca
- Zazole
- Zazole Cream
- Zazole Vaginal Cream
- Zazole Vaginal Cream 0.8%
- ZDRÓJ Szamp. leczniczy
- Zeasorb-AF
- Zeasorb-AF Drying Gel
- Zeasorb-AF gel
- Zeasorb-AF lotion
- Zeasorb-AF powder
- Zeasorb-AF Topical
- Zeaxanthin
- Zebeta
- Zebinix
- Zebutal
- Zecuity
- Zecuity Patch
- Zeel
- Zeel solution
- Zefadym
- Zeffix
- Zegerid
- Zegerid OTC
- Zegerid powder packets
- Zegerid with Magnesium Hydroxide
- Zegesic
- Zelapar
- Zelapar Oral
- Zelapar orally disintegrating tablets
- Zelboraf
- Zeldox
- Zelixa
- Zelnorm
- Zelsiglat
- Zema Pak 10-Day
- Zema Pak 13-Day
- Zema Pak 6-Day
- Zema-Pak
- Zemaira
- Zemertinex
- Zemplar
- Zemplar capsules
- Zemplar Injection
- Zemplar Intravenous
- Zemplar Oral, Parenteral
- Zemuron
- Zenapax
- Zenatane
- Zenchent
- Zenchent FE
- Zenchent Fe birth control
- Zencia Wash
- Zenmem
- Zenostig
- Zenpep
- Zentel
- Zenzedi
- Zeosa
- Zeosa birth control
- Zephrex
- Zephrex LA sustained-release tablets
- Zeprez
- Zerene
- Zerit
- Zerit Pediatrics
- Zerit solution
- Zerlor
- Zervalx
- Zestaw do sporządzania radiof. 99m Tc-Tektrotyd LZ
- Zestoretic
- Zestril
- Zetacet
- Zetacet Emulsion
- Zetacet Wash
- Zetar
- Zetia
- Zetonna
- Zetonna aerosol
- Zetts
- Zevalin
- Zevalin In-111
- Zevalin Y-90
- Zflex
- Zgaton
- Zgesic
- Zhist
- Ziac
- Ziagen
- Ziagen solution
- Ziana
- Ziana topical
- Zibor
- Zicam allergy relief nasal pump
- Zicam cold remedy chewables
- Zicam cold remedy nasal pump
- Zicam cold remedy oral mist
- Zicam cold remedy rapidmelts
- Zicam cold remedy swabs
- Zicam cold remedy swabs kids size
- Zicam concentrated cough mist for kids cool cherry
- Zicam concentrated cough mist for kids plus D cool cherry
- Zicam concentrated cough mist nite-cool cherry
- Zicam concentrated cough mist plus D cool cherry
- Zicam concentrated cough mist-honey lemon cool cherry
- Zicam Extreme Congestion Relief
- Zicam extreme congestion relief nasal pump
- Zicam no-drip liquid nasal moisturizer
- Zicam Sinus Relief
- Zicam sinus relief nasal pump
- Ziconotide
- ziconotide Intrathecal
- Zide
- Zidovudine
- Zidovudine (Azidothymidine; AZT; Compound S)
- zidovudine capsules
- zidovudine injection
- zidovudine Intravenous
- Zidovudine Oral Solution
- Zidovudine Syrup
- Zidovudine Tablets
- Zidoxer
- Zifam 10
- Zifam 20
- Zifam 40
- Zifam 80
- Zilactin
- Zilactin L liquid
- zilactin-B
- Zilactin-L
- Zileuton
- zileuton extended-release tablets
- Zilola
- Zimamox
- Zimecterin
- Zimecterin Gold
- Zinc
- Zinc 50 mg Pink
- zinc acetate
- Zinc Chelated
- Zinc Chloride
- zinc gluconate
- zinc oxide cream
- zinc oxide topical
- zinc oxide Topical application
- Zinc Plus Lozenges
- zinc sulfate
- Zinc Sulfate Injection
- zinc supplement Oral, Parenteral
- zinc undecylenate powder
- Zinc-220
- zinc/vitamin b12/vitamin c lozenges
- Zincas
- Zincas forte
- Zincate
- Zincfrin
- Zincofax Extra Strength
- Zincofax Fragrance-Free
- Zincofax Original
- Zincon Topical
- Zincteral
- Zincuprin
- Zincuprin Forte
- Zindaclin
- Zinecard
- Zineryt
- Zinforo
- Zingiber
- Zingibir
- Zingo
- Zingo system
- Zinkorot
- Zinotic drops
- Zinotic ES drops
- Zinx
- Zioptan
- Zioptan drops
- Ziox ointment
- Zioła Bittner'a Pervivo
- Zioła do płukania gardła
- Zioła do zmniejszania nadwagi
- Zioła metaboliczne
- Zioła moczopędne
- Zioła poprawiające trawienie
- Zioła przeciwbiegunkowe
- Zioła przeciwgorączkowe
- Zioła przeciwkaszlowe
- Zioła przeciwreumatyczne
- Zioła przeczyszczajace
- Zioła Tonizujące
- Zioła uspokajające
- Zioła ułatwiające gojenie ran
- Zioła wykrztuśne
- Zioła wzmagające trawienie
- Zioła wzmagające trawienie Kalorson
- Zioła żółciopędne
- Zioło Koper włoski
- Zioło Koper włoski Fix
- Zioło Kora Dębowa
- Zioło Kora Dębu
- Zioło Kora Kaliny
- Zioło Kora Kasztanowca
- Zioło Kora Kruszyny
- Zioło Kora Wierzby
- Zioło Korzeń Arcydzięgla
- Zioło Korzeń Cykorii podróżnika
- Zioło Korzeń Goryczki
- Zioło Korzeń Kozłka
- Zioło Korzeń Lubczyka
- Zioło Korzeń Lukrecji
- Zioło Korzeń Mniszka
- Zioło Korzeń Mydlnicy
- Zioło Korzeń Omanu
- Zioło Korzeń Pierwiosnki
- Zioło Korzeń Pokrzywy zwyczajnej
- Zioło Korzeń Prawoślazu
- Zioło Korzeń Rzewienia
- Zioło Korzeń Wilżyny
- Zioło Korzeń Łopianu
- Zioło Korzeń Żeńszenia
- Zioło Korzeń Żywokostu
- Zioło Koszyczek Arniki
- Zioło Koszyczek Nagietka
- Zioło Koszyczek Rumianku
- Zioło Kwiat Akacji
- Zioło Kwiat Bzu Czarnego
- Zioło Kwiat Bławatka
- Zioło Kwiat Dziewanny
- Zioło Kwiat Jasnoty Bialej
- Zioło Kwiat Kasztanowca
- Zioło Kwiat Krwawnika
- Zioło Kwiat Lawendy
- Zioło Kwiat Malwy czarnej
- Zioło Kwiat Nagietka
- Zioło Kwiat Rumianku rzymsk.
- Zioło Kwiat Wiązówki
- Zioło Kwiat Wrzosu
- Zioło Kwiat Ślazu
- Zioło Kwiatostan Głogu
- Zioło Kwiatostan Kocanek
- Zioło Kwiatostan Lipy
- Zioło Kłącze Imbiru
- Zioło Kłącze Perzu
- Zioło Kłącze Pięciornika
- Zioło Kłącze Tataraku
- Zioło Liść Babki lancet.
- Zioło Liść Babki zwycz.
- Zioło Liść Bobrka
- Zioło Liść Borówki brusznicy
- Zioło Liść Brzozy
- Zioło Liść Jeżyny fałdowanej
- Zioło Liść Maliny
- Zioło Liść Melisy
- Zioło Liść Mięty pieprzowej
- Zioło Liść Mącznicy
- Zioło Liść Ortosyfonu
- Zioło Liść Ortosyfonu groniastego
- Zioło Liść Orzecha włoskiego
- Zioło Liść Podbiału
- Zioło Liść Pokrzywy
- Zioło Liść Porzeczki Czarnej
- Zioło Liść Prawoślazu
- Zioło Liść Rozmarynu
- Zioło Liść Ruty
- Zioło Liść Senesu
- Zioło Liść Szałwii
- Zioło Morszczyn
- Zioło Naowocnia Fasoli
- Zioło Nasienie Kozieradki
- Zioło Nasienie Lnu
- Zioło Nasienie Płesznika
- Zioło Nasiona Kozieradki
- Zioło Nasiona lnu
- Zioło Nasiona lnu mielone
- Zioło Nasiona Plantago ovata
- Zioło Nasiona wiesiołka
- Zioło Nasiona wiesiołka dwulet.
- Zioło Owoc Anyżu
- Zioło Owoc Aronii
- Zioło Owoc Borówki Czernicy
- Zioło Owoc Bzu Czarnego
- Zioło Owoc Dzikiej Róży
- Zioło Owoc Głogu
- Zioło Owoc Głogu rozdrobniony
- Zioło Owoc Jarzębiny
- Zioło Owoc Jałowca
- Zioło Owoc Kminku
- Zioło Owoc Kolendry
- Zioło Owoc Kopru włoskiego
- Zioło Owoc Maliny
- Zioło Owoc Róży
- Zioło Owoc Róży mielony
- Zioło Owoc Tarniny
- Zioło Owocnia Fasoli
- Zioło Porost islandzki
- Zioło Pączki Sosny
- Zioło Senes
- Zioło Skrzyp Fix
- Zioło Szałwia fix
- Zioło szwedzkie VARIA
- Zioło Szyszka Chmielu
- Zioło Szyszki Chmielu
- Zioło Szyszkojagoda Jałowca
- Zioło ziele Bratka polnego
- Zioło Ziele Bukwicy
- Zioło ziele Bylicy Bożego drzewka
- Zioło Ziele Drapacza lekar.
- Zioło Ziele Dziurawca
- Zioło Ziele Fiołka trójbarwnego
- Zioło Ziele Glistnika
- Zioło ziele Janowca
- Zioło ziele Jemioły
- Zioło Ziele Karczocha
- Zioło Ziele Krwawnika
- Zioło Ziele Lebiodki
- Zioło Ziele Macierzanki
- Zioło ziele Miodunki
- Zioło ziele Nawłoci
- Zioło Ziele Nostrzyka
- Zioło Ziele Piołunu
- Zioło Ziele Pięciornika gęsiego
- Zioło ziele Połonicznika
- Zioło Ziele Przywrotnika
- Zioło ziele Rdestu ostrogorz.
- Zioło Ziele Rdestu ptasiego
- Zioło ziele Rutwicy
- Zioło ziele Rzepiku
- Zioło Ziele Serdecznika
- Zioło Ziele Skrzypu
- Zioło ziele Szanty
- Zioło ziele Tasznika
- Zioło Ziele Tymianku
- Zioło ziele Tysiącznika
- Zioło ziele Świetlika
- Zioło Zioło Fiołka trójbarwnego
- Zioło Znamię Kukurydzy
- Ziołowa mieszanka Cukrzyca
- Ziołowa mieszanka Diabetosan (nr 15)
- Ziołowa mieszanka ESSIAC
- Ziołowa mieszanka Fito-Mix 4 mlekopędne
- Ziołowa mieszanka Hipokrates -przeciw otyłości
- Ziołowa mieszanka Pankreaflos
- Ziołowa mieszanka Sklerosan (nr 2)
- Ziołowy fix Achillea
- Ziołowy fix Acidoflos przeciw nadkwasowości (nr 31)
- Ziołowy fix Acneflos przeciw trądzik. (nr 23)
- Ziołowy fix Adiposina przeciw otyłości
- Ziołowy fix Arteflos
- Ziołowy fix Bobofen d/dzieci
- Ziołowy fix Bronchisan
- Ziołowy fix Cholagoga II
- Ziołowy fix Circulosan przeciw miażdż.
- Ziołowy fix Cordaflos
- Ziołowy fix Diabetex antidiabeticae
- Ziołowy fix Diabetina
- Ziołowy fix Diabeto Var 3
- Ziołowy fix Diabetosan
- Ziołowy fix Diarroten przeciw biegunce
- Ziołowy fix Dziurawiec
- Ziołowy fix Fiołka trójbarwnego
- Ziołowy fix FITO-MIX 12 żółciopęd.
- Ziołowy fix FITO-MIX 13 moczopęd.
- Ziołowy fix FITO-MIX 14 zmniejsz.nadwagę
- Ziołowy fix FITO-MIX 15 uspokajające
- Ziołowy fix FITO-MIX 4 śr.mlekopędny
- Ziołowy fix FITO-MIX 7 popr.trawienie
- Ziołowy fix FITO-MIX 8 przeciw trądz.
- Ziołowy fix FITO-MIX 9 przeciw biegunk.
- Ziołowy fix Flatuvit wiatropędna
- Ziołowy fix Gastrina ułatw. trawienie
- Ziołowy fix Gastrosan przeciw zap.żołąd.
- Ziołowy fix Geriabolen
- Ziołowy fix Ginsamix
- Ziołowy fix Hemoroflos przeciw żylakom odbytu
- Ziołowy fix Hepatina
- Ziołowy fix Hepatosan
- Ziołowy fix Infektoten
- Ziołowy fix Kora Dębowa
- Ziołowy fix Kora Dębu
- Ziołowy fix Kora Kruszyny
- Ziołowy fix Korzeń Żeńszenia
- Ziołowy fix Koszyczek Arniki
- Ziołowy fix Koszyczek Nagietka
- Ziołowy fix Koszyczek Rumianku
- Ziołowy fix Koszyczek Rumianku Phytopharm
- Ziołowy fix Krwawnik
- Ziołowy fix Kwiat Bzu Czarnego
- Ziołowy fix Kwiat Lawendy
- Ziołowy fix Kwiatostan Głogu
- Ziołowy fix Kwiatostan Lipy
- Ziołowy fix Kwiatostan Lipy Phytopharm
- Ziołowy fix Kłącze Imbiru
- Ziołowy fix Linia
- Ziołowy fix Lipa
- Ziołowy fix Liść Brzozy
- Ziołowy fix Liść Melisy
- Ziołowy fix Liść Melisy Phytopharm
- Ziołowy fix Liść Mięty pieprzowej
- Ziołowy fix Liść Mięty pieprzowej Phytopharm
- Ziołowy fix Liść Mącznicy
- Ziołowy fix Liść Pokrzywy
- Ziołowy fix Liść Senesu
- Ziołowy fix Liść Szałwii
- Ziołowy fix Liść Szałwii Phytopharm
- Ziołowy fix Matefit
- Ziołowy fix Melissa
- Ziołowy fix Mięta
- Ziołowy fix Nagietek
- Ziołowy fix Nasienie Płesznika
- Ziołowy fix Nefrofit
- Ziołowy fix NINGHONG Health Protection Tea
- Ziołowy fix Owoc Anyżu
- Ziołowy fix Owoc Borówki czernicy
- Ziołowy fix Owoc Bzu Czarnego
- Ziołowy fix Owoc Dzikiej Róży
- Ziołowy fix Owoc Głogu
- Ziołowy fix Owoc Kopru włoskiego
- Ziołowy fix Owoc Maliny
- Ziołowy fix Pankreaflos
- Ziołowy fix Piołun absinthium
- Ziołowy fix Pokrzywa
- Ziołowy fix Pokrzywa urtica
- Ziołowy fix Pokrzywa Urtica -Tea
- Ziołowy fix Prostaflos
- Ziołowy fix Rdestu ptasiego
- Ziołowy fix Reduktoson zmniej.nadwagę
- Ziołowy fix Reumaflos
- Ziołowy fix Rumianek
- Ziołowy fix Senes
- Ziołowy fix Senes liść
- Ziołowy fix Senes Phytopharm
- Ziołowy fix Skrzyp
- Ziołowy fix Skrzyp Fix
- Ziołowy fix Somnoten
- Ziołowy fix Szałwia
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Dziurawca
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Dziurawca Phytopharm
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Fiołka Trójbarwnego
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Fiołka trójbarwnego Phytopharm
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Krwawnika
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Piołunu
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Pokrzywa
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Rdestu ptasiego
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Skrzypu
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Skrzypu Phytopharm
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Tymianku
- Ziołowy fix Ziele Świetlika
- Ziołowy fix Zioło Fiołka trójbarwnego
- Ziołowy fix Świetlik Phytopharm
- Ziołowy granulat Gastrogran
- Ziołowy granulat Neonormacol
- Zipramyl
- Ziprasidone
- ziprasidone capsules
- Ziprasidone Hydrochloride
- ziprasidone Intramuscular
- Zipsor
- Zipwell
- Zirgan
- Zirgan gel
- Zirid
- Zithranol Shampoo
- Zithranol Topical
- Zithranol-RR Cream
- Zithranol-RR Topical
- Zithromax
- Zithromax capsules, 250 mg
- Zithromax for oral suspension, 1 G
- Zithromax for oral suspension, 300 mg, 600 mg, 900 mg, 1200 mg
- Zithromax Injection
- Zithromax Intravenous
- Zithromax single-dose packet
- Zithromax suspension
- Zithromax tablets
- Zithromax tablets, 250 mg, 500 mg
- Zithromax tablets, 600 mg
- Zithromax Tri-Pak
- Zithromax Z-Pak
- Zithronal RR cream
- ziv-aflibercept
- ziv-aflibercept Intravenous
- Zmax
- Zmax suspension
- Zn Plus Protein
- Znlin
- Znp Topical
- Zoamix
- Zocor
- Zocor 80
- Zoden DM Drops
- Zoderm
- ZoDerm cleanser
- ZoDerm cream
- Zoderm pads
- Zodryl AC 25
- Zodryl AC 30
- Zodryl AC 35
- Zodryl AC 40
- Zodryl AC 50
- Zodryl AC 60
- Zodryl AC 80
- Zodryl AC Adult
- Zodryl AC suspension
- Zodryl DAC 25
- Zodryl DAC suspension
- Zodryl Dec 60
- Zodryl DEC suspension
- Zoely
- Zofenil 30
- Zofenil 7,5
- Zofenil Plus
- Zofran Injection
- Zofran ODT
- Zofran ODT Oral, Oromucosal
- Zofran ODT orally disintegrating tablets
- Zofran Oral, Oromucosal
- Zofran solution
- Zofran tablets
- Zohydro ER
- Zohydro ER Capsules
- Zohydro ER extended-release capsules
- Zoladex 3-Month
- Zoladex Implant
- ZolAKO
- Zolastrol
- Zoledronic Acid
- Zoledronic acid Agila
- Zoledronic acid Farmaprojects
- Zoledronic Acid Hospira
- Zoledronic Acid Injection
- Zoledronic Acid Injection Concentrate
- zoledronic acid Intravenous
- Zoledronic Acid IV
- Zoledronic acid Mylan
- Zoledronic acid Neogen
- Zoledronic acid Noridem
- Zoledronic Acid Pfizer
- Zoledronic Acid Polpharma
- Zoledronic acid Strides
- Zoledronic Acid Teva Generics
- Zoledronic Acid Teva Pharma
- Zoledronic Fair-Med
- Zolene HC otic
- Zoleprin
- Zolinza
- Zolitrat
- Zolmiles
- Zolmitriptan
- Zolmitriptan Actavis
- zolmitriptan nasal
- Zolmitriptan ODT
- zolmitriptan orally disintegrating tablets
- zolmitriptan spray
- Zolmitriptan STADA
- Zolmitriptan Zentiva
- Zoloft concentrate
- Zolpic
- zolpidem
- Zolpidem Extended Release
- zolpidem extended-release tablets
- Zolpidem IPCA
- zolpidem oral spray
- zolpidem Oral, Oromucosal
- Zolpidem Tartrate
- Zolpidem Vitabalans
- Zolpidem Vitama
- ZolpiGen
- Zolpimist
- Zolpimist oral spray
- Zolpras
- Zolsana
- Zoltis 10
- Zolvit
- Zomarist
- Zometa
- Zomexil
- Zomig
- Zomig Nasal
- Zomig Nasal Spray
- Zomig spray
- Zomig ZMT orally disintegrating tablets
- Zomig-ZMT
- Zomiren
- Zomiren SR
- Zonadin 10 mg
- Zonadin 5
- Zonalon
- Zonalon cream
- Zonalon Topical
- Zonatuss
- Zone-A
- Zone-A Forte
- Zonegran
- zonisamide
- Zonisamide Capsules
- Zooby
- zopiclone
- Zopitin 7,5
- Zorac
- Zorbtive
- Zorcaine
- Zorprin
- ZORprin controlled-release tablets
- Zortral Pro
- Zortress
- Zorvolex
- Zostavax
- Zostavax Szczepionka przeciw półpaśc.żywa
- zoster vaccine live
- Zoster Vaccine, Live
- Zostrix
- Zostrix Cream
- Zostrix Diabetic Foot Pain
- Zostrix Foot Pain
- Zostrix Neuropathy
- Zostrix Sports
- Zostrix Topical
- Zostrix-HP
- Zosyn
- Zosyn in Galaxy Containers
- Zotex
- Zotex GPX
- Zotex HC liquid
- Zotex liquid
- Zotex PE sustained-release tablets
- Zotex Pediatric Drops
- Zotex-12D
- Zotex-C Syrup
- Zotex-D
- Zotex-D liquid
- Zotex-D Syrup
- Zotex-DM liquid
- Zotex-EX
- Zotex-GP
- Zotex-PE
- Zoto-HC Drops otic
- Zovia
- Zovia 1/35
- Zovia 1/50
- Zovirax
- Zovirax capsules
- Zovirax Cream
- Zovirax cream 5%
- Zovirax Duo
- Zovirax Injection
- Zovirax Intensive
- Zovirax Ointment
- Zovirax Oral, Intravenous
- Zovirax suspension
- Zovirax Topical
- Zoxin-med
- Ztuss ZT
- Zubsolv
- Zulbex
- Zulfija
- Zuplenz
- Zuplenz soluble film
- Zutectra
- Zutripro
- Zutripro liquid
- Zyban
- Zyban Advantage Pack
- Zyban sustained-release tablets
- Zyclara
- Zyclara 3,75%
- Zyclara cream
- Zyclara Pump
- Zyclara Topical
- Zydelig
- Zydone
- Zyflo
- Zyflo CR
- Zyflo CR extended-release tablets
- Zyfurax Baby
- Zyfurax Forte
- Zyfurax Junior
- Zylagren
- Zylet
- Zylet drops
- Zyloprim
- Zyloric
- Zymafluor
- Zymar
- Zymar drops
- Zymar eent
- Zymaxid
- Zymine
- Zymine HC
- Zymine Liquid
- Zymine syrup
- Zymine XR suspension
- Zymine-D
- Zymine-D liquid
- Zyncof
- Zypram cream
- Zypram cream with cleansing wipes
- ZyPram topical/rectal
- Zyprexa
- Zyprexa IntraMuscular
- Zyprexa Relprevv
- Zyprexa Velotab
- Zyprexa Zydis
- Zyprexa Zydis orally disintegrating tablets
- Zyrphen
- Zyrtec Capsule
- Zyrtec chewable tablets
- Zyrtec Itchy Eye
- Zyrtec orally disintegrating tablets
- Zyrtec syrup
- Zyrtec Tablets
- Zyrtec UCB
- Zyrtec-D
- Zyrtec-D 12 Hour
- Zyrtec-D Oral
- Zytiga
- Zytopic
- Zyvox
- Zyvox Intravenous
- Zyvox suspension
- Zyvox tablets
- Zyvoxid
- Zyx Bio
- ZzzQuil
- Żeń-Szeń Ginseng